2023 Term 3 Week 6 25 Aug 2023

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


What a show! Congratulations to each and every student in Years 3 and 4 for their impressive performances in The Lion King Kids that concluded last Friday night. Over 2,000 people attended the four performances; it was truly an impressive showcase of the talent of our students and the dedication of our staff. 

The creativity and courage of our students were evident last night as our HSC Music students took to the stage for their final performances before their forthcoming examinations. Supported ably by our Lindisfarne staff and professional musicians, it was a pleasure to hear their progress over their final year of music education. I wish them well for their HSC Music Examinations, which will take place mid-September. 

Book week is often a phrase that can send parents into a spin, but our students looked simply fabulous as they came dressed as their favourite literary characters. The parades held at both campuses showcased Hobbits, a BFG, and as always, you didn’t have to ask Where’s Wally? Book week culminated this morning in the Junior School with educator and self-published author of ‘Morrie and Strings and the Brekky-in-Bed Invention’ Joanie Flowers delivering a ParentEd session and live book reading. I would like to thank our Junior School staff, Lindisfarne Library Staff and English Faculty for another wonderful celebration of literature. 

Our Junior School students had an exciting and informative visit from the Westpac Rescue Helicopter when it landed at Sunshine Avenue on Wednesday. Our students were able to meet the crew and medical staff and find out more about this important emergency service. You can see the excitement on our student's faces in this news story from NBN News.

NBN News - Students thrilled by up-close encounter with Westpac Rescue Helicopter

I went into Ngahriyah this afternoon to see how preparations are going for the opening of the 2023 Arts Exhibition this evening. The quality of the work from across our whole school is beyond compare. Please attend tonight from 6:00pm. if you can; you will not be disappointed as our Art, Textile, Technology, and Design students have again surpassed all expectations regarding content and quality. Thank you to the staff who have spent weeks planning and curating this exhibition. Should you miss the opening tonight, the doors will open again on Saturday and Sunday 10.00am to 3.00pm.

It is the end of the season for our Lions Basketball and Lions Netball teams. More than half of our teams entered across the Tweed Netball Association, and the Gold Coast Junior Basketball competition take to the court tonight and tomorrow in the finals. Good luck to each player and coach this weekend, I know you will make us all proud. Go Lions! 

Charlotte Lush
Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Gratefulness and Wholeheartedness

As we journey through Term 3, it’s been gratifying to see our students making the most of the opportunities offered by a Lindisfarne education. Thank you to all our teachers, staff, parents, guardians and carers for working together in partnership to offer our young people the best possible educational foundation. Let us not forget how blessed and lucky we are to have these opportunities given to us by our good and loving heavenly Father. May we continue to welcome these opportunities with gratitude and encourage our children to embrace and appreciate them, live wholeheartedly, and not waste them because they come so easily. It was a joy to see that Jesus made an appearance on Book Week costume day.

Pets Blessing Service on Sunday, 3 September 2023.

You are warmly invited to our next Spiritual Gym Service which will be a Pets Blessing Service on the Top Oval. Please bring your pets or animals for a special blessing service to commemorate the feast of St Francis of Assisi -patron saint of animals - as we mark the beginning of the ‘Season of Creation’. Please register here if you would like to attend. All are welcome!



Vinnies Sleepout in aid of those experiencing homelessness in our community

The impact of the cost of living pressures on our most vulnerable citizens remains acute. Fred’s Place is the only drop-in centre in the Tweed and all the funds raised from the sleepout will go towards assisting those adversely affected by the current economic challenges. About 40 of our staff, students and parents are sleeping out today, Friday 25 August, to shine a spotlight on homelessness and to support Fred’s Place. We’re not far off our fundraising target of $5,000, and would be grateful if you can help us reach our target: click here to donate.  Thank you all for your amazing support.

Steps to Wellbeing

At a recent Anglican Schools Conference in Canberra, Dr Donna Cross, gave an excellent presentation on the importance of attending to the wellbeing of our young people, and about how good, loving and stable relationships and connections are the drivers of longevity and happiness. She also mentioned these five steps to wellbeing:

  • Connect
  • Be active
  • Take Notice
  • Keep learning
  • Give

I would like to add a 6th step, Pray, and so would encourage everyone this weekend to pray fervently for the wellbeing and flourishing of all the young people in our care and in our wider community, particularly those who are battling mental health challenges.

As St Paul reminds us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

May this ‘peace of God which passes all understanding’ be our real treasures this weekend; and may God bless all our young people and grant them hope, joy, meaning and good health, Amen.

