2021 Term 2 Week 1 23 Apr 2021

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal


This is an exciting year as we celebrate 40 years of education at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School.

My hope for the 2021 school year is that we will continue to strengthen as a school community that is proud and grateful for our past, positively embracing our present and excited about our aspirations and dreams for the future.

As we celebrate the year ahead, we look back proudly on the legacy of the late Canon Ron Dyson who had the original vision to start the School and the Parishioners of St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Tweed Heads who had the faith to support that vision.

Funds were low but hopes were high! Canon Ron had developed a great relationship with the Tweed Heads South Bowls Club that adjoins St Cuthbert’s Church in Tweed Heads and a loan (later to become a gift) of $50,000 secured to acquire the land at Sunshine Avenue.

The demountable building to commence the school year was not ready in time so the first classes of 1981 were held in the Parish Hall. Eventually, the demountable was ready and on 5 March 1981 classes moved on to the Sunshine Avenue Campus.

By 1996, the School had outgrown its current site and a member of the Parish, the late Bill Bedser stepped forward and donated land at Mahers Lane, Terranora to establish a secondary campus along with the first school bus.

Of course, from those small beginnings, the School has continued to build on the legacy of Canon Ron Dyson and St Cuthbert’s Parish continuing to grow and expand, striving to create a world-class co-educational Anglican Grammar School for the children and families of the southern Gold Coast, Tweed Coast and northern New South Wales.

There will be a number of special events to commemorate and celebrate our first 40 years as a School over the year ahead including Foundation Day Services in each of our three subschools next week.

Please find a full list of our first semester events below:

Light Up the Dawn with us this ANZAC Day.

As many of our local communities continue to face the challenges of COVID-19 restrictions preventing them from gathering at ANZAC Day services and marches, our school will again participate in the Light Up the Dawn driveway dawn service.

By standing at the end of your driveway, in your living room, or on your balcony at 6.00am on ANZAC Day (Sunday, 25 April), we can be united in the ANZAC spirit to remember all those who served and sacrificed. 

Watch our video below to find out more about Light up the Dawn.

If you’d like to share your photos from your ANZAC Day commemorations from home, please email us at community@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au and tag us.

Today, each subschool participated in a special ANZAC Day Commemorate Service. I’d like to thank our students and staff for their respectful observance of ANZAC Day. At the Junior School, Mr Douglas led a unique service that included explanations as to the significance of ANZAC Day. In the Middle and Senior School, students led these reflections with thoughtful addresses by Anjali Dutton and Heidi Chaffey. School parent and Retired Colonel Russell Maddalena shared reflections on service in Afghanistan including heroic efforts by young Australian Soldiers including VC Medal recipient Trooper Mark Donaldson and Special Forces bomb detection dog Sarbi. Thank you to all students and staff who contributed to our important ANZAC Day commemoration services.

It has been heartening to start this term with improved weather conditions after the much-needed rain. More outdoor events have been possible and enjoyed by students including our Cross Country events at our Middle and Senior School Campus this week.

In closing, please keep Reverend Constantine and his young family in your thoughts and prayers as he conducts his final Sunday service with his Parish in Ballarat on this Sunday, 25 April. Reverend Constantine, Faith and the children will then commence their relocation to Terranora with Reverend Constantine officially taking up duties as Chaplain on Monday, 10 May.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Important Information

Parent/Teacher Interviews - Middle and Senior School

A reminder that Parent/Teacher Interviews for Term 2 are scheduled for: 

Monday, 10 May - Years 5 to 11
Wednesday, 12 May - Years 7 to 11

These interviews will be held in Ngahriyah.

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Mother's Day Gift Stalls

Mother's Day High Tea

Please join in the celebrations at Lindisfarne's elegant Mother's Day High Tea event brought to life by our Parents and Friends Association.

- High Tea petite delights
- Tea or coffee
- Glass of sparkling wine on arrival
- Musical performances by our talented students

Bookings will close at 5.00pm on Thursday, 6 May for catering purposes.

Please be sure to let us know about any dietary requirements at least one week prior to the event.

We hope to see you there.

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social

Online Safety Updates


It's important to know that the children's app is under media scrutiny for a high volume of sexual content that has come into the spotlight as the gaming app gains more popularity. The good news is that Roblox is working to develop a new content ratings system to help simplify parental controls but in the meantime parents, carers and teachers should be aware of this sexualised content, especially with many younger students using this game. 


Right now there’s a disturbing hoax circulating on TikTok and other major platforms and in group chats about 24 April. We have been notified by several Australian schools that this is being discussed by students and they have been in touch to see if we knew about it.

