2023 Term 4 Week 1 13 Oct 2023

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

A warm welcome back to Term 4! I trust the break provided each of you with at least a change of routine and some much-needed family time.

Year 12 HSC Exams:

Our dedicated Year 12 students have embarked on their HSC exams this week. Thank you to all staff and families who have supported our year 12 students as they complete their HSC exams over the next three weeks. Please continue to keep the class of 2023 in your thoughts and prayers at this time.

Celebrating Leadership:

As HSC exams have now commenced for the class of 2023, this week marked a significant milestone for the class of 2024 with their Student Prefect Induction Service held on Tuesday, student leadership planning on Thursday, and a full cohort Leadership development day today. Their journey of leadership at Lindisfarne over the year ahead is off to a positive start.

Subschool Leadership Appointments 2024:

From 1 January 2025, both of our existing campuses at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School will be fully enrolled. In order to provide the students, staff, and families with the support required as we become fully enrolled, each of our respective Subschools will have the leadership structure strengthened as follows -

Junior School Leadership Team 2024

  • Head of Junior School - Mr Jeremy Godden (P-4)
  • Assistant Head of Junior School - Laura Gallagher (returning from Parental leave).
  • Dean of Students Junior School - Angela Mundy

Following her successful acting placement as the Assistant Head of Junior School, Angela Mundy has accepted the Dean of Students Junior School position from January 2024. We thank Angela for her work this year and are excited that she’ll continue to support the senior leadership team at Sunshine Avenue in this capacity.

Middle School Leadership Team 2024

  • Head of Middle School - Mrs Cathy Cox (5-8)
  • Assistant Head of Middle School - Tania Gallen

Tania Gallen joined our school earlier in 2023 as a teacher on the HSIE team. Tania brings a wealth of leadership experience from her work in Schools, most recently at Stuartholme in Brisbane, spanning both curriculum and pastoral leadership over several years. We congratulate Tania on her appointment as the Assistant Head of Middle School.

  • Dean of Students Middle School - Amber Phillips

Amber Phillips will be the school’s inaugural Dean of Students Middle School from January 2024. Amber brings a depth of experience in the Middle School Pastoral Care space, having held the position of Year 8 Coordinator for the past four years. Amber has also undertaken important work as a member of the RAP Committee and as a member of the TENs team (Teacher Expert Networks), which NESA established to user-test resources and provide feedback on the new syllabuses under development directly to NESA. We congratulate Amber on this significant appointment and look forward to her contributions in this role.

Senior School Leadership Team 2024

  • Head Of Senior School- Kate Cornell (9-12)
  • Assistant Head of Senior School - Dan Robins

Dan Robins has been a leader in our school community for many years. We congratulate Dan on his appointment as the Assistant Head of the Senior School, and we are excited about the contribution he will make in this new role. Dan was the Director of Science at Lindisfarne for many years, and more recently led Barnabas House as Head of House, and continues to be a much-respected member of our teaching team.

  • Dean of Students Senior School - Nathan Alterator

Nathan Alterator will join Lindisfarne as Dean of Students Senior School in 2024. Nathan will be relocating with his young family from the South Coast NSW, where he has taught for many years at Shellharbour Anglican College, including leadership responsibilities as Head of House and the coordinator of an extensive Duke of Edinburgh program. Nathan is also a highly respected teacher of History and HSIE.

We congratulate the respective candidates on their appointments and look forward to their contribution to our School in these important leadership positions.

Japanese Cultural Expedition:

While the holidays signify rest for many, some of our students and faculty seized the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Japan's culture. From the historic Sensōji Temple to the joys of Disneyland, their experience was undoubtedly enriching. Our Lindisfarne representatives also took the chance to connect with local schools, including Aoyama Gakuan, fostering international friendships and deepening our understanding of Japanese education. Thank you to tour coordinator Mrs Louise Godden, Head of Senior School Kate Cornell, staff Rhett McDonald, and Justine Diver, who supported the students throughout the cultural exchange.

Africa | Round Square Conference 2023:

We are grateful to our Lindisfarne delegates, Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu, teacher Marg Gula, and students Tyler Sim and Bella Letts, who are in Nairobi, Kenya, attending the 54th Round Square International Student Conference. This event, hosted by the renowned Brookhouse Schools, has given our students a unique blend of intellectual discourse, stunning African landscapes, and rich cultural immersion. We look forward to hearing from our delegates at the Senior School assembly on their return from Africa.

P&F Funded Projects:

Thank you to our diligent and hard-working Parents & Friends Association, who continue to support significant enhancement projects in the School. Their recent funding support has seen the completion of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden expansion and renewal at the Sunshine Avenue campus and the installation of new Drink Bubblers and Refill Stations at the Mahers Lane campus.

