From the Principal


Vale - Matt Fydler

It was with a heavy heart and great sadness that I informed the School community on Sunday our dear friend and colleague, Matt Fydler passed away last Saturday evening. My communication can be read here.

We continue to hold in our hearts Matt, his wife Amy, his young children Millie and Kai, his parents Peter and Lesley and his brothers Chris and Tim and their extended family. We will wrap our community around them, providing them with our love, our prayers and our continued support and care.

Family and friends are invited to the funeral to celebrate the life of Matt Fydler on Sunday, 30 January from 11.00am at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, 86 Mahers Lane, Terranora. Guests are kindly asked to wear bright colours to match the light that Matt brought into everyone's lives. Current Lindisfarne students in attendance are asked to wear full formal uniforms.

The service will be live-streamed at Live stream.

Guests are reminded that masks are required and in lieu of flowers please make a donation to Tweed Palliative Support and Wedgetail Retreat.

If you or your children require support at this time Senior Staff are available to be contacted including:

School Chaplain, Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu,, School Psychologist, Julie Henry,, School Psychologist, Kasey Lloyd,, School Counsellor, Natalie Daugherty, Head of Junior School, Jeremy Godden,, Head of Middle School, Cathy Cox,, Head of Senior School, Kate Cornell,, Director of Community Engagement, Simon McKinley,, and Director of Human Resources, Mary-Ellen Jackman,

In our grief and loss we are reminded that “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18)

We will always remember and treasure the contribution Matt Fydler made to our Lindisfarne School community, the Tweed Coast Community and our lives.

Covid Update - Return to School

On Tuesday I wrote to the school community outlining the return to school plan for 2022.  You can read my communication here.

Traffic is intense at the start of each school year and settles down after the first week or two. Please be patient and respectful during this time and as far as possible use ‘kiss and drop’ zones and available School transport services.

As you are aware all New South Wales Schools will commence the 2022 school year on Monday 31 January with learning delivery to be face to face. Students are expected to be in attendance unless they are unwell or isolating as household contacts.

A strategy of New South Wales Health and the Department of Education is the twice a week RAHT on a Monday and Wednesday as a key strategy to minimise Covid-19 transmission in both the School and the wider community and to assist Schools to provide a safe workplace.  We recognise the complexity of family life so Sunday evening may work better for some families ahead of Monday morning. Likewise, if you miss Wednesday morning for some reason please ensure you complete a RAHT Wednesday evening. The important thing is to test twice a week to identify any positive cases as a priority. Already at this early stage, the use of the RAHT by our staff has resulted in minimising transmission of Covid-19 in our immediate School community and the wider community. Minimising transmission will keep more people in the school and wider community well, reduce the number of people needing to self isolate because they are household contacts, prevent hospitalisation rates, numbers in intensive care and deaths from escalating further, and support business continuity and resolution of supply chain issues.

As an Anglican School, we take the sanctity of human life seriously and in particular our role in protecting the elderly, children (many who at this stage are to complete vaccinations), the immune-compromised and those with disabilities by slowing the rate of transmission and supporting our health system and hospitals in Australia to remain functional, and respecting our frontline health professionals.

Australia Day Awards

At the annual Tweed Shire Australia Day awards three past students with long connections to the School were among the award recipients.

The 2021 Sporting Achievement (Individual) was shared by 2 people – sisters Madison (2014) and Savannah Fitzpatrick (2012). Madison and Savannah are both members of Australia’s Hockeyroos and represented Australia with distinction at the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. Frequent visitors to the School, as recently as Senior School Speech day last year, Madison and Savannah continue to inspire the next generation of Lindisfarne students not only by representing our country but also through their strength of character, grace and dignity.

The 2021 Young Achiever in Community Service award went to a much respected Year 10 student of 2021, Sven Loemker, a member of the Cudgen Headland Surf Life Saving Club. Sven was recognised for his dedication to patrolling and his involvement in the club. In the 2021 patrol season, Sven racked up an incredible 171.2 volunteer patrol hours - one of the highest on the Far North Coast. He also spent considerable time mentoring the club’s juniors. We are proud of Sven and his generosity of spirit. Sven completed Year 10 in 2021 and now attends the Australian Industry Trade College at Varsity Lakes with work placement in the Construction industry.

As we commence the 2022 School year in the next stage of the Covid-19 global pandemic we will continue to follow health advice and play our role in supporting the state and national health requirements. We will continue to respond in calm and considered ways remaining agile, flexible and adaptable. We look forward to a positive year of learning and achievement across all aspects of School life.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” ~Rilke.

I welcome each and everyone of you to this new school year 2022, albeit full of uncertainties and anxieties brought about by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. 

On top of that our hearts are broken because we have lost Matt Fydler,  a much-loved member of our staff and community, and we are overcome with grief and sadness because of his untimely death.

