2023 Term 2 Week 6 2 June 2023

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Be A Voice for Generations

The theme for Reconciliation Week this week asked us all to ‘Be A Voice for Generations’ and this encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives.

Earlier this term we launched our Reconciliation Action Plan, a critical strategy for how we, as a school community, will work to acknowledge past wrongs and strive toward a future built on mutual respect, understanding, and equality. It involves honouring the unique cultural identity of Australia’s First Nations people, their history, traditions, ongoing contributions to our society, and most importantly, their enduring connection to Country. I thank our students and staff for their involvement in our Reconciliation Week activities, in particular the Reconciliation Walk.

As we bring Reconciliation Week to a close, let us unite our voices so future generations no longer need to seek reconciliation in our nation. Instead, let them enjoy living in a time that embraces equity and harmony for all Australians.

Students in Years 10 and 11 took part in the Dare to Dream and Dare programs on Wednesday. The students who participated in Dare to Dream travelled to Osteria, Kingscliff where they worked with Colette Werden, a personal branding specialist for industry leaders. Colette has worked with some of the biggest names across media, sport and business, where her expertise in identifying a leader’s potential and helping them to embody it is in very high demand.

Other students stayed on-site where they were mentored as part of the Dare program by Find Ya Feet founder Tommy Herschell. Find Ya Feet provides a platform for men to tell their stories and breaks down the stereotypes of what it means to be a man in our modern world. Thank you to Kylie Wharton for organising these important personal development programs. The feedback from our students who participated was overwhelmingly positive. 

Lindisfarne hosted an important symposium of educational leaders at Southern Cross University around AI and ChatGPT. This event drew educators from across Australia, offering them unique insights into the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence and language models. The participants explored the changing role AI will have in education and how schools like ours can be leaders as the landscape for what is possible for our students continues to expand rapidly. The wealth of ideas and inspiration from the symposium will undoubtedly enhance our teaching methodologies, equipping our students with the skills they need in our rapidly changing world.

I hope that all our Year 7 and Year 8 students who are taking on the Kokoda Challenge this weekend enjoy a fun and positive experience. The Kokoda Challenge events are operated by the Kokoda Youth Foundation with the mission to achieve three main things; keep the spirit of Kokoda alive through educating participants about the history of the Kokoda Campaign in 1942, raise funds for our local youth programs that transform the lives of kids in the community and deliver Australia's toughest team endurance event for the competitors. Enjoy your day as you honour those who served in the Kokoda campaign.

Finally, the planned industrial action for Kinetic Bus services on Monday, 5 June has now been cancelled and all services should operate on their normal schedules.

Kind regards,

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Global Day of Parents 2023

Global Day of Parents is celebrated annually on June 1 to recognise the vital role parents play in the lives of their children. I send my warmest greetings to all our school parents, guardians and carers, and thank you immensely for your care and support of our young people.

National Reconciliation Week 2023

We celebrated National Reconciliation Week at Chapel Services and assemblies; through various classroom and homeroom activities, as well as through ‘Reconciliation Walks’ at both campuses. In doing so, we seek to recognise our shared identities, histories, cultures and achievements as we strive to build a ‘beloved community’ at Lindisfarne, and a more reconciled, united and harmonious Australian society.

“Beloved community”, Bell Hooks said, “is formed not by the eradication of difference but by its affirmation, by each of us claiming the identities and cultural legacies that shape who we are and how we live in the world.” 

Spiritual Gym- Family Eucharist, June 4, 2023
You are warmly invited to the Spiritual Gym -Family Eucharist this Sunday, June 4, at 4.30pm (refreshments) and Service at 5pm. This is a family friendly event and a special opportunity for fellowship, connection, prayer, worship, spiritual renewal and healing. 
All are welcome!

An Anchoring Prayer
“Pray always and never lose heart”, Jesus said in Luke chapter 18, verse 1. In the rush and busyness of daily life, where does one find the inner strength and tranquillity to ground us and our work? I believe prayer provides us with the anchor for daily existence. In prayer, we set our troubled hearts at rest and banish our fears. As we begin a new month, I would like to share one of my favourite go-to prayers with you in the hope that you might use it as a daily anchor.

