2022 Term 2 Week 3 13 May 2022

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Federal Election

Ahead of the Federal Election to be held on Saturday, 21 May 2022 Australia's major Church providers have called on all parties and candidates to commit to policies that will make a real difference in the lives of the most vulnerable. Their hope is that voters, candidates and parties will transform this vision into a better Australia. 

As you are aware we are working on a range of service learning initiatives and important themes with our students at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School including ‘using your gifts for the good of others, to whom much is given much is expected and at the heart of education is education of the heart.’ We are striving to develop young people of character who will develop meaningful and purposeful lives beyond school, contributing to the local, national and international communities in which they will live.

In this context, I wanted to outline the shared values of Australia's major Church providers ahead of the Election.

Australia’s major Church providers are urging candidates for the Federal Election to commit to addressing the hardships and inequalities experienced by the people they seek to serve. 

We are Australia's major Church providers. We provide social services across every part of our great nation and, through our churches, have a presence in every single electorate in Australia. We walk with the most vulnerable, alleviating suffering and empowering people to thrive. 

We do this because we believe that every human being is equal. Our Christian faith teaches us that every one of us is made in the image of God. We believe that every one of us is worthy and deserving of love and dignity.

The same faith that compels us to provide care and support to whoever needs it, compels us to advocate for something better - for systemic and structural change that addresses the underlying causes of the hardships we see every day. 

We don't just see hardship in the work we do; we see the resilience, the courage and the generosity of Australians. We have faith and confidence that every Australian can thrive if they are given support. We know things can be better than they are now. 

If you are elected to be part of the 47th parliament of Australia, you will have the power to affect these changes. You can be a voice for the voiceless. You can reaffirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person.  We ask you to commit now to being a Member of Parliament who works to address poverty and disadvantage.”

Australia's major Church providers join together in calling on the next Federal Government to do more for Australia's First Peoples, those living in poverty, people with disabilities and victim-survivors of domestic or family violence. Members of Parliament have the opportunity to put in place the right structures for a better future for all. 

Through this election period the major Church providers encourage all candidates and parties to develop platforms ensuring that: 

  • A Voice for First Nations Peoples is constitutionally enshrined. Federal legislation is insufficiently informed by First Nations people with devastating impact. First Nations people should have a direct say on any national laws, policies and programs affecting them.
  • JobSeeker rises above the poverty line. $45 a day is not enough to live on. Tens of thousands of Australians are forced into terrible choices each fortnight - choices between grocery, power, and medical bills. JobSeeker needs to cover the basics of life.
  • A safe place to live is not a luxury. Too many Australians are suffering due to homelessness and substandard housing. More needs to be done to support these people into secure and stable accommodation.
  • The NDIS delivers on its objectives. The NDIS should act as a national system with enough funding to provide tailored, individual support. The Scheme must ensure that participants have a better range of choices and more control in how they live their lives.
  • Australians are safeguarded from domestic and family violence. All adults and children should be able to live free from fear and violence, and thrive and reach their full potential. We seek a future where women and children and LGBTIQA+ people of all genders are safe.

Australia’s major Church providers include Anglicare, Catholic Social Services Australia, The Salvation Army, Uniting Care Australia. These organisations are major contributors to the well-being of millions of people, supporting one in five Australians every year.  Their networks bring vital personal care and support services to every community in Australia, including early childhood, aged care, disability, homelessness, domestic or family violence, mental health, and food rescue services.  They are driven by shared Christian values to walk with the most vulnerable in our society and are committed to working toward a world where all people thrive.

Our Week

In what has been another rewarding week of learning and achievement at Lindisfarne, it has been uplifting to join students, staff and parents at a number of important events and activities.

As you are aware the Sports Academy is now named forevermore, The Matt Fydler Sports Academy as a living memorial to our much loved teacher, mentor and colleague. The Matt Fydler Sports Academy induction was held on Monday, 9 May with a large group of students and parents in attendance. The audience were inspired by the legacy of Matt Fydler, video tributes by world-class athletes and Year 12 students, Lily O’Sullivan and Flynn Southam and an incredible interview facilitated by Sports Captain Millie Prince with champion paratriathlete and Matt Fydler Sports Academy Ambassador Bill Chaffey.

