2021 Term 1 Week 01 29 Jan 2021

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We have enjoyed a successful first week of learning at Lindisfarne for the 2021 academic year.

As you are aware, all learning is valued at Lindisfarne; learning within the classroom, across the curriculum, beyond the classroom and across the School. We believe all children are capable of learning and all children learn at different rates — some quickly, some more slowly. As a school that values the holistic development of young people, we work hard to ensure there are opportunities to grow and develop academically, physically, culturally and spiritually through the range of opportunities and programs on offer.

Although we continue to operate within COVID-19 restrictions, more and more activities are possible each day.

The start of the year is a good opportunity to reset on preparing to be successful as a learner. In this regard, the basics of life are critical, a loving home, food to eat, adequate sleep, some rest and recreation, family time and outdoor activity. In a world where young people are increasingly indoors, we need to continue to carefully manage screen time and allow our children to grow as young people experiencing a wide range of learning opportunities. It’s not always easy to get the balance right and there is certainly no manual for parenting as we face many challenges throughout our children’s formative years and journey from childhood to young adulthood.

As part of the offering of our school, we look forward to offering a number of parent education sessions this year to our school community as we strive to build an outstanding learning community at Lindisfarne. 

We look forward to 2021 being a year of growing and learning together, striving to be the best we can be in all aspects of school life.

A friendly reminder that parking and traffic flow is always more challenging at our campuses at the start of a new school year and wherever possible to use the bus services available, carpool with other families from your local area, use the drop-off and pick-up zones and stagger entry and exit arrival times if you are able to do so. Please consider the residents who live near the School, especially in Mahers Lane, and do not block driveways and ensure access isn’t compromised.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Important Information

Canteen - Update Student Details

The Canteen kindly reminds parents to update their students' year group in FlexiSchools when ordering morning tea or lunch online.

Update - Surfside Bus 1239

Parents and students are advised that additional stops have been added to the 1239 Surfside Bus route. We are pleased to advise that the driver will now stop on McPhail Avenue, and on Viking street for students to disembark.

We thank Surfside Buslines for their consideration and support of our Lindisfarne families.

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Parent Facebook Groups

Facebook groups for year level Preschool to Year 10 are provided and supported by the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends (P&F) through the Parent Representative program and supported by the Lindisfarne Community Engagement team. These groups allow parents to share, collaborate and get to know each other in a friendly and supportive manner. Please join the relevant group for your Lindisfarne student.

Preschool Joeys



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Online Guardians​

Parent Education Session

We are pleased to invite parents and carers to join us via Zoom the first of our 2021 Parent Education Sessions. Following from workshops with our Year 7 to 10 students, parents are invited to a webinar hosted by Nathan Verinder of Online Guardians

Nathan has extensive experience in law enforcement and his firsthand experience in dealing with youth issues and life education stem from his many years as a New South Wales Police Youth Liaison Officer in the Tweed region. Covering topics such as cybersafety, online presence, cyberbullying, drug and alcohol awareness, online and offline life balance, Nathan will provide parents with evidence-based information and deliver ever-important strategies for communicating with and supporting your children. 

This session will be tailored to parents of students in Years 7 to 10 (although anyone is invited to join) with further sessions planned for Stage 3 students and families in the coming weeks.

We look forward to seeing you online.

Online Guardians is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Lindisfarne Parent Webinar
Date: 4 February, 2021
Time: 6.30pm (NSW time)
Duration: 60-90 minutes

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86961025729

Jeremy Godden
Head of Middle School

2022 Enrolments and Scholarships

2022 Enrolments - Sibling Priority

As demand for places at Lindisfarne continues to grow, it is more important than ever for current families to ensure that all siblings are enrolled well in advance of their start year. The cut-off date for sibling priority for 2022 is Friday, 5 February 2021. Sibling applications received after this date will be wait-listed according to application date as per non-sibling applications. Applications can be made on-line via this link.