A Prayer for Today (Anon)
Every day I need you Lord
But this day especially,
I need some extra strength
To face whatever is to be.
This day more than any day
I need to feel you near,
To fortify my courage
And to overcome my fear.
By myself, I cannot meet
The challenge of the hour,
There are times when humans help,
But we need a higher power
To assist us bear what must be borne,
and so dear Lord, I pray,
Hold on to my trembling hand
And be near me today.

I wish you a restful and relaxing weekend.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Reconciliation Week @ our Library

Students had a wonderful time working together to create our ‘Rainbow Serpent’ collaborative art piece for Reconciliation Week.

Parents and Friends

FOTA Notice of Annual General Meeting

Friends of the Arts (FOTA) is a sub-committee of the P&F created for parents and friends interested in supporting the Arts at Lindisfarne. FOTA has actively supported a number of events over the past years including the Soul & Blues Festival, the Big Chill and the HSC Art Exhibition. 

The FOTA Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held on Tuesday 20, June 2023 at 6.00 pm in the Mahers Lane Library.  All interested parents and friends are welcome to attend and are invited to nominate for President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary and up to five general committee members for the 2023 year.

Please contact performingart@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au to receive meeting papers including committee nomination forms and agendas.

Nominations must be received in writing by Saturday 10 June 2023 or via e-mail to performingart@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

David Keay
FOTA President

Golf Day Sponsorship

P&F Golf Day - Friday, 16 June

Get your tickets now for the P&F Golf Day.

Promote your business by being a hole sponsor for only $250.

Thanks to our Major Sponsor JGB Interiors.

Bookings via https://www.trybooking.com/CIHVU

Ramesh Sivabalan
Lindisfarne P&F

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Athletics Carnivals - Volunteers Needed

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Once again, the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends will run a BBQ at Walter Peate Reserve across the two days of the Athletics Carnivals on June 22nd and 23rd. If you’re interested in assisting on either day, we’d love to hear from you. 

Apart from being an active part of your school community, it's a great opportunity to meet other parents. Please click on the links below to lend your support.

K-6 Athletics Carnival - Friday, 23 June

7-12 Athletics Carnival - Thursday, 22 June

Kind regards,

Steve Cornell
P&F Vice President

Kinetic Bus Services - Industrial Action CANCELLED

Kinetic Bus Services has advised that the previously communicated service disruptions, due to planned industrial action on Monday, 5 June have been cancelled.

All School services will proceed on their ususal schedule.

Business Breakfast - 14 June

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Junior Sports Desk

Key Dates for Term 2

Total Football Academy - Monday Afterschool - Monday 5, 12, and 19th June.
AFL Auskick - Wednesday Afterschool = Wednesday, May, 7 and 14 June.
Daley Norton-Knight Rugby Cup at All Saints - Thursday 8th June 
Hockey Gala Day Yr 3 & 4 - Friday 9th June 
Athletics Carnival Years 7-12 - Thursday 22nd June
Athletics Carnival Years K - 6 - Friday 23 June 

Athletics Carnival Years K - 6
The K - 6 Athletics Carnival will be held on the last day of Term 2, Friday 23 June. The carnival will cater to every student with competitive and fun events. 

The Kindergarten and Year 1 students will have an alternate program of Fun events that will run from 10am until 1.00 pm. These students will take busses to and from the carnival departing from and returning to Sunshine Avenue. 

Trials will be held for Year 2, 3 and 4 students in PE classes for the following events: 

(***Year 2 - Please note only students who are 8 or turn 8 in 2023 will be selected for further representation in the 8 years events***) 

Long Jump
High Jump

Students selected from these trials will be notified and will compete in the age group final of that event on the day of the carnival. 

The 100m, 200m and 800m are open to all students on the day to compete in. 
For the 100m and 200m events, students can choose Seeded Heats or General Heats:

  • Seeded Heats are competitive races. Individuals must enter into these races to contribute points for Age Champion, or if they wish to represent Lindisfarne at NCIS or further representative levels. 
  • General Heats are for students of varying abilities to compete in and enjoy the race experience without any pressure.

The 800m event is completed in the morning before the main carnival begins and is Seeded Heats only.

Total Football Academy - After School Program 
The Total Football Academy sessions will continue to run t=for the remainder of the Term. The program will run every Monday until week 9, with the last session being on Monday the 19th of June.