Cricket Fever Alert!

Mark your calendars for the Inaugural Staff vs. Student Cricket Game, a friendly T20 clash at Walter Peate Reserve Kingscliff on Monday, 16th October, from 3:30 pm NSW time

Netball Support Group:

A gentle reminder about the AGM on Tuesday, 17th October, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm NSW time at Mahers Lane Library. All members of the school community interested in Netball are invited to attend.

The Lindisfarne Wellbeing Festival:

Wellbeing remains a cornerstone of our work at Lindisfarne. We believe that our students’ well-being and academic success are intertwined. Anglican schools champion the holistic development of each child, catering to their body, mind, and spirit. At Lindisfarne, our commitment transcends mere reactive measures; we proactively nourish our students' well-being as we work towards building a thriving community.

Our inaugural Wellbeing Festival is a testament to this ethos – a confluence of connection, friendship, food, art, workshops, and more. This festival kicks off with our Spiritual Gym Family service on Sunday, 15 October, at 4:30 pm NSW and culminates at our Parents and Friends Cinema Night on Friday evening, 20 October, wrapping up the week-long festival with the screening of ‘UP’. Book Here.

Business Network Breakfast:

Our 6th Business Breakfast beckons! Slated for Wednesday, 25th October, at Tweed Heads Bowls Club, this event will feature the brilliant Adrian Tobin, Founder of Kinlab. His insights on sports innovation promise to enlighten and invigorate. Book Now.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we commence the final term of the 2023 School Year.

Warmest regards,

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Welcome Back to Term 4
I’m writing from Nairobi, Kenya, where Mrs Gula, myself and two of our students -Tyler Sim and Bella Letts -are attending the 55th Annual Round Square Conference, with over 150 schools from 6 continents in attendance. The theme of the Conference is “The New Africa.” It’s been a life-changing experience for our students who have spent this week exploring the IDEALS (Internationalism; Democracy; Environment; Leadership; and Service) of Round Square within the stunning African socio-cultural and natural context as well as splendid hospitality and infectious joy. They’ll be sharing their experiences upon our return to Australia next week. As we begin Term 4, may these words of Kurt Hahn, founder of Round Square, provide us with inspiration in our work:
“There’s more in us than we know. If we could be made to see it; perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.”

Spiritual Gym Service (Family Eucharist) on Sunday, 15 October 2023 at 4.30pm
You are warmly invited to the Spiritual Gym Service and Family Eucharist on Sunday, 15 October, beginning with refreshments at 4.30pm in the Mahers Lane Chapel and Service at 5pm.
This Service will mark the beginning of our Wellbeing Week (15-20 October 2023), and special prayers will be offered for those who are sick. All are welcome!

For Our Prayers
Prayer is the highest achievement of which the human person is capable (Edith Stein)

Please pray:

  • For peace in the Middle East
  • For our Year 12 students writing their HSC exams
  • For God’s blessings on our work this Term
  • For our First Nations People
  • For Reconciliation in Australia
  • For those who are sick in our community and those enduring grief and loss.
  • For the flourishing of all our young people.

I wish you a relaxing weekend and God’s choicest blessings in every way.

Thank you for who you are and for all you do.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Cinema Night - Friday, 20 Oct

P&F Outdoor Cinema Night: Friday, 20 October 6.00pm
Mahers Lane - Bottom Oval

Bring your family along to conclude the Wellbeing Festival week at the Parents and Friends Cinema Night to enjoy the ‘uplifting’ family favourite UP. Held on the Mahers Lane bottom oval (Ngahriyah in case of rain) there will be a sausage sizzle and snack bar or bring your own picnic and enjoy some fun, and family time with the whole Lindisfarne community.

BYO chairs and blankets. Ticket Booking Link.

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events

Business Breakfast - Weds, 25 October Club Tweed

Our next Business Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, 25 October at Club Tweed. We are very excited to welcome our speaker Mr Adrian Tobin.

A research and strategic design expert, Adrian has dedicated his career to understanding people and designing experiences that have a positive impact in the world. After 15 years tackling complex social issues for government and not-for-profit organisations, he launched Kinlab in 2017.

Adrian and his team work with leading sport and lifestyle brands to deeply understand the people they serve and design experiences with impact. Adrian has researched and designed for global sport brands including the NFL, Nike, Formula 1, AFL, Cricket Australia and World Surf League.



Whole School News

Transport NSW - Changes to Subsidy Options


ParentEd - The Developing Brain

Nathan Wallis, New Zealand's renowned neuroscience educator is coming to Terranora, NSW for one night only!

