2023 Term 4 Week 2 20 Oct 2023

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we culminate our inaugural Wellbeing Festival this week, I would to thank the students, staff and parents for their involvement in shining a spotlight on the importance of wellbeing for ourselves, and others.

This event underscored our commitment to the holistic growth of every child, providing opportunities for us to gather as a community. We started the week with Spiritual Gym led by The Reverend Lyndon Mulholland, who shared a message of peace for us all. Inner peace for each of us and a message of peace for the wider world.

Staff enjoyed time together at Ubuntu Breakfast, held across both campuses. The core philosophy of 'Ubuntu'—captured in the phrase "I am because we are"—mirrors Lindisfarne's core values. This breakfast was an introspective journey where we explored the essence of belonging and connection.

Our 2024 Year 12 students spent time with Dr Michael Carr-Gregg as they prepared for the ‘Senior Years’. Dr Carr-Gregg then generously shared with our parent community his invaluable insights on nurturing resilience in children through meaningful connections. His session underscored the importance of supporting our children's emotional and social growth, reinforcing our commitment to holistic child development.

The Junior School was very colorful this afternoon as our students participated in, what I am sure was the highlight of the Wellbeing Festival for them, the color run. I enjoyed the opportunity to share this time with our younger students. The event was a great example of a strong sense of community as parents, grandparents and friends attended in good numbers to see this fun spectacle.

Business Network Breakfast:

This is a reminder that our 6th Business Breakfast is around the corner, scheduled for Wednesday, 25 October, at Club Tweed. The visionary Adrian Tobin, Founder of Kinlab, will be gracing the event, promising insightful discussions on sports innovation. Make sure to book your spot using this link.

Inaugural Staff vs. Student T20 Cricket Match:

In what is sure to be a popular addition to our annual calendar, the inaugural Staff vs Students T20 match was played earlier in the week. In what can only be described as a nail-biting finish, the Lindisfarne Staff team clinched victory with just one ball remaining! With students taking the lead early on and Kai Croft retiring at a commendable score of 30, the odds were in their favour. However, incredible catches by our staff, including Nathan Gilliland, Matt Bedford, Robbie Barone, and Anthony Kershler, kept the game alive and thrilling. Young gun for the staff Jasper Schoenmaker, along with a few others, showcased remarkable skills, pushing the staff towards victory. Kane Bradford, the hero of the last moments, sealed the win for our jubilant staff. This match has not only showcased the sporting spirit of Lindisfarne but has also begun a new tradition. A special mention to Tony Wright for crafting a splendid trophy on such short notice!

Lastly, I eagerly anticipate tonight's Parents and Friends Cinema Night, where we'll come together to enjoy the heartwarming movie ‘UP.’ This evening promises to be a delightful culmination of our festival as we embrace the joys of togetherness, connection, and community. I hope to see many of you there, basking in the glow of shared celebration and belonging, tickets can be purchased from the marquees this evening on the Mahers Lane bottom oval. Doors open at 6.30pm before the movie starts at sunset.

As we move forward into the final weeks of Term 4, let us continue to cherish and build upon these shared experiences for our community. Remember, I am because we are – 'Ubuntu.'

Warm Regards,

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Making the Most of Each Day
As we progress through Term 4 and all the exciting, rigorous and fun activities of learning and holistic development of our students, let us not forget to make the most of everyday and enjoy all the blessings that God gives us each day. As Steven Charleston said, “If time is my measure, then let me fill it to the brim, pouring out my best, sharing my heart, loving all I can, giving all I have. Let no day be wasted, no chance taken for granted, no moment passed by unseen for the blessing it reveals.”

Wellbeing Week
Thank you for your support of our Wellbeing Week activities, particularly for equipping our young people with the necessary resources to be well and stay well. We know that wellbeing and academic success are intrinsically linked, and that’s why we prioritise the holistic development of our students. Let us continue to embed these wellbeing practices into all our school’s processes, procedures and curriculum.

It was very heartwarming to read about the visit of our Year 2 students to one of the local Aged Care facilities. Our students traced the hands of the residents and decorated them and then did the same with their own and made a framed artwork. This was presented to the residents at the end of the session. It is hanging on the wall now in their dining hall.

Al Ahli Hospital Emergency Appeal
Al Ahli is a hospital in Gaza run by the Anglican Church that was hit by rockets during the week and needs our urgent help. Please click here to donate of you can assist:

Al Ahli Hospital Emergency Appeal

Prayer for Peace in the Middle East
During this time of unspeakable sorrow, anguish, fear, and uncertainty for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, let us lift up our fervent prayers to God and ask for his mercy and justice as well as for peace and love in our troubled world:

("For God is a God of peace and not a God of disorder." 1 Corinthians 14:33)

Heavenly Father, we pray for the many people whose lives have been torn apart by conflict in Gaza and Israel.

We pray especially those who have died, those who are grieving, the injured and those now without food, shelter or medical supplies.

We pray for the immediate release of hostages.

Strengthen and support the work of all relief organisations.

We pray also for those who have the power to bring peace. May they be touched by a spirit of compassion, fraternity, reconciliation and kindness.

