2023 Term 1 Week 5 3 Mar 2023

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

On Wednesday at the Junior School, we welcomed over 300 grandparents and special friends to celebrate our students' skills and talents and acknowledge their role in our children's lives. Throughout the morning, our students performed musical pieces, acted out plays, and displayed artwork that showcased their creativity and talent. In addition to these performances, our students shared their knowledge of various subjects through interactive displays and presentations. As a school, we are grateful to the grandparents and special friends who were able to join us, and we recognise the important role all grandparents and special friends play in our student's lives. 

Last week, Tate Dee (Year 11) was awarded a High Commendation from the New South Wales Governor on behalf of Royal Life Saving.  He received the Commendation for rescuing a 6-year-old boy who had drowned in a backyard pool in 2020. Tate was only 12 himself at that time.

He attended the ceremony at Government House in Sydney, where he was the youngest recipient amongst a small group to receive a Commendation. He was also given the opportunity to play the piano for Her Excellency the Honourable Margret Beazley AC KC.

Our Rugby students are busy preparing for the season with several trial matches. On Tuesday, we welcomed Scots PGC (Warwick). Players from the U13, U15, and 1st XV teams took to the field to showcase their skills and abilities. Throughout the day, a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship was on display. The players and coaches from both teams showed great respect for each other, even as they battled it out on the field. It was a testament to the spirit of rugby, which emphasises the importance of teamwork, respect, and fair play. I thank Joseph Coyne and our team of coaches who made this opportunity possible. 

Lindisfarne welcomed visitors from Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU) this morning, beginning an exciting cross-cultural exchange program. The AGU students and their chaperones/teachers will stay with us until Friday, 24 March. The purpose of their visit is to provide a cross-cultural experience for both Lindisfarne and AGU students. The service-based program aims to help students develop a sense of social responsibility and community engagement. 

As Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School sets to consolidate our Wellbeing Framework for students, we look forward to an exciting Day of Friendship on Monday, 6 March, for students in Years 1-6. As part of the URSTRONG program, this inaugural event will provide students with friendship skills and empower them to communicate using the unique “language of friendship.” The work of Tyson Greenwood and URSTRONG has been recognised globally and has helped thousands of students develop the emotional intelligence and social skills needed to build strong, positive relationships. We wish all the students and staff involved a fun and enriching Day of Friendship.  

Next Friday, we are supporting the Tour de Cure. Lindisfarne parent Bill Chaffey will be riding in at this event to help in the fight against cancer. Bill will be riding in support of several friends currently battling cancer and in memory of our much-loved colleague Matt Fydler. I encourage all students to wear a splash of yellow and bring a gold coin donation on Friday, 10 March, to show their support.

Charlotte Lush
Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Column

Dear Students, Staff, Parents, and Guardians,

Caring for our common home (earth) and Bush Regeneration Initiative

“Hope,” St Augustine said, “has two beautiful daughters; anger and courage. Anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” As we confront the ecological crisis facing us, it’s always important to remember that we all are responsible for acting with courage and making choices that will help heal our suffering planet.

Our young people at Lindisfarne have taken this message to the heart through the Bush Regeneration DiscoverEd program initiated by Patrick Brabant and supported by staff and students. I have enjoyed spending time with staff and Year 8 students removing weeds and rubbish from our stunningly beautiful rainforest. With the passion and enthusiasm of this group of young people in action, we have hope for the future of our common home.

‘Spiritual Gym’ (Family Eucharist) on Sunday, 5th March 2023

All are warmly welcomed to the next Spiritual Gym Eucharist (Thanksgiving) in the Mahers Lane Chapel on Sunday, 5th March 2023, at 4.30pm (refreshments) and 5 pm (Service). Come along for a time of fellowship, prayer, connection, healing, and belonging. A retiring collection will be taken to support the Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) work in PNG.

Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) Sunday, 5 March 2023

The Diocese of Grafton supports the Global Sustainable Goals by funding ABM’s Literacy, Language, and Numeracy projects in PNG. If you would like to assist with this project, please click here. Thank you for your generosity.

The Jewish Feast of Purim

Last Monday, I had a lovely conversation with Camilla, 4T, and her family. They reminded me of the Feast of Purim starting next Monday. The Feast of Purim, Camilla writes, celebrates the bravery of a very smart Jewish lady called Queen Esther. When Queen Esther learns about a man called Haman who wanted to kill the Jewish people, she gathered all her courage to tell the king about the evil plan and saved the Jewish people.

We wish the members of our Jewish community and their friends a very happy and joyful celebration of the feast of Purim.