I felt privileged to be able to spend time with Preschool students and parents at the Mothers Day morning tea, attend the Red Shield Appeal launch with Reverend Constantine, school parents and students, join the Year 6 students for the annual Lip Sync Battle and Year 7 students for the Masterchef Challenge, staff and parents for Parent Teacher interviews and a number of families interested in joining our school community on the Mahers Lane Principal’s tour.

At the heart of our school are relationships and times spent together as we gather across the school and beyond the school to help strengthen our school community and our place in the wider community.

Congratulation - Dr Marisa Lee Naismith

I’m always excited when a member of our Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School team achieves a significant milestone. Our very talented vocal coach and mentor Dr Marisa Lee Naismith has published a book “Singing Contemporary Commercial Music Styles - a Pedagogical Framework”.  Marisa is a highly regarded educator across Australia at school and tertiary level. After completing her Doctor of Philosophy, Marisa went on to publish and release her first book. For Marisa the book represents 45 years as a professional artist and academic.  We are fortunate to have people of the calibre of Marisa guiding and inspiring our students. Marisa has also recently developed a successful podcast series with 2500 people tuning in around the world each week.

Lindisfarne Business Network

I'd also like to announce the establishment of the Lindisfarne Business Network in 2022. This will be a member based group of organisations with an interest in the school and our community. It will provide a professional forum for networking and collaboration between the school, industry and community.  Membership will be open to all businesses with an interest in the School and in supporting the school community. 

Members will be admitted to the network at the discretion of the School on the basis of a genuine commitment to the Lindisfarne School community, with further details to be provided in a brochure to be shared in the near future. It is anticipated that the Network will:

  • Provide networking opportunities for members; the school and aligned businesses
  • Establish a regular touchpoint for the Lindisfarne community and it's partners
  • Better connect corporate and philanthropic channels in our community
  • Further connections for the direct benefit of the school, staff, students and community

On 15 June we will hold the first Lindisfarne Business Network Breakfast event at Club Tweed. Details of the event are shown below.  Seats and tables can be purchased via this link. We're really excited to welcome Mr Ben Roche, Vice President (Engagement) at Southern Cross University as the featured speaker for this first event.  Ben has a powerful story to share about leadership in times of crisis and the response of Southern Cross University to the devastating Lismore Flood of 2022. Tickets for the breakfast are on sale now, with further details about how organisations can get involved in the Lindisfarne Business Network to be shared in the coming weeks.

The School is also working on launching a digital Lindisfarne Business Directory in Semester 2 of 2022. Further information on how to get involved will follow towards the end of this term.

As always we thank you for your support of our amazing School Community.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand…” (Philippians 4:6-7)

From time to time we have School parents suffering from serious and life threatening illnesses such as cancer. The School offers support and I’m always available for home and/or hospital visits to support families through these challenging times. A number of us at School pray for families experiencing serious illness. Sometimes practical support is required and where the family may have a Go Fund Me page or similar established to assist with the incredible cost of treatment we are happy to assist with circulation of the information with permission of course and only after giving due consideration to any request made.

These are sensitive and heart-wrenching situations that occur in our community from time to time requiring our love, prayers and compassion as we seek to support those experiencing life-threatening illnesses.

A request was made recently by Anita Jamieson who has a GoFundMe page set up that details her full journey: https://gofund.me/7a23e363

We continue to pray fervently for Anita and ask that you provide support if you can. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support of Anita and her family.

Earlier today I was privileged to be joined by some of our School Prefects as we delivered donations of gift packs from Year 8 students at St Paul’s Anglican School Bald Hills, Brisbane to Murwillumbah East Primary School. Mr Marquardt mentioned in the newsletter last week about our former student, Kaylene Hennessy-Rasmussen, who organized these donations and delivered them to us to assist those who have been adversely impacted by the devastating floods in our region. We heard from the students about the impact of the floods and how it has brought them closer as a community. Acting School principal, Mrs Vanessa Chaffey, showed us around the school and the aftermath of the devastating floods in the school community as well as the recovery work they have done to get their community back on their feet. We are grateful to Kaylene and her Religious Education Year 8 class and ask God to reward their generosity.

Photos: Murwillumbah East Primary School Acting Principal, Mrs Vanessa Chaffey and the student council meeting some of our prefects and receiving the donations of gift packs.