Lord hear us as we pray in the power of your Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


I wish you a restful and relaxing weekend.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

2025 Term Dates

We are pleased to release the 2025 Term Dates to our community.

To download a copy for printing please click on this link.

Term Dates 2025

ConnectEd Update - Device Rollover 2023/2024

We are pleased to announce that at the conclusion of 2023, we will retire our current fleet of Apple MacBooks and iPads, refreshing them, in the main, with brand new Macbook Air M2 and iPad 10th Generation devices.

We can now announce that as part of this rollover, we have partnered with JB HiFi. While this partnership centres around the provision of tech to staff and students, we are pleased to be working with JB HiFi to provide a number of additional benefits to our community. Some of these provisions include:

  • JB Hi-Fi joining as a Platinum Sponsor of the Lindisfarne Business Network;

  • Support for key school events including the upcoming CompSci Summit (PD for Teachers), sponsorship and prizes for the FunFest next year and many more events;

  • Sponsorship of our Fuse Cup program, providing games, equipment and training for students;

  • Employment and work placement pathways directly through local stores;

  • Provision of professional development for staff around use of Apple Tech; and

  • Community access to the JB Hi-Fi Corporate Benefits program.

We are excited to share that the Corporate Benefits Program is now available for our community to use. This portal is accessible via your Lindisfarne sign in credentials. Parents use their SEQTA Engage (Parent Lounge) sign-in details and students use their school sign-in details. The portal can be accessed here - https://links.lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au/jbhifi/

This portal provides our community with access to significant savings on purchases from JB HiFi. Please note that this site is not linked with the retail arm of the business, so it’s always worth checking prices through the portal and retail arm (and everywhere else) to ensure you’re getting the best deal. However, we are confident that this will provide great opportunities for our community. Graduating Year 12 students may like to consider this service as they hand back their school-issued devices and consider their needs post-school.

As you’ll appreciate, transitioning students and staff to new Apple devices will be a considerable operational step for our community. To facilitate this, a clear schedule is shared here for you to begin preparations; you’ll now know when to start saying your last goodbyes to your old devices and when to get ready to welcome your new tech.

Return Old Devices

New Device Collection

Junior School Students (K-4)

Friday 1st December (left in classrooms)

Available in Classrooms for First Lessons 2024

Year 5 and 6 (2023) Students

Friday 1st December (left in classrooms)

Available in Classrooms for First Lessons 2024

(new Year 7 2024 will collect Monday 15th January 2024 to Friday 19th January 2024)

Year 7 to 10 (2023) Students

Yr10 - Friday, 24 November (Library)

Yr9 - Wednesday, 29 November (Library)

Yr8 - Thursday, 30 November (Library)

Yr7 - Friday, 1 December (Library)

Monday, 15 January 2024 to Friday, 19 January 2024 with the exception of Accelerant students

Year 12 2024

and all Accelerant Students

Monday, 27 November (Library)

Monday, 27 November

Year 12 2023 Students

Friday, 3 November to Wednesday,
6 December (Senior Speech Day)
return to Library

If seeking support to migrate data to new devices:

Monday, 6 November to Friday, 17 November


This schedule allows for the timely exchange of all devices. Where possible, we will schedule times within the school day for return and exchange on the dates above, but all current student devices must be returned to the school by Wednesday, 6 December 2023 (Final Day of School for 2023). This is also an opportune time to remind families that there is no opportunity to purchase retired devices.

More details will be shared in the coming weeks, including advice about how to prepare your data and preferences for the handback/transition. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either of us directly.

Kane Bradford
Head - Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships

Anthony Gerke
Manager - Information Services

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Friends of the Arts

Friends of the Arts (FOTA) is a sub-committee of the P&F, formed in 2018 for parents and friends interested in supporting the Arts at Lindisfarne. We assist with promotion, fundraising, catering and hands-on help for Arts functions throughout the year.

FOTA has actively supported many events, including the Soul and Blues Festival, an Evening of Jazz with Monica Trapaga, the Katie Noonan concert, the Big Chill student performances, the Lindisfarne Drama Festival, We Will Rock You and The Lion King Kids musicals, the Darren Percival concert, the preschool–year 12 Visual Art and Design Showcase and the January music workshops.

All parents and friends who are interested in supporting the Arts at Lindisfarne are invited to join us at our next meeting on Tuesday 24, October at the Mahers Lane school library at 6:30 pm (NSW).

Melissa McGrath
FOTA President

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events

Business Breakfast - Weds, 25 October Club Tweed

Our next Business Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, 25 October at Club Tweed. We are very excited to welcome our speaker Mr Adrian Tobin.

A research and strategic design expert, Adrian has dedicated his career to understanding people and designing experiences that have a positive impact in the world. After 15 years tackling complex social issues for government and not-for-profit organisations, he launched Kinlab in 2017.

Adrian and his team work with leading sport and lifestyle brands to deeply understand the people they serve and design experiences with impact. Adrian has researched and designed for global sport brands including the NFL, Nike, Formula 1, AFL, Cricket Australia and World Surf League.



