2021 Term 3 Week 4 6 Aug 2021

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Queensland Government lockdown due to lift at 4.00pm Sunday may be extended.  If this is the case we will continue to offer the blended learning put in place for our Queensland students this week into next week. A reminder that Lindisfarne continues to operate face to face learning under the Level 2 restrictions currently in place for the majority of New South Wales regional schools.

Under the Queensland lockdown, one of the essential purposes you can leave home for is attending essential work or school and childcare for the children of essential workers or vulnerable children. A reminder that it is only the children of essential workers or volunteers or children who are vulnerable who are eligible to attend school whilst the Queensland lockdown is in place. School staff in Queensland have been classified as essential workers by the Queensland Government and may attend work in a New South Wales School.

The New South Wales Government Public Health Alert - Stay at Home Order states that anyone in New South Wales who has been in any of the 11 affected local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland since Wednesday 21 July, must, from 6.00pm Saturday 31 July stay at home and only leave their residence with a reasonable excuse. Under this Health Order, a reasonable excuse to leave your home includes work or education and that attending school or work has been confirmed as a reasonable excuse.

 A reminder that masks are mandatory on all school transport services for secondary students Year 7 to 12. 

 Please continue to monitor the New South Wales and Queensland Health websites as information is regularly updated.

 During the course of this week, our HSC students commenced their trial exams. I’m proud of the students and staff and the incredible effort to keep important learning, assessment and feedback in place during what is a challenging time.

This week we made the difficult decision to postpone FunFest 2021, with the new date being Saturday, 20 August 2022. Whilst the event is postponed, the car raffle will go ahead. So on Saturday, 21 August 2021, at 4.00pm someone will win the amazing MG3. This draw will be live-streamed and we ask every Lindisfarne family to put every effort into selling these raffle tickets. Tickets must be returned, sold or unsold by Friday, 13 August 2021. 

The Olympic campaigns of Savannah Fitzpatrick (2012), Madison Fitzpatrick (2014), and Brandon Copeland (2014) have now drawn to a close. We are so incredibly proud of our Alumni and salute their extraordinary efforts to be a part of Tokyo 2020.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff and Students,

I trust this finds you well and in good spirits despite the ongoing challenges of COVID-19 restrictions.

Thank You For Your Generous Donations

One of the things the pandemic has done is to reveal wonderful acts of kindness and generosity which sometimes go unnoticed in our world. On the other hand, the pandemic has amplified inequality and disadvantage in our society.

That is why we made a call out for our Middle and Senior School students to assist Fred’s Place in their work of caring for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters who are homeless and who have fallen on hard times due to the adverse consequences of the pandemic. It’s been heartening to see how generously our students have responded to this canned food drive both in the quality and quantity of food they donated. We would like to thank most sincerely our parents and guardians for supporting and encouraging them to assist those in need. May God reward you as only He can. 

Vinnies Sleep Out Fundraiser To Support Fred’s Place In Caring For The Homeless

Thank you to all who brought gold coin/s last Friday to support our fundraising efforts. So far we have raised $2,220 out of our $5,000 target. Please click here to donate if you are able to assist:


Monthly Spiritual Gym -Family Service

We are sorry to have canceled the maiden Monthly Spiritual Gym last Sunday due to the complexities of the lockdown. However, we plan to re-start on Sunday, 5th September at 5.00pm in the Mahers Lane Chapel. More details to follow closer to the time.

Prayers and Support For Our Wonderful Year 12s

Our Year 12s have begun their HSC trials, albeit in challenging times. We owe them our prayers and support. We are proud of them; we love them; and we wish them well: Do your best! Stay strong! God will bless your efforts and all will be well in the end!

A Time For Hope

It’s normal in these times to feel anxious, depressed, afraid and uncertain. But we can deal with our negative emotions better by opening up, accepting them and doing all we can to replace them with positive thoughts and actions for ourselves and others.  Notwithstanding these negative emotions, we are also called to hope. Hope is one of the Christian virtues which reminds us that despite everything, our lives, personally or collectively, will not end in tragedy. Even though we may be unaware of this, we are always in God’s hands and God’s hands are good hands. Let us pray for the grace of hope. Let us offer words and deeds of hope. Speaking about hope, Vaclav Havel once said, “hope is not a feeling of certainty that everything ends well. Hope is just a feeling that life and work have a meaning.“

May God continue to uphold you and your loved ones during this testing time.

Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Win a Car - Raffle Draw Postponed

Thank you to our community for their support of the Parents and Friends Association FunFest raffle. 

The drawing of the raffle is postponed due to the current lockdown and a new date will be advised soon.

Please make every effort to sell your tickets ready for them to be handed back when face to face schooling resumes.

If you need to pay for your tickets via card, please call the Mahers Lane reception to make payment.

Good luck.

Simon McKinley
on behalf of the Lindisfarne P&F

FunFest 2021 - Postponed

Earlier this week we have made the difficult decision to postpone FunFest 2021, with the new date being Saturday, 20 August 2022.

The current restrictions in both New South Wales and Queensland and the uncertainty of how long these will be in place, left the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) no option but to sadly postpone.

Whilst the event is postponed, the car raffle will go ahead. So on Saturday, 21 August 2021, at 4.00pm someone will win the amazing MG3. This draw will be live-streamed and we ask every Lindisfarne family to put every effort into selling these raffle tickets. This raffle now becomes the major fundraiser for 2021 for the P&F and given how few events have been able to proceed, it is more important than ever to support the P&F. Tickets must be returned, sold or unsold by Friday, 13 August 2021. Every dollar raised by the P&F goes directly to projects in the School that benefit students.

As an additional incentive, every family who returns their raffle tickets (with all tickets sold) will be entered into the draw for a PlayStation 5 (PS5) Digital Edition Console. This was to be the FunFest lucky door prize, it is now the FunFest lucky raffle prize. This will also be drawn at the same time as the car raffle draw. You can request more books via Reception as every extra book sold gets another ticket in the PS5 draw.

Thank you to our numerous sponsors and Auction supporters, our organising committee will be in touch prior to the end of the week to say thank you and to also discuss, what we hope, will be your continued support for FunFest as it moves to 2022. 

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you at FunFest 2022.

Stuart Marquardt

Steve Cornell
P&F FunFest Convenor

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Higher School Certificate Update

Please keep our Year 12 students and Year 11 Accelerant students in your thoughts as they continue their Trial examinations next week.

The first of the Performance Higher School Certificate Examinations will be undertaken on Monday, 9 August by the Year 12 Dance students. The School community would like to wish them all the best. It has been a difficult time as there have been a few last-minute changes to the requirements due to the unfolding COVID situation.

The updated Written Timetable can be viewed here viewed here.

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Recycling Workshops At The Junior School

Last week a number of recycling workshops were held for classes across our Junior School. It was great to see the students engaged in the activity and wanting to help out. During the recycling workshops our students learnt many things including the importance of recycling and composting, why soft plastic can’t go in the recycling bins but plastic bottles and containers can and so much more. It is important to educate our students about how they can take better care of the environment as they will grow up to be the future custodians of our planet.

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Jump Rope For Heart

Our students in the Junior school have taken up the challenge of their personal skipping goals and their fundraising goals. Halfway through our program and we have already flown past our fundraising goal of $5000. The Junior school has 80 students registered who have skipped a total of 98hours and at last count we were well over $8000 for the school. This is an amazing achievement, and will go a long way to assisting those in need. Congratulations to all of those students who have taken part in the fundraising so far. If you have not done so already check out our school page by following the link below https://www.jumprope.org.au/fundraisers/Lindisfarne-Anglican-Grammar-School---Sunshine-Ave-Campus.

If you have not done so already, It’s important you register your child online so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. www.jumprope.org.au/parents. 

This week we have been looking at learning some new tricks and are still working towards achieving our challenge goals or achieving our personal best. Each year level has been given a Challenge goal to achieve by the end of the 10 week program. 

Jump Rope for Heart Challenge Goals

  • Kindergarten - Skip continuously without stopping for 10 skips in a row
  • Year 1 - Skip continuously without stopping for 20 skips in a row
  • Year 2 - Skip continuously without stopping with a single jump and  two feet together for 50 skips in a row. 
  • Year 3 and Year 4- Skip continuously without stopping with a single jump and two feet together for 100 skips in a row. 

We will hold our school Jump Off Day on Friday, 10 September, so add this to your calendar as this will mark the end of the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. More information about the Jump off day will follow later in the term. 

