2024 Term 2 Week 7 14 June 2024

This Week Overview

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal


Dear Lindisfarne Parents and Guardians,

This week, we celebrated achievements, bid farewells, and enjoyed events that embody the spirit of Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School.

After 22 years of dedicated service in our Out of Hours School Care (OOHSC), we farewelled Ruby Currie. Since joining us in March 2002, Ruby has been an integral part of the Lindisfarne community. Known for her organisation and deep understanding of children's needs, Ruby has helped shape our care programs into nurturing environments that prioritise routine and stability. Ruby’s involvement in our school's netball program and various school functions, often alongside her husband Neal, demonstrated her commitment to our community. Ruby's dedication to putting the children and their families first has made a lasting impact. We thank Ruby for her years of service and wish her well in her retirement.

On Tuesday, we held a Subject Selection Evening for our current Year 8 students as they prepare for their first year in the Senior School. The event was well-attended by students, parents, and carers, ensuring that our students are now well-positioned to make informed decisions about their electives for 2025. Next week, we look forward to hosting our current Year 10 students and their families to advise them of the offerings for Years 11 and 12. We are excited to have some new subjects for our students to consider, offering some exciting patterns of study.

This week, the School held its eighth Business Breakfast. Hosted at Club Tweed, our guest speaker was former Olympian Brooke Hanson. Brooke, an accomplished swimmer who won a gold medal in the 4x100m medley relay and a silver medal in the 100m breaststroke at the 2004 Athens Olympics, shared her inspiring stories of overcoming adversity and strategies for success. Now a motivational speaker, Brooke's insights resonated deeply with our local business community.

On Wednesday, we celebrated another successful Germinate Live event. The evening was testimony to the exceptional talent within our student body, featuring performances of original works that highlighted the profound abilities of our young songwriters. This event not only served as a platform for student expression but also supported Wedgetail Retreat Community Hospice, demonstrating the power of community and artistry combined.

We were also fortunate to have Dr Michael Carr-Gregg lead a ParentEd session on Sibling Rivalry on Thursday evening. Renowned for his expertise in child and adolescent psychology, Dr Carr-Gregg provided parents and caregivers with valuable insights into managing and nurturing sibling relationships. His practical advice and strategies for fostering a positive home environment were well-received. Our school is blessed to have a continued and growing relationship with Dr Carr-Gregg, which enriches our community. We look forward to welcoming him back to Lindisfarne later in the year for presentations on Preparing for Year 7 (21 October) and Grandparents (1 November).

As always, thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our school.

Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Charlotte Lush
Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Reasons for Hope and the Peace of Wild Things

On Thursday we spent some time in our rainforest with Patrick Brabant and our Year 8 Bush Regeneration DiscoverEd students planting Small-Leaved Tamarind seedlings we propagated some weeks’ ago in our school’s greenhouse. The Small-Leaved Tamarind is a local species of endangered tree that is not doing well in the wild, and the opportunity to plant these seedlings in the school’s rainforest to try and establish a local population fills us with hope.

At a time when young people are filled with ecological anxiety and fear about the future of our planet, the work that Patrick Brabant and our sustainability team do is inspirational. We cannot predict the future, but we can all do our part today to address the ecological crisis we face by living more simply, not wasting resources, adopting a more conserver, not consumer lifestyle, in order to help us regain control over how we live and consequently help save our planet from climate catastrophe.

This time spent in our beautiful rainforest reminded me of the beautiful poem of Wendell Berry which aptly sums up our vocation in this time of ecological crisis:

When despair for the world grows in me

and I wake in the night at the least sound

in fear of what my life and my children’s lives might be,

I go and lie down where the wood drake

rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

I come into the peace of wild things

who do not tax their lives with forethought

of grief. I come into the presence of still water.

And I feel above me the day-blind stars

waiting with their light. For a time

I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

From The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry (Counterpoint, 1999).

A Blessing by John O’Donohue

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,

May the clarity of light be yours,

May the fluency of the ocean be yours,

May the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow

Wind work these words

Of love around you,

An invisible cloak

To mind your life.