Whole School News

Teaching and Learning Connections

This week, a delegation from Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar visited Brisbane Boys’ College (BBC). BBC recently reached out to the school to facilitate the connection. The visiting delegates included Mrs Cornell, Mr Bradford, Mrs Wharton and Mr Hardy. They were warmly welcomed by their counterparts at BBC: Mr Riordan, the Head of Professional Practice and Partnerships, Mr Murphy the Head of Senior School and Mr Kotzas the Head of Performance Music. In addition, meetings were held with Mr Stanley the Head of Pipe-band, Mr Forbes the Head of English, and Ms Loyden the Head of Senior Curriculum.

The visit was focused on professional sharing, innovative educational practices, and set the groundwork for a meaningful partnership between the two esteemed institutions into the future. It presented a golden opportunity for both schools to share insights into their respective curricula, teaching methodologies, and co-curricular programs. The rich exchange of ideas is envisioned to enhance the learning experiences of students and foster a culture of continuous professional development among educators in both schools.

The interaction between the delegates showcased the commitment of both Lindisfarne and BBC towards nurturing a community of lifelong learners. It also underscored the value of collaborative engagements in advancing educational standards and creating enriching learning environments. The promising dialogue during the visit has set a positive tone for future collaborations and mutual growth. Lindisfarne looks forward to hosting BBC at Mahers Lane in the coming weeks.

Kane Bradford
Head - Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships

ParentEd - Nathan Wallis

Nathan Wallis, New Zealand's renowned neuroscience educator is coming to Terranora, NSW for one night only!

Nathan will be doing a presentation in Ngahriyah that is also offered to the wider community. In this presentation, Nathan provides an informative narrative on how our day-to-day interactions with children and young people, significantly the early years, plays a critical role in defining later outcomes for our children. In this talk, Nathan will guide you through the stages of brain development from the first 1000 days and into adulthood. He will reveal little tricks that will hopefully make parenting easier, and help you open up communication with your child. You will walk away with a much better understanding of how both your child's brain and your own brain works.

Captivating audiences over 200 times per year to sell out events, Nathan has a profound reputation as a lively and engaging speaker. He uses humour and plain language to make this complex topic burst into life.

Nathan Wallis is an internationally renown speaker and we know these tickets will sell fast. It is imperative to us that our school community has the opportunity to buy a ticket. Early Bird Tickets available. Get in quick as tickets will sell!

Please use the link below to purchase your tickets.

Tickets are available at www.eventfinda.com.au

Lindisfarne Homestay Families

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

From the Dean of Studies

Curriculum update

The Class of 2023 are now in Week 2 of their HSC written examinations. I would like to thank them for their conduct during the examinations and wish them all the best for the rest of their examinations.
Year 12 2024 have now commenced their HSC studies. As students start to plan their studies they need to review the Assessment Policy and Dates which can be found here.
It is essential that students and families take time to review the assessment rules and regulations as breaches of assessment rules are reportable to NESA.
Year 7 -10 will have inclass tests or examinations as part of their Term 4 assessments.The dates for these tasks can be viewed here. Notifications of all Term 4 tasks which will include what is being assessed will be published on SEQTA - Engage and Learn and subject Google Classrooms.

Caroline Jefferies
Dean of Studies

Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

I am thrilled to report the overwhelming success of the inaugural Wellbeing Week at the Junior School! This past week was a vibrant tapestry of activities, smiles, and learning that brought our students, teachers, and families closer together in the spirit of wellbeing.

Throughout the week, our students enjoyed a variety of activities designed to nurture their mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Here's an overview of the fantastic activities that took place:

A selfie booth captured some amazing connections and special moments between friends and teachers throughout the week. You’ll see some of the great photos from the booth (and the host of activities) below.

The week included a thrilling Kindy vs. Principal Tug-O-War, where strength and determination took the spotlight. The kindy students showed us all what they can do when they work together, soundly beating me and Mr Croft. Congratulations to the Kindy classes on your triumphant victory; I’m off the gym in preparation for future rematch!

It was beautiful to see our Year 2 students out in the community sharing wellbeing and raising the spirits of the residents at our local aged-care facilities. We are hoping that this will be the beginning of an enduring relationship bringing the benefits of intergenerational connection to our students and the residents alike.

Throughout the week, the Big Games added an element of teamwork and healthy competition, fostering collaboration and camaraderie and some great lessons about communication and teamwork.

In addition to these daily activities, our students had the opportunity to engage in Japanese braiding, master the art of chalk mandalas, cook up a storm in the kitchen, and become artists by painting rocks, colouring, and crafting their own rag dolls. Year 4 students took on a unique role as they conducted interviews with their peers and teachers, gaining valuable insights into the world of journalism. The cacophony of laughter and colour at the Colour Run was a great way to finish off a brilliant week! It was great to see Mr Marquardt getting involved and enjoying the awesome sense of ubuntu across the junior school!

I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the teachers for their unwavering commitment and dedication, with special recognition for Julie Henry, whose outstanding leadership in planning and organising this enriching week made it all possible.

