2021 Term 3 Week 3 30 July 2021

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We continue to monitor the Covid situation in Sydney, in regional New South Wales and across the Gold Coast. The border closure is frustrating for our Queensland families and staff and I want to express my thanks for the whole school community for continuing to keep our school Covid safe.

Today, the Parents and Friends Association held their annual Golf Day which had to be postponed in 2020. Thank you to the participants for their support and also for the numerous sponsors and supporters of the Parents and Friends Association.

Back at school, our students donned the Green and Gold to show support for our Tokyo athletes. Lindisfarne has three Alumni in Tokyo, with Savannah and Madison Fitzpatrick playing Hockey and Brandon Copeland an alternate for the Triathlon athletes. There would be few regional schools who could claim three Olympians! In addition to supporting our Tokyo athletes, students also raised much needed funds for Fred’s place with the contribution of a gold coin donation.  

On Wednesday students at Mahers Lane participated in the ‘Write a Book in a Day’ competition. This initiative is a fun, creative and collaborative competition for students in Years 5 to 12 who have just twelve hours to write and illustrate a book from start to finish. To make it even more fun, unique parameters must be included in the story. The funds raised go to support the Kids’ Cancer Project and the completed books are used in hospitals and care facilities to help brighten the day of sick children.

Our Year 11 students start their leadership journey next week. One of the things we talk to our students about is ‘Servant Leadership’. Principal Marquardt often reminds our students that at Lindisfarne we ask ‘not what I have to get, but what do I have to give?’. We challenge our leaders to leave a legacy of their time at Lindisfarne and to leave our school better than they found it. This has certainly been our experience with the current Year 12 leaders. We wish them well as they commence their HSC trial examinations on Monday. 

The Stage 3 Disco is next Friday and is always a fun night for our Year 5 and 6 students. Bookings are still open so please click on the link below in the Newsletter to make a booking.

On Sunday, 1 August the Anglican Parishes of the Tweed are hosting ‘Spiritual Gym’ in the Mahers Lane Chapel at 5.00pm. All members of our community are invited and further details are in Reverend Constantine’s article below. I look forward to joining members of our Lindisfarne community at this service.

Charlotte Lush
Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff and Students,

Thank You So Much

We have received a lot of tins of canned food for Fred’s Place in aid of those who are struggling during these difficult times. I’m so grateful to our students in the Middle and Senior Schools who have brought tins of canned food this week. Please remember that our canned food drive will continue in week 4, and of course, the homeroom or tutor group with the most canned food will be treated to a free lunch by Le-Ping.  

Vinnies Sleepout on Friday, 27 August 2021 at 6.00pm

Thank you also to those who brought gold coin/s today to support our efforts to raise $5,000 for Fred’s Place helping the homeless in our Tweed Shire. If you’d like to help us reach our Vinnies Sleepout fundraiser target, please click here to donate:


Thank you for your generosity and support.

Monthly Spiritual Gym -Family Service on Sunday, 1 August 2021 at 5.00pm

Please come along on Sunday at 5.00pm in the Mahers Lane Chapel as we begin our Monthly Spiritual Gym-Family Service. This is an opportunity for us to worship God together, share fellowship, attend to our spiritual well being and collective mental health. During this time of a global pandemic, when the sense of isolation, loneliness and uncertainty is increasing, it’s important for us to find creative ways to look after one another. Why not come along and meet others in an atmosphere of serenity, love, joy, uplifting music and Christian fellowship? All are welcome!

Improving Personal and Collective Mental Health of Families, Friends and Colleagues

I would like to recommend this conversation between Gerladine Doogue and Professor Ian Hickie, Co-Director, Health and Policy at The University of Sydney's Brain and Mind Centre, about the need to care not only for our own wellbeing but those of our families, friends, neighbours and colleagues. https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/collective-mental-health/13468294

It’s good stuff!

