2021 Term 2 Week 8 11 June 2021

This Week Overview

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we move into the final week of Term 2, our school is alive with opportunities for our students. This evening we welcome Katie Noonan who will perform with our students, following on from the amazing workshops she has already delivered. I thank all of our staff who have facilitated this opportunity for our students to learn from a world-class performer like Katie, I look forward to seeing our students shine this evening.

As we celebrate our 40th year as a school, we are blessed to welcome Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu and his wife Faith and their beautiful children Obed and Sophie into our community. On Wednesday, 16 June, Reverend Constantine will be Commissioned as our School Chaplain. This important moment will be presided over by the Bishop of Grafton, Dr Murray Harvey and will include a number of guests and performances to mark this special occasion. If you read Reverend Constantine’s article each week in this newsletter, you will see that he often calls on us as a community to offer ‘prayers or waves of healing grace, strength, peace and kindness.’ So can I ask that our school community offer their prayers or waves of healing grace, peace and kindness for Reverend Constantine and his family as he brings his ministry to us all.

On Thursday evening next week (June 17) you have the opportunity to see Thirsty Merc at Twin Towns as part of our Lindisfarne @ 40 celebrations. This will be a great community event in celebration of our school and I would urge all members of our community to get together with friends and other school families and come along to support this event. Tickets can be purchased via this link and included is a two-course meal and a night not to be missed.

Our Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday next week during the school day. The weather looks great and after running a modified Carnival in 2020 due to the pandemic, I am sure the students are ready to compete. As per previous years there will be a Parents and Friends BBQ, coffee from our student run Bhana Cafe as well as visiting food trucks Gunter’s Flammkuchen (pizza), Pequena Cocina (latin/mexican) and Spud the Food Truck. Good luck to all participants.

Principal Marquardt and other members of staff have been away over the last two days at the Diosecen Schools Network meeting being hosted by St Columba School in Port Macquarie. They were joined by representatives from the other Diocesan Network Schools; Emmanuel College, Ballina, Clarence Valley College, Grafton and Bishop Druitt College, Coffs Harbour as they work cooperatively to support Anglican education in this region and promote initiatives aligned across, not just education, but also faith, community, sport, communication, all designed to support our students.

Our alumni are showing their support for beloved staff member Matt Fydler through the organisation of the ‘Run 4 Fyds’ being held on Sunday, 20 June 2021. The half-marathon event departs Lions Park Cabarita at 10.00am, heading towards Kingscliff Park. Participants are asked to wear some yellow. You don’t have to run, you could bike or walk or scooter to show your support. For more details visit this link or see the flyer in our Community News.

Enjoy the final week of Term 2.

Charlotte Lush
Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner


The Baptism of Blair Aubrey Fernance

This Sunday, 13 June, in the School Chapel we will be baptising (christening) Blair Aubrey Fernance. Blair is the daughter of Jade Fernance (nee Seaton), an alumna of our School, and her husband Cooper Fernance.

Baptism, along with confirmation, Eucharist, marriage, ordination, etc, are called sacraments of the Church which simply means that they are ‘outward signs of inward grace.’

In other words, they are moments and means by which the grace of the invisible God breaks upon us in the visible world.  They are truly special occasions in the life of God’s children who are called to share in the blessings which God freely and lovingly bestows on all who call upon God’s name.

It is a great joy for me to baptize Blair and I ask you to join me in wishing her our congratulations and best wishes for a happy and wonderful life. May she find kindness in all that she meets in this world.

If anyone is interested in learning more about the sacraments or becoming a baptised Christian, getting confirmed or married, please let me know.

Fred’s Place in Tweed Heads

During the week I visited Fred’s Place in Tweed Heads to deliver 120 pairs of old socks from our Uniform Shop to those in need. I had the opportunity to meet with the Femke Romeijn, the manager of Fred’s Place and her wonderful team. I learnt that roughly 75 people per day visit this facility to access their services. This number has grown exponentially since the Covid-19 pandemic.

As people of compassion, we cannot remain indifferent to the plights of those who are marginalised in our community. There is an African proverb which says: when the small toe is hurting, the whole-body bends down to look after it.

Femke gave me the list of the items they need for their guests, and I think it’ll be a wonderful act of compassion if we can all bring back from our holidays one of the following items to support those in need:

  • Non-perishable food like tinned food and long-life milk
  • Large shampoo and bodywash
  • Tent, tarps, sleeping bags and back packs.