Please if you’d like us to pray for you, send your prayer requests to prayers@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

We would like to join you in praying for these requests.

I wish you all a restful and relaxing weekend, and God’s richest blessings in every way.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

Kinetic Bus S156 - Chinderah and Pottsville from Mahers Lane

Due to overcrowding on bus S156 in the afternoons, forcing students to stand, we have no alternative but to implement a priority pass system for boarding to ensure student safety.

This system will prioritise students who are using the service correctly for travel between home and school.

This implementation follows careful monitoring by Kinetic Buslines, which has allocated services based on students' residential addresses, ensuring there is sufficient capacity for all students to travel home safely.

We ask all students who use this service to travel home to register in top reception so we can produce the passes, which can be affixed easily to bags.

We will trial this in the final week of Term 2, which will give students who currently use this service for travel other than to their homes, time to make other arrangements.

Any queries can be directed to: 

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement


Jeremy Godden
Acting Deputy Principal

First Nations

Parents and Friends

BBQ Volunteers Atheltics Carnivals

The Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association is proud to support the Athletics Carnival. We are calling for volunteers to assist next week. One-hour slots are available, so you can register for just one or register for multiple. Any support is appreciated.

Please click on the links below to register your interest for either day.

Thursday, 20 June - Years 7 to 12

Friday, 21 June - Years 3 to 6

Thank you to Jo Croft Mortgage Choice who is sponsoring the BBQ.

Steve Cornell
Vice President

Lindisfarne Parents and Friends

FunFest - Sponsorship Opportunities

SAVE THE DATE - Saturday, 24 August

FunFest is coming fast, so save the date. There are sponsorship opportunities to support this amazing event for our community. For more information download the Sponsorship Booklet.

FunFest 2024 Sponsorship Booklet

P&F Golf Day

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Business Breakfast with Brooke Hanson

On Wednesday June 12, myself and several other students had the absolute privilege of attending Lindisfarne’s eighth Business Breakfast. Guest speaker Brooke Hanson made an incredible impact upon all staff and students who attended, making us laugh, cry and reflect deeply upon our own drivers and purposes.

Brooke competed in the 2004 Athens Olympics and after 22 years of training succeeded in winning one gold and one silver medal for swimming. However, her road to success and the years that followed were not smooth. Brooke missed out on qualifying for two Olympic teams by the slimmest of margins, was told she should never swim again as a result of a chlorine allergy, suffered multiple spinal fractures during a surfing accident and experienced a tragic loss in her immediate family. However, Brooke never succumbed to her circumstances. She continued to push through life’s problems with a positive mindset, grit, determination and resilience, to achieve success both in swimming and her personal life.

Brooke left us with some amazing takeaways. She encouraged us to strive for excellence and to take leaps of faith to help us grow. However, she also reminded us that the path to success can be fraught with difficulties, and that we must take measures to preserve our mental and physical health to continue to improve and reach our highest potential. She stressed the importance of self-care, filling our social cup and rest, especially engagement in movement, mindfulness and micro-breaks, to avoid burnout and maintain positivity and motivation. Additionally, Brooke reminded us that pressure is a privilege and that we must be grateful for the opportunities we have.

The lessons Brooke left with the students and staff who attended the Business Breakfast are relevant to all Lindisfarne students, especially those in Years 11 and 12. Many students experience stress and pressure in high school, which can contribute to burnout, loss of motivation and loss of confidence. As such, Brooke’s messages can inspire all students to continue to strive for excellence, but to engage in regular and effective self-care to maximise potential and support mental health.

Wednesday’s experience was both inspiring and extremely valuable, and I would greatly encourage all staff and students to learn more about Brooke and her work, and to thoughtfully apply her messages in their own lives.

Isla Puckeridge
Communications Prefect

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Sensational Speech Choirs

What an exceptional group of teachers and students we have in the Junior School. This week was filled with many rehearsals and finally performances at the Murwillumbah Speech Choir Festival, an event that celebrates the spoken word and collective performance. All students from Year 1 to Year 4 were involved in the competition, with some classes combining while other classes performed as a single group.