The Ministry of Prayer

“More things are wrought by prayer”, said Alfred Tennyson, “than this world dreams of.” As your Chaplain, it is a joy to remember each and everyone of you in my prayers. If there’s anything you’d like me to pray for, please don’t hesitate to  let me know via email: constantine.osuchukwu@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

And please don’t forget to pray for me and mine.

A Prayer for These trying Times by St Teresa of Avila

Let nothing disturb you, 
Let nothing frighten you, 
All things are passing away: 
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
God loves y’all and so do I.

Warmest regards

Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Projects

It is wonderful to see another project supported by the Parents and Friends completed. This great addition to the Kindy deck will allow our students to make more use of this wonderful space.

Ramesh Sivabalan

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


FunFest Tickets - PS5 Lucky Door Prize

FunFest tickets will go on sale soon, and this year, all ticket holders go in the draw for a lucky door prize. The lucky door prize is a PS5 and more details will be released shortly on when and how to buy your tickets.

Steve Cornell
Parents and Friends Association

Call for Auction Items

If you or your business would like to support the FunFest Auction through the donation of good or services then contact:

Steve Cornell
P&F Vice-President
0497 145 834

Whole School News

Stage 3 Disco

Join Us In The Run 4 Fyds - It's Not Too Late To Register

Run 4 Fyds is a virtual event set up by a past student Kai George that can be completed over a number of weeks. We encourage our whole community to be involved.

“We all know Fyds passion for fitness, what better way to show your support than signing up, logging your kilometres and trying to help us reach our goal of a lap of Australia, 14,935 kilometres following Highway 1.

This event started as a group of past students showing their support for Fyds and his family by planning the run. We hope you can show your support, there are no entry fees, but the Go Fund Me page is still active, so if you haven't considered a donation, you still can."

You can access Kai's event and register here. Make sure you get a confirmation email when you register so you can log your km’s in the event on Facebook.

Dan Robins
Acting Head of House - St Barnabas

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Co-Curricular Activities For Term 3

Junior School

Jump Rope For Heart

Jump Rope for Heart is in full swing at the Junior School with every class from K-4 getting active and making their hearts healthy in PE. This week students hope to share some video of their best skipping and upload it to Seesaw, so look out on your child's Seesaw page for a glimpse of the fun we are having!

The Junior School has over 60 students registered for fundraising and so far students have skipped for a total of 41 hour, and have completely blown our fundraising goal away in the first two weeks, with our total funds raised climbing to over $5200. This is an outstanding effort and goes a long way to supporting those less fortunate.

If you have not done so already, It’s important you  register your child online  so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. www.jumprope.org.au/parents

This week we have been practicing the basics of skipping and are working towards achieving our challenge goals. 

Each year level has been given a Challenge goal to achieve by the end of the 10 week program. 

Jump Rope for Heart Challenge Goals

- Skip continuously without stopping for 10 skips in a row

Year 1 - Skip continuously without stopping for 20 skips in a row

Year 2 - Skip continuously without stopping with a single jump and  two feet together for 50 skips in a row. 

Year 3 and Year 4- Skip continuously without stopping with a single jump and two feet together for 100 skips in a row. 

We will hold our school Jump Off Day on Friday 10 September, so add this to your calendar as this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. More information about the Jump off day will follow later in the term. 

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Skipping Club

Skipping Club started this week on Tuesday and Thursday morning. Students were very keen to attend and improve their heart health and their skipping talents. 

The Skipping Club will take place on the basketball courts from 7.30am until 8.15am. Students from K-4 are welcome to come along to practice their skipping. 

Skipping Club will be for Students only at this stage, as we progress into the term and with favourable decisions from our government, hopefully we will be able to invite parents and friends to skip with us later in the term. I thank you for your understanding of this. 

What: Skipping Club

Who: Kindergarten - Year 4 Students only.

Where: Basketball Courts Junior School - Sunshine Avenue Campus

Time: 7.30am (We will always start right on 7.30am) 

When: Tuesday and Thursday morning, continuing every week until week 10. 

