2021 Term 3 Week 1 16 July 2021

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

As I write this week the Greater Sydney region remains in lockdown and Schools in that part of New South Wales are back to remote learning for the foreseeable future.

Regional Schools including Lindisfarne are operating face to face albeit with a few restrictions. Please see my letter to members of the School community last Friday outlining the arrangements for the start of Term 3 here. It is important that we continue to work together to support New South Wales Health restrictions and to keep our community safe.

I refer families especially to recommendations and requirements concerning masks and face coverings. In short, the Delta strain of Covid-19 has been found to be highly transmissible, often where only fleeting contact has occurred. Further, transmission in Sydney has been recorded in various age groups and a number of hospitalisations have occurred.

New South Wales Health is advocating for high levels of compliance with mask-wearing, QR code sign-in and urging those eligible for vaccination to step forward and be vaccinated.

Masks and face coverings 

While at school, masks or face coverings are recommended indoors for: 

  • all secondary school students 
  • all staff in primary and secondary school settings. 

Some exemptions apply: 

  • Staff are not required to wear a mask or face covering where it may affect the ability of a student or students to hear or engage with them, such as where clear enunciation and communication is essential. 
  • Masks or face coverings are not required to be worn by a staff member or student who has a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability, that makes wearing a mask unsuitable. For example, if they have a skin condition, an intellectual disability, autism or trauma, they are not required to wear a mask. Refer to face mask rules on the New South Wales Government website. 

Masks are mandatory on public transport. This applies to students aged 13 years and over, and staff when travelling to and from school and during school excursions by public transport or by chartered or private transport services. This includes Lindisfarne and Surfside bus services.

Head of Junior School, Sunshine Avenue Campus

Earlier this week I wrote to the community announcing the appointment of Mr Bill Garland as our Head of Junior School - Sunshine Avenue campus effective 1 January 2022. Announcement letter.

The position attracted a strong field of domestic and international candidates. Throughout the selection process, Mr Garland demonstrated a great passion and vision for Junior School education and for working with the Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School community to build on the work of the current Head of Junior School, Mr Mark Douglas. 

We warmly welcome Mr Garland and his family to the Lindisfarne School Community.


The Head of the Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise (BEE) Faculty Mr Bryan Malone is working to put together the DisruptEd program for later this year and is requesting support from the school community to be involved in both the day and our overall entrepreneur community. Parents or members of the community that wish to be involved are requested to complete an expression of interest form via this link, DisruptEd Volunteer.

Retirement of Noelene Wright ( Head of School Operations ) and Rosemary Greenup (Year 6)

In recent weeks two of our long-serving staff Mrs Noelene Wright and Mrs Rosemary Greenup have indicated their intention to retire. Both Mrs Wright and Mrs Greenup have served Lindisfarne with distinction for well over 20 years.

Mrs Wright will take long service leave from 25 October 2021 and then retire whilst Mrs Greenup will take long service leave in 2022 prior to retiring. We will duly celebrate the outstanding and respective contributions of Noelene Wright and Rosemary Greenup to the Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School community prior to the end of the 2021 school year.

Appointment of Dr Joseph Coyne

I’m delighted to announce that Dr Joseph Coyne will return to Lindisfarne as the Director of High Performance, Athlete and Sports Development. Joseph has been working in Shanghai, China as the Director of Performance at the UFC Performance Institute since departing from Lindisfarne in 2019. During this time he has also completed all of the requirements for his PhD in Sports Science from Edith Cowan University, a significant achievement.

Joseph previously held the Physical Preparation Coach role for the Chinese Athletics Association jump & sprint section from 2016-2017.  This included the 2016 Rio Olympics and the 2017 London World Championships.  Highlights from personally supported athletes in his time include 2 national records (4x100m, 200m), 2 sub 10s 100m performances, 4 long jump athletes inside the world top 20 in 2017 and 3 first-place Diamond League finishes in 2016. 

He worked as the EXOS Performance Manager for the Chinese Olympic Committee National Sports Training Center in Beijing, China from 2014-2016, where Joseph managed staff including both Chinese and foreign performance coaches & physical therapists.  This program supported athletes that won 34 medals at the 2016 Rio Olympics including 19 gold medals.  During this period he personally supported athletes who broke 6 world records and collected 25 medals (including 15 gold medals) at various world championships. 

Joseph has given over 15 lectures and workshops at a number of different international conferences including the NSCA, ASCA and UKSCA annual conferences.

Please join me in welcoming Dr Joseph Coyne and his family back to Lindisfarne. Joseph will commence on Monday, 2 August 2021.

Parent Code of Conduct

Last term I shared with you information about our Code of Conduct - Parents. I thought I’d include this in the newsletter again this week so everyone has a chance to access this important update and information.

At Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, we appreciate the education and welfare of each student requires support from the entire school community.  Following most independent schools, Lindisfarne has now developed a new Code of Conduct that guides how parents can provide that support.

The Code of Conduct – Parents is available on the School’s website here and covers a number of the School’s expectations for parents, including respectful and courteous communications; technology and social media use in connection with the school and visiting the school. 

Lindisfarne also recognises that parents ultimately want the best for their children.  Accordingly, the Code of Conduct – Parents also outlines how parents may productively raise concerns with the School so that these can be resolved.

I ask that all parents take the time to familiarise themselves with the new Code of Conduct – Parents, which is ultimately about ensuring that parents, students and staff work directly and cohesively with one another so Lindisfarne can continue providing an engaging and supportive learning experience, which achieves the best individual outcomes for all students.

As this is the first version of this new Code of Conduct – Parents, the School will review its practicality and consider changes at the end of the school year (following any feedback from parents, students and staff).

Conditions of Enrolment

The School recently updated our Conditions of Enrolment in preparation for the 2022 school year. The updated Conditions of Enrolment will take effect from 1 January 2022 and are available on the School’s website here.

Kokoda Challenge

This weekend we will have Senior School students complete the gruelling 96km and 48km Kokoda Challenge.

We have two teams in the 96km challenge and seven teams in the 48km. Thank you to Mr Jonathan Dwyer who has coordinated preparations for this event and his following team leaders of staff, school parents and Alumni.