In times like this, it’s important to remember that we are never alone -we have each other, and we also have our loving God who, even though we don’t fully understand his ways, is always close to us -in good times and in bad.

The Bible tells us that “God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit” (Psalm 37.18). In this time of mourning let us allow God to console us, and then let us console each other with the same consolation we have received from God.

Please join me in praying for the repose of Matt, and for God’s comfort for his family and our School community. Please remember to reach out if you are struggling with grief because sorrow shared is sorrow halved.

2022: Year of Compassion, Holistic Health and Wellbeing.

I’m inviting and encouraging everyone at Lindisfarne School and the community to make Lindisfarne School’s value of compassion the standard for decision-making and actions in 2022.

 Why compassion?

  • Because it is love in action, and what makes us tick at Lindisfarne.
  • Because it transcends cultures, religions, politics, genders, ages and classes.
  • Because everyone in our Lindisfarne School community should feel valued, seen, loved, cared for and respected.
  • Because most people want to be and work in organisations where compassion is woven into the fabric of the culture.
  • Because compassion helps to create a more humane, just and peaceful world.

Why holistic health and wellbeing?

  • Because we want to continue to build a world-class school where every student has a friend and nurtures positive and life-giving relationships.
  • Because we are committed to authentic and holistic education and self-actualisation, attending to the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life.
  • Because it nurtures positive character in our School and the wider community.

Let us then take up the tasks of this new year with enthusiasm, vigour, mutual support and love, remembering as Mother Teresa said that: “we are not called to do extraordinary things, but ordinary things with extraordinary love.”

I wish you Godspeed on the journey of learning and growth this year and beyond.

Rev Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Welcome Fellow Students

Welcome to new students to Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School. My name is Ronan Green and I am one of your 2022 School Vice-Captains. I know some of you will be nervous coming to a new school but I promise that you will settle in super quickly at Lindisfarne and soon you will see how nurturing and nice everyone is here.

I came to the school in Year 8, which is probably like some of you, and going to a new school with no people you know and no idea where your classroom is can be daunting and it sure was for me. But it only took me a few days to realise the true nature of Lindisfarne and that there was no reason to be nervous at all! So when you are walking down those stairs for the first time (and believe me it won't be your last) just remember that you'll be settled in no time.

So on behalf of the School Leaders for 2022, welcome.

Ronan Green
School Vice-Captain

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Welcome Event Postponed

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The combined Parents and Friends and Principal's Welcome Event to be held on Friday, 4 February has been postponed in line with our current advice regarding COVID. We plan to run this event later in Term 1 to warmly welcome our new families.

The 'Meet the Teacher' event planned prior to the same evening at the Junior School is still proceeding, it is just the social event after that is postponed.

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Junior School Sport

Happy New Year! 

Welcome back to what is hopefully a year filled with sport at the Junior Campus. This year we are looking to get back to the good old days of participation in gala days, carnivals, competitions and training sessions. 

Dates for Term 1

Please find below some Junior School key dates to add to your calendar: 

  • Wednesday, 9 February (Week 2) - Years 3 to 8 Swimming Carnival 
  • Friday,25 March (Week 8) - FUN Cross Country Carnival
  • Thursday, 7 April (Week 10) - 3-12 Cross Country 

Junior and Middle Swimming Carnival 

Our first major carnival for the year will be the Years 3 to 8 Swimming Carnival to be held on Wednesday, 9 February in Week 2. 

Information relating to the carnival will be published in the Sports section of the Newsletter. Please read the information and if you have any questions please contact Damien Clucas Head of Sport or Nathan Croft at the Junior Campus.   

Total Football Academy - After school Program 

The Total Football Academy after school program will kick off in Week 2 on Monday, 7 February and will continue until Week 9 Monday 28 March. 

This program was promoted at the end of 2022 and is now full. This program will be run again in Term 2, 3 and possibly Term 4 this year for those who missed out. All information relating to this program and other sporting activities run at the Junior Campus will be advertised in the Newsletter. 

Runner Club

Lindisfarne Junior School will start the runners club in Week 3 at Sunshine Avenue. The purpose of the Runners club is to assist in the running development of our school students. Last year the Runners Club was a great success with students and parents joining in to improve their running, fitness or just to spend time with each other doing physical activity. Students in Years 1 to 4 are welcome to attend. 

Runners Club Training days will be Monday and Wednesday morning. The training sessions will begin at 7.30am sharp and will conclude by 8.30am. Students will be required to bring along their school uniforms to change into after the completion of the session. Students will be given time to change and have something to eat before the first bell at 8.45am. Parents and carers are more than welcome to come along and join in. 

