2022 Term 4 Week 5 11 Nov 2022

This Week Overview

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Today we marked a significant event as our whole school paused in Remembrance of those who served and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in war and conflict.

Services were held today at both campuses and across the region. Coming together at 11.00am on the 11th of November is an important time to stop and pause for thankful reflection. With so much of the world in turmoil, we can still enjoy our freedom which we largely take for granted. These few minutes each year stand as a timely reminder to ponder the sacrifices which mean we can go about our daily lives free from persecution with the freedom to speak what is in our hearts. 

Students at our Mahers Lane campus were joined by representatives from the Diocese and the other Diocesan Anglican Schools in a moving student-led Remembrance Service that honoured our service men and women. Tessa Ford and Walt Samuels were our Buglers playing The Last Post and The Rouse whilst Communication Prefects Jacinta Kieffer and Amity Chaffey gave the Commemorative Address. 

Our Junior School students were joined by Junior School Prefect Charlotte Butcher and Buglers Monty Lush and Leo Lush in recognising Remembrance Day at Sunshine Avenue. Mr Todd Hardy also represented the School as the Bugler at the Kingscliff Community Service. and as a community, we all paused, reflected, and gave thanks for the service of all who have served.

On Wednesday night, it was ‘Showtime’ as our Year 5, and 6 students lit up the stage for the Stage 3 Showcase. The collaboration between staff members working together to showcase the broad range of talent at this level truly was impressive. Students put together a gala performance of music, song, dance, and even some comedy as they showcased their talents from across the curriculum area of Performing Arts. Every student in Stage 3 had their part to play. Thank you to all those involved in making this night so memorable. 

Our Junior School students have had their week DisruptEd as they participated in various activities to show their Entrepreneur, Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving skills. Year 2 used paper and tape to hold a basketball up, showing their engineering prowess, whilst Year 3 created balloon rockets as part of their learning. Year 12 Business students helped lead the Year 4 cohort through the design thinking process, with a focus on improving travel in the future. Year 1 designed and created Rube Goldberg Machines and Kindergarten students used a range of shapes to build kites. Thank you to our Junior School staff and the BEE faculty for this engaging week of learning.

Lindisfarne is constantly looking at ways to enhance our learning outcomes for students. In 2023 Lindisfarne will introduce SEQTA Engage for parents. SEQTA Engage will work in partnership with Parent Lounge to provide a powerful tool for parents to have an extensive overview of their child’s learning and assessments. 

SEQTA Engage will also be the primary vehicle through which all the teaching and curriculum-related information are shared, allowing for greater transparency and understanding for parents about their student’s academic progress.

We will provide ongoing information on SEQTA Engage for parents through the end of the year and before the return of school in 2023. We are excited to implement SEQTA Engage as we know it will benefit not just our students but also our parents and teaching staff.  

Principal Marquardt was busy hosting the Diocesan Schools Network at Lindisfarne yesterday and today. Representatives from the Diocese and the other Anglican Schools met as they do each term to support and discuss opportunities to enhance education in our region collectively. 

Our guests got the very best of Lindisfarne’s well-known hospitality as they enjoyed dinner last night at the Trade Skills Centre from our Hospitality students, followed by a Chapel Service this morning with our Senior Choir. They later joined us for Remembrance Day. These meetings are important times for Principals and Senior Staff within this network to discuss strategic and operational opportunities. 

This evening we will gather with our Year 12 students in a Eucharist to celebrate and give thanks for all they have given and all they have ahead of them. This service is one of our significant milestones to truly farewell this year group.  The Eucharist will be followed by the Year 12 Formal at The Mecure, Gold Coast Resort, Carrara. Anyone hoping to join us for arrivals needs to note that the 5:30 pm start time is NSW times, not QLD.

We look forward to gathering together for what promises to be a glamorous evening. We wish the graduating class of 2022 every success and hope they enjoy these important moments before their final official school event, Senior School Speech Day, on December 7. 

Thank you to each parent and guardian who took the time to provide feedback on our School as part of the annual Parent Survey. We believe it is critical to seek each parent and guardian’s opinion on a range of issues so we are informed as we continue to build a successful school and strengthen our reputation as an educator of choice.