2022 Scholarships Open

Each year Lindisfarne offers a limited number of scholarships to students who meet the eligibility requirements. Students eligible to apply for scholarships for the 2022 school year will be commencing in one of the following; Years 5, 7, 9 or 11. All students will be required to sit an academic test on Saturday, 20 February 2021. Scholarship Categories:

  • Academic – Based on a high-level of academic merit. (Years 5, 7, 9 and 11).
  • General Excellence – For students who demonstrate strength in a range of areas as listed below. (Years 7, 9 and 11).
  • Music – High level of music capacity is required combined with satisfactory academics. (Years 7, 9 and 11).
  • Sport – For students who are competing in at least one sport at state level or above combined with satisfactory academics. (Years 7, 9 and 11).

Scholarship applications can be made on-line via this link. Scholarships close on Friday, 12 February 2021.

For any queries related to enrolment or scholarship please email enrolments@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Head of Junior School Report

What a successful week back our students have had. Greeting our students each morning as they make their way into school, I have been very impressed by the confidence, manners and enthusiasm they have displayed. I am very fortunate in my role to see the positive interactions our children have with each other and with staff both in the classrooms and on the playground. 

On occasion, I am with a parent when we see a student run-up to a teacher on the playground and greet them like they are a long-lost friend and then proceed to excitedly tell them about their holidays and their new class. It is a priceless moment and I always say that I wish all other parents could have seen it occur. These heart-warming interactions are part of what makes Lindisfarne special and I thank all parents for their support of our school culture.

This year, we are focusing on the actions and behaviours of our students around a few simple words, that are easy to understand and simple to refer to.  After a disjointed 2020, it is important to focus on the basics of what builds our Junior School culture. These terms are taken from our learning framework and school values but are in "kids speak" so that even our youngest students understand. We are asking the students to be curious, think deeply, work together, laugh a lot, speak gently, imagine and be kind. In particular, the trait of being kind is something that our children do so well and are renowned for.

Thank you to all parents for following our directions on drop-off and pick-up regulations during COVID-19 protocols. The more families that use our turning circle, the easier it is and also the greater the independence skills the students learn. The oval has been open this week for parking, however, next week it will be closed again as Physical Education lessons take place. I would like to remind all families that Arkinstall Park gate is open each morning and afternoon, however, we are unable to use Sullivan Street for parking. This is monitored closely by the council. Thank you for being patient and driving carefully around the School.

Mark Douglas
Head of Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Head of Middle School Report

Welcome and welcome back!

It has been a great start to the 2021 school year with new and returning students settling nicely into their classes and routines. 

I was delighted to welcome students back on Wednesday morning alongside Mr Marquardt as we forecast a remarkable and positive 2021 — regardless of what is thrown at us.

One of the key points I mentioned to our students was the notion of “putting your Lindisfarne on”. Each morning I ask students to do more than just put on a shirt or blouse or skort or shorts and consider what it means to be wearing that uniform. Being a Lindisfarne student is special. It is an honour to represent our school not just in competitive forums but each and every day, in every aspect of our community. Again, I encourage students and families to “put your Lindisfarne on” each morning and show the Lindisfarne Way to our community. 

Learning the systems and processes for bus travel home from school can be daunting for some students. Our staff on duty in the afternoons are available to help and support students to locate their correct service and make sure that they know where and when it arrives and departs. In order for teachers to be able to help students, it is important the students are aware of their bus route number. We look forward to efficiently helping students' families negotiate this important part of the school day.

It is, as usual, a busy start to the year as we approach some fantastic annual events and opportunities. Events such as the Swimming Carnival, Year 7 Orientation and Mateship Camp, Elevate Study Skills and online/cyber safety presentations are all approaching in the coming weeks. These events require significant planning and details will be communicated with families in a number of different ways in the lead up to the events. Please be sure to keep up-to-date with these details and contact your child’s Homeroom teacher (in the first instance) if you have any concerns or queries.

Again, I thank everyone for their contributions to a great start to what will surely be a great year.

Jeremy Godden

Head of Middle School

Year 5 Report

A warm welcome to Year 5 in 2021; to all of our students and their families.