We’ll collect them during the first week of Term 3 and deliver to Fred’s Place for our brothers and sisters in need.

Visit to Bishop Druitt College, Coffs Harbour

Last Wednesday I spent most of the day with Rev Naomi Cooke at BDC, one of our diocesan sister-Schools. It was lovely to participate in the pumpkin soup fundraiser for the Ration Challenge in aid of refugees. As always, our Christian education challenges us to imagine lives that are not our own, and like Jesus, to be close to those who suffer and help them.

As we enter the last week of term, I wish you strength, peace and perseverance. May we continue to be grateful for all we have and all we are.

God loves you all and so do I,

Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

FunFest - Cake Stall Coordinator Needed

As part of FunFest we are looking for a Cake Stall Coordinator who is able to take on the rewarding role of arranging this important fundraiser as part of FunFest. You will be given information on how past stalls have run and we will help you recruit volunteers to assist.

So if you are the Queen of Cakes or the King of Cookies, please express your interest via pandf@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Steve Cornell
FunFest Coordinator
P&F Vice President

P & F Golf Day

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Lindisfarne @ 40 presents Thirsty Merc

Come and join us for a gala event as part of Lindisfarne @ 40 featuring live music from students, followed by Lindisfarne's favourite Aussie rockers, Thirsty Merc. This must-see event includes a two-course dinner with drinks at bar prices.

When: Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 6.30pm
Where: Twin Towns Showroom
Cost: $100
Booking Now Open

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

FUN Athletics

What a great day we had at the FUN Athletics Carnival last Friday. The students really got into the house spirit dressing in their house colours and giving their all in the House Cheers and Tug-O-War. The teachers were not to be outdone, dressing up in fabulous colours and getting right amongst all the FUN! What a sight to see the teachers in full flight in the teacher students' relays. 

The day was filled with FUN activities and the rotations were seamless thanks to our fantastic teaching staff. 

A real highlight was the Preschool classes running their sprint races. How good it was to see these young students being filled with positive encouragement and team spirit at our school from such a young age. 

Thank you to the Parents and Friends and especially to Rachel and Nic Mead for organising and providing a sausage sandwich for every child at the carnival and their time throughout the day. 

Thank you to Darren Gilmore our fantastic Groundsman, the oval and grounds looked an absolute treat, lines marked, events and tents set up perfectly, great Job!

Well done to all of our students, the carnival was ALL about FUN and participation, and looking around that is exactly what you did. You all looked to be having an amazing FUN time and there were endless amounts of enthusiasm and participation in every event. 

Nathan Croft
FUN Coordinator

From The Head Of Junior School

Another hugely exciting week in the Junior School has concluded with the immensely talented and entertaining Katie Noonan working with our Junior School choir in what was a memorable opportunity for our students.  Katie then performed for the Sunshine Avenue students bringing the campus alive with music. Singing brings such joy to children and adults alike and the chance for students to sing with a gifted performer is both unique and exciting.  

Our Green Market on Wednesday morning was once again very successful.  Early rain did not dampen the enthusiasm and I thank all parents and staff for their support of this event.  Environment is a tenant of the Round Square organisation to which the school belongs and we are committed to installing and awareness of the environment in our students.  Our recycling initiatives have proven to be popular and well supported and the students work hard to minimise waste in the school.  

In addition to this, we were very pleased to receive Tweed Woolworths Managers to Monday's Assembly to present the School with a Landcare grant.  Mrs Hetherington and Mrs Roberson submitted a proposal to create a bush tucker garden next to our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and the $1500 Woolworths grant will be very welcomed in supporting these goals.  

I was very proud on Thursday to watch our Year 4 rugby team compete in a gala day against other Gold Coast independent schools.  Hosted by All Saints Anglican School, our young team played four games and improved greatly with each outing.  For some students this was their first taste of the game played in heaven and each came off the field with smiles after giving their all.  Thank you to Mr Croft for providing this opportunity and to the parents who were in attendance to give encouragement and support.

After a short hiatus, we will have chooks returning to Sunshine Avenue shortly after the holidays.  Thanks to the work of parent, Glen Mayberry of GRM Carpentry, our chicken coop has had some additional fox proofing work completed to make our feathered friends a little safer at night time.  The chickens are very popular with students and I know everyone will be pleased to see them return.