Let's remember that wellbeing is not limited to a single week but is a year-round commitment. We have an incredible support system, well-established processes, and dedicated individuals in place to support and enhance the individual and collective wellbeing of Lindisfarne students and our entire community.

This inaugural Wellbeing Week was just the beginning of our journey to promote wellness, unity, and learning. We look forward to many more joyful and inspiring Wellbeing Weeks in the future. Thank you for your enthusiasm, participation, and support in making this week so memorable.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School

From the Junior Sports Desk

Key Dates for Term 4

Total Football Academy - Monday Afterschool - Monday 23, October through until Monday 4, December.
Casuarina Cup Rugby Union - Wednesday 15, November (week 6)
FUN Swimming Carnival - K-2 Thursday 16, November (week 6)
PLEASE NOTE - Amended date from last Term’s Newsletter.
Big Bash Cricket Gala Day - Friday 1, December (week 8)

Total Football Academy - After School Program
The Total Football Academy will be running again in Term 4. If you are interested in participating in this program please register via the Parent Lounge. There are a limited number of places available, so please be quick to secure your place in the program. Information on the term 4 program can be found here

Rugby Union Gala Day - Byron Bay 7’s
It was an absolutely perfect day for a 7 a side tournament in the picturesque Byron Bay. The sun was out it was a warm spring day and the boys were amped after being on holidays for two weeks,

The day was really well run by NSW Rugby union and the focus was on FUN and participation so no scores were kept from the games. It was simply play have FUN and then play again.

Sunshine Avenue had two teams of 10 boys mixed with year 3 and year 4 students. Both teams got to play 4 games and were excellent in their attack brining plenty of individual and team flair. They were also dogged in their defense with some big hits and text book tackles.

Both teams scored plenty of tries and enjoyed the day. The students should be proud of the way they conducted themselves, they were outstanding ambassadors for our school both on and off the field.

A big thank you to Sarah Gatt and Matt Keating for their assistance managing and coaching, and well done to the boys for a great day!

Mr Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Year 6 End of Year Celebration

Lindisfarne Year 6 students are invited to celebrate the end of the year at the Year 6 Dinner on Thursday, 30 November from 5.30pm. This parent-organised event will support the planned school activities as our Year 6 students reach an important milestone in their schooling. Thank you to parent organisers Jane Daniel and Emma Cooke for their work in coordinating this event. Please see the flyer below for more details.


Year 6 Celebration

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

I am delighted to report on the events of the past week, which have been both exciting and enriching for our school community.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the inaugural Lindisfarne Wellbeing Festival. The success of this event underscores the importance of being mindful of our wellbeing practices in our daily lives. Whist it is essential to incorporate these practices routinely, it was particularly rewarding to dedicate an entire week to being deliberate and mindful of our wellbeing and connectedness.

A standout moment from the festival was last night's ParentEd presentation by the renowned Australian Adolescent Psychologist, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. His insights and expertise were invaluable, and we eagerly look forward to continuing our relationship with him in 2024.

On the artistic front, last weekend's musical theatre workshop for those planning to audition for the 2024 musical, 'Mamma Mia', saw an impressive turnout. It warms my heart to witness the enthusiasm and passion of so many young individuals eager to participate in what promises to be a spectacular production. With auditions commencing next week, we are excited to discover the diverse talents within our student body.

Looking ahead, Week 3 promises to be another eventful and fulfilling week. Our thoughts are with the Year 12 students as they navigate their HSC examinations. Their dedication and hard work have been commendable, and we are confident in their abilities to excel. As their exams draw to a close, the anticipation builds for the upcoming Year 12 Eucharist and Year 12 Formal. Both events are significant milestones in our school calendar, and we eagerly await the opportunity to celebrate with our students.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and enthusiastic students. Your collective efforts make our school a vibrant and nurturing environment for all.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Expressions of Interest - Papua New Guinea, Kokoda Track Expedition

Expressions of interest are sought for the PNG, Kokoda Track expedition scheduled for 29 September - 9 October 2024. This tour is open to all students who will be in Years 9 to 11 in 2024. Further information has been emailed to parents or alternatively please log into Parent Lounge and read the expressions of interest letter.

Kelly Bedford and Julie McDowell
Tour Coordinators

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

Touch Football
Queensland All Schools - Secondary
The behemoth of all school-based Touch Football tournaments ran in the last week of the holidays. A heavily pregnant Head Coach - Danni Norman was doing her last coaching contribution before clocking off for a year's maternity leave.

Our students have improved SO much in a few short years of the Touch program kicking off at Lindisfarne. Our aim is to break through in the finals, with our U13 girls very close to releasing this goal for Lindisfarne - coming 3rd in their pool via countback (top 2 through).

Here are the results from pool games:
Open Girls - 8th
U15 Boys - 4th
U15 Girls - 5th
U13 Boys - 7th
U13 Girls - 3rd

The whole squad is becoming much more competitive and well drilled - both in defensive and offensive. There is a fair amount of improvement in ruck speed, set play selection and a few other areas that will hopefully see us into the finals in the next few seasons.

