2023 Term 1 Week 3 17 Feb 2023

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The start of the School year has been a good opportunity for parents and members of the School community to reconnect after the restrictions of the past three years. I’ve been heartened by the attendance at recent school welcome events in the various subschools. Of particular note has been the quality of conversations and information sharing and the support for the School.

I look forward to seeing many parents in attendance at the annual Principal and P&F Welcome event that will take place tonight hosted by our Junior School campus.

This week we are holding season launches for two of the premier sporting programs at Lindisfarne. Last night it was a pleasure to officially get the 2023 Rugby Season underway. Thank you to all who attended and congratulations to Dr Joseph Coyne for his work in leading the program. The special guest was former champion All Black Rico Gear who was very capably interviewed by two of our Lindisfarne Lions Ruby Power and Koen Hodge. First XV Captain Jesse Freier did an outstanding job as our MC.

On Saturday the 2023 Netball season will be officially launched. Our Strategic Director of Netball Danielle Watters has done a huge amount of work to plan a very special day for our players and supporters. We are very much looking forward to Mia Stower from the QLD Firebirds joining our Lindisfarne Lions Netball launch which is sure to be a highlight as we get the 2023 season underway.

On Saturday we will welcome 180 students to the school who will undertake annual Scholarship testing at the School. Scholarships to Lindisfarne are keenly contested and we congratulate all of the applicants who have stepped forward to complete the Edutest program this year.

Lindisfarne parent and Australian para triathlete Bill Chaffey is taking part in the annual Tour de Cure signature tour which involves cyclists riding for 8-9 days straight and raising money for cancer research in pursuit of finding a cure. Each year the ride is in a different part of the country.  This year the ride is 1020km in 8 days from Coffs Harbour to Noosa averaging 125km a day.  There has never been a hand cyclist take part in the tour and Bill is hoping to raise as much money for cancer as he can. This year's goal for the Tour de Cure is to raise $2,000,000.  The link to Bill’s fundraising page can be found here.

The NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook is a comprehensive and free resource to assist parents, carers as well as teachers on a range of topics essential to child safety.  

The updated digital edition (link below) also includes important content updates from NSW Rural Fire, NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Transport NSW, State Emergency Services, NSW Department of Family & Community Services, eSafety Commissioner and NSW Office of the Children's Guardian. To view the updated digital handbook please click here.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Service Learning 2023

At Lindisfarne we encourage our students to use their gifts and privilege for the good of others. Professor Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, author, teacher and Nobel laureate, told his students, “Whatever you learn, remember: the learning must make you more, not less, human.” He further argued that through education we have to help our students take responsibility for societal problems, and transform the world for the better.

Our Year 10 students have this week taken a significant step in this direction by choosing their areas of service this Semester. Some of them will be visiting the elderly in nursing homes, some will be working with our Junior School students or assisting those with different abilities, others will be assisting Fred’s Place and Agape Outreach Centre to care for those experiencing homelessness and hardship, some will be baking and knitting for charity, and some will be assisting with the Hope House proposal, which seeks to build a home of presence and encounter for those who are homeless because of mental illness or at risk of homelessness because of mental illness. With the commitment and passion I see in many of our young people at Lindisfarne, I have every confidence that our future is in good hands. Let’s continue to encourage and support these fine young leaders.

Pancake/Shrove Tuesday Fundraiser in Aid of the children of Syria and Turkey

Please support the Pancake Tuesday fundraiser as we seek to extend compassion and solidarity to the children and young people of Syria and Turkey impacted by the devastating earthquakes. Please see Parent Lounge for details on how to pay.

Ash Wednesday Services 2023

You’re warmly invited to our Ash Wednesday Services next week:

  • Junior School on Monday, 20 February at 2.15pm
  • Middle School on Wednesday, 22 February at 1.25pm
  • Senior School on Wednesday, 22 February at 11.50am

Please reply through this link if you would like to attend.

Lenten Resources

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar. Lent is a forty-day pilgrimage undertaken by Christians every year to remember the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a time of prayer, fasting, care for others, and care for the natural world, as we seek to make our world reflect God’s kin-dom of  justice, peace and love. If you would to deepen your spiritual life this Lent please visit here: Lenten resources.

Spiritual Care Session on Friday, 24 February 2023 (5.00pm - 6.00pm)

You are warmly invited to a Spiritual Care session on Friday, 24 February 2023 at 5.00pm in the Chapel. This is an exciting opportunity to explore living wholeheartedly and attending to our spiritual needs through prayer, solitude, silence, meditation and connection.