I wish you a relaxing, restful and joyful weekend.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

FunFest 2024

On Thursday, it was exactly one year until FunFest 2024 will be held on Saturday, 24 August. The countdown is on. The Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association is currently taking expressions of interest from businesses and families who may interested in supporting the biggest event of 2024. 

Click on the link below to fill in the simple form and then we'll be in contact directly once we finalise our Sponsorship Packages.

FunFest 2024 Sponsorship Expressions of Interest

Thank you to the team at Victory Organisation Group who have already expressed their interest in continuing their association with FunFest.

Joining Victory Organisation Group we also have the team from Tate Brownlee Real Estate. Tate can always be seen banging the gavel as part of the Mega Auction at FunFest and we thank him for his on-going support. Tate extends a warm Lindisfarne welcome to our community to join him and his team as they open their new office in Kingscliff on the 31st of August. 

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

on behalf of the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association.

Big Boys' Breakfasts - Open to All Students

The Lindisfarne Parents and Friends are excited to invite you to the Big Boys' Breakfast.

Junior School Years P-4
Tuesday, 5 September
7.45am to 8.30am
Bookings are essential via https://www.trybooking.com/CLAXG

Mahers Lane Years 5-12
Wednesday, 6 September
7.30am - 8.15am
Bookings are essential via https://www.trybooking.com/CLAXE

Join us at these wonderful P&F community events where students can enjoy breakfast with their dad, grandfather, uncle, or another significant adult role model.

Enjoy all your breakfast favourites including bacon and egg rolls, fruit and yoghurt, plus juice, tea and coffee for only $15.00 per person. Adults and students are the same price.

Volunteer Helpers are required on these days, if you can assist please register via this link.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Raising Great Humans

We were lucky enough to have Dr Kaylene Henderson, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Parenting Expert spoke to a group of parents this week about ‘Bringing out the best in your 3-6 year olds’.

Kaylene provided some research based strategies and tips to support our children to grow into confident and resilient adults.
Some of the key messages out of Kaylene’s talk were:
- showing delight in our children for who they are, not what they do or what they achieve, helps them develop a positive sense of themselves,
-it is important to spend time doing fun things together, and establish fun family rituals,
-emotion management is a skill that takes time and support to develop,
-even as they grow our babies (big or small) sometimes still need us to help them manage their big emotions, and
- as parents we don’t need to be perfect, we just need to be good enough.

Dr Henderson has a wonderful website with a range of resources that can help you navigate the early years with your child.  There are ‘Advice Packs’ to purchase, online courses, and Free Tip Sheets. HERE

Julie Henry
Junior School Psychologist 

Medical Information - Update Your Child's Details

How to update your child’s medical information on SEQTA Engage (Parent Lounge).

Student health and dietary information is used for the planning of camps, excursions, sporting events and school activities and it is important that it is kept up to date.

  1. SEQTA Engage
  2. Click on the Medical Details

If you have bookmarked the Parent Loune tab, you will find the medical details item as per the image below.

  3. Update General Medical Details using Update (see picture below)
  4. Add any new medical conditions using + New
  5. If your child has a medical condition listed that is no longer relevant, click 'Details' and add a note indicating that the condition can be removed.

Our school nurse will get a notification that the medical details have been updated and will review the changes. Please feel free to contact nurse@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au if you have any questions about this process.

Bianca Foster
School Nurse

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Sing R U OK?

I am happy to announce that our annual R U OK? Day community choir event, Sing for R U OK? Day, will be held on the evening of Monday, 11 September, at M|Arts Precinct in Murwillumbah. Vicky Jacobs will once again be leading us through a pub choir version of a well-known song. 

As always, this event is open to the entire community as well as singers of all levels. It is a really fun way to support an important cause. We are especially lucky this year because Husk Distillery have offered to open their M-Arts based pop-up bar for us, so food and drink will be available.

Additionally, R U OK? Merchandise will be available for sale. The event will kick off at 6:30 pm, please come along for a good time in support of a great cause.

More information will be available in the lead up to the event.

Brett Canning
Recording Studio Producer/Manager

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Westpac Helicopter visits Junior School

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter paid our Junior School a visit this week and oh boy, was it a sight to see. From the whirl of its blades to its super cool landing, excitement levels were through the roof, especially for our students who got to see it up close. 

Huge thanks to the crew and organisers for making this happen. The day was unforgettable, and we can't thank you enough for giving everyone such a brilliant experience.