Nathan Croft
PE Specialist P-4

Green Team

Middle School

Welcome from the Heads of Middle and Senior School

We would like to offer a warm welcome to the 2022 School year for both new and returning families. The beginning of the academic year is a time of adjustment for all members of our community as we get to know each other and settle into new classes, year levels and for some, a new school. Thank you to all who have assisted with this transition. The Lindisfarne staff have worked tirelessly to create impressive learning environments and programs that will help uncover all aspects of each student’s personality and development - spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically.

Some students may be feeling a little bit anxious about the start of the school year. If you have a particular concern, please communicate with your Homeroom or Tutor Group teacher, Year Level Coordinator or Head of Sub-School.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind students and families of the importance of the hair and uniform requirements. No doubt some of our students have had some fun experimenting with new hairstyles and jewellery during the break which is always good fun!

Hair and Uniform Expectations:

  • Hair is to be neat, tidy and off the face. If the hair has grown to the collar (for boys or girls) it must be tied up. 
  • Hair colour, mullets and other hairstyles not in accordance with the school uniform policy are not permitted.
  • Jewellery is also per the uniform policy which means no bracelets, necklaces, rings, scrunchies (other than the regulation school ones) and no nail polish.
  • Students  are to wear their sports uniform on their PDHPE and Sports days only 

These expectations are outlined in the 2022 Parent and Student Guide which will be sent to families in the first week of the term.

We look forward to starting 2022 with you and look forward to a rewarding school year.

Mrs Cathy Cox                                                            
Head of Middle School                                                

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Senior School

Pastoral Care



Welcome back to the 2022 Netball Season!

Happy New Year!

It is going to be a very exciting year with plenty of opportunities for all players to enjoy the game.

Monday Night Netball

The Monday Night Netball Competition is due to start Round 1 on January 31. We have three teams entered at the moment, but we could have more, including a mixed team. Please contact me ASAP. All registrations for this competition should be completed before the first game. All players under 18 are considered Juniors. 

You will have to pay for your Netball Queensland and Tweed Netball Registration but you will be charged the Monday Night entry fee through the School’s payment system.

Are you interested in playing netball, having fun, meeting new people, and developing your skills? Why not join one of our Lindisfarne Lions teams?

The Tweed Netball Association’s Saturday competition starts on March 26 at Arkinstall Park, Cunningham Street. The finals will be completed in August this year.

Registrations will open shortly but in the meantime please let us know you're interested in playing and we will ensure that you receive all the appropriate information.

Express your interest by completing this online form.  Please submit the google form by Tuesday, 8 February.

Players who are 10 years and under, have to play in their age group teams e.g. If you are or are turning 9 years old in 2022, then you will be in a team with other 9-year-olds.

If needed, team selections for Saturday Netball will be held after school on the following dates:

  • Thursday, 17 February - Junior School
  • Thursday, 24 February - Middle School and Senior School

Further details will be provided shortly. 

For those who have already been selected in the 2022 Netball Centre of Excellence Program, please note these first training session and event dates for your diary:

  • Thursday, 3 February: 3.45pm - 4.30pm Training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 7 - 12 players. These will continue each Thursday during Term 1. There will be a bus to take you down to Arkinstall Park. Please let us know if you will be needing this service.
  • Friday, 4 February: In sport time, training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 5 and 6 players.
  • Monday, 7 February: P1 - P4 Strength and Conditioning training with Rory for all Years 7 - 12 players. Timetable to be confirmed.
  • Tuesday, 8 February: 7.30am Speed and Agility training with Mr Sam Dick on the Top Oval. These will continue each Tuesday during
    Term 1.
  • Friday, 11 February: 7.30am Shooting practice with Mrs Gay Maynard on the Mahers Lane Courts. These will continue each Friday during Term 1.
  • Friday, 25 February: 4.00pm The 2022 Netball Centre of Excellence Induction Evening.
  • Saturday, 26 February: Bonding Camp

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

From The Sportsdesk

Welcome back to the start of a new schooling year. We are looking forward to a massive year of planned sport, a copy of the Lindisfarne calendar thus far is - here

At this stage, we are progressing towards all events as planned. We are suspecting that COVID issues will keep throwing curveballs as we navigate the year ahead, but are hoping that these events will forge ahead in full.


We had students compete in the NSW All Schools Athletics in December 2021 in Sydney with some great results (listed below) in very competitive fields:

  • Cullen Grainger: 800m 16th 2:23
  • Natasha Flahey: 3000m Walk 4th 16:45, Hammer Throw 4th 14.79, Discus 8th 25.98, Javelin 15th 17.37
  • Lyla Williams: 3000m Walk 3rd 14:55
  • Giselle Smith: 100m Hurdles 3rd 17.55, 100m 15th 13.98, Shot Put 4th 11.40, Javelin 4th 30.21
  • Jeff Dunne: 200m 26th 25.26, 100m 19th 12.29, Long Jump 14th 5.13
  • Ruby Power: 200m 22nd 27.31, 100m 22nd 13.50
  • Ruby-Flower Annais Brown: High Jump 3rd 1.55

There were also lots of learning moments for the students down there but overall, there were some good personal performances, regardless of placings. We have lots of potential for growth in our Athletics program at the school next year, with Cross Country training starting early Term 1 and Athletics training with sprint, jump and throws squads starting early Term 2.