Mark Douglas
Head of Junior School

Year 1 Science Incursion

Year 1 eyes and ears were working overtime and our brains were buzzing last Thursday when we learnt about the properties and transmission of light and sound energy.

Vicki from ‘Mad About Science’ brought in a trolley full of materials for us to participate in small-group experiments or watch as she performed light and sound magic!

I liked the part where the torchlight went through all different things like a plastic bag and a balloon and made different colours – Flynn B and Thea P.

When the crystal showed light, it was all the colours of the rainbow and it was very beautiful – Florence G and Jersey P.

The best part was putting on the spy glasses and also looking at the colours through the kaleidoscope – Jed N. 

Listening to all different things when we tapped them with the chopsticks was the best – Roxie C.

Linda Terry
Year 1 Teacher

Green Team

Green Market @ The Junior School

Green Team News

A very big thank you to everyone who donated delicious baking or handmade goods to sell at our Green Market this week. It was wonderful to see so many enthusiastic shoppers ready to purchase some healthy baking or a sustainable or handmade product. It was a huge success, raising close to $2000. Thank you to Green Team parents Sarah and Maite who worked with a group of Year 4 students making bees wax wraps and jam jar lids to sell at the Green Market.   Even though it was rainy and wet, the coffee van didn’t turn up and the parking on the oval didn’t happen (due to the wet weather) it was still a resounding success.  A special thank you to our very talented staff members Mr Scott and Mrs Gallagher for providing some beautiful tunes for us to listen to whilst we shopped.   Thank you for the support of all our Lindisfarne families. We will see you at the Green stall at the FunFest in August.  

 Jo Hetherington and Sarah Whitrod

Middle School

Year 7 Report

Heroic Habits

After several weeks of getting to know and understand our 18 heroic Habits this week we dived head first into our first journal session. Year 7 all have their own personal journal that will stay with them until the end of Year 8. It will reflect their thoughts, values, beliefs and expectations as they work through the 18 habits.

The interaction and engagement today was so encouraging as “acceptance” was explored. What is it? How do we show it?  Where do we see it? These questions bought a multitude of answers and reasonings.

Some of the classes finished today's lesson with the question “Which animal shows acceptance?” The answers were wide and varied but all justified. What would be your answer?? I will leave you to ponder that.

Julie McDowell
Year 7 Coordinator

Year 6 Report

Fred Woodley Matthews recently competed in The Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee. He progressed through to the National Finals last week. Fred was placed 14th in this stage of the competition which is an excellent result. He is to be congratulated on this fine achievement. Way to go Fred!

Kylie Thompson
Year 6 Coordinator

Senior School

Careers And VET

Year 10 students are currently selecting their subjects for next year as they enter Stage 6. This is a very important process as it can set a student up for an engaging final two years at school. As was discussed at Subject Selection Evening, while we aim for every student to graduate with the Higher School Certificate (HSC), an ATAR isn’t necessarily the most beneficial path for everyone. A student can achieve their HSC without an ATAR which can give them more flexibility in the subjects they choose. A student who opts for a non-ATAR pathway can incorporate a School-Based Apprenticeship into their timetable, or other TAFE studies, and can also choose subjects that may be more relevant to them such as Numeracy, a practical Maths course, and English Studies, an English subject that focuses on communication skills fundamental for life outside school. Please contact me with questions or concerns as you negotiate this process.

Last Wednesday I attended a panel discussion at the University of Queensland regarding Future Employability and Entrepreneurship. The University of Queensland run an Entrepreneur Accelerator program called UQ Ventures which seeks to foster student entrepreneurs and propel them towards success. Dr Dino Willox, Director of Student Employability at UQ Ventures, discussed that rather than just focus on skills, at UQ they are looking to develop capabilities in their students, that is the ability to enact a skill for purpose. The key capabilities Dr Willox identified were; critical thinking, design thinking, digital literacy and cultural understanding and inclusivity. There is not one course/ degree in this, but rather these capabilities come through a culmination of experiences. Dr Willox highlighted that a degree/qualification isn’t enough in the competitive work landscape – students need to accrue transferable skills. Therefore when selecting subjects, or indeed for our Year 11’s and 12’s when considering their future studies, this is an important consideration. We were also able to hear a mini pitch from Rachel Huang, Chief Student Entrepreneur at UQ Ventures and student of Chemical Engineering and Science. Her innovation is the Powersphere – multi directional wind turbine which generates energy in an space efficient way, eg: for use on highrise buildings. She has had the opportunity to pitch to energy giants such as AGL, who are now a customer, and she is currently undergoing a capital raising to further expand her venture. This example demonstrates the agility that is required of entrepreneurs to be technical experts, networkers, public speakers and businesspeople and the power of young people in shaping the technology of the future.

