2023 Term 3 Week 5 18 Aug 2023

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we wrap up another rewarding week at Lindisfarne I'm pleased to share with you some of our recent achievements. 

The Australian Education Awards were held in Sydney last week and Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School secured two prestigious national awards for Innovation in Learning Environment Design for our Early Learning Centre and Best Use of Technology recognising five years of technological transformation at the School. I would like to acknowledge the leadership of Director of Early Learning Jo Hetherington and Director of Information Services, Infrastructure and Facilities, Gavin Kennedy, and all involved for their unwavering dedication to continuous improvement at Lindisfarne. We also celebrate Alyssa Malone being a finalist in the Education Rising Star category of the awards and Kane Bradford who led the work that saw Lindisfarne shortlisted for best Professional Learning Program.

We were honoured to have the member for Tweed Geoff Provest attend our Senior School assembly this week to meet student James Warner, who has been awarded a 2023 Premier’s Anzac Memorial Scholarship. James will soon embark on a historical study tour to Singapore and Darwin researching Australia’s World War Two history, representing not only Lindisfarne but the entire Tweed community as part of a delegation of 20 selected students from across New South Wales Schools.

I’ve been reflecting this week on the impact The Matildas’ journey to the Soccer World Cup finals has had on the nation with an unprecedented 11.15 million viewers tuning into the Semi-Final against England on Wednesday evening. This became the most-watched event in the history of Australia surpassing the 8.5 million who viewed Cathy Freeman's historic gold medal win in the 400m at the Sydney Olympic Games. The achievements of the Matildas’ have served as an inspiration to our students and young people around the country, showcasing the power of dedication, commitment and hard work. They have been the embodiment of what determination, grit, and sheer passion for one's goals can do. The Matildas will carry the support of our nation into their final game this Saturday in the playoff for third place against Sweden in Brisbane.

Likewise, we have witnessed our own example of dedication, commitment, hard work, grit and passion at Lindisfarne this week through the inspirational performances of the Lion King Kids by our Year 3 and 4 students. Their rendition of "The Lion King Kids" has been nothing short of mesmerising. The excellence of our staff has been evident in the flawless set design, stunning costumes, impeccable sound and lighting, amazing staff and student band, and the outstanding preparation of our youngest performers. The exceptional behind-the-scenes work by Todd Hardy, Jesse Edwards, Loretta Viser, and the many others involved was evident in every costume stitch, every set piece, and every musical note. The performances by our students were Lindisfarne’s theatrical brilliance at its best and I cannot stress enough how incredibly proud I am. Thank you to our Friends of the Arts support group (FOTA) for supporting the event.

Science Week was also held this week and it was a resounding success. Led by Director of Science Jo Mendoza, this year's theme, 'Innovation: Powering Future Industries', took our students on a journey of discovery, particularly into the realm of artificial intelligence. The awe-inspired faces of our junior school students were filled with wonder, curiosity and discoveries and were a sight to behold as they engaged in mind-bending experiments and captivating demonstrations. The wonder of science truly knows no bounds including a spectacular demonstration of the power of Hydrogen at our Senior School assembly! From AI to chemical marvels, our students witnessed the magic of science throughout the week.

Our athletes continue to achieve a very high standard under the able guidance of Damien Clucas and the PDHPE and Sports departments, showcasing their prowess at the NCIS Athletics Carnival held in Coffs Harbour this week. Their dedication, discipline, and drive are truly commendable and we were thrilled to emerge victorious as the champion school for both the Primary and Secondary divisions of the NCIS championships.

The Year 5 camp at Lake Ainsworth was a transformative experience for our students. Beyond the usual fun and games of school camp, it was an experience in self-discovery, fostering resilience, leadership, and communication. As we edge closer to a future where interpersonal skills are paramount, initiatives like these are critical. I express my gratitude to Year 5 Coordinator Amber Jarvis and all of the staff who made the camp possible.

Today, as we mark the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, I want to emphasize our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all students. This year's theme, 'growing connections', resonates with our mission. Together, let us make Lindisfarne a beacon of unity, understanding and respect. With 'growing connections' as our theme for 2023, we join 68% of Australian schools in proclaiming a unified message: Bullying. No Way! We are committed to fostering a safe environment where every child feels valued and respected.

A final reminder of our involvement in the Vinnies Sleepout again this year. Our senior students will be participating in the 'Vinnies Sleep Out' initiative on Friday, 25th August. Their efforts to shine a spotlight on homelessness, right here in Tweed Heads, are commendable. Please support those in need by making a donation in support of our School team via this link.

Visual Arts and Design have always been a vibrant part of our school culture and community. Please join us for the 2023 Lindisfarne Art and Design Showcase on Friday, 25th August, at 6.00pm, opening at our Mahers Lane Campus in Ngahriyah. Over 1500 artworks from across the School await you, with guest artists Craig Walsh and Sharon Muir gracing the event. Please book as per the invitation in the newsletter this week.

Thank you as always for your unwavering support as we continue our commitment to continuous improvement and celebrate the many achievements of our staff, students and school community.

With deepest gratitude,

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Godly Play Room Mural

Thanks to Ms Urquhart and our little Year 1 helpers, our Godly Playroom mural has been completed. It’s been wonderful to spend time with Year 1 students and staff discovering the "Faces of Easter” and the stories of Jesus’ life. In Godly Play, our students are not told what God did, but they are encouraged to discover who God is and to experience God’s goodness and love in their lives. Godly Play sessions also enable our students to learn the importance of stillness, contemplation and silence so vital in an increasingly ‘noisy world’. Our children’s spirituality is innate, every day and messy, but we must nurture it so that it can grow and flourish. If you’d like to know more or ask questions about Godly Play, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Pets/Animals Blessing on Sunday, 3 September 2023 at 4.30pm

Our next Spiritual Gym Service will be a Pets Blessing Service on the Top Oval. We warmly invite you to bring your pets or animals for a special blessing service to commemorate the feast of St Francis of Assisi -patron saint of animals - as we mark the beginning of the ‘Season of Creation’.  Please register here if you would like to attend. All are welcome!