Swimming Carnivals

Our Swimming Carnivals are fast approaching. Find a brief overview of both the Years 3-8 and the Years 9-12 Carnivals - here.

Oasis Pools Bus Transfer

Please note that we continue our partnership with Oasis Pools at Banora Point - details here. The bus shuttle service is starting again for those that are interested.

Bookings for the bus are an upfront payment of $3.00 per trip for a specific day (morning or afternoon) for the entire term, there are 23 seats maximum. Please note that there are no refunds if you have booked the service, but do not utilise it on a given day.

Bus shuttle bookings are to go through our Sports Administration assistant Cherie Montford please complete the google form - register here.

CPR and Surf Survival Accreditation

CPR and Surf Survival Accreditation are necessary in order for students to participate in the ADVANCED surfing program offered to Years 7 to 10. We recommend any student who wishes to choose an open water activity throughout the school year to fulfil this minimum accreditation. 

CPR refresher course is compulsory for all - every school year

The Surf accreditation course needs only to be completed ONCE whilst participating in Stages 4 and 5 Advanced Surfing.

The CPR course will be conducted in the Chapel at the Mahers Lane campus -  followed by the surf accreditation course for those students that need to fulfil this accreditation. This will be held at Kirra Surf Life Saving Club on Thursday 17 February. We will run an additional day on Friday 18 February (if needed). Students must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) which is to be given to the trainers on the day of the course. Please see the attached information - here on how to create a USI for your son or daughter. Students must be 12 or older at the completion of the course to obtain the Certificate.

Integrated Sport Program 

Please explore some of the sports choices for Term One that you can select when nominations open on the weekend of February 5 and 6. 

Years 5 to 6 

Years 7 to 10


Lindisfarne Lions squads will be launching into the Gold Coast Junior Basketball Leagues winter season in a few short weeks when the first of the scheduled trials begins.

At the conclusion of last year, we collected preliminary registrations that will be emailed further information directly.

Trials will begin next week, so please let us know if you would like to join the Lions for the upcoming season by emailing Dr Coyne or Cherie Montford so we can add your child to the database and get them to the trials.

Please see recent communications - here.

Rugby Union 

The 2022 Rugby Union training camp was held on Monday 24 January with an impressive turnout by the students, despite being held in the holidays and with a number of COVID related cancellations. The training camp began with a session on establishing the culture and standards for any students involved with rugby union at the School with Reverend Constantine leading this aspect. Following this, students completed fitness testing in speed, strength, power and endurance. During lunch, we had the pleasure of having a question and answer session with former professional Super Rugby premiership-winning player - Adam Wallace-Harrison. After lunch, students completed a number of team building activities led by Mr Croft.  

Further details of training times and competition schedules will be released as soon as possible to students registered on Student Cafe and Parents Longue and if there are any questions, please contact Dr. Coyne.


Are you interested in playing netball, having fun, meeting new people, and developing your skills? Why not join one of our Lindisfarne Lions teams?

The Tweed Netball Association’s Saturday competition starts on March 26 at Arkinstall Park, Cunningham Street. The finals will be completed in August this year.

Registrations will open shortly but in the meantime please let us know you're interested in playing and we will ensure that you receive all the appropriate information.

Express your interest by completing this online form.  Please submit the google form by Tuesday 8 February.

Players who are 10 years and under, have to play in their age group teams e.g. If you are or are turning 9 years old in 2022, then you will be in a team with other 9-year-olds.

If needed, team selections for Saturday Netball will be held after school on the following dates:

  • Thursday  17 February - Junior School
  • Thursday 24 February - Middle School and Senior School

For those who have already been selected in the 2022 Netball Centre of Excellence Program, please note these first training session and event dates for your diary:

  • Thursday 3 February = 3.45pm - 4.30pm Training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 7 - 12 players. These will continue each Thursday during Term 1. There will be a bus to take you down to Arkinstall Park. Please let us know if you will be needing this service by  Wednesday 2 February by completing the google form - here.
  • Friday 4 February = In sport time, training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 5 and 6 players.
  • Monday 7 February, P1 - P4 = Strength and Conditioning training with Rory for all Years 7 - 12 players. Timetable to be confirmed.
  • Tuesday 8 February = 7.30am Speed and Agility training with Mr Sam Dick on the Top Oval. These will continue each Tuesday during Term 1.
  • Friday 11 February = 7.30am Shooting practice with Mrs Gay Maynard on the Mahers Lane Courts. These will continue each Friday during Term 1.
  • Friday 25 February = 4pm. The 2022 Netball Centre of Excellence Induction Evening
  • Saturday 26 February = Bonding Camp

Further details will be provided shortly.  In the meantime, should you have any queries please contact Teacher-in-Charge Netball - Gay Maynard.