AFL Auskick 
The AFL Auskick after school program will continue on Wednesday afternoons from  3.15 pm - 4.15 pm. The program will run until Wednesday 14th June. 

The Auskick program is a great FUN way to introduce students of all ages to the game of AFL. All skills and games are safe and tailored to the levels of the students so they have maximum participation and fun. 

Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Senior School

Careers and VET

The National Institute of Education is offering a free webinar for students interested in studying Medicine or Dentistry in the future and therefore would need to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT). This is useful for students in Year 9 onwards as the testing requires significant preparation. Please register here for the Webinar on the 5th of June from 7pm.

Year 12 Reminders:

HSC Exams and ATAR - Key Dates

  • HSC Exams will run from the 11th of October to the 3rd of November
  • 2023 HSC Results will be released on the 14th of December
  • 2023 ATAR Results will be released on the 14th of December

REMINDER: ATAR is calculated by UAC from the student 10 best ATAR eligible HSC units. The ATAR is only used for University entry.

University Applications

  • UAC - NSW University Admissions Centre - $78 before September 29th (after that $215)
  • QTAC - QLD Tertiary Admission Centre - $81
  • VTAC - Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre - $55 before September 28 (after that $140)
  • University of Tasmania - Free
  • TISC - Western Australia - $88
  • SATAC - South Australia and Northern Territory - Free


For each application for each state (eg: QTAC, UAC) students will be able to select their preferences of degrees they would like to study. Students need to select either 5 or 6 preferences of degrees. This can be 5 degrees at the same University or from different Universities across the state. They will only receive one offer at a time - per Tertiary Admissions Centre.

Early Entry

Not all Universities offer Early Entry and the format of their program for Early Entry is at their discretion.

Many other regional Universities have Early Offer programs. NOTE: the offer will generally still be made after students have completed their HSC exams.

Open Days

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and Vocational Education & Training (VET)

Year 9 Camp 2023

Last week 160 intrepid Year 9 adventurers embarked upon a week of personal challenges as they whole-heartedly threw themselves into the foreign surrounds of Camp Kokoda and Mt Barney National Park. Amid cool but clear and considerate skies, Monday morning saw thirteen groups of excited Lindisfarne students meet their instructors for the week, pack backpacks, collect provisions and then set off in their own directions into the awaiting silent hills.

The Year 9 Camp experience is somewhat different for each group. The groups don’t see each other much and each group’s program differs slightly. Everyone also takes on the challenges differently. It could be an abseil for some, a giant swing for others, a high ropes course or a canoe or possibly an expedition through mountainous terrain or a simple walk up a hill. At the end of the day, tired bodies set up tents, collect firewood, prepare, cook, and clean up from dinner and then climb into tents or under tarps to get some much-needed sleep. However, everyone eventually finds their own limits. 

After dinner, students sit, talk, and reflect on what they achieved, the opportunities taken or missed, successes or failures, who upset them, who surprised them, what scared them or the joy in getting to know a new friend or something unbelievably funny that they won’t be able to describe in sufficient detail to anyone else who wasn’t right there with them. And then they do it all again for the next three days…

The experience of teachers is different again. They get to share their experiences and see first-hand what the students go through. They’re there to support and encourage them every step of the way. No matter where it goes, they are there with an encouraging word or some gentle advice. They get to see how tired they are or hear how well or badly they slept and experience how good the dinner was they cooked. They see both the tears and the smiles. Most of all though- they get to see the pride each student feels in what they’ve just accomplished after each challenge is met. They see students empowered by their own courageous actions and truly happy within in themselves- and they feel privileged to have witnessed it. 

The hills around Camp Kokoda and Mt Barney have seen quite a few groups of school students come and go over the years and they never relent in offering those who enter them a time to reflect on who they are, how they get on with others, what they have to offer and what they need to work on. Invariably though by the end of the experience, they always let all that enter know that they can achieve much more than then they ever thought possible.

This year’s camp was exceptional in terms of how willingly students took on the challenges provided. We are all so proud of their mighty efforts and the way they embraced every opportunity. We hope they are proud too.