An Indigenous Smoking Ceremony will conclude the session. Please use this link to register your attendance.

A Blessing: “To Come Home to Yourself”

May all that is unforgiven in you 
Be released. 
May your fears yield
Their deepest tranquilities. 
May all that is unlived in you 
Blossom into a future 
Graced with love.”

― John O'Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings

Thank you immensely for all the work we’ve done this week. I wish you a relaxing and restful weekend filled with hope, peace and good health.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Trivia Night - Tickets on Sale

Gather the crew and get ready for a night of fun and games! The P&F Trivia Night is the ultimate trivia test, where knowledge meets laughter and competition takes centre stage. Whether you’re a trivia master or just along for the good times, the P&F have a night full of challenges and surprises in store for you. So grab a seat and get ready to put your brain to the test!


Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


ParentEd - Dr Kaylene Henderson - Tackling Anxiety and Building Resilience

Dr Kaylene Henderson is a medically trained child health specialist and one of Australia’s leading parenting experts. Popular for sharing her expertise in a warm and relatable way, Kaylene presents a talk on supporting all children to tackle anxiety and build resilience.

To confirm your attendance please use this link.

Harmony Week

Life is a Balancing Act - School Life Balance

Life is a balancing act, and school students need to become master acrobats in order to navigate their menagerie of tasks and roles. Between school, study, work, chores, family, friends, and maintaining a social life, there’s a lot to keep track of each week.

It’s easy to fall out of balance – the evidence shows that most working adults in Australia only get around three and a half hours of non-work-or-sleep time each day (and women get around 30 minutes less than men). 

What happens when you’re not in balance?

It’s easy to write off life balance as a luxury or something airy fairy. But having a good balance in your life could not only make you happier and healthier, in the long run you could accomplish more and do better.

The impacts of lack of balance in your life could include:

  • Burnout.
  • Loss of motivation.
  • Lack of ‘thinking’ time.
  • Mental health issues.
  • Physical health issues.

Signs you could be out of balance 

If you generally feel happy, contented, healthy, and well rested; then you’re probably already doing a pretty great job at the whole balance thing. Of course, there’ll be times when you don’t feel great like exam stress, or trying to juggle multiple assignments, working extra shifts to earn more cash, or periods of illness – that’s normal.

If you often feel tired, low, or that every day is a struggle, then it could be time to reassess your priorities and manage your time a bit better. If you don’t feel like the problem is going away, or if you have any concerns about your mental health then please see a professional.

Here’s a few things to look out for:

  • You wake up tired.
  • You find it hard to get to sleep.
  • You often get sick.
  • You’re missing your friends/family/hobbies.
  • You no longer enjoy school or study.
  • You often feel anxious, stressed, or miserable.
  • Boredom is an issue for you.

How to get back in balance

There’s no one-size fits all solution to finding balance in your life. The amount we need to work, rest, and play depends on how you operate – in other words, you need to find the right balance for your life, not what you think you’re supposed to be doing.

If you’re not feeling in balance then there are a couple of things you can try:

Tip 1 – Work out where you are

Make a list of what really needs to get done (homework or revision), what you would like to get done (less urgent), and what you want to do (perhaps exercise or seeing friends).

For example, you might include:

  • Sleep
  • School
  • Chores – laundry, house cleaning, gardening, washing the car, taking the bins out, washing up, cooking
  • Homework / revision / other study
  • Paid work or volunteering
  • Sports and other extra-curricular commitments
  • Hobbies
  • Social – time spent with family and friends
  • Life admin – this includes things like eating your meals, essential shopping, washing yourself, paying bills, reading emails
  • Time spent on your phone or other device – you can find out your average daily screen time on an Android or Apple

You don’t have to go into that much detail, but the more you work out, the more wiggle room you might find. Then think about the number of hours you spend doing these things and jot them down.

You could use the Life Balance Worksheet to help you keep track – download it here.

Tip 2 – Work out where you want to be

Once you’ve worked out how you’re spending your time, the next step is to think about how you would like your week to look. You’ve got 168 hours in a week.

If you sleep the recommended 8 hours a day, go to school 9am-3pm 5 days a week, travel an hour for school (there and back), and allow an hour for eating & an hour for other life admin each day, that leaves you with 63 hours a week to spare. This number is just a guesstimate – work out your number then use that for the rest of the calculations.