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

Skipping Club

Skipping Club has been a real hit on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with over 70 students already participating. 

The Skipping Club will take place on the basketball courts from 7.30am until 8.15am. Students from K-4 are welcome to come along to practice their skipping. 

Skipping Club will be for Students only at this stage, as we progress into the term and with favourable decisions from our government, hopefully we will be able to invite parents and friends to skip with us later in the term. 

I thank you for your understanding of this. 

What: Skipping Club

Who: Kindergarten - Year 4 Students only.

Where: Basketball Courts Junior School - Sunshine Avenue Campus

Time: 7.30am (We will always start right on 7.30am) 

When: Tuesday and Thursday morning, continuing every week until week 10. 

*** Note Skipping Club will not be cancelled due to weather we will just move it to an undercover area***

Nathan Croft
PE Specialist P-4

Green Team

Middle School

Year 7 Update

It has been a busy start to Term 3 for our Year 7 cohort. We have set our focus this term on improving our mid semester reports, establishing good work and study habits and embracing the elements of our heroic Habits program. 

We started the term reflecting on our mid semester report and where we could improve. Using the SMART acronym we made sure our goals were specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. These are now tucked away in diaries and will be used in the coming weeks to focus on our personal growth. Everyone is capable of being a better version of themselves, some changes are very small, some are in one particular subject and some are related to the comments written by teachers midyear. We will continue to work with Year 7 to achieve these goals.

This term we have seen the re-introduction of chapel which has been a most welcome addition to our weeks. Under the guidance of Reverend Constantine and running alongside our Heroic Habits program our chapels are based around the habit we are currently studying. For the last two weeks our chapels have been based on compassion. Constantine has helped Year 7 understand the true meaning of compassion, how we can put it into action in our everyday lives and the utmost importance of being there for each other. Not only is chapel a time to reflect on these thoughts, it's a time to stop, slow down, be present and focussed and really think about our actions and how we carry ourselves in our everyday life. It has been wonderful to see our students step up and take on a speaking role in these lovely student led services.

One of my favourite quotes I like to tell Year 7 is “Who are you when they cut the lights and no-one is watching you” It’s actually a lyric from the Macklemore song, “excavate” but how powerful are those words. When Year 7 walk away form their Chapel service or their Heroic Habits lesson, how are they then conducting themselves when no-one is watching? It's a very interesting thought and one we will  continue to explore throughout the semester.

Julie McDowell
Year 7 Coordinator

Stage 3 Update

Green and Gold Day

Last Friday Stage 3 had a lot of fun dressing up for Green and Gold Day in support of the Australian Olympic Team. The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games have been a topic on most student’s lips this week. Here are a few highlights from some of the students in 5D:

 I really liked when Arianne Titmus won the two gold medals and her coach Dean Boxall went crazy! I also loved watching the girls soccer Australia  V Great Britain. Sam Kerr got a goal in the 88th minute that was really cool- Oscar R

It was really cool when the coach went crazy, Arianna should be really proud because she has worked so hard. I liked how the two high jumpers shared the gold medal because it was really nice and that’s what the Olympics should be about- great sportsmanship -Mila

I like how the Boomers have been playing. Their teamwork and how far they’ve gone this year is really impressive. Hopefully they make it all the way to the final! - Frank

I liked watching the Australian girls hockey team with past Lindisfarne students Savannah and Madison Fitzpatrick -Finn


The message during this week’s chapel service was about Care for Self. Reverend Constantine discussed with the students the importance of looking at how we can care for ourselves during these uncertain times. We need to love and care for ourselves first so that we can then care for others. We need to nurture ourselves and nurture and encourage our friendships. We need to check in on our friends and make sure they are okay, do not take them for granted. We are all in this together and together we can achieve great things. 

God’s message to us is to know that we are loved and that we are called to love others. We are God’s work of Art ... (Ephesians 2:10)  We are God’s masterpiece. Know that you are a child of God. Everyday remind yourself that you are loved I am a marvel … I am a child of God … I am wonderful

Over the past fortnight, students have been bringing in canned food to be donated to help and support the good work that Fred’s Place does for those homeless people in our community. The students have been encouraged to write a compassion letter to the homeless people at Fred’s place to let them know that we are thinking of them, to know they are loved. 