It was great to hear, not only from the crew, but also from representatives from Westpac who shared important information about the service and its vital role in our community. With almost 50 years of service and 80000+ missions completed the Service’s importance is clearly highlighted as is Westpac’s continued support and commitment to keeping the helicopters in the air. 

Donations to support this great service are always needed and very welcome. If you can help, head over to WestpacRescueHelicopter.org/donate and do your thing. 

Every bit helps, and together, we can ensure that the awesome sound of the chopper's blades is always there, ready to swoop in and save the day.

See below for more images

Book Week at the Junior School

On Monday morning, the Junior School kicked off Book Week with a whole school parade. Students came dressed as book characters that fit this year's theme…

And inspire they did. A sea of fiction and non-fiction heroes, villains, and beasts alike swarmed through the school gates. Students from P-4 came in droves, eager to parade their magnificent costumes for parents and peers.

The parade was loud, colourful, and exciting for everyone involved. A huge thanks to all parents and guardians who stayed to enjoy and support our wonderful students as they wowed the crowd at the Junior School Book Week Parade! 

Author Visit
Today Joanie Flowers, educator and self-published author of ‘Morrie and Strings and the Brekky-in-Bed Invention’ visited the Junior School for a ParentEd session and live book reading with our Junior School students. With a love for teaching young children, and a passion for supporting those who help children on their learning journey Joanie’s visit was a lovely addition to our Book Week Celebrations this week for parents, teachers and of course our students!

Great Book Swap
Today we had our 'Great Book Swap' at the Junior School. Students were encouraged to bring in a book from home to swap with a classmate, as well as a gold coin donation to be donated to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. 

This was a great opportunity for our students to share a well-loved story or trade a book that hasn’t been read in a while, all for a fantastic cause.

Angela Mundy
Assistant Head of Junior School

see below for more images

Green Team

Middle School

Senior School

Careers and VET

Bond University - Learn For Credit 
All Year 11 English students are encouraged to consider the Bond University - Creative Writing - Learn for Credit Course.

Develop your writing skills by exploring a range of approaches, styles and genres to help you find and tell compelling stories. You will receive guidance from an experienced freelance journalist, author, lecturer, and content creator to learn how to draft a story from an idea through to completion. Gain a practical insight into the basics of creative writing; learn how to find, develop and refine your voice; and critique your own work before strengthening your skills in writing intuitively from a short story prompt. 

This course is delivered via six online modules: Introduction to Creative Writing, What is a Narrative, How to Show, Not Tell, How to Plot and Plan a Story, How to Write in Scene and How to Edit Your Own Work. Students will also complete a two-day practical workshop where they will learn how to critique work and improve writing with the goal of applying this to their own writing. This is an excellent opportunity for all students to improve their skills going into their HSC year. The workshops will take place on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th of September (during the school holidays) and the cost of the course is $99. To register and for more information use this link.

Uni at School programs
Many students are interested in completing programs at universities while they are still at school and some of these can begin as early as Year 10. Please see the link for details of programs across the country. Some of these will not be available to us due to geographic proximity however other universities will run excellent online offerings.

Deadly Pathways Festival - Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie
Charles Sturt University in Port Macquarie are holding their Dealy Pathways Festival on the 19th of September. Please see this link for more information. It will be a day of activities, inspiration and celebration of First Nations success including meeting First Nations role models in science, technology and health, engage in insightful workshops led by our academics, dive into hands-on activities to ignite your curiosity and passion for learning, find out about support for entry and success as a future student and enjoy entertainment by comedian Andy Saunders and musician Tasman Keith.

SAE Create For A Day - Byron Bay
SAE Institute is holding its Create For A Day workshop on Saturday 9 September at their Byron Bay campus. They are opening their doors for a one-day program, designed to expand your skills and get you working on inspiring creative projects in the fields of Animation, Audio, Design, Film, Games or Electronic Music Production.

You will get the chance to experience life as an SAE student and discover what it means to be a creative professional, in state-of-the-art facilities with industry experts by your side. During the workshop, attendees will learn valuable practical and collaborative skills to build a creative piece of work. They will also receive a certificate of participation to acknowledge the creative project they have undertaken. Due to the level of workshop content, this event is open to school students aged 15 years and above (Year 10 and over). Go to the website to register or find out more.

Whitehouse Institute - Brisbane
Whitehouse prepares graduates as designers of the future for careers in fashion, creative direction and styling, and interior design; and as creative practitioners. They are holding their Open Day this Saturday 26th of August at their Brisbane Campus. What can you expect on the day?

