2021 Term 1 Week 06 5 Mar 2021
Upcoming Events
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The widespread media coverage of a reported sexual assault in our Federal Parliament has raised significant discussion across our nation about the welfare of young people, the role our schools can play and the role parents can play.
The issue has highlighted the vulnerability of young people who are victims of sexual assault, especially young women across our nation.
It has raised the matter of when consent should be taught in our schools and highlighted the need to support victims who have the courage to come forward and hold perpetrators to account.
The online petition, started by a former Sydney school girl, quickly went viral and gathered 3,000 testimonies of alleged sexual assaults of young women often committed by high school students.
Today, I attended an online meeting with NSW Independent School Principals and Detective Superintendent Stacey Maloney, the Commander of the NSW Police Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad, to discuss ways that schools can work constructively, cooperatively and collaboratively to support the prevention of sexual assault by school students and in the wider community.
At our Senior School assembly on Tuesday, I spoke with all our Year 9 to 12 students about the importance of consent, especially what consent is and the role we can all play in preventing sexual assault. I also discussed the legal age of consent. It is important to remember that the legal age for consent in NSW is 16 years or 18 years if the person is in a supervisory role.
The former Sydney schoolgirl who started the online petition said she received life-changing consent education at her school in Year 10 but sadly it was too late. She had already been sexually assaulted by a male student from another school when she was in Year 8.
This has caused me to reflect further on when we teach about consent at Lindisfarne. Currently, this occurs in Year 9 through two programs; as part of the PDHPE curriculum unit ‘Responding Positively to Life’s Challenges' and as part of The Rite Journey program.
There are many resources that we use and discuss including the YouTube video ‘Consent is like Tea’. At the heart of this clip is you wouldn’t force someone to drink tea, you wouldn’t give them tea if they were unconscious and you wouldn’t expect that just because they had tea one week that they might want tea the next.
In addition, Lindisfarne subscribes to School TV. I’ve included the episode this week on consent. Leading Australian Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg very clearly walks through the key aspects of consent; I was particularly drawn to the slide below:
You can watch the episode here.
It appears from the number of victims of sexual assault who have shared their testimonies on the online petition started in Sydney that consent education needs to commence earlier — at least by Year 8 but, possibly, as early as Year 6 or Year 7. You can contribute to the poll at the end of the School TV episode in relation to when consent education should commence. This national feedback will better inform schools when consent should be taught.
I hope our parents, especially those of Year 7 to 12 students, will start conversations at home about consent and that my article today might serve as a discussion starter.
At the heart of our school are our values of compassion, wisdom and respect. Respectful relationships are critical to the wellbeing of our young people and the lives they will live as respectful adults. Boys and young men, in particular, need very clear boundaries about what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Please take the time to speak with your sons and daughters about the importance of consent.
You might find the following information helpful. (Source: www.youthlaw.co.nz)
What is consent?
Consent is the most important part of sex. It applies to all sexual activity. Consent means that both people actually want the activity to take place. Generally, that requires the other person to say “yes”. Without consent, the sexual activity becomes a crime.
Having sex with anyone under the age of 16 is a crime, regardless of whether they consented. Under the law, you have to be 16 or older to give consent.
Is not resisting or not saying anything considered consent to sex?
If a person simply doesn’t resist when the other person wants to have sex or sexual activity with them, they have not given their consent. They could have been scared or intimidated or bullied into it. If alcohol or drugs are involved and the other person is too intoxicated to agree to or refuse unwanted sexual activity, it cannot be taken as consent. Also if the other person is asleep or unconscious, that is also not consent.
Sex is only consensual when the people involved actually want it to take place.
What happens if someone consented to sex and changed their mind later?
Consent must also be present during the whole activity. If two people have sex or sexual activity, and one person decides halfway through that they want to stop, then the sex or sexual activity must stop as soon as possible. If one person forces or intimidates another person to have sex or to participate in a sexual activity, then there is no consent at any point. Continuing sex or sexual activity without consent is rape or indecent assault, both of which are very serious crimes.