*** Note Skipping Club will not be cancelled due to weather we will just move it to an undercover area****

Nathan Croft
PDHPE Specialist P-4

From The Head Of Junior School

With the inspiring efforts of our Olympians in Tokyo occupying the headlines at the moment we were very lucky in the Junior School to have an Olympic Torch from the Sydney games to share with students.  I am sure every parent would have fond memories of the torch relay and the design of the Sydney torch is uniquely Australian.  Each class got to see the iconic torch in person and I would like to thank Lindisfarne parents, Nicole and Victor Popov for lending this treasured piece of Australian memorabilia to the school.

Our Junior School Library at Sunshine Avenue is a bustling hub of fun and learning.  From coding and internet safety lessons to the over 20000 book loans that occur each year, it is a vital part of the student’s education.  Each term our children eagerly anticipate what the library theme will be and Ms Tammy, our library aide, works her magic to come up with something special.  First term was dinosaurs and the holey moley golf greens of Term 2 were a massive hit.  This term it is Minecraft, a favourite among many of the children.  I would like to thank Ms Tammy for her efforts to engage our students and provide a dynamic learning environment for children to share.

Mark Douglas
Head of Junior School

Mini Writers Festival

At Lindisfarne, even our youngest students are fortunate enough to access quality literature every single day.  This week Year 1 have had the chance to ‘meet’ and work with their most favourite authors - beyond exciting! This opportunity arose via the Littlescribe Mini-Writing Festival, supported by The Children’s Book Council of Australia.  Each morning we logged into a live Zoom meeting with a different author, ready and raring to be inspired as they delivered a range of writing tasks and stimuli. This year’s theme of New Worlds, Old Worlds and Other Worlds saw every child generating stunning settings, curious characters and perfectly pleasing plots to create simply amazing written pieces!  

Kathryn Leary
Year 1 Teacher 

Green Team

Middle School

Stage 3 Weekly Report

This week Stage 3 had the opportunity to connect with leading Australian authors through a series of online writer’s workshops. Across the week there were 15 authors that we could choose to Zoom into for the interactive session. Each activity this week linked to this year’s CBCA Book Week theme “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds”.

Please enjoy the following samples from Year 5. Students were encouraged to ‘paint a picture with words’ and had to imagine a place on country that was special to them:

Looking out, the final rays of sunlight were slowly slipping away behind the great mass of ocean reflecting a beautiful orangery yellow across the sea. The waves were calm and seven scattered islands had stopped swaying their trees. The salty, sticky, warm air brushed against my face. Willow D 5C

Riders sit straight-backed atop majestic horses while small children hold the manes of adorable ponies. Instructors call out instructions. Horses roam freely in large paddocks, waiting for their daily feeding. Every Wednesday, I join the riders atop their horses, cantering in the top arena. I feel freedom after a tough day at school. When I return home, exhaustion sets in and I climb into bed, ready for the next day. Hannah 5C

Reflections from Monday’s session with Kirli Saunders:

Kirli Saunders taught us to break things down. The writing activities helped me become more descriptive. Overall, it was an enjoyable and informative session. Eva 5C

In our Zoom meeting Years 5 and 6 met Kirli Saunders. I enjoyed using imagery to write stories and learning her best way to overcome a writer’s biggest problem...writer’s block! Overall, I believe our class found this entertaining, helpful and enjoyable. Emmerson 5C

Year 6 reflections from Tuesday’s session with Andrew Daddo:

Andrew Daddo gave us a small detail to start with, like tying a shoelace. Then you look up and see something. It could be a dog, a ferocious animal, an old grandma etc.

Then you can either fight them or run. If you run, you might find a shed. Is it bolted or is it open? If it's open, you walk in. What’s in there? Is there an old grandma making cookies Cans of paint? If there’s cans of paint, maybe you fall into them. 