  • Julie McDowell
  • Kelly Bedford
  • Patricia Alborough
  • Dana Dowker
  • Prue Smurthwaite
  • Andrew Fallen
  • Isabella Mor
  • Chloe Green (2019)

Thank you also to past student Lachlann McDowell (2016) of McDowell Design who has designed the commemorative Kokoda/Lindisfarne shirt that our teams will wear.

P&F Funfest and Golf Day

This week the oldest in each family was given raffle tickets to take home to support the FunFest raffle, with the major prize being an MG3 supported by Victory Ford. It is important that families keep track of the tickets and return them as soon as they are sold. We ask that all tickets (sold or unsold) are returned by Tuesday, 10 August.

The Golf Day is also drawing nearer, tickets are still available (see the P&F section) or you could give consideration to sponsoring a hole, email pandf@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au to express your interest. It is a great day out for our community and I look forward to seeing you on the course.

Tokyo Olympics

Margie Coleman and Scott Fitzpatrick have long been great supporters of Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School and Tweed/Border Hockey. All four of their children Savannah (2012), Madison (2014), Callum (2017) and Kendra (2018) attended Lindisfarne from Preschool to Year 12 and all contributed significantly to the School including being highly accomplished Hockey players!

I am thrilled to share with the School community that both Savannah Fitzpatrick and Madison Fitzpatrick are Tokyo bound as teammates and members of the Australian Hockeyroos for the Tokyo Olympics. We are beyond proud of how hard both Savannah and Madison have worked to bring this childhood dream to reality and delighted of course for the whole family!

We’ll be cheering you on from afar, as you Go for Gold in Tokyo.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


From the Chaplain

Dear Parents, Families, Staff and Students,

Welcome back to Term 3! 

I hope you are settling into the routine of studies, learning, growth and development. It’s always important to know that in the journey of life and learning we are never alone -we have our loving God who watches over us, and also the support of so many, both in our families and school community, who are there to assist, challenge and encourage us. Let us reach out for help when in need.

What is Covid-19 pandemic teaching us?

In these unsettling and difficult times, it’s important for us to learn the lessons that this pandemic is teaching us. As Friedrich Hoderlin said, where the danger is grows the saving power. To me, Covid-19 is reminding us that we are all interconnected and related. Something that started in Wuhan has now spread throughout the whole world, and we can’t nip it in the bud without collective effort. So, let’s continue to work together to keep this virus at bay, but also to take everyone along with us as we creatively rebuild our lives. Furthermore, let’s move from independence to interdependence, knowing that no one is an island and we all need help. In that way, our world will become more just, humane and compassionate.

‘Canning our homerooms’ for Fred’s Place 

Before we went on mid-semester holiday, I mentioned that I visited Fred’s Place in Tweed Heads where our homeless brothers and sisters are looked after. From that visit I discovered that the pandemic has exacerbated the sufferings of so many Australians in the Tweed Shire, and more people are turning to Fred’s Place for support. Fred’s Place needs our support to help their guests, and I wonder if we could help them.

We are encouraging all Middle and Senior School students to bring a tin or two of canned food and leave in their homerooms in weeks 3 & 4. The homeroom with the most tin food will win a free lunch by Le-Ping. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Monthly ‘Spiritual Gym’ -Family Service at Mahers Lane Chapel

The parishes of Tweed Anglicans are inviting all our parents, family and friends to join us monthly for a Family Service in the Mahers Lane Chapel. The experience of the pandemic has also reminded us about the importance of health; but we already know that holistic health is not limited to physical well-being. It also includes mental, emotional relational and spiritual well-being. This monthly service gives us an opportunity to nurture our spiritual health in order to come alive and live more fully.  The 60-minute ‘Spiritual Gym' includes uplifting music, Bible reading, a short reflection or sermon, Eucharist, healing prayers, silent meditation followed by a potluck dinner. Please view the poster below.

Don’t hesitate to email me (constantine.osuchukwu@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au) if you have any questions. Everybody is most welcome!

Weekly Christian Meditation Classes

Everyone is invited to a creative prayer session on Christian meditation on Wednesdays from 1pm -1.25pm in the Theatre Room led by me. The 25-minute meditation includes quiet music, a Bible reading or a short, recorded talk on meditation by John Main, Laurence Freeman, or other teachers in the Community, 10 minutes of silent meditation, followed by a short period for Q and A. All are welcome!

Learning how Ash Barty thinks -A Postcast from Ben Crowe (Crowie)

Just recently I listened to an inspiring podcast from Ash Barty’s mind-set coach, Ben Crowe, and thought that others who haven’t heard it might benefit from it. Please follow this link:

https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/conversations/ash-barty-sports-mentor-ben-crowe/13418314, and learn what makes Ash tick. I got a lot out of it, and I’m sure you’ll benefit from listening to the podcast.

I wish you an enjoyable and restful weekend. May we continue to see ourselves with the same joy, desire, expectation and love with which God sees us at every moment of our lives.

God loves you and so do I.

Kindest regards

Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P & F Golf Day

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social

Tips For Parents

6 Tips For Parents To Manage Group Chats

As parents you are probably aware that group chats are hugely popular with your kids (or those of the age already using devices). Group chats most commonly happen through Whatsapp, Instagram Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Messenger for Kids, and Discord. 

When it comes to Group Chats, parents and carers need to remain vigilant as often these conversations can spiral into drama, nasty behaviours,
exclusion (someone being “outsided”) and bullying. 

Group chats can be helpful and harmful so we wanted to raise your attention here so you can make sure positive practices are in place within your home.

6 Tips For Parents:

1. Encourage your child to keep group chats positive, helpful, and supportive. 

These are not places to whinge about someone else, reveal our intimate secrets, or create drama, gossip, or spread rumours.

2. Teach them how to leave. If a chat is getting toxic, bullying is happening or 

images circulated, or anything that may be deemed illegal, take a screenshot and log out, so they do not find themselves in a “guilty by association” situation if something gets reported.

3. Make sure they know they should not feel compelled to respond straight away 

or be a part of every single interaction.

4. Avoid using it late at night.

5. Make sure your child knows if a friend leaves a chat they must not re-add them 

without asking for their permission first.

6. If getting overloaded with alerts, change the way chat notifications appear. Make 

those pings silent and invisible quickly on both Android and iOS. On Android, open up Settings, go to Apps & notifications, and choose an app to make changes. On iOS, take even more control over the alerts style: From Settings, pick Notifications, then tap on a particular messaging app to see the available options. 