Our students and teachers dedicated countless hours to perfect their pieces, mastering enunciation, projection and synchronisation. Under the expert guidance of our passionate teachers, the choirs grew not just in skill but also in confidence. Reading some of the adjudication notes emphasised how amazing our students and conductors were as they performed with confidence and eloquence with many placements only differentiated by single or half points.

Every class should be commended for their excellent performances and providing the opportunity for our students to grow as performers. Here are some of the placements and commendations that were received for some of our groups.

1A - Highly Commended with the poem ‘Keeping Australia Beautiful’ by Dulcie Meddows

2R - Second Place with the poem ‘Keeping Australia Beautiful’ by Dolcie Meadows

2B and 2H - Third Place with the poem ‘ Fairytale Fun' by Katy Crosby

3MR and 3B - Second Place with the poem 'My Boomerang' by Dulcie Meddows.

4T and 4KH - Second Place with the poem ‘Strict,’ by Michael Rosen

4LH and 4S - Highly Commended with the poem, ‘Dad and the Cat and the Tree’, by Kit Wright.

Congratulations Junior School you all continue to make me so proud!

Mrs Laura Gallagher
Acting Head of the Junior School

Round Square Heroes of Discovery

This week at the Junior School, we celebrated another milestone in our Round Square Heroes of Discovery journey by concluding our exploration of our seventh hero, Inventive Idris.

In classrooms, students engaged in conversations about the importance of embracing their creativity and imagination when solving problems or generating new ideas. They discussed Inventive Indris’ character traits and identified the need to be tenacious when trialling solutions to problems, whether at home, at school, or within the community.

Below, you’ll find some examples shared by our K-4 students showcasing how they embody the character traits of Inventive Idris.

With the expertise of our tech extraordinaire Miss Affleck, combined with the power of AI and the voice of our Year 4 leader, Toby, we have brought Inventive Idris to life. Click the link below to witness the magic and hear Inventive Idris share his story.


We look forward to continuing to acknowledge and celebrate the collective efforts of our Junior School students as they work together to build a community of heroes.

Abi Hails
Acting Dean of Students - Junior School

Junior School Sport

Dates for Term 2

Please find below some Term 2 - Junior School key dates to add to your calendar:

  • Friday 21 June (week 8) - 2-6 Athletics Carnival

  • Friday 21 June (week 8) - K-1 FUN Athletics Carnival

CIS Cross Country

The Lindisfarne Junior School sent several representatives to the CIS Cross Country in Sydney last week. Congratulations to all those who participated. Elle Down participated in the Girls' 8/9-year-old race and was the overall winner of the event. This is an outstanding effort; congratulations, Elle.
Elle will now represent CIS at the NSWPSSA Cross Country Championships, which will be held at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024. We wish Elle all the best as she takes on the best in the state.

Total Football Academy - After school Program

The Total Football Academy program will be running again in term 3. Information on this program and how to register can be found here -

AFS Lindisfarne - Term 3 2024.pdf.

Due to the limited number of coaches available, there are a strict limit of 45 places in this program. Therefore, the program will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If your child is interested, please accept and make payment on the Parent Lounge.

AFL Auskick

AFL Auskick will conclude next Wednesday, June 19. Thank you to AFL Q, which has provided another fantastic program full of fun and games for our students. 

Athletics Carnival

The 2-6 Athletics Carnival will be held in week 8 on Friday, June 21. All students from years 2, 3, and 4 will be required to attend the day. Our Year 2, 3, and 4 students will be bussed to and from the event on the day. Buses will depart Sunshine Avenue at 9 a.m. and return to school for the end-of-day pick-up.

All students will receive information at home outlining the logistics for the day, what they will need to bring on the day, and travel information.

The K -1 FUN Athletics Carnival will run in conjunction with our 2-6 Carnival on Friday 21 June. Both events will be held at the Athletics Fields on Walter Peate Oval Kingscliff. The FUN Carnival will only run for part of the day. Our Kindergarten and Year 1 students will catch buses departing from Sunshine Avenue at 9.30am and return to Sunshine Avenue by 1pm. Information will be sent home to all students outlining the logistics for the day, what they will require to bring on the day and travel information. If you have any questions please contact Mr Nathan Croft via email ncroft@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School 

Habitec Nesting Boxes

Last year the Year 4 gift to Sunshine Avenue was two new nesting boxes per class to decorate, funded by our dedicated Green Team. After our successful Green Market earlier in the year, the money raised was used to pay for the installation of these new nesting boxes. On Friday June 7 Owen and Jason from Habitec came to Lindisfarne to install them in our playground. They also removed any of the old ones that were broken.