Thank you for helping us help those in need.

Thank you for your amazing support with our Vinnies Sleppout in aid of those experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to raise $5000 to help those in our community who need it the most and so far we have raised over $1300 which is great. .

If you can, please help us achieve our target by making a donation through our team's page: click here to donate.  Next Wednesday, 23 August, all donations will be matched.

It only takes a minute and any amount you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way in helping us reach our target.

Thank you, I really appreciate your invaluable and usual support with this event.

The Referendum Question and Constitutional Amendment

Later this year, Australians will be going to the poll to vote on the Voice Referendum. For those who are not aware of the details, here’s the actual question and the proposed constitutional amendment:

Referendum Question

“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

Constitutional Amendment

The proposed law that Australians are being asked to approve at the referendum would insert the following lines into the Constitution:

“Chapter IX Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

129 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice

In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:

i. there shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;

ii. the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;

iii. the Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.”

This is absolutely a matter for individuals and their consciences to decide on how to vote. Personally, I’ll be voting Yes because that it’s what the majority of our First Nations peoples have asked for in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and as a follower of Jesus Christ -who asks us to be witnesses of compassion, reconciliation and justice - I believe the Voice will further the process of reconciliation and justice in Australia.

If you’d like to join the conversation or to know more about the Voice to Parliament, please attend:

Voice to Parliament Community Forum

Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023, 9:00am - 11:00am
Tweed Heads Civic Centre
Hosted by Justine Elliot MP with special guest Noel Pearson

For our prayers, let us remember this week:

  • The people of Hawaii in their time of need
  • All migrants and refugees, particularly those in danger and those who have lost their lives
  • The people of Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia, Niger, Syria, Ukraine, Russia and Cameroon
  • The young people of the Tweed Shire: for their growth and flourishing
  • The sick in our families and communities.
  • First Nations Peoples of Australia

I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful and restful weekend.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Dr Kaylene Henderson Workshop

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

The Lion King ‘Kids’

What a magnificent production of The Lion King ‘Kids’ we have all just witnessed,

WOW, AMAZING, TEARS OF JOY, GOOSBUMPS are just some of the words I have heard from audience members. As well as, “That show was incredible! Even if you disregard the young age of the student performers, it’s an amazing production!” It’s easy to forget that many of these performers are yet to have their 9th birthday! I am beyond proud of our Year 3 and 4 cohort for their dedication and hard work as well as being the absolute superstars that they are. 

To the incredible staff behind Lion King Kids, as the curtain falls on our production, I wanted to take a moment to recognise and thank each and every one of you for your contributions and relentless passion and dedication. It's easy for audiences to see the magic unfold on stage, but few witness the countless hours of hard work, the brainstorming sessions, the meticulous planning, and the undying commitment that goes on behind the scenes.

From the very first auditions to the final curtain call, they have been the backbone of this endeavor, transforming a mere script into a living, breathing work of art that touched the hearts of many and took many of us back to our younger day when we first saw The Lion King.

To our set designers, choreographers, musicians, sound and lighting technicians, wardrobe specialists, and everyone else who played a part, big or small: Thank You. Without your talents and tireless efforts, our vision would never have come to life in such a spectacular fashion.

A special thanks to all of the teaching staff, teaching assistants and our music and drama teachers for the mammoth effort they have all put in to bring this spectacular production to life. Well done to everyone!!

As mentioned at the beginning of each performance, the shows have been recorded and a copy will be made available to students and families soon.

Sunshine Ave Parking

I would like to say thank you to our Parents and Guardians for supporting us with our request of not parking in the bus turning area at the end of Sunshine Ave.  This has made a huge difference for our bus drivers as they can safely navigate the already congested area and keep our students safe. I thank you for your continued consideration for the safety of our students and their families.

Westpac Rescue Helicopter

On Wednesday 23 August at approximately 11.00am the Westpac Rescue Helicopter will  be performing a landing in Arkinstall Park as part of their Westpac School Landings program. All of our students (P-4) will be taking part in this as they will get to see the landing and taking off of the aircraft, as well as getting up close and personal with the aircraft itself.  We are certain this will be an exciting day indeed. 

Book Parade

Book Week begins on Monday, 21 August which means our annual Book Week Parade will take place at 9.00am in the Undercover Area. We can’t wait to see the students’ fanciful ensembles as we commence our annual celebration of literature and reading. 

Parents & Friends Father’s Day Stall

Our Parents and Friends Father’s Day Stall is being held on Thursday 24 August.

The stall is CASH ONLY. All gifts are $10.00 each with a maximum of two gifts per student. There are some great gifts available and I’m certain that Dads across our school community will love the thought that goes into their gift.

The P&F need support in running the stall, please consider giving your time to support this ded

For those who are away on the day you can order online via https://www.trybooking.com/CKQVS

Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School

ParentEd - Raising Readers

Junior School House Captains - Term 3

It is will great excitement that we announce our new Junior School House Captains for Term 3. These students have been elected by their peers based on their leadership qualities and will participate in various roles throughout the term including leading chapel services and our fortnightly assemblies. 

This is an excellent opportunity for these students to further develop their leadership skills and make a positive contribution to the school community.

We congratulate our new House Captains and wish them well in their leadership journey throughout Term 3. 


Angela Mundy
Acting Assistant Head of Junior School

Year 1 Excursion

Year 1 had the most fabulous day at Jack Evans Boat Harbour for a Geography and Science Excursion. The weather could not have been more perfect and we were so lucky to have an army of family members lending a helping hand to ensure it was a safe, educational and fun day. Each child was provided with a work booklet that sent them on a quest to explore and solve Geographical and Scientific questions as well as a quick stop at the playground and of course a picnic in the sunshine. A beautiful way to end the week. Well done Year 1 for your excellent behaviour and for proudly representing our school in the local community. 

Some highlights from the students: Mila and Eva “When we went around to the activities. I loved going on the flying fox in the playground” and Kai and Spencer said “I thought doing 3 for the Sea was fun because it is helping the environment. I found golden stickers.” 