Then, you hop on your bike, your dog looks at you and, because you’re covered in paint and you look horrid, it gets scared and starts running……

We really enjoyed the session because Andrew Daddo helped teach us how to help with writer's block and taught us how to start a story. He was an inspiring figure and he incorporated the arts as well as writing. 
Oliver, Simon, Kailash 6D

Amy Williamson and Kylie Thompson
Year 5 and Year 6 Coordinators 

Senior School

From The Head Of Senior School

Best of luck to our Year 12 students and Year 11 Accelerants who are about to embark on their HSC Trials. The Trials are an exciting milestone in an HSC student’s journey - and I feel sure that they are ready! As always there is a strong circle of support available for our Senior students during this time. Classroom teachers, academic staff and the Wellbeing Team are always available.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Careers and VET

With access to university campuses limited, particularly for NSW residents, many universities are offering online experiences. While these don’t quite replicate the experience of getting on campus they can still provide useful information for students, particularly our Year 12’s:

I also encourage Year 12 students considering TAFE as an option for next year to look into the great opportunities for free and reduced-fee courses in both QLD and NSW. Eligibility will depend on which state you live in.

In this challenging environment many of our Universities have transitioned to blended and online learning. This article explores some of the key considerations students may like to undertake when considering online tertiary study.

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 interested in studying Medicine and Dentistry are encouraged to register for this webinar. It is on Monday 9th of August from 7-9pm and will cover the requirements for applying, entry pathways and more. 

Students who are unsure about what they might like to study, may be interested in this podcast series by Roadmap Education, where the host interviews different University students about their chosen pathways, including Mechatronics, Physiotherapy and Psychology. 

Please also see the link to the Options Careers Bulletin for a summary of Careers and VET.

I wish our Year 12’s the best of luck as they begin their Trial Exams.

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and VET

Pastoral Care


NSW All Schools Postponement & Cancellation Update

The purpose of this correspondence is to let you know that following the Premier’s Announcement yesterday regarding an extension to the lockdown in Greater Sydney until the end of August 2021, that a decision was made in consultation with the School Sport Unit and the Catholic Office that all events scheduled up until and including Week 10 be postponed.

With this in mind and in looking at the possibility of rescheduling events in Term Four, unfortunately it was determined that a number of events have been cancelled due to conflicting schedules and time constraints, especially involving Year 12 students sitting the HSC. The events that have been cancelled are as follows:

- NSW All Schools Secondary Opens Hockey Tri-Series at Newcastle;

- NSW All Schools Secondary Water Polo Quad-Series at Woy Woy;

- NSW All Schools Secondary 15 years Touch Football Trials at Narrabeen;

- NSW All Schools Touch Football Quad Series at Mudgee;

- NSW All Schools Netball Tri-Series at Sydney Olympic Park.

This information has been uploaded as a News Item on our website and has been posted on our Facebook page.

Our Office will be contacting the respective Students involved in these Teams (of those which have been selected) and updating them of the situation along with all of the respective Team Officials.


Saturday Netball

We certainly enjoyed a sunny Saturday! Great victories for the Red and Aqua Lions this week.

There are two rounds to go before the finals series at Arkinstall Park. We have a number of our teams poised to participate in these. Very exciting!

Thanks to all of you who helped out, once again, in the canteen/ picking-up rubbish/ putting out the posts pads, bins and tents ... and also bringing them in later to assist on Duty Day 2. It is very much appreciated - and thanks again to all of the marvellous managers for organising all of us volunteers.

Good Luck this weekend

Round 11 - July 31





Pink Lions




Purple Lions




Crimson Lions




Orange Lions




Lime Lions




Bronze Lions




Aqua Lions




Yellow Lions




Blue Lions




Green Lions




Lavender Lions

Red Lions



Red Lions

Lavender Lions



White Lions




Silver Lions




Navy Lions




Gold Lions



Go Lions!

Nicole Cusack Club Carnival

We had entered 10 Junior teams and 1 adult team to play this Sunday in our Ambassador’s Club Carnival, but unfortunately it has been cancelled due to clubs travelling from over the border and outside of the bubble. It is a shame - but the correct decision to ensure our safety.