National Youth Championships
A few of our Lindisfarne students played in the CIS team at the National Youth Championships on the Sunshine Coast in the holidays. They finished excruciatingly close to gaining a semi-finals berth and had to settle for a play-off for 5th or 6th - winning 5th place, which is the best ever result for CIS in the girls division.

Congratulations to Anika Smith, Grace Denny and Kiara Denny for their contributions in this team.

At the same competition, Declan Brown was also playing link for CIS, who lost by one try in the semi-finals. Congratulations Declan, you went super close to playing in the Grand Final by the sounds of things.

Well done to the four of you, and a special thanks to Anika, Grace and Declan for their contributions to the Touch Football program over the years, they are completing their HSC exams and have played their last games for us.

King Primary Cup
The Primary Touch Football itinerary is in full swing - with NCIS next week, then the massive QLD All Schools Primary Touch tournament the weekend after.
This week we had our girls and boys taking on some slick opposition from the Gold Coast/Brisbane region at the Kings Primary Cup.
Our girls won 2 and lost 2 - with all their games very tight. Our girls are getting very close to mixing it with the more accomplished teams.
Our boys won 1 and lost 3 - who drew the eventual tournament champions in their pool.
Big thanks to Danni Norman (Davis) for all her work with the Touch Football program - and we look forward to hearing some news on the baby front in the next few weeks.

Good luck to our young gun athletes attending the NSWPSSA next week.
Jack Kane is gunning for the blue ribbon sprint events - the 100m and 200m. He is also going to be in medal contention for both jumping events.
Will Middleton is striding out in the 1500m, after he and two others finished their CIS race 100m from the rest of the pack.
Ayva Immish received a late call up, being 1st reserve for the 800m (finished 4th at CIS) - good luck to her as well!

NSW All Schools Athletics
The NSW All Schools Athletics Championships were held on two different weekends in the school holiday with the Senior Championships run from 23-25th September and Junior Championships 6-8th October. We had a number of Lindisfarne students competing at this event and there were some great performances and effort displayed by our students. The full list of results are below. Congratulations go to Lyla Williams and Elijah Lobascher who have both qualified to compete for NSW in the Australian All Schools Championships in Perth on 8-10th December by finishing in the top two in their respective events.

Senior Championships (16-19 years)
Lyla Williams 

  • Girls 5000m race walk (16 Years) 2nd 26:49

    • Australian All Schools Qualifier

Riverie Youl

  • Boys 100m (16 Years) 30th 12.01

  • Boys 200m (16 Years) 25th 23.99

  • Boys Long Jump (16 Years) 10th 5.88m

  • Boys Discus (16 Years) 12th 19.34m

Junior Championship (12-15 years)
Coco Lennie

  • Girls 100m (13 Years) 24th 13.83

Elijah Lobascher

  • Boys 100m (14 Years) 16th 12.34

  • Boys 200m (14 Years) 34th 26.39

  • Boys Long Jump (14 Years) 2nd 5.96m
    • Australian All Schools Qualifier

  • Boys Triple Jump (14 Years) 8th 10.94m

  • Elijah had a good day in the Long jump pit at All Schools State athletics last weekend, jumping a new PB that earned him 2nd place, qualifying him for National All Schools in Perth in December.

Hugo Grainger

  • Boys 800m (14 Years) 26th 2:24.45

  • Boys 1500m (14 Years) 30th 4:55.61

Cullen Grainger

  • Boys 800m (15 Years) 14th 2:07.52

  • Boys 1500m (15 Years) 10th 4:22.58

Natasha Flahey

  • Girls Discus Throw (14 Years) 9th 26.06m

  • Girls Javelin Throw (14 Years) 15th 22.09m

Noah Hicks

  • Boys High Jump (13 Years) 7th 1.50m

  • Boys Long Jump (13 Years) 21st 3.98m

Ethan Hicks

  • Boys Long Jump (13 Years) 20th 4.19m

Ruby-Flower Annis-B

  • Girls High Jump (15 Years) 9th 1.50m

Oliver Watters

  • Boys Javelin Throw (14 Years) 7th 32.30m

The Sports Department has been working overtime on stripping back Lindisfarne Netball from 2023 - both for the School Representative teams and the LAGS Lions Netball Club. We are very bullish about the plan we have mapped out, and are excited to be launching this to the players - in an open meeting for any of our GIRL netballers next Friday 27, October. Come one, come all.
The ‘Pizza and Chat’ with ANY girl who wants to play for the school in tours/competitions and/or the Lindisfarne Lions Club next Friday, in the Chapel at lunchtime!

Spotlight on Jack Cross
Jack Cross was competing in the Ironman race event at the Coolangatta Gold Championships last weekend. He placed 4th in his race - with 40 competitors in his age group from all over the Country. A huge effort in a very tough race!