Our first week has been busy but fabulous with students and teachers establishing routines and expectations. Moving around the School to various specialist lessons, visiting the library and heading down to Cudgen Creek for Friday afternoon sport were all exciting ways to start the year! 

Our team of Homeroom teachers — Scott Lewis, Lisa Price, Quigley Ashton and myself — are keen to support all of our students. This is not just in the academic sense but just as imperative is their social and emotional development. In the coming weeks, we will be endeavouring to get to know all of the Year 5 cohort as we strive to develop a cohesive, team approach to teaching and learning in Year 5. We are all available for a chat if ever you need but your child’s Homeroom teacher should always be the first point of contact.

On Monday, 8 February (Week 3), there will be an opportunity for parents to meet their class teacher, learn more about Year 5 and seek any further clarification around routines, expectations and curriculum if needed.  

Best wishes for a wonderful 2021 and I look forward to meeting you all soon. 

Amy Williamson
Year 5 Coordinator

Senior School

Head of Senior School Report

In this week’s Senior School assembly, I shared some extracts from a piece that was published in the Chicago Tribune back in 1997 called ‘Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen’. Through humour, the article discusses the challenges facing teens, how important it is to stay true to oneself and the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone. This certainly seemed like an apt way to start the year! Many staff remembered the excellent Baz Luhrmann music video that offered a new perspective on this article. It can be viewed here.

Parents/guardians are reminded about the Meet the Tutor Evening at 6.pm on Monday, 1 February. An invitation to a Google Meet will be sent to each family with instructions about how to join the online event. This meeting will provide a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Tutor and the critical role they play in your child’s school life. All parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to participate.

Year 9 parents/guardians will be receiving details about The Rite Journey information session which will now take place on Wednesday, 3 February. The Rite Journey is designed to be a partnership between the School and families, and we ask that you make every effort to prioritise this meeting so that we start the year with a common understanding about the goals and objectives of this wonderful program.

Finally, I would like to thank the students in Years 9 to 12 for the superb way in which they have started the year.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

It was great to see our students return this week. I was personally running the aquatic activities for Year 8 on Thursday at Kingscliff, and they represented the School magnificently with their application and behaviour. Reports across the other year groups were also glowing.

Sports Registrations

The year has been earnest from day one, with us calling for registrations in the following sports:

AFL - AFL Queensland Schools Cup games

  • Primary Division (Years 5 and 6) - boys and girls
  • Junior Division (Years 7, 8 and 9) - boys and girls
  • Senior Division (Years 10, 11 and 12) - boys and girls

Football (soccer) - NCIS, CIS Cup, Tobias and Marquardt Cup and Bill Turner Cup

  • Open - boys and girls
  • Under 15 - boys and girls
  • Primary - boys and girls (Year 5 and 6 at Mahers Lane)

Rugby - Gold Coast Schools Cup

  • Year 10 and under boys

Hockey - NCIS Hockey Trials

  • Under 16 - boys and girls
  • Open - boys       

Registrations are done through Student Cafe for Years 7 to 10 and Parent Lounge for Years 5 and 6. Instructions can be found here.

Total Football Academy 

Junior School After School Program

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in conjunction with Total Football Academy is pleased to run an after school program for soccer enthusiasts in Term 1 at the Junior School oval, Sunshine Avenue. This will be capped at 60 students so it will be first in best dressed.

Sports School Calendar of Events

Here is a copy of the 2021 Sports Calendar for viewing of the year thus far. Please note, this document is dynamic and will be continually added to as events come across our radar. Also, some of these dates may be subject to change. 

Integrated Sports Program

We are taking sports nominations beginning on 6 February. Please read the detailed instructions here on how these nominations will take place — this was also emailed to our families this week. These sport activities start in Week 4 and run on Thursdays for Years 7 to 10, and on Fridays for Years 5 and 6.

Please explore some of the sports choices for Term 1 below:

You will be able to select from these options when nominations open — we are intending for this to be on the weekend of 6 and 7 February.