Let us continue to support and encourage each other in these challenging times. Thank you most sincerely for all your care, diligence, dedication and commitment. May God bless us with peace and grant us health and wealth to carry out the work He has entrusted to us.

Rev Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Golf Day

The P&F Golf Day is the next event on the P&F calendar. Bookings can be made via this booking link https://www.trybooking.com/BZJ...

Sponsorships are also available, for any futher information please contact P&F President Ramesh Sivabalan via ramesh.sivabalan@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

See you on the course.

Ramesh Sivabalan

FOTA Meeting Friends of the Arts

Friends of the Arts (FOTA) is a sub-committee of the P&F created for parents and friends interested in supporting the Arts at Lindisfarne. FOTA has actively supported a number of events over the past years including our recent We Will Rock You, The Musical, Lindisfarne Drama Festival, Darren Percival concert evening, senior art exhibition and school holiday music workshops. All interested parents and friends are invited to join us for our first meeting for 2022 on Monday, 16 May in the Mahers Lanes Library. There will be an AGM at 6.30pm followed by our first committee meeting of the year.

Please contact performingarts@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au to receive meeting papers including committee nomination form and agendas.

David Keay
FOTA President

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Lindisfarne Business Breakfast

On Wednesday, 15 June the first Lindisfarne Business Network Breakfast event at Club Tweed will be held. Details of the event are shown below. Seats and tables can be purchased via this link. We're really excited to welcome Mr Ben Roche, Vice President (Engagement) at Southern Cross University as the featured speaker for this first event. Tickets for the breakfast are on sale now, with further details about how organisations can get involved in the Lindisfarne Business Network to be shared in the coming weeks.

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Junior School Sport

Dates for Term 2

Please find below some Junior School key dates to add to your calendar: 

  • **PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE** NCIS Cross Country Friday, 20 May
  • FUN Athletics Carnival P - 4 Friday, 3 June
  • K-6 Athletics Carnival Friday 24 June


Total Football Academy After school Sessions

The Total Football Academy session Hs kicked off for the term.. Sessions will run on Monday afternoons from 3.15- 4.15 pm on the back oval and Arkinstall park. 

Students are to meet Mr Croft on the Basketball courts after school to have a roll marked. Students will have time to change into training gear and boots if they would like, have a snack and be ready to start at 3.15 pm. 

At the end of each session, we need some assistance to coordinate the parent pick up. 

We have asked the Total Football Academy coaching team to sit the students down at the end of the session in a group and identify that there is someone ready to pick up each child individually. They have been asked not to let students go until their carer has been identified. 

Can you please assist us with this by waiting until each child has been released by the Total Football Academy coaches prior to taking them home.

Dates for this term are as follows and can also be found on the flyer attached. 

Sessions will be run on Monday 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 May and 6, 20 June. 


AFL Auskick

The Junior school will be running the AFL Auskick program after school in week 4 of Term 2. The Auskick program is an introductory program for K - 4 students to learn the skills and rules of AFL. Trent Ryan from AFLQ will be joining us on Assembly next week and also running some promotional lessons in PE classes over the next two weeks. See the Information below on how to register.

LINDISFARNE PRIMARY SCHOOL Come join in on the fun of NAB AFL Auskick!



The Junior school sent seven teams to compete in the annual Gold Coast Schools Futsal Titles on Thursday. We had four teams of boys and three teams of Girls in the U9 and U10 age groups. 

It was a fantastic day with the students learning about the game and having a great time playing. The behaviour, sportsmanship and effort were exceptional by all. 

By the end of the day, we had two teams in the Grand Final Game, our Girls Yellow team and our Boys U 10 Blue. Unfortunately, both teams were unable to take out the win but it was an amazing effort just to make the finals. 

Thank you to Mr Hugh Scott and Mrs Ashleigh Manning for assisting our teams and to Mr Phil Rice, Ms Janaina Butteri, Mr Rod Sewell who took on teams in a managerial role. Your help was outstanding and we thank you. 

Nathan Croft
P-4 PE Specialist

Green Team

Middle School

Lip Sync Battles 2022

In Year 6 Performing Arts particular focus has been on Drama and Dance. They have been working in groups towards a performance for our esteemed Lip Sync Battle. Miss Kristy has been helping them also to perfect the choreography.