For Our Prayers and/or Positive and Healing Thoughts/Good Vibes:

  • Those who were impacted by the devastating floods 12 months ago in our community, 
  • Those who are sick in mind, body, or spirit
  • The victims and survivors of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
  • The victims and survivors of the cyclone in New Zealand.
  • All migrants and Asylum Seekers
  • The flourishing of our young people.
  • The ‘least, lost, and last’ in our society.

St Teresa of Avila’s Prayer

Let nothing disturb you, 
Let nothing frighten you, 
All things are passing away: 
God never changes. 
Patience obtains all things.
Whoever has God lacks nothing; 
God alone suffices.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Trivia Night - Tickets on Sale

Gather the crew and get ready for a night of fun and games! The P&F Trivia Night is the ultimate trivia test, where knowledge meets laughter and competition takes centre stage. Whether you’re a trivia master or just along for the good times, the P&F have a night full of challenges and surprises in store for you. So grab a seat and get ready to put your brain to the test!


Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


ParentEd - Dr Kaylene Henderson - Tackling Anxiety and Building Resilience

Dr Kaylene Henderson is a medically trained child health specialist and one of Australia’s leading parenting experts. Popular for sharing her expertise in a warm and relatable way, Kaylene presents a talk on supporting all children to tackle anxiety and build resilience.

To confirm your attendance please use this link.

Harmony Week

Supporting Each Other

Checking in with your family and friends and asking how they're going is important, but can be tricky. To make the conversation easier, you’ve got to figure out four things: the right location, the most constructive questions to ask, the best ways to respond and what to do afterwards. When you're worried about someone, sometimes the best thing you can do is listen and let them know you're there for them.

Having the chat

Find a nice quiet time and place to chat– and don’t force it if they say they don’t feel like talking.

  • Try to remove any distractions before you start. 
  • If they say they don't want to talk, let them know you're there if they change their mind.

Starting the conversation

Ask them open-ended questions, rather than just telling them what you think. When people are going through something tough, often, they just want to be understood. Here are a few examples:

  • 'Hey, how have you been lately? What's been happening?'
  • 'You haven't seemed yourself lately. Is there something you'd like to talk about?'
  • 'How are you doing? Anything you want to chat about?'

How to respond

After someone’s told you about something tough, they’re going through, don’t just move on to the next topic.

  • Be a good listener by paying attention, asking questions and checking you've understood what they've said.
  • Offer your support, but don’t try and solve their problems unless they ask for your advice.
  • Ask them why they may be feeling that way.
  • Let them know you're there for them.
  • Don't judge what they say, even if you don't agree with them.

If they say they're not okay

Ask them what's going on for them, listen and acknowledge their feelings.

  • Ask what they think will help them to feel better.
  • Ask what you can do to make them feel better and give them support.
  • If you feel like they need more support you could ask if they've considered talking to an adult they trust or seeing a mental health professional.
  • Tell a parent, teacher, or someone else you trust if you’re afraid they might not be in a safe place.

After your chat

After someone’s told you they’re going through a tough time, make sure to check in on them. You might even want to meet with them again to chat about what’s going on at another time. Many important discussions you’ll have with friends and family will take place over several different chats on separate days. This is normal– it’s because after talking about something important, people take time to process how they’re feeling

Recognising stress

In some cases, your friend may tell you they’re feeling stressed, but it can be a pretty tough thing for them to bring up. It might be more likely that you notice some changes in their behaviour.

You might find that they’re:

  • having trouble concentrating
  • appearing irritable or annoyed
  • not enjoying the things, they usually enjoy
  • having trouble sleeping or eating
  • finding it really hard to switch off.

How you can help

First up, let your friend know you’ve noticed how stressed they are and that you’re there for them to talk to. Having a friend listen to them could make them feel a lot better. Here are some other suggestions you could make if they are looking for more help.

Schedule time out

If your mate is super stressed out and trying to deal with everything that’s going on, they might not be taking any time out for themselves. They’ll probably benefit from thinking about ways to relax. Some ideas include exercising, reading a book, watching a movie or listening to music.

Spend some time together

Spending time with a friend and having a good time can really help to relieve some of the stress caused by the drought. Ask your friend what they’d like to do and then set aside some time to hang out. You could ask them if they would like to go for a walk or watch a movie together. Remind them that even doing something they enjoy for 30 minutes a day can make a difference.

Be empathetic

Listen to your friend without judging and let them know you’re there for them. You can be a good listener by paying attention, asking questions and checking you’ve understood what they’ve meant.