The first older box they brought down was one from the new preschool playground. We were all surprised to see the box had inhabitants! The box had one adult sugar glider which we found out was a mum because it also had three or four babies. The reason they took it down was because the bottom of the box was rotten, so the bottom would fall off. Once they had screwed a new bottom on the box, they put it back in the tree. Owen climbed up with safety gear on and ropes attached to his carabiner. Once Owen was in the tree Jason lifted up the box with ropes. The sugar gliders were safe, though there was a mat-like thing on top of the hole so they couldn’t get out, which was removed once the box was safely in place. After Owen was safely down, Jason and Owen took down other old and rotten boxes they also put some boxes up in their place.

While replacing other old nesting boxes in the back playground, we also saw another glider who ran up the tree to escape. With the new nesting boxes installed, we certainly hope that the glider has a much safer, more comfortable home now.

It was very exciting being part of the installation of the new boxes, and as Sustainability Captains, we also interviewed Owen and Jason once they were finished. They have been working as professional tree climbers, otherwise known as arborists, for 5 years and 8 years respectively. We also learnt that the new boxes have different sized holes to ensure they are more attractive to different species, for example, lorikeet specific boxes were placed in the Preschool playground, that have a much smaller opening than the glider boxes. We would love to have spy cameras to see what other wonderful wildlife might be living in our playgrounds!

Luella Whitrod & Emily Jamieson

Semester 1 Junior School Sustainability Captains

Green Team

Middle School

Year 8 News

Camp Week

Arriving at school at the crack of dawn, Year 8 students began what would be an adventurous, fun and rewarding camp experience. Held at the picturesque Tuchekoi on the Sunshine Coast, students were greeted by rolling hills, dams and some friendly animals including a camel. Students experienced the best of what Tuchekoi had to offer, participating in a wide variety of character and team building activities. Examples include flying foxes over the dam, a treasure hunt through the landscape and survival skills. Students had a variety of sleeping arrangements during camp including glamping, tents and cabins. Students should be commended for the enthusiasm and team spirit throughout the camp.

Subject Selections

This is an exciting time for Year 8 students as they begin to choose subjects related to their interests and goals in preparation for Year 9. The subject selection night held on Tuesday gave an opportunity for students to hear from Faculty Directors about what each subject offers and ask questions to help them make decisions. Students need to finalise their subject choices and submit their selection form by 5pm on Thursday 27th of June.

Athletics Carnival

The annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday, June 20th. This fun-filled day is a great opportunity for students to cheer on their Houses and contribute to house points. A gentle reminder that this is a school day and that students should attend. Even those students who do not consider themselves sporty can still participate and enjoy the day. We look forward to seeing the Year 8 students in action on the day.

Mrs Amy Blinco and Mr Alex Coulter
Year 8 Coordinators

REMINDER: Final Homework Club Week 8

Homework Club will finish for Term 2 in Week 8. We will resume Homework Club in Week 2 of Term 3.

Jacqueline O'Sullivan
Acting Director of Learning Enrichment - Middle School

Senior School

From the Head Senior School

At Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, we believe in using our gifts for the good of others. This ethos is beautifully encapsulated by our wonderful Germinate Records label and was brought to life during the recent performance at The Citadel on Wednesday night.

Germinate Records is not just any independent record label; it is a nurturing ground for young artists, producers, engineers, and music industry professionals. The profits from the recordings are channelled into worthy causes. The students involved in the label have the freedom to grow, and in return, they give back through their music.

This remarkable initiative, led by (Acting Principal) Charlotte Lush and our own Brett Canning, has flourished. The sight of our students performing their original work at a sold-out venue was not just awe-inspiring but also testimony to the talent and dedication within our school community. Their bravery in sharing their original works offered poignant insight into their lives and experiences, fostering a sense of pride and connection among us all.