This a final reminder that next Friday is our Principal’s Evening of Thanks. This event at the Trade Skills Centre on our Mahers Lane campus is a thank you to all in our community for the year that was. After several years of limited opportunities to gather as a community and give thanks, this event is an important night as we recognise our parents, volunteers, supporters, and sponsors who have contributed to our school over the last 12 months. All are welcome, and we ask you to please indicate your attendance using the following link.

As you can see, the countdown is well and truly on. I commend our wonderful staff for digging deeply to cover the various end-of-year celebrations. Lastly, I would like to thank all the parents and guardians for organising students at home, attending events, and generally ferrying their children between the school day, rehearsals, and celebrations.

I look forward to seeing many of you at these events over the next few weeks.  

Charlotte Lush
Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear members of the Lindisfarne Community,

Remembering Our Departed Loved Ones

It was lovely to gather with our wider community last Sunday to remember our departed loved ones, friends, staff, and students. The community of the living includes the dead, and so we commend them to God's love and mercy and ask that they may find eternal rest, light, and happiness. Ayesha Gough (former Lindisfarne student), Ian Holston (parishioner of St Cuthbert’s), and Johnny Yasinov (8 year-old Ukrainian boy) provided some excellent music that enhanced our worship. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

Community Christmas Service on Sunday, 4 December 2022

Please join us in the Mahers Lane for the commemoration of Jesus’ birth as we give thanks for the blessings and joys of 2022. We begin with a scrumptious afternoon tea at 4.30 pm and the Service with Bible Readings and Carols at 5 pm. All are welcome!

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

As we progress our RAP, it’s been wonderful to have Ms Narelle Urquhart, our First Nations Cultural Engagement Coordinator, to guide us. Narelle has been sharing First Nations cultural knowledge with our staff and students and has been instrumental in helping us build bridges with the local First Nations people. During the week we welcomed Kyle Slabb and Malachi Urquhart on a tour of our school, and they explored some opportunities for collaboration between our school and First Nations musicians and artists.

Thank you Graduating Class of 2022

This weekend, we celebrate the Graduating Class of 2022 at a Service of Thanksgiving on Friday and their Formal on Saturday. We continue to give thanks to God for the gift they have been to our school and pray for God’s blessings upon them and their families in this new season of their lives.

Let us continue to be grateful for all we have and for who we are to each other and to our school community.

I wish you a restful and relaxing weekend.

Rev Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

In this edition of SchoolTV - PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & EXERCISE

In the last decade, children’s participation in physical activity and exercise has been in decline. In this digital age, children are using computers and mobile devices, not only for learning but for relaxation and recreation purposes. This sedentary lifestyle is having a detrimental effect on today’s youth. The key is finding the balance.

Research shows, that regular physical activity and exercise leads to changes in the brain. It improves cognitive function, elevates mood, enhances learning, and improves academic outcomes. Playing sports helps kids develop fundamental movement skills impacting positively on their confidence, self-esteem, and ability to develop social skills. Parents play an important role in helping children establish positive habits that will benefit their children in the long term.

In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will discover practical advice relating to the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise, as well as tips on how to get their kids motivated and moving more.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to the Physical Activity & Exercise edition of SchoolTV


Warm Regards,

Susi Meyers
School Psychologist

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Green and Gold Day

Green and Gold Day - Wednesday 23rd November 2022

Screening the 2022 FIFA World Cup - Australia vs France

On Wednesday 23rd November, Australia will open its campaign at the 2022 FIFA World Cup against France. To mark the occasion, the school will hold a 'Green and Gold' day on 23/11 and a screening of the match live in Ngahriyah. 

All students are encouraged to wear their green and gold on Wednesday 23rd November to show their support for the Socceroos. Gold coin donations will be collected at House Tutor Group on the day. 

If you'd also like to attend the screening, please register using this form by COB Monday 21st November 2022. Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff are all welcome to attend. 

Australia Vs France
2023 FIFA World Cup
Opening Round Match

Screening in Ngahriyah, Mahers Lane Campus
Doors open - 5:45am AEDT
Kick Off - 6:00am AEDT
Est. Conclusion - 9.00am AEDT

Parking: Available on Bottom Oval
Food: BBQ Breakfast, Fruit/Juice and Coffee will be available for purchase.