Stay connected to a community

Your friend’s local community is probably experiencing the same concerns as them. You could suggest they try volunteering at or attending local hall events or chat with neighbours. This could be a really great thing to do together, as it can feel daunting if you’re worried you won’t know anyone.

Take care of yourself

Just as you would remind your friend, check in on the basics for yourself first - are you getting enough sleep, eating healthily and exercising regularly? Sometimes we forget to do these things, but they make the world of difference.

When they need more support

If you try a few options and it doesn't seem to be helping, your friend may need extra support. It may be worth seeking help from a parent or a teacher - sometimes just talking to a trusted adult can make all the difference.

Emmalene Wells
Middle and Senior Campus (Mon-Wed)

Student Voice

Upcoming Events

Lindisfarne Business Breakfast - Michael Kasprowicz

The Lindisfarne Business Network is proud to welcome Michael Kasprowicz as the next Business Breakfast speaker.

To book your ticket or a table click on this link.

Wednesday, 22 March in Ngahriyah, Mahers Lane campus.

Michael has uniquely established himself as a leading business professional specialising in the business of sport and the parallels with the sport of business.

For more than 30 years, Michael has been involved at the highest levels of the national sport of cricket. Firstly as a professional cricketer for 19 years and then as a director on the Board of Cricket Australia and highly active in the governance of the national body for nearly 9 years.

Following an extensive career as a professional cricketer, Michael completed his MBA at the University of Queensland and developed Venture India, a consulting company specialising in business with India. Through this time, Michael spent 5 years on the DFAT appointed Board of the Australia India Council.

In 2016, Michael served as the interim Chief Executive Officer of Queensland Cricket before returning to the Cricket Australia Board. Michael has also successfully completed a residential Australian Institute of Company Directors course and recently worked with a number of well-known advisory firms in developing their sports advisory practices. 

Michael combines his experiences as an athlete, director and administrator of one of Australia’s largest sports to bring a truly unique perspective to the challenges of both sporting and non-sporting organisations.


Whole School News

Lindisfarne a Teacher Training Hub

Late in 2022, Lindisfarne was accepted into a pilot program run through the Association of Independent Schools NSW (AISNSW) to become a ‘teacher training’ hub school. This program involves recruiting and placing two trainee teachers who work at Lindisfarne while completing the final stages of their education degree. Ms. Tiah Curtis-Geselle (Humanities and Primary Education) and Mr Lachlan Prestage (Physics and English) have joined the team for the 2023 school year as part of this initiative. Each will work within the Learning Enrichment area as a teacher assistant whilst also completing on-the-job experiences with assigned mentors and supervisors. Last week Dr. Rachel Perry, the Director of the Teacher Hubs program at AISNSW, visited the team. Special thanks to Ms Kylie Wharton, Mrs Amber Phillips, and Mr Dan Robins for coming on board as mentors for this initiative. A particular thanks to Mr Marquardt for his passion and vision in pursuit of excellent opportunities such as this, which continue to position Lindisfarne as a leader in innovative practices nationally.

Photo: Mr Bradford, Mr Prestage, Dr Perry and Ms Curtis-Geselle

Mr Kane Bradford
Head - Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships

SEQTA Weekly Tip

SEQTA Engage Features - Email Teachers

Step 1 - Click on “Timetable” at the bottom left of the screen

Step 2 - Select the subject you are interested in

Step 3 - Click on the ‘message’ icon to send a message directly to that classroom teacher.

Garden Get Together

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

On Wednesday, the 1st of March, the Junior School was filled with joy and excitement as we welcomed over 300 grandparents and special friends to celebrate ‘Grandparents and Special Friends Day’ and spend quality time with their loved ones in the school environment.

The day started with a warm welcome from our Head of Junior School, Jeremy Godden. Following this, our Year 4 House Captains walked the grandparents and special friends to the classrooms, where the teachers and students eagerly welcomed them.

Seeing the students show their grandparents and special friends around the classroom was heartwarming, and working collaboratively on creative activities was heartwarming. The students were excited to showcase their skills and talents in a range of subjects, with a particular highlight being their use of technology in education. 

The celebrations culminated in a morning tea enjoyed by our guests, which was a great opportunity for the grandparents and special friends to connect with each other and enjoy our beautiful Junior School campus.

A big thank you to our Year 12 Junior School and Community Prefects, who volunteered their time to come down and help make the morning a great success. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated!

Overall, it was a fantastic day that celebrated the love and warmth that grandparents and special friends bring to the lives of our students. 