This week 25 groups performed their song and it was thoroughly entertaining.

10 groups were chosen to perform again at the FINALS Wednesday lunch in Ngahriyah. Thank you to our judges Head of middle school - Mrs Cox, Music teacher and lip sync enthusiast - Mr Grant, Vice Captain - Evie Parkinson and Arts Prefects - Cate Roberts and Jamie Lamont. Thank you as well to Year 6 coordinator Kylie Thompson and all year 6 teachers who are so supportive of this event.

The standard was extremely high and each group had commanding stage presence. Congratulations to the winning 3 groups who will get the chance again to perform on assembly.

Crowd Favourite and Best Overall

Party in the AUS Girls - Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus

Nelly Brindley

Brielle Humphreys

Mila Saines

Eden Jocumsen

Lulu Dalton

Sophie Leonessa

Best Group Dance

The OG Eshay - You don’t know you’re beautiful - One Direction

Frankie Watts

Charlize Hedger

Poppy Lynch 

Skye Campbell 

Amelie Groeneveld

Best Lip Sync

The Elites - Matural - Imagine Dragons

Jay Saunders

Archie Wilson

Koa Stotz

Wallace Thompson 

Finn Robinson 

Amy Skene
Drama Teacher

Click below to view more photo's from the Lip Sync Battles

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

On Wednesday, 18 May, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School looks forward to hosting YOU CHOOSE - Youth Road Safety. All students in Years 11 and 12 will participate in a seminar helping to change driving culture from legacy paradigms of ‘luck’ to the empowerment of choice. The presentation is designed for profound cut-through to teenage passengers and drivers; inspiring enduring leadership in each participant as an outspoken peer advocate who expects good choices from themselves, their friends and their family. In 2012, YOU CHOOSE founders Melissa and Peter McGuinness’s 18-year-old son, Jordan, was speeding and under the influence of alcohol and drugs when he drove his car into a stationary vehicle. His choices killed four young victims in the other car and also himself. Recommended by police, educators, parents and students alike, Australian Road Safety Award winning YOU CHOOSE - Youth Road Safety uplifts young people to protect their families and their communities from the preventable misery of youth road trauma.

For many students, school camp is the highlight of the year.  It’s a chance to learn away from the walls of the classroom and engage in activities outside of the mainstream curriculum. Being away from home can also be a challenging time for students (and parents). But attending camp is an important milestone and the benefits are overwhelmingly positive. The benefits include:

  • Building independence
  • Building Resilience and Confidence
  • Building Relationships
  • Building Social Skills
  • Building Physical Fitness
  • Building Connection Between Teachers and Their Students

Overall, camps allow students to grow and develop holistically - emotionally, socially and physically.

It is expected that all students will attend their respective camps. It is a critical part of students’ growth and development whilst at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School.

We thank all families for their support of this expectation.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care



Club Netball

Saturday Netball Competition

Good Luck this Saturday. Roar Lions!

Round 4 - May 14.





Silver Lions



Purple  Lions



Pink Lions



Lavender Lions



Crimson Lions



Orange Lions



Aqua Lions



White Lions



Bronze Lions



Red Lions



Green Lions



Black Lions



Gold Lions



Lime Lions



Yellow Lions



Blue Lions



Navy Lions 





Our Stage 6 Netball players enjoyed the competition at the NSW Netball Fast5 at Ballina on May 6! Thanks to Ms Brewer and Mrs Brake who accompanied our fantastic group of students to Ballina Indoor Sports Centre. All students involved displayed admirable teamwork, perseverance and impeccable sportsmanship. Their efforts paid off in a near perfect score for the day. 

The Lindisfarne White and Gold Lions were undefeated.

The Lindisfarne Red Lions won all but one highly competitive game.

Highlights and Special Mentions:

  • A well earnt victory after an extremely tense game between the White Lions and local rivals Kingscliff High School (Special mention to Levi Dangerfield for his excellent defence against a friend turned opposing player)
  • Oliver Jeffery and Gracie Lynch’s dynamic shooting duo
  • Tobi Chapman’s amazing efforts when put up against a much larger defending player. She was able to hold her own while still showing excellent sportsmanship
  • Our wonderful volunteer umpires (Tobi Chapman, Poppy Burdekin, Ebony Richards, Olivia Copeland and Gracie Lynch), for giving up the rest times between their own games to ensure other games could run smoothly
  • Oliver Jeffery for a goal worth a whopping 4 points to win the game in the final 5 seconds

Congratulations to: Top row: Baxter Fitzgerald, Declan Brown, Levi Dangerfield, Zac Brims, Oliver Jeffery
Bottom row: Poppy Burdekin, Tobi Chapman, Ebony Richards, Giselle Smith, Gracie Lynch, Ruby Sullivan and Olivia Copeland. 

