From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Firstly, I wish to thank all staff, students and families who have worked with the School over the last four weeks to provide quality online and remote learning. I believe our School pivoted quickly to provide continuity of learning for our students.

Further to my letter to the community yesterday (Principal’s Update 16 - 9, September 2021), I look forward to welcoming all students and staff from both New South Wales and Queensland to school on Monday following today’s announcement of the re-establishment of the border bubble. The full details can be found in my latest correspondence (Principal’s Update 17 - 10, September 2021) sent to all families this afternoon.

I want to acknowledge the work and support of Professor Tyrone Carlin, Vice-Chancellor and President of Southern Cross University (SCU) and his team for their support in allowing us to run our Lindisfarne@SCU Community Outreach program. The staff were welcoming and accommodating and it strengthened our existing partnership with this leading tertiary education provider. Whilst I hope we do not have a need for Lindisfarne@SCU in the future, it remains a contingency should we need to support our Queensland families in this way again.  

Today I spent time meeting online hosting the Diocesan Schools Network, where representatives from Lindisfarne and the other four Diocesan schools, who along with Bishop Murray and the Diocesan Schools Commission, covered a range of topics. There was much discussion regarding Year 12 exams. We await the revised schedule from NESA, so we can continue to plan for, and support our students as they embark on the final few weeks of their Lindisfarne journey.

As part of this meeting, Reverend Constantine provided a video blessing with the support of our students and staff and I thought it appropriate to share it with you all at this time.

On Monday this week, we recognised the service of Matt Fydler, who at the start of the year had completed 20 years of service to Lindisfarne. We took the opportunity to wish Matt, Amy, Kai and Millie a very safe trip as they departed for Germany in the next step of Matt’s fight to beat cancer. On behalf of our whole Lindisfarne community, I expressed our love and gratitude for Matt’s service over the last 20 years and our continued prayers for his recovery.

As we move into the last week of Term 3, I remind everyone that students must not attend school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19. Any person with any COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home and not return to school unless: 

  • they have isolated for 10 days when no medical certificate is available 
  • they have a negative COVID-19 test result and are symptom-free 
  • In circumstances where children have other medical reasons for recurrent symptoms, a letter from their GP is sufficient to negate the requirement for a negative test.  Anyone who is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms is strongly encouraged to get tested and self-isolate until a negative result is received 

Once again I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all of our parents, students and staff for the way in which they committed themselves to get the best outcomes for our students during another difficult time. In particular to our Year 12 students and their families., who remain in our thoughts and prayers as they prepare for HSC examinations commencing 9 November. 

Kind regards,

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff and Students,

Diocesan Schools Network Meeting

Our School hosted the Grafton Anglican Schools Network virtual meeting yesterday and today. It was heartwarming to hear about all the wonderful work being done by staff and students across the five Grafton Schools in our region, and particularly joyful for me to record a rendition of Obiblo music’s Psalm 95 with some of our staff and students which Principal Marquardt shared above.  I’m very grateful to Mr Hardy and his team for putting this together beautifully.

Season of Creation

I mentioned last week that Christians around the world and all people of goodwill come together every year from 1 September to 4 October to pray and work together for the care of planet Earth during this time of ecological distress. The three leaders of the major Christian churches, Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Justin Welby released a joint statement inviting each and every one of us to play our part in upholding the integrity of creation for the sake of our children and their children. I encourage you to read the statement via this link.

Prayer and Acts of Loving Kindness

I have always said that with prayer and acts of loving-kindness we can get through this pandemic and lockdowns. I’m so grateful that we’ll resume face to face learning on Monday and I look forward to seeing our wonderful staff and students again. Let us continue to pray for those who are still in lockdowns and those who are suffering severe mental health issues as a result of the numerous challenges of this pandemic.

I just started reading today, Eddie Jaku’s book, ‘The Happiest Man on Earth’, and after a few pages I’m amazed at his profound gratitude, kindness and hope during the terrible events of the Holocaust. “There are always miracles in the world”, Eddie said, “even when all seem hopeless.”