We are incredibly grateful to all the grandparents and special friends who attended the event, and we cannot wait to celebrate with you again next year!

Angela Mundy
Assistant Head of Junior School

Clean Up Australia Day at the Junior School

This year we all chipped in on Clean up Australia Day, which greatly helped the environment. It is very important to look after our community and the environment. It is also very important not to litter. There was a lot of rubbish which is not good for sea animals because they could eat the plastic. Sometimes the plastic can get caught around the animals' throats and fins and could kill them. 

Clean up Australia Day is about cleaning up beaches, parks, schools, and anywhere really that has rubbish that has not been put in a bin. All of the little bits count because the pieces of rubbish could end up in the oceans or animal habitats and could cause serious harm.  Rubbish is deadly to marine

life and animals because they may think it’s food.

Here’s an example that the Junior School Bush Preschool found, a bird’s nest that got knocked down by a storm that contained metal wires, ear pods, chargers, and long plastic strips.

We should all support Clean up Australia Day, not just on that day but every day.

Elle Hardy and Claire Kelly 
Junior School Sustainability Leaders

From The Head of Junior School

Rare Diseases Day at Sunshine Avenue 

We were thrilled to see our school community come together to show our support for Rare Diseases Day by wearing a splash of colour in our rainbow accessories on Tuesday this week. We are so proud of each and every one of you for joining us in this celebration of awareness and advocacy.

Rare Diseases Day is an international day of awareness that occurs on the last day of February each year. It aims to raise awareness among the general public and decision-makers about rare diseases and their impact on patients' lives. It also highlights the need for more research, improved access to treatment, and better social and medical care for those living with rare diseases.

By wearing a splash of colour in their rainbow accessories, our students and staff showed their support for people living with rare diseases and their families. Your colourful accessories symbolise the diversity of rare diseases and the many different people who are affected by them. Your participation has helped to raise awareness of these often-overlooked 

conditions, and it shows that our school community cares about making a difference.

This day is especially close to the heart for the Junior School as Luella’s W’s (3B) cousin, Tallulah Moon, suffers from an ultra-rare neurodegenerative genetic disease called Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Type 56 (SPG56). In June 2021, Tallulah’s parents, Chris and Golden Whitrod funded genetic research to find a cure for SPG56. With research well underway, they founded Genetic Cures for Kids (GC4K) to continue developing a treatment for SPG56. Inspired by their daughter’s name and Tallulah Moon’s tenacity for life, their campaign to cure SPG56 is called Our Moon’s Mission. I am proud to announce that we were able to raise $747.70 for this great cause.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that support for those with rare diseases is not limited to just one day. You can continue to support those affected by these conditions by getting involved in local and national organisations, donating to research, and spreading awareness of these conditions.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are affected by these conditions.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School

Bush Preschool Clean Up

Today was the first day that our Bush Preschool program went offsite to spend the day in the bush.  Whilst they were there, they did a clean-up of the local area around Fingal Headland. It is so great to see even our youngest students helping to keep our environment safer for wildlife and all that live on our planet.

Jo Hetherington 
Director of Early Learning Centre 

Green Team

Sustainability Leaders

This week we welcomed our first two sustainability leaders for Semester 1 at the Junior School. We received many fantastic submissions to take on this role, so it was very difficult to choose.

We were happy to announce that the Sustainability Leaders for Semester 1 at the Junior School are Elle Hardy and Claire Kelly.

Jo Hetherington
Director of Early Learning

Spotlight on Elle Hardy

Hi, my name is Elle Hardy and I am so honoured to be a Lindisfarne Sustainability Leader. I am passionate about our environment.

I love Animals and Sealife too, they have always been an important part of my life. Australia is lucky to have so many different species of unique animals and we need to protect them and preserve them. This is why the environment is important to me because I want to protect the environment so I can protect our animals. Thank you for choosing me as your Sustainability Leader. 

Elle Hardy
Year 4

Middle School

Stage 3 Update

NCIS Swimming

Last Thursday, a number of Stage 3 students represented our school at the NCIS swimming carnival in Alstonville. Hunter G, Jack, Ava, Zoe, Harry, Saxon, Lucy, and Hunter W  were our superstar swimmers, and they made our school proud. Lindisfarne came away with the point score victory, and there were many fabulous results. 

Jack Sewell, Hunter Gaffney, Lucy Simmonds, and Saxon Leiper were all named as Age Champions. All swimmers represented our school with pride and positivity. It was a wonderful day, and Mr Clucus and his team should also be congratulated on another successful day in the pool.

