2024 Term 1 Week 0 25 Jan 2024

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the 2024 School year. We look forward to an exciting year of learning and achievement at Lindisfarne.

We trust that all families had some downtime over the holiday period and enjoyed some rest and renewal—a special welcome to families, students, and staff who are joining the School for the first time

Our office reopened on 4 January, and since then, both campuses of the School have been a hive of activity as we prepared for the 2024 School year.

It was very rewarding to commence the construction of the Senior School Centre. This will be a transformative project for our School and Community and will be completed by the commencement of the 2025 School year.

As part of the construction, we have upgraded fire services to the School, including the installation of Fire Tanks at the front of the Mahers Lane campus. The final phase of Installation is nearing completion and impacted on traffic for Orientation day today and will also have an impact on traffic over the first few days of the School term.

Please allow extra time for travel, stagger arrival and departure times, carpool where possible, and use available bus services and approved drop and go zones. Please also encourage your child to walk to School where it is safe to do so. Year 12 students should refrain from personally driving if at all possible in the first week of term. Please be respectful of our neighbours and local community and never park in the driveways of local residents.

This week, staff undertook a week of professional learning and development in preparation for the year ahead. On Wednesday, we enjoyed working with Dan Haesler, who led the staff through an inspirational day of professional learning.

Dan Haesler is a coach who focuses on creating happier, healthier, and higher performance. He works side by side with people to help them and the people around them thrive professionally and personally. Dan’s clients include elite athletes and Olympians, as well as corporate and educational leaders. He works extensively with Schools on staff growth and development.

We are excited to enter the second year of our ParentEd program in support of our Parent community. At Lindisfarne, we understand that the key to student success is effective communication and collaboration between home and school. We believe that when parents and teachers work together, all students benefit. 

Our ParentEd Program is designed to strengthen the connections between home and school and to better respond to each student’s individual and collective needs. Through this program, we will provide a variety of resources and opportunities for parents to become more involved in their children's education and to be better equipped to support them at home. You can access the 2024 parent program here.

As we start School next week, it is timely to remind all families and students of the standards and expectations of the School. Please find four very important documents for your review ahead of School commencing on Monday and throughout the term ahead.

Finally, it is very rare that an athlete is selected to represent Australia at an Olympic Games while still at School. Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Year 11 student Jeff Dunne has been selected to represent Australia in the sport of 'Breaking' that will debut at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. Jeff’s chosen sport receives very little funding, and his Olympic journey and dream has been almost entirely self-funded, including competing in all manner of International competitions that have ultimately led to Jeff being selected for the Olympics.

If there are members of the School Community who would like to rally behind Jeff in this Olympic year, you can do so through the GoFundMe page established by Jeff’s family.


We look forward to your support throughout 2024 and a great year ahead. I look forward to seeing our students on Monday, ready for a terrific 2024 School year.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Column

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

A Hearty Welcome to the New School Year

It gives me great joy to welcome everyone back to the new school year after a well deserved summer break. To paraphrase Maya Angelou, “this is a wonderful year, I have never seen this one before.” The good Lord has given us a new year to learn, grow, develop, mature, and enjoy. Let us embrace all the opportunities and challenges of this new year with prayer, hope, gratitude, joy, enthusiasm, hard work and expectation. Let us continue to work together to make our school and our world worthy of its children.

Family Eucharist to Welcome the New Year

You’re cordially invited to join our School community in the Mahers Lane Chapel on Sunday, 4th February for a Family Eucharist to welcome the new school year. Refreshments will begin at 4.30pm, followed by Eucharist (thanksgiving prayers, hymns, songs, prayers and Bible Reading) at 5pm, concluding at about 6pm. Please come along as we entrust our school year to God’s blessings, guidance and protection. All are welcome.

Poster here.

2024: Year of Light

This year, let us embrace the theme of Light:

Light of Love
Light of Kindness
Light of Forgiveness
Light of Peace
Light of Joy

Bearing Light in Darkness

Our world faces unprecedented darkness, including wars, violence, economic hardship, ecological crisis, and injustice. In Matthew chapter 5, verse 14, Jesus calls us the "Light of the World." Do not be afraid to open your hearts to Jesus, and to allow His light and love to dispel the darkness of suffering, sin, evil, and violence in our lives and our world.

In the words of Amanda Gorman:

"When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid.
The new dawn blooms as we free it.
For there is always light if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it."