Click below to see some photos.

Melissa O'Reilly

Green Team

Middle School

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

This week, there is much to celebrate, reflect upon, and look forward to.

Celebrating Careers in STEM
Firstly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ms Jo Mendoza, the Director of Science, and her team, who initiated the Careers in STEM forum held on Monday night. Parents and students had the chance to engage with professionals from diverse STEM fields, hearing first-hand about the myriad of opportunities that await them. It was heartening to witness the spark of curiosity and ambition in our students, and I'm confident that the evening has sown the seeds for many budding careers. 

A Memorable Visit
On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of welcoming The Honourable Geoff Provest, MP,  to our Senior School Assembly. His visit held special significance, as he was presenting Year 11 student, James Warner, with the Premier’s Anzac Memorial Scholarship. This esteemed scholarship offers NSW Year History students a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding of the legacy of Australians in wartime. Guided by a military historian, recipients embark on a study tour to crucial historical sites, delving into the stories and sacrifices of Australian men and women in the World Wars and beyond. James will participate in a study tour taking him on a journey through significant locations in Singapore and Darwin. We are incredibly proud of James for securing this opportunity. 

Election of School Leaders
The future beckons, and with it, the opportunity for emerging leaders to step up. The process for electing next year's school leaders has begun, and I'm pleased to share that we have some strong candidates this year. Their passion, vision, and commitment to our school values shine brightly. I urge all students to participate actively in the selection process, to ensure our leaders resonate with the hopes and aspirations of our entire student body.

LGBTIA+ Leadership
In the spirit of leadership, I cannot overlook the phenomenal dedication of our LGBTIA+ students. They've taken remarkable initiative in establishing a Gender and Sexuality Alliance. This effort not only creates a safe space for conversation and understanding but also underscores our commitment to inclusivity and diversity. We celebrate their determination and applaud their efforts in fostering a more inclusive school environment.

I'd also like to reflect on the recent netball matches against St Peter's School, York. These matches were testimony to the spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie between schools. It was a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the skills our students had been honing all season and to continue building on Lindisfarne’s international relationships. Thank you to Mr Cluca and Ms Evans for their work in organising these matches.

Parking and Pick-Up Reminders
To our senior students and parents, a gentle reminder to please be mindful of our parking and pick-up expectations around the Mahers Lane campus. Ensuring a smooth flow of traffic and safeguarding the well-being of all our students and community members is a shared responsibility. 

Uniform Policy
Lastly, the School uniform is more than just attire; it symbolises our shared identity, our commitment to discipline, and our pride in belonging. As we continue through the school year, let's remember the importance and value of adhering to the School uniform policy. Wearing the uniform with pride and integrity reflects the respect we have for our school and for each other.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Careers and VET

From the University of Sydney: Calling First Nations students with a passion for STEM

Unlock the incredible world of engineering at the Indigenous Australian Engineering School (IAES) in January 2024.

IAES offers:   

- A Fully sponsored week-long program 

- Attendees can explore various engineering fields 

- Site visits, cultural activities, and more 

- Networking with industry professionals 

- Recreational fun on Sydney Harbour 

Eligibility: First Nations high school students in Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2024 

Dates: 14-20 January 2024 

Location: University of Sydney Camperdown Campus and partnering engineering based organisations 

Application closing date:20 October 2023

Online Application: https://sydney.au1.qualtrics.c...  

The IAES offers First Nations high school students the opportunity to come to Sydney and explore study and work opportunities within various fields of engineering. All costs including activities, accommodation, flights and meals are fully funded by Engineering Aid Australia and the University of Sydney. 

Please contact Mrs Ward if you would like to apply or find out more!

Bond University - Learn for Credit

Bond University have some fantastic opportunities coming up for Year 11 students who may want to extend their knowledge and skills, experience uni life and/or potentially build up credits towards a subject at Bond University.

The Bond Uni 'Learn for Credit' courses are short courses designed to improve your curriculum knowledge and skills and also give you the campus to experience a University style workshop with other like minded students. The courses include approximately 25 hours of learning, with some online modules and a one or two day on campus workshop (including lunch). If you complete 5 of these courses you will then have the opportunity to apply for credit for one subject at Bond University (and potentially able to be used at other universities as well). This means that you could use this credit to count for one of your electives in whichever degree you choose to study, saving you some time and money. This is a great opportunity to potentially improve your academic outcomes and explore areas of interest for the future. Please see the info and links below for more. There will also be more offerings in 2024.

Current offerings:

  • Climate Change and the Law- Online and Friday 1st of September ($50 - Registrations close 23rd August)
  • Money Talks - Online and Saturday 23rd of September ($50 - Registrations close 11th September)
  • CyberCrime and CyberSecurity - Online and Friday 29th and Saturday 30th of September at Bond Brisbane ($99 - Registrations close 22nd September)

Please contact Mrs Ward if you would like to apply or find out more!

James Cook University Virtual Open Day

James Cook University is known for their Marine Biology courses in particular, but are also great to consider for their Medicine and Dentistry programs. If you would like to find out more about this regional University, register for their Virtual Open Day on the 12th of September.

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and Vocational Education & Training (VET)

Wear It Purple Day.

Wear it Purple Day is celebrated on the last Friday of August - this year falling on the 25th. The initiative is a response to the alarming rate of bullying and discrimination faced by LGBTQIA+ youth in Australia. This past year here in particular has been really challenging for these young people, as the rise in news and media coverage about discrimination both internationally and in Australia has led to a decline in mental health and a rise in discrimination and bullying. Studies have shown the unfortunate reality that 2 in 3 LGBTQIA+ youth in Australia have experienced harassment because of their identity and are therefore up to 12x more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety as a result of this harassment. Thus, ‘Wear it Purple Day’ is a day for the nation to come together and take a stand against this mistreatment of our LGBTQIA+ youth, while also celebrating the diversity and strengths of these young people. 