For the details for our second week of our Sports Program can be found here


Registrations are still open for the annual Interschool Tennis Challenge which will be held on Sunday, 14 February 2021 at Queens Park Tennis Centre, Southport.

There are two events for the School to enter into, i.e. Boys or Girls. Mixed teams (boys and girls) can enter, however, will compete in the Boys event. Two players per team play round robin doubles.

Entry is $10.00 on the day per player to cover court hire and balls.

Primary School (Years 4, 5 and 6):

Sunday, 14 February – Boys and Girls 8.00am to 12.00pm (7.45am sign-on)

Middle School (Year 7, 8 and 9):

Sunday, 14 February – Boys and Girls 1.00pm to 5.00pm (12.45pm sign-on)

Secondary School (Year 10, 11, 12):

Sunday, 14 February – Boys and Girls 1.00pm to 5.00pm (12.45pm sign-on)

Entries close on Friday, 5 February 2021 if you wish to participate please fill out the entry form directly -  here.

NCIS Hockey Trials

This is a selection trial to represent the North Coast Independent Schools Association (NCIS) for our Hockey contingent. Please note: this event is only for established hockey players that are interested in representing the NCIS in a team or as an individual. We encourage players/parents to assess the costings and dates for the CIS tournament in Sydney before committing to these trials at Murwillumbah. Please click here for more information.

Swimming Carnivals

Our Swimming Carnivals are fast approaching. Please find a brief overview of both the Years 3 to 8 and the Years 9 to 12 Swimming Carnivals here.

Swimming Pool Partnership

We continue our partnership with Oasis Pools at Banora Point - further details can be read here. The bus shuttle service is starting again for those who are interested.

Bookings for the bus are an upfront payment of $3.00 per trip for a specific day (morning or afternoon) for the entire term, there are 23 seats maximum. Please note: there are no refunds if you have booked the service, but do not utilise it on a given day.

Bus shuttle bookings are to go through our Sports Administration Assistant, Cherie Montford. Please complete the registration form here.

Cross Country

Our Cross Country training starts in Week 4 for any student from Years 3 to 12. We meet at the Mahers Lane gymnasium from 7.00am to 8.00am every Wednesday and Friday.


Lindisfarne Cricket is enjoying considerable success in both local and interstate competitions, which is testament to the quality of our coaching programs that are underway. We will continue to offer our one-on-one cricket sessions in 2021, run by our Head Cricket Coach, Anthony Kershler, in our school nets. 

Anthony "Kersh'' is a former NSW Sheffield Shield player and now NSW coach who guides players to improve their individual game. Students are guaranteed three one-on-one sessions per term (in class) time as well as access to a small group Wednesday afternoon session. The term cost is $100 per student and is available for males and females playing registered club cricket and looking to branch into the representative era.

Please contact Julie McDowell or Anthony Kersher for further details.

Triathlon Specificity Training

For any students wanting to train and participate in the sport of triathlon, Mrs Tracey Foyster (Year 6 class teacher) is offering spin bike and running training at the Middle and Senior School Campus at Mahers Lane beginning Wednesday, 3 February. Any students from Years 5 to 12 are encouraged to come and train every Wednesday and/or Friday morning from 7.15am to 8.15am. 

There is a Kingscliff Triathlon on Sunday, 28 March and we would like to submit teams from Lindisfarne. 

We also encourage interested students to attend Twin Towns Triathlon Club on Saturday mornings (Mrs Tracy Foyster is a committee member), where students can experience Triathlon in a safe environment. For any swimming training needs, we have the Oasis partnership as a pathway. 

Please contact Mrs Tracy Foyster for more information.


Lindisfarne has a partnership with Tweed Heads and Coolangatta Rowing Club and we highly encourage any Year 7 to 12 students who wish to pursue this incredibly rewarding sport to make contact with Head Coach Garry Annand via garry@tweedcoastrowingcentre.com.au or 0412 344 826. 