We can confirm it is a hoax, with people calling 24 April "National Rape Day" and sharing online definitions of the day saying it’s a day where sexual assault becomes legal which obviously isn’t true. This has caused a lot of people to share ways women can stay safe or warn them not to go outside. Whilst this is all across the news in the US it is just starting to be discussed here.

Please know that you can report illegal and harmful content here or in the event of an emergency or to seek additional support please reach out to the following resources:

  • Emergency: 000

  • Lifeline: 131114

  • Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

  • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

  • Mensline: 1300 78 9978

  • Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

  • Australian Centre for Grief 1800 642 066


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Important Surfside Bus Changes

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Please see below very important changes to Surfside Bus numbers effective immediately. 

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

From The Dean of Studies

Curriculum Update

Welcome back to Term 2. 

Year 12 are now mid-way through their HSC course and Mid Course reports are now available via Parent Lounge. Year 11 Interim reports are also available via Parent Lounge.
If you have any concerns about the information raised in the reports please contact your child’s teacher.

Parent/Teacher Interviews for Middle and Senior School

Wednesday 5 May - Years 5 to 11
Monday 10 May - Years 5 to 11
Wednesday 12 May - Years 7 to 11

These will open for bookings via parent lounge on Monday 26 April at 9.00am and will close on Wednesday 5 May at 9.00am.


The tests will be occurring between 11 May and 21 May please click on the link to the schedule for student in the Middle and Senior School.

Subject Selection Evenings

Monday, 31 May for students entering Year 9 in 2022 

Tuesday, 8 June for students entering Year 11 in 2022

Further information to be emailed to parents and students nearer the time.

Caroline Jefferies
Dean Of Studies 

Junior School

Head of Junior School Report

I trust all members of our community enjoyed some quality family time over the break.  Our students have returned excited and eager for the term ahead and this week’s House Cross Country Carnival was a perfect way to end the week.

I was very proud of the efforts of all of our students as they raced the slopes and bends of the Cross Country course at our Middle and Senior School Campus. The track is certainly one for the purists, with plenty of variation of terrain and many uphill and downhill sections. I had the pleasure of marshalling the final turn and encouraging our students to the finish line and was thoroughly impressed by the grit and determination etched on the faces of the runners as they breezed past. Many smiles at the conclusion highlighted our student’s own pride for having run and given it their best. A special thanks to Mr Croft whose running club each week contributed greatly to the fitness levels of our students. Well done to all.

The beautiful weather that has coincided with Term 2 makes Arkinstall Park an excellent alternative for drop off pick up each day. I encourage families to use this location if possible to relieve traffic pressure on Sunshine Avenue. A friendly reminder once again that we cannot use Sullivan Street at all for drop off and pick up and the council monitors this stringently. Signs are on display reminding parents of this and I encourage all members of the community to follow our directed traffic rules around the campus.  

In addition to this, the council has requested we remind families that vehicles can no longer park on Kirkwood Road. Council’s Traffic Committee, which includes council engineers and police, has concluded that it is not safe due to the proximity of the highway and that the risk of an accident is too high. 

In addition to this, the council has requested we remind families that vehicles can no longer park on Kirkwood Road. The Local Traffic Committee (made up of Police, Transport for NSW representatives, Council officers, Local Members of Parliament and Councillors) recommended installing a "No Stopping" zone on Kirkwood Road to address the significant risk to the school families who park here and other road users. Line marking will occur soon. Thank you in advance for following these new council guidelines.

Mark Douglas
Head of Junior School

Junior School Sport

Cross Country Preschool - Year 2 (7-year-olds)

The Pre-school - Year 2 fun Cross Country was held in the last week of Term 1. Looking back we were so lucky to get a window of opportunity to get this run. The weather for weeks leading up to the day was not being kind with lots of rain. However, on the day the skies cleared for the morning and the decision was made to forge ahead. The students were pumped and ready to give their all and FINALLY we could have some parent support to come and watch school sporting events again. 

The day kicked off with our Preschoolers. How much fun was it watching these students chase Mr Croft around Arkinstall Park as he shouted “You can’t catch me’. They completed their run and looked like they were never even out of puff, Mr Croft on the other hand looked like he needed a breather. 

As we progressed through the events a little rain started to fall. It was just enough at the beginning to cool our runners as they put in loads of effort to complete the race. A couple of times the skies opened and all the spectators ran for the shelter of the tents or their umbrellas, the crowd may have been getting wet but the rain could not dampen the spirits of the competitors as they ran their races and cheered on their friends with gusto. 

At the end of every race, the competitors were welcomed down the finishing chute with clapping and cheering from the crowd. They were then greeted with a friendly smile and a nice cool ice block to help recover from their fantastic efforts. 

