2023 Term 4 Week 6 17 Nov 2023

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Lindisfarne Parents and Guardians,

As another week ends, I am grateful for the year we have shared as a School Community and the vibrant learning environment we enjoy at Lindisfarne. I’m pleased to share some of the highlights from this past week:

Year 12 Formal Celebrations

The class of 2023, dressed in their finest, gathered for an evening filled with celebration, joy, and elegance. Seeing our students enjoying this well-deserved event alongside their peers, teachers, and, notably, the Year 12 parents was heartening. The night was a celebration of the academic journey of the class of 2023 and a testament to the strong community bonds we cherish here at Lindisfarne.

Year 4 to 5 Transition Liturgy

We began our week with a significant milestone - the Year 4-5 Transition Liturgy for our Year 4 junior school students and those who will join us in Year 5 2024. This special service commemorated the completion of junior school at Lindisfarne and the upcoming journey into the middle school years. It was a touching ceremony that marked the move of our year 4 students from the Sunshine Avenue campus to the Maher's Lane campus in 2024.

Parents and Friends Final Meeting for the Year

On a high note, the Parents and Friends Association concluded their final meeting of the year, celebrating a year of successful fundraising and friend-raising efforts. Funds raised have been instrumental in supporting numerous school projects, and the P&F pledged considerable funding towards the Outdoor Kitchen project and the Music Deck at the Sunshine Avenue Campus, the Senior Centre Outdoor Learning environment, and the provision of Outdoor Table Tennis Tables at the Mahers Lane campus. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr Ramesh Sivabalan, who is stepping down after his commendable five-year tenure as P&F President. We also warmly welcome Penny Brady as the incoming President and look forward to her leadership.

Reconciliation Action Plan Community Lunch

The RAP Community Lunch held during the week was a significant event, celebrating the progress and efforts made in our Reconciliation Action Plan. This lunch was not just a gathering but a testament to the work put into implementing our RAP actions to date. It provided a fantastic opportunity to strengthen and enhance our ongoing partnerships and relationships with the local Elders and Indigenous community members. The event underscored our commitment to reconciliation and cultural understanding, demonstrating how community collaboration can enrich and guide our efforts toward meaningful action and mutual respect.

Lindisfarne's National Recognition

In exciting news, Lindisfarne has again been acknowledged in The Educator’s 5-Star Innovative Schools 2023 list. This marks our third consecutive year on this prestigious list, recognising our commitment to pioneering educational approaches. This honour reflects our dedication to innovative teaching, learning spaces, and curriculum design.

K to 2 Fun Swimming Carnival

Yesterday, we held our K-2 Fun Swimming Carnival, and what a fantastic day it was! Blessed with beautiful warm weather, our youngest students splashed and played in a carnival atmosphere. The day was made even more delightful with a sausage sizzle sponsored by Jo Croft from Mortgage Choice, adding to the fun and communal spirit of the event. These days remind us of the joys of school life and the importance of supportive and playful learning experiences.

Year 7 Orientation Day

This morning was a significant occasion as we welcomed current and new students to our campus for the Year 7 Orientation Day. It was heartwarming to see the excitement and smiles on the faces of these students, who will begin their educational journey as the class of 2029 with us next year. Their enthusiasm is a sign of what promises to be an engaging year of learning ahead.

Principal’s Evening of Thanks

I look forward to this evening's Principal’s Evening of Thanks, beginning at 6:30 pm at our Maher's Lane campus. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and express gratitude to those who have contributed to and supported our school again in 2023. It's a time to celebrate the collaborative spirit and dedication that continually shapes our school community. UPDATE: VENUE IS NOW MAHERS LANE CHAPEL DUE TO WEATHER.

Class of 2003 - 20-Year Reunion

Finally, we are excitedly preparing for tomorrow night's special event - the 20-Year Reunion for the Class of 2003. This will be a night of nostalgia, laughter, and reconnection as we welcome back our alumni to celebrate two decades since their graduation. It promises to be a heartwarming evening filled with stories, memories, and a celebration of the journeys that have unfolded since they graduated from Lindisfarne.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and I wish you all a wonderful weekend ahead.

Warm regards,

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Reconciliation Action Plan Community Lunch

It was a special occasion last Wednesday as our School community gathered together with our local First Nations Community Elders, Uncles, Aunties and representatives to celebrate our shared humanity, and our school’s commitment to reconciliation. Thank you to those who made this event possible, and those whose presence enabled us to strengthen our bonds of friendship and deepen our relationship with our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

Christmas Giving Tree Donations

We have launched our Christmas Giving Tree initiative for 2023. Thank you for your amazing support in the previous years. Witnessing the collective effort and generosity of our school community is truly inspiring and heartwarming.