Touch Football

We are delighted to announce that Miss Danni Davis has joined the Stage 3 teaching ranks at Lindisfarne. She is a current member of the Australian and NSW Touch Football teams, so will obviously be very advantageous driving the Touch Football program!

More details coming soon

Triathlon training

For any students wanting to train and participate in the Sport of Triathlon, Mrs Tracey Foyster (Yr 6 class teacher) is offering spin bike and running training at the Mahers Lane campus beginning Wednesday 10 February. Any student from Years 5-12 is encouraged to come and train every Wednesday and/or Friday morning from 7.15am - 8.15am. 

There is a Kingscliff Triathlon Sunday 27 March, and we would like to submit teams from Lindisfarne. 

We also encourage interested students to attend Twin Towns Triathlon Club on Saturday mornings (Mrs Tracy Foyster is a club member), where students can experience Triathlon in a safe environment. For any swimming training needs we have the Oasis partnership as a pathway. 

Please contact Mrs Tracy Foyster 

Cross Country

Our Cross Country training starts in Week 4 for any student from Years 3 to 12.  More details coming soon.


Lindisfarne Cricket is enjoying considerable success in both local and interstate competitions, which is testament to the quality of our coaching programs that are underway. We will continue to offer our one-on-one cricket sessions in 2021, run by our Head Cricket Coach Anthony Kershler in our school nets. 

Anthony "Kersh'' is a former NSW Sheffield Shield player and now NSW coach who guides players to improve their individual game. Students are guaranteed 3 one-on-one sessions per term  (in class) time as well as access to a small group Wednesday afternoon session. The term cost is $100 per student and is available for males and females playing registered club cricket and looking to branch into the representative era.

Please contact Julie McDowell or Anthony Kersher for further details


Lindisfarne has a partnership with Tweed Heads and Coolangatta Rowing Club, and we highly encourage any Year 7-12 student that wishes to pursue this incredibly rewarding sport to make contact with Head Coach - Garry Annand (or mobile - 0412 344 826). 

Term One represents the perfect time to start training up for the regattas which are scheduled over the cooler months. The squad training days are Monday and Wednesday afternoons, Saturday mornings and potentially Thursday Sport time slots.

Australian InterSchools Mountain Biking 

Some of our keen Mountain Biking community are heading to Thredbo in order to represent Lindisfarne at the Interschool MTB Championships, which runs from Wednesday 23 March to Sunday 27 March, 2022.

Over the four days students will compete over an array of disciplines including Cross Country, Downhill, Flow, Pump Track and the exciting new All-Mountain event,

further information - here.

At this stage there are a handful of registrations, with participants and parents making their own travel arrangements and accommodation. Please let us know if you intend to join the competition.

Gold Coast Tennis 2022 Annual Inter-School Challenge

On Sunday 20, February the Gold Coast Tennis schools doubles championship is scheduled. Any prospective players are encouraged to source their own partners, and enter directly to the Gold Coast Tennis. The entry form is  - here and please cc Damien Clucas when submitting your entry. Likewise, if you are new and don’t have a partner, please email me so that I can try to help you.

Enquiries: Tennis Gold Coast, 5532 8566 or 0466 997 188.

Football - Sunshine Avenue Term One

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in conjunction with Total Football Academy are pleased to be  running the after-school program for soccer enthusiasts again in Term 1 2022 at the Junior School oval, Sunshine Avenue on Monday afternoons from 3.15pm to 4.15 pm.

Please see the attached flyer for full information. This will be capped at 60 students, with only limited spots left..

Sign up is available  for students from Kindergarten to Year 4  (2022 school year) through Parent Lounge under Events and Payments.

Insert Flyer

Rhythmic Gymnastics

We are very fortunate to be able to offer the opportunity for your daughter to join a Rhythmic Gymnastics program at Lindisfarne for this year.

The Club will be on Monday's at 4.15pm to 5.15pm and Thursday’s after-school from 4.15pm to 5.15pm, starting 8th February 2021 and continuing all year, in the Ngahriyah. The class will cater for beginners to competitive levels.

Lindisfarne students can attend one or both sessions per week at NO COST.

The coach is Stacey Bech, who is a National Level Silver Advanced Coach with an impressive history. If you have any questions, please contact Stacey on 0418640200 or via email:

Please complete the Registration form here and bring with you on the first day.