  • Interactive workshops: Immerse yourself in hands-on design workshops led by expert teachers
  • Information sessions: Hear more about comprehensive curriculum, the subjects you’ll study and the overall Whitehouse experience
  • Campus tours: Take a tour of state of the art campus, where creativity thrives and innovation is nurtured
  • Q&A sessions: Engage with faculty and current design students to answer all your questions
  • Design Exhibitions: View the latest Student Work

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and Vocational Education & Training (VET) 

From the Dean of Studies

HSC Examinations Update.

This week Drama Projects were submitted for marking and the French Continuers completed their oral examination. 

We would like to wish the HSC students all the best for their examinations next week.

On Monday and Tuesday, it is the turn of the Drama students to undertake their performance examinations.

On Tuesday the Japanese Beginners and on Wednesday the Italian Beginners students have their oral examinations.
The Industrial Technology projects will be marked on site next Thursday. 

Year 11 Examinations
Year 11 Examinations take place in weeks 9 and 10 the full timetable can be viewed here.

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Learners Course - Safer Drivers

Participants who complete the Safer Drivers Course for Learners will receive a bonus of 20 hours credit recorded in their learner driver log book reducing the total logbook requirement from 120 to 100 hrs. The Course is a combination of theoretical and practical training for under 25 year-old learner drivers who have completed 50 hours of log book driving hours.

Monday 28th August - 4 to 7pm
Byron Youth Activity Centre (The YAC)
1 Gilmore Crescent Byron Bay

Cost: $140
CONCESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE for young people on Health Care or Centrelink benefits.
To book:https://www.bys.org.au/transportContact Steffie on 66857777 or email
info@bys.org.au for more information.

Pastoral Care


Lions Basketball Club

To say that we are at the pointy end of the Winter League Basketball season is an understatement, with no less than five Grand Final matches awaiting Lions teams this Friday.

This is an amazing conversion rate from 11 teams it must be said, it isn't often you have years like this one. We are hoping the conversion rate keeps on keeping on, and we tally the victories up this Friday.

For those interested in spectating, all games are at Carrara Sport and Leisure Centre on the Gold Coast, team sheets HERE if you want to check teams/players taking the court for the Big Dance.

  • LAGS Nalas (U14 Girls) -  17:30 (Hall 1, Court 6)
  • LAGS Queens (U16 Girls) - 18:30 (Hall 1, Court 3)
  • LAGS Lokis (U14 Boys) - 18:30 (Hall 2, Court 2)
  • LAGS Kings (U18 Boys) - 19:30 (Hall 1, Court 7)
  • LAGS Hunters (U16 Boys) - 19:30 (Hall 2, Court 2)

Best wishes to our players, stay composed and leave nothing in locker at games end.

A huge thanks to our small army of volunteer parent scoreboard operators, managers, coaches - and of course Nash, Brett and Dakin for your guidance.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport

From the Sports Desk

Spring has sprung, well not quite - but if the weather is a guide, it certainly has. Our winter seasons are finishing up and are into the finals rounds.


We have our Volleyball squads training each and every Friday morning at 7.00am. We have a lot of students in Years 10 to 12 already, but are really interested in getting a core group of younger students prepared for looming tournaments.

If you are interested in joining the Volleyball squads, with the possibility of joining the School team, please sign up through Parent Lounge under Events and Payments “SP 2023 T3 Volleyball Open Training squad”- we will see you at training.


At the bottom of this article is a photo gallery from the NCIS Athletics Carnival held last week. Thank you to our parent photographers for sending these through. Our serious athletes now turn their attention to NSW All Schools and/or NSWCIS in early Spring.

CIS Netball

Lexi McEvoy and Riley Cranston represented the NCIS at the Combined Independent Schools Netball Championships in the Open division in Sydney. The team contested strongly against players from across NSW including recent Australian Youth Commonwealth Games players and State Players. Both Riley and Lexi brought their high-intensity netball to the competition and were outstanding players in the NCIS team.

Eira-Grace McGilligan and Amber Sullivan represented the NCIS in the U15s division of the CIS competition. Our two Lindisfarne players were able to bring speed and attack in the midcourt and contested strongly in defence.

At the conclusion of the competition, AICES and IGSSA were the dominant teams with North Coast coming 5th in both the Open and U15 division.

Touch Football

On Wednesday, 23 and Thursday, 24  August, two Primary and four Secondary Lindisfarne Touch Football teams travelled up to the Gold Coast Touch to represent the school in the South East Queensland Sharks All Schools competition. The South East of Queensland boasts some of the best touch football schools and individual talents in the country which gave our Lindisfarne Touch Football teams some great exposure to some tough competition. The teams all played tremendously over the two days and are in great shape leading into the 2023 QAS All Schools tournament in the September/October school holidays. 