All students involved should be proud of their efforts, not just in their overwhelmingly successful sporting endeavours, but also in the way that they conducted themselves throughout the day. Students were respectful of other school students and teachers, and of the rules of the sports centre. They were a credit to themselves, and to our school.

Netball Centre of Excellence 

Good Luck to our Year 9 - 12 players from the Gold, Navy and Silver Lions who will make up a senior and a junior team to contest at the Downey Park Club Carnival on Sunday.

Congratulations to our Emerging Talent players who represented the NCIS at the NSWCIS Championship and trial on Friday 6 May. Eira-Grace McGilligan, Eden Jocumsen, Ella Agolley, Brielle Humphries, Rithika Sivabalan, Charli Hedger, Asha Hargrave, Freya Smith and Evee Sweet performed so well in Sydney. A special shout-out to “EG” McGilligan who made the CIS team - selected from 100 girls! Fabulous effort! 

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Girls Cricket

From The Sportsdesk

NCIS Cross Country 

The Sports Department have been handed the NCIS Cross Country to run this year after issues kept arising at local government level with the Lennox Head course. We are expecting a lot of wet weather and therefore are keeping all athletes OFF the top oval, unless they are competing. Here is a copy of the logistics map -here, in which we will be using the newly acquired property adjacent to the teachers car park. All the Cross Country athletes will receive further details early next week.


The Qld Rowing Centre in Beaudesert held a regatta on Saturday in which we had a few Lindisfarne students out there. Congratulations to Lily Foggo who won her Year 9 single scull race.

Jasper Foggo had his first-ever regatta and did very well rowing with Teal and Kade Atkinson and Caelan Mathieson, in the boys Quad scull. It is awesome to see a Lindisfarne Quad team up and rowing again!

Also training up are some of our Year 7 students; Thomas Blong, Marcus Fox, Euan Mathieson and Ayla Drury who should be up to competition standards around June.


The Cricket NSW Zone Academy Pathway Squads 2022 for both male and female programs have just been released. These Academies are part of CNSW, Cricket Performance. Players are selected into these Academies through rigorous talent identification processes and are being provided opportunities to compete at National Championships and other Elite Programs under the guidance of experienced High Performance coaches and the support of CNSW Sports Science and Sports Medicine staff.

A massive congratulations to the following students who have been selected;

  • Brodie McDowell
  • Kai Croft
  • Harry Kershler
  • Savannah Bamberry
  • Bonnie Crimson
  • Steph Scouller

Futsal Gold Coast Regionals

Under 13 Girls - Runner Up Winners

Sienna Wright, Matilda Daniel, Madison Fernance, Phoenix Carpenter, and Riona Wallis

Touch Football

Congratulations to Annika Smith, Kiara Denny, Grace Denny, Tilly McLaughlin, Giselle Smith and Declan Brown who all made the NSWCIS Touch Football Opens team. A huge congratulations to you all, this is an extraordinary achievement.


Congratulations to Eliza Fahy and Bridie Bedford who were selected in the NSWCIS u/16s hockey team. The girls will now compete at the NSW All Schools carnival in June.

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

Model United Nations

On the 10th and 11th of May, a group of Year 11 and 12 students coached by Miss Courtney Keast (with support from Miss Shinade Edwards) participated in the 2022 Bond High School Model United Nation Competition (BUHMUN). BUHMUN is Australia’s first University run High School Model UN conference. A Model UN, or MUN, is a simulation-based learning exercise that sees student delegates adopt the persona of an allocated country and subsequently represent that country during a simulation of UN proceedings. 

Students were placed into the following committee rooms, debating the following issues.