Amy Williamson and Kylie Thompson
Year 5 and Year 6 Coordinators 

Senior School

Careers And VET

In Careers with Year 10 we are discussing the future of work and what the working world might look like this week. We have been looking at change over time and how this can create opportunities for the future. The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) predicts that todays 15 year olds will have at least 17 employers in their lifetime spanning over 5 careers. This highlights the need for agility and accumulation of skills over time. In their ‘The New Work Smarts Report’ the FYA detail some of these skills:

In addition to this FYA note that the nature of work is becoming more flexible with the rise of the gig economy, contract work and supplementary sources of income from self employment. The  Australian Bureau of Statistics has found that one in four Australians under 30 are working multiple jobs, indicating a larger supplementary reliance for income amongst young people. Therefore, it is more important than ever that our young people are considering multiple options and pathways for life post school. I encourage you to discuss this at home and explore a range of different ideas and opportunities for future careers.

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and VET

From The Head Of Senior School


After a few false starts, it was wonderful to see our Year 12 cohort at school ready to make a start on their trials this week. No doubt there was a collective sigh of relief to get both the Advanced and Standard English exams out of the way on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. Music, PDHPE and French Beginners were also completed this week. We will continue to keep our senior students in our thoughts as they prepare for next week’s Trials.

Red Earth

I was pleased to be able to email 25 families this week with further details of the upcoming Red Earth Immersion to Cape York. Our planning continues in spite of the current COVID restrictions. The School remains optimistic that the situation will improve before the scheduled departure on 28 September.

Year 11 Leadership

We had a number of students nominate themselves for the positions of School Captain and Vice Captain for 2022. Today, Mr Marquardt announced the shortlisted candidates, and we wish those students well as they prepare their recorded speeches over the weekend. The rest of the Mahers Lane students will have an opportunity to hear their “pitches” on Tuesday morning. 

The Rite Journey

Our The Rite Journey teachers have been enjoying the presentations from the Year 9 students about their recently completed Mentor Challenge. The Rite Journey continues to have a significant impact on our students, and we look forward to communicating with parents about the next significant milestone - The Abyss.

Service Learning

It was wonderful to be able to take a group of Year 10 students down to our Sunshine Avenue campus this week in order to spend some time with our Preschool friends. Many thanks to Mrs Jo Hetherington for facilitating our fortnightly playdates!

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care



Saturday Netball

Another sunny Saturday, the last day of July and a great victory for the Gold Lions this week, against the rep players from Sharpshooters.

Unfortunately, due to the current South-East Queensland (QLD) lockdown and the New South Wales (NSW) stay-at-home order, Round 12 scheduled for Saturday, 7 August (this weekend) has been postponed by TNA. 

We have a number of our teams poised to participate in the finals series at Arkinstall Park though - so fingers and toes crossed.

Please amend your calendars re: the current updated schedule for the remainder of the 2021 Saturday Competition:

Round 12 - Saturday, 14 August

Preliminary Finals - Saturday, 21 August

Semi Finals - Saturday, 28 August

Grand Finals - Saturday, 4 September

All Club Training MUST adhere to the NSW Public Health Alert - Stay At Home Order.

Anyone in NSW who has been in any of the 11 affected local government areas (LGAs) in QLD since Wednesday, 21 July canNOT attend training. Hence, there will be no training after School until this restriction has been lifted.


Congratulations to all of our umpires this season. We will shortly find out who has been asked to umpire the finals - which is a great honour.

Particular congratulations go to Scarlett Ojiako-Pettit who is pictured holding her certificate. Scarlett has progressed from a Red Bib beginner umpire to a Green Bib having only started officiating this season.

Netball Centre of Excellence 

The organised match against St Andrews on August 5 has been cancelled.

The LENA continued with their Strength and Conditioning classes with Rory on Monday and before School training on Tuesday with Sam. Shooting practice for all GA’s and GS’s took place on Friday morning, as normal. 

Individual and group mentoring sessions for the senior players also continued last week with the girls asked about their goals, SWOT analysis and potential on the court.

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

From The Sports Desk

On a positive note, we appeared to enjoy sports full-throttle for half the year; however, the brakes have been well and truly applied as our pathways both in Queensland and Sydney are heavily impacted. As it stands at the moment, the volumes of sports coming across the weekly Sports Desk have substantially subsided whilst our authorities do their best to contain the pandemic. 