Nathan will be doing a presentation in Ngahriyah that is also offered to the wider community. In this presentation, Nathan provides an informative narrative on how our day-to-day interactions with children and young people, significantly the early years, plays a critical role in defining later outcomes for our children. In this talk, Nathan will guide you through the stages of brain development from the first 1000 days and into adulthood. He will reveal little tricks that will hopefully make parenting easier, and help you open up communication with your child. You will walk away with a much better understanding of how both your child's brain and your own brain works.

Captivating audiences over 200 times per year to sell-out events, Nathan has a profound reputation as a lively and engaging speaker. He uses humour and plain language to make this complex topic burst into life.

Nathan Wallis is an internationally renown speaker and we know these tickets will sell fast. It is imperative to us that our school community has the opportunity to buy a ticket. Early Bird Tickets available. Get in quick as tickets will sell!

Please use the link below to purchase your tickets.

Tickets are available at www.eventfinda.com.au

Resilience through Connection - Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

Welcome to Week 1 of Term 4, the final term of the year! It's hard to believe that we are nearing the end of another fantastic school year. As we approach the holiday season, we have many exciting events and activities planned for our students and families.

This term, all our students will have the opportunity to participate in important transition days and activities as they prepare to move on to the next year level, or, in the case of our Graduating Year 4 class, the Middle School at the Mahers Lane campus. These transition days are a crucial part of the process, and we encourage all our students to embrace this coming change with enthusiasm and open hearts. With the terrific support they will receive from their teachers and other staff, we know they will thrive in their new environments. November 23 is the scheduled date for the official transition day.

We are thrilled to announce the inaugural Wellbeing Festival, taking place next week. This event will provide our students with an opportunity to explore and learn about various aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. We look forward to a week filled with exciting workshops, activities, and opportunities for our students to develop important life skills. We are all especially excited about our culminating activity, the Colour Run! Please see the correspondence sent home already for more information.

Term 4 is always a busy one as we celebrate and recognise the hard work and dedication of our students throughout the year. There will be award ceremonies, showcases, and special events to acknowledge and appreciate their accomplishments. We encourage all our students to continue their great work, stay focused, and finish the year strongly.

We kindly remind parents that our registered Outside of School Hours Care Service operating hours are:

Before School Care:
7.15am to 8.15am (Kindergarten to Year 4)
7.15am to 8.45am (Preschool)

After School Care:
3.00 pm to 6.00 pm

While we understand that emergencies may arise, it's essential to ensure that children are collected prior to 6 pm to help maintain the safety and well-being of our students and staff.

Your cooperation in maintaining a safe and efficient environment at our school is greatly appreciated. Please continue to be vigilant and avoid parking in the bus turnaround area, as this not only disrupts traffic flow but also raises significant safety concerns. During a recent meeting with staff from one of our closest neighbours, Essential Energy, it was brought to our attention that some parents are using the Essential Energy driveway for parking during pick-up and drop-off times. In the spirit of being good neighbours to those residing on Sunshine Avenue, we kindly request that this practice cease immediately.

Aside from the obvious issue of parking in a non-designated area causing disruptions to the rightful flow of trucks and other vehicles into and out of Essential Energy, there are also significant safety concerns. Essential Energy vehicles are substantial, weighing up to and above 24 tonnes. Blocking safe access to their depot poses a considerable safety risk.

Furthermore, we want to remind everyone that the carpark inside the school grounds adjacent to the turning circle is designated for staff use only. We sincerely thank parents for their understanding and cooperation in ensuring the safety of our students, staff, and community by refraining from parking in this area.

Parking at Arkinstall Park is a great solution as it utilisation of the walking school bus. I encourage you to make use of those options and help us to keep our children safe.

As we enter the final term of the year, let's make the most of the remaining weeks. We are proud of the achievements and growth we have witnessed in our students throughout the year, and we are excited about what lies ahead.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to an amazing Term 4 filled with learning, growth, and celebrations.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School

From the Junior Sports Desk

Key Dates for Term 4

Total Football Academy - Monday Afterschool - Monday 16, October through until Monday 4, December.

Casuarina Cup Rugby Union - Wednesday 15, November (week 6)

FUN Swimming Carnival - K-2 Thursday 16, November (week 6)

PLEASE NOTE - Amended date from last Newsletter.

Big Bash Cricket Gala Day - Friday 1, December (week 8)

big bash smithy

Total Football Academy - After school Program

The Total Football Academy will be running again in Term 4. If you are interested in participating in this program please register via the Parent Lounge. There are a limited number of places available, so please be quick to secure you place in the program.