We have decided to play some "in-house" tournaments to replace some of the netball opportunities: House/ Stage and Versatility Tournaments are all in the planning stages.

The Parent Support Group

The Parent Support Group postponed the welcome to Suzanne Evans, Lindisfarne’s recently appointed Head Coach due to the Covid restrictions. 

Netball Centre of Excellence 

The NSW Schools Cup Primary Regional Finals and Secondary Regional Finals have been postponed from August 9 and 10th to October the 13 and 14, respectively. They are still to be held in Casino and Lismore. The NSW Schools Cup Finals will be held at the end of October/ beginning of November in Sydney.

The NCIS Championships and Girls trials have been postponed, without a new date at this stage. The pathway, the CIS Championships in Sydney, has been put back to September provisionally.

The Primary Carnival is still in September at this stage.

We have also organised some matches against other local schools, namely St Andrews and Hillcrest, but we will have to see whether we are able to proceed with these on August 5 and 19th.

There will be training continuing for the Competition Teams for the rest of Term 3 and into Term 4.

The NSW Schools Cup Primary teams - The Aqua Lions, will continue to have training on a Friday afternoon for this term.

The Year 8, 15's, Year 9/10 girls and Open girls will still have training on a Thursday this term.

The Year 8 girls and Year 8 boys will have training on a Wednesday Lunchtime, as will the Year 9/10 girls and Year 10 boys.

The Open boys are welcome to continue to train with the Division 1 girls on Thursday's after School.

We will hold workshops in preparation for trials for the Centre of Excellence and Tweed Rep during Term 4.

The LENA continued with their Strength and Conditioning classes with Rory on Monday and before School training on Tuesday with Sam. Shooting practice for all GA’s and GS’s took place on Friday morning, as normal. 

Individual and group mentoring sessions for the senior players also began in earnest on Monday and Thursday morning, with the girls asked about their goals, SWOT analysis and potential on the court.

Congratulations to Tahlia Evans for making her debut for the Bond University Bull Sharks Ruby Team. As the youngest player in the team, her debut within the mid court gave her the exciting opportunity to step up to the next stage at Nissan Arena.

The Bond University Bull Sharks compete in the Netball Queensland Hart Sapphire Series. It is a semi-professional netball league that provides a player pathway which raises and inspires Queensland Netball talent to strive towards State and National level. 

Tahlia trialed for the Bond Uni Bullsharks U16 Team on Monday evening and should find out if she made the squad this week. They will compete at the Queensland State titles in September.

If you have any questions regarding netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Spotlight On Lyla Williams

Lyla's Williams has been crunching more impressive results in Race Walking - competing in the QLD State Road Walking Championships on the weekend. She came 1st in the U16 girls 5km in a 47 second personal best.

Congratulations Lyla!

Spotlight On Sana Rice And Taliah Rice

Congratulations to Sana and Taliah Rice, our lethal Taekwondo specialists for their recent feats. Sana (2nd Dan Black Belt) and Taliah (Blue Belt) both received gold medals at the ATQ QLD Taekwondo National Selections for sparring:

Sana – Gold – 10-11yrs Black Belt 31.1-34kg Division

Taliah – Gold – 8-9yrs Blue Belt 28.1-31kg Division

They both get to represent QLD at the ATQ Nationals in Sydney in October. (Depending on covid of course)  

Well done girls!

From The Sports Desk


There are obvious headwinds with progressing the NCIS Athletics this year. The NCIS executive team are assessing various options to try and keep this afloat, but weighing up impediments such as the border bubble, no overnight school stays, spectator constraints and AIS NSW directives. 

Please note the following correspondence from NCIS below:

The NCIS Executive has just met and after taking into account a number of issues including the rising COVID-19 numbers in Sydney, the Border Zone restrictions for those wishing to enter Queensland and falling into line with what the Catholic and State systems have done with regards to sports it was agreed that the following changes would be made to the NCIS Sports Calendar.