Can what I’m wearing affect my right to consent to sex?
A person’s clothing has nothing to do with whether or not they give their consent to sex, sexual activity or touching.
Stuart Marquardt
From the Acting Principal
From the Deputy Principal
From the Acting Deputy Principal
Important Information
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews have been scheduled for Tuesday, 9 March commencing at 3.40pm for Year 11 Accelerated HSC Courses and Year 12 HSC Courses.
Bookings can be made from 9.00am on Friday, 26 February through the Parent Teacher Interview link on Parent Lounge.
If you have any issues accessing Parent Lounge, please contact Reception on 07 5590 5099.
Bookings will close on Tuesday, 9 March at 9.00am.
Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School
First Nations
Parents and Friends
If you can support the night by being the major sponsor, or by donating prizes for the raffle, then please contact Ramesh on 0439 039 888.
Friends of the Arts
Safe on Social
Harmony Week
Student Voice
Upcoming Events
Whole School News
Calculators at Lindisfarne
All Mathematics students need to have their own calculator — this is deemed compulsory equipment.
Learning when, where and how to use a calculator is paramount in each student's education.
The use of online calculators or borrowing from other students and siblings seems to be all too common and I ask that parents check that all students have one.
The School is currently using a Casio fx-82Au Plus II 2nd edition. However, older versions are fine to use. Other brands make it difficult to learn the capabilities and modes of the machine.
Feel free to purchase them elsewhere but if you would like to purchase one for the School, they are $30.10.
There are a number of ways students can pay for a calculator at the School.
1. Cash: student pays through the Accounts Dept (Suzanne)
2. Credit/debit card: EFTPOS facilities are available through the Accounts Department (either in person or over the phone)
3. Cheque to Accounts Department
Once paid for, the student can pick it up from the Library.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Frank Malone
Director of Mathematics
Staff Bio
Teaching and Learning
Curriculum Updates
Student Reports 2021
Please find below a breakdown of the student reports produced during the year. All student reports will be available via Parent Lounge and Student Cafe once they have been published.
All students in Years 5 to 10 will receive an interim report at the end of Terms 1 and 3. The interim reports provide information to parents and guardians about how a student has applied themselves to their school work during the term.
Year 11 interim reports are published early in Term 2 and provide information on application to school work and results of assessment tasks completed in Term 1. Year 11 students also have a report at the end of their Year 11 course. This report is published in Term 4.
Year 12 receives a mid-course report published early in Term 2, and a final report published at the end of Term 3.
Academic Reports for students in Kindergarten to Year 10 are published at the end of each semester. These reports give written feedback about academic performance during the semester.
HSC Minimum Standards Update
During the week, Year 10 completed their HSC Minimum Standards Tests in Reading, Writing and Numeracy. The Year 10 cohort should be very proud of their performance with all students meeting the HSC Minimum Standard in Reading and 98% in Numeracy. The writing results will be available in a few weeks time. Students can view detailed reports via their NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) students online account.
Study Tips
This week’s study tip is in answer to the question, “What if my child says they have no homework?”
Whilst students do need some down time after a busy day, reviewing what has been learned that day is a really important process in their learning. It should only take a few moments for your child to recall the main points about what they have learned in each subject. In the senior years, students should be writing down a summary of the main points about what they have learned. This is a good opportunity to clarify their understanding and, if there is anything they are still unsure about, they should flag this to raise with their teacher.
Students in Years 11 and 12 also have access to online resources (ATOMI and EDROLO) to review their work further.
NAPLAN tests take place between 11 to 21 May for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. This year, all tests will be done online except for the writing component for Year 3.
A coordinated practice test will be taking place on Thursday, 25 March across the state. This is designed to test the NAPLAN online platform and expose students to the testing platform.
Further information about the NAPLAN tests in May will be released early next term. In the meantime, please read the flyer below and access the public demonstration site here.
Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies
Junior School
Head of Junior School Report
Bread tag recycling
This week at assembly, I set out a small challenge for each child to bring in a bread tag to place in our recycling box. I am very pleased to say that the uptake on this challenge was very high indeed.
As has been highlighted in previous newsletters, Lindisfarne is moving towards more sustainable practices both in the general operations of the school itself, as well as within our wider community. Some of these initiatives require infrastructure to be set up before reaping the benefits. The recent installation of 300 solar panels at the Junior School is an example of this. Others take time to break existing habits to begin to recycle common household items.
The purpose of the bread tag challenge was to break the habit of throwing them into landfill at home. I suggested to our students that when their lunches are made, the used bread tag is simply placed into their lunchbox. When students open their lunchboxes at school, they would see the tag and place it in the recycle box. Easy. Hopefully! If this week is anything to go by, I am certain the recycling rates of this common household disposable item will increase significantly.
Our school is a member of a group of schools called Round Square. A core ideal of the organisation is Environmentalism. We believe the stewardship of our planet and ecosystem is our responsibility too and moulding children’s habits and beliefs towards sustainable practices will help them to be leaders in this area as they grow up into responsible citizens. For more information on Round Square, please see the regular updates by Mr Lush in our newsletters or visit their website at https://www.roundsquare.org/.
Mark Douglas
Head of Junior School
Youth Conservation Award - Charlie Cairncross
On Wednesday, 3 March, Charlie Cairncross (3A) was invited to NSW Parliament House to receive an award for his contribution to wildlife conservation.
Upon acceptance of the Youth Conservation Award, Charlie became the youngest recipient in the history of the Australian Wildlife Society (founded in 1909) to receive an award.
Charlie's work was recognised after his volunteer efforts during the black summer bushfires and the founding of the Green Heroes Wildlife Adoption Program which has engaged over 170 classrooms across Australia in native species conservation.
At home, in northern NSW, Charlie continues to work with Green Heroes on wildlife conservation action projects to engage children and youth.
Jodie Arnold
Year 3 Teacher
Green Team
Middle School
MasterChef Challenge
Year 8 Food Technology
Mrs Drayson's Food Technology class competed in the School's own Junior MasterChef Challenge. The judges were impressed with all the dishes but the Purple Aubergine team were victorious. Congratulations to Hayden Griffins, Lukas Laing, Lachlan Marshall and Oliver Nelson with their three-cheese stuffed tortellini served with Spanish meatballs and a smoked paprika sauce.
Caelie Drayson
Hospitality Teacher
Year 6 Report
During English this term, Year 6 have been studying the novel Blueback by Tim Winton. This text teaches the students about sustainability and the importance of caring for our environment. It also focuses on the love of family and connection to place. Through this novel study, students are developing an understanding of how authors use imagery, figurative language and descriptive language to create a picture in the reader’s mind and evoke an emotional response about an important issue or topic. Students then transfer this knowledge to enhance their own writing and compose well structured and engaging texts.
Big Writes
Each fortnight the students take part in a Big Write. This gives the students the opportunity to put into practise all the skills they have learnt during their writing and VCOP lessons. Students receive a stimulus and are able to talk about what they might write about at home with their parents. This helps the students to generate and think about their ideas before writing. Once the students have finished their writing piece, we celebrate this writing by sharing it with the class or our writing buddy. Students then reflect on their writing and set writing goals for the next fortnight.
Year 6 students have begun using the Spelling Through Morphographs program over the past few weeks. This is a direct instruction program that teaches students to spell and understand words through the morphemic approach. This includes combining the roots, bases, prefixes and suffixes into words that help to understand the meaning of words. Students are also developing their spelling proficiency, as well as learning specific strategies through their workbook. The advantage of this program is that it teaches students how to spell words that are related in meaning, building on their prior knowledge of prefixes, suffixes and base or root words.
There is a small fee to pay for the student workbook and is payable through Parent Lounge.
Year 6 students will also be participating in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee this year. Please check your email and print and sign the consent form and return to your child’s class teacher.