The recipients of our 2023 donations are: Women's Refuge (to assist women and children escaping domestic abuse) and Kids in Need (KIN is a local charity based in Tweed Heads that assists many families in the community who struggle financially to provide the medical and disability specific support they require for their children).

This initiative not only brings joy to recipients but also instils empathy and social responsibility in our students, imparting a lesson that extends beyond the classroom.

Once again, we are asking for gift cards/vouchers so these people can purchase what they need, and that children who require disability specific toys with accessibility support can buy them. Please encourage your students to bring gift cards/vouchers and leave in the boxes under the Christmas trees at Mahers Lane and Sunshine Avenue libraries.

Our efforts in the past have made a significant impact, creating a positive difference in the lives of those in need in our community.

Community Christmas Carol on Sunday, December 3, 2023

Our Community Christmas Carol Service will be held in the Mahers Lane Chapel on Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 4.30pm (refreshments), followed by the Service at 5pm.

We have a tradition at the Service of taking up a retiring collection to assist those experiencing hardship and homelessness by providing them with a three-course Christmas meal served by Agape Outreach Centre. If you would like to support this initiative please email me at constantine.osuchukwu@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

All are welcome!

I am also asking for Nativity sets from around the world to display in the Chapel in the lead up to our Christmas Service. Please let me know if you would like to lend us your set for a Christmas Nativity display. Be rest assured that it will be looked after safely.

Thanks in advance.

Prayers for the Middle East and Other Places of Conflict

“If we have no peace”, Mother Teresa said, “it’s because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

Let us continue to pray for peace in the Middle East and in other places of armed conflict. Let us also make sure that our young people are not exposed to all these violence on television and social media. We must shield them from the unnecessary emotional load for which they are not ready to carry now, and protect their innocence. Above all, we must teach them to love, to build bridges and to be champions of fraternity.

Josephite Sister Susan Connelly offers her wisdom on the tragedy unfolding in Gaza and Israel: Enemy Twins: Israel and Hamas unite to massacre innocents You might find this thought-provoking.

I wish you every blessing from heaven and all the good things that life has to offer.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Update

On behalf of the entire Lindisfarne community, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ramesh Sivabalan for his exceptional service and unwavering dedication as President of the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association. As he and his family enter a new chapter of their lives, he will be stepping down from the role that he has held for the nearly six years. Ramesh’s ability to unite individuals from diverse backgrounds under the umbrella of shared goals is a testament to his exceptional leadership skills. The collaborative spirit that he has fostered within our association has undoubtedly strengthened the bonds within our community and will continue to resonate for years to come.

Ramesh has demonstrated an unwavering love and boundless enthusiasm for the School community and although he will no longer be directly involved with the P&F, we know that his smiling face will still be seen at many events as part of our wider community.

Thank you also to Penny Brady, who has been voted in as President following Ramesh's departure. Penny will continue to lead an enthusiastic group of volunteers who are committed to supporting the students of Lindisfarne through the provision of fundraising and friend-raising.

We are pleased to have supported two projects recently completed at the School. New water bubblers at the Mahers Lane campus, and an extension and upgrade of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden at the Junior School. The extension to the Garden will allow the Kitchen Garden program to be offered for all of Year 1 to Year 4.

Steve Cornell
Vice President 

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Exciting Opportunity: Nationwide Study on Childhood Anxiety

We're thrilled to share an incredible opportunity tailored for families with children facing anxiety challenges! The School of Psychology at Griffith University, led by Professor Allison Waters and a team of childhood anxiety disorder experts, is embarking on a groundbreaking nationwide study. This initiative, generously funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, aims to make a tangible impact on understanding and alleviating childhood anxiety.

The study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of two computer-delivered treatments designed to assist children in managing their attention and, consequently, reducing anxiety. One treatment is centered around attention control, while the other is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Childhood anxiety, characterised by nervousness, worry, and fear triggered by specific events or expectations, can pose challenges for children in various situations. Excessive anxiety may hinder their ability to engage in everyday activities. This project seeks to determine the comparative effectiveness of the two treatment conditions in alleviating children's anxiety disorders.