  • Addressing Marine Pollution (BUHMUN General Assembly Committee One)
  • Managing, Protecting, Conserving, and Restoring Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (BUHMUN General Assembly Committee Two)
  • Making fisheries sustainable and providing access for small scale artisanal fisheries to marine resources and markets (BUHMUN General Assembly Committee Three)
  • Enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and the resource is by implementing international law (BUHMUN General Assembly Committee Four)
  • Climate Change & Displacement (#MUNRefugeeChallenge)

The following students represented took part in the event: 



Olivia Jade Greenslade

Barbados - Committee Room 1

Paris Carpenter

Uganda - Committee Room 2

Cassandra Hill

Uganda - Committee Room 1

Jesse Starling

Barbados - Committee Room 2

Olivia Grosser

Uganda - #MUNRefugeeChallenge

Bailey Wright

Barbados - #MUNRefugeeChallenge

Keira Daley

Uganda - Committee Room 3

Annie Hammond

Barbados - Committee Room 3

Edie Aran

Uganda - Committee Room 4

Noni Munro Rogers

Barbados -Committee Room 4

Miranda Rhodes


Ryan Harris



The team’s hard work paid off with Paris Carpenter winning the Individual Diplomacy Award “ For embracing the spirit and values of the United Nations” and Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School winning the Secretary-General Award “for embracing the spirit and values of the United Nations, their teamwork and active contribution”.  Opportunities like this are at the heart of the BEE faculty's vision of developing skills, knowledge and understanding through real-world experiences. The BEE will be expanding our MUNA program in the coming months throughout the school to broaden opportunities for all.


Bryan Malone
Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise



From The English Faculty

Exciting Opportunities for Lindisfarne English Students

The study of both drama and poetry is an integral part of the NSW English syllabus. This involves reading, viewing and analysing both Shakespearean and non-Shakespearean plays as well as poets and poems from the past through to the present. In order to meet these mandatory syllabus requirements, the English Faculty has organised three exciting drama and poetry opportunities for different year levels.  

Bell Shakespeare Incursion

We have been fortunate to secure the Bell Shakespeare Theatre Company to present two performances at Lindisfarne on Monday 30 May. The cost of each performance is $8.50 and payment should be made through Parent Lounge

The aim is for all of Year 8 students to view a one-hour professional production of Shakespeare is Dead at 09:30 am. This show will include a variety of Shakespeare’s plays and will reinforce the Year 8 Term One study of Romeo and Juliet as well as prepare them for the study of Macbeth in Year 10.

Our Year 10 cohort will then view the production of Shakespeare: The Human Experience. As Year 10 will be studying Macbeth in Term Three and this production will include Macbeth as part of their show, it is very timely for our Year 10 students to attend this event. This is performance will commence at 11:00 am. 

Poetry in Action

The aim of Poetry in Action is to bring poetry to life through performance. The company will examine poetry, show it can be an enjoyable art form and aim to broaden students’ perspectives. We have booked four exciting one-hour performances to occur at Lindisfarne on Friday 10 June. The cost to our students will be $9.95 and this is payable through Parent Lounge

Year 7 students will view the production entitled: The Poet’s Quest. The aim of this presentation is to find the joy in poetry and learn the basic techniques of rhythm, rhyme, imagery and theme by exposing students to some of the greatest poets in history. As our Year 7 students are exploring poetry in class this term, this performance is very important. The Year 7 performance will occur at 2.00pm.  

The show that the Year 8 students will view is: United Nations of Poetry. This show celebrates the difference and similarities of people around the world. The aim is to broaden student perspectives. The Year 8 performance will commence at 12 noon.

Our Year 9 students, who completed a unit on conflict and war poetry in Term One, will see the production on Words of War during Period 3. Poetry in Action brings life to the world and works of Wilfred Owen; it examines the horror, heroism and hopelessness of conflict. The aim is to examine people’s attitudes to war and how, through Owen’s poetry, we can come to a better understanding of war today.  

Year 10 students will view the production entitled: Riots and Revolutions. The company will examine great speeches and poetry from world history, film and theatre to enlighten students on the rhetorical techniques used to construct an inspiring movement that either advocates or protests. The focus is to demonstrate how words had the power to change the world in the past and how they can still change the world today. This performance will commence at 09:30 am. 

Jane Eyre Excursion

Lindisfarne has reserved 50 theatre tickets for Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre; a gothic tale of a spirited orphan’s search for love, family and a sense of belonging. This play exposes students to gothic theatre, transformation of a classic text, ensemble and contemporary theatre and magical realism. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience live theatre and to appreciate all the aspects that contribute to a successful, professional play. 