The day was fantastic, with lots of energy and spirit, loads of effort to complete races and every student having heaps of fun. The weather may not have been kind but our students loved every minute of it and it was so nice to have spectators back at our events. 

Thank you to all the teachers and staff who persisted in the rain to ensure our students got to compete in their races. Thank you to our Groundsman Darren who set up the tents and the finishing chute making sure everything was in its place and ready for the races. And a great big thank you to all of our parents and spectators who braved the rain and wet to support our champions of tomorrow. 

AFL Auskick

AFL will be running their AFL Auskick Program in Term 2. The program will kick off in week 4 on Thursday afternoons on Arkinstall Park. This program caters for students from Kindy - yr 4 more Information on how to register will be coming soon, watch this space!

Nathan Croft
Head of Sport Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Head of Middle School Report

It’s been a busy start to Term 2 this week with our annual Cross Country Carnival, ANZAC Service, Thursday sport and a myriad of other activities. 

I was delighted to see such a fantastic turn out for Middle School students to participate and compete in the Cross Country. Congratulations to those selected to move to the next stage of competition and trials and thank you to those who participated with great spirit and engagement.

The Middle School ANZAC Service was a beautiful way to pay our respects to Australian servicemen and servicewomen (and animals). I thank Colonel Russell Maddalena (ret) for his inspiring words. Thanks must also go to the Middle School leaders who presented and spoke so well.

Foundation Week in 2021, as you would be aware, marks Lindisfarne’s 40th year, a tremendous milestone. I am excited to share this with our staff and students at Monday’s Middle School Foundation Service. 

Jeremy Godden
Head of Middle School

Year 5 Report

This term in Year 5 we welcome Ms Amber Jarvis as the teacher of 5D. Amber has come to us from Elanora and has a wealth of experience across a range of year levels.

Spelling Bee Update

Before the holiday break, Stage 3 participated in the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee. Congratulations to Fred Woodley-Matthews and Marcus Fox who have qualified for the state finals. This will be held during school hours next Thursday 29 April. We wish them all the very best.

Curriculum Update

In English, our unit of work is titled ‘Make You Believe’. This will focus on how literature is perceived and how it is used to persuade the reader. The concepts of Maths will continue to be explored through each strand and in Integrated Studies the focus is centred around the text ‘One Small Island’ by Alison Lester and Coral Tulloch, to explore the impact of human factors on the environment of  Macquarie Island.

To supplement our units of work, we will have a series of incursions throughout the term. Dr Cameron Stelzer will be visiting Years 5 and 6 during Week 2 for a writing workshop and the team from Brainstorm Productions will treat our students to a performance that encourages values and respect at school and online. Later in the term, a representative from 

Start Smart will visit each Stage 3 classroom to facilitate discussions about financial literacy in a fun and engaging way.

Term 2 will be extremely busy but we are looking forward to all of the opportunities we are able to experience and be a part of.

Amy Williamson
Year 5 Coordinator

Senior School

Head of Senior School Report

ANZAC Service

The Senior School was very pleased to invite Lindisfarne father-of-two Colonel Russell Maddalena to give the Commemorative Address at this week’s ANZAC Service. During his career, he served in Afghanistan 11 times — including a six-month tour of duty stationed in a war zone. In his address, the students were able to hear the story of a Taliban attack endured by soldiers under Colonel Maddalena’s command. The students were very moved by the heart-warming story of Sarbi, the Special Forces bomb detection dog who was missing in action for 14 months following the attack. We thank Colonel Maddalena for his contribution to the Anzac Service and thank him for his service to our country.

Cross Country

Congratulations to the Senior School students who competed in the House Cross Country event that took place on Thursday. It was wonderful to see our students participating in this special event. We eagerly await the results of the day!

Foundation Week

Next week marks a very special occasion in the School’s calendar — Foundation Day. The Senior School will mark the School’s 40th year in a special assembly on Tuesday, 27 April. The Smithy Sprint will take place immediately after the assembly — I encourage students to bring their sport uniform so that they are able to compete in this unique event.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

Cross Country

The weather gods were smiling upon us yesterday as we held our 2021 cross country. The cloud cover was perfect and the track was in great shape, including a couple of interesting little “soft” patches.

It was a great turn out too. Serious competitors and willing participants alike took to the course in droves. Negotiating the twists and turns down off the oval, taking a sharp right around “the rock” down to the edge of the rainforest then fighting their way up heartbreak hill. With a deep burn and serious lactic acid building up in the thighs, a sharp left into the paddock and into the surprisingly challenging Bailey Loop. The halfway point of that loop found students encouraged by Yr 10 PASS students and a vocal Mrs Sweetnam before they began yet another soul-sapping climb before heading down the hill and the embankment back to the oval. Lap one complete!