Spotlight on Sana Rice, Charli Wiegand and Farrah Melville
Sana Rice, Charli Wiegand and Farrah Melville were busy in the holidays, firstly with the Gold Coast Premier Invitational Soccer competition which ran over the first three days at Nerang. All girls’ teams finished in the top league against the best clubs in Brisbane and the GC.
Sana (U13) and her sister Taliah (U10) then went on to play in the AFA National Schools Futsal Competition in Brisbane which ran for another four days with both girls teams making the finals and Sana being voted an All-Star and was once again invited on their upcoming international tour next year.
Lastly, it was the F-League Futsal State Titles again in Brisbane where all three girls again competed over a further three days in the Under 13’s competition as well as Sana filling in for U15’s.
As fate would have it, Sana and Charli ended up opposing Farrah’s team in the Grand Final.
A big congratulations to Farrah’s team as they reigned supreme and were just too good on the day against Sana and Charli’s team.

Spotlight on Sian McGilligan and Eira-Grace McGilligan
Last weekend Sian and Eira-Grace McGilligan competed at the Australian Taekwondo National Championships in Perth representing the Queensland State Team.
Sian won a Bronze Medal in her Age and 3rd Dan Black Belt Division and Eira-Grace won a Silver Medal in her Age and 2nd Dan Black Belt Division. They also came sixth in the family pairs division.
An amazing outcome for all their dedication and training that they have both put in this year. Superb efforts girls!

Spotlight on Lexi McEvoy
Congratulations to our Lindisfarne Opens Team player Lexi McEvoy for being awarded the Athlete of the Year Senior Netball 2023 in the Gold Coast Academy of Sport netball program. Lexi lives the values of the program - to achieve, to excel, to inspire and to respect. Well done Lexi, this award caps off a successful year for you in netball and we are proud to be a part of your journey at Lindisfarne.

Mr Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities 

Rugby Union Report


QLD Rugby All Saints 7s Tournament
Our boys U13, U15 and U18 and girls U15 and U18 7s squads travelled to All Saints School on the Gold Coast last Tuesday and Wednesday for this QLD Rugby 7s tournament. This was a great tournament for our squads with a number of top 4 finishes.

Boys U13
The u13’s had a fantastic day out at the All Saints 7’s festival. We were at full strength and it showed on the field beating Somerset 6 tries to 1, St Andrews Lutheran College 5 tries to 1 and St Peter’s Indooroopilly 4 tries to 2 in our pool games. This saw us contest against King’s College in the Grand Final. They played some excellent structured rugby which frustrated us, finally winning 5 tries to 0. An excellent outing with Adam Price, Teo Martin, Max Esgate and Dillon McPhee all putting in outstanding performances throughout the day. The perfect build up to QLD All Schools next weekend.

Boys 1st 7 (U18)
Our boys’ 1st 7 had a number of our senior boys absent with HSC commitments but this was an opportunity for our younger U16 players to get more exposure to this level of 7s. We played three pool games in this tournament against Somerset College, St James Brisbane, and Emmanuel College. Unfortunately, we were only able to emerge victorious against St James with Somerset and Emmanuel proving too strong on the day for our boys. Following the pool, we went into the playoff for 5th and 6th and lost a tightly contested and physical game to Marymount College. Standout players were Flynn McCulloch, with some great passing and footwork, Max Mater, who had a number of strong runs and tackles, and Will Sullivan, who plays with a skill level that belies his size.

Girls U15
The under 15’s girls had a brilliant day at the All Saints 7’s festival. Coach Jessica Elliston was absent with Australian Jillaroos commitments so the girls were surprised by none other than former student and Australian Rugby 7’s player Lily Dick, who arrived to coach. The day got off to a good start with a hard fought win over Somerset 15-10. The second game was against Marymount who were a good mix of size, strength and speed. They caught the girls off guard and ran away with a few quick tries. Final score 25-5. The third game was a rematch with Somerset where the girls again got the upper hand to win 20-10. The final match of the day was a much tighter match against Marymount. The girls knew what to expect and kept them scoreless for quite a while. Final score 25-15. Stand out players on the day included Maddie Ollis, Sooke Paley and Tiggi Groves who were well supported by all the girls. This was the final tournament for the Under 15’s but they have gone from strength to strength and next year looks very exciting for them

Girls U18
The under 18’s girls had a big day of Rugby at the All Saints QLD Rugby 7’s festival. The team welcomed back Ruby Power and Jasmyne Wells from injury who both contributed greatly to the day. The girls started off with some very close losses to Emmanuel (5-10) and Toowoomba Anglican School (15-10)but showed their determination and resilience by not staying competitive and keeping their heads in the game. They learnt from a few silly errors and came back for a win against Somerset (17-10), the final game of the day was a tough loss to Marymount College (20-12). Some of the standout performances of the day were Kiara Denny, a new addition to the team who brought her touch football experience to the Rugby field, team captain Nicola Gee who always leads the girls with high energy and enthusiasm, Bonnie Starling with a few break away runs and the pair of Ruby Power and Sofia Keane for never backing down in defence. The day was a great learning experience looking ahead to All Schools Rugby 7’s which will be held over 2 days.

NSW Rugby Primary 7s Gala Day.
On Thursday last week, our U12 and U10 boys travelled down to Byron for the NSW Rugby Primary 7s Gala Day. Our U12 boys had two squads (blue and gold) in this gala day. This was a brilliant day and both teams played great rugby against a number of other local schools including Holy Family, St Josephs, Alstonville and St Mary’s Casino. The boys are to be commended on the excellent sportsmanship and exemplary behaviour demonstrated throughout the day.