We are pleased to announce that Wear it Purple Day this year will include the introduction of the Lindisfarne Gender-Sexuality Alliance (LGSA). This group will be a safe and inclusive space for any LGBTQIA+, questioning, or allied students to make connections, share their stories and most importantly, work together to make Lindisfarne a more inclusive and supportive community into the future. The LGSA will work in partnership with the Wellbeing Team and Student Committee.  The first meeting will be at lunchtime on Friday 25th August in room S3. This meeting will be open to any students interested in getting involved or simply learning more. Subsequent meetings will be held monthly. 

The theme for this year’s Wear it Purple Day is “Write Your Story” – so if students feel comfortable doing so, we would love to hear student stories celebrating you! Students don’t need to identify as LGBTQIA+ to attend, we would love to have as many supportive friends and allies attend as possible. It's our aim that this will be an inclusive and supportive space to meet and share. 

For more information go to: https://www.wearitpurple.org and https://www.minus18.org.au 

We thank our Student Champions for supporting this initiative for our student community. 

Emmalene Wells
School Psychologist 

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

Term 4 Integrated Sports Selections

We will be taking the final sport nominations scoop of the year for our Mahers Lane students on Tuesday, 22 August for Years 7 to 11 and on Wednesday, 23 August for Years 5 and 6 at 7.00pm. Please check out the final offerings for the year - with the warmer weather just around the corner:

A reminder - there is NO payment at the time of selection, the sports fee will be added to your school fees account.

Years 7 to 10

Year 11 

Years 5 and 6

NCIS Athletics

Congratulations to our Lindisfarne athletes for contributing to Lindisfarne winning both the Primary and Secondary overall point score at Coffs Harbour on Wednesday. There are various links below with full details.

NCIS Athletics 2023 Age Champions and School Point score 

Congratulations to the following Age Champions for 2023:

  • Jack Kane - Junior Boys
  • Ayva Immisch - 11 Girls
  • Charlize Hedger - 12 Girls (Secondary)

A big shout out to the 2nd and 3rd place getters too (too many to list).

Well done to the following Lindisfarne students for etching their names in the record books, hopefully - for many a year to come:

  • Liam Reardon - 16yr boys 100m (11.44)
  • Padric Hedger - 12yr boys 400m (1:09.81)
  • William Middleton - 8-10yr boys 800m (2:39.39)
  • Jack Kane - 8-10yr boys (4.38m)
  • Elijah Lobascher - 14yr boys long jump (5.68m)
  • Liam Reardon, Thomas Ojako-Pettit, Malakai Yen and Henry McMillan - LAGS Open Boys Relay (46.89)

Full details across all records:

Records Broken

Our relay advancers are below:

Relay Advancers 

A detailed list of our qualifiers to head to CIS below:

Individual Advancers 


Wishing our young gun swimming superstars best of luck at the Sporting Schools Australia National Swimming Championships, which will be held in Brisbane next week!

  • Kia Stotz
  • Riley Johnston 
  • Jack Sewell
  • Ned Simmonds

Spotlight on Koa Stotz

2023 Hancock Prospecting QLD Short Course Championships

Boys 12, 100 Metre IM, 01:05:59, 1st

Boys 12, 50 Metre Freestyle, 26:54, 1st

Boys 12, 100 Metre Breaststroke, 01:09:91, 1st, QLD Record

Boys 12, 100 Metre Freestyle, 58:23, 1st

Boys 12, 50 Metre Breaststroke, 31.84, 1st, QLD Record

Spotlight on Riley Johnston

Riley’s Qld Short Course Championships

Riley Johsnon has been out injured, and has just received the ‘Go Ahead” from his specialist to compete on the Monday the week the Qld Champs were on, and somehow has still achieved some amazing results. Being in a cast for 9 weeks and having it removed four days out before the competition is hardly ideal, but obviously he has an abundance of residual fitness. 

Overall in the 13yrs Boys Riley achieved:

  • Gold Qld State Champion for the 50m Breast 32.02
  • Gold Qld State Champion for the 100 Breast 1:08.44
  • Silver 100m Individual Medley 1:03.2
  • Bronze 100m Backstroke 1:02.67
  • 4th 50m Backstroke 29.57 
  • 6th 50m Free 26.21
  • 6th 100m Free 57.16

St Peters School - Touring School


Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School had the opportunity to play four touring teams from St.Peter's College,York England. It was an incredible chance for our Lindisfarne players to compete against an International school, with a different style of English netball to experience and a very strong level of competition. The Opens performance team had a loss to the English team, with some strong U23 England defence players to contend with. The final score was 33-22. Our U15s performance team had a close win against the older secondary English side, 23-21. The Lindisfarne Fahari team won their match with a score of 18-4 . Our Lindisfarne Year 10 were also victorious with a 29-21 score.


The Hockey fixture at Barrie Smith oval was a perfectly balanced contest, which went down to the wire. Lindisafarne scored early in the second half and held a 1:0 - but St Peters popped the equaliser with 3 minutes to go, drawing the match.

Lindisfarne had a short corner with the match all but over, coming within a whisker of clinching the victory - but not to be. It was a brilliant match to watch, against a very grateful visiting school.


The Opens and Under 15s Performance Teams were invited to tour the Bond University High Performance Centre. The players had the opportunity to meet the Director of Netball Kim Boland who outlined the pathways our players could follow in the Bond Development programs from Cubs, to EPL and the Hart Sapphire Series Ruby and Sapphire Teams. Kim gave the players tips for trialling and dates to look out for in the upcoming trial period. The players were incredibly lucky to meet Bond University Sapphires Coach and Queensland 17s/19s Coach Bec Stower. Bec has a wealth of knowledge in Netball and achieved Gold in the recent National Championships. Bec and Strength and Conditioning Coach and High Performance training Manager, Glenn Corcoran were able to outline elite athlete expectations, routines and resources that Bond Netball Pathway players have access to. Marcelle Buist, Sport Recruitment Manager, explained the various scholarship and study opportunities available to elite sportspeople at Bond that focuses on balance, sport and study commitments. We thank Bond University for their impressive and professional presentation to the teams and thank Bond for giving us inspiring insight into the balance of elite sport and study.