A Prayer for Australia

We give thanks for our great country, Australia, and ask God to bless us with unity, harmony, reconciliation, justice and prosperity.

As we approach 26 January, let us do so with grace, open heart, awareness, lament and action for justice. Please see this link for other ways to pause and acknowledge this day:

Common Grace - January26

God, bless Australia,
Guard our peoples
Guide our leaders
And give us peace and prosperity;
For Jesus’ sake.


For Our Prayers and Positive Thoughts

Let us pray for the wellbeing and flourishing of all our students, and for a fruitful and productive school year.

Let us pray for all those adversely impacted by natural disasters around our country and around the world.

Let us pray for the healing and recovery of all the sick and bereaved in our community.

May we continue to be grateful for all we have and for all we are.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Spiritual Gym

Important Information

ConnectEd Update

ConnectEd Update

New Device Collection

As the new term begins, we conclude a significant process in the life of our school. The device rollover is at its end. Our staff and most of our students have now successfully migrated to their new devices. Any MacBooks that haven’t been collected yet can be picked up from the Library from 8.00am on Monday, 29 January. We would like to recognise the significant work of our IT team (and student IT support staff) who made the change possible. Particular thanks to Ms Kristy Dee, Mr Jesse Watson, Mr Marcello Martins, Mrs Gail Dessmann and Ms Sonya W

Responsibility for Device Care

This is also an opportune time to remind everyone of the need to take appropriate steps to care for the device and accessories provided to you. Our rate of damage over the past three years has been high, and in most instances, the damage was avoidable. Students are reminded of the need to keep their MacBook in the issued laptop bags when not in use and never touch the screen. It is a privilege to have access to the tech that we do, and the school reserves the right to pass on the costs of repair in instances of careless or repeated damage.

JB Hi-Fi Portal

A reminder to all families that the school’s partnership with JB Hi-Fi gives our community access to the Corporate Benefits Program. This portal is accessible via your Lindisfarne sign-in credentials. Parents use their SEQTA Engage (Parent Lounge) sign-in details, and students use their school sign-in details. The portal can be accessed here - https://links.lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au/jbhifi/ Just remember to shop around to ensure you get the best deal.

Kane Bradford
Head - Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships

Anthony Gerke
Manager - Information Services

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Parent Facebook Groups

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Finance Department

Welcome to the new school year.

We had completed all requests from last year, but since statements were issued last week, we have been inundated with requests for Payment Plan Direct Debit requests and Annual Fee Calculations.

While we are working through all requests that have come in over the last week, we do ask for your patience.

Payment Plan Direct Debits should start next week, but if for any reason there is a delay, we will ensure your direct debit requests will still be processed.

Annual Fee Calculation requests were already due, but the payment for the Annual Fee was not due until 6 February 2024 to receive the 5% discount on Tuition. We will ensure these are all sent out in time, in order for you to receive this discount.

If you have already emailed, we will get back to you; there is no need to follow up. All new emails for payment queries can be directed to accounts@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Thank you for being so patient.

Finance Team

Parent and Student Guide 2024

The Parent and Student Guide outlines all the important information for Parents and Students as we commence the 2024 school year. Please take the time to read carefully this document to assist Parents and Students to have a very successful 2024 at Lindisfarne.

2024 Parent and Student Guide - Link

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

New Student Photos

On Wednesday, 31 January all NEW students for 2024 and those who missed photos last year will have their photo taken for the school system. Parents do not need to do anything. Students will have their photo taken in whatever uniform their timetable requires for the day.

Formal school photos will be taken in Term 2 as per the School Calendar.

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

2024 and 2025 Term Dates

Please note the 2024 Term Dates have been amended slightly. An additional Staff Development Day has been added to commence Term 4 in 2024. The change is listed below.

  • Monday, 14 October - Staff Development Day
  • Tuesday, 15 October - All students commence Term 4.

For the full term dates please click on the following links.

2024 Term Dates

2025 Term Dates


Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Sibling Enrolments - 2025

Dear Parents and Guardians,

At the start of 2024, we will begin drawing up our lists of submitted applications from families seeking enrolment places for the 2025 school year.

Current families must ensure that siblings are enrolled for the 2025 school year as soon as possible. Sibling priority will be given to all sibling applications received prior to Friday, 23 February.

The enrolment process has never been easier. Please use the link below to make an application.