We warmly invite all families with anxious children to consider participating in this nationwide study. Your involvement can genuinely make a difference! Together, let's contribute to the well-being of our children and collaboratively pave the way for practical solutions, ensuring our young ones can confidently navigate life's challenges.

Further details are provided with the following links.

Julie Henry
Junior School Psychologist

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

2023 Giving Tree – Gift Vouchers

This year's recipients are Women's Refuge (to assist women and children escaping domestic abuse) and Kids in Need (KIN is a local charity based in Tweed Heads that assists many families in the community who struggle financially to provide the medical and disability-specific support they require for their children).

We as a community have made a dramatic impact over the years with our ‘Giving Tree,’ making the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves brighter and giving them the knowledge that there are people who care.

The recipient’s gift of choice is gift cards; these can be Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, Big W, Lowes (for school uniforms), etc. Imagine if each Lindisfarne community member each missed a Big Mac meal just once and donated a $10 gift card; what an extraordinary contribution we could make.

As always, I thank you for your generosity and kindness.

Giving Tree

Mrs Dessmann
Mahers Lane Librarian

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Junior School Sport

Key Dates for Term 4

Total Football Academy - Monday Afterschool - Through until Monday 4th December.

Big Bash Cricket Gala Day - Friday 1st December (Week 8)

Total Football Academy - After School Program

The Total Football Academy will resume in Term 1, 2024. More information about this program will be available soon.

We have been informed by the Total Football Academy that there will be a slight increase in the costs of this program moving forward. If you are interested in participating in this program, please watch for the registration information in the newsletter and your email inbox.

FUN Swimming Carnival K-2

And just like that, another fantastic FUN Swimming Carnival is done. This year was one of the best. There was so much good, FUN, and right about the day, it is hard to put it into words.

The weather played ball like it almost always does, starting off a bit sketchy, cloudy, and overcast, but this burnt off to a beautiful Sunshining day with just the right amount of cool breeze and hot sun.

The atmosphere was full of energy, and the buzz around the grounds was electric as our little students got to experience the big pool and swim carnival for the first time.

The day ran so smoothly it was over in a heartbeat; this was solely and wholly due to our amazing teaching staff at the Junior Campus. They are organised, structured, caring, empathetic, and most of all, FUN. To the teachers, you are all amazing; thank you so much for all you did and all you do for our students at events like these.

To our grounds staff, thank you for the setup and pack down of the day. You are always first to arrive and last to leave, and you do an outstanding job; well done.

As Mr Godden said, on the day we had over 50 parent volunteers, these were only the ones on the parent roster. I could count another 20 at least that turned up on the day to lend a hand. From the parents who jumped in the BIG pool, to the BBQ helpers, to the class helpers, thank you so much for taking the time to assist our youngest to enjoy the day and gain real confidence within the pool environment.

To our sponsor for the day, Jo from Jocroft@Mortgagechoice. Jo supplied the BBQ lunch for all our students and helpers and the drinks for staff and helpers.

Jo is a wonderful supporter of all our Junior School events. We thank you for your generous and continued support of our school. If you need anything finance, give her a call; she is amazing.

Well done to all our students for giving everything a go and having FUN; I can’t wait to do it all again next year.

Casuarina Cup Rugby

Our year 3 and 4 rugby teams travelled to Casuarina on Wednesday this week to compete in the Casuarina Cup 7-a-side Rugby Union Tournament. It was a cracking day for 7’s Rugby, just hot enough but not too hot. The boys have been training hard all year, competing in three other gala days, and this was the final one for the year. They have all been training hard, and it showed with such great team play and skills that they have been learning and practicing put on show on the day. We have had great numbers involved in the Rugby program this year and were lucky enough to take two teams on the day. Team Blue started the campaign strongly with two solid wins. However, they met some pretty stiff opposition late in the day and walked away with two wins and two losses. Team Gold was just as strong early but went down in their first game. They overcame this to win their second, then put in valiant efforts in the last two; however, they were narrowly beaten.

Watching the boys grow and develop during the year has been an absolute pleasure. They have been fantastic team mates and put in every game. Thank you to all the boys involved; I hope to see you continue your Rugby journey in the years to come.


Mr Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

As we approach the end of another busy week at our Senior School, I am delighted to share with you some of the achievements and events that have recently taken place.