Rugby News


QLD Rugby Logan 7s

Our boys U13, U15 and U18  and girls U18 7s squads travelled up to Canterbury College in Logan last Friday for this QLD Rugby 7s tournament. This was an excellent hit out for our program, with all divisions being of a high calibre and the experience will stand our squads in good stead for future 7s tournaments. 

Boys U13

A beautiful sunny Friday was the perfect way for the u13’s to start their 7’s journey. We got off to, winning start, beating Chisholm Catholic College (Cornubia) 15-10 in a tough game. We then came up against Miami State High, with the boys giving it their all but just falling short at the end to a very well drilled side. Next up was Windaroo Valley and the boys were starting to find their feet in 7’s. Some great continuity saw lots of running rugby being played and an excellent team performance saw us win the game convincingly. 

This meant our final game was for 3rd/4th place against St Andrews College. Despite being down on numbers it was another hard fought battle eventually going down 20-5. It was an excellent first day of the 7’s season with many boys playing their first games of 7’s and the future is certainly looking bright for these players. Stand out players were Dillon McPhee who showed his great fitness for a big man, playing lots of hard minutes and Will Lloyd who battled hard, shifting between the forwards and backs.

Boys U15

The U15 boys took some time to find the groove for our first tournament of the season. A comfortable 26-7 win in the first game was followed by a tough 26-19 loss in the second against a physical Pimpama side. Unfortunately we played a man down for the majority of the last pool game which Canterbury College exploited and ran out 25-10 winners. This result meant we finished 3rd in our pool. 

The last game became a play off for 5th & 6th in which we were victorious 25-20 over a fast and powerful Miami team. Beau Treveton was outstanding as a utility supported by Keahi Avery-Numa who broke the opposition defensive line with ease while Timana Andrews demonstrated his pace down both wings. There was lots to learn for our first tournament of the season which will be put into action in just a few weeks time. 

Boys 1st 7 (U18)

Our boys’ 1st 7 played four pool games against Canterbury College 2, Kelvin Grove State College, St James College (Brisbane) and Miami State High School on the day. Our boys were unbeaten in all games (the last game against Miami was a 17-17 draw), however due to the nature of the pool, they finished 2nd overall to Canterbury College 1 who won all their games on the day. This is a great result for our boys and standouts were Cimmaron Crawford, who again showed some great pace, tenacious defence and improving handling, along with Declan Brown and Flynn McCulloch, who both helped lead us with their playmaking.  

Girls U18

The Girls U18 Rugby 7s tournament showcased five teams in fierce competition. Ruby Power's impressive sprint down the field resulted in a thrilling try. Newcomers gained invaluable experience from intense matches. Captain Nicola Gee's leadership kept the team motivated. Alli Palmucci displayed determined efforts against tough defence. Mikaela Teale's strong defence and standout tackles by Bonnie Starling and Lois Diver were to be commended. Despite their efforts, the girls faced defeat in all their games. Although, the day boosted the girls' confidence against established opponents. We look to growing the girl’s rugby through further gala days such as this.


Please see the upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Thursday, 24 August

NSW Rugby Far North Coast U14 7s

Friday, 1 September

Scots College PGC QLD 7s (U13, U15 & U18)

Wednesday, 13 September

NSW Rugby State Final 7s* (if qualify)

Thursday, 21 September

Rugby Captains Dinner

Friday, 22 September

Term 3 ends


Thursday, 24 August

NSW Rugby Far North Coast U14 7s* TBC

Friday, 1 September

Scots College PGC QLD 7s (U15 & U18)

Wednesday, 13 September

NSW Rugby State Final 7s* (if qualify)

Thursday, 21 September

Rugby Captains Dinner

Friday, 22 September

Term 3 ends


NSW Rugby Far North Coast U14 7s

Please note we will no longer be participating in the NCIS Rugby 7s in Armidale on the 24th August. Instead, we will send our U14 boys and potentially the girls (if numbers are available) to play in NSW Rugby Far North Coast 7s at Southern Cross University in Lismore. Selections for these squads will be released as soon as possible and if there are any conflicts with other commitments, please make sure to let your coaches know.  We would also love to have as much support as possible from our school community at the tournament and parents/supporters are more than welcome to attend!


Lily Dick Training Cameo

We were very fortunate to have our rugby ambassador and Australian women’s 7s player, Lily Dick attend training this week on Tuesday morning and help pass on some of her knowledge to our girls. It is wonderful to have someone of her experience and skill level help to inspire our girls to take their game to the next level.

Rugby Captain’s Dinner

The 2023 Lindisfarne Rugby Captain's Dinner and Presentation Night will be held on Thursday, 21 September from 6.30pm at Peppers Salt, Kingscliff.  This dinner will be for our year 5 - 12 students and parents who have been involved in the rugby program.  There will be a number of awards presented on the night including:

  • Boys U12 Player of the Year
  • Boys U13 Player of the Year
  • Boys U15 Player of the Year
  • Boys 1st XV Player of the Year
  • Girls U15 Player of the Year
  • Girls 1st 7 Player of the Year
  • Most Promising 
  • Most Improved 
  • Representative Player of the Year
  • Spirit of Rugby Award

Tickets are $37.50 and bookings can be made HERE or by clicking the link in the invitation below.  All students are required to be in formal school uniform on the night.  This will be a great evening and a wonderful way to cap off the 2023 schoolboy rugby season for both XV-aside and 7-aside programs. If you have any questions, please let Dr Coyne or your respective coach know and we hope to see you all there.

Integrated School Sport Selections

Please note rugby union will not be offered for integrated (Thursday) school sport in Term 4. All students that are currently in the rugby program should select a sport for Term 4 when integrated school sport selections open in Week 6 of this term.

In preparation for the All Saints and QLD All Schools 7s tournaments, we will however have three training sessions for our U18, U15 and U13 boys squads on the following dates I would like you to mark in your calendars:

  • Tuesday 10th October 0700
  • Tuesday 17th October 0700
  • Thursday 19th October 0700

Gear Allocation

We have had our rugby backpacks arrive. These are available for collection from the PDHPE office under Ngahriyah for all players from our boys 1st XV, U15 and U13 XV-a side squads and girls U18 and U15 7s squads.