Now you need to work out what your priorities are.

Go back to the list you made in step 1 and decide which of the optional activities you have listed is most important.

Then, on the same list, allocate hours to the things you want or need to do and tally them up. If you get to 63 (or your number of ‘spare’ hours) and there are still things on the list then you’ll need to think about what matters most – so work out which activities you don’t need as much and work out a way to do less of them.

If you find you have loads of free time left – great! You don’t have to fill every minute or schedule every hour. Or if there’s a club you’ve been itching to join, or a skill you’ve been wanting to learn, perhaps now is a good time to allocated to giving it a go.

Tip 3 – Build a plan to help you get there

When you’ve got to this point congrats that’s a huge hurdle out of the way. Now you have to make the changes in order to redress the balance and lead the life you want.

Here are some tips that could help you to achieve your end goals:

  • Use a planner, calendar, diary or app to write down your new timetable, it could help you stay in check and create new habits instead of slipping back into the old routine
  • Set goals and then break them down into manageable milestones and give them dates.
  • Incorporate time limits into your schedule. If you want to play games or go through social media, do it. Just set an alarm to remind you it’s time to hop off. Got lots of study to do? Set a timer and if you haven’t got it done, speak to your teacher about an extension or some help.
  • Speak to your family. If there’s high expectations of you at home, working out exactly what needs to be done and figuring out a schedule could really help.
  • Work out which activities on your list you can get rid of on a daily or weekly basis. If you volunteer but it’s taking up too much time, ask if you can help out on a more casual basis. If you’re doing lots of extra-curricular stuff, is it time to drop something for a bit?
  • Be flexible – some days or weeks you might have less school work or other commitments, some days you might feel more exhausted, so it’s always OK to change your schedule around
  • Take breaks
  • Get enough rest and look after your body
  • Unplug from social media and other screens from time to time (after a little while, you seriously won’t miss it)
  • Practice mindfulness which includes being grateful, being present, helping out around home or with friends, spend more time making better connections with people who make you feel good
  • Be active
  • Learn to say “no” (nicely)
  • Ask for help if you need it

Getting balance in your life is well worth it and is a great skill to use throughout life.

Emmalene Wells
Mahers Lane campus

Student Voice

Upcoming Events

Lindisfarne Business Breakfast - Michael Kasprowicz

The Lindisfarne Business Network is proud to welcome Michael Kasprowicz as the next Business Breakfast speaker.

To book your ticket or a table click on this link.

Wednesday, 22 March in Ngahriyah, Mahers Lane campus.

Michael has uniquely established himself as a leading business professional specialising in the business of sport and the parallels with the sport of business.

For more than 30 years, Michael has been involved at the highest levels of the national sport of cricket. Firstly as a professional cricketer for 19 years and then as a director on the Board of Cricket Australia and highly active in the governance of the national body for nearly 9 years.

Following an extensive career as a professional cricketer, Michael completed his MBA at the University of Queensland and developed Venture India, a consulting company specialising in business with India. Through this time, Michael spent 5 years on the DFAT appointed Board of the Australia India Council.

In 2016, Michael served as the interim Chief Executive Officer of Queensland Cricket before returning to the Cricket Australia Board. Michael has also successfully completed a residential Australian Institute of Company Directors course and recently worked with a number of well-known advisory firms in developing their sports advisory practices. 

Michael combines his experiences as an athlete, director and administrator of one of Australia’s largest sports to bring a truly unique perspective to the challenges of both sporting and non-sporting organisations.


Whole School News

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

From the Dean of Studies

NAPLAN 2023 

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills. Each year students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

NAPLAN tests are just one part of our school learning assessment program and questions are primarily based on knowledge, understanding and skills gained from the prior year of schooling.

In preparation for NAPLAN 2023, our school will undertake activities to help students to become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. These activities are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked.

Students and parents can access the public demonstration site (https://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/public-demonstration-site) to familiarise themselves with NAPLAN and the types of questions and tools available. Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not required nor recommended.

This year NAPLAN will be taking place in March from 15 to 27. 

Writing will be the first test which will take place on Wednesday, 15 March.

The testing schedule for each year group will be available on SEQTA Engage in Week 5.

Assessment Schedules 

Assessment policies and Assement Schedules for Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are all available on Engage under the documents tab.