Qualifying students will head to Sydney to compete at the CIS Primary Swimming Championships on March 22, 2023. We wish them luck with their endeavours.

UR Strong Day - Monday 6 March 2023

We are so excited to be facilitating a Day of Friendship online with the Stage 3 students of Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School on Monday, 6 March! 😊 Research shows that relationships are the heart of well-being & learning. When we get friendships right in schools, children flourish!  

The students will be actively engaged in 3 online modules to empower them with friendship skills and teach them a unique “language of friendship” in the fun online sessions. 

As a followup to this wonderful experience, there will be a  Parent/Child workshop online in the evening of Monday, 20th March 2023. 


Amber Jarvis 
Year 5 Coordinator

From The Head of Middle School

Tour for a Cure

As per the principal’s article this week, all students are encouraged to come to school dressed in Yellow on Friday, 10 March, to support Tour for a Cure. There will be a gold coin donation collected through Homerooms. All money raised will go to support Cancer research.


This a reminder for next Thursday, 9 March, Dr. Kaylene Henderson, a medically trained child health specialist and one of Australia’s leading parenting experts. It is holding an information evening about, Tackling Anxiety and Building Resilience in the Mahers Lane Chapel. 

Dr. Hendersob is a mother of three who is passionate about translating research-based information into practical tips for parents and educators. This will be a highly engaging and informative evening. 

Clean Up Australia Day 

Sunday, the 5 March, is the official Clean Up Australia Day. Students and families are encouraged to get involved in your community’s Clean Up initiatives. The Clean Up Australia website allows you to register online if you are planning to join an event. It helps site supervisors anticipate numbers and ensures you are notified if the clean-up is rescheduled. You can search for a Clean Up event near you by entering your postcode or suburb.

Spiritual Gym 

This Sunday, March 5, The Reverend Constantine invites the community to Spiritual Gym in the Mahers Lane Chapel. Some afternoon tea will be available from 4:30 pm-5:00 pm, with the service anticipated to conclude at 6:00 pm. All are welcome.

Early Collection of Students 

From time to time, it is necessary to collect children prior to the end of the school day. Thank you to those parents who are logging this on Parent Lounge. Please be aware that you also need to sign students out at the Main Administration upon departure. This process allows the  School to record who is onsite at all times accurately. 

Increasingly we are seeing a number of students emailing and calling parents from mobile phones throughout the day. Students are reminded of the need to go to Student Administration if they need to contact home. Thank you for your support in this.

Cathy Cox
Head of Middle School

Senior School

Pastoral Care


Mountain Biking At Lindisfarne

Mountain biking is an exhilarating sport that keeps you fit and helps you develop new skills and make new friends. At Lindisfarne, a friendly mountain biking community meets up for sport on Thursday to ride, build jumps, and race. 

One of the most exciting parts of mountain biking is jumping. We love building jumps of all shapes and sizes to challenge ourselves and improve our skills. We start small and work our way up, always pushing ourselves to try new things and take on bigger challenges.

With the help of a trained professional mountain biking coach, we do drills to improve our technique and control on the bike. From balancing to cornering drills, we work hard to build our technique and confidence on the trails.

If you’re interested in mountain biking, we encourage you to join us! It’s a great way to stay active, have fun and learn new things. And who knows? You might discover a new passion.

Callum Boyd

Rugby Report


Scots College PGC - U13,  U15 and 1st XV

We were very proud to host our first home games of 2023 on our top oval versus Scot’s College PGC. Scot’s made the long trip from Warwick and we want to thank them for giving all our squads a great hit out. We also want to thank all parents who attended and staff who gave their time to help make the day successful.

1st XV 40-0

This was our first hit out as a team for 2023 and there were a number of promising signs for the 1st XV for this upcoming season.

In particular, Harry Davison-Long, Levi Dangerfield (who also scored a number of tries) and Will Sullivan all had a number of extremely strong carries. Meanwhile, other highlights included a spectacular try scored in the corner from Jesse Freier and a long-range try from Liam Reardon, who showed some great speed.


The under 15s enjoyed the challenge of a different school and the thrill of playing at home. The team started well taking an early lead through Koen Hodge scoring a magnificent try in front of the large crowd during Lunch. The momentum continued and tries to our two Jacks, Hennessey and Keane, coming off the bench further cemented a strong performance. 

U15 v Somerset (Gold Coast Emerging Schools Cup)

The second round of the 2023 Gold Coast Emerging Schools Cup kicked off this week on Wednesday afternoon. A late forfeit from Somerset meant a friendly game of 10s for our boys.