There were some fantastic results produced over the two-day event with the highlight being the U15s boys making the semi-finals and finishing 4th overall. An enormous thank you to Brock Osbourne and Zephyr Togo for attending the event as our student referees. We could not have participated in the event without the boys' assistance. Coaches Miss Smith, Mr Fisher & Mrs Norman were incredibly proud of all teams at the event and thoroughly enjoyed watching them apply the many hard hours of training they have put in over terms 1, 2 & 3 into game play. 


Years 5/6 Girls: 
3rd in pool / 5th overall
Players Player award: Sofia Hawkins
Coaches Award: Lucia Juric

Years 5/6 Boys: 
3rd in pool / 6th overall
Players Player award: Coby Ellison
Coaches Award: Xavier Mundy

U13 Girls: 
3rd in pool / 6th overall
Players Player award: Eira McGilligan
Coaches Award: Lola Parsons

U13 Boys:
4th in pool / 10th overall
Players Player award: Kobe Mundy
Coaches Award: Max Prince

U15 Girls:
4th in pool / 12th overall
Players Player award: Emily-Rose O’brien
Coaches Award: Maddison Ollis

U15 Boys:
3rd in pool / 4th overall 
Players Player award: Fletcher Bisgrove
Coaches Award: Max-Clunies Ross

Danni Norman

Spotlight on James Letters

The day after clinching the U14 Junior League with his football club, Kingscliff Wolves FC, James Letters (8D) played in a ground-breaking Grand Final in a sport that’s new to the region. On Saturday, Kingscliff Wolves’ U14 team, featuring Lindisfarne stars David Wallis, Evan Williams, Oscar Meulet and Fletcher Bisgrove, drew 1-1 with Palm Beach. Kingscliff  now sit five points clear at the top of the table, with one regular season game remaining.

On Sunday, Robina-based James and his dad, Paul, played together at Nissan Arena in the Grand Final of AFL Queensland’s inaugural Wheelchair AFL Championship. The game is played on a basketball court, with a hand-pass in place of a kick. Playing for Morningside Panthers against Redcliffe Tigers, James’ team slumped to a 2-17 scoreline during the first quarter. But the Siders soon bounced back. By far the youngest player in the four-team competition, James scored several goals, playing the final part of the game upfront with his dad. James helped the Siders extend their lead to a final score of 111-41.

Spotlight on Jack Cross

Jack competed at the Australian Pool Rescue Championships earlier this month. Jack won an Australian Silver medal in the 50m Patient Tow. 0.02 of a second from a bronze medal in the medley. 5th place in the brick relay.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport

Rugby Union Report


NSW Rugby Far North Coast 7s Zone Final
Our U16 and U18 boys teams and our girls U16 7s squads travelled to St John’s Woodlawn College in Lismore last Thursday for the NSW Far North Coast 7s Zone Final tournament. This tournament was very tightly contested across all divisions with the winners of the tournament given the opportunity to play in the NSW State Finals in Sydney mid-September. 

Boys U16
The U16s had a mixed day with a strong win in the first game in rainy conditions. The second game was a tough loss against St John’s Woodlawn. This meant a 2nd/3rd playoff against Trinity for a spot in the final. A far more complete performance led to a comfortable victory and some momentum heading into the final. The final was a rugged affair with tenacious defence from both teams. While the game certainly had some challenges, we ultimately did not get the job done and went down to a 70m try by Woodlawn who won in the last play of the game and won themselves a ticket to Sydney. Taj Billet and Taj Krasna were outstanding across the day and Sam Stoivin showed his skills in both attack and defence. 

Boys 1st 7 (U18)
Our boys’ 1st 7 played two pool games against Woodlawn on the day. Despite some tenacious defence from the Woodlawn boys, our 1st 7 won both games (10-0 and 10-5). This was a great result for our school and our 1st 7 will now travel down to the State Finals next month. Although all boys played well, there was some excellent work from Kai O’Sullivan, who showed great determination and speed with his carries and was hard-hitting on defence. Alongside Kai, Jack Kerridge and Mason Duke were both standouts, with Jack’s ball playing improving each week and Mason becoming a real force in our kick-offs and restarts.

Girls U16

Last week marked an impressive display of skills by our Under 16's team. They showcased their prowess in the Far North Coast 7’s finals held at Woodlawn College. The stakes were high, with a coveted trip to Sydney on the line, and our determined girls embraced the field with unwavering enthusiasm.