Places may need to be capped depending on interest, so please register your interest as early as possible. You will receive a confirmation email once your place is secure. 

Any questions, please contact Mr Kane Bradford, Head - Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships on kane.bradford@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Fun Swim Carnival - Volunteers Needed

The Parents and Friends is seeking some volunteers to assist on the BBQ at the Kindy to Year 2 Fun Swim Carnival on Friday, 18 November at the Kingscliff Pool. We need five volunteers to cover shifts from 11.00am to 12.00pm and then from 12.00pm to 1.00pm.

We're using SignUp to organise the volunteers.  

Please sign up for Lindisfarne K-2 Swimming Carnival BBQ in 3 easy steps:  

 1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp:  

Lindisfarne K-2 Swimming Carnival BBQ links.signup.com

2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on SignUp)  

3. Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!  Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Steve Cornell
P&F Vice President

Sunshine Avenue Giving Tree

Year 1 Team Building Incursion

Teaching little 21st century learners is so much more than academics.  Team building is an essential life-long skill and helps students build communication skills as they collaborate and strategise. Of course, classmates working together are more likely to succeed and as groups work together to conquer problems, student confidence grows.  All this, and more, was abundantly evident last Friday as the Year 1 students undertook a full day Team Building incursion, facilitated by Character Builders at Arkinstall Park.

Fun, energetic, and engaging activities, some as simple as scissors, paper rock tournament as well as noodle relays, hoopla, ping pong markers, and hot green potato encouraged

  • socialising and having fun
  • patience, focus, and turn taking
  • engaging interpersonal skills
  • learning about differences in others
  • respecting differing abilities and tendencies
  • building personal character by supporting others
  • learning to win, draw and lose with character.

The day culminated in a reflective BIG UP session-a wonderful way to highlight how children can recognise and compliment the efforts of others in their cohort. It was heartwarming to see them understand that they in fact have great power and capacity to rise by lifting others at the same time.  The perfect end to a simply brilliant day.

Kathryn Leary, Kaitlyn Kidd, Linda Terry
Year 1 Teachers

From the Head of Junior School

The Junior School has continued to be a hive of activity this week. All students from K to 4 participated in DisruptEd week, which involved each year level engaging in a STEM day, working in small groups to formulate solutions to a range of different problems. 

DisruptED commenced on Monday with our usual Junior School assembly. Patrick Brabant addressed the students with an overview of his recent sustainability trip to Hawaii where he had won the opportunity to travel to Hawaii with the intent to leave it better than when he had arrived. He talked the students through all of the rubbish that had been discovered on an isolated beach and reinforced the importance of recycling to improve our environment. He left the students with a challenge to pick up three pieces of rubbish a day as, ‘even though not everyone can do everything,  all of us can do something.‘

On Tuesday, our Year 2 students worked in groups completing the newspaper basketball challenge. They needed to create a 30cm+ structure, using only newspaper and tape, to be able to hold a basketball for over 20 seconds.  On Wednesday the Year 3 students designed balloon rockets where the goal was to create a rocket that traveled horizontally from one point to another. On Thursday Mr Bryan Malone came down from Mahers Lane with a group of Year 12 students to work with the Year 4 students on an entrepreneurial, problem-based learning task. They ideated and designed ways in which travel in the future can be improved. Friday finished off the week with Kindergarten students designing kites from a range of materials and a variety of shapes to create the most effective flying kite and Year 1 students designed and created Rube Goldberg Machines which are contraptions intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and overly complicated way.

It was wonderful to witness the development of some of the Deep Learning Competencies - Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical thinking throughout the week as each year group solved problems and derived solutions all whilst having a lot of fun. 

On Friday 11th, November we also held the Junior School Remembrance day assembly. We used the time to learn about what Remembrance day means and took the time to pause, reflect, and remember all those who fought and have fallen in all wars.

You Can Sit With Me

As always, inclusion and kindness continues to be a focus in the Junior School. This term, we introduced the You Can Sit With Me program which is an anti-bullying and kindness campaign.

 Every fortnight, four students from every class in Year 2 and Year 3 nominate themselves and are chosen, by their teachers, to wear a You can Sit with me Band. They simply wear a bright yellow band with a life changing message, ‘You Can Sit With Me.’ These bands are easily visible in the playground and students who may be struggling to find friends or have someone to play with know that these students wearing bands are there to help.