Oz Harvest
This week the student’s learnt about healthy eating and the importance of where food comes from. We discussed making healthy choices using the healthy eating pyramid and using fresh ingredients. The students enjoyed cooking Soy Honey Noodles this week.
Here are some useful links to help support your child in their understanding of developing health food choices.
Online Guardian
Just a reminder to parents to be vigilant of what online social media platforms your child may be using. Most of these platforms are for children 13 years and older. We need to remind students of the dangers of being associated with these groups and if ever they feel uncomfortable with what is being shared in the group the need to leave the group and report it to an adult.
Kylie Thompson
Year 6 Coordinator
Senior School
Head of Senior School Report
Mr Marquardt and I were able to accompany two of our student leaders to a local community event hosted at the Kingscliff Bowls Club on Thursday. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Marise Payne addressed a series of pertinent issues ranging from the economic effects of COVID-19, sexual assault, the gender pay gap and Australia’s strained relationship with China.
Both Gabriella and Tori commented on how much they enjoyed the opportunity to hear Senator Payne speak, and that it was a fitting segue to next week’s International Womens’ Day.
Community Prefect Gabriella Hill and School Captain Tori Marchiori with Senator the Hon Marise Payne.
Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School
Pastoral Care
From the Sports Desk
Cross Country
Our next major event is our Cross Country carnival for Years 3 to 12 on April 1. Our gruelling course at Mahers Lane has been prepared this week. More details will be released soon. Please feel free to come to training on Wednesday or Friday mornings from 7.15am (meet at the Mahers Lane gym).
Please wish our senior swimming team the best of luck at NCIS this week in Alstonville. We have been notified yesterday that the parents can come, albeit in modified seating arrangements.
- Kai Albert
- Wil Anderson
- Claudia Arghyros
- Savannah Bambery
- Jaxson Broxup
- Sloane Bryant
- Nathaniel Bull
- Poppy Burdekin
- Zoe Campbell
- Evie Chong
- Oliver Churchill
- Jack Cross
- Sam Davies
- Jeff Dunne
- Baxter Fitzgerald
- Natasha Flahey
- Tiggi Groves
- Charlie Heath
- Layla Hutchinson
- Jack Ingham
- Hannah Jocumsen
- Emily Kearney
- Elijah Lobascher
- Koa Lowien-Britt
- Max Mater
- Jackson Mater
- Henry McMillan
- Ryan Muggeridge
- Jordan Nichols
- Coco Ofsoski
- Stella O'Hare
- Maddison Oliss
- Lily O'Sullivan
- Isabelle Popov
- Hamish Procter
- Evie Reid
- Flynn Southam
- Oliver Watters
- Seb Watters
Our recent Lindisfarne Junior/Middle Swimming carnival had more records than was noted in our Week 4 newsletter. For whatever technological reason, the Meet Manager system didn’t initially upload all the new records. Please see below for the full list (bold for the records not listed Week 4).
New Records
- 11 Boys 50m Breastroke - Riley Johnston 43.50
- 13 Girls 50m Breastroke - Sloane Bryant 42.19
- 12 Girls 50m Breastroke - Kaimana Lowien-Britt 43.47
- 12 Girls 50m Butterfly - Kaimana Lowien-Britt 34.23
- 8 Boys 50m Freestyle - Jack Sewell 41.76
- 16 Boys 50m Freestyle - Flynn Southam 24.07
- 16 Boys 100m Freestyle - Flynn Southam 52.98
- 16 Boys 50 Butterfly - Flynn Southam 26.93
- 17 Girls 50m Freestyle - Lily O’Sullivan 27.74
- 17 Girls 100m Freestyle - Lily O’Sullivan 102.24
- 17 Girls 50m Butterfly - Lily O’Sullivan 32.78
AFLQ Junior Boys and Girls
On Tuesday, our Juniors Boys and girls teams played in the AFL Queensland Schools Cup competition in Byron Bay. Our boys made it to the finals to play against Mt Saint Patrick College, Mt Saint Pats won 29-21. Our girls played against Kingscliff High School and Kingscliff won 21-9.