Simon Leach 
Head of House - St Andrews

From the Head of Senior School

Find Ya Feet
On Wednesday, the Find Ya Feet workshops enjoyed remarkable success with Year 10 and 11 boys. Specifically tailored to address the unique challenges of each year level, these workshops offered essential tools to boys through relatable and engaging content. The key focus was redefining masculinity by challenging the traditional notion of being a 'fella' and emphasising the importance of vulnerability, emotional communication, and seeking help when needed. The workshops covered a broad range of topics, from self-awareness, empathy, personal history, and present situations, to future ambitions. In just two hours, the boys were equipped with a metaphorical 'toolbox' of strategies for initiating lifesaving conversations. The transformative power of these workshops was evident in the shift in participants' mindset; boys who initially believed that showing vulnerability was a sign of weakness. Ultimately, the Find Ya Feet workshops instilled in these boys the confidence and skills to navigate their journeys, positively impacting their lives.

Subject Selection Evening
I would like to thank all Year 10 students and their families who attended the Year 11 subject selection evening on Monday. Your presence was appreciated, and your engagement in the process is testimony to your commitment to academic success. It was a valuable opportunity to hear directly from the Directors about the range of HSC subject offerings available. Your active participation contributed to the evening's success and set the tone for an exciting academic year ahead. As we continue to provide informative events that help guide students in their educational journeys, we look forward to hosting a similar event for our current Year 8 students. This evening will focus on assisting these students as they select their electives for Senior School. Thank you once again for your support and engagement in your student's educational journey.

Reconciliation Assembly
The Reconciliation Week assembly held on Tuesday was an important event, focusing on promoting understanding, unity, and respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Led by The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu and our First Nations Cultural Engagement Coordinator, Narelle Urquhart, the assembly created an environment conducive to reflection, conversation, and growth. They both shared their wisdom and insights, highlighting the importance of reconciliation and the ways we can work towards it. Senior School students left the assembly not just with a deeper appreciation for the essence of Reconciliation Week, but also a sense of responsibility to bring about positive change.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Safer Drivers Course for Learners

Participants who complete the Safer Drivers Course for Learners will receive a bonus of 20 hours credit recorded in their learner driver log book reducing the total logbook requirement from 120 to 100 hrs. The Course is a combination of theoretical and practical training for under 25 year-old learner drivers who have completed 50 hours of log book driving hours.

Saturday 17th June - 9.30am to 12.30pm
Monday 26th June - 4 to 7pm

Byron Youth Activity Centre
1 Gilmore Crescent Byron Bay
Cost: $140
CONCESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE for young people on Health Care or Centrelink benefits.

To book:https://www.bys.org.au/transport
Contact Steffie on 66857777 or email
info@bys.org.au for more information.

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

Thanks for the timely submission of entries for the Field events - with close to 800 Google Forms submitted. Please note registrations for field events are now closed, communication will be forthcoming next week if we need to trial. 

Lots has been happening on  the football front!

Open Girls CIS 
Our gallant young Open Girls football team (consisting of only one Year 12 student) - headed south to Gosford to play the Central Coast Sports College at their home ground. 

Down only 1-2 at halftime the girls were troubling the Knockout favourites, with some stirring counter-press football turning the ball over numerous times and a wonderful individual goal by Olivia Kane. However, after the break, Central Coast won the midfield battle - ending up running away with a 1-6 loss.

Bill Turner Cup (U15 Boys)
Our Bill Turner Cup Boys have just bowed out on the top oval in Round 3 to Xavier College - with the game going into extra time, losing 1-2. More details forthcoming next week by Mr John Cadman.

Bill Turner Cup (U15 Girls)
Our girls play on Monday in round 3 vs Kingscliff State High School on the top oval, gaining a Home Ground advantage for the first time this campaign. Please feel free to come and cheer the girls on, kick off is at 10.00am.

NSWCIS Football
This week saw many Lindisfarne students representing NCIS at the NSW CIS Football Championships. Clearly, this was the best ever campaign from our region, which is working towards closing the results gap in what quite often feels like a David and Goliath type scenario - with NCIS dealing with smaller school catchments and travel cost, putting downward pressure on the teams that are selected.
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who made the trip - and the LAGS coaches; John Cadman, Damien Clucas and Lewis Saunders.

Volleyball Senior Border Schools Gala Day
On Friday the 19th May, six Lindisfarne teams competed at the Volleyball Border Schools Gala Day. The competition took place at the Coomera Indoor sports Centre playing against teams from Hillcrest College and St Andrews Lutheran College. 