Year 11 Students Complete the RRISK Program

This week marked a milestone for our Year 11 students, who successfully completed the RRISK (Reduce Risk Increase Student Knowledge) program. This initiative, pivotal in our curriculum, aims to empower our students with essential life skills, focusing on responsible decision-making and risk management. The program is a crucial step in preparing them for the challenges and responsibilities of adult life. The value of the RRISK program cannot be overstated, as it equips our young adults with the knowledge and confidence to navigate complex situations they may encounter.

Year 10 Service Learning Program

Our Year 10 students have just concluded the last rotation of their Service Learning program. It has been a heartening journey to see them engage so actively with our local community. Their involvement with initiatives like Fred's Place, Team Lemonade, and our own Junior School has fostered a sense of community spirit and helped them develop empathy and understanding towards diverse societal needs. The connections they have built are invaluable.

Year 10 Work Experience and Dinner Dance

With the Service Learning program wrapped up, our Year 10 students are now setting their sights on the upcoming Work Experience and their Dinner Dance, both scheduled for Week 8. These events are eagerly anticipated, offering our students practical insights into the working world and a well-deserved celebration of their achievements and growth over the year.

Year 12 Formal: A Night to Remember

Last Friday night, our Year 12 students and their parents attended the Royal Pines Resort for their Formal. It was a night filled with elegance, joy, and beautiful memories. The students looked stunning, and the atmosphere was electric with excitement and celebration. The pictures from the evening are testimony to this beautiful affair, capturing moments that our students and their families will cherish for years to come. These photos will be shared via gallery to Year 12 student and parents as soon as they are available.

The Rite Journey Homecoming Ceremony for Year 9 Students

Next week holds a very special event for our Year 9 students – the Homecoming Ceremony, marking the culmination of The Rite Journey. This significant ceremony is a celebration of their growth and learning throughout the program, symbolising their transition and readiness for the next phase of their educational journey. We cordially invite parents and guardians to join us in this special event, which will take place on Wednesday evening at 6pm. Your presence will undoubtedly add to the significance of this occasion. Please remember to send your RSVP via the link provided earlier this week. We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to this momentous event.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

After extensive work behind the scenes in trying to fix our Integrated Sports Nomination process, and remove some of the anxiety and stress for families and students - Lindisfarne is integrating some very user friendly software in this space. The proof is in the pudding, but this new interface should be a welcome addition to our sports department and our internal systems. Moreover, parents will find this experience a significant improvement over our current nomination platform, which we know has been a source of parent frustration. We look forward to sharing more information on this platform in the new year, ready for Term 1.

Anglican Schools Country Week.

There have been a lot of students. competing at this event in Coffs Harbour. With competition continuing well into Friday, the full results will be reported in next week's newsletter.

Muster Days - Basketball and Netball

Thank you to our parents and our basketballers following the completion of the secondary basketball muster day on Thursday. With a handful of new Lindisfarne students, around 10 secondary teams went about their business. From an organisation standpoint, this comes as a significant step forward for everyone involved: coaches, parents, players and the sports department.

Thanks to everybody for getting involved and supporting this concept.

Apologies for the rerouting of the muster days to Carrara from Tallebudgera. We were alerted at the last minute - after having successfully booked Tallebudgera for sport all year, and it was largely out of our hands. Carrara is a significantly better venue for the muster days, but we prefer trying to avoid the extra time spent in the bus. For 2023, Muster Days are at Carrara, we will turn it into a win.


We were represented by our U12 Lindisfarne girls at the Australasian Champion of Champions Futsal tournament across Brisbane last weekend. This is the first time our school has progress that far in the feeder tournaments: Gold Coast regionals, State in Brisbane - then to the National Finals.

Our girls made us proud! The playing roster had a shake-up before even taking the field, with Charlize Hedger agreeing at the last minute to take over keeping duties, and Iona Risk out with a broken leg.

Young gun Charlie Wiegand was also a semi-late call-up, who is a 12-year-old Year 7 student.

Farah Melville was her brilliant stoic self with her contributions with both defence and attack during the tournament. The engine room around her consisted of Aili Bannerman, Isabelle Daniel, Georgia Brunke, Lyla Mitchell - who all tirelessly pushed every opposition team to the hilt.

The girls finished in 3rd place! Very noble and commendable effort, congratulations girls. Thanks also to the parents for their heavy lifting throughout the weekend - which was devoted to driving the girls around Brisbane.

Kingscliff Triathlon - November 26

A reminder that the Kingscliff Triathlon is on Sunday, November 26. Click below to enter the event in which you would like to compete. Please email Mrs Foyster if you have entered.