AFLQ Senior Boys and Girls
Today, our Senior Boys and Senior Girls teams played in the AFL Queensland Schools Cup competition in Byron Bay. Our boys' team made it to the grand final against Mt Saint Patricks College and won 17-6. Our girls' team defended hard but lost against Mt Saint Patricks College 19-10.
Rugby Union
Our U15 Boys took on Marymount College on Wednesday evening in the continuation of the Gold Coast Schools Cup. We were very noble in our 17 to 5 defeat, with some crushing tackles and staunch defence evidenced from both our teams. Our protection of the ball in and around the ruck was significantly improved. Thanks to Mr Nathan Croft for his wise words on the coaching front. Our boys are doing us proud and should be commended.
- Jesse Bravington
- Declan Brown
- Cimarron Crawford
- Cruz Dangerfield
- Harry Davison-Long
- Kai Dunn
- Jesse Freier
- Eli Hargrave
- Stroud Kinneally
- Mani Lopez
- Max Mater
- Benjamin McCallum
- Kai O’Sullivan
- Max Reid
- Samual Stovin
- William Sullivan
Lindisfarne Lions Basketball Club
The 10 teams that make up our inaugural season are having a ball at the outstanding Carrara facility. We have eagerly been awaiting our brand new uniforms which have apparently finally landed in Brisbane today.
Spotlight on Ava Arghyros
The NSW State for Surf Life Saving C was held at Blacksmiths beach again this year with more than 3,000 participants in the U12 to U14 age group alone. Ava competed in the U13 Board female team event against more than 140 competitors in total and came in third place bringing home a very well deserved bronze medal.
Spotlight on Lachlan Arghyros
Lachlan also competed in the NSW State competition for SLSC. Lachlan competed against over 145 NSW state competitors in the U12 Male individual board race. He raced through his heats and made it into the final where he came third and brought home the bronze. Lachlan then went on to compete in the U12 Male Surf team event and they raced incredibly to come in second place bringing home the state silver.
Spotlight on Giselle Smith
Giselle competed at the combined athletics championship last weekend at QSAC in Brisbane. Giselle led the whole weekend in points and won every event she competed in. She was in contention for the gold medal but, in her final heat, the last 800m proved extremely difficult and she came through winning a silver medal. An incredible feat! As Giselle's coach of four years retired last year, she has been training herself for the past five months — her dedication and sheer determination should be commended, and we hope she is just as proud of herself as we are of her.
Lindisfarne Netball Club Anual General Meeting (AGM)
A very successful AGM was held in the Chapel on Wednesday evening. Thanks for all of the offers of assistance from our parent community. Particular gratitude is extended to the outgoing Parent Support Group committee and a warm welcome to the new team!
President: Narelle Hodges
Vice President: Aleisha Weston
Secretary: Lauren Taylor
Treasurer: Sue Hammond
Fundraising: Jane Daniels and Carly Griffith
General Committee Members: Amanda Bennett, Samantha McGilligan, Carmen Sullivan
Teacher in Charge: Gay Maynard
Head Coach: Danielle Watters
Our next meeting is on 30 March at 6.30pm in the Chapel.
Monday Night Netball
Not such a nice evening to play the games on Monday. The courts were wet and slippery, but the Lions didn’t hold back in their game. Very entertaining netball! Luckily, there were no injuries to our players! The Glitter Bombers had a well-deserved victory.
Good Luck in Round 6 on Monday, 8 March.
Time | Team | Opposition | Court |
6pm | Silver Lions | Twelvies | 2 |
6pm | White Lions | Blue Lions | 8 |
6pm | Red Lions | Cudgen Crew | 2 |
6pm | Blue Lions | White Lions | 8 |
7pm | Golden Oldies | Mothership | 1 |
7pm | Lions (Mixed) | Jalapeno Hotties | 3 |
7pm | Glitter Bombers | Storm | 9 |
7pm | Gold Lions | Panthers | 10 |
Please be at the courts in time to warm-up and sign on.