Please note the following correspondence from NCIS below:

The NCIS Executive has just met and after taking into account a number of issues including the rising COVID-19 numbers in Sydney, the Border Zone restrictions for those wishing to enter Queensland and falling into line with what the Catholic and State systems have done with regards to sports it was agreed that the following changes would be made to the NCIS Sports Calendar.

NCIS Athletics - Tuesday, 7 September in Coffs Harbour

NCIS Rugby 7's - Bishop Druitt College exploring an alternative date after Athletics

NCIS Primary Netball - Moved to Term 4

NCIS Secondary Netball - Moved to Term 4

The Executive will continue to monitor the COVID situation and meet when necessary to make decisions moving forward.


Lindisfarne Lions Basketball Winter Season in the GCJBL have moved their semi-finals and finals to the dates below:

Semi Finals - The draw remains the same just the dates have changed

  • Wednesday, 18 August 
  • Friday, 20 August 
  • Saturday 21st August  


  • Wednesday, 25 August 
  • Friday, 27 August 
  • Saturday, 28 August  

Summer League

Lindisfarne Lions Gold Coast Basketball Summer Season is expected to launch soon, which will run throughout all of Term 4. We will most likely scoop registrations and aim to proceed full steam ahead, and withdraw our teams in late September if the border situation looks untenable for teams to make Coomera in a timely manner.

Term 4 Sport Selections

Please review the sports choices below for Term 4. The selections will open on Parent lounge in Week 7 of Term 3 on Saturday, 28 August and will close at 8.00am on  Friday, 10 September. A very short instructional video can be viewed here The most critical step is to ensure once you select the sport and the message shows “make changes”/“remove sign up” you click on the green “submit to school” tab (at the top right of the screen) and this will open up the payment portal.

The sport options available can be view by clicking the links below:

Term 4 Sports Selections will be finalised through Parent Lounge, payment for your child's sport choice is required at the time of selection and their spot in that chosen sport will be secured upon payment. 

Please note -  some sports have a strict capacity limitation. Therefore, once they reach this quota, they will show as no places available and no longer be an option. 

To ensure you have a clear and comprehensive view of all sports options on offer, it’s recommended that you access the sports selections on a laptop or desktop as mobile phones may have a limited view and may also take longer to navigate all options on offer. 

Swapping of sports once selections and payments have been made will not be possible unless there are pastoral matters, injury or health issues that arise. Please encourage your child to liaise with friends prior to the selection date and have a second sport contingency in case their first sport choice reaches capacity. 

Prior to the sports selection start date, please make sure that you have sourced your login details and can access Parent Lounge This must be finalised before Friday 27 August. Please contact our Middle and Senior School Reception if you need your password reset.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival 2021

This week, the Year 7 and 8 Ad Astra classes participated in The Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival. These videos were a great way to learn about the ways that successful authors approach writing their books. The authors and illustrators explained ways that we could enhance our own writing and develop our skills. Over the course of the week, Kirli Saunders, Andrew Daddo, Nat Amoore and James Foley offered insight into the Children’s Book Council Australia’s Book Week theme for the 2021: Old Worlds, New Worlds and Other Worlds. - Grace R.

The Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival was a really fun and interactive way of engaging students in the subject of English. Some children find English boring and are discouraged to pursue higher learning in English so this Festival is a great way to re-interest them in English. The Festival hosts famous authors from around Australia like James Foley and Nat Amoore, they educate children on subjects like scriptwriting, dialogue, numerous English techniques (Personification, Anthropomorphism, Metaphors, etc), and the importance of cultural ties to the land. In all, I think that the Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival is a great way for kids under the age of 14 to engage in English and re-interest themselves with the fun and exciting subject of English. - Lukas L.

I enjoyed the Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival because of how passionate all the hosts and guests were about English writing. They all loved to talk about techniques and how they like to write which gave my classmates and I some good ideas and inspiration for further writing. James Foley did an amazing job at explaining personification and anthropomorphism. He clearly explained the differences of both techniques in an easily understandable manner. Nat Amoore taught us about dialogue and how it can represent a character. Her segment on Little Scribe helped me to understand how important dialogue can be in writing. Overall the Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival was a beneficial segment in our Ad-Astra English classes, teaching us how to extend our skills in all areas of English writing. - Chloe L.

The Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival was an interactive and enjoyable way to learn important and useful writing tips from world-class authors and illustrators. It was interesting to see the different writer’s individual tips including learning many new words through their old, new and other word activity. - Marlow M>

The Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival had a bunch of great tips on how to write, and my favourite author was Nat Amoore because she gave the most useful advice on how to write. - Harry T.

My favourite thing from the Little Scribe writing activity was learning about how to get past writer's block using the "seedling method." - Bailey U.

I very much enjoyed the stream with James Foley. I was catching on and was interested in what he was saying. I enjoyed the entirety of the festival but James Foley was my favourite! - Kai C.

Nat Amoore was my favourite author because of how relatable she was. Her positive attitude allowed my class and I to follow along with her and learn new techniques. A great technique that we learnt was using neologisms. Neologisms are made-up words that are created by putting 2 words together. One that Nat Amoore mentioned was 'battleunicorn' meaning rhino! I really enjoyed this experience and highly recommend that the teachers continue to use this in future years. - Grace R.

The 'Little Scribe Writing Festival' was a great inclusive way to learn with a touch of humour. - Keano H.

I really enjoyed seeing the diversity of ideas of the Australian children's authors and how their different personalities really dictated their style of the books. I also enjoyed watching them teach us how they come up with these ideas and turn them into books for the whole country to read. - Jamie M.

One thing I liked about the Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival was the variety of different authors we got to watch. All of them had different tips and tricks to share with us which allowed us to learn a variety of different new skills on story writing. - Hannah E.

The thing that I enjoyed most about the Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival was that it gave me a lot of good tips which I intend to use in my future writing. - Owen B.

I liked how the Little Scribe Mini Writing Festival was interactive so we didn't have to just sit down and listen. We could take notes and actually put the tips into practice before we forget them. I liked James Foley contributions to the Festival because he would draw pictures so we could get a visual of what the people were talking about as well as listening. I also really liked the host, Jo. - Olivia K.

I enjoyed James Foley's interview, he was able to link his artworks to his talk about personification and anthropomorphism. - Leon L.

James Foley was the best author/illustrator because his illustrations were enhancing and told the information and tips in another way making the show more enhancing. This was vital because it kept me interested rather than bored and just listening for the sake of listening. The Little Scribes were amazing. - Lachlan M.

This week in English we have been watching segments of Little Scribes Mini Writing Festival. One of my favourite things about it is how detailed it is. So far we have learnt about building stories, dialogue and anthropomorphism. - Hayden G.

I liked hearing useful techniques and information from award-winning authors, so I know they work, such as Andrew Daddo's advice on building worlds. - Hayden Brown

This week we have been doing Little Scribe lessons that have helped us learn about ways to enhance our written work in English. We have learnt about building a story, dialogue and anthropomorphism. It has definitely helped me with English and story writing in general. - Joseph M.

My favourite part about the Little Scribe Writing Festival was seeing new words, old words and other words. The different types of words the authors used really represented their personalities and ideas towards writing.  - Elke C.

I really liked the episode with James Foley. His presentation was simple and easy to follow. This whole week was informative and interactive. I really loved the different points of view from the authors and the way they develop ideas for their books.  - Oliver N.

I really enjoyed watching the Little Scribe videos in English. We were able to see a variety of authors and their work, and the illustrations that were done by James Foley as the authors spoke.  - Alex G.

Kylie Wharton
Acting Head of English

Creative Industries

Timber Technology

Year 8 Timber Technology classes have completed their boxes. Mrs Drayson’s class 8.5 show off their creations with laser-cut motifs and messages.  

Caelie Drayson
Teacher of TAS

Channel 7 News Reporter - Georgia Costi Visits Lindisfarne

Tonight On The News!

It is always a pleasant surprise when you see one of your former students succeed. Many years ago I taught Channel Seven news reporter Georgia Costi. This week our Year 11 Industrial Technology - Multimedia students were very fortunate to spend over an hour interviewing her on her role as a new presenter.

Unfortunately due to covid restrictions Georgia was not allowed to physically visit the school, but was kind enough to meet virtually via Google meets with our students.