Volleyball is fast becoming one of the most popular sports at Lindisfarne and this year we have a mix of experienced players as well as a number of new players across all divisions. The aim of this competition was to give our teams some valuable game experience in preparation for the NCIS competition and the All Schools Cup later in the year. 

Our teams played several games throughout the morning and early afternoon. Being a friendly competition, there were no official placings in any division. However, this did not stop our players from giving their absolute best. Students from all 3 schools were expected to score, umpire and run the lines providing the opportunity to understand the game in more depth. 

Congratulations to all teams for their outstanding teamwork and the positivity displayed throughout the day. Thank you to our coaches for their valuable advice and to Mr Clucas for organising such a great day.


AFL NSW All Schools
Congratulations to James Douglas and Taleah Palmucci on representing NSWCIS at the recent NSW All Schools AFL in Albury. James’ team went onto win the boys competition and Taleah’s team came second.

AFLQ Schools Cup Primary Division
Well done to both our Primary Girls and Boys AFL teams earlier this week in Round 1 of the AFLQ Primary Schools cup. The girls were victorious in their division whilst the boys finished an admirable second. Both teams go on to the next round to be held at Carrara AFL club on the 21st of July. 
Special mention to Coco Loemker who was awarded female player of the carnival.

AFL Junior Border Schools Gala Day
Lindisfarne’s talented AFL players’ showcased their skills on Friday the 19th of May at Palm Beach Currumbin, competing in the AFL Border Schools Gala Day. The Junior girls' and boys team both delivered an impressive performance, securing victories against Hillcrest College, St Andrews and Lutheran College. 

Game 1 saw the Lindisfarne Junior girls going down by 2 goals, in what was a good learning opportunity for the girls. They bounced back in game 2, winning by 2 points against St Andrews, in what was a strong performance where they improved their run and carry with the ball and delivered into their forward 50 with more confidence. 

Game 1  for the Lindisfarne boys was a strong win 40-7 against Hillcrest. The Junior boys competed with outstanding plays from James Douglas, kicking the first 2 goals of the game and Ben Crawford who kicked 3 goals. This strong performance continued throughout game 2, with the boys winning 28-13 against St Andrews. Captain Oli Watters had a stand out performance alongside Marcus Williamson who was dangerous around goals, kicking 2.

Overall, the teams had an exciting day, with the beautiful sunny weather contributing to the successful day. Thanks to coaches Mr McDonald and Mr Gilliland and team manager Miss Edwards for organising a great day.

Rugby Union Report


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Tuesday, 6 June

NSW U12 Far North Coast 7s ZONE FINAL Tournament (Wollangbar) AWAY 

Thursday, 8 June

  Len Diett Cup RD6 (U13, U15 & 1st XV) v Woodlawn CANCELLED

Daley Norton Knight Cup (U12, U10) AWAY

Wednesday, 14 June

Len Diett Cup RD7 (1st XV only) AWAY v St Mary’s Casino AWAY

Friday, 23 June

Term 2 ends

Monday, 17 July

Term 3 begins

Tuesday, 18 July

Tuesday AM training begins (7s)

Bedford College (UK) 1st XV and U16


Friday, 23 June

Term 2 ends

Monday, 17 July

Term 3 begins

Thursday, 27 July

FNC 7s Girls

Wednesday, 9 August


Friday, 11 August

Logan QLD 7s (U13, U15 & 1st 7)

NSW U12 Far North Coast 7s ZONE FINAL Tournament (Wollangbar) 
QLD Rugby Daley Norton Knight Cup (U12 and U10) 

Our U12 have a massive week coming up. First is the NSW Rugby U12 Far North Coast 7’s Zone Final on Tuesday, which we have qualified two teams for. Then on Thursday, our U12 are joined by the U10 team in competing at the prestigious Daley Norton Knight Cup at All Saints on the Gold Coast. If parents and supporters are interested in watching these games, they are more than welcome to attend.

Len Diett Cup v Woodlawn
Unfortunately, our U13, U15 and 1st XV home fixture with Woodlawn on 8th June has been forfeited by Woodlawn. 