Term 1 represents the perfect time to start training up for the regattas which are scheduled over the cooler months. The squad training days are Monday and Wednesday afternoons, Saturday mornings and potentially Thursday Sport time slots.

Our Rowing Captain, Jordan Nichols (Year 11), is also available for any students wishing to have a chat directly with her.

Lindisfarne Lions Basketball 

2021 is our inception year for the Lindisfarne Lions Basketball Club which will allow for extensive opportunities to play basketball for Lindisfarne in the Gold Coast Junior Basketball League. 

Please register your name here if you are interested, and we will send further details. If you have already registered, please don’t fill this out again.

We will be organising teams (and running trials if necessary) in early February, with a scheduled competition start for 19 February. 

Rhythmic Gymnastics 

We are very fortunate to be able to offer the opportunity for any Lindisfarne girls to join a

Rhythmic Gymnastics program at Lindisfarne for this year.

The club will be on Mondays at 4.00pm to 5.00pm and Thursdays after school from 4.15pm to 5.15pm, starting 8 February 2021 and continuing all year in Ngahriyah. The class will cater for beginners to competitive levels.

Lindisfarne students can attend one or all sessions per week at NO COST.

The coach, Stacey Bech, is a National Level Silver Advanced Coach with an impressive history. If you are interested, please complete the registration form here and email Stacey Bech directly.

If you have any questions, please contact Stacey on 0418 640 200 or via email at stacey.bech@gmail.com.

Spotlight on Phoebe Link

Congratulations to Phoebe Link for winning the 2020/21 Newcastle Permanent Junior Lifesaver of the Year Awards. Phoebe will be representing the Far North Coast  Branch this year at the Surf Life Saving Junior Lifesaver of the Year program in April. 

Spotlight on Ava Arghyros

On Saturday, 16 January at Miami Beach, Ava competed in the Surf Life Saving Club QLD State Boardriding Championships. Ava finished in first place in the Under 13 age division.

Spotlight on Lachlan Arghyros

Lachlan also competed in the Surf Life Saving Club State Boardriding Championships on Saturday, 16 January at Miami Beach. Lachlan finished in first place in the Under 12 age division.

Damien Clucas 
Head of Sport and Activities


For those of you who did not see last week’s newsletter, welcome back to the 2021 Netball Season!

Monday Night Netball

Round 1 start this Monday - 1 February






Blue Lions


Centaur Aces



Lions (Mixed)


Ball of Duty



White Lions


Centaur Sixes








Red Lions


Cudgen Crew



Gold Lions


Silver Lions



Golden Oldies





All registrations for this competition should be completed before the first game. Instructions on using the new App are here.

You will have to pay for your Netball Queensland and Tweed Netball Registration but you will be charged the Monday Night entry fee of $60 through the School’s payment system.

Please be at the courts in time to warm-up and sign on.

Looking forward to a great Monday Night Season 1!

Dates for the Diary

Trials for the Stage 3 Netball of Centre of Excellence will take place at Arkinstall Park, starting at 4.30pm, on

  • Thursday, 11 February and

  • Thursday, 18 February

Team Selections for anyone who would like to play for The School on Saturdays will be held at Arkinstall Park, starting at 4.30pm, on

  • Thursday, 4 March and 

  • Thursday, 11 March – for all Middle and Senior School players (Years 5 to 12)

  • Tuesday, 9 March and

  • Tuesday, 16 March for the Junior School players.

Netball Centre of Excellence

Netball Centre of Excellence Induction Evening

Thursday, 25 February is the date for this prestigious event. All Centre of Excellence athletes are expected to attend and an invitation with more details will be sent soon.

Strength and Conditioning Training

Strength and conditioning training with Rory starts on Monday during school time.

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

Introducing the New Faculty

In 2021, the School is excited to add a new faculty specialising in nurturing entrepreneurial skills throughout Preschool to Year 12. The department will teach Commerce, Business Studies, Economics and Legal Studies. As well our academic programs, we will be working hard with the Junior School, to provide opportunities for opportunities for our younger students, we will also be running an entrepreneur Middle School elective and a Senior School Extra-curricular Club that will allow our students to dream, develop and finally make their entrepreneurial ideas a reality.