I invite you to find those miracles in your life this weekend and share them with those you live and work with.

Thank you so much for all your creativity of love and for who you are and all you do for our school and community.

Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

OOSHC - Vacation Care

Operating hours:    8:00am – 6:00pm
Cost: $80-$114 per day.

How to book: Complete OOSHC registration forms and booking form via the “My Family Lounge”


What to wear: sun safe clothing closed in shoes. What to bring: hat, water bottle, sunscreen and insect repellent.

Welcome Back Bryson!!!

We look forward to welcoming Bryson back to our Junior School on Monday following his terrible accident. 

Please feel free to donate to and support the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service that provide a free service for our community and do such a fantastic job. 

Junior French

This week during on-line French learning at the Junior school, all students in Years 1 to 4 had a wonderful experience learning how to make ‘les croissants au chocolat’.  Students thoroughly enjoyed the practical session following Madame Cronk’s three-step recipe to create Australian-style croissants. Miam miam, C'était délicieux !

Madame Cronk
Teacher of French

Green Team

Middle School

Stage 3 Report

Online Learning at Southern Cross University 

Our Queensland students have had the opportunity to take part in their online learning at SCU. It has been wonderful to see these students and have them interact with one another during this difficult time. During recess and lunch the students are able to go outside and play. There is a ping pong table set up and a basketball hoop in the large carpark as well as balls that they can use for their own games. The Year 6 students have also been enjoying the opportunity to help out in the preschool room. It is lovely to see this interaction and connection between the subschools. Thank you to all the QLD Stage 3 teachers and support staff for giving of your time to enable our QLD students to continue with their learning in this environment. 

Year 5 Friday Fun!

The Year 5 students and teachers have been ending our weeks with some dress up fun to celebrate the hard work and continued efforts of our classes during off-campus learning. Week 7 saw us dress up in our best ‘funky’ dress-up gear. The students practised the steps to ‘The Nutbush’ during the week and Friday was the day to shine! We’re not sure who had more fun- the students or teachers, but one thing is for sure, you can’t beat the smiles and laughs that this dance always brings! To end Week 8 we wore our favourite jersey (or sports gear) for National Jersey Day. Year 5 are to be commended on their consistent positive approach to learning during this time.

Amy Williamson and Kylie Thompson
Year 5 and Year 6 Coordinators

Year 8 Update

Threatened Species Day

Cooking and baking is such an iconic lockdown activity so I challenged all of Year 7 and 8 to enter a competition and learn something new while baking. The Threatened Species Bake Off is a competition that invites Australians each year to bake a dessert in the shape of a threatened species to commemorate Threatened Species Day on 7th September. The Bake Off aims to build awareness in the community about Australia’s remarkable and unique threatened wildlife. Science and environmental concepts are something that I can’t help but share and encourage others to learn about. For Year 8 especially, who are studying Ecosystems at the moment in Science lessons, Threatened Species Day was a timely reminder that we need to do what we can to maintain ecosystems so some of these threatened species have a greater chance of survival.

See the pictures below for some of the baking that was shared with me:

Southern Corroboree Frog - Sian Mcgilligan

Christmas island blind snake cake - Mikiyo and Kimiyo Tango

Echidnas - Hannah & Eden Jocumsen 

Koala - Eliza Evesson

Polar Bear - Emy Griffiths

Brigalow Woodland Snail - Cameron Davis

Screen Free Time

Right now screens are the safest way for many young people to learn or socialise. So how should students navigate this dilemma? Experts suggest that during the pandemic staying within two hours is just not realistic and instead we need to be thinking about the way you spend your free time.

YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Netflix, TV and video games offer easy ways to pass time. Why not do some of the these other suggestions insead:

Amber Phillips
Year 8 Coordinator

Year 7 Update

All Stacked Up

This week we wrapped up our Cup Stacking Challenge

Congrats to Taylor Dunne who was our cup stacking champion with a very speedy time of 5.63 seconds only 12 one-hundredths of a second faster than Chayse Irvine.