Spotlight on Lily O'Sullivan

Over the weekend of 18 and 19 of December, our Year 12 student - Lily O'Sullivan trialled in a field of 70 strong women to qualify for one of only 7 places in the 2021/22 Nutrigrain Iron Series. At only 17 years old she is the youngest athlete competing. It is a dream come true for Lily to race against her sporting idols such as Courtney Hancock and to compete at the pinnacle of her sport. 

On 14 and 15 of January she travelled to North Bondi to race in rounds one and two, unfortunately round three on Sunday was postponed due to the tsunami warning. 

On day one Lily raced in a gruelling 40 minute M shape endurance course where the athletes paddled out through heavy 5-6 foot sets 12 times. Lily fought hard and placed an impressive 15th in her debut professional race. On Saturday the surf was calmer, however it still made for exciting racing. All 20 iron women raced in a seeding round where only the top 16 progressed through to the quarter finals. Lily placed 7th in this first heat. Her quarter finals consisted of 4 women. Lily led the swim, two of the girls caught her in the board with a wave from behind, making for a tight third leg in the ski. Lily did not give an inch, it was a sprint finish on the sand for first and second to progress through to the semis. Lily should hold her head very high finishing round two in the top 12, placing equal 9th.

 Rounds 3 - 6 will be held at Kurrawa Beach (Broadbeach) on February 4 -6. Please go and support Lily if you can or you can watch each round live on 9Go.

Spotlight on Tyson Walk

In January Tyson travelled to Albury to participate in the Margaret Court Cup NSW Grass Court Championships. Over 321 players from all over Australia took part in this respected tournament.

The Margaret Court Cup was established to recognise one of the finest women tennis players in world history. The tournament also provides an excellent opportunity for juniors to participate in a nationally ranked tournament. The tennis courts at Albury Tennis Association are also best known for one of the best Grass Courts in the world.

Congratulations Tyson for winning the U10 – 2022 Margaret Court Cup NSW Grass Court Championships.

Spotlight on James Letters

Congratulations to James Letters for his selection at the 2022 National Club Futsal Championships to play in the Australian U13 Futsal team at the Barcelona Tour in November 2022.

A fantastic achievement stemming from his Lindisfarne representative contribution back in June 2021.

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

Meet The Team

Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

The BEE department prides itself in bringing real-world experiences to our students, part of what allows us to do this is the amazing team of teachers who all have experience in Business and or entrepreneurial endeavours outside of the normal classroom setting.

Courtney Keast

After completing my undergraduate studies of a Bachelor of Business majoring in Hotel and Event Management I moved to Sydney to begin my career in Hotel Management. In this role I was lucky enough to be a part of a hotel grand opening which allowed me to gain experience in creating new standard operating procedures and hiring staff. Through this I realised that I had a love for training people and I went on and studied my Masters of Teaching. I believe that through my previous industry experience I am able pass on my passion and relate the NSW curriculum to real life situations. 

Amy Blinco

Before becoming a teacher I gained the qualification of Bachelor of Commerce (HRM, Industrial Relations and Organisation design and development).  Through this I enjoyed a national and international career in employment relations and human resource management which allowed me to travel the world over a 10 year period. I worked in Australia, the Middle East, Venezuela and India. Working with businesses and individuals of diverse contexts, cultures and backgrounds has provided me with practical knowledge and experience that allows me to enlighten and engage students, as we navigate the business and commerce curriculum.

Bryan Malone

My university studies include a Bachelor of Business and Psychology, as well as a Master of Management and Supply Chain Management, before becoming a teacher I worked as a Supply Chain Manager for a large retail chain which involved creating systems and processes to increase profitability. I am currently studying for a doctorate that focuses on the development and assessment of entrepreneurial skills in schools.

Tom Campbell

Before becoming a teacher I was interested in business and at this stage of my life, I had aspirations to work in sales and marketing.  After graduating from university with a Bachelor of Business I pursued a career working in sales and business development providing me with experience in retailing, sales management and distribution. As a young adult, I ventured overseas to experience other cultures and landed in Costa Rica working for Outward Bound as an Instructor.  From this I learned I was also interested in teaching and learning and from here my career has essentially focused on teaching.  On return to Australia, I briefly worked in events and business development before opening my own business the Tweed Coast Surfschool.  In 2007 life changed with the arrival of my first child.  I needed to get serious with my career so I went to my passion; teaching, and returned to university. I worked in an industry/tafe setting for 10 years before teaching in secondary schools.

Georgina Doyle

My mother and I have started our own online business selling artwork, establishing an online presence and e-commerce. Recently, I have also begun researching and building on my personal investment journey in NFTs and cryptocurrency, which is a space that any keen investor would be watching in the current time and an area of interest for the current generation. I bring with me to the B.E.E department real-life experience in establishing financial independence through the above avenues, and I hope that I can inspire students in their journey into adulthood through these important life skills taught in the vigorous curriculum within this growing department. 