Training Notes

As we continue towards the end of term 3, it is worthwhile mentioning that all players and families should assume our Tuesday morning training will ALWAYS BE ON and we will let you know the evening prior if training is cancelled. As rugby is played in the elements, we will train through any adverse weather as much as possible.  All students selected in our 7s squads are expected at training, regardless of injury and if you cannot attend, please email your respective coach the night before.

Students should also be in proper training attire (NOT school sports uniform) with mouthguard, boots and any other equipment they play with for every session. This requirement also includes integrated school sport on Thursday.  Alongside this, students should have a towel and spare school uniform to change into in case there is wet weather.

Stack Team APP

The Stack Team app is our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication and resource house for all our squads, with exception of U12 boys. As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones should download the app and join the relevant squad in the app (e.g., 1st XV, U15 XV, U13 XV, Girls 7s). To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join. 

More Information

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Lindisfarne Lions Netball

Please read our Lindisfarne Lions Netball Bulletin here for more information.

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Middle School Creative Writing Winners

Locks, keys and decay are all elements that our Middle School students selected from the stimulus below to embed into their creative writing submissions. There were numerous engaging entries, particularly Stage 3, and the interest that the Middle School has displayed in imaginative writing is commended.

The following winners of this year’s competition will be awarded their prizes at the next Middle School assembly. However, the winning submissions are presented below for your perusal.

Stage 4 Winner- Alexander Burrett

The stairs creaked softly underneath my feet. I took them slowly, one old, rotten wood step at a time; I was in no hurry to reach my destination.
But there were just sixteen steps, sixteen years, sixteen months. I reached the bottom all too quickly.
I felt something. I looked down.
A splinter of wood had pierced my bare foot. I lifted my leg up to assess the damage, and found the small piece of debris wedged inside my heel. I picked it out, expecting blood, but found nothing. Just a mark. A meaningless, painless mark.
I suppose anyone else would feel a small amount of regret for not wearing shoes. I did not, as it was tradition here to take off the shoes before entering, and I would not break tradition. Just for her.
I looked up now. The small passageway was illuminated by a bright light. It was not always this way.
I continued forward, along the soft pink carpet. Pink, a colour I detested but loved, in a way. As if you have read a book, and it was sad, and whenever you see it in a bookstore you cry, but you still would read it a million times over because someone you loved was embedded in the pages.
I reached out and felt the walls, the ones painted over and over with coats of pink paint. Over and over and over, because below the layers the wall was old and broken and decaying slowly yet too quickly.
I paused, having come to the end of the hallway. There were no other rooms in this hallway but the one at the end. The one that was an ending in so many different ways.
I looked at the door then, the one not pink but orange and white, the original colours of the paint that once covered this room. I never asked why it wasn’t painted, and I never will.
There’s a lock on the door handle. It is an old, old, lock, old and yet so young like everything here.
A small gecko is carved on it. I traced it with the pad of my finger. She loved geckos, that was why she chose it. I reached into the pocket of her grey jumper, and took out the key. I unlocked the door to her bedroom and stepped inside. 
— — —
Two fourteen year old girls stand in an aisle of a local op shop, searching the shelves piled with people’s old junk.
“What exactly are we searching for again?” The first girl asks, slightly confused.
The second girl turns away from scanning the stacks of random objects and flashes a big smile at the first girl, her warm brown eyes flashing.
“You know what they say, Amie, one girl’s trash is another girl’s treasure!”
Amie has no choice but to return the smile, giving in to her best friend’s ‘irresistible charm’, as she called it.
Suddenly Amie heard a quick gasp and turned to see the second girl staring hard at a section of the middle shelf. She followed her gaze to a large metal lock with two keys. Carved out of the metal was a small gecko. She turned to see her best friend grab the lock with both hands and grin at it happily. She looked up to Aime.
“This is perfect!”
— — —
Natasha’s cancer diagnosis came three months later.
By then she was midway through building and decorating the room that I stood in. I walked over the colourful rug she knitted, past the bookshelf she built and the books she collected. I walked past photos of her family and photos of us together. I took one off the wall. It was a photo of us when we were five years old, starting primary school together.
Best friends forever is written in marker over the glass frame. I smile.

Stage 3 Winner - Zoe Fox

The Lock
Cold. Bitterly cold. It was dark too. So dark I couldn’t see my fingertips. I cocooned myself in a dusty blanket, determined to keep warm. A creak alerted me to the door that was slowly opening. “Your breakfast” croaked my uncle, shoving a plateful of inedible food at my feet. He slammed the door and lumbered away. He was my only family, my mother died when I was born and Dad disappeared soon after, asking my uncle to keep me a secret. We were only connected by genetics. He knew nothing of love or affection. All day and night I was imprisoned in a mouldy, disintegrating lean-to with merely a blanket and a decaying mattress, supported by a splintered frame that would pierce my ribs at night.

I took hold of the plate, a pungent aroma hit me and a wave of nausea enveloped me. I left the plate and sleepily trudged over to the single small window and attempted to open it but it wouldn’t budge, as usual. I hadn’t felt the sun’s rays since well... forever, I had to get out of this place.

I desperately needed a plan. My body was eager, but my brain just wouldn’t cooperate. I hadn’t eaten in days, weeks even, and the cogs seemed unable to turn. I knew food was the solution but I couldn’t ingest the plate of noxious food that my uncle had heartlessly offered. Could I? Through grit and determination, I carried the vulgar meal up to my mouth, ignoring the horrible stench. The dish was getting closer. I gagged; it was worse than I even imagined. I couldn’t take a bite. The smell triggered intense thoughts of loveless rations, the sounds of his rugby league blaring on the TV, the tease of a bolted window. But thankfully the painful images shaped into a plan I could not wait to hatch.