Information on the term 4 program can be found here.


hockey tweed

Tweed Hockey 5’s Summer Comp
Start Wednesday Oct 18 – 6 Dec
Hockey 5 aside ¼ field 25min half’s max 8 players per team.
Juniors School Years 3-6 5pm-6pm
High School years 7-12 & Seniors 6pm – 8pm

New to Hockey Junior $50 + Hockey QLD fee rego https://www.hockeytweed.com.au/registration/

Played winter competition Junior $50 per person Rego link https://www.hockeytweed.com.au/events/201960/
Teams can be all Male, all Female or Mixed

Contact info@casuarinahockey.com

Mr Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

From the Head of Middle School

As we step into Term 4, I trust it has been a smooth transition for all. A warm welcome to the new families joining Lindisfarne this term, and a welcome back to our returning families.

Ad Astra Advanced Academics Program - Years 6-8

On Wednesday evening, a parent information session was held for the 2024 Ad Astra Program.

Ad Astra provides the School with additional opportunities to support and enhance the academic achievement of our high performing and high potential students. The aim of the Ad Astra Academics Program is to recognise outstanding young students who have consistently demonstrated advanced academic abilities and provide them with opportunities to extend themselves in fields that are of interest to them, whilst developing thinking skills and being exposed to experiences that expand their horizons in all areas of their school life.

Key features of the Ad Astra Academics Program are above-level testing, providing additional, in-depth content beyond the standard curriculum to stimulate students and allow them to delve deeper into topics of interest. future-focused problem solving and access to a wide range of national and international academic and problem-solving competitions.

If you would like your child to be considered for the Ad Astra Program please use the following process:

  1. Complete the Application Form. Submissions are due by Friday, 20 October.

  2. Applicants who are new enrolments to the school in 2024 will need to be available on Saturday 28, October from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm to complete rigorous testing, as part of the application process. If your child usually requires special provisions please email Mrs Kelly Bedford at kbedford@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au prior to the examination date along with evidence from your child's school or IEP.

  3. For current Lindisfarne student applicants, the testing process will occur at school on Friday, 27 October.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs Kelly Bedford, Director of Learning Enrichment, Middle School at kbedford@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Mamma Mia logo

Mamma Mia - School Musical, Years 7-12

Auditions for the 2024 School Musical, Mamma Mia: Calling all our talented students to showcase their skills and participate in this exciting production.

Please refer to the Auditon Kit and the application Google form. The audition kit contains a short list of Monologues and songs for students to prepare ahead of the auditions on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24, October, it also outlines the expected involvement of students.

Musical Theatre Workshop - Sunday 15, October 9.00 am - 2.30 pm

On Sunday, we will undertake a Musical Theatre workshop. The concept behind this workshop is to give students an insight into Musical rehearsals, get them moving whilst singing, and generally create a great vibe ahead of the auditions in Week 3.

Wellbeing Festival

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we write to introduce a new initiative that underscores our commitment to the holistic development of our students and the broader Lindisfarne community.

From Monday 16, October to Friday 20, October, Lindisfarne will host its inaugural Wellbeing Festival. This week has been set aside to provide a platform for all - staff, students, and our extended community - to immerse themselves in the many aspects of wellbeing. Our aim is not just to promote physical health but to nurture a deep-seated sense of contentment, connection, and purpose among our students and the larger Lindisfarne family.

The festival will revolve around five core aspects of wellbeing:

  1. Connect - Building and nurturing meaningful relationships.

  2. Give - Cultivating a spirit of generosity and kindness.

  3. Be Active - Promoting physical health and activity.

  4. Keep Learning - Encouraging continuous growth and knowledge acquisition.

  5. Take Notice - Practising mindfulness and appreciating the present.

To that end, we are thrilled to announce a special event on Thursday 19, October 2023 that will be of great value to our parent community. As part of this year’s Wellbeing Festival, we are honoured to host, An Evening with Dr Michael Carr-Gregg - Building Resilience through Connection. This event will begin at 6:30 pm (NSW time) at the Mahers Lane campus.

This presentation will be a 45-minute address, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. We encourage you to attend this wonderful event where we can come together as a community, learn, and share insights that will only serve to benefit our children.

Please register your attendance here.

We look forward to seeing you at this informative evening.

Finally, we would like to advise of a special family event run by the School’s P&F. On the evening of Friday, 20 October, a Cinema Night will be held at the Mahers Lane campus from 6:00 pm (NSW time). BOOK NOW.

Wellbeing Week will begin this Sunday with The Reverend Constantine holding a Spiritual Gym Service in the Chapel of Mahers Lane. Please join us from 4:30 pm (NSW time) to share in fellowship and connection.