NCIS Athletics - Tuesday 7 September in Coffs Harbour

NCIS Rugby 7's - BDC exploring an alternative date after Athletics

NCIS Primary Netball - Moved to Term 4

NCIS Secondary Netball - Moved to Term 4

The Executive will continue to monitor the COVID situation and meet when necessary to make decisions moving forward.

As soon as any further information comes to hand, I will be back in touch.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport and Activities


Lindisfarne Lions Gold Coast Basketball winter season has come to an end for 7 of our 10 teams. Thanks to all the boys and girls who kicked off our inaugural season.

We wish the following teams the best of luck with their semi-finals:

U20 Lindisfarne Lions KINGS

  • Hudson Dellar
  • Monty Lush
  • Klyde Milroy
  • Cooper Robins
  • Sebastian Watters
  • Emil Woods

U17 Lindisfarne Lions KULAS

  • Thomas Chong
  • Charlie Crawford
  • Jonathan Creagh
  • Banjo Grimster
  • Stroud Kinneally
  • Manny Leach
  • Henry McMillan
  • Joshua Watters

U13 Lindisfarne Lions LOKIS

  • Archie Loemker
  • Sacha Melrose Cripps 
  • Jack Ingham
  • Sasha Leitch
  • Frank Spooner
  • William Stokes
  • Caleb Weate


AFLQ Schools Cup Senior Boys Report

The Senior Boys AFL team travelled to Springfield Central Sports Complex last Friday to participate in the Quarter Finals of the AFLQ Schools Cup. It turned out to be quite an experience for the boys. With the NSW / QLD border closing at 1.00am on Friday morning the usual 90 minute trip to Springfield took 3 hours and 10 minutes. Even longer for Seb Watters who travelled with his dad. 

The boys arrived at the ground 15 minutes prior to kick-off and had just enough time to get ready, warm-up and get into position. The first game was against Clairvaux Mackillop College in Brisbane. The boys battled hard but unfortunately looked like a team that had just spent 3 hours sitting on a bus. They had their chances early but couldn't manage to take them and got beaten by 8 points. The second game against St Joseph's College, Toowoomba was a much more polished performance. The boys clicked into gear straight away and managed to play some very tough and committed football. The end result saw a win to Lindisfarne by 40 points.

In the final match we were up against Marymount Catholic College. It was a tight game with the score at halftime resembling a soccer match 1 - 1. After the halftime break, the Marymount team were able to get the jump on the boys and the eventual loss by 2 goals was probably a good reflection of the difference between the two teams.

Overall the boys should be very proud of their efforts in all three games. They play with a high intensity, pressure style and this meant that their opponents was never able to get too far in front. Well done to all the Year 12 boys who have come to the end of their AFL journeys at Lindisfarne. I hope they stay in football as they move into life after school.

Mr Matt Bedford


  • Hayden Brims
  • Oliver Churchill
  • Samuel Cox
  • Zain Daley
  • Hudson Dellar
  • Jed Feldmann
  • Baxter Fitzgerald
  • Will Georgakopoulos
  • Lachlan Gonsal
  • Miki Hashimoto
  • Oliver Henderson
  • Riley Humbler
  • Harrison Kirkwood
  • Fletcher Koppel
  • Hamish McFie
  • Klyde Milroy
  • Finley Neylan
  • Jayden O'Rourke
  • Tom Robson
  • Finojet Rudd
  • Jacob Sands
  • Ben Stone-Ott
  • Corban Thomson
  • Seb Watters
  • Lukas Wilson
  • Connor Wilson


To be named on the 2021 Hygain Equestrian Interschool Queensland Team is no mean feat.  In fact, over 130 schools and over 300 competitors participated across a range of disciplines at the recent State Championships in an attempt to qualify.  I am delighted to announce that Nicola Gee (Year 10) has been selected to represent Queensland when the 2021 Interschool Nationals are held at a rescheduled date later this year in Victoria. Congratulations to Nicola and her horse Mako!