Congrats to 7A who again showed that they are really working well together as a class by submitting the most entries.

Stay tuned for our next challenge.

The Threatened Species Bake-Off

Also, huge congratulations to Hannah Jocumsen  (7A) and Eliza Evesson (7G) who took up the challenge to enter “the threatened species bake-off”. Both girls produced brilliant cakes. We cant wait to see how you go in the competition.

Koala - Eliza Evesson

Echidnas- Hannah Jocumsen

Ms McDowell
Year 7 Coordinator

Senior School

Careers and VET

This week SEEK released a report of the  20 most-needed jobs in Australia and it was no surprise that Nursing was ranked number 1. Warehousing and Distribution was number 2 which is also not so surprising given the current events in our country meaning many people are accessing even more online shopping than ever before. When considering future pathways, I often discuss with Year 12 students what they think future trends might be in industries they are interested in. This can lead them to identifying areas that may give them a competitive advantage in the future and to think more laterally about the opportunities in their future.

This week I want to remind Year 12 students again to complete their tertiary admissions (QTAC, UAC, VTAC etc) applications as soon as possible. While the HSC may be a little way off these applications need to be set up and paid for before the end of September in order to avoid late fees. Preferences can be changed and updated up until December, so it is just important to get the application set-up and paid for to avoid late fees.

Please see the attached Options Career Information Bulletin for announcements about Careers and VET.

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and VET

Pastoral Care



Saturday Netball

It has been announced that we have No return to Community Sport. However, TNA have yet to make a decision re: the rest of the Saturday season.

Monday Night Netball

We will still organise in preparation for this competition, as fingers crossed we may still be able to have some matches to finish the season.

Any 11 years to Open players who wish to play Monday Night Netball, starting on September 13, please contact me ASAP so teams and entries can be organised. 

If you have already played this year, the registration through NetballConnect will cost $10 and the Team fees of approx. $50 - $60, will be charged through the Parent Lounge. It would be great to have teams in all of the divisions for Season 2.

Tweed’s registrar has asked me to find more 11 - 13 year-old players!

Netball Centre of Excellence 

The Netball Centre of Excellence players have continued to keep themselves Netball fit.

This week, the Lions did another workout with me - inspired by Molly Jovic, the Collingwood Magpies’ Centre court player.

After our workout last week,Isabella Arghyros  and Matilda Daniel also completed the Session 3.

And for those of you in Queensland … Holiday Clinics are BACK!

This September, Holiday Clinics will be held for players aged 5-10 years and 11 -14 years. These clinics are a wonderful opportunity to have fun, be active and learn some new skills! No prior netball experience is required.

All registrations include the clinic, a Queensland Firebirds giveaway and the option to redeem a Digital Membership with some exclusive benefits!

NetSetGO 5-10 years

The Firebirds Holiday Clinics powered by Suncorp Team Girls is for girls and boys aged 5 to 10 years who are interested in having fun, being active, learning about netball and learning new skills.

Rookie 11-14 years

The Firebirds Holiday Clinics powered by Suncorp Team Girls is for girls and boys aged 11 to 14 years who are interested in learning more about netball or developing current skills.


Have fun!

Stay Strong Lions!

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

From The Sportsdesk

Term 3 Sport Refunds

We will be refunding Term 3 sports from the start of the NSW Lockdown which was Monday, 16 August through to the end of Term 3. This is a total of 5 weeks of sport that will be refunded back to the card that was used to make the payment. 

With the hopeful return of NSW students next week, we will organise alternative arrangements in the Sport periods based on the Level 3 Guidelines that we need to work within.

Term 4 Sport selections UPDATED

The Sports Department will continue to postpone the selection of Term 4 Sports for Years 5 to 10 due to the current Level 3 Health restrictions. 

Queensland All School Touch Football

Lindisfarne’s entry into this wonderful multiple-day tournament is on a knife's edge - we are hoping for the best in the next few days, otherwise we will be having to withdraw. 