“Chink” the door unlocked. My heart raced, but I was focused on the moment. My Uncle’s imposing figure appeared in the doorway. “Your lunch” he grunted roughly. Usually I kept my eyes down, but today I spoke, my voice shaking.

“Who are the favourites for tonight’s big game?” He fell for the trap, and rambled passionately about his beloved team. I acted swiftly, pulling the splintered slat from my bed frame, and jamming it inside of the lock whilst the key was dangling tentatively from his pocket. It was a blessing that the shed was old enough to be locked with a skeleton key.

My heart was in my mouth; would he notice the key not quite into the lock? My lucky stars aligned as the rugby league theme song blared on the TV. He was gone. Phase two began. My palms were sweaty, as I pushed the wood through the lock. The key echoed as it landed outside the door. Uh oh, I was going to have to make a run fo

“Pippa!” Boomed my Uncle’s voice. RUN. Frantically trying to orientate myself, I ran in the opposite direction of my Uncle. I could hear my Uncle’s footsteps pounding behind me, his breathing was heavy. Accelerating to a sprint I saw an open window that was beckoning me to climb through. I followed its call and clambered through the window, landing on a grassy patch of land. My uncle seemed to give up. I felt perhaps deep down he wanted me liberated; the weight of the secret lifted from his shoulders.

I was no longer a prisoner. Phase two accomplished. Now onto phase three; be free. 

Kylie Wharton
Director of English

Shakespeare Under The Stars

Book Week

We are one week away from the 2023 Book Week Costume Parade. Hopefully this means your costume is organised and you are ready to register it. Please do so using this google form. If you are still getting organised please note that all students must register costumes by Friday. There are prizes up for grabs!!

Above: Colourful collection of costumes from 2022.

Book Week pays tribute to the written word, fostering a love for reading and literature among people of all ages. Whether you're a voracious reader, a budding writer, or simply someone who enjoys a good story, Book Week has something in store for you.

Above: You never know who you will meet at the Book Week Parade!

Ms Brewer

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Lindisfarne Public Speaking Grand Finalists

Plato stated that ‘rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men’. Obviously, an important skill for high school students to have. Once again, this year we have given students in Year 5 through to Year 12 the opportunity to demonstrate their rhetorical skills and convince and engage an audience.  

The following students have been selected to present their carefully crafted speeches at the Lindisfarne Public Speaking Final which will be held in the Chapel at Mahers Lane on Wednesday 30 August commencing at 5.30 pm. 

Stage 3 Finalists
Beatrice Broad, Isabelle Daniel, Amelia Haubek, Mya Hollands, Roy Jowett and Taylor Van Niekerk

Stage 4 Finalists
Ajay Arun, Ziggy Bailey-Wong, Pearl Baker, Marcus Fox and Sienna Williamson

Stage 5 Finalists
Bethani Broad, Tessa Ford, Leo Lush and Ben Reeve

Stage 6 Finalists
Mia Harris, Brodie McDowell and Mia Wilkinson

The Lindisfarne Public Speaking Grand Final is a free event and it is hoped that relatives of our finalists as well as members of the Lindisfarne Community will attend to support our students, as they use pathos, logos and ethos to change your mind about their personally selected topics.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Gold Coast Debating Semi-Final Round

Last week, Mrs Treacy’s Intermediate A debating team (pictured below) competed in the semi-final round of the Gold Coast Debating Competition at Somerset College.

Tessa Ford, Scout Bee Jones, Olivia Danesi (front)  and Xan Quirk

In a fiercely contested debate, Lindisfarne’s team had to prepare and then deliver their case for the contention: space exploration is worthwhile. After much deliberation, the panel of three adjudicators, awarded the debate to their opposition. Whilst this means that their debating journey has now finished for the season, they are commended for their success, their dedication and their teamwork.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator







Performing Arts

Year 12 Music Showcase Evening

On Thursday 24 August, Lindisfarne Year 12 Music students will present their Higher School Certificate performance repertoire to parents, friends and staff in the annual HSC Showcase at 6.00pm in the Chapel.

This is a great opportunity for students, parents and the Lindisfarne community to witness first hand the elective performances of this talented cohort. Performing in front of a live audience at this stage in their course will form an integral part of their final exam preparation.

Sebastian Awad, Tyson Bennett, Curran Carr, Finn Condon, Cassandra Hill, Manaia Hyett, Isla Martin, Ember Mentink, Callum McNicoll, Chris Nellikkattu, Sienna Perdis, Finojet Rudd, Lucia Stewart and Olive Theobald, will present a variety of musical works including Rock, Funk, Neo Soul, Indie and Jazz.

The evening is supported by our vibrant Friends Of The Arts (FOTA) group, which is a subset of our school P&F made up of parents with an interest in the Arts.

Refreshments will be available in the Chapel driveway from 5.15pm before the performance commencing at 6.00pm.

We look forward to welcoming you all to this very significant milestone for the music class of 2023 with whom it has been a privilege to work. Please join us for this special music event and register your attendance at Music Showcase.

Dale Norton
Year 12 Music Teacher

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Science Week Recap

Science Week Recap

Innovation: Powering Future Industries

What a week it has been at our school as we immersed ourselves in the captivating world of science. From breathtaking experiments to enlightening discussions, the past week has truly been a celebration of curiosity and learning.

The Junior School Science Show kicked off the festivities with a bang! Our young scientists were treated to demonstrations including Mr Liam Francis’ liquid nitrogen cloud, Mrs Caitriona McCann’s fire tornado and my very own exploding hydrogen balloons. The Junior School were a fantastic audience and their participation allowed them to take away some great ideas about how they might be powering the future.