The students have been working on an Industry study where they learn about a specific video production company. This is where they can truly understand how the skills they have been mastering can be applied in the real world. We were able to gain a very clear snapshot of how the Gold Coast Channel 7 offices operate. 

Georgia provided a wonderful insight into what happens behind the scenes for her job. This included how journalists must perform regional service as an apprenticeship to learn the inner workings of a news network. She also explained how a story is generated from the inside scoop from sources to capture the information to deliver the story to the general population.

Students were very surprised by her honest answers and providing insight to how her journey could be followed by anyone. They particularly enjoyed the questions about how the court cases are filmed. This included how she used appropriate questioning techniques to get the story.

Students also learnt how the modern technology is used to aid the presenters including the use of teleprompters and how much time is invested into writing her stories. Georgia will spend a whole day for a 1 minute presentation on the evening news. This includes writing her own scripts to memorising her story to present on location to the final production of working out the timestamps for how the scenes will be spliced together.

All of the students and myself are very grateful to Georgia for taking the time to share her story with us. You never know we might have the next local news reporter within our class!

Steve Henderson
Director of TAS

Debating and Public Speaking




Is Grammar Really Important For Second Language Learners?

Grammar is the backbone of any language and without it, meaning can become completely lost. However, it is certainly NOT the only way to learn another language. The ‘communicative’ approach - speaking about and listening to topics also plays a significant factor in the process of language acquisition. At Lindisfarne, we adopt both approaches in developing language learners.  

Mme Signori’s Year 7 French classes have been working well this term on extending their knowledge of the French language. In particular, they have been focusing on their understanding of some new grammar concepts which do not occur in the English language. This has presented the students with the opportunity to challenge not only their understanding of French grammar, but also of the English language. Featured in the two videos below are two students from Mme Signori’s Year 7 French class, demonstrating their understanding of these grammar concepts. 

Lucas Martin’s Hickel discusses adjectival agreement whilst James Sabey demonstrates how to construct a negative sentence. Both students presented the concepts clearly and accurately to their peers.

Listening to their explanation demonstrates their deep understanding of this language concept.

Well done to both students. Lucas Martins Hickel and James Sabey.

Cathy Cox
Director of Languages 



Maths Minute

Statistics Project

COVID 19 has certainly brought many challenges and there are many things we could say that we detest about Covid 19 but one positive aspect is the collection and analysis of data from around the world. On the topic of Statistics, year 9 students looked at some different models of how we might track data from the John Hopkins Centre and closer to home the Health NSW Government site analysing how collection of data is happening. Students also looked at how data might be displayed in different graphs and how to critically analyse the information in graphs. 

Olympics Project

Whilst we wish all our Australian Olympians the very best of luck in the games, we have been closely monitoring their performance and cheering them on. The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games has provided us an opportunity to learn more about statistics and the Olympics in Maths. Bella Letts said “ I really enjoyed being able to learn about the Olympics, it was a fun experience. It was nice to know more about what’s happening and being able to recreate some of the games incorporating maths was a good idea.”. 

Caitriona McCann
Mathematics Teacher


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Helpful Tips From The Recycling Team

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant -Sustainability 

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

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Kokoda 2021

After missing out in 2020 due to Covid, Lindisfarne had many students eager to complete this gruelling challenge. Seven teams of Year 9 and 10 students and two teams of incredibly tough Year 11 students put their hand up and the journey began. Over eight weeks and led by 'sherpa' Dwyer (aka Mr Dwyer) these students met early on a Sunday morning and walked anywhere from 20km through to 48km in a series of training days. The terrain was tough with Mr Dwyer cramming in as many climbs as he could within the distance. The key to success in these events is preparation, time on the legs, climbing and more climbing.

By the time the 17th and 18th of July came around our students were well prepared to take on the challenge. With the support of teachers; Mr Dwyer, Mrs Smurthwaite, Ms Alborough, Mrs McDowell, Mrs Bedford, Mrs Dana Dowker, parent leaders Mrs Bella Mor and Mr Andrew Fallon and one amazing ex student Chloe Green, we embarked on our journey.

The 96km teams departed at 7.00am on the Saturday and trekked a gruelling 96km across many terrains and throughout the night. A testimony to this team was their wonderful comradery and spirit in supporting each other. In an event where over 30% of participants withdrew, these two teams crossed the finish line TOGETHER 32 hours later.