Whether completing 2, 3, 4 or even the gruelling 6km course, students pushed themselves and encouraged each other to get to the finish line.

A huge thank you must go to the Sports and Activities Department and the PDHPE faculty for their organisation and execution of the event. It was great to see lots of parents in attendance cheering on their own (and others’) children.

Final results and selections for the NCIS trials, to be held in Lennox Head later this term, will be published next week.

Thank you and congratulations to all involved.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Middle School

NCIS Secondary Football

We had a full bus head down to Armidale on Tuesday for the NCIS Secondary Football Championships with all Lindisfarne teams representing themselves and their school with spirit and determination.

Girls' Teams

There is some serious momentum building in girls football program. Our Open girls were so unlucky not to win against Bishop Druitt College in the final, it was 1-1 (with BDC earning their goal through a penalty). The girls had them wedged in their own half, but a ricocheted ball gifted their striker a 50m run unopposed with two minutes to go, which sealed their fate. Cassandra Hill has been an amazing acquisition to the team, with her guile and composed ball distribution. Our captain, Summer Wise was unrelenting throughout the tournament, as were all the girls throughout the day.

The U15 girls were completely dominant, beating all their opposition with ease. They won the final 5-1 against Emmanuel which demonstrates the ease with which they went about their matches. Grace Eddy, Isabelle Goodwin and Phoebe Link completely controlled the midfield, and Oliva Kane as striker menaced goalkeepers and defenders all day long - scoring more than a dozen goals.

Congratulations to the following players who earned selection to represent NCIS at the NSWCIS tournament:

  • Olivia Kane
  • Grace Eddy
  • Molly Eddy
  • Phoebe Link
  • Millie Prince
  • Frances Watson
  • Georgie Hughes (Goalkeeper)
  • Summer Wise
  • Gabriella Hill
  • Cassandra Hill.

Boys' Teams

The Lindisfarne boys were utterly dominant at the NCIS Championships, winning all nine games they played and outscoring their opposition by a combined 34-0. A clinical display with neither the Opens or U15 teams conceding a goal all day.

The Open team led by skipper Jake Frazer, defender of the tournament Max Harnell and leading scorer Corban Thomson (5) returned the illustrious Sam Macharia shield back where it belongs at Lindisfarne. They won the final over Emmanuel (Ballina) 3-0.  

The U15 boys were unstoppable, led by skipper Max Bruinenberg, top defender James Campbell and leading scorer Hugo McAteer (7). They won the final over Bishop Druitt (Coffs Harbour) 3-0.

Congratulations to the following players who earned selection to represent NCIS at the NSWCIS tournament:

  • Rufus Scott
  • Gabe Plesser
  • Miki Hashimoto
  • James Campbell
  • Max Bruineneberg
  • Toby Shapland
  • Hugo McAteer
  • Axel Hollis.


Spotlight on Lyla Williams

Lyla Williams came 2nd at the Australian Track and Field Championships in the U15 girls 3km race walk in Sydney during the holidays. She walked a four sec personal best, and is pictured below with her coach. Congratulations Lyla!

Spotlight on Flynn Southam

Flynn Southam competed in the National Age Championships during April, competing in five individual events and two relay swims. He managed to improve on all of his times, bettering his Australian records set in December. A summary of his events at this meet is incredible to read:

  • 50m Freestyle: 22.83 - new Australian and Australian Allcomers record breaking his previous set in December of 22.91.
  • 100m Freestyle: 49.55 - new Australian and Australian Allcomers record breaking his previous set in December of 49.65 (he now has the record of the two fastest 100m Free for 15 YO boys anywhere in the world). What the video below!
  • 200m Freestyle: 1.49.66 - a new PB and 3rd fastest all time Australian 15 YO boy
  • 100m Backstroke: 55.90 - new QLD and QLD Allcomers record - .07 off the Australian record - 2nd fastest all time Australian 15 YO boy
  • 200m Backstroke: 2.02.44 - 3rd fastest all time Australian 15 YO boy
  • 4 x 100 m 14-17 YO Relay: silver
  • 4 x 50 m 14-15 YO Relay: Gold - new Australian Allcomers Record.

Flynn swam an amazing final leg going 22.07. (with a fly start) which is incredible - he went in 6th and came out 1st. It was a great team swim that you view via this link.

This is an incredible journey for Flynn, that we as a Lindisfarne community are witnessing unfold. He now finishes a brief two week break and then bunkers down in preparation for the Olympic trials.