Elective Subjects

Just a reminder that there will be no further changes permitted to elective subjects after Friday, 24 February for students in Years 9, 10 and 11.

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Junior School

Green Team News

The Green Team @ the Junior School is made up of a group of passionate parents, teachers and students who care deeply about sustainability and looking after our beautiful planet. If you would like to be a part of this group, please come along to our first meeting for 2023 where we will discuss the projects and the direction we would like to take this year. 

We will meet in the new Preschool Foyer at 8.30 am on Tuesday, 21 February.

If you are not able to make this meeting but would like to be a part of this group please email jhetherington@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Jo Hetherington and Patrick Brabant
Sustainability Coordinators @ the Junior School

Junior School Sport with Crofty

Dates for Term 1

Please find below Term 1 - Junior School key dates to add to your calendar.: 

  • Friday, 24 March (Week 8) - FUN Cross Country Carnival
  • Friday, 7 April - Years 3 to 12 Cross Country 

Total Football Academy - After School Program 

The Total Football Academy after-school program has started, and the program will continue until Week 10 Monday, 3 April. 

We still have a few vacancies at this stage. If you are interested you can sign up via parent lounge Events and Payments. All other information can be found here.  AFS Lindisfarne T1.pdf

Mr. Croft will meet all participants on the Basketball Court after school to mark the roll. Students will have the opportunity to eat a snack and change into some training gear if they would like before the session starts.

Runners Club

We kicked off Runners club this week, in the heat and humidity. This did not deter the keen runners we have here at the school. A number of students and parents came along and had a great start to the morning. 

Runners Club Training days will be Monday and Wednesday morning. The training sessions will begin at 7.30am sharp and will conclude by 8.30am. Runners should meet Mr Croft at the Arkinstall Park back gate by 7.25am 

Students will be required to bring along their school uniform to change into after the completion of the session. Students will be given time to change and have something to eat before the first bell at 8.45am. 

We would love to see more parents and carers come along and join in the fun, Win the morning win the day with a little exercise and spending time with your kids. 

Hockey After School Program 

Casuarina Hockey will be running an after-school program for year 3 and 4 students at the Junior School starting in Week 6 Tuesday 7, March. It will be run on the Junior School Basketball Courts and back oval from 3.15pm.

The program will cost $50 for the 5 week program. Registration and payment can be made via Parent Lounge Events & Payments. 

Hockey After School Program 

Who: Year 3 and 4 students 
Cost: $50 payable via Parent Lounge Events and Payments 
Where: Junior School back oval
When: Dates 7, 14, 21, 28 March and 4 April.
What to wear: any training gear, with joggers or runners

For more information please email Matt Bartell at operations@hockeytweed.com.au 

Nathan Croft
P-4 PE Specialist

Junior School Performing Arts

It is that time of year again when we would like to offer our students the opportunity to take part in a range of our extra-curricular programs and activities run at the Lindisfarne Junior School Campus. Ensemble groups range from Concert Bands, Acting Clubs, Junior or Intermediate String Orchestras, Choirs, Guitakestra (Guitar Orchestra), and Rock Band, to name a few. These ensembles present students with a variety of exciting opportunities throughout the year to represent Lindisfarne. So as to limit the amount of class time missed, all ensemble groups will run before and after school, with the exception of one or two ensembles running at lunch.

This year, all of our Year 4 students will be participating in learning a brass and woodwind instrument as part of the program. Parents of these students would have been emailed a Google Form to submit. This form will advise us of each student’s instrument preference. These instruments will not be able to go home with students until the form has been submitted. Unfortunately, due to the limited number of classroom instruments, preferences will be issued on a first in first served basis. In addition to this, we will also be offering an extension program for students with previous experience in violin, viola, cello, or double bass. The inclusion of string students in the Year 4 program is limited and will require students to already be performing and reading music at a high standard. Students wishing to continue on violin, viola, cello, or double bass will be required to audition.

Our Year 2 and 3 parents will once again have the option to enrol their son or daughter into our String program. All parents of these students would have received an email with a form attached which they will need to submit. These instruments will also be issued on a come first served policy. Any existing string students wishing to continue will also need to re-enrol using this form.

Junior School Ensembles

Please note; any students wishing to join one of our Junior school ensembles will need to complete the google signup forms which will be emailed to all parents at the conclusion of week 2. Junior School ensembles will commence at the start of Week 3.