Lauren Ward
Directors of Careers and VET

Pastoral Care


Athletics Carnival Program


Saturday Netball

Due to the long weekend, there is a rest from netball this Saturday.

Round 7 is on June 19 - the first day of the holidays.

Please note that Round 8 is on June 26.

Round 7 - June 19





Pink Lions



Purple Lions



Crimson Lions



Orange Lions



Lime Lions


Bronze Lions



Aqua Lions



Yellow Lions



Blue Lions



Green Lions



Lavender Lions



Red Lions



White Lions



Silver Lions



Navy Lions



Gold Lions


The Brunswick/ Byron Carnival

We have 4 teams entered in the Brunswick/ Byron Carnival to be held at Mullumbimby on Sunday 21 June. The Crimson Lions will compete against other 9 year olds, the Bronze Lions are entered in the 11’s Division and a mixture of Green, Red and White Lions will join together to make two teams in the older age categories.

We wish all of the Lions a fun day representing the Lindisfarne Netball Club!

The Parent Support Group

The Parent Support Group are so pleased to announce the School’s appointment of a new Head Coach while Danielle Watters is on maternity leave: Suzanne Evans. Suzanne is a teacher, netball player, netball coach and mum! ... with a wide range of experience. Her role will include coaching the Division 1 Gold Lions, implementing a coaching program for all of the Centre of Excellence teams and also working with all of the Lindisfarne coaches within the Netball Club. 


RED BIB UMPIRE PRACTICAL TRAINING SESSIONS continue over the next two weeks:

DATES: Wednesday, 16 June and Wednesday, 23 June

TIME: 4.00pm - 4.45pm

WHERE: Tweed Netball Association - Arkinstall Park, Cunningham Street, Tweed Heads 

These sessions focus on Protocol, Communication (Whistle, Voice, Hand Signals), Setting Sanctions and PVT (Positioning, Vision, Timing).

Netball Centre of Excellence 

The senior girls continued with their Strength and Conditioning classes with Rory on Monday. In addition to this, before School training continued on Tuesday with a Speed and Agility session with Sam Dick and shooting practice for all Centre of Excellence GA’s and GS’s took place on Friday morning. It was wonderful to see so many girls getting goals! “Shooters of the day” were Shelby Osborne - who was first to 100, and Maya Fairweather. The aim is for the girls to improve on their score each week, to realise where they prefer to shoot from, where they have the most successful shots from and where they need to work from in the circle. They can then give feedback to their teammates regarding ball placement.

Individual and group mentoring sessions for the senior players also began in earnest last week with the girls asked to complete their goals and SWOT analysis before chatting with me about meeting their potential on the court.

Holiday Clinics

Exciting news for our future Birdies - the Firebirds Holiday Clinics are back in action these June/July school holidays and they can't wait to have you join them!

These clinics have a few special inclusions and two new locations to choose from, so you won't want to miss out! If you're in and around South East Queensland, this is the perfect way to spend a morning or afternoon!

Players aged 5-10 & 11-14 will be coached by Netball Queensland's expert coaches, along with some members of the Queensland Firebirds team (please note that due to the Firebirds in-season schedule, not all Firebirds will be in attendance). Attendees will spend the clinic working on netball skills and drills, court work, tips and tricks from the Birdies and a variety of other exciting activities.

The expert coaches encourage our players to learn new skills through game-based activities in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. No experience is necessary to participate and our clinics are open to boys and girls of all abilities.

Our Firebirds Holiday Clinics includes ‘Future Firebirds Membership’ OR a special giveaway for those who are already members.

Clinics details for 5-10 YEARS $75



Clinics details for 11-14 YEARS $95


The website link to register is here

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

From the Sports Desk

Athletics Carnival

We are really looking forward to our Years 3 to 12 Athletics Carnival next Thursday 17 June  at Walter Peate Oval, Kingscliff. The weather forecast is looking favourable at this stage.