Spotlight on Lily Alford, Caillie Eriksen and Amy Cronk

It was a great weekend for the Australian Youth Surf Life Saving Championships, and the Lindisfarne girls did so well! Lily Alford, Caillie Eriksen and Amy Cronk all made it through to the final (top 8) in both Beach Sprints and Beach Flags. Lily won the gold for flags becoming the U14 Australian Beach Flag Champion for 2021, with Caillie finishing 5th and Amy 7th.

In the beach sprint Lily is the runner up taking the silver, Caillie the bronze and Amy 6th place.

What an incredible Australian Titles, girls. Congratulations.

Pictured above (L-R): Amy, Lily, Athletics Coach Callum Taylor and Caillie.

Spotlight on Koa Stotz

Some further results have come through from State swimming at the NSWPSSA held at the Sydney Aquatic Centre earlier in April. Koa Stotz swam really well winning his 50m Breastroke 11 Year Boys heat and progressed to the final. In the final, he did swim PB 40.40 and came 4th overall. This means he is first reserve to compete at the Nationals, well done Koa!

That wraps some big news in Sport.

Damien Clucas
Director of Sport


Monday Night Netball

The “Catch up Rounds” continue this week.

We are up to Round 8 this week on April 26. Please let me know if you are able to play/ not able to play ASAP.






Golden Oldies 




Red Lions




Gold Lions




Lions (Mixed)




Silver Lions

Hot Shots



Red Lions

Blue Lions



Blue Lions

Red Lions



White Lions




Glitter Bombers



Please be at the courts in time to warm up and sign on.

Saturday Netball

The Saturday teams and the divisions were finalised for a start to the Tweed Competition on May 1 on Wednesday Evening at a Grading meeting. All parents will receive an email this week regarding their teammates, managers and coaches. The managers will set up a Team App and the coaches will communicate the training arrangements. The draw will be sent out as soon as it is completed. We have 16 teams again this year: 7- and 8-year-olds: Pink Lions and Purple Lions 9-year-old Crimson Lions 10-year-old Orange Lions 11-year-old: Lime and Bronze Lions Juniors: Aqua, Yellow, Blue and Green Lions Intermediate: Silver, Navy, White, Red and Lavender Lions Division 1: Gold Lions We also have 4 NetSetGo players who start in a few weeks time.

Netball Centre of Excellence

We are really excited to have the first of our competitions this coming week: The NSW Cup for Years 7 - 8 and 9 - 10 boys and girls is on Thursday at Mullumbimby and The Fast5 Mixed Competition for Years 11 and 12 is on Friday in Ballina. Many of the senior Tweed Rep girls have their Round 1 of the Premier League on Friday Evening at Runaway Bay, with the Saturday season starting on the Saturday. The following week we have the Monday Night competition continuing and the NRCC Netball Championships is on May 4. Rory is still continuing to help with the teams off the court each Monday. Busy times!


Thanks to Narelle Hodges who took her Umpires Rules test with me on Monday evening. We both passed with flying colours which means we will be able to help our list of Saturday umpires this season: Emily Daniel, Madeleine and Lexi Dujmovic, Chloe and Poppy Edwards, Maya Fairweather, Mia Gist, Samntha Harvey, Lily Hodges, Hayley Maddalena, Cedar Maycock, Sian McGilligan, Ella Mitchell, Scarlett Ojiako-Pettit, Shelby Osborne, Sienna Phelps, Yasmin Scott, Bonnie Starling, Amber Sullian, Zephyr Togo and Seannah Weston.

Lindisfarne Netball Club Parent Support Group

Our Fundraising and Duty Day on May 22 is rapidly approaching. All of the Parents were sent an email re: Lindisfarne’s Carnivale-themed event and how they can assist with donations and on the day. If anyone from the wider community would like to offer any items from the list below or help sell, cook or braid on the day, please contact our fearless fundraising leaders:  Jane Daniel Phone: 0401277710 Carly Griffiths  Phone: 0414562543 Thanks to Amanda Bennett for the sensational signs!

Fundraising Donations are:

  • Tubes of bubbles 
  • Bags of lollies
  • Litres of Coke
  • Litres of Fanta
  • Litres of Creaming Soda
  • Bottles of coloured hairspray
  • Hair elastics
  • Hair ribbon
  • Water spray bottles
  • Cheap hair brushes
  • Tail combs for parting hair

If you have any questions regarding netball, please do not hesitate to email me. I’m here if you need me!

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


English News

Welcome to Term 2. We hope that you had a lovely Easter break.

The English team have hit the ground running this week. Our Year 7 students have started their exploration of Narrative Poetry whilst our students in Years 8 to 10 have commenced their Close Study of Fiction. Our students in the senior years have commenced their next modules (novels, performance poetry, imaginative writing and poetry). We encourage you to check in with your students about their lessons and the narrative works they’re reading.