Spotlight on Eliza Fahy and Finlay Bartell

Two of our wonderful Year 7 students Eliza Fahy and Finlay Bartell have both been selected to represent QLD at the National Hockey titles in Tasmania - which is a highly commendable achievement. Unfortunately, this week Hockey Australia cancelled these titles but Eliza and Finlay still have the opportunity to participate in some national coaching clinics.

National carnivals incur significant expenses and so the parents are running a raffle to raise some funds. 1st price is a $500 Mercian hockey voucher.

The link is here if you would like to support Eliza or Finlay in their journey.

VIRTUAL CRICKET NSW PLAYER VISIT - Far North Coast + Clarence Valley Club/Association

CNSW has a fantastic opportunity coming up and wanted to provide you/your families as members of clubs and associations within the Far North Coast and Clarence Valley regions the chance to connect with some of our professional athletes.

Next Wednesday 15th September, we have a few very special guests from our NSW Blues and Breakers program available to our region. This is suitable for Juniors Players, Senior Players, Volunteers and anyone genuinely interested!

Over the Day we will have 2 x 30Min Sessions for a Virtual Visit (Microsoft Teams – Free Platform) with yourselves as FNC + CV Participants and volunteers, and our guests (Players).

To Register Simply Scan the QR Code in the flyer or Use this Link to provide your details - 

10:00am - 10:30am 

Session with Baxter + Ryan -
Click here to register for this session

1:30pm - 2:00pm 

Session with Moises + Sammy Jo - 
Click here to register for this session

Please register using the link provided, ensuring that you provide an email address as the meeting link will be sent directly to those who register prior to Wednesday 15th (Most likely the afternoon before).

There will be an opportunity to provide questions in your registration form to ask of the athletes, and time permitting we should have a chance to ask anything further of our athletes during their virtual visit with us.

Should anyone have any questions or like further information please get in contact, I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on the call. Please feel free to register for one or Both sessions depending on your availability throughout the day.

If you are unable to attend the above session please reach out as we have a few offerings throughout the day.

NSWPSSA and NSW All Schools Term 4 Cancellations 

Due to the impact of COVID-19 across New South Wales, unfortunate decisions have had to be made in cancelling the following revised term four calendar events:

* NSWPSSA Primary Boys Football (Soccer) Championship on Wednesday 6 October to Friday 8 October at Griffith

* NSWPSSA Primary Netball Championship on Monday 11 October to Wednesday 13 October at Menai

* NSWPSSA Primary Rugby Union Championship on Tuesday 12 October to Thursday 14 October at Mudgee

* NSW All Schools Cross Country Championship (Primary and Secondary) on Monday 18 October at Eastern Creek

* NSWPSSA Primary Girls Rugby Union 7s on Thursday 21 October and Friday 22 October at Gateshead

* NSW All Schools Hockey 16 years Tri-Series on Thursday 21 October and Friday 22 October at Broadmeadow

* NSWPSSA Primary Athletics Championship on Thursday 2 December and Friday 3 December at Sydney Olympic Park

N.B. The NSWCIS Primary Boys & Girls Cricket Trials have just been POSTPONED at this stage until further notice and  we are still looking at options for our 15 & Under and Open Netball Challenge and the NSWCIS Football Cup Finals.


For those Events that have been cancelled where Students have paid Levies, these will be refunded; for those Students who have purchase uniform there will be options of keeping or returning (non-opened) gear; for those Students who were selected but hadn’t purchased any uniform you will be given the opportunity to do so...this information will be forwarded to you via email after 1.00pm on Thursday 2nd September.   

Netball NSW Schools Cup

Netball NSW has made the difficult decision to officially cancel the remaining 2021 Netball NSW Schools Cup Competitions which were previously postponed due to COVID-19, including Regional and State Finals.

The decision has been made following the NSW government announcement of the back-to-school plan on Friday 27th August 2021. After reviewing the plan, Netball NSW has concluded that there are no available options of successfully running the remaining events in 2021 whilst students make a gradual return to school and remain under level 3 restrictions.