The experience and knowledge in our Faculty allow us to create context and relevance in our Commerce and Business programs and engage our students to reach their full potential.

Bryan Malone
Head of Faculty


Welcome Back From The English Faculty

Welcome to the 2022 academic year! The English team is looking forward to seeing students return to classrooms.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce three new team members: 

Mr David Goodburn

David joins the English department in a part-time capacity in 2022. He brings with him a wealth of experience from his previous positions as the Head of English at Somerset College and the Head of Learning and Teaching at St Hilda's School respectively.  With almost 35 years of teaching experience, the Lindisfarne English department looks forward to working with David as he shares his experience in developing and implementing curriculum and a wide variety of pedagogical initiatives. David is looking forward to teaching HSC English again.

Mrs Prue Fitzsimmons

After spending time teaching in some of Sydney’s top independent boys’ schools, Prue is looking forward to joining the English Department at Lindisfarne, where she will utilise her diverse experience and passion for teaching and learning. Her philosophy of education is very much a holistic one. She believes that students should be encouraged to excel to the best of their abilities academically but also to develop socially, emotionally and spiritually. 

Mrs Jessica Vanderlight

Jessica has been an educator for nearly 20 years across a range of secondary schools and worked in different roles from classroom teacher, welfare and in the leading and management of departments. Jessica has extensive experience in teaching Advanced English and Extension Courses. She is a highly experienced HSC marker. Over many years she has been part of HSC marking teams in sections of the Standard and Advanced common papers and essays. More recently she has been a part of the HSC English Extension 2 marking team.

(Left - Right: Mr Goodburn, Mrs Vanderlight and Mrs Fitzsimmons)

The 2021 HSC English results were excellent. The data for each question (and in turn, each module) for English Standard, English Advanced, as well as English Extension One and Two, shows that our students consistently performed above State average. This speaks to the significant work of the English teachers across Middle and Senior School and no doubt, even earlier in the students’ educational journey. As a teaching team, we will endeavour to use the data to inform our teaching across year levels in order to continue building and developing student knowledge and understanding. It’s exciting to see the work of the department coming to fruition and additionally, it’s wonderful to see students succeed and achieve.

We look forward to partnering with you and the students as we navigate 2022.

Mrs Kylie Wharton
Acting Director of English

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

2022 Debating

Debating is an art form. It allows individuals to construct critical arguments, to refute the logic of others, and persuade an audience of the validity of the speaker’s views. Debating might be a team sport in high school but it has real-world applications. 

Lindisfarne plans to enter teams in the Gold Coast Debating Competition. No previous debating experience is required. Regular coaching sessions during and after school will be scheduled.


Debating Commitment.  Team members will need to attend the scheduled debates which will be held on selected Wednesday evenings on the Gold Coast. Every team member must attend the regular coaching sessions, meet the preparation requirements and reliably participate in the actual debates. Team members must also attend a Saturday Debating Summer School at Bond University which is scheduled for Saturday 12 March. 

Debating Expressions of Interest

Interested students in Years 7-12 should forward their expressions of interest, by Friday 4 February, to: 
The email should include: Student Name (first name and surname), Year Level, mention of any previous debating experience or a desire to actively engage in learning how to debate. 

Debating Team Selection

The team selections will be made after the debating selection session, which will be held at Lindisfarne early in February. Details of the selection requirements will be forwarded to those who express an interest in this debating competition. 

Adjudication Opportunities

Adjudication opportunities are also open to members of the school community who complete the adjudication component of the Debating Summer School on Saturday 12 March. Any student in Year 11 and 12, who has had debating experience and completed the appropriate training, is also able to adjudicate. A small stipend will be offered by the Gold Coast Debating Union.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator







Performing Arts

Actors' Club

Actors’ Club

Mrs Visser would like to extend a warm invitation for all students in Years 8 to 10 to the Actors’ Club. This is a wonderful opportunity to continue your experience in Drama at Lindisfarne – even if you are not undertaking the subject as an elective. There is a commitment to Monday lunchtimes, and some additional times to be announced. We will be working towards presenting two public performances per year. 

In 2022, the format is:

  • the creation of an original playbuilt performance for Semester 1 (Terms 1 and 2) 
  • a scripted play for Semester 2 (Terms 3 and 4)

An information session is being held in PA1 (the Drama Space) on Monday, 31 January and the club will commence in Week 2. Please come along and join the fun. 

Loretta Visser
Performing Arts - Drama Teacher 

Performing Arts

Performing Arts Studio Tuition

Private lessons for speech and drama and music tuition are available at Lindisfarne for almost all instruments, voice and songwriting/music production. Right now is the perfect time to sign up. The 30-minute lessons occur during class time, before and after school on a rotating basis. 