We are excited to announce that our Director of English, Kylie Rossington, and her husband, Jace, welcomed their daughter, Andy Rossington (pictured below), into the world on Tuesday, 13 April. We wish the family well as they settle into this next chapter of their story.

In Mrs Rossington’s absence, I have taken on the acting role of Director of English and will continue working alongside the English staff and our students to ensure consistency of standards and expectations for the remainder of the year. In my 12 years at Lindisfarne, my experience spans over quite a few roles, including Head of St Stephen, HSIE Coordinator and, most recently, Year 8 Coordinator. I’m passionate about pastoral care and I am eager to successfully marry this with my dedication to promoting excellence in all year levels. I especially look forward to working with the teaching team to secure exceptional HSC results for 2021.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs Rebecca "Bec" McLeish. Coming to the Lindisfarne community with a wealth of experience spanning 15 years, Mrs McLeish is relocating from St Peter Claver College to the beautiful Tweed Coast with her young family. With an interest in pastoral care and student wellbeing, Mrs McLeish is passionate about inspiring young people to learn and achieve their best and is an energetic and innovative educator who aims to engage students in their learning through lessons that are personalised, inclusive and empowering. Mrs McLeish will be leading several Year 8 classes, a Year 9 class and a Year 10 class. Additionally, for the remainder of the year, she will be joining Cuthbert 3 as House Tutor.

Pictured above: Bec McLeish (left) and Kylie Wharton (right).

As always, please contact your student’s teacher or me if we can help in any way.

Kylie Wharton
Acting Director of English

Science Writing Competition

Topic: The STEM in Everyday Life

 “Science, technology, engineering and maths is part of everything around us, from our response to the pandemic, to the tech we use for play. Mobile phones, traffic lights and TikTok, your food, health, the climate, the built environment and the natural world around you – STEM has had a part to play in understanding, refining and creating so much of the world we take for granted every day.”

 Task: Explain, in 800 words, the STEM behind something that’s part of your everyday life and important to you, your family, your culture, or your region.

 The UNSW Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing is a competition for Year 7-10 students in Australia.  Closing date for this competition is 5 pm on Friday 27 August 2021.Winning entries will receive a $500 UNSW Bookshop voucher. There will also be $250 vouchers for two runners up. 

For more details on this competition and how to enter please go to: https://careerswithstem.com.au/bragg-student-science-prize-2/

Suellen Walker 
English Coordinator

Poetry Writing Competition

POEM FOREST is a free Nature Poetry Prize

“Created by Red Room Poetry, POEM FOREST deepens our connection with nature by inviting students, teachers and communities to create and publish poems inspired by the natural environment. For every poem received, a native tree will be planted in the Australian Botanic Garden to help heal critically endangered habitats and create a POEM FOREST for future generations.”
The aim of this competition is to make a difference through poetry. “All POEM FOREST entries will be published and in the running for $5,000 worth of prizes, including $500 cash for each category.” 
Poems must be no more than 20 lines and identifiably linked to the theme of nature. 
The closing date for submissions is 5pm Friday 17 September 2021. To be eligible to enter this competition, you must be an Australian student or young person (aged 18 and under) or an accredited teacher. Poem submissions can be made by students and teachers via the online form which is available at: https://new.redroompoetry.org/poem-forest-entries/?utm_source=POEM+FOREST&utm_campaign=c8e1b89511-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_06_10_06_00_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a3c9281d34-c8e1b89511-1366184278

Categories of Entry

  • Lower primary (Year 1–Year 3)
  • Upper primary (Years 4–6)
  • Lower secondary (Years 7–9)
  • Upper secondary (Years 10–12)
  • Accredited Teacher (All ages)
  • Threatened Species (1–12)
  • The Australian Botanic Gardens Local Prize (1–12)

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

The Big Chill

Calling all performers! If you want the opportunity to perform with your friends at an awesome concert, start preparing for THE BIG CHILL. 

This is a student-led concert featuring Drama, Dance and Music, giving students the opportunity to collaborate and perform in their own ensembles.

Only the very best acts at the auditions will be selected to play so if you are interested in performing with other fantastic musicians start rehearsing your songs now. Auditions will be held at lunchtimes in Week 5 and if you are successful you will be performing the night of Thursday, 3 May in the Chapel. Look out for posters around the school and come and talk to Mr Norton or Mr Grant if you have any questions or are interested in performing. Stay cool!

Dale Norton and Jo Grant 
Music Teachers

Germinate Records


Let's Get Physical

We trust that you had fun in the second week of sun over the Easter break. 