Lindisfarne Tennis Championships

Registrations are now open for the annual Lindisfarne Tennis Championships. Please note that Wednesday, September 15 is cancelled - we will shuffle back the date until later in Term 4 and notify the community when that date is finalised. 


Summer League

The Gold Coast Junior Basketball League will run their Summer Season throughout Term 4. Unfortunately, with volatility around the QLD border directives, including the length of  time it takes to cross the border in the current climate  - even with a border bubble back in place, the hard decision has been made for Lindisfarne to withhold our team's entry for the remainder of the year (Summer League). We are reluctant to make this call, but the stress levels are too great on parents and students trying to make the venue on time with lengthy border delays and no immediate border respite in sight.

Student Cafe sign ups available

The Australian Schools Volleyball Cup is now played on the Gold Coast. 

We are taking registrations now for Lindisfarne's inaugural entry in the Australian Schools Volleyball Cup (a 5 day competition that runs in the last week of school in December on the Gold Coast). The tournament operators of this event are determined to proceed - even if it is just for QLD schools.

We will be running hour-long morning or afternoon training sessions for our squads that will be encouraged as compulsory for the selected students. Please register your interest via Student Cafe in the following age divisions and we will be back in touch with further details via email:

  • Year 7 and 8 Girls
  • Year 7 and 8 Boys 
  • Year 9 and 10 Girls
  • Year 9 and 10 Boys 

Australian Schools Basketball Championships

The 2021 Australian School Championships will be held from Saturday 27 November- Thursday 2 December at Carrara Indoor Sports Stadium on the Gold Coast. This is the first year of a three year tenure at the Gold Coast, and a magnificent opportunity on our doorstep for our Basketball enthusiasts - of which there are many here at Lindisfarne!

We will be taking player registrations very soon through Student Cafe and running trials. Training will be an hour long block either before or after school to prepare rigorously for this tournament.

  • U15 Boys
  • U15 Girls
  • U17 Boys
  • U17 Girls
  • U20 Boys
  • U20 Girls

U15 Division: for players aged 14 years and younger as at 31 December, 2021 – born in 2007 or later 

U17 Division: for players aged 16 years and younger as at 31 December, 2021 – born in 2005 or later

U20 Division: for players aged 19 years and younger as at 31 December, 2021 – born in 2002 or later

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities 

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Stage 3 Lindisfarne Creative Writing Winner

Stage 3 really embraced this creative writing competition. There were so many entries! The Stage 3 teachers and students are commended for their level of participation and the engaging responses that were produced. It was very interesting to see how entrants used elements of the stimulus (below) as inspiration for their response. 

The Stage 3 Winner is Alicia Brown with her piece entitled Burden of Guilt.

She is congratulated on her engaging and carefully crafted response which has been attached below. You are encouraged to take the time to read her composition. It is amazing what some of our Stage 3 students can compose.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking






Maths Minute

Problem Solving 

Thank you to those students who emailed me possible solutions to the problems in last week's newsletter. The correct answer to the first problem was 50 and the second one was 3 ½ Kg.  

This week's challenge - Some mathematics students in Year 10 and Year 12 are looking at the maths around quadratic functions. Your task is to email a photo of a parabolic function in your area. It can be man made or in nature. Please email submissions to

Year 12 

Next Term we have engaged a speaker, Stuart Palmer to present to some Year 12 Mathematics Standard 2 students. This will happen on the Friday of Week 1 Term 4. Stuart is a fully qualified secondary mathematics teacher with 25 years of full-time teaching experience in a variety of NSW schools. He taught and programmed Stages 4, 5 and 6 Mathematics numerous times. He currently works as an educational consultant and delivers workshops all over the state. We are excited to have him present to Lindisfarne students to provide further support to them as they enter the final stages of their preparation for the Higher School Certificate. 

Caitriona McCann


Performing Arts

Year 8 Drama

Costume Inspiration Boards

In Year 8 Drama, students have been engaged in online learning by undertaking the role of a Costume Designer. 