Netball Dates for the Diary
Team selections for students who would like to play for the School on Saturdays were held this week on Thursday at Arkinstall Park and further selections will be on Thursday, 11 March – for all Middle and Senior School players (Years 5 to 12) starting at 4.30pm
Saturday team selections previously scheduled for Tuesday, 9 March at Arkinstall Park has been cancelled.
We will now hold an information/registration session at the Junior School on Wednesday, 10 March from 3.00pm until 4.00pm.
The Saturday team selections are scheduled for Tuesday, 16 March will still go ahead at Arkinstall Park from 4.30pm until 5.30pm.
Tweed Netball Association is running a Beginners Umpiring Course on Saturday, 6 March; a Red and Green Bib Umpires Course on Saturday, 20 March and the C badged umpires have a course the following weekend on Saturday, 27 March.
It is essential that all Umpires planning to participate in 2021’s Saturday Competition attend the relevant workshop.
These workshops will go through INF’s Rules of Netball changes, Netball Australia‘s Umpire Updating Requirements and Tweed Netball’s Umpiring protocol and procedures.
These workshops will update you all on the changes that have occurred, and answer any questions you may have.
Please find a pdf of the rules here and how to log on to the exam on mynetball here.
Please also note that this will be the only course run for new umpires in 2021 so if you are thinking of learning more about the game - and earning $10 every match (even as a beginner!) then please register ASAP. See the flyers below for more information
Coaching - Nicole Cusack
Calling for any interested netball players and coaches!
On Saturday, 20 March and Saturday, 27 March, Nicole is holding coaching sessions at Tweed for any aspiring coaches. 20 March will focus on 7/8s to 10s Coaching and 27 March 27 will work on coaching 10s, 11s and 12s.
On both days:
9.00am = Sign on and Introduction
9.30am to 11.30am = Coaching
11.20am to 12.00pm = Debrief
Please bring water and snacks and wear fitness gear and sunscreen.
Kindly submit your name and WWCC reference number to me (gmaynard@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au) if you would like to join either of the sessions.
In order to share her expertise, she is also looking for players for each of these workshops too. Please let me know if you would like your child to attend.
An excellent opportunity to be instructed and/or coached by an internationally-renowned legend!
Netball Centre of Excellence
Strength and conditioning training with Rory continues on Mondays during school time.
If you have any questions regarding netball, please do not hesitate to email me.
I’m here if you need.
Gay Maynard
Teacher in Charge of Netball
Outdoor Education
Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise
Staff Book Review
Welcome back to the next instalment of ‘Book Reviews’ from the English faculty. This week, we are fortunate enough to hear from Mr John Cadman as he reviews a biography of Robin Williams.
Mr Cadman has been a member of our faculty for the past 10 years, making the move from chilly Canada to the warmer waters of the North Coast. He is passionate about reading and inspiring his students to read widely.
So, we hope you enjoy this segment. And don’t forget you can get further information about any of these reviews or recommendations for books from the English Department. Stay tuned for future competitions and opportunities.
Kylie Rossington
Director of English
Public Speaking Competition
The Plain English Speaking Award
The Plain English Speaking Award aims to "encourage the use of clear and effective spoken English". The focus is on developing a student’s ability to compose a speech and deliver it in an effective and engaging manner. This competition will require an eight-minute prepared speech on any subject chosen by the contestant and also a three-minute impromptu speech. However, this will not be too daunting as the contestant will receive the topic three minutes before they have to speak.
Schools are able to enter two contestants who are either Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia. Contestants must be between the ages of 15 and 18 years (inclusive) on 1 January 2021. The local final will be held between Tuesday, 20 April and Friday, 7 May 2021. Nominations close this month.
As we can only enter two students in this competition, heats may need to be held. Interested students must email me before Friday, 12 March if they wish to be considered for this competition.