Online Grooming on Kiss Kiss Spin the Bottle App

ALERT FOR PARENTS: We’re bringing to your attention to an app called Kiss Kiss Spin the Bottle after the police have notified us that online grooming is taking place through this app.

For those unfamiliar with the app, it’s designed to connect complete strangers. This is the description on the app store: "Complete fun and simple tasks to find a multitude of new friends. Chat and flirt with people you like, participate in friendly matches, get more kisses than anyone else and win in contests."It gamifies inappropriate conversations in chats, offering rewards and prizes for interactions with strangers.

We encourage parents to check your kids phones and remove this app immediately. There is nothing safe about it. It has an age recommendation of 17+ but when you sign up it says that you cannot add an age under 4yrs!

If you suspect online grooming is happening to your child, please contact your local Police or Crimestoppers Immediately . We continue to support these teachings in school through the Safe On Social Toolkit program we have rolled out this year. 


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


FunFest Tickets - PS5 Lucky Door Prize

FunFest tickets will go on sale soon, and this year, all ticket holders go in the draw for a lucky door prize. The lucky door prize is a PS5 and more details will be released shortly on when and how to buy your tickets.

Steve Cornell
Parents and Friends Association

Call for Auction Items

If you or your business would like to support the FunFest Auction through the donation of good or services then contact:

Steve Cornell
P&F Vice-President
0497 145 834

Welcome FunFest Sponsors

Tate Brownlee, Kristen Merrion and the team at Tate Brownlee Real Estate have been constant supporters of FunFest for many festivals. We once again welcome them as our Auction Sponsors.

Visit www.tatebrownlee.com.au to find about more about the best in the market.

Evict the Squatters, is a professional pest control company, owned and operated by Grant Dee, a fully licensed and insured accredited pest controller.

The person advising and quoting you is the person doing the job and responsible for the overall outcome.  Grant focuses on customer satisfaction with guaranteed solutions.

Grant is running a FunFest special, with $20 off any general pest treatment for Lindisfarne families. Visit https://www.evictpest.com.au/ to Evict the Squatters from your home.

Win a MG3 - FunFest Raffle

The major raffle prize for FunFest 2021 is an MG3, proudly supported by Victory Ford. All funds raised will help the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) provide additional amenities for the children of our school. 

This year we are distributing the tickets in a different manner to previous raffles. Last week the eldest child in each family was sent home with a book of five (5) tickets. The tickets are priced at $25.00 each. We kindly ask each family to sell the first four (4) tickets for a total of $100.00, with the fifth ticket provided as a bonus ticket for each family that returns their book with four (4) tickets sold and the correct money enclosed in the provided envelope.

You can sell more than one book if you wish, extra books can be arranged from Reception at either campus. We kindly ask all tickets (sold or unsold) are returned no later than Tuesday, 10 August 2021.

Thank you for your support.

Book Stall Donations

Whole School News

Green And Gold Day - 30 July 2021

Green & Gold Day is on Friday 30 July 2021

Green & Gold Day is to celebrate the achievements of our Australian Team competing in Tokyo. This day is about painting the country in our national colours and being proud of Australia’s sporting achievements.

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School is going to show our pride of our nation’s athletes, particularly alumni students Savannah and Madison Fitzpatrick. The sisters will do their Green and Gold playing for the Hockeyroos.


Madison Fitzpatrick

Date of Birth: 14/12/1996 

Number: 10 Position: Defender

Caps: 80    
Goals: 17
Home Town/ State: Cabarita Beach, NSW

Debut: 5/9/2015 v Korea @ Perth

Part of the national women’s development squad in 2015, Madison Fitzpatrick made her debut at the Perth Korean Tests in September 2015, six months after older sister Savannah made her senior international debut.

Maddie was part of the winning 2013, 2015 and 2016 Australian Hockey League team, the Queensland Scorchers, while she won bronze at the 2016 Junior World Cup. Standing tall, Fitzpatrick’s penalty corner drag flick is a force to be reckoned with.

Studying a double degree in a Bachelor of Psychology and Business at Curtin University, Maddie wants to become a criminal psychologist after hockey.

Savannah Fitzpatrick

Date of Birth: 4/02/1995 

Number: 32 Position: Striker

Caps: 66
Goals: 15
Home Town: Cabarita Beach, NSW

Debut: 2/04/2015 v China

Savannah debuted for Australia in April 2015 against China in Sydney. She got irregular opportunities before firmly breaking into the side in late 2017, as part of the International Festival of Hockey and the Japan Test Series where she scored four goals in eight games and earned a spot in the 2018 National Senior Women’s Squad.

She was part of Australia’s 2018 Commonwealth Games team and got a late call-up to the 2018 World Cup team. Savannah comes from a hockey family, playing alongside her younger sister Maddie within the national set-up. Her childhood hero is Hockeyroos great Nikki Hudson and she has the ambition to be a primary school teacher.

Both of the girls have frequently visited the School to teach and coach hockey to our primary and middle school students alongside their mum Margie Coleman. 

They are an inspiration to us all! Go, Girls!

Enjoy a Clip of the girls on game day.

Gay Maynard
Teacher of PDHPE

Lindisfarne Bus Passes

All students at Sunshine Avenue Campus are required to have a “blue tag” for travelling on Lindisfarne buses.  If a blue tag is lost, please email bus@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au and a replacement blue tag will be issued at no cost.

All students at Mahers Lane Campus are required to have a “bus pass” for travelling on Lindisfarne buses and these must be swiped each day when boarding the bus.  If the pass is lost, payment of $5.00 cash/credit card is to be made at Mahers Lane reception or can be paid by credit card over the phone.  Once payment is made, a replacement card will be issued at the Senior Library.

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Curriculum Update

Welcome back to Term 3 and the start of Semester 2. This is the final term of formal schooling for the Class of 2021 and the students will be sitting their Trial Higher School Certificate written examinations in a few weeks' time. During the term break there were revision sessions and workshops held everyday and I would like to thank the teachers for giving up some of their holidays to work with the students. 

NESA (NSW Education and Standards Authority) will continue to give updates due to the situation in Greater Sydney. I will email updates if they affect our students at present the message from NESA as of 15 July 2021 is as follows:

“Students should continue working on their major works, studying for their oral language exams and rehearsing for their performance exams.