Please see the upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 October

QLD All Schools 7s (U13, U15 & U18)

Thursday, 16 November

North Coast Anglican Schools 7s (U14 & U16)


Saturday-Sunday, 21-22 October

QLD All Schools 7s (U18)

Thursday, 16 November

North Coast Anglican Schools 7s (U16


QLD Rugby All Schools 7s
Our boys U13, U15 and U18 squads and girls U18 squad will be playing in the 2023 Queensland Rugby All Schools 7s at the Southpine Sports Complex, Brisbane this weekend Saturday 21 - Sunday 22 October 2023. The All Schools tournament is Queensland's largest schoolboy and schoolgirl rugby 7s competition and is a state-wide competition for all schools in Queensland. All selected players and staff will travel together tomorrow and stay as a team in accommodation at Chandler Lodge & Cabins for the boys and Best Western Plus North Lakes for the girls. Parents and supporters are more than welcome to attend and we would love to have as much support as possible at in Brisbane.

More Information
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Staff vs Students Annual Cricket match

The inaugural match between Staff and our 1st X1 cricket team which included 7 of our year 12 students who are completing their HSC was held in the idyllic setting of Reg Dalton Oval. The scene was set for what would be a match for the ages. The pitch looked good, the outfield a picture, framed by a new white picket fence that was worthy for a match of this stature.

The staff had prepared meticulously with Kane Bradford organising a training session on the Friday before the big game. This session was closed to the media and clearly, the security was tight, so tight that some of the staff on the team list couldn’t get in. The students were taking things seriously, flying in imports Brodie McDowell and Kai Croft from Sydney just for the match (oh and some exams).

The crowd continued to build, the toss between Captains Stuart Marquardt and Brodie McDowell was done with the Staff winning the toss and electing to send in the students to bat. There were no signs of nerves as Dan Lamb and Kai Croft got away to a flyer. Croft was the stylish craftsman cutting and driving with authority while Lamb treated the crowd to the modern T20 way of batting. ‘Lamball’ was in full swing with the ball flying to all parts of the ground including the never seen before DanScoop off the bowling of Dan Robbins. The introduction of spin gave the staff their first wicket, Lamb took on the legspin of Jasper only to be brilliantly caught by Beddo in the deep. The catch made even more incredible as Beddo ran 20 metres before diving forward and snaring the ball only inches from the ground, only days earlier Beddo narrowly avoided having his foot amputated after a nasty surfing injury. Jasper struck immediately again, this time snaring the big wicket of import Brodie McDowell who hit his first ball high and hard towards the boundary, as everyone watched the ball seemingly head for 6, arguably the greatest catch ever taken was witnessed by stunned spectators and players alike. Nathan Gilliland somehow launched himself upwards as if he was Warwick Capper taking a mark and miraculously the ball stuck in his hand completing one of the great catches.

The innings became more of an even contest between bat and ball for the remaining overs. The students amassed 136 from their 20 overs with good contributions from Lamb 25, Croft 30, Evesson 28, Fahy 19, Veldhoven 18 and Marsh 11. The staff fought back well after the early onslaught with wickets to Jasper, Dwyer, Robbie and Captain Marquardt.

Set 137 for victory, the staff got off to a brisk start with Beddo and Jasper treating the bowlers with contempt, but with the wickets of Beddo, Conor Mac and Robbo falling quickly along with the retirement of Jasper the game was in the balance. The two Nathan’s (Croft and Gilliland) built a strong partnership with a mixture of big hits and kamikaze running as the Staff looked to be getting on top. The spin of Charlie Evesson and the accuracy of Josh Marsh and Cullen Grainger pulled the students back into the game, with the forced retirement of Big Crofty after hitting a big six off little Crofty the game came down to the last over. The equation, one over and 2 runs needed by the staff to pull off a famous win. The students turned to left arm spinner Harry Kershler and with his first ball took the wicket of Temperley who was caught trying to finish the game in one hit. The very next ball saw Mr Francis’ stumps shattered and the game was well and truly back in the balance. Enter Kane Bradford (aka Kane Bradman), the architect of the secret training session. This was his time! Ball 3 of the over, a swing and a miss. Ball 4 and another miss with the equation now 2 runs from two balls. The crowd was silent with anticipation, and there it was Bradman with an almighty blow that travelled about 15 metres managing to lob over the fielders head allowing the batters to scamper through for the winning runs. Pandemonium followed as the staff sprinted or at least moved forward in a semi rushing motion to celebrate a famous victory.

Great contributions from Jasper 30, Beddo 19, CMac 14, Big Crofty 32 and Gilli 25 for the staff and wickets to Fahy, Lamb, Evesson, Marsh, Grainger and Kershler.

Celebrations went on long into the evening or until the sausage sandwiches were finished. A tremendous start to what is hopefully a long standing tradition. Congrats to all involved.