Lindisfarne Enrolment Applications

Kind regards,

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Scholarships - 2025

Scholarship applications for 2025 are now open.

Lindisfarne offers Academic Scholarships for students entering Years 5, 7, 9 and 11 in 2025.

General Excellence, Music and Sports Scholarships are available for students entering Years 7, 9 and 11 in 2025.

2025 Scholarships close on Friday, 9 February 2024.

Scholarships are available for current and new students. For more information please follow this link.

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Timetables and Assessment Plan

I am looking forward to seeing all the students back on campus next week ready to start 2024 Academic Year..

Please ensure that if you have a child in Years 7 to 12, they use LEARN to access their timetables so they know where to go on Monday.

The beginning of the year is a time when students often reflect on their subject choices and may have decided they may want to change electives. I ask that any students in the Senior School who are thinking of changing their electives to please come and see me to check course availability before completing a change of subject form.

The Year 12 2024 Assessment Plan can be accessed here. The document contains all the important information about Assessment Rules and Regulations and the due dates for Assessment Tasks.

Assessment Schedules for Years 7 to 11 students will be published in next week's newsletter.

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

What a great morning! We want to extend our thanks to all the families who joined us for the Orientation Morning. Your enthusiasm and support made the event a delightful and successful start to the 2024 school year.

Watching our new and returning students eagerly exploring our campus and catching up with their friends and teachers was great to see. The excitement and positive energy were truly infectious, and it's clear that it’s going to be a fantastic year..

We also appreciate your cooperation with the parking and drop-off arrangements, which helped everything run smoothly. Your patience and understanding in following processes ensured a safe and efficient environment for everyone. I encourage you to continue to be considerate of others when parking and driving around our campus. Please avoid the temptation to squeeze into areas that aren’t designated spaces as doing so can often create significant issues with flow and student safety.

As we kick off our academic year, we are reminded of the vital role that our community plays in making our school a wonderful place for learning and growth. Your involvement and dedication are integral to our students’ success and we look forward to sharing many wonderful experiences and opportunities with you.

A couple of reminders about Day 1 and beyond from previous correspondence-

  • School Hours

Drop off from 8:15 am - 8:40 am (Preschool drop off from 8.30 am)

Pick up: from 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm. (Preschool Pick up from 2.30 pm)

***Please note - all Preschool students must be brought into the Preschool by an adult. We will not have teachers at the gates meeting students at this stage.***

  • Commencing on Day 1, the Walking School Bus will again be an option available for parents wishing to drop their child(ren) at Arkinstall Park. Students will be supervised by a staff member near the car park from 8:00 am and then “driven” across the oval and into school to meet the teacher on duty at Arkinstall Park Gate. Departure times for the “Bus” will be 8:15 am and 8:30 am.

  • “Meet the Teacher” evening is scheduled for Friday, 16th February,

  • Drop off options for Junior school are Turning Circle and Arkinstall Park Gate. Please note: there is NO PARKING at all on Sullivan Street.

  • Please review and update information relating to end-of-day arrangements and pickup routines. I ask that parents/carers take this opportunity to review and update the End-of-Day Arrangements selections in SEQTA/Parent Lounge and make any necessary adjustments to the records. If changes need to be made, these can be made online prior to 2:00 pm. As previously communicated, whilst every effort will be made, we cannot guarantee that any changes to the afternoon pickup arrangements will be able to be communicated if received after 2:30pm.

Thank you all. With your support we will be sure to have a cracking 2024.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Middle School

Junior School Sport

Happy New Year and welcome back to all our returning families and students and welcome to our new students starting in 2024. I am so excited about what is going to be a wonderful year filled with Fun, Games and Sport.

Last year was amazing, but this year will be even better with plenty of Gala days, our exciting Carnivals, Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics and sports, sports and more sports.

Once again we are going to be hitting the ground running with our Junior/Middle School Swimming Carnival in week 2 of term. From there it will be a continuous string of events to keep even the sportiest of those amongst us looked after.

Dust off the sports uniforms, put on the runners and bring a healthy dose of your can-do attitude and let's get ready for a massive year of FUN!