NESA is continuing to work closely with NSW Health and the school sectors to plan contingencies for HSC exams.

We will always follow the Health advice to prioritise the safety and health of students, exam staff and school communities.

Arrangements are in place to ensure no student is disadvantaged by COVID restrictions.

The COVID illness and misadventure process is available to students who experience a COVID-related event at the time of an HSC exam.

Practical, Performance and oral exams

We are focusing on plans for the first HSC oral language exams on 31 July and the dance exams, which are due to start on 2 August.

We will publish an update mid next week about the 31 July oral language exams, the dance exams and practical exams.”

The link below has some great information to support students in the lead up to the HSC Stay Healthy HSC hub


ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Digital Technologies. Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition. Every student will receive a certificate and an online result report. Top performers will be eligible for medals and are invited to attend special award ceremonies to have their academic excellence publicly recognised.

The ICAS assessments are not compulsory; however, we are making them available for students wishing to extend themselves academically and take up the personal challenge of competing in an international assessment. Students who are in Ad Astra classes or accelerated programs in Mathematics and or Science are strongly encouraged to complete ICAS. The assessments do not require prior study or revision. There are practice papers available on the  ICAS website if students would like to see the types of questions asked. ICAS Assessments are now online, a move that reflects a sector-wide transition to computer-based assessment. This allows greater accessibility for students and faster delivery of results.

Students from Year 2 to Year 12 have the option of sitting ICAS Assessments as per the schedule below: 

Digital Technologies Years 5 to 10. Testing date in Term 3 week 5 

Spelling Bee Year 5 to 7 Testing date in Term 3 week 5 

English Year 3 to 12 Testing date in Term 3 week 6

Science Years 2 to12 Testing date in Term 3 week 7

Writing Year 5 to 12 Testing date in Term 3 week 7 

Mathematics Year 2 to 12 Testing date in Term 3 week 8

Specific days for the Assessments at Lindisfarne will be determined once registrations are complete. 

Each Assessment costs between $17.05 - $21.45 ICAS registration and fees must be paid online before 19 July 2021 via parent lounge

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Year 8 News

NAIDOC Week 2021
Theme: Heal Country

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sites are being lost at an alarming rate. When the 46,000-year-old Juukan Gorge rock shelters were destroyed by mining company Rio Tinto, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura peoples lost this sacred site forever. 

We used this as a talking point in our Year 8 Pastoral Care lesson this week then discussed - What are some of the measures being taken to prevent the destruction of sacred sites? Are there additional measures you can think of that might aid prevention?

Students then reflected on the proposed light rail path across Tallebudgera Creek that may affect Jellurgal sacred sites (shell middens, fish traps and artefact sites).  Below are some examples of students' work - they chose a sacred site that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are trying to save and protect today then created a poster to inform the public about the issue.

Amber Phillips
Year 8 Coordinator

Stage 3 'Olympics' Disco

Stage 3 Report

As usual at the beginning of any term, Stage 3 has gotten straight back into the swing of things and the semester break now seems like a distant memory. We hope that you were able to enjoy some downtime during the three weeks and are well rested and recharged for the term ahead.

Camp for both Year 5 and 6 are scheduled for this term and we will keep families updated as we hear any news. Students in Year 5 will need to be registered for our camp at Lake Ainsworth with the NSW Office of Sport via this link. Mrs Thompson is in contact with the camp coordinators and we are monitoring the developments in Sydney very closely. A decision will be made by the end of the month as to whether camp proceeds or dates are changed to later in the year.

Year 5

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them Fairy Tales” – Albert Einstein

 In our English unit this term, Year 5 will investigate Fairy Tales. Students will be exposed to the nuance of adaption through the exploration of fractured fairy tales. They will investigate how subtle changes can change the context of a story and therefore the perspective the audience develops. Students will study a range of print and digital media that explore these concepts, with the movie ‘Shrek’ being a particular highlight! 

Our Integrated Studies unit of work has a focus on energy and forces. Year 5 students will explain how energy is transformed, describe the difference between contact and non-contact forces, as well as investigate how electrical energy can control movement. The culminating activity will be for students to design a game for the FunFest, which will demonstrate their knowledge of energy and forces through the choice of their game.

Year 6

This term in Integrated studies the students will be investigating what led to Australia becoming a nation. This topic moves from colonial Australia to the development of Australia as a nation, particularly after 1901. Students explore the factors that led to Federation and experiences of democracy and citizenship over time. Students understand the significance of Australia's British heritage, the Westminster system and other models that influenced the development of Australia's system of government. Students learn about the way of life of people who migrated to Australia and their contributions to Australia's economic and social development.

Our English unit explores the changes to democratic and citizenship rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples since 1900. Students are led into issues through famous Australian speeches. They will explore how authors use language in creative ways to persuade and describe, and how people use written and spoken language to suit social purposes and address particular audiences. They will apply a range of strategies to make meaning from texts, including the biographical novel ‘Follow the

Rabbit-Proof Fence’, lyrics of ‘From Little Things, Big Things Grow’ and ‘Took the Children Away’, documents such as the Gurindji petition to Lord Casey, transcripts of Gough Whitlam’s and Vincent Lingiari’s speeches from 1975, and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s Apology to the Stolen Generations speech in 2008.

During Maths we will focus on the following concepts this term; time, multiplication and division (BIDMAS), pattern and algebra, length, perimeter and area. The first two weeks see the students investigating the use of 24 hour time, timetables and timelines.

The Stage 3 team looks forward to a successful term with your children as we continue to support them on their learning journey.

Amy Williamson and Kylie Thompson
Year 5 and Year 6 Coordinators 

Senior School


Senior School News

Red Earth

Pleasingly, the preparations for our first Cape York Indigenous Immersion is going well. We now have over 20 students from Years 8-11 signed up to take part in the trip that will run from September 28- October 6. Students will have the rare opportunity to make real connections with Indigenous Australians living on their own land who have maintained a deep connection to their culture and history. They will learn from Elders and Traditional Owners, and play with young Indigenous children eager for a window to the outside world. The group will stay in safe areas on privately held Aboriginal land, not accessible outside of this setting. They will learn, make, gather, eat, give, grow and connect with Traditional Owners and Indigenous Australia. 