A highlight of the week was the captivating Careers in STEM Panel. Esteemed professionals from diverse STEM fields shared their journeys, insights, and advice with our eager parents and students. We had the pleasure of welcoming the following people on Monday evening to be part of this panel:

  • Elizabeth Wilson, Director of Strategic Site Relationships for IQVIA, a clinical research company.
  • Chelsea Marsh, a Cognitive Neuropsychologist, researching the application of virtual reality gaming technology in rehabilitation from brain injury.
  • Christopher Slade, Systems Engineer at BiVACOR Pty Ltd, working on designing a total artificial heart system.
  • Brie Jowett, Manager Water and Wastewater Operations at Tweed Shire Council who ensures we have clean water every day.
  • Aaron Conn, Launch senior program manager at Amazon, supporting new building launches all across Australia.
  • Hailey Spry, Principal environmental scientist at Easterly Point Environmental Pty Ltd, determining risk levels on contaminated land and remediation responses.
  • Matthew Slade, Associate - Senior Project Engineer at Westera Partners, managing major building projects including schools, residential, bridges and high end luxury houses.

Their stories illuminated the myriad possibilities awaiting our aspiring scientists. We thank our community members who offered their time to share their knowledge with us.

The Senior School Assembly featured a special segment where students were prompted to think about their future and how it will be powered with new technologies they may even be developing when they go into the workforce. My exploding hydrogen balloons made a reappearance and hopefully woke students up to the urgency of considering renewable energy innovations to transform our electricity sources in the future.

Meanwhile, science classes across the school were treated to extra challenges throughout the week. Year 6 students embraced STEM Challenges with Mrs McCann, devising ingenious solutions to real-world problems. Their creativity and teamwork were truly commendable, embodying the spirit of innovation that science encourages. Adding an element of mystery and excitement, the Stile Escape Room Activities in 7-10 classes had students deciphering codes, solving puzzles, and unlocking scientific secrets. In a heartwarming display of mentorship, Year 8 students took the lead in teaching Primary School students about the wonders of science. Through interactive activities and polished presentations, they ignited a spark of curiosity in the younger minds, fostering a love for learning and even bringing them a bit of nostalgia from their own time in Junior School.

I hope that everyone had a few opportunities to celebrate Science a little differently this week and look forward to this growing in the future.

Click below to see some of the amazing images.

Ms Jo Mendoza
Director of Science

Visual Arts

Visual Art and Design Showcase

Lindisfarne students from Preschool through to Year 12 have been working hard to develop amazing art and design works to display at the 2023 Art and Design Showcase on the 25th - 27th of August held in Ngahriyah on the Mahers Lane campus. Amongst the works on display will feature HSC major works from Visual Arts, Textiles and Design, Industrial Technology and Multimedia.

Our Junior School students have been developing their artworks for the showcase with their classroom teachers and each student from Sunshine Avenue will have a piece of art on display. All students who study Visual Arts from Year 5 to 12 will have a variety of paintings, sculptural and interactive works on display. The TAS department has planned an interactive VR experience, as well as other 9-11 student work from Textiles and Industrial Technology.

We are delighted to announce watercolourist Sharon Muir and innovative projection artist Craig Walsh will feature their works on the opening night. Craig Walsh will feature his projection work MONUMENTS, and Sharon Muir will have some of her detailed watercolour works on display. 

We welcome the entire school and extended community to come and celebrate the creativity from our students on opening night, Friday 25th August at 6pm. Please RSVP to the opening night by clicking the link just below the flyer for catering purposes. If you cannot make the opening, the exhibition will be open for viewing to the general public on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th from 10am until 3pm.

Book Here

images from Visual Arts HSC works

We cannot wait to see you there.

Jane Brennan
Director of Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square


Japanese Immersion Visit 2023

What a couple of weeks it's been at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar! We've had the privilege of welcoming 20 Japanese students who've come to us from 16 different schools across Japan. Their visit has been a fantastic journey of cultural exchange, learning, and a whole heap of fun!

These students didn't just dip their toes into Aussie life, they dived right in. They've been everywhere from Fingal Heads, where they built sandcastles and spotted whales, to Tropical Fruit World, where they hung out with kangaroos and tried all kinds of tropical fruits. They even got a knack for cracking macadamia nuts.

Back at our school, they joined in on our classes, improved their English skills, and discovered the beauty of Indigenous Art with Narelle Urquhart. They learnt AFL tricks from Mr. Bedford, created towering structures in a wacky spaghetti and marshmallow science experiment, and baked traditional ANZAC cookies with Prue Smurthwaite. Not to forget the immersion in local art at the Margaret Olley Gallery, which left them awestruck.

Big applause to our Lindisfarne Cultural Buddies who outdid themselves! They went all out to make sure our visitors experienced the true Lindisfarne spirit. Always there with a helping hand and a warm smile, they made our guests feel like they were part of the Lindisfarne family.

Every day was a new adventure, and we're so lucky to share our epic campus and amazing local community with students from around the globe. To our Japanese friends from far and wide, thanks for making these weeks unforgettable, and here's to many more international friendships!

Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School

more image below


Waste Wise Tips

Message From Tweed Shire Council: Keeping Cats & Wildlife Safe: HERE

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular

Lindisfarne visits Our Lady of Mercy in Parramatta

Staff from Lindisfarne recently visited Our Lady of Mercy College in Parramatta to gain insight into their approach to partnerships with universities and local businesses.

At the heart of this visit was OLMC's 'MultiCredential Program', a forward-thinking initiative that goes beyond traditional academic metrics. This program acknowledges and rewards students for the 'extra' curricular activities they engage in, providing them with recognitions that count toward Certificates and even University course credits.

During the visit, Lindisfarne delegates were provided with an in-depth look at how Our Lady of Mercy College fosters strong relationships with institutions of higher learning and the local business community. The core of these partnerships lies in creating experiential learning opportunities for students, bridging the gap between classroom knowledge and real-world application. OLMCs innovative approach recognises students' varied talents and skills but also prepares them for a rapidly changing world. It's no surprise that the MultiCredential Program has garnered attention from schools nationwide. By translating non-academic activities into credible recognitions, OLMC ensures that every student's unique journey is acknowledged, valued and rewarded.

For Lindisfarne, the visit proved to be an enlightening experience, fostering new ideas for strengthening our own community ties and recognising the diverse achievements of our students. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, collaborations such as these will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of learning. Watch this space as we work on our own version of the program in the coming months ahead. 



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

TH&C Nippers Sign-On

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