Kids Triathlon

  • 7-9 yrs - 100m swim, 3km cycle, 0.5km run
  • 10-12 yrs - 200m swim, 6km cycle, 1km run

Tempta Triathlon

  • 13+: Pinky - 200m swim, 6km cycle, 1km run
  • Tempta - 300m swim, 10km cycle, 2.5km run

Sprint Distance

  • 14+: 750m swim, 20km cycle, 5km run

Triathlon training times are Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7.15 am. Contact Mrs Foyster - at tfoyster@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au for more information.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport

Gym Equipment - Silent Auction

We are making room for updated equipment in the new Performance Center and have some gym equipment up for auction. You can see each item and place your bid in this link - here for as many items as you like.

There is a reserve of $100 on each item; the first recorded highest bidder for each item will be the proud owner. The equipment is on display in the gym.

Bidding will close at 8.00 am on 6th November 2023, and pick up will need to occur on 7th-9th November 2023.

gym 2

Rugby Report


We are excited to extend an invitation to businesses, organisations, alumni, parents, and all rugby enthusiasts to become a crucial part of the Lindisfarne Rugby Union Program in 2024 as sponsors. 

We had a number of great achievements in 2023, including our U15 and 1st XV teams securing victory in the Ballymore Cup Division 2, and we want to thank our sponsors for this year, whose generous support was instrumental in our success and helped us establish a high-quality rugby union program.

As we look ahead to the 2024 season, we want to build on these achievements and instill essential values like discipline, respect, and teamwork in our students through rugby union. To do this, our commitment for 2024 is to ensure that rugby union remains accessible for every student, regardless of their financial circumstances. From sponsorship, we aim to keep registration fees and equipment costs at a minimum, which means more students can participate in this fantastic sport. Sponsorship will also let us retain and invest in top-tier coaches like former All Black Rico Gear and current Jillaroo Jessika Elliston, whom we were lucky enough to have in 2023, as well as help us improve our infrastructure in the program to become a force in schoolboy and schoolgirl rugby union.

Please review the 2024 Sponsor Packages HERE for more information on sponsorship. If you would like to discuss these packages or other sponsorship opportunities, please contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au).


More Information

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

DiscoverEd Market Day

When: Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Where: Mahers Lane Campus

Open to Parents and Community from 12:00 pm

Open to all students: During Lunch from 12.45 pm - 1.25 pm

Location: Market stalls outside M Block and Food Precinct on grass outside Science Labs

On this day, the Middle School Elective DiscoverEd students will be operating market stalls to raise money for charity.

Come along and indulge in some great food offerings, including cookies, chocolate brownies, snow cones, fairy floss, bubble tea, and a sausage sizzle.

A range of products will also be available, including candles, bracelets, phone charms and cases, lanyards, clay products, handmade beauty products, croc charms, and stress balls.

EFTPOS is available, and electronic payments are encouraged.

Student-led business ideas to raise money for a great cause.


Lions Youth Of The Year

The local Lions Clubs are seeking nominees for the 2023-2024 Lions Youth of the Year competition, which is now open. The Lions Youth of the Year contest is aimed at all young people who seek to improve their skills before entering the workforce or other endeavours. Gain experience in:

  • Leadership

  • Personal Improvement

  • Sportsmanship

  • Citizenship

  • Community Involvement, and

  • Public Speaking

Entry Eligibility

The Quest is open to high school students who are over the age of 15 and under 19 years of age on 30 June 2024. Lindisfarne is encouraging eligible students currently in Year 10 and those just commencing Year 12 to consider entering this competition.

Competition Requirements

There are a number of steps involved for students who decide to enter this worthwhile competition:

  1. Application Form. A completed application form must be submitted to Mrs Treacy.

  2. Panel Interview. Each contestant will have to attend a panel interview discussing the material noted in the application form. Additionally, they will have to answer four general knowledge questions. This usually lasts about 30-40 minutes.

  3. Public Speaking. On a separate occasion from the panel interview, applicants must complete the challenge's public speaking component before an audience of Lions members, family, and adjudicators. This often occurs at a Lions Club dinner. There are two parts to this section:

  4. Prepared Speech. Applicants prepare a speech on a topic of their own choice that lasts for five minutes.

  5. Impromptu Speeches. Each applicant must also complete two spontaneous speeches lasting no longer than two minutes each.

Competition Levels

There are a number of levels to this competition, the first being the Club heats, which are usually held early in February. The winner of this heat is expected to proceed to the next level of the competition.