Middle School Leadership Roles

We are excited to inform you that our Middle School students are currently in the midst of applying for various leadership roles for 2024. This initiative is an integral part of our School's commitment to holistic education and promises numerous benefits for your children.

Leadership opportunities in Middle School serve as a cornerstone for personal and professional growth. They allow our young students to hone vital skills that extend beyond the classroom:

Character Building: Taking on a leadership position allows students to nurture qualities like responsibility, dedication, and perseverance. It also encourages empathy, integrity, and the ability to work collaboratively with peers.

Skill Development: From effective communication and critical thinking to problem-solving and time management, leadership roles challenge students to develop and refine a variety of skills that will prove beneficial in their future endeavours.

Boosted Confidence: By facing and overcoming challenges in leadership roles, students naturally develop a robust sense of self-worth and confidence. This confidence will serve as a foundation for them to take the initiative and voice their opinions in future settings.

Real-world Experience: Engaging in leadership activities provides students with a sneak peek into real-world responsibilities. It equips them with a pragmatic approach to handling tasks, managing teams, and achieving goals.

We truly believe in the potential of every student and understand the importance of providing platforms where they can spread their wings. These leadership roles are designed to be those platforms. As parents and guardians, your support and encouragement play a crucial role in motivating and guiding them through this journey.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or if you'd like to learn more about the leadership roles available.

Cathy Cox
Head of Middle School

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

Induction Service

On Tuesday, staff, parents and students from years 8-11 gathered for a memorable Induction Assembly, marking the significant transition of our Year 11 students into their final year of schooling. The atmosphere was full of anticipation and pride as we celebrated their journey into Year 12. A highlight of the event was the recognition of those students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment, earning them the esteemed titles of Captains and Prefects for the upcoming year. The assembly served not only as a rite of passage but also as an affirmation of the potential and promise within each student.

SBAT Information Session

The SBAT Information Evening at Tweed Coolangatta Golf Club shared the numerous benefits of School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships. More than mere part-time jobs, SBATs offer Year 10, 11, and 12 students in NSW a unique opportunity to pave their career paths while completing their HSC. These programs blend paid work, training, and school, providing students with an industry-recognised national qualification and valuable HSC credits. Impressively, some apprenticeships and traineeships can even contribute towards the ATAR. Mrs Ward's organisation made the evening a success, and Nimai Prasad's account of his SBAT journey highlighted the program's transformative potential. Any students who want to learn more about this alternative pathway are encouraged to contact the Director of Careers and VET, Mrs Lauren Ward, at lauren.ward@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Year 12 2024 Leader/Mentor Retreat

Thursday afternoon's Mentor Retreat at the Lindisfarne Boathouse was a resounding success. Newly elected Captains and Prefects convened in this picturesque setting to collaborate with their mentors, laying out visions and strategies for the upcoming year. Beyond the planning, the afternoon was interspersed with various activities, including blindfolded kayaking! The session was not just about leadership development but also about building relationships and creating memories. I would like to thank the staff and students who participated.

Mrs Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Careers and VET

SBAT Information Evening

On Wednesday 11, October a number of Year 9 and 10 students, parents and employers attended the School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) Information Evening. This was facilitated by our Regional Industry Education Partnerships officer, Tracy Bolt, and was run in partnership with St Joseph’s College. Students and families were able to gain insight into the reality of what an SBAT entails and heard from a range of stakeholders including Training Services Australia, MEGT (Apprenticeship Network Provider) as well as our own Year 12 student, Nimai Prasad who ably and generously shared his experiences completing his traineeship in Community Pharmacy. Nimai was able to highlight the benefits and challenges of balancing this commitment as part of his senior studies. A number of local employers also attended with students gaining insight into a variety of industries in our area. I also thank our new studYear 12 ent leaders, Vice Captains, Tate Dee and Mia Harris, and Community Prefect, Charlotte Yette, as well as our Head of Senior School Kate Cornell and Dean of Studies, Caroline Jeffries for their support of this event. Any businesses with opportunities for School Based Apprentices and Trainees are encouraged to contact me lauren.ward@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Year 12 Students - University Applications

Year 12 students are reminded to check the UAC, QTAC and VTAC accounts, as well as the personal email account they used to set up these applications, on a regular basis every two to three days and engage with all correspondence sent to them. There will be important alerts that require students to upload documentation and respond to offers. If students have applied to an eligible early offer degree at Griffith University on their QTAC application, they will have an alert in their QTAC account requiring the upload of reports by the deadline of the 31st October 2023. This must be actioned in order to receive an early offer.