The Department will consist of the following staff, all staff members have vast experience in entrepreneurship and will assist in the running of our extra-curricular activity:

Amy Blinco - teacher of Year 11 and Year 12 Business Studies, and Year 10 Commerce.

Joe Wilson- Year 12 Legal Studies teacher. 

Ella Evans- Year 12 Economics teacher.

Richard Gazal - Year 12 Business Studies and Year 11 Economics teacher.

And finally, myself, Bryan Malone, the Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise.

This year, I will be teaching Commerce and Legal Studies. Please contact me with any questions, or opportunities for our young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is a cross curriculum goal so I will also be supporting other faculties where necessary. Throughout the year I will be writing about opportunities for our students, in this space, and through email.

Bryan Malone
Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Debating Competitions

Barack Obama stated:When students participate in debate, they learn to study issues in depth and from perspectives, a skill I use every day in the Senate.”

Debating is clearly an activity that Lindisfarne is keen to promote. It fosters:

  • critical thinking and the ability to construct logical arguments;
  • persuasive skills;
  • effective communication skills;
  • enhanced listening skills;
  • the ability to think on your feet; and 
  • team cooperation.

Gold Coast Debating Competition

This year, Lindisfarne plans to enter students from Years 7 to 10 in the Gold Coast Debating Competition. Participation in the Gold Coast Debating Competition will involve training sessions after school prior to and during the competition plus approximately five evening debates on the Gold Coast. These debates will be held after school. Additionally, students selected in a debating team will be expected to attend a Saturday Summer School which is tentatively scheduled for 20 February at Bond University.

Whilst no debating experience is needed, you must be able to speak confidently in front of an audience. Register your interest by email before 4 February : swalker@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au   The email should include: student name, year level, mention of any previous debating and/or public speaking experience. The team selections will be made after the initial session, which will be held at Lindisfarne on Wednesday, 10 February between 3.30pm to 5.00pm. 

SAI Global Debate

This is a Round Square event that sees students across the globe participating in an online debate. The SAI International School is coordinating this event which will take place on Saturday, 13 February and it will run from 3.00pm to 10.30pm NSW time. Lindisfarne is planning to enter two teams of four participants each. Team 1 (Year 6 to 8 students) and Team 2 (Year 9 to 12 participants). 

The format of this debate is different but achievable. There will be three different debating formats:

  1. Argumentative Debate (two participants per team).

  2. Turncoat (one participant per team) - speaking for and against the motion (1.5 minute for the proposition and 1.5 minute against the proposition).

  3. Extempore (one participant per team). The topic will be issued on the spot and discussed for 1.3 minutes.

Register your interest by email to Mrs Walker (swalker@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au) before Tuesday, 2 February. The email should include: 

  • student name;
  • year level;
  • previous debating and/or public speaking experience; and
  • availability to participate in the online debate which will be held at Lindisfarne on Saturday, 13 February.

The selected team will receive coaching prior to the event.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator







Performing Arts

Performing Arts Private Tuition

Private lessons for Speech and Drama and Music lessons are available at Lindisfarne for almost all instruments and voice, and right now is the perfect time to sign up. 

The 30-minute lessons occur during class time, before and after school on a rotating basis. Many thanks to those parents who have already completed the application form, we have over 560 students already enrolled. 

If you are yet to enrol your child, please follow the link below:

Speech and Drama

Music Tuition

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Junior School Music

It is that time of year again when we would like to offer our Music students the opportunity to take part in a range of our extra-curricular music programs and activities run at the Lindisfarne Junior School Campus. Ensemble groups range from Concert Band, The Composers' Collective, Junior or Senior String Orchestra, Choir, Guitakestra (Guitar Orchestra), Rock Band, to name a few. These ensembles present students with a variety of exciting opportunities throughout the year to represent Lindisfarne. So as to limit the amount of class time missed, all ensemble groups will run before and after school.