We still have some spaces left. If there are any other families who would like further information. Please feel free to contact me on kate.cornell@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Enhanced Studies Program

The UQ Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) is available for students to study a university course during their Year 12 studies. Congratulations to Year 12 student, Madeleine Warner who has just received a High Distinction in Calculus and Linear Algebra. This course is aimed at students who are interested in advanced mathematics and are planning to major in mathematics at University. This is a significant achievement by Madeleine and is a sure sign of her success in a career in STEM.


On Tuesday, It gave me great pleasure to present Year 11 student, Monty Lush a certificate of recognition for his service to the RSL and wider community. An accomplished trumpeter, Monty has played the Last Post and Reveille at ANZAC and Remembrance Day Services in the local area for a number of years. Whilst Monty does not serve for praise - it was wonderful to have his significant contributions recognised by the RSL.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Careers And Vet

At the end of Term 3 a group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students attended the Screen Futures event in Lennox Head which was facilitated by Byron Studios, TAFE NSW, SAE Institute and Southern Cross University. Delivered in a TV show format with students as audience members, the event was designed to give students an insight into the Film and Television industry that is growing in Australia, particularly in Northern NSW. Students heard from a panel of experts including cinematographers, screenwriters, producers, location scouts and various other professionals in the industry. They also had time to ask questions and explore some of the equipment used in the field. This was a great opportunity to hear more about a booming industry in our local area.

As we progress through Term 3 Year 11 students will begin to think about their subject mix for Year 12 and whether they may drop back to 10 units. Students are encouraged to book in a time to speak to me about their changes if they are unsure.

There are a number of upcoming Open Days being run by our local Universities, which may be of particular interest to our Year 12 students:

  • Bond University - 7th August - Gold Coast Campus (Also running a virtual Open Day on the 24th of July)
  • Griffith University - 8th August - Gold Coast, Nathan and Southbank campuses
  • QUT - 24th July - Brisbane (Also running virtual sessions on 25th of July)
  • University of Queensland - 1st August - St Lucia Campus (Also running virtual sessions on the same day)

Due to COVID restrictions I encourage you to check in for the requirements for each University as some sessions will require registrations for in person events.

Please also see this link for the Options Career Bulletin for further information on Careers and VET.

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and VET

Dare To Dream 2021

It is well-documented that women are underrepresented in leadership roles across almost all industries in the Australian workforce. Whilst Australia is making progress on many aspects of gender equality, female representation in key decision-making roles continues to be a cause for concern. 

Pleasingly, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School bucks these trends with strong women in prominent leadership roles in both the School Executive and the School Council. Further, Lindisfarne always looks for opportunities for its young women to see female leaders working hard to affect change.

Last term, female students in Year 10-11 were privileged enough to participate in Dare to Dream. The girls heard stories that were inspirational, aspirational and motivational from three incredible speakers - Marion Charlton (COO Gold Coast Airport), Felicity Evans (CEO IMBIBE Living) and Phebe Starr (Electropop singer/songwriter).

The 2021 D2D highlights are featured in this video: 

Kylie Wharton
Dare to Dream Coordinator

Pastoral Care


Junior School Sport and PDHPE

Jump Rope For Heart 

Jump Rope for Heart kicks off this term at the Junior School!

 Jump Rope for Heart is a fantastic physical activity and fundraising program that has been run by the Heart Foundation for over 36 years. It’s a great way for your child to keep fit and learn new skills, but it also helps raise funds for vital heart research and education programs.

 Since Jump Rope for Heart started in 1983, schools like ours have raised more than $104 million for the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving work.

It’s important you register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. www.jumprope.org.au/parents

Students will be skipping throughout the term in PE lessons. We will also be running Skipping Club starting in Week 3 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. During this time you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.

We will hold our school Jump Off Day on Friday 10 September, this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. More information about the Jump off day will follow later in the term. 

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Skipping Club

Skipping Club will kick off in week 3 this term. It will run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7.30am on the Basketball Courts. At this stage it will be for students only, however, we would love for parents to join us later in the term once restrictions ease. 

Spotlight on Students 

Summer Immisch, in class 2M competed in the ‘flirt with dirt’ run series on the Gold Coast over the last 3 months. She ran the 2km course at three different events and came 1st, 1st and 2nd making her the Series Champion and received a bucket of prize money for her efforts. 

Congratulations Summer all that Cross Country Training has really paid off! Well Done!

Nathan Croft
Junior School PDHPE and Sport 

Netball News

July 1, 2021

Congratulations to Danielle Watters who welcomed George and Charlotte into the world during the holidays. 

Saturday Netball

Round 9 is this Saturday, 17 July. Only four game-days left of the season before finals!

Please let your manager know immediately that you will be available for this weekend.

Please follow the draws that your manager has received from me - the same as the ones published in the newsletter - as the app is not always reliable!

Ignore the NetballConnect App!

It is our Duty Round next week - Saturday, 24 July.

Please volunteer your time - especially if you were unable to assist with our last duty and fundraising day. Your managers will contact you about this. 

Round 9 - July 17 






Pink Lions




Purple Lions




Crimson Lions




Orange Lions




Lime Lions



Bronze Lions




Aqua Lions




Yellow Lions




Blue Lions




Green Lions




Lavender Lions

Silver Lions



Red Lions



White Lions




Silver Lions

Lavender Lions



Navy Lions




Gold Lions



Specialist Training Sessions

Please see the information re: a Shooting Workshop at Tweed and register if you are interested:

Club Carnivals

Well done to the four teams who entered the Brunswick/ Byron Carnival held at Mullumbimby on Sunday 21 June. 

The Crimson Lions had a fabulous day competing on the grass courts against other 9-year-olds. The Bronze Lions mixed it up and played in pretty much every position on the court! Great to have Kayla Mupunga from the Lime Lions join us! Highlight of the day was Lily McCormack scoring three consecutive long-bombs as GS!

A mixture of Green, Red and White Lions joined together to make two teams in the older age categories. Congratulations to the 13-year-olds team who were Runners-Up.


We have 11 teams playing at the Nicole Cusack Club Carnival on Sunday 1 August!:

The Glitter Bombers, and the Gold, White, Red, Green, Blue, Bronze, Aqua, Lime, Crimson and Orange Lions! Now we have to find umpires!!!