Year 12 Students - Raymont Residential College Brisbane

For Year 12 students considering study in Brisbane. Please see this link for information regarding scholarships at Raymont Residential College. The college is located in Auchenflower which would provide accessibility to most Brisbane University campuses via public transport. Raymont is not affiliated with one particular University.

Ms Lauren Wards
Director of Careers and Vocational Education & Training (VET)

Year 10 Food Technology

As part of their Food Trends unit, Year 10 Food Technology students recently had the opportunity to participate in two unique experiences. The first experience was an incursion by Ash from Platter Me Beautiful, a local Byron Bay based company. Ash demonstrated the techniques and considerations involved in the creation of a successful grazing table/box/board. The students then had the opportunity to apply what they had learned through the creation of their own grazing box. Students finished the session by being able to share in and enjoy their creations. A massive thank you to Ash from Platter Me Beautiful for providing this opportunity for the students.


The second experience was the opportunity to try insect-based products. Students have been learning about the incorporation of insect-based products into our diets due to their sustainable nature of production and high nutritional value. Students first tried a range of more familiar products such as corn chips and brownies which contained insects such as ants and crickets. They then tried mealworms and crickets in their true form but seasoned with Lemon Myrtle or Garlic and Chilli. Students are commended on their openness to try these products and thus make informed decisions on consuming them in the future.

Hayley McDonald, Prue Smurthwaite & Rhiannon Archer

Click below for more images

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

The final term for 2023 has begun in earnest. A few blinks and we will be turning our attention to the Christmas holiday period.

No real rest in the Sports Department though with the Queensland All Schools Touch Football tournament taking place in the second week of the holidays. A busy first week has prompted a delay with a report on this event. We will get a report in next week's newsletter!

Congratulations to our new Sports Prefects - Lily Alford and Harlan Oliver, two guns in their respective sports disciplines and overall outstanding human beings. They will be our student advocates for sport, representing the student body and the school for the next year.

Term 4 used to be a wind-down term in the Sports Department, but not anymore! Anglican Schools Country Week, NCIS Primary Basketball, NRCC and Wiburd & Douglas Cricket, Australian Schools Cup Basketball - and numerous other events all heading our way….

NCIS Secondary Volleyball
A very pleasant day was experienced at Port Macquarie yesterday, with Kempsey Adventist College tasked with running the NCIS Secondary Volleyball event. Our teams did very well, getting more than our fair share of the silverware.
Our Open Girls were undefeated and Champions - but were well and truly challenged as they journeyed through the tournament.

The Open Boys team finished equal first with Bishop Druitt, but had to settle for 2nd place with a set countback.

Our Intermediate Boys were given first place, but were the only team in their draw. However, before that fact gets trivialised - the lads were put in the Open Boys division, and absolutely pushed all the Open teams to their limit. Our young lads took sets off our Open Boys, and the champions Bishop Druitt - and won their fair share of matches too.

Our Intermediate Girls were largely beginner/intermediate level players - who had a wonderful day of volleyball. The team won some, lost some - and improved markedly as the tournament progressed.

Volleyball is a fast-growing program, with dozens of keen secondary students training in the Volleyball Squad training every Friday AM. The major focal point for the Volleyballers is the Australian Schools Volleyball Cup, which kicks off in early December.

Spotlight on Lyla Williams

Lyla placed 2nd at the NSW All Schools in the 16 girls 5000m race walk. She's now off to Perth for Australian All Schools in December, where she'll race on her 16th Birthday.
Congratulations Lyla and good luck!

Spotlight on Chloe Dinnen and Daisy Rynderman
During the school holidays, Chloe Dinnen and Daisy Rynderman competed in the National Schools Futsal Championships representing QLD and the girls won the tournament! They came home as National Champions with a huge Gold Medal. They were both selected for this team by representing Lindisfarne along with other students from around the south coast of QLD.
They were presented with their gold medal at a presentation at Dreamworld. Adding icing to the cake - Chloe Dinnen was selected in the Australian Team that will tour in July 2024!
Congratulations girls!

Spotlight on Tiggi Groves
Tiggi’s NSWCIS representative team ended up 3rd behind QLD and NSWCHS at the Australian All Schools Rugby League Nationals in Port Macquarie. The quality of football was fantastic, and an invaluable experience for Tiggi.

Rhythmic Gymnastics
We are very fortunate to be able to continue to offer the opportunity for your daughter to join a Rhythmic Gymnastics program at Lindisfarne in Term 4.