Many thanks to those parents who have already completed the application form, we have over 450 students already enrolled.  Places are limited, if you are yet to enrol your child, please follow the link below:

2022 Application for Instrumental, Vocal and Songwriting/Production Tuition

2022 Application for Speech and Drama Tuition

We Will Rock You Musical Holiday Rehearsals 

During the past two weeks, the cast, crew and Orchestra of We Will Rock You, The Musical have been involved in a series of holiday workshops. Students have been working alongside staff and industry professionals to kickstart preparations for this seriously Rocking event. Keep tuned for more information ahead of our opening night on Wednesday 30 March.

Amy Skene 

Germinate Records


From The PDHPE Department

Welcome back to all of the continuing students and welcome to Lindisfarne to all of our new School community members. We trust that you have enjoyed a fabulous festive season with your family and friends and are as excited as we are about the year ahead.

We would like to acknowledge the sad passing of our dear PDHPE colleague and friend, Matt Fydler and are reminded that: What really matters is not our success but our significance. He was very successful in building and maintaining special relationships with everyone he met and we will always affectionately remember “Fyds” as an integral and paramount part of our faculty team.

We are very pleased to announce the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education staff for 2022:

  • Mr Croft will continue to teach PE at the Junior Campus.
  • Mrs Topper, Miss Davis and Mrs Brake will be teaching Stage 3 classes 
  • Mrs McDowell, Mrs Topper, Mrs Brake, Mr Bedford, Mr Dick, Mr Smith, Mr Clucas, Mr Dwyer, Mr Coyne and I will be teaching Stage 4 and Stage 5 PDHPE and PASS cohorts.
  • Mr Bedford, Mrs McDowell and I will teach the Stage 6 students.

As soon as we are able to confirm practical and theory lessons at the Mahers Lane Campus, your child’s teacher will email and introduce themselves and inform you of timetabled arrangements. We ask that you assist your child to be prepared for both theory and practical sessions.

Please do not hesitate to contact the PDHPE teacher if you have any questions or concerns in this curriculum area, or contact me as the Director of Faculty.

We are all looking forward to working with all of the students this year.

Gay Maynard
Director of PDHPE

Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square 2022

Welcome to Lindisfarne in 2022. Round Square continues to develop and expand throughout the school and 2022 promises to be an exciting year.

For those who don’t know, Round Square is an internationally diverse network of more than 200 like minded schools in 50 countries on six continents. They connect and collaborate to offer world-class programmes and experiences that develop global competence, character and confidence in students. The Round Square IDEALS provide a common platform, shared by all schools in the network, around which we can collaborate, swap and share learning resources and participate together in joint activities such as conferences, exchanges and academic projects. National and international conference and exchange opportunities are a mainstay of the organisation, and whilst Covid-19 caused huge disruption to this, we were still able to be very active across the network.

Last year students took part in a number of events including an International Debating competition hosted by SAI International School, India; a virtual conference on Mental Health hosted by the International School of Kenya; an actual face-to-face event, the inaugural NSW / ACT Round Square Cluster Mini Conference of 2021, hosted by MLC School in Sydney; and the Model United Nations Assembly competition hosted by the local Rotary District.

Later this year we hope for the resumption of exchange opportunities and the good news is the Round Square International Conference in England is well and truly into its final planning stages.

Whilst there will be challenges to navigate in 2022, Round Square will continue to offer rich opportunities for our students to connect globally and discover that there is more in them than they think - Plus est en vous.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator 



Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Employment At Lindisfarne

We are encouraging members of our Lindisfarne community to come and work at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School.

Teaching (Casual)
If you are a teacher who is currently accredited with NESA - we encourage you to submit your expression of interest with your resume- addressed to the Director of Human Resources.

School  Assistants (Casual) 
Lindisfarne is seeking expressions of interest from people who are able to assist in the supervision of students. In particular we are encouraging 

  • Retired teachers or those who are no longer accredited with NESA
  • People who have experience with children and a passion for helping young people

Food Services Manager

The School is seeking to appoint an experienced chef as our Food Service Manager to oversee and manage all aspects of food services at the school.  Please see our website for full details.

Food Services Assistants (Casual)

We are seeing expressions of interest in casual work at our school canteen. Preference will be given to applicants who have a relevant trade qualification in commercial cookery or hospitality or who have significant experience in the food services industry

Bus Drivers

The School is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic bus driver for regular casual work including morning and afternoon school runs, sport runs and other excursions. 

Please note 

These roles require you to hold a current NSW Working With Children Check (or be eligible to apply for one) and have had your Covid-19 vaccines.

How to Apply:

Please forward your expressions of interest to Ms Mary-Ellen Jackman, Director of Human Resources at

You will need to provide a covering letter outlining your relevant skills and experience, a current resume and the names and emails of two recent professional referees.

Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