Suellen Walker
English Coordinator
Creative Industries
Debating and Public Speaking
Performing Arts
Germinate Records
No Hat, No Play Policy
There are many things Australia is famous for — stunning coastlines, gorgeous nature, white sand and beautiful blue seas. We are sitting on the world’s largest resources of gold. We are famous worldwide for our cute and cuddly koalas. We have culinary icons including the meat pie, barbecues and Vegemite. However, we are also known for having one of the highest rates of melanomas in the world. Melanoma makes up 25.6% of all cancers in Australia and is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in people aged 15-29 years.
Unfortunately, much of the sun exposure that causes skin damage occurs in childhood and adolescence and by the age of 15 many children have developed irreversible skin damage from exposure to the sun.
In Australia, it takes 45 minutes to burn in moderate exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 30 minutes in high and only 15 minutes in very high exposure levels. Our PDHPE classes run for 55 minutes and, on a typical day in February, the UV Index has already reached a "high" level six by 10.00am.
By simply wearing a hat can reduce the amount of UV radiation reaching the eyes by 50 percent. Wearing a hat provides instant shade, which increases your cumulative total sun protection.
As you know, the past couple of weeks have been extremely hot. However, it is a worry to see so many of our students turning up to School and class without a school hat.
This is a kind reminder that our students are expected to wear a school hat during all outdoor practical lessons and break times.
The Uniform Shop currently has hundreds of hats in stock. So, if your child has lost their hat and has not been able to trace it through their homeroom teacher or Student Administration’s lost property, please purchase a new one at your earliest convenience. Please ensure all hats are clearly labelled and speak with your children about being prepared and organised.
Students are responsible for bringing their sports hat to class — just as they would bring a novel to English, a calculator to Maths and a charged laptop to every class. Converse to the other subject areas, this piece of equipment is an imperative part of our SunSmart School Policy. The School does supply sunscreen and encourages students to apply it for extra protection, but must be in addition to wearing a hat.
Students must bring their own school hat. Particularly as we continue to navigate our way through COVID-19 circumstances, it is important that students are not sharing or lending their hats to others.
By now, all students should be familiar with their new timetable and be able to organise themselves appropriately for practical PDHPE lessons. From now on, the No Hat, No Play initiative will be advocated at recess and lunchtime, and any students who turn up to outdoor practical lessons without the entire school sports uniform (hat included) will be given a “reminder” detention.
We hope we can all work together to reinforce this sun safety message.
The PDHPE Faculty
Photography and Digital Media
Visual Arts
Learning Enrichment
Round Square
Sustainable Lunchbox Swaps
Recycling Education Week
This week at the Junior School, our students have been exploring the topic of recycling. Over this week our students have learnt what recycling is, what can and cannot be recycled and the issues surrounding recycling contamination. Each day this week, classes have watched short educational videos and discussed key points with their classroom teachers. Today, we concluded recycling education week with a clean up around the Junior School Campus which was done as a part of schools clean up day.
It has been great to see students engaged and asking questions throughout the week. It is important that we educate the leaders of tomorrow how we can all do our part to lighten our environmental footprint.
If you would like to watch the videos we showed our Junior School students, please click on the links below:
What Happens To Recycling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YOvskrsKnw
What Is Recycling Contamination:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWJgFyI6Y80 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlBoFbi7uqg
Soft Plastics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55dbVdQHUIc
Keep It Clean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIzD59OWrdw&list=PLZu5RDz5j2GaM4oy8JOT3Hp2K1Sh7w9f5&index=8
Jo Hetherington
Director of Early Learning
Lindisfarne Recording Studio
Electronic Music Competition
The closing date for our electronic music competition is fast approaching. Students can submit their entries until 4.00pm on 15 March 2021. See the flyer below for more details.
Brett Canning
Lindisfarne Recording Studio Producer
Digital Space
Chess Club
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular
Uniform Shop
Buildings and Facilities
Classroom Teacher of English
Full-time contract position
Commencing on 19 April 2021, for three terms
Lindisfarne is seeking expressions of interest from highly motivated, charismatic and passionate educators who will work to meet the high expectations for the achievement and holistic development of our students.