Please note that the 800m and 400m events start before the main program, students who wish to participate in these events must make their own way to  Walter Peate Oval. Marshalling for these events will be at 7.00am for a 7.15am start. 

  • All students may register to compete in the 800m event on the day. 
  • The 400m is for secondary students only - in which we ran qualifiers during the last four weeks.

The qualifiers for Years 5 to 10 finished this week. We will be collating and releasing the Athlete's Roster on Wednesday, 16 June.

Please find the 2021 Lindisfarne athletics carnival program here.

Touch Football

The NCIS Primary Touch Football championships were held on Monday 7 June at Ballina. It was a marvellous day with all teams representing the school with pride. We had 3 teams play at the championships, one girls and two boys teams (one competitive and one participatory). 

The girls were able to defeat Emmanuel Anglican College in their grand final 3-1 after previously losing to them earlier in the day. Their defence did not give the other team a chance.

The competitive boys division was aptly named. Lindisfarne managed to make the semi-finals before bowing out of the competition after narrowly losing to Bishop Druitt College 4-3. The participatory boys were able to overcome Emmanuel Anglican College in their grand final, holding out a late comeback by the opposition. 

All students can be extremely proud of their efforts and their supportive nature. A big thank you to Danni Davis for coaching on the day.


  • Competitive boys: 3rd
  • Competitive girls: 1st
  • No-competitive boys: 1st

Liam Francis
Teacher in Charge of Touch Football


Bill Turner Cup

It was heartbreak for the Bill Turner Boys as they bowed out in Round 4 to Xavier College. Despite going behind early, our boys had the majority of the play but struggled to break through a Xavier team fiercely defending their lead. Despite the loss, the boys clearly displayed their outstanding talent and they never quit until the final whistle. I fully commend this outstanding team on a brilliant season. The U15 boys have won 8 of 9 games and have outscored their opposition 52-5. A bright football future is ahead.

John Cadman

NSWCIS Secondary Football - Olivia Kane

In further football news, as we indicated in last week's Newsletter, Olivia Kane played herself into the NSWCIS team that competed this Monday and Tuesday at Valentine Park in Sydney. All reports indicate she played very well in what would have been very elite company, scoring a goal in her preferred Striker position. Very proud of you Olivia, well done!

Rugby Union

Daley-Norton King (DNK) Cup

On Thursday 10th June, 22 Year 5 and 6 Students travelled to All Saints to represent Lindisfarne in the Daley Norton-Knight Cup. This was the first time we have entered a 15-a-side team into this competition and excitement was high as we rolled into our first match. 

The first assignment for the team was Sommerset College who were a very well-drilled outfit. With many boys new to 15-a-side rugby we were slow to get going and Sommerset flew out of the blocks and won the contest 20-0. They would end up going on to win the overall competition. 

Our boys played St Stephens College in the second match and managed to score the first try of the match. Again, we were up against a team that played together each week and we went down 25-5.

Not to be outdone, the team prepared for the second half of the competition and drew All Saints in game 3. By now the combinations in our squad were beginning to grow and the team won an arm wrestle 10-5.

This put us in the playoff for 5th/6th overall against Coomera Anglican College. Our boys saved their best game till last, playing some amazing running rugby in the process. They ended up running away with the match to finish 25-5 victors.

Overall the team finished in 5th place on the day with a 2-2 win-loss record. A wonderful achievement for a mixed Year 5/6 team playing in a Year 6 competition, with a number of our squad new to rugby union.

Congratulations to all involved in the squad:

Byron Bown, Thomas Butcher, Jack Cross, Noah Dangerfield, Logan Douglas, Guy Henry, Rhys Jones, Archie Loemker, Isidro Lopez, Jackson Macdonald, Dylan Marshall, Chase Medford, Donovan Miller,  Archie Moore, Beau Nicholson, Bowie Robinson, Malachi Tammjarv, Leo Wadsworth, Caleb Weate, Isaac Whitrod, Evan Williams, Finn Whitaker.

Well done team!

Mr Lewis and Mr Dick

Integrated Sports (Years 5 to 10)

We released our Term 3 Integrated Sports last weekend, Saturday 5 June for your selections. 

If you haven’t already made a selection for your child/ren please review the sports choices below for Term 3 and make your selection before they close at 8.00am on  Friday, 11 June. A very short instructional video can be viewed here. The most crucial step is to ensure you click on the green “submit to school” tab once you have selected the sport and this will open up the payment portal.