Training Notes
As we move into term 2 and 3 and winter weather, it is worthwhile mentioning that we will let you know the evening prior if training is cancelled. However as rugby is played in the elements, we will train through any adverse weather as much as possible. Students should also be in proper training attire (NOT school sports uniform) with mouthguard, boots and any other equipment they play with for every session. This requirement also includes integrated school sport on Thursday.  Alongside this, students should have a towel and spare school uniform to change into in case there is wet weather.

Training Gear
Our first allocation of rugby training gear (training top and jacket for 1st XV squad members) has arrived. We are still waiting on our backpacks and bucket hats to arrive and hopefully, they will be here shortly. If you did not receive your training top or jacket (for 1st XV squad only) at last Thursday's training session, can you please come down to the PE office under Ngahriyah ASAP to collect. A reminder that these are for Rugby training and are not a part of the Sports Uniform. The training shirts and jackets can ONLY be worn at school in our Tuesday and Thursday training sessions and when detailed, before and after games. 

Stack Team APP
Thank you all for your patience with the roll out of the Stack Team app and it has been released to all students and parents. This app will be our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for all our squads, with exception of U12 boys.

As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the relevant squad in the app (e.g., 1st XV, U15 XV, U13 XV, Girls 7s).

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...
● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...
Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join. 

More Information
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Netball News

Saturday Netball Indigenous Round
On Saturday, 20 May, we celebrated the Indigenous round of netball at Tweed. Rory Togo held a beautiful smoking ceremony, with the sound of the didgeridoo by Alfie Summers. The smoking ceremony has cleansing properties and has the ability to warn off bad spirits. It is a gift from Aboriginal people to create a pathway for a brighter future for us all together. The smoking ceremony not only celebrates the culture of our Indigenous communities but also embraces a positive vision of being together and encourages a better understanding of Indigenous culture not just in our netball community but nationwide. 

Our very own year 7 student, Ivy McKinley contributed to the day with a wonderful performance of the Australian National Anthem. Overall, we had a wonderful and respectful Indigenous round for netball at Tweed! 

The Indigenous round at netball also coincided with the Lindisfarne Netball fundraising round at the courts. Lindisfarne had a wonderful fundraising stall that held a sausage sizzle, lolly bags and much more goodies. We were lucky enough that the Lindisfarne Lion could come and say hi to our little net-set-go teams in the morning and we had the lion getting photos with a many of teams throughout the day! 

Thank you to all our wonderful parents who contributed to our fundraising efforts and volunteered their time on the day to help out.  A special thank you to Jane Daniel our Netball Support Group Fundraising Coordinator who’s organisation of the day was simply AMAZING!

Can’t wait to see what's in store for next year.

Gracie Lynch
Student Netballer
Click below for more images

Netball Umpires
We want to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes of netball—the dedicated and passionate netball umpires who play a pivotal role in ensuring fair play and upholding the spirit of the game. Let's take a moment to celebrate their invaluable contributions and express our heartfelt appreciation for their tireless efforts on and off the court.

Netball umpires are the guardians of integrity, fairness, and sportsmanship. They possess a unique set of skills, combining their knowledge of the rules with the ability to make quick and accurate decisions in high-pressure situations. Their role extends far beyond officiating matches; they inspire players, coaches, and spectators alike with their commitment to upholding the values of netball.

It is important to acknowledge the invaluable contributions netball umpires make to our beloved sport. Their commitment to ensuring fair play and their unwavering passion for the game allow players to showcase their skills and compete at their best. Without their expertise and dedication, the sport of netball would not be what it is today—a vibrant, competitive, and thrilling experience for all involved.

At Lindisfarne, we are immensely grateful for the umpires who officiate our matches, tournaments, and events. Their presence adds a level of professionalism and ensures that the games are conducted with integrity. We recognize the sacrifices they make, often volunteering their time to support the netball community, and we extend our deepest appreciation for their selfless contributions.

To all the netball umpires out there, we want to say thank you. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the sport. Thank you for the countless hours you spend on the court, ensuring fair play prevails. Thank you for your resilience in the face of challenges and your ability to make split-second decisions with confidence. You are the backbone of netball, and your passion and expertise inspire us all.

As members of the netball community, let's continue to support and uplift our umpires. Let's celebrate their achievements, recognise their hard work, and encourage others to join their ranks. Without these remarkable individuals, our sport would not thrive as it does.