This year, all of our Year 4 students will be participating in learning a brass and woodwind instrument as part of the program. Parents of these students would have been emailed a Google Form to submit. This form will advise us of each student’s instrument preference. These instruments will not be able to go home with students until the form has been submitted. Unfortunately, due to the limited number of classroom instruments, preferences will be issued on a first in first served basis. In addition to this, we will also be offering an extension program for students with previous experience on violin, viola, cello or double bass. Inclusion of string students in the Year 4 program is limited and will require students to already be performing and reading music at a high standard. Students wishing to continue on violin, viola, cello or double bass will be required to audition.

Our Year 2 and 3 parents will once again have the option to enroll their son or daughter into our String program. All parents of these students would have received an email with a form attached which they will need to submit. These instruments will also be issued on a come first served policy. Any existing string students wishing to continue will also need to re-enrol using this form.

Parents of Year 2 to 4 students wishing to participate in our Junior School Choir will soon be emailed with a Google enrolment form. Choir will run each week before school starting at 7.45am on a Thursday morning in the Music room. This is an excellent opportunity for students to learn to sing, have some fun and gain valuable performance experience in a supportive environment.

The Guitakestra ensemble was established to encourage any and all students currently learning guitar to come along and learn to play in an ensemble setting, focusing on note reading and rhythm reading, performance techniques whilst learning to play fun arrangements of an array of songs. Guitakestra will be run in the Music room each Tuesday morning commencing at 7.45am.

Lastly, our Studio music tutors and speech and drama staff will be recommencing lessons at the start of Week 2. 

I’m really looking forward to an exciting year of performance and learning opportunities for our students here at the Junior School.

Jesse Edwards
Junior School Performing Arts Coordinator

January Music Workshop

On 14 and 15 January, 140 Middle and Senior School students attended our inaugural Holiday Music Workshop. 

The workshop was designed to kick-start the year for our music ensembles and also welcome new students to our programs in the Middle and Senior School. 

Special thanks to the Friends of The Arts parent group who provided lunch on both days for our very hungry musicians.

Please click on the gallery below to see some photos from our Holiday Music Workshop.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Co-curricular Music Ensemble Rehearsals

Rehearsals for our school ensembles will resume in Week 2 of this term, I would encourage all students who attended our recent music workshop as well as students with an interest in music to find an ensemble which best suits their skill level and get involved. If any new students are unsure of an appropriate ensemble to attend, please have a chat to any of the friendly music staff, or email performingarts@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au for further information.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Goal Setting

In planning for regular activity as part of our lifestyle, we need to become familiar with goal-setting techniques. Goals serve as a guide, a focus or something to work towards. They emerge from our own feelings, aspirations and desires for self-improvement, and are driven by our level of commitment and motivation. While other people might be able to assist, the goal setter is the one in the “driver’s seat”. The individual alone has control and determines whether the goals will be achieved.

Goals can be short-term or long-term. Short-term goals can be achieved within a few days or weeks. Achieving short-term goals is a step towards achieving long-term goals. As each short-term goal is accomplished, our motivation increases and the achievement of the long-term goal becomes more realistic. A long-term goal is the end result of a series of short-term goals. It is achieved over a much longer timeframe, possibly years, and many factors may limit its achievement.


There are a number of principles that are important in effective goal setting. Using the acronym SMARTER will help you remember these principles and apply the process.

  • S:Specific. If, for example, you are wanting to improve your fitness, be specific about what you are aiming to achieve. Analyse where you are now. If necessary, do a basic pre-test to evaluate your level of fitness. Write down the results so you have a point of reference. To help you get started, list the benefits you hope to gain from your activity program — for example, improved body image, more energy, confidence, enjoyment, relaxation, companionship and weight control or reduction.

  • M:Measurable. Develop a way of measuring your results. You need to be able to monitor your progress so you remain focused on your goals. If you are unable to measure progress or see any improvement, you may lose interest. Positive results reinforce belief in your program and provide encouragement for continuation.