This excursion to the Cremorne Theatre at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre in Brisbane will occur on Tuesday 14 June. This excursion is open to Year 11 Advanced English students as well as Year 12 English Extension 1 students. The cost to students will be $30 and this is payable through Parent Lounge. Students will leave from school at 08:20am and return by 3pm. 

Kylie Wharton
Acting Director of English 

Debating Sucess

Four of our debating teams competed in the Gold Coast Debating Competition on Wednesday evening 4 May. Three of these teams won their debates and the other team, whilst being defeated, showed considerable improvement in their debating skills.

Junior A Team

Despite being down one team member, who was unwell, our Junior A team (LAG2) successfully argued that Influencers do more harm than good. They are commended for efforts in this debate. They are now revising how to prepare for their next debate, which will be a short preparation debate. 

Teagan Gilmour, Ben Reeve, Leo Lush (Absent: Eliza Evesson)

Junior B Team

Under the capable guidance of their coach, Mrs Makepeace, our LAG 3 Junior B team comprising of Violet Chase, Oscar Drysdale, Django Kahn-Casey, Molly Lowe demonstrated considerable improvement in their debating skills. Whilst they were defeated in this round, they are urged to continue on their journey of improving their abilities to strongly argue a team case. 

Intermediate Team

Mr Bradford reported that his Intermediate Team (Scout Bee Jones, Xan Quirk and Jessica Wilson) obtained their second debating win. They were also arguing that Influencers do more harm than good. They will now move from prepared debates to a short preparation debate in their next round. 

Open Team

Whilst our Open Team faced fierce opposition from Emmanuel College, the adjudicator awarded our seniors the victory based on their polished performance, cohesive team case and their clear focus on the topic. They are also congratulated for their second win.

Amity Chaffey, Bailey Keay, and Zia Mowbray. (Absent: Trishul Sivabalan)

Short Preparation Debates

One strength of the Gold Coast Debating Competition is that it initially allows junior debaters to hone their debating skills through a number of prepared debates. This is then followed by the more advanced skill of preparing a team argument under timed conditions. The duration of the preparation time varies from Junior B Teams receiving one hour 45 minutes to prepare a four-minute speech each to our Open Team receiving one hour for an eight-minute speech each. 

To prepare our students for the rigours of this activity, our coaches spend time ensure that their team can quickly plan and compose a correctly formatted team case in the allotted time. Below we have a picture of Mrs Treacy’s Junior A team (LAG1) rehearsing the skills needed for their first short preparation debate this season. 

Tessa Ford, Ryder Green and Nicolas Leotta and James Cunnah

Suellen Walker 
English Coordinator

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking




Children's Day

May 5th is a Day for Children in Japan! it is known as Kodomo no Hi子供の日. 

Originally celebrated as “Boy’s Day”, the symbols and traditions of Children’s Day are representative of strength and courage. Families display koi carp flagsKoi Nobori 鯉のぼり and present their sons with a replica samurai helmetkabuto 兜 to be displayed in the home. There is also a well known folktale “Golden Boy” Kintarō 金太郎 KINTARO (ENGLISH) Animation of Japanese Traditional Stories  KINTARO (ENGLISH) Animation of Japanese Traditional Stories which illustrates the values Japanese parents hope their sons will grow up to embody - strength, courage and kindness.

As with all Japanese celebrations, food and music are also an important part of festivities. Chimaki is eaten on Children’s Day and comes in two varieties, sweet and savoury.

  • Sweet chimaki might include fillings such as glutinous rice, sweet red bean gelatin, known as “yokan,” or kudzu (arrowroot) powder and is enjoyed as a snack or dessert.
  • Savoury chimaki includes a mixture of sticky glutinous rice, meat, and vegetables. Some of the meats commonly used are chicken and pork, while vegetables might include young bamboo shoots (takenoko), shiitake mushrooms, carrots, burdock root (gobo), chestnuts (kuri), or gingko nuts. Savoury chimaki is often enjoyed as an appetiser, snack, or meal.

Why not try making your own!

CHIMAKI | Japanese Traditional Sweets for Children's Day |Very few people know how to make this cake

Or perhaps you would like to learn the traditional folk song for Children’s Day, Koinobori.