If you encounter a netball umpire during your next match or event, take a moment to express your gratitude. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in recognising their efforts and motivating them to continue their vital work.

Spotlight: Eira Grace McGilligan
We are thrilled to shine the spotlight on one of our very own—Eira Grace—who has achieved an extraordinary milestone in her netball umpiring career. Please join us in extending our heartfelt congratulations to Eira for earning her well deserved National C Badge for umpiring!

Eira's journey to attaining the National C Badge has been nothing short of remarkable. Her passion for netball, unwavering commitment, and pursuit of excellence have propelled her to this remarkable achievement. It is a testament to her dedication, hard work, and outstanding umpiring skills.

Please join us in congratulating Eira on this momentous achievement and show our support and appreciation for her outstanding contribution to the sport of netball. Eira, we are immensely proud of your accomplishments and look forward to witnessing your continued success as you soar to even greater heights in your umpiring career.

Danielle Watters

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Imaginative Writing Competition

Public Speaking Compettion

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Year 11 Drama - Queens @ The Citadel

Year 11 Drama students have spent much of this term rehearsing and will be presenting the Australian play “Queens” by Kristen Doherty at the Citadel on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15  June. 

This ‘theatre in the round’ experience revolves around the premise of King Henry VIII having to re-live the horrors of how he treated his six wives. This serious Drama has enabled students to explore heightened language, physical theatre, monologues and ensemble playing. 

Please note that the content of the play focuses on the six wives of King Henry VIII and as such, there is some mature content. Original source documents, letters, recounts, poems and songs of the time have been used in the creation of the scripts.

Book Here

Limited tickets are available through the Trybooking link.

Loretta Visser
Drama Teacher

Big Chill​ Performing Arts Winter Concert​

On Thursday 8 June, students from year 5-12 will be yet again presenting the coolest concert of the year, The Big Chill.

This variety concert will feature a wide range of performances across all aspects of the performing arts from Music, Drama, Dance and more. Throughout the term our rehearsal spaces have been overflowing with keen performers who have been preparing their performance items ahead of our auditions. 

When: Thursday, 8 June at 6.30pm
Where: The Chapel, Mahers Lane

Friends of the Arts (FOTA) will be supporting this event. Pre-show drinks and snacks will be available to purchase from 5.30pm.

Entry to the concert is free for our community. 

Dale Norton, Johnny Grant, Alex Warr and Ryan Murphy
Music (Legend) Teachers

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



How Are Your Recycling Hub Items Recycled: Coffee Pods

Have you ever wondered where the items that you drop off at our recycling hubs go next? Coffee pods are the most popular item dropped off at our recycling hubs. To date, we have recycled over 33,800 pods. But where do they actually go?

Coffee pods cannot be recycled in your kerbside recycling bins for a couple of reasons. Coffee pods are made from mixed materials (the aluminium or plastic as well as coffee grounds) and due to their small size, they fall through the recycling machinery at normal recycling centers. This means that most recycling facilities are not able to process them. Most recycling centres also consider them too costly to recycle.

Fortunately, there are some recyclers who do accept coffee pods for recycling. We send the collected pods from our recycling hubs to two recyclers. A lot of the pods get sent to TerraCycle. TerraCycle is a global recycling company that operates in over 20 countries. They specialise in recycling a lot of items that cannot be recycled through your kerbside recycling services. All Nespresso branded coffee pods are separated and sent to a different recycling facility. Nespresso has been running a recycling program for their own coffee pods for many years. 

To recycle the collected coffee pods they separate the aluminium or plastic case and the inside coffee grounds. The separated aluminium can then be used to make new products like bikes or pens, the plastic can be made into benches and the coffee grounds can be composted. 

To take a virtual tour of a coffee pod recycling facility and to see how your old pods can be turned into bikes please watch the embedded videos.

Virtual ‘360’ tour of a coffee pod recycling facility
How Your Used Pods Can Be Recycled Into Bikes

So, make sure to recycle your used coffee pods at our recycling hubs to give them a new life. With Australians using 3 million coffee pods a day it is important to keep as many of them out of landfill as possible. Our recycling hubs are located in the assembly area at our Junior School and near student admin at our Mahers Lane campus.

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

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