Dates for Term 1

Please find below some Term 1 - Junior School key dates to add to your calendar:

  • Friday 9 February (week 2) - Years 3-8 Lindisfarne Swimming Carnival

  • Thursday 22 February (week 4) - NCIS Primary Swimming Carnival

  • Friday 22 March (week 8) - Pre-school - Year 2 FUN Cross Country

  • Wednesday 27 March (week 9) - CIS Primary Swimming Carnival

  • Thursday 4 April (week 10) - NSW Rugby 7’s Gala Day

  • Thursday 11 April (week 11) - Years 3 - 12 Lindisfarne Cross Country Carnival,

Junior and Middle Swimming Carnival

Our first major carnival for the year will be the Years 3-8 Swimming Carnival to be held on Friday 9 February in week 2. All students in year 3 and 4 will attend the Carnival along with competitive swimmers that turn 8 in year 2.

In the coming weeks, information relating to the carnival will be sent to all those students who are eligible to attend. Please read the information and if you have any questions please contact Damien Clucas Head of Sport or Nathan Croft at the Junior Campus.

Total Football Academy - After school Program

The Total Football Academy after school program will kick off in week 2 on Monday 5 February and will continue until week 11 Monday 8 April. Please note there will be NO session on Easter Monday 1 April.

This program was promoted at the end of 2023 and has some vacancies at this stage. This will be filled on a first come first basis, so if you are interested please sign up ASAP. This program will be run again in term 2, 3 and possibly term 4 this year for those who missed out. Information about the program can be found in the Flyer here : AFS Lindisfarne- Term 1 2024.pdf

Runners Club

Lindisfarne Junior School will start the Runners Club in week 3 at Sunshine Avenue. The purpose of the Runners Club is to assist in the running development of our school students and preparation for the upcoming Cross Country competitions.

Last year the Runners Club was a great success with students and parents joining in to improve their running, fitness or just to spend time with each other doing a physical activity. Students in years 1 - 4 are welcome to attend.

Runners Club Training days will be Monday and Wednesday morning. The training sessions will begin at 7.30am sharp and will conclude by 8.15am.

Students can wear any type of running clothing to the sessions, however they will be required to bring along their school uniform to change into after the completion of the session.

Students will be given time to change and have something to eat before the first bell at 8.45am. Parents and carers are more than welcome to come along and join in.

Students attending the Runners Club can gain awards by completing a cumulative total of 25 km - Half Marathon, 42 km - Marathon or 50+km - Ultra Marathon over the term. Certificates for these achievements will be awarded on assembly.

General Information

All information relating to Sporting programs, Gala Days and Sporting Competitions run at the Junior Campus will be advertised at assemblies and in the Newsletter. Information will then be sent home to interested students and parents. Please keep an eye on the Newsletter for relevant information, events and sports meetings throughout the year.

Nathan Croft
P-4 PE Specialist

The Heroes of Discovery - Junior School

This year marks the beginning of an exciting adventure at our Junior School as we embark on our Round Square journey and introduce our ‘Heroes of Discovery!’

This program, currently undergoing a global pilot, is specifically designed to discover, build, and foster positive character traits in our students. Through this initiative, we aim to guide all students on the path to becoming the best version of themselves, ultimately developing into global citizens willing and capable of making a positive and lasting impact on the world in which they live, both now and in the future.

Every fortnight, we will unveil a new character in our Junior School classes (P-4), initiate discussions, and encourage students to reflect on the following questions:

How am I similar to this character?

What values do we have in common?

How can I emulate their positive qualities in my everyday life?

In our classrooms and on the playground, our dedicated teachers will be keeping their eye out to reward the real-life heroes walking among us, fostering an environment where positive character traits are not only acknowledged but celebrated with enthusiasm. By rewarding these character traits, we aim to build future heroes and further enhance the positive culture here at the Junior School.

Stay tuned for our regular 'Hero Time' feature in the newsletter, designed to update you on our progress throughout the pilot program.

I look forward to sharing this exciting journey with you as we work together to build a community of heroes!!

Angela Mundy
Dean of Students - Junior School

URSTRONG - Parent - Child Workshop

URStrong 2024 - Parent-child workshop (ONLINE)

The Language of Friendship

Lindisfarne are pleased to continue our association with URStrong in 2024. URSTRONG’s whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, & teachers with a common language of friendship.

Our Junior and Middle students will be participating in a Day of Friendship during Week 4 with URStrong Founder Dana Kershaw presenting face to face workshops with children across two fun filled days.