A special thanks to the maintenance team for the event set up, Ben Uttley for his superb photography, Tony Wright for the handcrafted trophy and Lia and the crew for the dinner. Finally, to all the players and staff thank you for your energy and enthusiasm.

Anthony Kershler
Lindisfarne Cricket Coach

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Piano Recital

Wednesday afternoon we were delighted to showcase, select piano students of Louise Dillon, Trish Guthrie-Watt, and Stephanie Palmer in a combined Piano Recital.

This event was in preparation for the upcoming AMEB examinations and it was a great example of how talented our piano students are here at Lindisfarne.

All students, from those performing for the first time to the seasoned higher graders, are to be congratulated on their excellent performances!

New York Stage Band Tour

Come and enjoy a “Taste Of New York” at the Mahers Lane Chapel on Saturday 28, October. The evening will include performances from internationally renowned Jazz artist Monica Trapaga and our own touring Stage Band.

Tables of 8 are available for $240 which will include the Show and appetisers and a bar will also be operating on the night.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to come together and enjoy an evening of fantastic music and share in the excitement of the upcoming New York Stage Band Tour.

Please follow this link for tickets: New York Fundraiser

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square

Last week, we attended the 55th annual Round Square InternationalRSIC Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference was hosted by Brookhouse schools, split across two campuses - Karen and Runda - and we were able to travel across the capital city and experience many different cultures and identities that Africa had to offer us. 

Whilst we were at the conference we were confronted with the African environment and the ‘New Africa’ as the theme of the conference. The week began with the introduction day, which involved the official Opening Ceremony filled with Kenya’s exciting culture and traditions. We then had three days dedicated to some of the round square ideals. Those were Adventure where we got to experience the African wildlife, Democracy in which we learned about the efforts that people from Kenya put in to allow their country to grow and prosper, and Service where we were given the ability to put everything we had learned into action by helping rebuild primary schools.

Finally, we ended with the Closing Ceremony and Departure days where we said our goodbyes and and showed our gratitude to the people who made this wonderful experience happen. Throughout the conference, we were given the ability to meet and connect with people from all over the world. 1200 students bonding through experiences and differences and learning how the world functions in our countries. The conference allowed us to experience all that Kenya had to offer from food, traditional dances, and its people.

The Round Square International Conference was a trip that allowed us to meet and make new friends and connect not only with ourselves but with the world around us to understand better how to function as a global society.

Bella Letts and Tyler Sim



Waste Wise Tips

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club


It’s SPOOKTOBER @ your Library

Spooky Book of the Week – “The Ghost of Gosswater” by Lucy Strange

1899. The Earl of Gosswater has died, and twelve-year-old Lady Agatha has been cast out of her ancestral home - the only home she has ever known - by her cruel cousin, Clarence. In a tiny tumbledown cottage, she struggles to adjust to her new life and the stranger who claims to be her real father.

And on the shores of Gosswater Lake, the spirit of another young girl will not rest. Could the ghost of Gosswater hold the key to Aggie's true identity?

Praise for The Ghost of Gosswater:

‘Creepy, funny, moving, empowering, infused with the beauty of the Lakes and with a star performance from Susan the goose, like all Strange’s books this stayed with me with long after I had finished it’ - Natasha Farrant

'Told in deft and luminous language, The Ghost of Gosswater is storytelling at its very best.’ - Kiran Millwood Hargrave

'One of those eerie, shimmering, unputdownable books … Loved my trip to the fells and mists of the midwinter landscape of the lakes' - Hilary McKay

‘For eight-plus, spectral charm, stolen inheritance and recalcitrant geese all feature in The Ghost of Gosswater … In her third novel, Strange is at her assured, brilliant best.’ - Guardian

'Aclassic gothic novel for beginners with affectionate nods to Jane Eyre and Rebecca ... spooky, addictive tale of friendship and family.’ - Times


Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

KIN Kids Party Twin Towns

Tweed Pre Water Restrictions

Save water to delay restrictions

Following the El Nino declaration by the Bureau of Meteorology and less than average rainfall now forecast for the Northern Rivers, Tweed Shire Council is urging everyone in the Tweed to save water to prolong the shire’s water supply.

Without significant rain, the Tweed is heading into water restrictions.

Council is asking everyone who lives, works and plays in the Tweed to unite and save water now.

Level 1 water restrictions for most of the Tweed will be triggered when the Clarrie Hall Dam level drops to 85% full. If each of us is using less than 160 litres of water a day when water restrictions are introduced, we delay the need to impose harsh restrictions during extended dry periods.

Some great water-saving tips for families include cleaning hard outdoor surfaces with a broom not a hose, mulching your garden, keeping your showers to 4 minutes, doing full loads of washing and fixing your water leaks indoors and out.

Go to tweed.nsw.gov.au/water-savings-restrictions for more tips.

In 2020, Council banned water carting from Tyalgum and Uki. Whenever water restrictions are triggered, Council bans water carting from elsewhere in the Tweed to other local government areas.

Council is currently completing planning works for the proposed raising of Clarrie Hall Dam to increase the volume of water that can be stored, securing our water supply in the face of climate change and population growth.

Save Water Now

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