This time last year, we were restricted by Covid-19 and were communicating remotely.

How far have we come from then?!

We thought it might be a timely reminder of some of the physical activities you can do in your own spaces at home with your family - and maybe you did over the wet first week of the holidays after enjoying your Easter treats.

Have fun!

Complete a Power Pyramid: Choose 4 activities. Complete as many as you can of each activity in 10 seconds with 10 seconds rest - 20 seconds with 20 seconds rest - 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest - 20 seconds with 20 seconds rest - 10 seconds.

Timed 10-1: Choose 3 Activities and time yourself doing each 10 times - 9 times - 8 times - down to just one of each.

Deck of Cards 1: Create your own workout, chores and treats using a deck of cards. 
Hearts = Treats e.g. choice of dinner/ breakfast in bed/ hugs on demand!
Diamonds = Physical Activities e.g. squats/ burpees/ planks
Spades = Challenges e.g. bottle flipping/ quickest to complete a “Minute to Win It” task
Clubs = Chores e.g. washing dishes/ mowing the lawn

Deck of Cards 2: Create your own workout using the numbers of the cards matching an exercise.

Heads or Tails: Flip a coin and complete the exercises that match. Make sure to do all 10 rounds.



Round 1 (cardio)

60-second jog in place

25 jumping jacks

Round 2 (lower body)

15 squats

25 calf raises

Round 3 (upper body)

20 kneeling push-ups

10 hand-release push-ups

Round 4 (cardio)

30 mountain climbers

20 high knees

Round 5 (core)

35 scissor kicks

20 sit-ups

Round 6 (upper body)

20 tricep dips (can use a chair)

40 punches

Round 7 (cardio)

12 burpees

15 jumping squats

Round 8 (core)

60-second plank

15 Russian twists

Round 9 (lower body)

20 forward lunges

15 donkey kicks

Round 10 (cardo)

30 butt kicks

20 jumping jacks

Fitness Bingo: Create a Bingo card for each family member. Decide on the activity for each number 1 - 16. e.g. planks, crunches, burpees, squats, push-ups, jogging on the spot etc… Choose a number/ activity randomly with a phone app or picking out of a hat etc… Complete the activity!

First player to get a row (diagonally, horizontally, vertically) can miss an activity/ have a treat 

First player to get all 4 corners can miss an activity

First player to get a 2 x 2 Square can miss an activity


















The PDHPE Department

Photography and Digital Media


Science Matters

We think we are clever, we humans, the apes who reached the top and didn’t stop. As a result, we tend to view the world through a human lense: there is us and then there is everything else.

The fact is, when it comes to the finer points of distinction between us and the other members of the animal kingdom, there is very little in it. Year 11 Biology students were asked recently to think of ways in which they were similar to a jellyfish. After a lengthy pause, a few prompts and a faltering start, the answers started to flow: We are both heterotrophic (need to ingest food to acquire nutrient), require oxygen to be presented in the same way (dissolved in water to make a solution), perform respiration by reacting glucose with oxygen to produce energy, reproduce sexually, respond to stimuli and the list goes on. When we compare ourselves to other vertebrates the characteristics that we share become more obvious and more striking still when the comparison is among our fellow mammals.

When the focus shifts from the differences among animals to the similarities and the close relationship between other species and our own becomes apparent, we are able to view animals in a new light.

Our modern lifestyle has all but severed the connection between the food we eat and the animals whose bodies were the source of that food. In days gone by, people were more intimately involved in the production and processing of the food they ate than they are today. Even something as simple as keeping backyard chickens establishes a connection between an animal, the food it consumes and the eggs it provides for us to eat.

Understanding the deep connection we have with the other animals can, hopefully, bring us to have greater empathy for the animals who daily provide us with meat and milk.

Have a wonderful final week of Term 1 in Science, shop critically for your groceries and cultivate awareness for where  your dinner comes from.

Hamish Inksetter
Science Coordinator

Visual Arts

Visual Art Studio Intensive Day

Year 12 Visual Art students attended a studio intensive day with the Visual Art staff during the Easter break to have the opportunity to work for a full day on their HSC artworks. The Art department was buzzing with creativity and enthusiasm and our students worked hard to push their art practice forward. 

Making a Body of Work for assessment while studying lots of other subjects in the intense HSC year is no easy task so our weekly and holiday studio sessions offer students an opportunity to focus solely on their art making. Intensive periods of art practice are important for creative development as they allow the mind to enter a state of flow, something not often available in a busy 6 period school day! Papers published in the Journal of The American Art Therapy Association (2016) and Frontiers in Psychology (2018), suggest that this relaxed brain state can reduce stress and stimulate more effective and relaxed problem solving. Staff thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with these dynamic artists and look forward to sharing their work with the community later in the year.