To support your understanding of the program and the information presented to your children at the workshops, please join us for a FREE ONLINEparent-child session on Thursday 22nd February - 6:30 - 7:45pm. Register online to attend: urstrong.com/events

As a Lindisfarne family you also have access to all of the resources on the URStrong website free of charge. Check the website for details: urstrong.com/parents/

Julie Henry
Junior School Psychologist

Green Team

Middle School

Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

As we stand on the cusp of a new school year, I am filled with anticipation and excitement for what 2024 holds for us. The campus will soon be buzzing with the energy of eager minds and the promise of growth and discovery. This year is set to be a canvas for our students' aspirations.


Today, we held a very successful orientation day for all new students entering the Senior School. Orientation Day is designed to ease the transition into our community and foster a sense of belonging from the outset. I feel sure that this “soft start” will have helped to ease some of the nerves associated with starting at a new school.

First Day

On Monday we look forward to opening our doors to all students, marking the official start of an enriching academic year. Please note that due to construction, the drop-off arrangements have been modified, with specific directions to be provided on-site by our dedicated staff. Information regarding these changes was communicated to all parents via email on Wednesday.

Navigating the Challenge of Limited Parking

As we embark on substantial improvements and construction on our campus, I urge our driving students to consider alternative transportation methods. The limited availability of parking spaces is a temporary challenge, and we seek your cooperation in utilising public transport, carpooling, or embracing a healthy walk or bike ride to school. Please let us work together to minimise the impact on our neighbourhood and demonstrate our community's adaptability and consideration.

Upholding Our Traditions: Uniform and Personal Grooming

Each new school year brings with it a renewed commitment to our values and standards. Central to this is our approach to uniform and personal grooming. The holidays might have been a period of relaxed rules and adventurous styles, but as we step back into Lindisfarne, let’s embrace our uniform policy with pride and respect. This adherence is not just about the clothes we wear; it is testimony to our unity and collective discipline. Remember, our individual presentation reflects on us as a whole. The comprehensive guide on our expectations regarding attire, hairstyles, makeup, and jewellery is available for review in the 2024 Parent and Student Guide.

Responsible Use of Mobile Phones

In an age where technology is ever-present, it's vital to remember the purpose and place of mobile phones within our school environment. We reiterate our policy: phones must be off and away during school hours, including before and after school, as well as during breaks. This policy ensures that our focus remains undivided on academic pursuits and face-to-face interactions, which are crucial for holistic development.

A Year of Growth and Opportunity

As we gear up for what promises to be a remarkable year, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and adaptability. Lindisfarne is more than just a school; it's a vibrant community where every individual is valued and every achievement celebrated. Let’s make 2024 a year of unforgettable learning, personal growth, and collective success.

Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care


Lindisfarne Athletic Development Program

Lindisfarne Athletic Development Program

The Lindisfarne Athletic Development program consists of targeted and age-appropriate strength & conditioning that will help to build the skills, confidence, knowledge and behaviours for students to lead active lives, both at school and after school. This program is for all students who are looking to improve their athletic development across different movement patterns and skillsand provide a training environment that improves confidence with movement in the students.

For detailed information on the Lindisfarne Athletic Development Program, please see this information pack HERE

Our 2024 Term 1 Athletic Development sessions are now set up on Clipboard through SEQTA Engage for students to select and make payment for if they would like to take part in these sessions. These sessions are open to all students in the school from Years 7 to 12. Our morning and lunchtime sessions will be generally coached by Miss Carla Petty and afternoon sessions will be generally coached by Mr Baden Kerr.

There are limited places on most days, so if you are interested, make sure to read the information pack above and then select your preferred session days and time. From these selections, we will do our best to accommodate your preference. It is also highly recommended that students sign up for two sessions per week if possible.

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Petty on carla.petty@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Dr Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance, Athlete and Sports Development

Rugby Union Report

Proudly Supported By

Welcome back to the new school rugby year, and a warm welcome to the new parents and students who are joining our Lindisfarne community.

The Lindisfarne Rugby Union program is in its third year in 2024 and similar to 2023, our program will be for both boys and girls. The list of teams will include:

  • Boys’ XVs: 1st XV, 2nd XV*, U15, U13, U12

  • Boys’ 7s: U18, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U10

  • Girls’ 7s: U18, U15, U13*

* The 2nd XV boys and U13 girls 7s squads will be pending player numbers.

We hope to have as many students as possible register this year to build on our success from 2023 and enjoy the great game of rugby union with their fellow schoolmates. You can find out more about the 2024 Lindisfarne Rugby Union program in our information pack HERE.