The U13 reports will be in next week's newletter.


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Monday, 6 March

Somerset Trial (U13, U15 & 1st XV) AWAY

Tuesday, 7 March

NCIS U16 and U18 Representative Trial HOME

Wednesday, 8 March

Gold Coast Super Schools Cup U15 v BYE

Thursday, 9 March

NSW U12 Far North Coast 7s Tournament* AWAY

Wednesday, 15 March

Gold Coast Super Schools Cup U15 v Marymount AWAY


Monday, 27 March

Registrations open

Thursday, 6 April

Registrations closes

Term 1 ends

Monday, 24 April

Term 2 begins

Tuesday, 25 April

Tuesday AM training begins (7s)

Thursday, 26 April

Thursday school sport training begins (7s)


Somerset Trial 6 March 

We will be hosted by Somerset College for a trial for all three squads (U13, U15 and 1st XV) next week on Monday.  Kick-off times will 3.40pm for U13/U15 and 1545 for 1st XV.  Parents and students are more than welcome to attend if they have the time and we would love to have as many people as possible at Somerset in support.

NCIS U16/U18 Trial

There will be the NCIS U16/U18 schoolboy trial at the school on Tuesday from 1000-1400. We wish all the Lindisfarne students the best for this trial.

NSW FNC U12 7s Tournament

We will be taking our U12 squad to the NSW Rugby FNC U12 7s tournament in Casino next week on the 9th March.  Details will be provided for parents asap and you would have all received a Parent Lounge permission approval for the complete 2023 season that we need completed prior.

2022 TEAM PHOTOS (1st XV, U15, U13 boy and Open Girls’ 7s)

We have ordered our photos of the 2022 rugby union squads based on the responses we have had. The fee for the photos is $13 and will be billed through Parent Lounge when they have arrived.


NOTE: Due to numbers, we have opened this registration up to U12 students (i.e., 11 years old on 1st January 2023) in Year 7. If you are a U12 Year 7 student and would like to play in the TASRC, please complete the registration through this link HERE by Friday 3rd March. Note, payment will be arranged through Parent Lounge once registered and we can only take 4 more players to the carnival so if you are interested, please read more below and register asap. 

We have recently been accepted into The Armidale School Rugby Carnival (TASRC), which is the biggest primary (U12) school rugby carnival in Australia. The carnival runs from Friday 21st April - Sunday 23rd April this year (NOTE: this is the weekend before term 2 begins). For a draft itinerary of the weekend at the TASRC, please click HERE. To confirm our attendance as a school, we are in the process of finalising our player registrations and will be providing more information ASAP. 

Registration will cost $275 and includes:

  • TASRC carnival cap
  • Five games of rugby at the carnival
  • Two nights’ accommodation for players and support staff
  • Dinner on Friday and Saturday night
  • Full breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning at the boarding school
  • Lunch on two days provided by TAS at the carnival
  • Team photograph for each participant
  • Transport to and from the school on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd


The Lindisfarne Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for our Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s will be the Stack Team app with email being used as minimally as possible. The Stack Team app will host news and updates to schedules, live scores, player availability, important documents and links to our sponsors. 

Note, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the relevant squad in the app (e.g., 1st XV, U15 XV, U13 XV, Girls 7s).

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join. We will be approving the requests from students and parents in the coming weeks as we roll out the app in more depth.


If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance, Athlete and Sports Development

Learn to Row

From the Sports Desk

Term 2 Integrated Sports Options

The Sports nominations for Term 2 Integrated Sport will open Tuesday, 14 March at 7.00pm. We are going to stagger the opening as follows:

  • Year 7 to 10 Tuesday 14 March at 7.00pm 
  • Year 11 and 12 Tuesday 14 March at 8.00pm (for those interested) 
  • Years 5 and 6 Wednesday 15 March at 7.00pm.

Please explore the sports choices for Term 2:

Years 5 to 6 

Years 7 to 10

Year 11 to 12

Written instructions tutorial - here

Instructional video - here 


On Friday, 24 February our Senior Boys Cricket team travelled to Tenterfield to play Calrossy Anglican School in the 3rd round of the Douglas Shield knockout competition. Calrossy are the reigning champions of this competition, so the boys knew they would have to bring their best game. Fortunately, they did this on the day, winning the toss and sending Calrossy into bat. After a good start by the Calrossy openers, Lindisfarne’s change bowlers went to work with Tate Marquardt getting the first wicket in the tenth over. From here Lindisfarne ripped through the opposition's batting lineup having them all out for 94. Tate Marquardt, Harry Kershler and Blake Archer all finished with 3 wickets apiece.