  • A:Achievable. Make sure your goal is achievable by breaking down how you will do it. Once you know what you want to achieve, develop a strategy or ‘action plan’. This plan lists what you intend to do (activity types), considering the costs and time available. The program should be flexible in terms of time and require regular sessions. There should also be a plan for some form of alternative exercise in case a session is missed through inclement weather or similar factors. Finally, the program needs to be simple and easy to implement. Programs that require lots of equipment, money, time, transport or organisation are much more difficult to sustain.

  • R:Realistic. Set realistic goals by avoiding activities that you will not continue. The goals you set should not be too easy or too hard, otherwise you are likely to lose interest. Make the goals achievable and sufficiently challenging to remove you from your comfort zone but not overly difficult, denying you the experience of success.

  • T:Timeframe. Allocate time during the day (for example, lunchtime) when you will embark on the program. Also establish an end time or deadline for finishing the program.

  • E:Evaluate. Periodically evaluate your progress. You may find that certain barriers exist that you did not anticipate, and they may require a readjustment of your goals.

  • R:Reward. When you are successful, congratulate yourself with something that will help keep you motivated.

Good luck with your 2021 goals!

Gay Maynard
Director of PDHPE

Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

The Lunch Hub

This year, the Learning Enrichment Team is introducing The Lunch Hub. It is a place where students from Years 5 to 12 are welcome to come along every lunch time (except Thursdays) from 12.45pm in MM3 to read, play a board game, draw or simply relax.

Round Square

Upcoming Activities for Round Square

Round Square is an internationally diverse network of 200 like-minded schools in 50 countries on six continents. We connect and collaborate to offer world-class experiences that develop global competence, character and confidence in our students.

Lindisfarne became a Round Square candidate school at the end of 2019 and by January 2020 we had students preparing to travel to conferences in South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. We all know what happened next.

While face-to-face international conferences this year will likely be non-existent, there will be plenty of online collaboration opportunities as well as local and national service activities.

There are a couple of fantastic events coming up.

Global Debate

SAI International School, India, is seeking middle and senior year students to join its global debate on 13 February which will invite students to explore argumentative, turncoat and extempore debates.  

Register your interest by email before Tuesday, 2 February to swalker@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

The email should include student name, year level, mention of any previous debating and/or public speaking experience.

Yugen 2.0

Pathways World School, India, would like students from Middle and Senior School to participate in a conversation about the importance of media literacy in our roles as global citizens and in working towards the Round Square IDEALS. A call will be hosted on 12 February.

Register your interest by Tuesday, 2 February to mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

2021 promises to be an exciting year in the world of Round Square, with plenty of exciting opportunities and events. There is much to look forward to.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator



Recycling Hubs

Lindisfarne is continuing our sustainability journey into 2021 with the arrival of our new recycling hubs. These recycling hubs allow our school community to recycle many items that cannot be recycled through curbside recycling services with one located outside the Chapel at our Middle and Senior School Campus on Mahers Lane and another in the assembly area at our Junior School Campus on Sunshine Avenue.

Our recycling hubs accept the following items:

  1. Eye glasses
  2. Coffee pods (Nespresso, L’OR, Moccona and illy pods only)
  3. Writing instruments (pens, markers, highlighters, textas and correction tapes)
  4. Bread tags
  5. Small items of e-waste (electronic waste) and mobile phone waste
  6. Household batteries
  7. Oral care waste (toothpaste tubes, plastic toothbrushes, electric toothbrush waste and floss containers)
  8. Dish and hair care waste (dishwashing product packaging, plastic spray bottles and air fresheners).

We encourage all members of the Lindisfarne community to drop off these items at our recycling hubs so we can send them off to be recycled on your behalf. This will be the first of many new sustainability projects at Lindisfarne this year. If you are unsure whether you can recycle a particular item through our recycling hubs, please feel free to email me at patrick.brabant@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Co-curricular Martial Arts

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