We have a very full schedule for all squads in Term 1 with our major tournament for all boys’ squads being the Ballymore Cup, Queensland’s largest schoolboy XV-a-side tournament, as well as the Gold Coast Schools Cup for our U15 squad. We have also gained entry for the second year in The Armidale School’s Rugby Carnival, the largest primary school rugby tournament in Australia, for our U12 squad.

As part of selecting these squads for the boys, all year 5-12 boys interested in playing rugby for the school in our XV and 7’s squads will need to:

  1. Select rugby in integrated school sport selections (you will have received instructions on this from our Head of Sport and Activities, Mr. Clucas) and,

  2. Complete the following 2024 rugby union registration HERE.

Please also take note of the following important items:

  • It will be very difficult to select students for our XVs squads who do not choose Rugby as their integrated school sport for Term 1.

  • If you choose rugby for integrated school sport in Term 1, please make sure you are available for all the fixtures listed in your respective age grade (check Key Dates below). Please note that some of these competitions are in the first weekend of Term 1 school holidays (e.g., Ballymore Cup for 1st XV, U15, U13 and The Armidale Schools Rugby Carnival for U12).

  • If you choose rugby for integrated school sport in Term 1 and you are in year 7 and above, you are expected to be available for our Monday afternoon training sessions at 1530 at the school.

  • We may have enough numbers for multiple teams in each age group but if not, and a student does not make a particular squad but has selected rugby for integrated school sport in term 1, they will stay and train with the rugby program until at least the end of term 1.
    • At the start of term 2, they can choose a new sport for integrated school sport if they wish or can continue training with our rugby squads.


Our girls program will begin at the start of Term 2 this year and we will be releasing a registration for all girls squads towards the end of term 1 to coincide with the term 2 integrated school sports selections.


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Monday, 29 January

Term 1 begins

Thursday, 1 February

Thursday XVs school sport training begins (U13, U15, 2nd XV, 1st XV)

Friday, 2 February

Friday school sport training begins (U12)

Monday, 5 February

Monday XVs PM training begins (U13, U15, 2nd XV and 1st XV)

Thursday, 8 February

Lindisfarne Secondary Swimming Carnival

Saturday, 10 February

One-Day Training Camp (Y7-12)

Thursday, 15 February

1st and 2nd XV Trial


Stack Team APP

The Stack Team app will be our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for all our squads, with exception of U12 boys.

As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the Lindisfarne Rugby Program in the app.

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join.

More Information

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking





Get Ready To Dance

Year 5 and 6

Welcome back to another exciting school year! As we embark on 2024, we're thrilled to kick off the term with our Elementary Eisteddfod Dance Auditions. This selected group of students will perform at eisteddfods, the annual Dance Showcase, the Stage 3 Showcase and other school-based performances. They will rehearse during Friday Sport time and is a yearly commitment.

WHEN: Wednesday, 31 January at during lunch
WHO: Year 5 and 6 students

  • On the day, you will be taught a short piece of choreography and will perform this in small groups.

  • Bring a change of clothes that allows you to move freely.

Please keep an eye on the newsletter and school notices for the other Dance options that will include non-audition groups.

Years 7 to 12

All high school eisteddfod groups will have their auditions later in the term, ready to start in Term 2.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Mrs Phillips - aphillips@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Amber Phillips



Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

International Conference 2024

Round Square International Conference 2024

I am very excited to announce that applications are now open for this year's Round Square International Conference being held in Colombia. Five host schools: Colegio Los Nogales, Colegio Anglo Colombiano, Colegio Gran Bretaña, The English School Bogotá and Gimnasio Campestre have put together a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime program for our students to enjoy. A short trailer for the event can be found here.

RSIC23 was a huge success, with over 1500 student delegates travelling to Nairobi to take part. Colombia promises to exceed all expectations and attract a similar number of delegates. Here is what our hosts have to say -

The theme for the 56th Round Square International Conference is “Blooming from the Past.”It is an invitation to understand that, in order to build a better future, it is crucial to acknowledge history.

Colombia has worked hard to change its image to ensure that the country and its people are able to harvest a prosperous future.

It is with great enthusiasm that Colombia extends an invitation to 'Join us and embark on a journey of learning and growth'.

​By focusing on the theme, "Blooming from the Past," we aim to create an experience whereby students can reflect on their roots, learn from the past, and channel those lessons into personal and collective growth.