 It has been wonderful to see so many students willing to be these ambassadors within our school community and students have already embraced moments to ask for support and friendship. Next year, the program will continue and will expand to have students wearing bands in the  other grades as well.

Laura Gallagher
Assistant Head of Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Stage 3 Disco

Year 5 and 6 students, don't forget to grab your tickets for the Stage 3 Disco.

You can book via this link.

NSW Health

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

In this week’s assembly, Mr Marquardt addressed all students in the Senior School about the need to finish the school year well. His message was important and pertinent. There is still important learning to take place before the end of the term, and students’ perseverance and dedication are still expected. Further, it is imperative standards remain high in both academic and behavioural endeavours. In my own address, I was able to discuss the importance of treating one another with kindness. At times it is important to revisit some aspects of the School’s Policy. Recently we have focused on dress standards, but this week served as an opportune time to address the insidious nature of some forms of bullying. Students were reminded about the need to call out bullying when they see it, alternatively reporting it to a trusted adult or reporting it anonymously via the Stymie app. 

Wednesday proved to be a very exciting day for our new Year 12s who were presented with their Senior jerseys. They were then handed the proverbial keys to the Year 12 Common Room where they were able to enjoy a lovely morning tea. So far, the leadership of the 2023 cohort has been outstanding. I have been so impressed with the work of our Prefects and Captains in realising their need to leave a legacy for the generations to come. 2023 certainly promises to be a good year for our student body with these young men and women at the helm!

Saturday night will be the Year 12 Formal for our 2022 leavers. This year we will be holding the event at the Mercure Gold Coast Resort, Carrara. Arrivals will begin at 5.30pm (NSW time). Anyone intending to attend the arrivals is encouraged to be at the hotel well in advance. It will undoubtedly be a beautiful night. 

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

NSW Health

From The Careers Desk

Young Changemakers

Lindisfarne is proud to advise that we have 5 of our Year 11 students attending the Young Changemakers program at UQ in November. Young ChangeMakers is a four-day experience that provides Year 11 students with a unique and inspiring opportunity to discover, learn and engage with UQ’s academic community and like-minded students. Places in this program are hotly contested, so we are delighted to have five students who gained places this year. 

The program presents students with an exciting opportunity for academic extension and enrichment and is centred around igniting young change makers’ passions for leadership, academic achievement, and community development in today’s global society

Our students will reside at the UQ  St Lucia campus between Sunday, 27 November to Wednesday, 30 November, immersing themselves in university life. We hope that Trishul Sivabalan, Ruby Stante, Zia Mowbray, Jedda McLauchlan, and Callum McNicoll all enjoy the experience.

Dr Natalie Marriott
Acting Head of Careers and VET

Pastoral Care


From The Sportsdesk


The NCIS Primary Basketball event was held this week on Tuesday in Coffs Harbour. With 17 of our selected Year 5 and 6 students participating in their respective girl's and boy's competitions, the group headed down the highway with hopes of returning with some medals. 

From the outset, both boys' and girls teams made their intentions very clear with strong performances in both their first-round games, with the boys pulling off an 8 point win in their match, and the girls holding on in a tight finish to end the game in a tie.

The boys' team went from strength to strength in the remaining three matches, defeating their opposition comprehensively to close out the tournament's eventual winners. Similarly, the girls finished their second game with a big boost to their percentage and confidence, all but tying up a top two finish with the final round to play. Going into the last game the girls knew they had to win by 26 points or more to claim first place on percentage.  In what was a shaky start the girls finally found their groove by the end of the 2nd term and finished the game as eventual winners by just under 50 points. An outstanding result.

I would like to congratulate all Primary Basketball students for the amazing skill, teamwork, and sportsmanship they displayed in all their games, representing themselves and their school in the best possible manner. I would also like to thank Head Coach -  Nash Campbell for his tireless work in the Lindisfarne basketball space.