What is even more remarkable is witnessing the concept of using our gifts for the good of others come to fruition. All money raised from the performance at The Citadel will be donated to Wedgetail Retreat, a community hospice dedicated to providing specialised palliative care.

Wedgetail Retreat is a beacon of hope for clients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. They offer a home-like environment where everyone receives care tailored to their needs. Despite taking the burden off the health system, especially for high-need palliative clients without full-time carers, the hospice is not funded by the NSW state government. Each year, their services support hundreds of clients, ensuring they can live their final days with dignity and comfort.

The philosophy of Wedgetail Retreat resonates deeply with our community, as it was where our beloved colleague and friend, Matt Fydler, spent his final days. His memory and the impact of the hospice's work inspire us to support this cause wholeheartedly.

The performance on Wednesday night was a microcosm of what we seek to achieve at Lindisfarne. I was immensely proud to call myself a member of our school, witnessing firsthand the impact of our collective efforts to use our gifts for the good of others. This event highlighted the power of our community when we come together to make a difference.

In everything we do, from the arts to academics, we strive to embody the principle of using our talents and resources to benefit others. Whether through music, volunteer work, or everyday kindness, we encourage everyone at Lindisfarne to think about how they can contribute positively to the world around them. This spirit of generosity and service is at the heart of our school community, driving us to continually find ways to support and uplift those in need.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Push-Up Challenge Update

The results are in for Week 1!!!

Thank you to everyone who has gotten on board with this initiative. At the end of Week 1, we have had a total of $820 donated and a total of 19,848 push-ups completed.

There are still three weeks left in the challenge, so it is not too late to sign up. Remember, something is better than nothing!

Links to donate:

- St Andrew House

- St Barnabas House

- St Cuthbert House

- St Hilda House

- St Margaret House

- St Stephen House

Keep it coming team!

Liam Francis
Push-Up Challenge Coordinator


Subject Selection

It was wonderful to see so many students and their families at Year 9 2025 subject selection evening on Tuesday. Subject Selection for Year 9 2025 is now open and students will have received an email on Wednesday to select their elective courses online.

Just a reminder that Year 11 2025 Subject Selection Evening is next Monday, 17 June commencing at 6pm. Looking forward to seeing Year 10 student and families at this event.

HSC Revision

During the term break, there will be HSC Workshops and Revision sessions. The timetable can be viewed here.

ATAR notes will be running online revision sessions again during the term break students need to register via the link.

Expression of Interest - Examination Invigilators

We are currently looking for examination invigilators (supervisors) for upcoming school and HSC examinations. These are paid positions and you will need a current working with children check obtained via Service NSW. Please note that HSC invigilators cannot have a family member sitting HSC examinations at the school and will be employed by NESA.

The dates for the examinations are as follows:

  • Trial Examinations 5-16 August
  • Year 11 Examinations 16-27 September
  • HSC Examinations 15 October to 8 November

If you are interested or know someone who is please contact Amy Williamson -Academic Administrator via email at awilliamson@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Careers and VET

As we move toward the end of Term 2, Year 12 students are beginning preparations for University applications and other pathways post school. Below are some reminders for Year 12 students interested in University and Apprenticeship and Traineeship pathways:


  • Start planning visits to Open Days
  • Review the Early Entry guide
  • Review the Elite Athlete schemes for entry and support at university
  • Sign up for job alerts from the Tweed Shire Council for paid cadetships (get paid while you study)
  • Guide to Entry Pathways for Medicine for 2024

Apprenticeships and Traineeships (Note: these may require relocation):