Under the astute guidance of Coach "Jess," our team demonstrated exceptional grit as they faced off against Trinity's formidable first side. Despite a closely contested match that leaned towards a loss against Trinity, our girls exhibited resilience and continued to elevate their performance. Their journey from that point onwards was nothing short of remarkable, securing victories against Xavier and Trinity 2, which secured their well-deserved spot in the final showdown.

Although the final match didn't unfold in their favor, the growth witnessed in these young athletes is nothing less than incredible. Having not observed their gameplay for a few weeks, I was genuinely impressed by their tenacious tackling and strategic ball movement on the field. Notably, the agile Maddison Ollis, positioned on the wing, proved to be a dynamic force – once the ball found its way to her, points were virtually guaranteed.

A special acknowledgment goes to Jess Elliston, whose adept and nurturing approach with the girls has clearly yielded significant dividends. Her professional yet warmly engaging coaching style has played a pivotal role in the team's progress.


Please see the upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Friday, 1 September

Scots College PGC QLD 7s (U13, U15 & U18)

Wednesday, 13 September

NSW Rugby State Final 7s (U18 only)

Thursday, 21 September

Rugby Captains Dinner

Friday, 22 September

Term 3 ends

Monday, 9 October

Term 4 begins

Wednesday, 11 October

All Saints QLD 7s (U13, U15 & U18)

Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 October

QLD All Schools 7s (U13, U15 & U18)


Friday, 1 September

Scots College PGC QLD 7s (U15 & U18)

Thursday, 21 September

Rugby Captains Dinner

Friday, 22 September

Term 3 ends

Monday, 9 October

Term 4 begins

Wednesday, 11 October

All Saints QLD 7s (U13, U15 & U18)

Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 October

QLD All Schools 7s (U13, U15 & U18)


QLD Rugby Scots PGC 7s
We will be travelling to the QLD Rugby Scots PGC 7s at Scot’s PGC College in Warwick on Friday, 1 September with the following squads: Boys U18, U15 and U13 and Girls U18 and U15.  Selections for these squads will be released as soon as possible and if there are any conflicts with other commitments, please make sure to let your coaches know.  We would also love to have as much support as possible from our school community at the tournament and parents/supporters are more than welcome to attend!


Rugby Captain’s Dinner
The 2023 Lindisfarne Rugby Captain's Dinner and Presentation Night will be held on Thursday, 21 September from 6.30pm at Peppers Salt, Kingscliff.  This dinner will be for our Years 5 - 12 students and parents who have been involved in the rugby program.  There will be a number of awards presented on the night including:

  • Boys U12 Player of the Year
  • Boys U13 Player of the Year
  • Boys U15 Player of the Year
  • Boys 1st XV Player of the Year
  • Girls U15 Player of the Year
  • Girls 1st 7 Player of the Year
  • Most Promising 
  • Most Improved 
  • Representative Player of the Year
  • Spirit of Rugby Award

Tickets are $37.50 and bookings can be made HERE or by clicking the link in the invitation below.  All students are required to be in formal school uniform on the night.  This will be a great evening and a wonderful way to cap off the 2023 school rugby season for both XV-aside and 7-aside programs. If you have any questions, please let Dr Coyne or your respective coach know and we hope to see you all there.

Term Four Training Schedule
Please note rugby union will not be offered for integrated (Thursday) school sport in term 4. However, in preparation for the All Saints and QLD All Schools 7s tournaments, we will have three training sessions for our U18, U15 and U13 boys squads and U18 and U15 girls squads on the following dates I would like you to mark in your calendars:

  • Tuesday, 10 October 0700
  • Thursday, 12 October 0700 (Girls only)
  • Tuesday, 17 October 0700
  • Thursday, 19 October 0700

Gear Allocation
We have had our rugby backpacks arrive. These are available for collection from the PDHPE office under Ngahriyah for all players from our boys 1st XV, U15 and U13 XV-a side squads and girls U18 and U15 7s squads.

Training Notes
As we continue towards the end of term 3, it is worthwhile mentioning that all players and families should assume our Tuesday morning training will ALWAYS BE ON and we will let you know the evening prior if training is cancelled. As rugby is played in the elements, we will train through any adverse weather as much as possible.  All students selected in our 7s squads are expected at training, regardless of injury and if you cannot attend, please email your respective coach the night before.

Students should also be in proper training attire (NOT school sports uniform) with mouthguards, boots and any other equipment they play with for every session. This requirement also includes integrated school sports on Thursday.  Alongside this, students should have a towel and spare school uniform to change into in case there is wet weather.