The first step in the process, after they have read the plays and selected the character for whom they will design, was to create an 'inspiration board'. These boards are a mixture of images, colours, textures and period-appropriate features that represent the character's personality, status and role within the drama. Designers later use these inspiration boards to create the costume rendering (design). 

Students had a choice of two plays: Agatha Christie's "Cards on the Table", set in the London summer of 1935, or the pantomime comedy "Robin Hood and the Wedding of Doom".  They explained their design choices by recording themselves as though in discussion with a director. Staff are very excited to see how these inspirations will eventually be incorporated into the costume designs that the students are currently creating. 

  1. Cameron Davis
  2. Asher Drury
  3. Scout Bee Jones
  4. Thomas Cunnah
  5. River Robinson

Loretta Visser
Drama Teacher

Gold Coast Eisteddfod

Over the course of this week and last, the Lindisfarne Junior School was lucky enough to have a handful of talented Queensland Speech and Drama students represent Lindisfarne by performing in the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. This event is one of the largest performing arts competitions of its kind in the country. These students were lucky enough to still be able to participate and we are proud of their efforts and involvement.

The following students were involved in the annual event:

Indiana Morrison in Year 2 

- 1st place in the Humorous Poetry section

- 2nd place in the Prose section

Harper Reid in year 3 

- 1st place for the Poem in Pairs section

- 1st place for the Humours Poetry section

- 3rd place for the Duologue section

- Very Highly Commended for the Drama section.

Amelia Haubek in year 3 

- 1st place for the Poem in Pairs section

- 1st place for the Drama section

- 3rd place for the Duologue section

- Very Highly Commended for the Humorous Poetry section.

Please join me in congratulating them.

Jesse Edwards
Junior School - Coordinator of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


R U OK? Day and Women’s Health Week

There were two significant dates and initiatives this week:R U OK? Day was on Thursday, 9 September 2021. It was our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” and support those struggling with life's ups and downs. As we ride the pandemic rollercoaster and are reminded how our world was changed 20 years ago on Saturday, it is more poignant than ever to:

For more information and to learn how to ask a friend R U OK? visit

September 6-10 was Women's Health Week 2021.  Women's Health Week was a nation-wide campaign of events and online activities – all centred on improving women's health and helping women make healthier choices. The focus was on an important women's health topic each day with videos, recipes, quizzes, articles and tools to help unlock personal powers for good health. 

In 2013, realising that there was no event dedicated to women's health in Australia, Jean Hailes for Women's Health ran the very first national Women's Health Week. Thousands of women across Australia subscribed to take part in a week of events and online activities, learning more about their health.

Now in its ninth year, Women's Health Week continues to gain groundswell nationally. In 2020 (despite COVID-19), more than 90,000 women participated in more than 1400 events, and over 45,000 women subscribed to the online campaign.

Women's Health Week attracts the support of organisations, high profile ambassadors, businesses, community, sporting and media groups across the country and is now a permanent feature on the Australian calendar taking place in the first week of September. It is a national not-for-profit organisation and initiative, dedicated to improving women’s health by assisting them to actively manage their own health and wellbeing.

In the words of Maya Angelou: You have two hands; one for yourself, the other for helping others.

So the message this week is clear: Take care of yourself and those you care for.

The PDHPE Faculty

Photography and Digital Media


Science Matters

Celebrating Our Outstanding Students

Remember Term 1? It seems like another lifetime: teaching was face to face, we were getting too much sun at the swimming carnival and you could sit down to eat in a restaurant whenever you wanted. It all sounds delightfully quaint now.

Something else that happened away back in Term 1 was that students in Year 7 were presented with the opportunity to prepare an entry for the Australian Museum Science Video competition. This is a national competition in science communication and the entrants had to produce a two minute video based around this year’s theme “Big”. 

It is a notoriously difficult competition and we are delighted to announce that Owen Browne earned a Highly Commended award for his film “Super Blankey” about the unusual adaptations of the blanket octopus. It requires a combination of thorough research and creativity to produce a finalist video and it is hard to overstate what a significant accomplishment Owen has achieved. His film will now become part of the permanent collection of the Australian Museum video library along with the other 2021 finalists.