Duke of Edinburgh

Wishing all the best for our current cohort of Adventurous Journey participants, as they begin their practice journey next week in the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterland. Our participants range from Years 8 to 10:

  • Sienna Little
  • Zoe Marshall
  • Amelie Tonnet
  • Lachlan Wisler
  • India Yen
  • Nicolas Leotta
  • Emily Daniel
  • Chloe Clunies-Ross
  • Bradley Gilmour
  • Thomas Cunnah
  • Jack Edwards
  • Jesse Bravington
  • Mitchell Buchan
  • Eliza Evesson
  • Tessa Ford
  • Eden Critchlow
  • Oli Leonessa
  • Mani Lopez
  • Kynan Luescher
  • Lil Proart
  • Flinders Shirley
  • Mia Harris 
  • Summah Orford

Spotlight on Hunter and Florence Gaffney

Hunter and Florence have started their Surf Lifesaving season well and competed for Currumbin in the first two rounds of the Kozzi Iron Series.  The first round was held during school holidays at Mooloolaba and after competing in three iron races, Florence won the under 9 Age Champion and Hunter was 3rd in the under 11 age division.

The 2nd race was held on the weekend at North Burleigh and Hunter won the under 11 Age Champion (Florence was unable to compete due to illness).

Hunter also competed in her first Youth Coolangatta Gold event a few weeks back and was 4th.  This is an iconic event in the sport of Surf Lifesaving and they both hope to compete in it for many years to come.

Spotlight on Billy Wardle

Billy attended the U15’s QLD State Championships in Mackay in September, he played Division 1 for Gold Coast and from there he was selected in the Hockey Queensland U16’s development squad.

Kingscliff Triathlon

A reminder that the Kingscliff Triathlon is on Sunday, 20 November. If anyone is interested in participating please register - here and please contact Mrs Tracy Foyster to let her know you will be competing.

Anglican Schools Country Week

The inaugural Anglican Schools Country week is a new concept for our region. There were intentions to run this event the last two years, but that was shelved due to COVID-19. Principals from schools across our region are getting this concept up and running from scratch - which has proven success across many communities throughout the country for bringing students together for multiple days of competition -  under the umbrella of the Anglican faith. 

We will be sending multiple squads and teams across various sports in what will be one of the final sports hit outs of the year. The concept this year will focus on a one day multiple activity event which is next week... It is hoped for Anglican schools across the region to join in a two or three day event in the years to come. Here is a copy of the booklet - Anglican Schools Country Week.

Good luck to all the students, a copy of the Athlete Roster is - here.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



Recycle Your Broken Phones and Electronics

Do you have any old and broken phones or electronic devices that you are not sure what to do with? Bring them to our recycling hubs! Our recycling hubs accept small to medium-sized electronic devices for recycling including:

  • Mobile phones, chargers, and batteries
  • Laptops
  • Keyboards
  • Mice
  • Hard drives
  • Cables and chargers
  • Computer power supplies
  • Printed circuit boards
  • Motherboards
  • Printer cartridges

Please note that we cannot accept any large items of electronic waste. All the collected mobile phones, chargers and batteries are sent off to Mobile Muster for recycling. If you are interested in seeing how these items are recycled please watch the included video. All other electronic devices are sent off to other specialist e-waste recyclers for processing. 

Recycling electronic waste is very important as when in landfill this material can leak toxins and chemicals into the environment. Some electronics also contain valuable minerals like gold, copper, and silver. By recycling these items these minerals can be reused in new electronics which reduces the need to mine new minerals.

Our recycling hubs can be found in the assembly area at the Junior School and near Student Admin at our Mahers Lane campus. 

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Waste Wise Tips

Waste Wise Tips

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular


Book Of The Week

"Red Queen" by Victoria Aveyard

This is a world divided by blood - red or silver.

The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.

That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.

Fearful of Mare's potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.

But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance - Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart . . .

Industry Reviews

"A whirlwind of betrayal and plot twists." - SCI-FI NOW

"It's slick, it's interesting and ... gripping." - SFX

'Red Queen is a clever blend of The Hunger Games, The Selection, Graceling, and Divergent.' - STARBURST

‘A wonderful mash up of Ancient Rome and Marie Antoinette with a dash of Catherine Fisher's Incarceron and Ridley Scott's Gladiator, not to mention some of Marvel Comic's box of tricks . . . Exciting and original. - Sam Hawksmoor, author of the Repossession Trilogy.

Gail Dessmann
Librarian - Mahers Lane 


Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Christmas Services Times - Anglican Churches in the Tweed 2022

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