The sport options available can be view by clicking the links below:

Term 3 Sports Selections will be finalised through Parent Lounge, payment for your child's sport choice is required at the time of selection and their spot in that chosen sport will be secured upon payment

Please note -  some sports have a strict capacity limitation. Therefore, once they reach this quota, they will show as no places available and no longer be an option. 

To ensure you have a clear and comprehensive view of all sports options on offer, it’s recommended that you access the sports selections on a laptop or desktop as mobile phones may have a limited view and may also take longer to navigate all options on offer. 

Swapping of sports once selections and payments have been made will not be possible unless there are pastoral matters, injury or health issues that arise. Please encourage your child to liaise with friends prior to the selection date and have a second sport contingency in case their first sport choice reaches capacity.  

Tennis Terranora Term 3 After School Program 

Tennis Terranora are offering an after school program open to all Lindisfarne Students, (however there are only 20 places available). This will be held on our courts here at Mahers Lane with their Junior Coach Caleb Maxted on Tuesday afternoons. 

When: Tuesday 27 July (week 3)  and run for 6 weeks concluding Tuesday, 31 August
Time: 3:40pm to 4.40pm
Cost: $30. 

Our Lindisfarne Mahers Lane campus has a partnership with Tennis Terranora, which is a fantastic facility. Please make contact with them for any of your social or competitive tennis needs. Please have a look at their promotional video - here

If your child would like to participate please sign them up on Parent lounge through Events and Payments.

Total football Academy

Term 3 School Holiday Program

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in conjunction with Total Football Academy will be  running the School Holiday 3 day program at Mahers Lane campus on the top oval. Please see the attached flyer for full information. This will be capped at 60 students so it will be first in best dressed.

Download a copy of the flyer

Term 3 After School Program

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in conjunction with Total Football Academy are pleased to run the after-school program for soccer enthusiasts again in Term 3 at the Junior School oval, Sunshine Avenue on Monday afternoons from 3.15 to 4.15 pm.

Please see the attached flyer for full information. This will be capped at 60 students so it will be first in best dressed.

Download a copy of the flyer

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Book Review

English News

With a wonderful three week break just around the corner, it is time to start prepping a reading list! For our Year 12 students, there will be revision of texts studied as part of their HSC preparation but for others, reading for leisure will be the order of the day! Students are invited to submit their two minute book review to Mrs Wharton: kwharton@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au  more details are available in the video here

Please enjoy Mr Bedford Review of ‘The Pressure Principle’ by Dr Dave Alred.

Kylie Wharton
Acting Director of English

Lindisfarne Creative Writing Challenge

The challenge is on! Albert Einstein stated: ‘creativity is intelligence having fun’.  Who will accept the challenge to be creative? Who will use their imagination? Who will let their pen guide them to having fun and a sense of achievement?

This Lindisfarne competition is an opportunity for students to use their imagination and compose an original piece of writing in response to the provided stimulus. 

If you are a student at Lindisfarne in Stage 3 through to Stage 6 accept the challenge. Enter the competition below and start writing!

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking





Year 7 Japanese students have been learning about some cultural aspects of Japan.  In particular they have been introduced to Yuru-kyara (ゆるキャラ), literally ‘loose characters’, are cute, friendly and sometimes bizarre mascots created in Japan by government organisations, local governments, companies and individuals for the purpose of public relations. In recent years, more and more local governments (prefectures and municipalities) are competing to create their own yuru-kyara. Public awareness campaigns also often use yuru-kyara to promote their message. Japan is presently experiencing a yuru-kyara boom.

There is even a ‘Yuru-kyara Grand Prix’ held every year. 

Yuru-kyara have a major economic effect on their regional area. After the victory of Kumamon (from Kumamoto Prefecture) in the 2011 Yuru-kyara Grand Prix , Kumamon’s face appeared on 6,000 different goods sold by local businesses. That year, sales of Kumamon goods doubled from the previous year’s total to $30 million. 

The Year 7 students brief was:

  1. Design a Yura-Kyara for Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, in the Tweed Shire or a business in your local community
  2. Explain what it is promoting and how it visually represents what it is promoting.
  3.  Explain the connection between your Yuru-Kyara's name, and the place / thing it is promoting?
  4. You must think about what needs to be included to make your Yura-Kyara a winner. Some important guidelines to remember for Yura-Kyara…
  5. t must convey a love for the local area or hometown
  6. Movements or behaviours should be unique, unstable or awkward
  7. Every Yura-Kyara must have an interesting background story.
  8. They should be ‘yuri’ - meaning, unsophisticated and ABSOLUTELY loveable!