Lindisfarne started positively in chasing the tricky total. However, Lindisfarne lost their first wicket, Rupert Fahy (10) at 1/23 inside the 3rd over. The first wicket brought a second with Lindisfarne’s skipper Brodie McDowell going early for 5 runs. There may have been a few nervous moments among those watching at this point but you wouldn’t have noticed it in the middle with Kai Croft (48NO) and Charlie Evesson (23NO) steering our team to victory inside 14 overs.

After this superb team effort on the day, the boys now find themselves in the final 6 of the statewide competition. The next round will be played on Monday 6th March against Hunter Valley Grammar School at Phillip Hughes Oval in Macksville. We wish them every success.

Dan Robins


On Wednesday, the Primary Boys and Girls travelled to Coffs Harbour to play in the NCIS Tournament. The format of the Tournament was a round-robin, in which the team with the most points in their respective group would win the day. All teams played fantastic, displaying great skills, teamwork and passion for their school. This was pleasing to see as the conditions were very challenging, it was extremely hot, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees and the artificial grass adding an extra 5 degrees. Full results sheet - here.


The boys started off the day in excellent form, scoring 18 goals in three games which put them in contention to win the day. The next game was against BDC who proved to be an excellent team. They managed to score a great header against us, which scraped them across the line to beat us 1-0. The last game for the boys was against EAC. This was a very competitive game with each team having many opportunities to score. Unfortunately, the luck was on their side and they managed to score a goal with 5 minutes to go, so we lost 1-0. Well done to all boys who participated in the day, they came away with 3rd place.

Congratulations to the following boys for making the NCIS representative team to head to Sydney:

  • Noah Tucker
  • Jack Kane
  • Saxon Leiper


For a team made up of a mix of experience our girls did extremely well, slotting home 5 goals to 0 in a fantastic team performance. As the heat intensified leading into our second round, we prepared ourselves for a slightly stronger competitor and more challenging conditions. In what was a tight first half contest with neither team scoring, some team positional changes were made to freshen up some legs. This proved to work in our favour in the second half, with a much more dominant performance from our girls. Despite the dominance, a solid Goalkeeping effort from our opposition meant that no scores were registered despite a number of close chances and the game finished in a nil all tie. With final results and count back goals working in our favour, the Lindisfarne Primary Girls Football team eventually took out the NCIS event finishing in first place, an outstanding result for all those involved.



The Gold Coast Inter-Schools Doubles Tennis competition was played on Sunday, 19 February - results.

Some very strong competition in this tournament, with 3 concurrent playing areas on the Northern Gold Coast. Of particular note were the Primary pairing of Sonny Hamon and Isaiah Mammen who won their group matches and progressed to the final 16. Well done lads.


CIS Secondary Sydney

The CIS Secondary Tennis Championships is a very high class competition and was held at Pymble Ladies College (Sydney). Matilda Daniel in only Year 8 was keen to contest at this event and came away with 2 wins, 3 losses and one opponent withdrew.

Such is the level of opposition, one opponent represented Australia at Junior Wimbledon in 2022. Great work Matilda.

Spotlight on Lily O’Sullivan (alumni ‘22)

Lily received 10 Gold Medals, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze Medal taking out the most outstanding performer at the Senior QLD State Surf Life Saving carnival in Mooloolaba over the weekend.

In her individual events she won the u19 Swim, u19 Ironwoman and silver in u19 Board.

Spotlight on Jack Brown

Jack competed in the NSW SLS State Championships in Manly on the weekend.

Jack had individual success with a Bronze in the U11 beach sprints. Their U11 mixed Cameron team came 4th.

Their U11 Mixed beach sprints team, won their final but sadly were DQ'd due to an issue with the baton change. They were still the fastest team in NSW but just don't have a medal to show for it.

Congratulations Jack!

Damien Clucas
Director of Sport

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


From The English Faculty

Another introduction of a new and two familiar faces today! Miss Brandy Baker has joined our team this year and teaches across grades 7-11. Mr John Cadman probably doesn’t need an introduction since he’s been part of the faculty (and very briefly as a French teacher!) for over a decade! Mrs Julia Treacy has also been part of the team for many years and is passionate about all aspects of the courses she teaches. 