Actors Club - Tuesday lunchtime/D.E.A.R  time

Actors Club will be run by Mrs Kim Shepherd (Miss Kim) who teaches Speech and Drama across both campuses. The Actors Club is open to all Year 3 and Year 4 students who would like to develop their ‘Acting for the Stage’ skills. Activities will include stagecraft, characterisation, and reading and interpreting scripts. This club is designed for students who are keen to work with a range of peers and are comfortable performing in front of a group.  

Rock Band

The Rock Band ensemble will be run by Ms Alicia Charleston who is one of our specialist guitar tutors. Due to the nature of this ensemble, students wishing to enrol will need to participate in a small informal audition to demonstrate competency on their chosen instrument. These students will sit in on a Rock Band rehearsal where the teachers will assess their ability and will notify them at the end of the rehearsal if they are ready to join the band or not. Please be aware that it is a prerequisite for all guitar students wishing to join this ensemble to also be a member of the Guitakestra ensemble group and all vocal students to be members of the Choir.


What is ‘Guitakestra’?

Guitakestra is an orchestra consisting of only guitars. Students will learn to play in an ensemble setting, focusing on note reading and rhythm reading, performance techniques whilst learning to play fun arrangements of an array of songs. Any guitar student wishing to become a member of the rock band will be required to also be a member of the Guitakestra.

The only requirement for this ensemble is that students are currently having guitar lessons. 


Music is an important part of your child's education.  Music develops creativity, builds self-confidence and adds to social development.  Last but not least, music should be FUN. If your son/daughter enjoys singing and is looking for a fun ensemble to join but is not sure which one, this ensemble is a good starting point. No previous experience is required to join the Junior School choir however this ensemble group is only offered to students in Years 2-4. 

Intermediate String Orchestra

This ensemble is an invitation-based ensemble group for students who are performing at the necessary standard on a string instrument such as violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Mr Warr our String Director will be in touch with all students he feels are ready to join the intermediate string orchestra.

For students wanting to join the Beginner Orchestra or Concert Band ensemble, these groups will not commence until the start of term 2.

I’m really looking forward to an exciting year of performance and learning opportunities for our students here at the Junior School.

Jesse Edwards
Junior School Performing Arts Coordinator

Green Team

Middle School

Middle School News

Middle School Leadership Induction Ceremony

In Ngahriyah on Tuesday, the Middle School Leaders were officially inducted into their positions of office. 

The ceremony saw Mrs Cathy Cox, Head of the Middle School and Reverend Constantine speak to the Year 8 students about their role as servant leaders and living Lindisfarne's core values of Compassion, Wisdom and Respect.

The ceremony saw all leaders pledge their allegiance to the school in front of parents, staff and their peers. 

Deputy Principal, Charlotte Lush and Head of Middle School, Cathy Cox presented each Year 8 student with a silver cross. This cross can be worn on the school uniform and indicates a student's acceptance of their leadership responsibilities. 

Fantastic musical items by the Middle School choir and orchestra imbued the ceremony with a wonderful sense of purpose and importance.

The School looks forward to following the leadership journey of students as they work through the year.

Peter Wilson
Year 8 Coordinator


All are welcome to attend the Principal’s Welcome event at Sunshine Avenue, Early Learning Centre, this evening. It is always a fantastic evening, allowing staff, parents and students to socialise while some of our very talented musicians provide entertainment throughout the evening. I look forward to seeing many of you there. The event starts at 6:30pm (NSW time).

Netball Season Launch

Netball Season Launch will take place on Saturday at Pioneer Country on Frasers Drive, Tweed Heads. The event starts at 11:30am. This will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase our refreshed Netball Program.There will be a guest speaker from the Queensland Firebirds, Mia Stower, who will share her story, it is one of determination, resilience, and grit, and will be wonderful to hear her journey. There will also be time to share some food and mingle. The day will wrap up after some break-out sessions for our Saturday Netball players to meet their teams.

Meet the Music Tutors Evening

On Wednesday evening the 22 of February, we will hold our annual Meet the Music Tutors Evening. This event is held in the Chapel and begins at 6:30pm. This is a ‘must-do’ event where our Music Tutors showcase their incredible skills and talents. It is always an outstanding event. I urge everyone to come along.

Middle School Ash Wednesday Service

A reminder, all parents are invited to attend the Middle School Ash Wednesday Service, to be held in Ngahriyah from 1:30 pm-2:25 pm. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and marks the beginning of the Easter season. We look forward to marking the special service with you.