Please click the links to see the outstanding creativity of our students.

Ben Reeve

Byron Hissink

Phoebe Robins

Rio Croke-Sims - Mascot Image and Mascot Explanation

Catherine Cox
Director of Languages




Performing Arts

Private Studio Lessons

In addition to regular classes, Lindisfarne has specialist teachers who offer private tuition in Speech and Drama, Piano/Keyboard, Strings, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion and Vocal.

For students continuing with private tuition, it is assumed that lessons are continuing from term to term, for the year unless written notification is submitted to the Performing Arts Administration by the close of business on Monday of the last week of term otherwise the following term’s fees will be charged. 

For those interested in enrolling for private studio lessons for term 3, please contact Performing Arts or  complete the application forms on Parent Lounge.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


From The PDHPE Faculty

Please allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Megan, but your amazing children know me as Ms. Atwood. I am a pre-service secondary education teacher from Southern Cross University in the subject areas of PDHPE and English. For the last few weeks, I have been honoured to put my theory into practice at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School. 

My teaching philosophy centres around students learning how dynamic their unique state of health is and how this varies between individuals. I aim to equip my students with skills that can improve their quality of life, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and socially during adolescence and into their adult lives.

So far, my journey at Lindisfarne has involved learning all there is about athletics and have encouraged the students to give it a go! My personal favourite is javelin, but I have noticed a vast array of interests amongst the students.  

Last week, I was pole-vaulted (figuratively) to Tyalgum and assisted with the Year 8 camp. We had a lot of fun kayaking, raft building, hiking, orienteering, cycling, starting a campfire and even cuddling baby goats! It was awesome seeing the students work as a team, devise challenges, and collaborate to complete the tasks at hand. 

I cannot wait to see what my next three weeks have in store! 

Please introduce yourself to me if you see me at the Mahers Lane Campus.

Kind regards, 

The PDHPE Faculty

Photography and Digital Media


Science Matters

Editor’s Note

Due to a production issue, last week’s Science Matters was printed with a section omitted. We apologise for any confusion this caused and have reproduced the article this week in its entirety. 

On Wednesday, May 26, our Year 7 students were treated to the mesmerising sight of a super blood moon eclipse in ideal conditions during their camp at Mebbin. “Super” refers to the phenomenon when the moon is closer to the Earth than usual because of the elliptical nature of its orbit. Distances are pretty big in space so the moon can be up to 50 000 km closer than when it is furthest away having the effect of making it look much bigger. “Blood” refers to the colour the moon turns during the eclipse because of light from the sun shining through the Earth’s atmosphere illuminating the moon in a sort of cosmic sunset and the eclipse is caused by the Earth preventing the light from the sun illuminating the full moon.

Our students got their sleeping mats out after dinner and watched the eclipse from beginning to end. It was a magical sight watching the Earth’s shadow slowly creep across the disc of the moon and the colour change from white to dark red.  Hopefully, our Year Sevens will describe the scene to their children and grandchildren in the years ahead when they are reminiscing about their time at Lindisfarne.

Did you know there is a famous story about a lunar eclipse? Christopher Columbus (you know, the guy who sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and bumped into America) actually made four separate trips across the Atlantic ocean. On his fourth, he ran into trouble when his ships got damaged in a storm and he had to go ashore in what is now Jamaica to make repairs. At first, the native people were welcoming and helped the Spaniards by bringing them food and giving them shelter. However, the sailors did not treat the native people well and soon their attitude turned hostile towards the visitors. Columbus knew that he needed the cooperation of the locals if he and his men were to survive so he resorted to a trick.

He had one of the earliest almanacs with him (an almanac is a calendar but with lots of extra information like the phases of the moon and celestial events like eclipses). It predicted a lunar eclipse in a couple of days so Columbus called for a meeting with the native chief and told him that unless his people co-operated he would turn the moon blood red with his anger. The chief didn’t believe Columbus had such supernatural power and refused to help him. Columbus led the poor chief down to the beach at just the right time, held up his arm and…the moon slowly turned deep red. The terrified chief agreed to help the Spanish and Columbus said he would turn the moon white again, which of course he did.