The Parent Support Group

The Parent Support Group is welcoming Suzanne Evans with a “Meet the new Lions Head Coach” on Tuesday, 27 July at Terranora Pavilions. All PSG members, Coaches and Managers are invited to attend from 6.30pm onwards. We will have light refreshments to share. Please RSVP to president Narelle Hodges.


Tweed are hosting another FREE workshop for all umpires on Monday, 19 July.

National A Badge, Stewart Ting will be discussing the rules!

Please RSVP to umpireconvenor.tweednetball@gmail.com by Friday 16 July.

Calling all Umpires! PLEASE would you contact me if you have experience umpiring and would consider returning to help out on Saturdays? 

We have a number of novice umpires but would like to entice a few of the more senior girls and parents back to officiating. What would be a reasonable incentive for you to return?!

Netball Centre of Excellence 

Unfortunately the State Championships have been postponed due to Covid. Next holiday now! However, Anna Haubek and Lara Marshall, with manager Ruby Sullivan, enjoyed their last carnival at the beginning of the break. They were runners-up after being narrowly defeated by Ballina 8 - 6. 

The Red Lions enjoyed some team-time away from the court after the Round 8 game at Tweed/ Coolangatta Bowling. Thanks to marvellous manager Amanda for organising the trip.


Holiday Training

Well done to the girls and boys who trained on 2 Thursdays over the holidays in preparation for the competitions in Week 2.  Both weeks we had enough to play games as well as complete drills at Arkinstall Park for an hour. It was fun too!

The Far North Coast Regional Finals for the Stage 3 Girls will now be held in Casino on Monday 9 August. The Secondary Stage 4 and 5 Boys and Girls Finals have been postponed due to COVID. They will not take place on Tuesday, 20 July, but on Tuesday 10 August in Lismore.

On Thursday, 22 July, Lindisfarne will host the NCIS Championships at Arkinstall Park and have Boys and Girls in the 15’s and Under and Open Divisions.

NCIS Championships = Thursday 22 July - Tweed

15’s and Under 

15’s and Under 

Claudia Arghyros

Zephyr Togo

Annie Hammond

Joseph Maynard

Ava Taylor

Jules Loemker

Bonnie Starling

Trishul Sivabalan

Ella Mitchell

Thomas Ojiako-Pettit

Lily Hodges

Fletcher Burdekin

Tiggi Groves

Liam Reardon

Jamie Mifsud

Brodie McDowell

Sienna Phelps

Zac Brims

Poppy Burdekin

Brock Osborne

Open Girls - Gold Lions

Open Boys - Lion Kings

Giselle Smith

Oliver Churchill  

Amber Orr

Jayden O’Rourke 

Ruby Sullivan

Fletcher Koppel 

Ebony Richards

Corban Thomson 

Tahlia Evans

Hayden Brims

Abby Pirotta

Lewis Koppel

Gracie Lynch

Will Georgakopoulis

Samantha Harvey 

Connor Wilson

Tobi Chapman

Sam Cox

Yasmin Scott

Jake Sands

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 

Teacher in Charge of Netball

Spotlight On Flynn Southam

Flynn Southam has been selected on the Australian Junior Team for 2021 - which is no surprise to any of our community who has been monitoring his incredible results. This team was supposed to head off to compete at Kazan in Russia, for the World Junior Championships in August -  but like most international activities has been indefinitely postponed due to COVID-19. 

Instead, the competition will be a camp and swimming meet held at Chandler In Brisbane in August - full details here

The Juniors will be versing the University team, which also had their international meet indefinitely suspended.
This event will be telecast free from Swimming Australia Via Swim TV - link here for those interested in watching. 

Spotlight On Jordan Nichols

Jordan Nichols attended a camp during the school holiday break for the Qld Pathways 8.

The QLD Squad were supposed to be at a National Regatta in Adelaide but COVID-19 directives stifled that opportunity. 

We wish Jordan all the best at the South Qld Schools Championship next weekend.

(Jordan pictured third from the right) 

Spotlight On Finley Bartell And Eliza Fahey

Congratulations to Finlay Bartell and Eliza Fahey who have been selected in the QLD U13 State team to play at Nationals in Hobart later in the year. Their selections were made whilst playing at the Hockey Queensland Tournament in the holidays. Further congratulations to Finlay who was named Goalkeeper of the Tournament.

From The Sports Desk

Welcome back everybody. We have enjoyed two terms of sport going full steam ahead without COVID-19 being an impediment. However, the last couple of weeks have demonstrated the fragility of our circumstances at this present time with the pandemic still very much a major issue, leading to numerous cancellations and directives coming back into play. 

CIS Cancellations and Postponed Sports

Events in the First Two Weeks of Term 3:

In line with the Premier’s announcement regarding the extension of COVID-19 restrictions for Greater Sydney, the following events have been postponed:

- NSW All Schools Secondary Opens Hockey Tri-Series on Monday 19 July 2021 at Newcastle;

- NSW All Schools Secondary Water Polo Quad-Series from Thursday 22 July 2021 to Friday 23 July 2021 at Woy Woy;

- NSW All Schools Secondary 15years Touch Football on Saturday 24 July 2021 to Sunday 25 July 2021 at Narrabeen;

- NSW PSSA Netball Championship from Monday 19 July to Wednesday 21 July 2021.

With the current COVID-19 restrictions for Greater Sydney, we are conscious that these events require travel for a number of families and staff therefore wish to provide as much notice as possible.

We will investigate dates and venues with a view to running the events later in the year and will provide regular updates for students, families, staff and schools.

Monday 19 July:

NSW All Schools Open Boys Hockey Tri-Series - POSTPONED

NSW All Schools Open Girls Hockey Tri-Series - POSTPONED

NSWPSSA Netball Championships - Menai (Sydney East) - POSTPONED

To view the full calendar, head to the NSWCIS website: Events


Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding efforts at our Lindisfarne Athletics Carnival.

The new records found -  here a fabulous effort to all of you appearing on this sheet.. 

The Age Champions and Runners Up sheets have been updated (for the 8-10 Girls, well done Elke Knapp) - please find attached here.

Just to recap for anyone, the final results and times for the full carnival can be found -  here.

Touch Football

Congratulations to the following students that were selected to represent CIS at the NSW All Schools Secondary Touch Football.


Giselle Smith

Ebony Richards

Grace Denny

Under 15’s

Kiara Denny

Declan Brown

Please note that our training squads for all secondary students is every Wednesday afternoon from 3.30 - 5.00pm, with our coach Danni Davis. This is an opportunity for all students to attend, and is played on the top oval.