In Owen’s own words: “ I entered the competition because one of the main prizes was a presentation dinner with Dr Karl and Adam Spencer. They were (and are) some of my favourite scientists of all time (or at least the modern era). I ended up getting Highly Commended which I was very surprised about. Something that was hard in making my video was getting the right camera angle for the release of the blanket. I really enjoyed making and painting my model of the blanket octopus.”

 You can view Owen’s film here: Super Blanky - Highly Commended, 2021 Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize

In news just in, our congratulations are also extended on behalf of the entire school community to Olivia Sweetnam and Chloe Guye 

who have been accepted to attend the National Science Youth Forum in Canberra for 2022. 

This 10 day residential program in January provides  an opportunity for Year 12 students who are passionate about science to meet with practicing scientists, listen to lectures and take part in debates about current issues, tour the laboratories at Australian National University, learn about career options in science and, perhaps most importantly, spend time with other like-minded students and make connections for the future.

It was an arduous application process for Olivia and Chloe who are to be commended for their achievement. We fervently hope that covid restrictions allow the forum to proceed as a live event and we will catch up with them in the new year to share their experiences.

You can find out more about the National Youth Science Forum by visiting the website here:

Now more than ever we need people who can communicate ideas in science to a broad and increasingly skeptical audience. The future depends upon people who will be able to transfer complex information via clear and engaging messages. Our current predicament is testament to what happens when scientific messaging is absent and/or incoherent.

Give Owen, Olivia and Chloe a virtual, cyber high five for their achievements and maybe, just maybe we’ll see you back at school for the last week of Term 3.

Hamish Inksetter
Teacher of Science

Visual Arts

Featured Artist - Chris Nellikkattu

This week we would like to introduce you to the work of Chris Nellikkattu who has made an outstanding video for his Photography and Digital Media Assessment Task. As students approach the final stages of their 2 year PDM course, their assessment requires them to choose a genre and theme they will create their work in. Chris created an incredible and professional advertisement for Pepsi Max, with great attention to the product and nuance of the genre he was working in. Please enjoy! 

“Chris is a great videographer and artist. Wow! I'm seriously impressed” 

Cam Jackson: Production Manager and Occasional PDM Film Critic

Click on the link or the video below to view Chris Nellikkattu: Pepsi Max Advertisement 

Bronwyn Dann 
Acting Director of Visual Art

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



Helpful Tips

Patrick Brabant
School Sustainability Assistant

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular

Tournament Of Minds 2021

Last weekend the regional finals of Tournament of Minds were held. Lindisfarne had NINE teams competing in the disciplines of Language Literature, Social Sciences and STEM. Teams had to solve a challenge relating to their chosen discipline and due to the lockdown restrictions, present their solution in video format.

'The 'Book Thieves', facilitated by Mrs Dowker and consisting of Year 6 students Kailash S, Sienna W, James L, Bryce C, Oliver A and Simon H won first place in the Primary Language Literature discipline. They are progressing to the NSW State Finals to be held on Sunday 19 September. This will also be a virtual event.

Three of our teams were awarded Honours (second place). 

Congratulations to April H, Lillia A, Eva T, Koa S and Marcus F (Primary STEM Honours); Rithika S, Audrey S, Sana R, Grace R and Emmerson B (Primary Language Literature) and Leo L, Teagan G, Bijou R, Marina M and Tessa F (Secondary Social Sciences).

It was an incredible effort for all of our students and facilitators to work together and be able to submit their challenge solution despite the lockdown restrictions. Thank you again to Mrs Dowker, Miss Turnbull, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Letters for facilitating this year.

Thank you must also go to the volunteers who gave up their time last Saturday to judge the submissions: Jodie Duggan, Rosemary Greenup, Tina Callander, Kelly Bedford, Caitriona McCann, Ella Evans and Alyssa Malone.

Please see below photo's of all of our participants.

Amy Williamson
Tournament of Minds Regional Director



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