This story should resonate with us today. It illustrates how people who have knowledge can manipulate those who don’t. It wasn’t that the chief was gullible or stupid, he simply didn’t know what Columbus knew. One of the (many) reasons for going to school is to protect yourself from being taken advantage of by people who know things that you don’t.

There is another reason why the story is important. If YOU  know things that another person doesn’t, it is a reflection of your character if you don’t take advantage or act superior just because of your knowledge.

Have a fantastic week in Science and be grateful that you alone among living things have evolved a sense of wonder.

Hamish Inksetter
Science Coordinator

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Homework Club

Homework Club

Please note that there will be no Homework Club next week. We look forward to welcoming the students back in Week 1 next term.

Jodie Duggan 
Learning Enrichment Team

Round Square



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Clean Up Australia

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

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Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular

Kokoda Challenge 2021

We started in the dark and arrived home in the dark but what a lot we crammed into all the hours in between. 136 Year 7 and 8 students, 36 parents and 5 super keen staff arrived early Saturday for our journey north to Brookfield Reserve and the start of the 2021 Kokoda Challenge. For Year 7 this involved a challenging 15km return walk with the first half of the walk almost all uphill. Year 8 added another 15 km to the journey and trekked 30km in anywhere from 6.5 - 8 hours. I am so immensely proud of all our students ( and parents ) for the effort they put into this day. There were sore legs and feet, blisters and other ailments but in true Kokoda style every student kept moving forward. There is so much to be learnt from these experiences, resilience when the sore feet kick in, patience with your team when one is slower and a greater appreciation of what has previously been sacrificed to allow us the freedoms and liberties we have today.

I have had nothing but positive feedback form parents and students about their day and I think one of my absolute highlights is seeing parents join their children for this experience. These opportunities decrease dramatically with high school so I feel blessed that so many parents can share this experience with their children (including a 2hr bus trip and maccas stop!!!)

We would love to see all our students return next year to further extend themselves. Our plan is to run a program that includes:

Year 7- 15km Brisbane

Year 8- 30km Brisbane

Year 9/10- 48km Gold Coast

Year 10/11- 96km Gold Coast

We then have the opportunity to nominate students for the Kokoda Kids program and hopefully in a post COVID climate start to plan to take our own teams to Papua New Guinea to have trek the actual Kokoda track.

For now we will enjoy having students challenged and motivated by this event and continue to grow our involvement.

Well done everyone

Julie McDowell and Sherpa Dwyer

Chess Club's Winning Streak Ends

On Wednesday, 2 June we hosted St John’s College (SJC) from Woodlawn, in the Library, for round three of the Country Schools Chess Teams Tournament. After four tough matches with strong opponents, St John’s College were victorious with a 4-0 'queen sweep' victory.

The players and the results for round three were: 

1) Mark Wright, SJC (1) vs Zac Holtsbaum, LAS (0)

2) Nathan Lark, LAS (0) vs Shivam Rival, SJC (1) 

3) Jacob Southwoodt, SJC (1) vs Luke Bolter, LAS (0)

4) Mia Wilkinson, LAS (0) vs Ben Davis, SJC  (1)

While the team was disappointed by the loss, they can be proud of the fact that they were one of six undefeated teams in the competition before round three. The competition continues in round four against The Rivers Secondary College Kadina High Campus in Goonellabah. The date is still to be determined but must be completed by the first Friday of Term 3.

The primary school chess excursion planned for the 9th of June did not go ahead because of insufficient numbers. Gardiner chess arranges these competitions each semester so there should be more opportunities for Year 5 and 6 students in the future.

Mr Kester discovered that there are a number of knowledgeable chess players who cannot make the Wednesday afternoon chess club. He will be trialing an additional chess club session on Friday lunchtime in the library in Term 3. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Gavin Kester



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Positions Vacant

School Psychologists

Lindisfarne is seeking two qualified Clinical Psychologists/Psychologists to join our team for the following positions:

  • Full-time Psychologist to work with students in Years 5-12 at our Mahers Lane campus
  • Part time Psychologist (3 days per week) to work with students in Preschool – Year 4 at our Junior School campus (August start)

Applications close Monday, 14 August 2021.

For more information to please visit our website via this link.

Community Vacancy

Community News

Run 4 Fyds

This event has been postponed. More details to come.

East Coast Hobbies Expo

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




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