Bronwyn Dann
Acting Director of Visual Art

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square Update

During the Easter break, a delegation of Year 12 students took part in a virtual conference hosted by Chadwick International, South Korea. The theme, “Sharing a Vision for Leadership”, allowed delegates to discuss and be challenged by leadership strategies, particularly those being used across the globe to counter Covid 19. It was a truly international gathering which included 30 delegations from 15 countries.

Register for “Future of our Cities” Round Square Virtual Conference

Registration is now open for our Round Square Virtual Conference “Future of our Cities” hosted by United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA), Singapore. The three-hour conference is open to students in Year 7 and 8. It will take place on Tuesday 11 May 2021 from 5.00pm to 8.00pm AEST. There will also be a one-hour pre-meet on Tuesday, 4 May also at 6.00pm AEST. Click HERE to watch a short introductory video from our conference hosts at UWCSEA.

Through the conference programme of discussions, baraza breakouts and activities our hosts will challenge participants to think outside the box, to evaluate and seek solutions to current worldwide issues, and gain a wider perspective on the future of our cities. 

As a pre-conference task, in between the pre-meet and the conference itself, our hosts will be asking each delegation to work together as a team to produce an infographic that represents their collective thoughts on what their city or country will look like in the future. Delegations might address one or more topics within their infographic such as sustainability, technology, politics, and/ or other ideas relative to the creative or cultural perspectives of the delegation. 

If you are interested in taking part and would like to register, please email Mr Lush, mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au 

Register for 5 May Round Square Postcard from St Constantine’s International School, Tanzania

St Constantine’s International School in Tanzania invites students aged 13 to 15 to join a 90-minute Round Square Zoom Postcard on 5th May starting at 8.00pm AEST, on the theme of Tourism in Tanzania.
Prior to the call, participants are asked to research information about Tanzania and to upload a picture that represents what they consider to be the most important attraction for tourism in their own country.

The program will also include a presentation from the Tanzanian National Park Authority, followed by baraza discussion.
If you are interested in taking part and would like to register, please email Mr Lush mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au 

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator



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Community News

Young Australians Leading Global Change

Registrations are now open for UN Youth QLD’s Fun Model United Nations (FunMUN) event!

FunMUN is an exciting opportunity for students with diverse interests, experiences, and abilities to participate in a fun, introductory version of the events we hold at UN Youth Australia.

FunMUN builds confidence in students, sparks interest in the workings of the United Nations and prepares students for further engagement with UN Youth Australia. No previous knowledge or experience with international affairs, public speaking, or debating is necessary.

What is FunMun?

FunMun pits delegates (students) representing different countries big and small against each other over a range of geo-political situations and impromptu scenarios, keeping them on their toes. This means that a country like Azerbaijan has as much to say on an issue as the United States of America. All in all, FunMUN is the perfect mix of crazy, serious and outright theatrics to introduce students to the world of UN Youth and international affairs.

FunMUN is for all students! 

To sign up simply register through this link, yes it's that easy!:


Saturday, 1 May 2021 - Griffith University, Brisbane - $30

Sunday, 2 May 2021 - Griffith University, Brisbane - $30

Saturday, 8 May 2021 - Online - $20

Saturday, 15 May 2021 - QCCC Mapleton, Sunshine Coast - $30

*PRICE DEAL: to reward our loyal delegates (students), we have decided to offer a price deal for delegates who will sign up for at least two sessions! If you register for two in-person sessions, you will only pay $40 to attend both!

About the UN Youth QLD: 
At the United Nations Youth in Queensland, we aim to educate and empower young Australians on global issues. Today’s young leaders have the vision and passion to create meaningful change within their communities and throughout the world, so we try to equip young people with the skills and inspiration to do so. UN Youth Queensland is run entirely by a team of over 100 extremely dedicated volunteers, all aged 16-25. We are a not-for-profit and non-partisan organisation.

If you would like to know more about UN Youth, Australia please visit https://unyouth.org.au/. For more information about UN Youth, Queensland please visit https://unyouth.org.au/event/v...

If you have any further questions about FunMun 2021 or UN Youth QLD, please email our delegate liaison officer, Jessica at jessica.kolbe@unyouth.org.au

I look forward to seeing you there!

Jessica Kolbe (she/her) | Delegate Liaison
UN Youth Australia 
‘Opening young eyes to the world’

Yuggera Country
M: +61 410 120 305
W: unyouth.org.au
L: unyouth.org.au/linkedin

UN Youth Australia is the youth partner of the United Nations Association of Australia, a member of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA).

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