Besides providing an opportunity to enhance communication skills in both the interview and public speaking forums, there are some other rewards for entering this competition.

Next Step

Email Mrs Treacy before 27 November at julia.treacy@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au, if you would like to find out more about this competition or simply nominate yourself. Coaching sessions and further instructions will be provided.

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking






Maths Minute

Maths and Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge

Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote Computer Science among school students of all ages. The Bebras challenge is open twice a year to Australian Students in Years 3-12 and engages students' computational thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun, interactive environment. This semester, some Year 7 maths students had a go at completing the competition and received certificates this week.

A notable mention went to Ajay Arun, Chayse Kleinhans, Charlie Buchan, Niamh Glasson, William Sheehan, Xavier Galle, Harlem Selvey, Finn Robinson, Ella Dombroski, Frankie Bond, Aziah Phoenix-Coy, Curtis Moore who achieved a Distinction Award.

If you are interested in participating next year, ask Mrs McCann for more details or contact your Maths Teacher.

More information can be found in the link below.


Maths Minute

Ms Caitriona McCann


Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Science Splash

The Australian Science Olympiad exams allow students to showcase their scientific knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Stretching yourself in this way can be a rewarding experience. A shout-out goes to Lucas Nixon-Hind, who achieved a Credit in the senior Earth and Environmental Exam. To be successful in these exams can require rigorous preparation, discipline, and time management. Well done, Lucas; we are proud of you for representing Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School's prestigious award. If you want to get involved next year, the Science department is happy to support you. Ask Mrs McCann or your Science Teacher for more information.

Ms Caitriona McCann

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Last Homework Club Of 2023!

Join Us on November 22nd, Week 7!

Hey Students! As 2023 is ending, we're having our final Homework Club on November 22nd.

We've worked hard and learned a lot together this year. Let's make this last meeting the best one yet!

Looking Forward to 2024: After this meeting, we'll see each other again next year with more exciting club activities. So, get ready for more fun and learning in 2024!

Thank you, everyone, for making Homework Club great through your hard work and teamwork!

Be sure to come to our last meeting of the year. Bring your homework, questions, and enthusiasm. Let's end the year with a bang and prepare for a fabulous 2024.

See you all on November 22nd!

The Learning Enrichment Team

Round Square

Round Square Conference Opportunity 2024 - Expression Of Interest

I am thrilled to extend an invitation to students who will be in Year 10, 2024, to participate in the Round Square Conference 2024, hosted by Landheim Ammersee School in Germany. The main conference will take place from April 12th to 16th, the theme being Democracy, and the pre-conference will begin on 9 April with a focus on Adventure.

Given Germany's historical context and the invaluable lessons learned, the main conference aims to explore the principles, challenges, and significance of democracy in today's world. Our agenda includes a visit to the Dachau concentration camp to reflect on the dark side of Germany's history, emphasizing the importance of democratic values in preventing atrocities like the Holocaust.

Throughout the conference, participants will engage in Baraza groups and sessions with keynote speakers to foster discussions on the critical role democratic values play in society. To balance the educational aspects, an Adventure Day in the Alps and Service activities in Munich have been planned to provide a holistic experience.

Accommodation for students will be a mix of homestay and boarding arrangements, ensuring a culturally enriching experience.

This conference will provide students with a unique and transformative experience, fostering a deeper understanding of democracy and its significance in shaping a just and inclusive society.

Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in a pre-conference experience starting on April 9. This interactive program includes visits to BMW World, the Munich Olympic Park and ziplining, a hiking tour and Alpine roller coaster, visiting Neuschwanstein Castle, activities at the Bavarian Heritage Centre, and a tour of the renowned Allianz Arena, home to FC Bayern Munich.

Details: The conference is open to students of Year 10, 2024

Depart Brisbane International Airport on the evening of 7 April, 2024

Return to Brisbane International Airport on the morning of 19 April 2024

Cost - $5500

  • Successful applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 by 9 December 2023.

  • Two more payments of $2500 will be required, with dates to be confirmed.

The above price includes:

● All flights and relevant other transport

● All meals throughout the conference

● All accommodation throughout the conference

● All visits and activities throughout the conference

Applications: Delegate places are strictly limited - there are only 6. If you would like to apply, please complete the application form here and return it to Mr Lush ASAP, but no later than Monday, 27 November.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Mr Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator



Sustainability Tips


Sustainability Tips


Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