Stack Team APP
The Stack Team app is our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication and resource house for all our squads, with the exception of U12 boys. As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones should download the app and join the relevant squad in the app (e.g., 1st XV, U15 XV, U13 XV, Girls 7s). To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...
● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...
Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join. 

More Information
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Poets Out Loud: Slam Poetry

Poets Out Loud Youth Slam conducted their poetry slam competition on Friday 11 August in Murwillumbah. Lindisfarne was fortunate to have two representatives in this competition: Sam Bell (Year 9) and Aziah Phoenix-Coy (Year 7). They are both commended for their participation in this external competition and for making it to the final.

Sam Bell

Aziah Phoenix-Coy

Sam’s performance of his slam poem facilitated his award of second place in this competition. He is congratulated for his efforts and his level of achievement. 

Sam Bell (pictured on the left)

Lindisfarne students are encouraged to consider this competition, which is part of the Byron Bay’s Writers Festival, in 2024. 

Kylie Wharton
Director of English

Shakespeare Under the Stars

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Junior B Debating Champions

On Sunday 20 August, the Gold Coast Debating Competition held its final debates and then presented the awards for the winning teams in each division of the 2023 competition. We are pleased to congratulate Mrs Kristy Dee’s Junior B debating team (pictured below) who were awarded their medals (see below) for being a Junior B Champion Team and winning all their debates this season. 

Lexi Dee, Mrs Kristy Dee (coach), Ivy McKinley and Anouk Schlueter (absent Indi Haan)

As the debating season has now ended for 2023, I would like to thank all the debaters, who ably represented Lindisfarne in this competition; their coaches, for their care and dedication of their teams; as well as those teachers and affiliated members of Lindisfarne who assisted in meeting the quota of adjudicators that Lindisfarne needed to provide. 

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Public Speaking Grand Final




Gold Coast Languages Speech Competition

Last Sunday some of our French and Japanese language students gave up their time to compete in the Gold Coast Languages Speech Competition at Griffith University. The students did a great job presenting their speeches and answering questions in the target languages. A big congratulations to Chloe Manwarring in Year 5 and Sienna Mannion in Year 7 who won Highly Commended awards. Well done to our Year 5 students Sierra, Lincoln, Evelyn; our Year 6 students Claire and Stephanie, and our Year 7 students Ajay, Lillia and Janhavi for participating in a challenging competition. 

Madame Weterkamp
Teacher - French

Mrs Godden
Teacher- Japanese




Maths Minute - Year 7 BEBRAS

It was a big week for problem solving not only in India when they managed to land on the moon but also in Year 7 Maths class.  It was like music to my ears; hearing the hum of thinking brains and sharing of ideas as some Year 7 students undertook the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge during Math class. BEBRAS is an international initiative aiming to promote Math and Computer Science among school students of all ages. Open twice a year to Australian Students in Years 3 to 12, and engages students' computational thinking and problem solving skills in a fun, interactive environment. The BEBRAS international community has now grown to include 60 countries with over 2.9 million students participating worldwide! BEBRAS Australia began in 2014 and is now administered through CSIRO Digital Careers. In Australia, the BEBRAS Challenge takes place in March and August-September each year. As of 2020, different challenges are offered for each round. 

William Sheehan said, “This was a fun competition. In some areas it was a difficult challenge but great satisfaction solving it as a team”. Another student Niamh said “It was really fun. I loved the challenges and being able to compete as a group rather than individually as it was more engaging when you could feed off the other person's ideas to solve a problem together”. 

Well done Year 7 - Teamwork makes the dream work! 

Caitriona McCann
Teacher- Acting Maths Coordinator

See below for more images

Performing Arts

The Lion King Kids Musical

On Thursday and Friday last week, our school was magically transformed into the African savannah as our talented Year 3 and 4 students took us on an unforgettable journey into the world of Disney's The Lion King Kids. It was a performance filled with passion, energy, and sheer talent that left the audience in awe.

The stage was set, and as the curtains opened, we were welcomed to the heart of an African village as our storytellers set the scene of a heart-warming tale of a young lion cub destined to become king. The stage then came alive with a spectacular array of animals, from cheetahs to flamingos, buzzards to zebras, and even some graceful giraffes and a majestic elephant, which was a breathtaking sight that set the stage for an unforgettable performance.