Cathy Cox
Head of Middle School

Senior School

Pastoral Care


Netball News

We are excited to have Australian Diamond and Sporting Royalty, Gretel Bueta (nee Tippett)  joining us on Thursday, 23 November 2023 to kick off our netball training for the season. 

Gretel began her sporting career as a successful Basketballer before making the switch to netball in 2013 when she debuted as a replacement player for the Queensland Firebirds. After a short stint with the NSW Swifts she returned to her true home the Queensland Firebirds and has continued to go from strength to strength. She played in her first Netball World Cup in 2019 and later that year she went on to be crowned the Liz Ellis Diamond of the year, before she dropped the 'Tippett' in 2020 and added a baby boy to her family in 2021.  In 2022 she returned to the court with her trademark ‘lay-up’ shooting style and extreme athleticism and continued to show her dominance for the Queensland Firebirds.  In 2023, she is here at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School to pass on her knowledge to our netballers as they embark on their 2023 Netball Season.

She will begin her day at Mahers Lane speaking with our Performance Squad about netball, leadership and the lessons she has learnt across her career so far.  School Captain, Gracie Lynch and Netball Captains, Poppy Burdekin and Ella Mitchell will interview Gretel as she talks with our staff about passing on knowledge to the next generation.

Later in the day Gretel will work with our Performance teams and any interested netballers, on court, with specialist coaching sessions down at Arkinstall Park.  Register your interest here.  Permissions will be distributed to those registered next week.

Danielle Watters
Strategic Director of Netball


Rugby Program Season Launch

We hosted our Rugby Season Launch last night (16 February) at Pioneer Country. This launch was for any Year 5 to 12 student (boy or girl) who wanted to be involved in our Rugby Union program, along with their parents. 

It was a great evening with our guest speaker, former All Black Rico Gear, passing on some of his knowledge and experiences from his schoolboy and professional career through a question and answer session.  It was also capped off by a wonderful Last Word from our 2022 1st XV Captain, Jesse Freier, who spoke about what the teams got out of last year and what we are all hoping to achieve in 2023.


2023 Key Dates

Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Wednesday, 22 February

Gold Coast Super Schools Cup (U13 & U15) begins

Thursday, 23 February 

1st XV Trial

Tuesday, 28 February

Scots College PGC Trial (U13, U15 & 1st XV)

Wednesday, 1 March

Gold Coast Super Schools Cup (U13 & U15) 

Monday, 6 March

Somerset Trial (U13, U15 & 1st XV)


Monday, 27 March

Registrations open

Thursday, 6 April

Registrations closes - Term 1 ends

Monday, 24 April

Term 2 begins

Tuesday, 25 April

Tuesday AM training begins (7s)

Thursday, 26 April

Thursday school sport training begins (7s)

2023 Gold Coast Emerging Schools Cup

The 2023 Gold Coast Emerging Schools Cup will be kicking off next week on Wednesday afternoon. Our U13 and U15 squads will be playing in this and although we are still waiting for final details from Gold Coast Rugby, this will be played at Nerang Rugby Union Club (U15) and Somerset College (U13). We will provide more details ASAP.

2023 1st XV Trial

We will be having our 1st XV trial next week on Thursday during integrated school sport (1055-1245). This will be hosted on our top oval. Parents and students are more than welcome to attend if they have the time and we would love to have as many people as possible on the hill.

2022 Team Photos (1st XV, U15, U13 boy and Open Girls’ 7s)

We have ordered our photos of the 2022 rugby union squads based on the responses we have had. The fee for the photos is $13 and will be billed through Parent Lounge when they have arrived.

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival 2023 - U12 boys

We have recently been accepted into The Armidale School Rugby Carnival (TASRC), which is the biggest primary (U12) school rugby carnival in Australia. The carnival runs from Friday 21st April - Sunday 23rd April this year (NOTE: this is the weekend before term 2 begins). For a draft itinerary of the weekend at the TASRC, please click HERE. To confirm our attendance as a school, we need to finalise our player registrations. Registration will cost $275 and includes:

  • TASRC carnival cap
  • Five games of rugby at the carnival
  • Two nights’ accommodation for players and support staff
  • Dinner on Friday and Saturday night
  • Full breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning at the boarding school
  • Lunch on two days provided by TAS at the carnival
  • Team photograph for each participant
  • Transport to and from the school on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd

If you would like to attend the 2023 TASRC, please confirm your registration through this link HEREby Monday 20th February. Note, payment will be arranged through Parent Lounge once registered and we can only take 20 players to the carnival so if you are interested, please register asap. 