The U18 Queensland Championships

The U18 Queensland Championships were held in Rockhampton over the holidays. Jacob Sands (Captain), Brodie McDowell, Rupert Fahy, Flynn Howarth and Jack Furness all competed throughout the tournament with Jack Furness also being named in the Queensland U18 Squad.

Marquardt and Tobias Cup

The last day of Term 2 saw our Hockey teams compete in the Tobias and Marquardt Cup in Ballina. The boys team came from behind to win 5-3 and the girls team had a comfortable 4-0 win.

Hockey Coaching Sessions with Nathan Eglington

Competitive Hockey players in Years 5 to 12 are invited to sign up to small group coaching sessions with Nathan Eglington. Students will be placed in groups of 3-4 with other players of similar ability. The program consists of three sessions at a cost of $100. Students will be withdrawn from class during Term 3 to participate. Sessions will run for the length of the class the student is withdrawn from. This program is available only to students who currently play competitive Hockey.

Please sign up and pay through Parent Lounge, under events and payments, prior to Friday 23rd July. For any further queries please contact Mrs Kelly Bedford.

Our Hockey teams will get some further opportunities for matches in the upcoming Northern Rivers Catholic Colleges Gala day - let's hope that COVID-19 directives don’t impact what should be a great day's competition.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

Buzz From BEE

Help Needed

As per previous years I am looking for volunteers from the community to help with DisruptED 2021 on October 6 to share their own experiences and expertise. If you are interested in helping run a workshop or keynote, or interested in being involved in Entrepreneurship at Lindisfarne please complete this google form and I will be in touch.

ASX Stockmarket Game

Commerce students will be undertaking an Investing topic this term, as part of this study they will be taking part in the ASX game. This is open to all students in the school who would like to take part. We will hold our first ever annual Investing championship, with a prizes for the Middle and Senior School.

The Game will run 19 August – 28 October 2021, but I need to register our syndicate by July 25.

Students receive a virtual $50,000 they can invest over a 10 week period, in over 200 companies listed on the ASX. The prices students buy and sell at are the same prices as they would get in the live market so this is as close to real life share trading as you can get.

 As a result of playing the Game students will:

  • Develop their knowledge of the sharemarket
  • Learn how to research companies
  • Discover the importance of wise investment decisions
  • Gain a greater knowledge of economic and world events
  • Begin to learn more about investing which is beneficial for their future

Please register with me, each team only has to register once, but include all team members correct names and emails.

Kidpreneur (Junior School Club)

Starting August 5, BEE staff will be running an Entrepreneurship Club in the Junior School for Year 3 and 4. This club will teach students the skills needed to succeed in enterprise, by running and promoting entrepreneurship activities throughout the school year. If you haven't signed up yet or contacted Mr Malone, please complete this form.

Bryan Malone 
Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

New VEX Robotics

New VEX Robotics gear has arrived!

The global market for robots is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of around 26% each year to just under $210 billion U.S dollars by the year 2025. 

This is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and it has been a privilege to see our students engage with our eLions programme. Our students have been balancing a lot of fun learning how to design, build, program and control robots to compete in competitions with VEX products.

After a long wait, the new VEX robotics gear and fields for the Junior (IQ) and Senior (V5) competitions have arrived. Our teams have been preparing every lunch for the last 4 months for the new game to be released for the next round of the VEX international robotics competition. The game fields have been constructed and our teams are ready to complete.

Junior (IQ)

Our Junior teams have grown to 28 members from a variety of grades in the middle school. This year’s game is called “pitching in” and a video for it can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je_LJcpxtik&t=3s). Students build their robots out of plastic parts that are very similar to lego to compete in the international competition. This year’s game involves building a moving catapult to throw hackysacks into a box in the centre of the ffield. Before the end of the game the robots must hang off one of the many bars that are on the field.

The IQ programme teaches students how to be cooperative with the two teams competing having to work together to earn as many points as possible together. Students learn how to assist each other to play the game as effectively as possible. A lot of unique ideas are shared at our lunch time sessions where teams have been striving to the best robot for the competition.

Our members have spent the last week constructing the field to play on which involved over 1000 pieces! Our 4 teams have already built their first prototypes this week and are starting to practice the game for the end of year competition.

A very special thank you to Junior Team Captains Alexandria Larsen, Lil Proart, Nicolas Leotta and James Cunnah for their leadership of their groups. They have been coming into the robotics lab every lunch time to learn about robotics and develop their understanding of fundamental concepts.

We are also very fortunate to now have the Middle Elective time allocated for students. This gives them 2 hours every fortnight to improve their robots and programming skills. A special thank you to Mrs Catherine Cox for assisting me with providing this opportunity for students.


The seniors have also been fortunate to have received their game elements for this season. This year they will be playing “tipping point” which can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8XcvADUXTE). Students will create their robots out of metal parts and have significantly more powerful motors than the IQ products. This year students will be building a robot to pick up rings and play a mobile game of horseshoes with the rings. Before the game ends the robots need to be driven onto a see-saw and balanced.

The game is slightly different compared to the IQ game. 2 teams of 2 separate robots compete against each other to earn as many points as possible. Students learn both how to work with new robots and teams, but also how to identify the tactics of the opposition.

Maddison Warner and Brade Dale are this year’s Senior Team Captains and have been leading their teams to create their prototypes this week. They have been instrumental with preparing their groups and their hard work has been appreciated.

This year’s vex IQ teams are full, but students can still apply to be part of the V5 competition (Grades 9 - 12). We meet every lunch time in PE 13 and have a real chance this year of placing in the state competition with an opportunity to go to the national competition.

Finally a very special thanks to the Parents and Friends of Lindisfarne that were very generous with their support in buying the robotics equipment. We are the first school in the Northern NSW region to have a fully functional Robotics Lab and it would not be possible without their assistance.

If you have any interest in Robotics and would like to be involved, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.

See you on the field!

Steve Henderson
Director of TAS

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Senior Play - Debra Oswald's 'Stories in the Dark'

For the past term, years 10 & 11 Drama have been busy rehearsing our senior play, Debra Oswald's "Stories in the Dark". This collaborative effort sees our Year 11's in the lead as Anna, a street smart sixteen year old, and Tomas, a twelve year old farm boy. Both have lost their parents as war rages around them, and together they develop a friendship, strengthened by the stories they tell in the dark to ease their fears. These stories and their fanciful array of characters are brought to life by the year 10 class. 