Kathryn Leary
Equestrian Coordinator

Mountain Biking

Mud, Sweat and Cheers

As the world waited for the start of the Olympics last Friday a keen and talented crew of Lindisfarne Mountain Bikers headed to Nerang for the 2021 Gold Coast Mountain Biking Championships. Twenty nine school teams from all over the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers competed. The competition was held as an endurance event with a series of timed stages and riders logging their best runs on a series of technical tracks. Our nineteen strong team with students from Year 6 to 10 were well supported by their dedicated parents who braved the border lockdown and three hour journeys to get to the event. Competitors tracked their results via live updates and over the course of a five hour window pushed each other to better their times and log as many runs as possible. There were great individual performances over the day and an awesome result from a group of largely inexperienced competitive riders with the Lindisfarne team coming 4th in the overall rankings. 

Mr Nick Westhoff

  • Thomas Horn
  • Harrison Kane
  • Morgan King
  • Wil Anderson
  • Riley Brooks
  • Bryce Corcoran
  • Kai de Sousa Grimes
  • Sid Fraser
  • Thomas Fyfe
  • Nicolas Leotta
  • Sven Loemker
  • Jules Loemker
  • Archie Loemker
  • Jack Owen
  • Andre Quagliata
  • Tom Williams
  • Preston Duggan


We were very happy to be able to travel and compete (under the limitations of the current COVID-19 directives) in the South East Qld Champion of Champions Futsal competition yesterday.  Our Primary boys and girls did us proud in what was some very strong competition that included all of the best schools from Brisbane, Ipswich/Toowoomba and the Gold Coast. 

Both our boys teams played strongly throughout the day, but ultimately couldn’t accumulate enough points to advance into the semi-finals. The U12 Boys were very unlucky it must be noted, with the bounce of the ball not falling our way at key moments in our last game.

Both our Girls teams made it through to the coveted semi-finals! The U11 Year 5 girls went down 3-1 in their semi. The U12 Girls lost 1-0 in their semi, and were dreadfully unlucky, after clearly being the strongest team. As we all know in sport, you have to make your own luck, and they fell just short in making the grand-final.

U12 Boys

  • Ari Cusack
  • William Gorrie
  • Lucas Greaves
  • James Letters
  • Bryce Corcoran
  • Miles Scheiwe

U12 Girls

  • Madison Fernance
  • Riona Wallis
  • Sienna Wright
  • Matilda Daniel
  • Isabella Arghyros
  • Kiki Dorsey

U11 Boys

  • Felix Monti
  • Tahn Richards
  • Chaz Croke-Sims
  • George Dorsey
  • Locky Simmons
  • Taj Williams

U11 Girls

  • Eira-Grace McGilligan
  • Sana Rice
  • Freya Smith
  • Charli Wiegand
  • Lola Parsons
  • Kayla Mupunga

Isabel Topper


NRCC Hockey Championships have been cancelled due to COVID-19 impediments with LGA directive limitations. 


The Lindisfarne community has been blown away by the contributions of Madison (Maddie) and Savannah Fitzpatrick for the Olympic Hockeyroos . Maddie clinched the winning goal in a 1-0 victory over Japan on Wednesday night. There were a few hoarse staff members here on Thursday morning from cheering the girls along.

Ex-student and super Triathlete, Brandon Copeland who attended Lindisfarne from 2002-2014 will be competing in the Triathlon Teams Event at the Tokyo Olympics on Saturday 31st July at 7.30am. Brandon's dedication and commitment to training over many years has paid off-  congratulations Brandon!

Sports Injury Clinic

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


English Update

Best wishes are extended to our Year 12 students who are preparing for their Trial HSC examinations that start next week. Students are encouraged to read correspondence from Ms Jeffries for exam venues and starting times.

English Book Review

This week, Ms Patricia Alborough answered the call to review a book that she has read. Enjoy her run down on the quirky novel ‘The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared’.