Stack Team APP

The Lindisfarne Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for our Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s will be the Stack Team app with email being used as minimally as possible. The Stack Team app will host news and updates to schedules, live scores, player availability, important documents and links to our sponsors. 

Note, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the relevant squad in the app (e.g., 1st XV, U15 XV, U13 XV, Girls 7s).

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join. We will be approving the requests from students and parents in the coming weeks as we roll out the app in more depth.

More Information

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Dr Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance, Athlete and Sports Development

From the Sportsdesk

Lots of sports booting up next week with the centre stage of the swimming carnivals behind us now. A brief overview of these written up below.


A Swimming wrap-up was sent earlier in the week via email. Schools shift now into the representative season as the NCIS carnival awaits our Primary contingent next Thursday.

Another plug to St Margaret House for their complete domination of the aquatic dojo.


Records broken across both days - here

Results, times and placings

Lindisfarne Carnival results (collapsed into single doc) - here.

NCIS information PRIMARY

Primary NCIS Squad

  • NCIS entries by Athlete - here
  • NCIS entries by Event - here
  • NCIS relay teams - here
  • NCIS team roster - here

Further details about NCIS can be found on the note - here.

NCIS information SECONDARY

Released next week.

House Point Score

The raw data Lindisfarne House Point Score results are - here

The percentage variation where we have adjusted the points outcome based on House sizes is below  - St Margaret and St Hilda have significantly less volumes being new houses:

  • 1st - St Margaret
  • 2nd - St Stephen
  • 3rd - St Barnabas
  • 4th - St Andrew
  • 5th - St Cuthbert
  • 6th - St Hilda

Age Champions and Runners Up

Lindisfarne Age Champions and Runners Up - here

Congratulations to these individuals, well done.

100m Invitational Winners

  • Cash Cratchley - Open Boys
  • Isabella Tate - Open Girls


Our Open Boys and Girls kick off their campaigns in Football next week for the coveted CIS Knockout Championship in a double-header versus Emmanuel College. Our squads have been pulled together quickly as the school year began and should make a good account of themselves. Both squads have a horrendous draw on paper, so will need to be skilled up if they prevail against Emmanuel - with last season's Champions and Runners Up drawn to play both teams next.

Border Schools Competition

Next Tuesday is the first of our Gala Days with Hillcrest and St Andrews in the Border Schools Competition. Lindisfarne is sending off secondary school athletes to:

  • MTB at Nerang
  • Touch Football at Dave Burns oval
  • Tennis at Pro One Arkinstall Park


The NCIS Tennis Championships was played in Grafton last Thursday, congratulations to the following placegetters:

Primary Girls:

  • Andie Buchan - winner
  • Ayva Immisch - 4th place 

Primary Boys:

  • Tyson walk - 3rd place

Open Girls:

  • Matilda Daniel - runner up

Open Boys: 

  • Jamere Arnesen - runner up
  • Harlem Selvey - 4th place

Cross Country

Please remember that Cross Country training is on every Tuesday and Friday morning at school. This is the official track now for NCIS, so training here is an obvious backyard advantage.

Spotlight on Riley Johnston

Riley competed at the QLD Sprint Swimming Championships where he had yet again an amazing meet see below.

  • 50m Freestyle - 2nd  27:17 New PB 
  • 50m Backstroke - 1st  31:00 New PB 
  • 50m Breaststroke - 2nd 34:12 New PB 

Great work Riley!

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

ASX Sharemarket Game

ASX Sharemarket Game

In 2023, the BEE is excited run the ASX game. This is open to all students, not just BEE students.

What is the ASX sharemarket game?

Students receive a virtual $50,000 they can invest over a 10-week period, in over 300 companies listed on the ASX. The prices students buy and sell at are the same prices as they would get in the live market so this is as close to real-life share trading as you can get. The Game now also provides your students with exposure to 55 ETFs and 5 LICs to diversify their portfolio.

 By participating in the Game your students will:

  • Develop their knowledge of the sharemarket,
  • learn how to research companies,
  • discover the importance of wise investment decisions,
  • gain a greater knowledge of economic and world events, and
  • begin to learn more about investing which is beneficial for their future.