Key Selection Criteria
The successful applicant will:
- have significant passion, expertise and experience in teaching English across the secondary year levels (Stage 6 experience an advantage)
- maintain a positive and effective learning environment through well‐prepared and varied lessons, which cater to the range of student abilities and interests
- set realistic and challenging academic standards of student performance
- provide prompt and comprehensive feedback on student work
- be able to work collaboratively in a team-focussed environment
- demonstrate knowledge, competence and confidence in the relevant subject discipline
- demonstrate high levels of professionalism in all activities
- have an understanding of and commitment to the Anglican Christian ethos of the School
- hold a current NSW Working With Children Check (or be eligible to apply for one).
Located at our Middle and Senior School Campus in Terranora, northern New South Wales, this is an outstanding opportunity to join a dynamic learning community in an aspirational school.
Please click here to read the position description.
How to Apply:
Please select "apply now" via Seek, or forward your application to Mr Stuart Marquardt – Principal, employment@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au. Please provide a covering letter addressing the key selection criteria outlined above, a current resume and the names of two recent professional referees.
Applications close, 4.00pm Friday, 5 March 2021.
Director of Faculty — Careers and VET
Full-time continuing position commencing 22 March 2021
We seek to appoint an outstanding educational leader as our next Director of Faculty - Careers and VET. The Director of Careers and VET is responsible for developing and implementing the delivery of a successful career’s program, vocation development and post-school options services that effectively meets the needs of the students and the School from Years 7 to 12 in a positive and future-looking focus and to assist students to design their vocational pathway(s).
The successful applicant will:
- Be experienced in delivering a high quality, comprehensive careers program for secondary students which prepares students well for post-secondary pathways.
- Have experience in promoting student participation in industry, university and tertiary institution career events; and pathways to University, Colleges and TAFE and private providers.
- Provide strategic leadership and manage the day-to-day operations of the School’s VET programs. Currently, these programs include Hospitality and Screen and Media and a range of TVET TAFE courses.
- Have experience in establishing and managing the delivery of School approved VET programs.
- Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment desirable.
- Formal qualifications in Career Development desirable.
- Possess demonstrated experience as an excellent teacher, leader and administrator.
- Demonstrate high levels of professionalism, superior organisational and collaborative abilities.
- Demonstrate an ability to develop a positive, harmonious and constructive team environment.
- Have an understanding of and commitment to the Anglican Christian ethos of the School.
- Hold a current NSW Working with Children Check (or be eligible to apply for one).
Located at our Terranora campus in northern New South Wales, this is an outstanding opportunity to join a dynamic learning community in an aspirational School.
If this position provides the professional challenge you are seeking, please visit our website via http://bit.ly/LindisfarneEmployment for full details.
Applications close, 4.00pm Friday, 5 March 2021.
School Psychologist
We are seeking a qualified Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist to join our team:
The successful applicant will have:
- Professional qualifications in Psychology enabling professional registration
- Relevant experience in a school environment
- An ability to effectively deal with child, adolescent and family issues in an educational context
- Understanding of the academic and wellbeing needs of students as these relate to the learning and personal growth outcomes for students
- Expertise in identification, formulation and counselling of students
- An ability to work effectively with highly sensitive and confidential matters
- Demonstrate high levels of professionalism, superior organisational and collaborative abilities
- Demonstrate an ability to develop a positive, harmonious and constructive team environment
- Have an understanding of and commitment to the Anglican Christian ethos of the School
- Hold a current NSW Working with Children Check (or be eligible to apply for one).
Located at our Terranora campus in northern New South Wales, this is an outstanding opportunity to join a dynamic learning community in an aspirational School.
If this position provides the professional challenge you are seeking, please visit our website via http://bit.ly/LindisfarneEmployment for full details.
Applications close, 4.00pm Friday, 5 March 2021.