Kylie Wharton
Acting Head of English

Creative Industries

Year 8 Food Technology

This week Mrs Drayson’s Year 8 Food Technology class competed in their Junior Masterchef Assessment. The pressure was on in the kitchen as the six teams prepared a healthy and creative meal for the judges. The scoring came close, but the Aubergine team were victorious with their ‘Halloumi and Saffron Rice Poke Bowl’. Congratulations Charlie A, Luma Favaro Andreo, Lily Foggo and Sierra Moffitt.  

Caelie Drayson
Teacher of TAS

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Citius - Altius - Fortius. Faster - Higher - Stronger

Citius - Altius - Fortius. Faster - Higher - Stronger 

Most of us would know that this is the Olympic motto.

Many of you would also know that the theme of this year’s Olympics is “United by Emotion” 

According to the IOC’s website, “Tokyo 2020 has so far been unlike any other Olympic Games in history due to it taking place in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is an obstacle far beyond anything we have ever faced.

The world is made up of people who are different ages and nationalities and come from all walks of life, and now, due to the pandemic, we are physically separated. This is why, Tokyo 2020, in 2021, wants everyone to experience the same excitement, joy, and at times disappointment, through the athletes’ competitive performances.

Sport is universal. It is an invaluable treasure that “Tokyo 2020 believes has the power to unite the world through emotion, even if we are apart, speak different languages, or come from different cultures.”

It is amazing to see what a global event like this does for a community like Lindisfarne. Conversations around athletes and events. Highlights played on screens. Hearing students cheer through classroom walls. There is an energetic vibe, especially when there are alumni and locals with a connection to the school competing. A school truly united by emotion.

The parallels that can be drawn between the Olympics and those involved are a PDHPE teacher’s dream. Resilience, goal setting, commitment, sportsmanship, fair play, community and multiculturalism are just to name a few. It is a showcase for great role models and stories which help build empathy and understanding in the Lindisfarne Community.

The PDHPE Faculty

Photography and Digital Media


Science Matters

In these times of never-ending bad news it is important to focus on good and happy events when they occur.  We had a chance encounter this week that lifted our spirits enormously.

On Monday afternoon, just about 5 pm as I was arriving home in the ute, Mrs Moose was in the garden gesticulating energetically for me to be quiet. She had stumbled upon two echidnas snuffling about in the late afternoon light. They are normally nocturnal creatures but these ones were out and about earlier than usual. It is the middle of their mating season and no doubt they were “twitterpated” as Friend Owl would say. They took little notice of us and soon shuffled off into the gathering dark. We hope that their rendezvous in our garden will result in a little puggle arriving some time next year.

It is more important than ever to control your dog at this time of year as the echidnas are terribly vulnerable to those introduced pests, I mean pets. Make sure that dogs are not allowed off leash near any green space in the evening.  Also, please take extra care when you are driving at dusk because many echidnas are struck by cars as they amble slowly across our roads in the half light.

They are true living fossils and the most wonderful, gentle creatures, the least we can do is  look out for their safety whenever we can.

If you are interested in wildlife or anything to do with Science and nature for that matter, you should consider involving yourself in a citizen scientist project. There are many opportunities on offer and you can make a genuine contribution to scientific knowledge and understanding by taking part. Click on the link below to view all of the projects currently active and find one that interests you. Who knows, you may play a role in a significant scientific discovery! At the very least you will have an enjoyable experience and learn heaps.


Have a wonderful week in Science and wish our Year 12’s all the best for their exams which start next week.

Hamish Inksetter

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square International Conference

Students in Year 9 to 12 are invited to register for the Round Square International Conference, which will take place online from 20th to 23rd September 2021 with a theme of “Blue Skies and Brave Conversations”.

The conference will be hosted online over four days on a purpose-built Round Square Gather Town Campus digital world. Delegates will be online for three hours each day in an environment that combines video conferencing with retro-gaming style activities, navigating through the Campus using a personal avatar.

If you are interested in taking part please email Mr Lush at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator




How Will You Step Up?

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Baseball Registration Days

T H & C Nippers Sign On

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