The Club will be on Thursday’s after-school from 4.30pm to 5.30pm, starting week 2 in Term 4, in the Ngahriyah. The class will cater for beginners to competitive levels.
Lindisfarne students can attend these sessions each week at NO COST.

The coach is Stacey Bech, who is a National Level Silver Advanced Coach with an impressive history.

If you have any questions, please contact Stacey on 0418640200 or via email: stacey.bech@gmail.com
Please complete the Registration form - Here and bring with you on the first day.

Tweed Hockey Summer 5’s
After the success of both our small schools and 5/6 Fitzpatrick Shield, this is a great way for primary school aged children to enjoy our sport in the summer as a social activity.

  • 8 Week Competition

  • Starts Wednesday 18 October

Mr Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities

Over the holidays, two of our Equestrian riders, Annabelle Brown (Year 8) and Zali Greeney (Year 9) undertook a mammoth trip as they travelled with their families and horses to represent Queensland at the Australian Interschool Championships in Werribee, Victoria.

The 11-day round trip took immense planning and coordination, amongst volatile conditions with the return journey through bushfires and then flash flooding!

Annabelle and her gorgeous little horse Jawarra Havana (Nadia) made the QLD team for both Eventing and Dressage. An unlucky rail down in the final phase of the Eventing, unfortunately, saw them drop out of the places but still end up 11th in a very competitive and large class. The pair then backed up a big week to perform two lovely dressage tests to again finish 11th overall in the Dressage championships.

Zali and her handsome mount Jag Classique competed in Show Horse against an incredibly competitive field. Zali rode beautifully to take 6th place in the championship! Like Annabelle, Zali also qualified for a second discipline, a high level of Elementary dressage. In the pouring rain and against Year 12 riders this beautiful combination took 4th place!

If you see Belle and Zali, please congratulate them on finishing amongst the Top Ten riders in the country! A remarkable achievement of which they should be so proud!

Kathryn Leary
Equestrian Co Ordinator

Rugby Union Report


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 October

QLD All Schools 7s (U13, U15 & U18)

Thursday, 16 November

North Coast Anglican Schools 7s (U14 & U16)


Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 October

QLD All Schools 7s (U18)

Thursday, 16 November

North Coast Anglican Schools 7s (U16)


QLD Rugby All Schools 7s
The 2023 Queensland Rugby All Schools 7s is held at the Southpine Sports Complex, Brisbane from Saturday 21 - Sunday 22 October 2023. The All Schools tournament is Queensland's largest schoolboy and schoolgirl rugby 7s competition and is a state-wide competition for all schools in Queensland. All selected players and staff will travel together and stay as a team in accommodation at Chandler Lodge & Cabins for the boys and Best Western Plus North Lakes for the girls. Selections for these squads and run sheets have been released and if there are any conflicts/other commitments, please make sure to let us coaches know ASAP.


Term Four Training Schedule
We have two remaining training sessions for our U18, U15 and U13 boys squads and U18 girls squads on the following dates. Please make sure all our players selected in our All Schools 7s squads are in attendance.

  • Tuesday 17th October 0700

  • Thursday 19th October 0700

Stack Team APP
The Stack Team app is our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication and resource house for all our squads, with the exception of U12 boys. As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones should download the app and join the relevant squad in the app (e.g., 1st XV, U15 XV, U13 XV, Girls 7s). To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...
● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join.

More Information
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule - Term 4

Mamma Mia! Workshop

We are excited about our musical theatre workshop for our
2024 Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Musical - MAMMA MIA!

This workshop is a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their talents in
acting, singing and dancing prior to their auditions.


Sunday, October 15 2023


Chapel, Mahers Lane


9.00am - 2.00pm


Casual; however, appropriate for moving and dancing


Please bring along your own morning tea, lunch and water bottle


Please ensure any required medical items are packed


7 - 12 (in 2024)

The musical theatre workshop is designed to give students a taste of performing and rehearsing in an ensemble setting. This will be an exciting opportunity for students of all abilities in years 7 to 12 in 2024. To register for the workshop, you must complete the Audition Application Form

We welcome and encourage students auditioning for the production of MAMMA MIA! to come along and enjoy this exciting day!

Auditions in Term 4, 2023

Auditions for Lead Roles and Ensemble Cast will take place
Monday, 23 and Tuesday, 24 October. Callbacks will be held on Monday, 30 October.
An audition schedule will be distributed in Week 2. Audition Application Form above.

Featured Dancers, Pit Orchestra, Production Crew and Backstage Crew auditions will take place during Term 4. Applicants will receive further details in the coming weeks.