Our Year 3 and 4 students were nothing short of sensational. Dressed in fantastic costumes and beautifully painted faces, they looked every bit the part. Their singing and dancing and live music of the orchestra were the heart and soul of the show, bringing to life the catchy tunes and fun choreography that had the audience tapping their feet and clapping their hands.

This outstanding performance didn't happen overnight. Our students have been working tirelessly for months, pouring their hearts into their roles and practices. But like all great things, it took a village to make this happen. Our dedicated Years 3 and 4 teachers and support staff played an instrumental role in guiding and supporting these young talents.

Leading the village and our Year 3 and 4 tribe was our Creative/Production dream team; Mrs Visser, Mr Edwards and Mrs Kim Shepherd.

  • Mrs. Visser, our Director, masterfully guided the students, helping them find their characters' voices and movements.
  • Mr. Edwards took on the pivotal roles of Producer and Musical Director, orchestrating the magic behind the scenes.
  • Mrs. Kim Shepherd, our Production and drama consultant’s knowledge, experience and expertise were truly invaluable when she worked alongside our Stage 2 students and our production team. Her insights into costuming, staging, and acting added depth and nuance to the production, elevating the students' performances to new heights.

Together, this dynamic trio brought not only immense energy but also a profound artistic vision to the show, turning it into a mesmerising spectacle that left the audience in awe.

With over 200 students on stage singing and dancing, it was an enormous task that could only be accomplished with the assistance of many staff members across both campuses. Our four shows last week had a combined audience of over 2,000 people, and the outpouring of positive comments from the community has been heartwarming.

The Year 3 and 4 students have not only given us an unforgettable experience but also reminded us of the immense talent and dedication that resides within our school community. We can't wait to see what these talented young students will dazzle us with next!

The Lion King Kids_Photo Catalogue Link

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Mamma Mia! Excursion

On Wednesday evening, a group of 78 students embarked on a memorable journey to QPAC in Brisbane, eagerly anticipating an action-packed performance of "Mamma Mia! The Musical." The evening began with a scrumptious meal at South Bank, followed by a short stroll to the Lyric Theatre.

The show itself proved to be a veritable symphony of ABBA's greatest hits, interwoven with captivating choreography and breathtaking set and lighting.

This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience live theatre and for many, this was their first time attending a professional theatre show. 

The show ended with a standing ovation which morphed into a mass audience dance party. There were some notable dance performances from our performing arts staff including the sprinkler from Mr Murphy and the shopping trolley from Mrs Camer. 

Todd Hardy
Director Of Performing Arts

 see below for more images

Isla Martin Music Scholarship

This week, Year 12 vocalist Isla Martin was awared a $1,500 scholarship from local musical identity Mr Ian Holston on behalf of the Sydney Savage Club.

Isla was fortunate to be identified as a possible candidate for this prestigious award by Mr Ian Holston, who was a recipient of support from the Savage club in his early years as a notable vocalist. The Savage Club is a prestigious Sydney social club, formed in 1934 and has a long history of supporting promising young artists.

Isla submitted video performances of four contrasting works which received glowing feedback from the Board of the club.

Congratulations Isla on this Wonderful achievement.

Todd Hardy
Director Of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Rock and Roll is back!!

This week marked the culmination of a dynamic 6-week Rock and Roll program within the Year 10 PDHPE Curriculum. Guided by the expertise of Rob and Kath, our dedicated Rock and Roll instructors, alongside our esteemed PDHPE classroom teachers, Year 10 students triumphantly mastered a captivating routine infused with the iconic moves of the 1950s

The Lindisfarne community has cherished the Year 10 Rock and Roll program for two decades, fostering a rich tradition of participation. While the challenges posed by the recent pandemic and ensuing restrictions led to a regrettable 4-year hiatus, we are excited to announce its triumphant return. The reintroduction has been gradual, with each class performing together. They rotated through designed routines, performing to the rhythm of three distinct songs. Shedding their everyday school uniforms, they embraced the opportunity to dress uniquely, with the option to borrow spirited rock and roll skirts adding an extra touch of authenticity.

The enthusiasm and commitment exhibited by Year 10 during this program have far exceeded our expectations. Witnessing their dedication to mastering the choreography and their remarkable performances on the final day was a source of immense pride. As we reflect on this exceptional experience, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share it with next year's Year 9 cohort. We are confident that the program's resurgence will not only rekindle its former glory but also continue to thrive as an integral part of the cherished Lindisfarne traditions.

Julie McDowell
Director of PDHPE 

see below for more images

Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Cudgen Nippers Sign-on

Colts Cricket Club Sign On

TH&C Nippers Sign-On

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