こいのぼり🎏(♬屋根より高いこいのぼり~) byひまわり🌻歌詞付き|童謡 5月子供の日 端午の節句のうた|Koinobori|Carp streamer|保育士試験課題曲2017

Year 6 students and Japanese Calligraphy and Culture Crush Club students have enjoyed learning more about Children’s Day, creating origami samurai helmets, origami koi carp and making Children’s Day calligraphy creations. 






Performing Arts

Lindisfarne Drama Festival Change of Date

Due to a significant clash in our busy school calendar, the second annual Lindisfarne Drama Festival which was scheduled to be held on Sunday 29 May has now been moved to 
Sunday 31 July (Term 3, week 3).

Thank you for your understanding of this change of date, we are looking forward to an exciting day of Speech and Drama next term.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Composers' Collective - Music Technology

The Composers’ Collective warmly invites any students interested in learning how to use ProTools recording software, engraving software Sibelius as well microphones and UAD plugins. We will meet on Monday mornings in MM4 (Composers’ Collective Studio) at 7:30am.

Attending these sessions should serve to train your knowledge in recording/engraving as well as help with the process of writing music. I am also happy to offer tuition if you would like help in preparing for a theory exam (AMEB, Trinity etc).

Please register your interest by emailing me directly: roger.lock@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Roger Lock
Composer in Residence

Germinate Records


Exercise Right Week

Exercise Right Week

Could you fit more exercise into your daily routine?
May 23rd is the start of “Exercise Right” week

This month the week of the 23-29 th May is National Exercise Right week. This event aims to motivate more Australians to get fit by teaching them about the benefits of exercise and how they can create their own regimes and exercise plans. 

Since its inception in 2014, the campaign has aimed to highlight the benefits of exercise for health and well-being, and to help Australians to understand where to get the “right” advice for their individual needs. This event fits nicely with our Year 9 PDHPE program who are currently investigating Health services and information and developing the skills needed to wade through the abundance of often false information available at their fingertips.

“Exercise Right” highlights the many benefits to be had from participating in regular exercise including meeting and making new friends, mental and emotional wellbeing, management of chronic illness and a general feeling of wellbeing. With increasingly busy lives exercise if often the element we push to the back of our minds

The website contains lots of interesting information and ideas for adding exercise into your daily routine.

Here are a few tips on increasing your activity levels

  1. Set the alarm half an hour earlier and move. This could be Yoga, a walk, download an exercise program
  2. Take the stairs whenever you can. A great way to get the heart rate up
  3. Join a social team eg Netball. Such a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends and be active
  4. Sign up for an event. Having a goal is great motivation. Since COVID the introduction of virtual events has made participation so interesting. You can map online where you are up too and might even find yourself climbing Mt Everest.
  5. Find a friend with similar goals. Committing to someone else is great motivation to get out of bed rather than turning off the alarm.

Always remember, exercise should not be punishment. It should be fun.

The PDHPE Faculty

Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square


Country of the Week - Kosovo

Olivia Sweetnam and Olivia Grosser
Prefect - International


Waste Wise Tips

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular


Book Of The Week - “Family of Liars" by E. Lockhart

The page-turning must-read thriller prequel to We Were Liars - #1 New York Times bestseller and TikTok sensation - takes readers back to the story of another summer, another generation, and the secrets that will haunt them for decades to come. 

A windswept private island off the coast of Massachusetts.

A hungry ocean, churning with secrets and sorrow.

A fiery, addicted heiress. An irresistible, unpredictable boy.

A summer of unforgivable betrayal and terrible mistakes.

Welcome back to the Sinclair family.

They were always liars.

 It's a pleasure to spend time with the Sinclairs again. Family of Liars goes back one generation to the 1980s: before the fire, before the chaos, before the mayhem, when everything was more innocent, and more glamorous, but also more corrupt. The characters leap off the page, and the ghosts (who doesn't love a bit of ghost action?) are creepy enough to get the hairs on the back of your neck standing to attention. You'll find yourself yelling at the page, telling the characters to step back from the brink of disaster, even while at the same time you can't stop turning the pages because you can't guess what's going to happen next. 

Gail Dessmann
Mahers Lane Librarian


Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