For information regarding the audition pieces, please refer to the Audition Kit.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



Waste Wise Tips

Waste Free Lunches

Welcome to term 4! At Lindisfarne, we are working towards becoming a more sustainable school with many programs focused on reducing our environmental footprint. We want our students to be conscious of the part we can all play in making a more sustainable world and the actions that we can all take to help our planet. This is why we strongly encourage students to have waste free lunches at Lindisfarne. Waste free lunches use reusable items instead of single-use plastic or other disposable items. Having a waste free lunch is fantastic for the environment as it reduces landfill and litter and saves natural resources. Waste free lunches are also fantastic for parents too! Packing waste free lunches for your kids will save you money as you no longer need to continually buy disposable plastic wrap and packaging for lunches.

boy waste wise lunch

Having a waste free lunch is really simple and easy. Plastics and disposable items can be replaced with more sustainable items that can be washed and reused again. This is great for the environment and ends up being cheaper for you. Please use the tips below to help you create great waste free lunches.

Use What You Have: Reusable containers are fantastic for waste free lunches and most families already have these containers at home. Make use of what you have and it may not be necessary to buy additional supplies. This will save you money and is also better for the environment.

Food Waste: Make sure to only pack as much food as your child will eat. Leftovers from dinner can also be put directly into lunch containers to save on food costs and reduce wastage.

Saving Time: Minimise the morning rush by packing lunches the night before. Get your kids to help out with the packaging and making of their lunch. Studies have shown that children are much less likely to waste their food when they help make it.

The table below can also be used as a helpful guide for making waste free lunches.

Lunchbox Disposables

Sustainable Alternatives

Sandwich in plastic cling wrap, a zip lock bag or aluminium foil

Sandwich that is packed in a reusable container or in a beeswax wrap

Chips, biscuits, cake and other snacks in plastic packaging

Chips, biscuits, cake, and other snacks in a reusable container

Yoghurt squeeze pouches

Yoghurt in a reusable container with a washable spoon

Plastic water bottles

Reusable water bottle (there are bubblers and water bottle refill stations all around Lindisfarne where bottles can be refilled with cold water)

Fruit and vegetables in plastic

Pack whole fruits and vegetables as they do not require any packaging or slice fruits and vegetables into a reusable containers

Cheese strips or sticks in plastic

Cut cubes or sticks of cheese into a reusable container

Disposable cutlery

Reusable cutlery

waste wise chart

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club


Book of the Week: “Runt” by Craig Silvey

A heart-warming, funny, beautifully told story for readers of all ages from the bestselling author of Jasper Jones and Honeybee.

WINNER: 2023 CBCA Book of the Year, Younger Readers

Book Runt

'You don't have to carry the weight of the world in your tool belt.'

Annie Shearer lives in the country town of Upson Downs with her best friend, an adopted stray dog called Runt. The two share a very special bond.

After years evading capture, Runt is remarkably fast and agile, perfect for herding runaway sheep. But when a greedy local landowner puts her family's home at risk, Annie directs Runt's extraordinary talents towards a different pursuit - winning the Agility Course Grand Championship at the lucrative Krumpets Dog Show in London.

However, there is a curious catch: Runt will only obey Annie's commands if nobody else is watching.

With all eyes on them, Annie and Runt must beat the odds and the fastest dogs in the world to save her farm.

Runt is a heart-warming and hilarious tale of kindness, friendship, hurdles, hoops, tunnels, see-saws, being yourself and bringing out the best in others.


Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Tweed Pre Water Restrictions

Save water to delay restrictions

Following the El Nino declaration by the Bureau of Meteorology and less than average rainfall now forecast for the Northern Rivers, Tweed Shire Council is urging everyone in the Tweed to save water to prolong the shire’s water supply.

Without significant rain, the Tweed is heading into water restrictions.

Council is asking everyone who lives, works and plays in the Tweed to unite and save water now.

Level 1 water restrictions for most of the Tweed will be triggered when the Clarrie Hall Dam level drops to 85% full. If each of us is using less than 160 litres of water a day when water restrictions are introduced, we delay the need to impose harsh restrictions during extended dry periods.

Some great water-saving tips for families include cleaning hard outdoor surfaces with a broom not a hose, mulching your garden, keeping your showers to 4 minutes, doing full loads of washing and fixing your water leaks indoors and out.

Go to tweed.nsw.gov.au/water-savings-restrictions for more tips.

In 2020, Council banned water carting from Tyalgum and Uki. Whenever water restrictions are triggered, Council bans water carting from elsewhere in the Tweed to other local government areas.

Council is currently completing planning works for the proposed raising of Clarrie Hall Dam to increase the volume of water that can be stored, securing our water supply in the face of climate change and population growth.

Save Water Now

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