This Australian play is essentially a universal story about love and friendship. Being brave in the face of adversity and showing kindness and compassion even in the most difficult of circumstances. Students have been learning not just the craft of acting, but also how to create sets and atmosphere using the simple 'milk crate' as a set - reminiscent of the metal skeleton left when a building's facade has been damaged in war, and symbolic of the characters' own inner strength when the facade is dropped. It is a heartwarming story, tinged with sadness, and one that we're sure you will enjoy. 

Performing at this community venue will give our students an authentic performance experience and showcase the fine work of Lindisfarne drama.

Students will be performing this work at the Citadel in Murwillumbah on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd July. 

Loretta Visser
Drama Teacher

Germinate Records

Trip To Airlock Studios

Trip To Airlock Studios

Senior music production students recently visited Airlock Studios in Brisbane. Owned and run by Ian Haug from Powderfinger, Airlock is a busy studio with multiple recording rooms, two in-house producers and accommodation. Some of the biggest names in the business have recorded at Airlock including Amy Shark, Powderfinger and Kate Miller-Hiedke. Ian and the studio manager, Steve Kempnich, were fantastic with the students, giving us a tour of the studio and the opportunity to observe part of a recording session.

Pictured: Oscar Veldhoven, Ronan Green, Finn Condon & Ian Haug

Brett Canning
Recording Studio Producer

Holiday Recording Sessions

Holiday Recording Sessions

Preparations are well underway for our next Germinate Records release. There were several recording sessions held over the holidays with senior songwriting and music production students.  It is fantastic to see students collaborating and using the recording studio to produce their music. We have some excellent new music coming soon!

Pictured: Ronan Green, Finn Condon and Jemma McNicoll

Brett Canning
Germinate Records



July 14 to 20 is National Diabetes Week. 

A staggering 1.1 million Australians live with Diabetes. National Diabetes week is an event that aims to raise awareness around diabetes. 

The focus of Diabetes Week 2021 is "Heads Up on Diabetes and Stigma". 

More than 80% of people with diabetes report being judged, shamed or blamed for living with a serious health condition. And more than 25% of people say attitudes and stereotypes about diabetes have negatively impacted their mental health. The condition has a negative image.

Nobody chooses to get diabetes – no matter what type of diabetes they have. Therefore, nobody should be blamed or shamed for having diabetes.

This year, we are being asked – “Would you mind being blamed for a condition anyone could develop?”

"People with diabetes mind."

This National Diabetes Week, let’s work together to end the blame and shame.

The PDHPE Faculty

Photography and Digital Media


Science Matters

Welcome back for Term 3. How was your holiday? Did you make plans to go somewhere only to have them disrupted by the new outbreak in Sydney? Do you have family overseas who haven’t been able to visit? It is frustrating and annoying when your holiday is wrecked but spare a thought for the business owners who were counting on school holiday travellers for their financial survival.

A lot of people thought that Australia had escaped the pandemic. We seemed to sail along unaffected while the rest of the world struggled with high numbers of hospitalisations and fatalities so what has happened for us to end up in our current predicament?

The coronavirus is small, about 125 nanometres or 125 billionths of a meter across and can only be seen with an electron microscope. However, like everything else, it is made of particles (atoms) that are even smaller. So much smaller that one virus contains something like 200 million individual particles arranged in beautifully complex structures that make up the different bits and pieces of the virus.

Even though processes in nature are pretty good, it is difficult to make multiple copies of a coronavirus and get all 200 million puzzle pieces in the right place every time. It is inevitable that errors are made every now and then. 

Despite what you might read or hear in the media, this virus is not “clever”, it is not “devious” and it is certainly not “evil”. It is not even alive. It has no agenda, no purpose and no objective. Likewise, the errors that are made every million or so times that it is copied are completely random. They are simply honest mistakes where one particle is put in the wrong place during assembly. These errors are called mutations and some of them make it easier for the virus to move between people (or not), harder for your immune system to recognise it (or not), or more dangerous to young lungs than the original virus was (or not).

It is difficult as humans to accept the fact that we are part of a process that is indifferent to our existence. Evolution is shaping the coronavirus in exactly the same way that it shaped us, without intent and with no objective or forethought. In his definitive book on the subject, Richard Dawkins refers to evolution as “the blind watchmaker” and makes the point that a critical part of the process is that there cannot be a plan or a goal to work towards in the future.

What are we to make of it all? Maybe the coronavirus will teach us that we are inextricably bound to a process that will go on into the future whether we remain part of it or not. Maybe it will make us a little more humble about describing our position in the hierarchy of living things and no longer assume that our place is at the top. Perhaps we will (finally) treat the natural world with a little more respect. The great Louis Pasteur once said: “Gentlemen, it is the microbes that will have the last word”

It is worth contemplating that as an invisible virus disrupts our travel plans, the wreck of the Titanic is being eaten, one tiny mouthful at a time, by... invisible bacteria. Eventually, it will completely disappear. The greatest engineering achievement and the largest moving object constructed by humans in its age reduced to takeaway for microbes.

Have a wonderful week in Science and be humble in the presence of the awesome power of evolution.

Hamish Inksetter
Science Coordinator

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square Update

Round Square International Conference

Students aged 16-18 years are invited to register for the Round Square International Conference, which will take place online from 20th to 23rd September 2021 with a theme of “Blue Skies and Brave Conversations”.

 The conference will be hosted online over four days on a purpose-built Round Square Gather Town Campus which combines video calling with fun features in a custom 2D world. Delegates will be online for three hours each day in an environment that combines video conferencing with retro-gaming style activities.

If you are interested in taking part please email Mr Lush at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Global Village Invitation

Please email Mr Lush at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au to register your interest.



Plastic Free July

Recycling Hubs Accepted Waste

Terms 1 and 2 saw some great participation with people dropping off items for recycling at our recycling hubs. So let's make term 3 even bigger! This accepted waste poster has been made up and shows many of the items that our recycling hubs accept. Feel free to print out this poster and display it on your fridge, in your bathroom or anywhere to remind you what you can drop off for recycling.

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