Students from non BEE class please sign up using this google form. Make sure if you want to be a member of a “syndicate”, you add your team's emails and correct full names to this form as well.

Not only will students learn about investing through this authentic experience they will have the opportunity to win great prizes.

Any questions please contact Mr Bradford kane.bradford@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au or me Mr Malone bmalone@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Bryan Malone
Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Week 3 English

As we finish another busy week, I’d like to introduce two team members who joined us mid-way through 2022 – Mrs Katy Otto and Mr Jasper Schoenmaker. Both Mrs Otto and Mr Schoenmaker have added an abundance of energy to the teaching team and have quickly established themselves as integral to the faculty.

Kylie Wharton
Director of English

Lions Youth of the Year - Kingscliff Club Heat

Zia Mowbray and Mia Wilkinson both competed in the Kingscliff Lions Youth of the Year Competition. They completed a panel interview and then the speaking component of the event: two spontaneous impromptu speeches and a prepared presentation. Both Zia and Mia ably represented Lindisfarne and we congratulate them on their personal growth during their preparation and participation in this event. 

Whilst the adjudicators indicated that all of the participants were noteworthy, Mia was selected to advance to the next level of this competition. We wish her every success in the next round of the event.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Music Tutors Performance Evening

Just a reminder, that on Wednesday 22 February we will present an evening concert to showcase the talents of our studio music tutors and music staff.

The performance evening is a great opportunity for students to hear our music staff perform in a professional setting and will feature a variety of styles from Rock to Classical. We will also include performances from the Senior and Middle School Choirs, Senior and Middle Stage Band, and senior students.

Starting at 6.30 pm (NSW), the 90-minute concert will be supported by our vibrant Friends Of The Arts (FOTA) group, which is a subset of our school P&F made up of parents with an interest in the Arts.  Refreshments will be available to purchase from 5.45 pm before the performance 

To assist with planning and catering, a reply to confirm attendance is politely requested via the link below.

Meet the Music Tutors Performance Evening.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Homework Club Is Back

Homework Club will recommence in Week 2, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the Library at Mahers Lane. Please ensure you are prompt in picking your child up from the pickup zone at 4:30 pm.

Round Square



75,000 Items Recycled!

Lindisfarne got our recycling hubs in early 2021 following support from the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends. The hubs allow our school community to recycle items that cannot be recycled through kerbside collection. Through the work of our Lindisfarne community, we have just reached a major milestone. I am very happy to say that our recycling hubs have now recycled 75,000 items! This is a fantastic effort. Instead of going to landfill these items have been recycled into things like playgrounds, benches, and bike parts.

Our recycling hubs accept a range of items that you cannot recycle through your normal recycling bin. This includes:

  • Coffee pods
  • Bread tags (unfortunately we are not collecting bread bags at the moment due to the pause of redcycle)
  • Writing instruments (including pens, markers, highlighters, textas, twist crayons, mechanical pencils, writing instrument caps, correction tapes, and empty correction fluid pots)
  • E-waste (electronic waste including laptops, keyboards, mice, laptop batteries, printer cartridges, cables, chargers, DVDs, CDs, hard drives, iPads, kindles, tablets, iPods, and motherboards) and mobile phone waste (including mobile phones, as well as mobile phone cables, chargers, and batteries) 
  • Household batteries 
  • Oral care waste (including toothpaste tubes, plastic toothbrushes, floss containers, electric toothbrushes, chargers, and heads) 
  • Dish and air care waste (including dishwashing liquid bottles and their caps, dishwashing tablet packaging, plastic spray bottles as well as air fresheners and their refills)
  • Hair, skin, and beauty product waste (including bottles, caps, droppers, tubes, glass pots, lids, pumps, and soft plastic from hair, skin, and beauty product waste as well as empty hair spray aerosols)
  • Eyeglasses

I encourage everyone to get involved with this project and to help save these items from landfill. Our recycling hubs are located near student admin at our Mahers Lane campus and in the assembly area at the Junior School.

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Waste Wise Tip

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop

Casual Position Avaliable


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Australian Air League - Enrol Now

TCYS - Term 1 Events


Girls Out Space 2023

Gold Coast Academy of Sport - Weightlifting

Join the Magpies - Byron AFL

Community Footy Is Back

Tweed Coolangatta JAFC - The Place To Be in 2023

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