Across the next couple of weeks, students will begin receiving notification of their assessment tasks (with the exception of Year 7). These will be available via both SEQTA Learn and our Google Classrooms. Please chat with your student about due dates and the type of task. As has been our practice, students will have in-class drafting time with teacher “feedforward” opportunities throughout.

Wednesday lunchtimes are available if students would like to work on their tasks with support from an English teacher. Please note that this is not additional drafting feedback but an opportunity to discuss and ask questions to help students understand.

Kylie Wharton
Director of English

Creative Industries

Year 8 Food Technology

This week the Year 8 Food Technology classes completed their MasterChef Assessment Task. For this task, students were required to plan, design and create a dish meeting a range of design criteria. These included ideas around the healthy dishes for the school canteen while also keeping in mind sustainability through incorporating items from the school garden. The student's design process culminated in presenting their final designs to a judging panel made up of a range of Lindisfarne staff. 

The winning team from Miss Smurthwaite’s class prepared a delicious Butter Chicken with Saffron rice that the judges said was a wonderful and fresh take on what they thought traditional butter chicken was. This was nut-free, and utilised cherry tomatoes to add another layer of flavour. They worked hard to produce Saffron rice that was perfectly cooked and plated the dish carefully. 

The winning team from Mrs. McDonald’s class prepared a Mexican-inspired Quesadilla with various sides. The judges were most impressed with the balance of flavours and textures while also ensuring the dish was suitable for sale from the school canteen.

Students across both classes should be congratulated on the high level of skill demonstrated and for producing dishes of such high quality. 

Prue Smurthwaite

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square International Confrence 2023

RSIC long.jpg

About the Conference

Students from Years 10 and 11, who are either turning 16 this year or who are already 16 and older, are welcome to apply for this fantastic opportunity. An expression of interest form will be emailed next week with further details and a deadline for applications. Below you will find some basic information about the conference itself.

The theme for the conference, "The New Africa '' will allow students to explore the many ways in which the continent has evolved and is defining its position in the 21st Century. Brookhouse is planning a programme of keynotes and panel discussions that will highlight an array of African innovators. The conference will be hosted jointly across Brookhouse’s two campuses in Nairobi. Brookhouse families will provide homestay accommodation and a first-hand experience of African hospitality for student delegates. 

The conference will come together for the Opening and Closing days, whilst the Adventure, Service, and Democracy days will provide smaller group opportunities on a rotation of activities across the middle three days of the conference, hosted at the two Brookhouse campuses in Karen and Runda. The Adventure Day will feature a night under African skies, camping in the Nairobi National Park, with wildlife game drives and an environmental conservation focus. A draft programme outline is below.

About the Host School


Brookhouse is a co-educational day and boarding school for children aged 2 – 19, spread across two beautiful campuses in Nairobi. The Good Schools Guide International selected the school for review and is a member of the prestigious G20 Schools. The Council of International Schools (CIS) and the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS) fully accredited the school. The unique Karen campus is situated on a vast 15-acre site adjacent to rolling hills and the exquisite sites of Nairobi National Park. The Runda School is set on extensive landscaped grounds in the northern suburbs of Nairobi, overlooking the Evergreen Park Lake. Brookhouse hosted the International Conference in 2012, welcoming schools from around the world, and just over a decade later, Brookhouse cannot wait to unite the family again.

Take a virtual tour of the school

Next week further information and an expression of interest form will be emailed to students and parents in Year 10 and Year 11.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator

Round Square - Ashbury College Confrence in Canada

Round Square Conference to Ottawa, Canada

Eight senior students recently enjoyed a fantastic Round Square conference hosted by Ashbury College, Ottawa. The theme was ‘Living the North’, and our students fully immersed themselves in service learning workshops and discussion groups focusing on climate change in the Artic from an Indigenous perspective, and also had the great honour of listening to a variety of speakers talk about what ‘Living the North’ meant to them. A snapshot of the programme can be found here.

For the majority of the conference, our students were billeted with Ashbury families. This complete immersion into Canadian life was a fantastic experience. The students had to leave their comfort zone and live with a family they had only met briefly online the week before. From dog sledding, ice skating, skiing at Camp Fortune, watching an ice hockey match at Canadian Tire Centre, learning how to curl, cross-country ski, and use snow shoes, our students really did ‘Live the North’ even if it were only for a week.

Look out for the video package of the conference that will be released in the coming weeks.



Waste Wise Tips

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Tweed Seagulls JRL

Australian Air League - Enrol Now

Gold Coast Academy of Sport - Weightlifting

Community Footy Is Back

Tweed Coolangatta JAFC - The Place To Be in 2023

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