Colombia, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, serves as the perfect backdrop for this journey.

Each day promises a unique blend of activities that will celebrate the Round Square IDEALS, challenge students intellectually, foster camaraderie and ignite a passion for positive change.

​We will start the conference by welcoming you to Bogota, and students will stay in a homestay on the first evening, Sunday 22nd September. The opening ceremony will take place at Colegio Los Nogales on Monday.

After the opening ceremony, we leave the city and head north to spend three nights in the beautiful department of Boyacá (300 km east of Bogotá). The accommodation in these locations will be hotels.

​We will return to Bogota on Friday for the closing ceremony at Colegio Anglo Colombiano, and the students will stay the final night in a homestay again.

​Throughout the conference, insightful discussions and workshops led by distinguished speakers will delve into the theme of "Blooming from the Past." Students will explore the significance of understanding their cultural heritage, learning from history, and forging a path towards a brighter future.

​We believe that this conference will not only be a gathering of minds but also a transformative experience that will leave an indelible mark on each participant. As we come together in Bogotá, we hope to create lasting connections, share diverse perspectives, and witness the blooming of a new generation of leaders committed to positive change.

Post Conference

Flying home we will stop in Santiago, the vibrant capital of Chile. Here, we will enjoy two days of sightseeing in the city.


The conference is open to students in Years 11 and 12, 2024

Post conference - we enjoy 2 days in the amazing Chilean capital, Santiago. Accommodation will be in a hotel.

Depart Brisbane Airport on the morning of 20 September 2024

Return to Brisbane Airport on the morning of 3 October 2024

Cost - $6500

Successful applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 no later than 17 February.

Three more payments will be required.

  • Friday 5 April, $2000

  • Friday 21 June, $2000

  • Friday 30 August, $2000

The above price includes:

● All flights and relevant other transport

● All meals throughout the conference

● All accommodation throughout the conference

● All visits and activities throughout the conference

Applications: Delegate places are strictly limited. If you would like to apply, please complete the application form and return it to Mr Lush no later than Wednesday, 7 February 2024.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mike Lush at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

​Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator



Waste Free Lunches

The 2024 school year is nearly here. At Lindisfarne, we are working towards becoming a more sustainable school. We want our students to be conscious of the part we can all play in making a more sustainable world and the actions that we can all take to help our planet. This is why we strongly encourage students to have waste-free lunches at Lindisfarne. 

Waste-free lunches use reusable items instead of single-use plastic or other disposable items. Having a waste-free lunch is fantastic for the environment as it reduces landfill and litter and saves natural resources. Waste-free lunches are also fantastic for parents too! Packing waste-free lunches for your kids will save you money as you no longer need to continually buy disposable plastic wrap and packaging for lunches.

Having a waste-free lunch is simple and easy. Plastics and disposable items can be replaced with more sustainable items that can be washed and reused again. This is great for the environment and ends up being cheaper for you. Please use the tips below to help you create great waste-free lunches.

Use What You Have: Reusable containers are fantastic for waste-free lunches and most families already have these containers at home. Make use of what you have and it may not be necessary to buy additional supplies. This will save you money and is also better for the environment.

Food Waste: Make sure only to pack as much food as your child will eat. Leftovers from dinner can also be put directly into lunch containers to save on food costs and reduce wastage.

Saving Time: Minimise the morning rush by packing lunches the night before. Get your kids to help with the packaging and making of their lunch. Studies have shown that children are much less likely to waste their food when they are involved in making it.

The table below can also be used as a helpful guide for making waste-free lunches.

Lunchbox Disposables

Sustainable Alternatives

Sandwich in plastic cling wrap, a zip lock bag or aluminium foil

Sandwich that is packed in a reusable container or in a beeswax wrap

Chips, biscuits, cake and other snacks in plastic packaging

Chips, biscuits, cake, and other snacks in a reusable container

Yoghurt squeeze pouches

Yoghurt in a reusable container with a washable spoon

Plastic water bottles

Reusable water bottle (there are bubblers and water bottle refill stations all around Lindisfarne where bottles can be refilled with cold water)

Fruit and vegetables in plastic

Pack whole fruits and vegetables as they do not require any packaging or slice fruits and vegetables into reusable containers

Cheese strips or sticks in plastic

Cut cubes or sticks of cheese into a reusable container

Disposable cutlery

Reusable cutlery

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

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Meet the Gold Coast Suns

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Food Technology




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