Our 48km teams started at the halfway point at 11.00am and also ventured long into the night. The teams were a mix of friends and new aquantaincences and they too soon bonded and became a cohesive unit. The teams crossed the finish line anywhere from ten and a half hours to just under 13 hours.

These results are wholeheartedly due to the hard work and determination shown by every student that started the event. Sore feet, blisters, tired bodies was just the start but everyone persevered and in the process created memories that will last a lifetime.

A special Thankyou to the support crews who also stayed out all night providing warm food, clean socks and moral support at the checkpoints. These are not possible without that additional support. Congratulations to all our students, ex students, parents, teachers and support crew. 

See you all in 2022!!

48km walkers

  • Teal Atkinson
  • Damien lark
  • Jonathon Creagh
  • Zavier Moulet
  • Max McGowen
  • Audrey Fallon
  • Ebony Bohte
  • Mia Harris
  • Brodie McDowell
  • Sam Coleman
  • Eli Veldhoven
  • Morgan King
  • Rupert Fahy
  • Thomas Ellis
  • Flynn Howarth
  • Scarlett Conn
  • Tobi Chapman
  • Tate Dee
  • Munivai Morris
  • Sven Loemker
  • William Wallace
  • Jaxon Jordan
  • Billy Wardle
  • Fergus Hogan
  • James Fyfe

96km teams

  • Daniel Green
  • Luc Mitchell
  • Alex Ryan
  • Jarred Eriksen
  • Thomas Leach
  • Olivia Greenslade
  • Millie Prince
  • Lucian Shand

Please enjoy some more photo's from our Kokoda Adventures below. 

Mrs McDowell & Mr Dwyer

Chess - Lindisfarne Wins Second Online Round

On Friday 30th July, the Lindisfarne chess team won our second online round of the country schools tournament with a 3-1 result against Macksville High School.

The results for the round are detailed below with the winners highlighted in bold and the first player playing white.

1) Nick Currin, Macksville (0) vs Zac Holtsbaum, Lindisfarne (1)

2) Nathan Lark, Lindisfarne(1) vs Elliot Joyce, Macksville (0) 

3) Jordan O'Laughlin, Macksville (0) vs Luke Bolter , Lindisfarne (0)

4) Mia Wilkinson, Lindisfarne (1)  vs  Mia Wilkinson, Lindisfarne (0)

Zac, Mia and Zac won their games with ease. Luke lost after his opponent did not accept his Englund gambit but instead countered with a fried liver like attack where his king and rook were forked resulting in him losing his rook. Unfortunately, he was unable to make a comeback from there.

Our next round will be against Grafton High School. The date is still to be finalised but it needs to be completed within the next two weeks.

See if you can solve this puzzle. White to move, with checkmate in two moves.

Gavin Kester



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Community News

T H & C Nippers Sign On

Bilambil Touch Sign On

North Kirra Nippers Sign On

Bring It For Beau

On the 7th of April 2021, Beau Jensen, a young Tweed Heads local was involved in an accident that has changed the path of his and his family’s life. Beau sustained head injuries after being knocked unconscious at Snapper Rocks and as a result was transferred to the Gold Coast University Hospital and placed in a medically induced coma. 

Beau’s injuries have taken him from a young aspiring soccer player with a bright future to a young man facing many months, even years of rehabilitation with the outcome unknown. 

We are working hard to raise funds to support Beau’s family as they navigate their new life which includes an inability for mum, Hope, to work and dad, Eric, going between work and hospital to provide for his family. 

Funds raised from all fundraising events will provide Beau’s parents Eric and Hope the financial resources required to allow them to focus 100% on Beau, his recovery and bringing him home.

Our community is responding in the only way we know how – a local community fundraising event. This event is being held on the 26th of September 2021 at the South Tweed Bowls Club. 

We need your help!  We are seeking donations (big or small) which will be raffled off and/or auctioned off on the day of the fundraising event. 

If you or anyone you know would like to support Beau and his family via donations, please email us via: Bringit4beau@gmail.com 

We encourage you to follow Beau’s journey and keep up to date with further fundraising details via the below links: 

  • Instagram -@bringit4beau

Thank you for helping.

Aleisha Weston 
Bring it For Beau Committee
0412 642 541

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