  • Sign up for job alerts from the Tweed Shire Council. The Tweed Shire Council advertise their jobs through Programmed - so create an account and sign up for alerts here too.
  • Sign up for job alerts from Byron Shire Council
  • Sign up for job alerts with the Gold Coast City Council
  • Essential Energy Apprenticeships for 2025 - Applications close 23rd June. These are highly sought after: Powerline Worker (Electrical Trade), Cable Jointer (Electrical Trade), Zone Substation Electrical Technician (Electrical Trade), Female Identified Opportunities
  • Essential Energy Field Operations Traineeship program focuses on providing opportunities for First Nations people to join the energy industry - Application close 14th July
  • NSW Department of Transport - in varied fields
  • Tomago Aluminium - offering Electrical and Fitter Apprenticeships
  • Endeavour Energy - Electrical Apprenticeships
  • Google 'Apprenticeships 2025' and see what comes up. It is also worthwhile contacting local businesses/ businesses of interest directly with your resume and a short introduction

Year 12 Activities Week - Student Reflections

While the rest of the school were on camp, the Year 12s participated in Activities Week back at school. Mrs Ward organised an amazing week for us all, with something for everyone to enjoy!

On Monday the entire grade travelled to Southern Cross University where we learned about Southern Cross and university life in general. We participated in the CareerMatch program in which we were provided with a series of careers that the program predicted would suit our skills and personalities. While a lot of us were surprised by the results, it was great to be exposed to careers we’d never considered.

Tuesday’s highlight for me was definitely the MoneyVest talk, which most students attended. Dom was a very engaging speaker and was super passionate about helping us manage our finances, giving us loads of useful tips on maximising returns on investments and completing our tax returns. The line of people with questions at the end of the session stretched from the front to the back of the theatre, but Dom remained patient and enthusiastic and stayed as long as he could to ensure everyone was able to achieve higher interest rates on their savings accounts, maximise their superannuation and even receive advice on his university degree. It was clear that Dom is committed to helping students and we were so lucky to learn from him.

Wednesday took myself and a number of other students to Brisbane to visit the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and the University of Queensland (UQ). We received tours of both campuses and heard from current QUT students about exchanges, moving degrees, residential life, sport, studies and so much more. We toured UQ with our teachers and ate lunch from shops on campus, which hosts a market day every Wednesday. The campuses were both very impressive and it was great to see where we might be spending the next four years.

We came back together as a year group on Friday and Mrs Ward interviewed a panel of guests about their careers. This gave us valuable insights into what working in their professions is really like and exposed us to the reality that, a lot of the time, plans change and careers change and we must be able to adapt to challenges. We were given the opportunity to network with the guests before hearing from Professor Alan Patching on minimising anxiety in public speaking. The presentation was informative, interactive and entertaining, and when I spoke to him after the presentation I found the Professor very friendly, helpful and open.

The final afternoon of Activities Week was definitely a highlight for all. Friday’s trivia session brought out our competitive spirits. We collaborated in teams to answer questions on a wide range of topics and engaged in Nutbush competition and heads-or-tails bonus rounds. It was a really fun way to end such a valuable memorable week!

Isla Puckeridge 
Communications Prefect

During activities week, going off-campus and visiting different universities allowed us to understand the different options available to us after school, helping to point us in a direction of what to look into further, including different universities, paths, opportunities and careers. A highlight for me from Activities Week was the final day - a day of networking and learning communication skills. We were able to engage with several professionals across different fields and hear their stories from graduating high school to where they are now. This showed us that the path was not always linear - this was comforting to many of us as we were reminded to simply focus on one step at a time and not get overwhelmed by all the possibilities. The morning tea following the panel interview allowed us to have valuable conversations with these individuals and discover different career options, university paths and experiences. I enjoyed being able to ask specific questions to these successful individuals about their own journey of discovering what they are interested in and how they turned this into a career. The wide range of experiences from Activities Week has equipped us as Year 12s with practical knowledge and a broader perspective, helping us make informed decisions about our futures.

Mia Harris
School Vice Captain

Activities week was exceptionally organised and a great time for Year 12 to culminate ideas surrounding our futures. The off-campus uni tours, moving out-of-home workshops, financial and tax workshops and the RSA course were so beneficial for the entire grade and helped us realistically visualise a future outside of school. Graduating can feel so daunting, but putting everything into perspective and learning to get organised for life outside of school, whether that be applying to universities, TAFE's or getting straight into the workforce was so helpful and a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

Luca Daniel

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and Vocational Education & Training

Pastoral Care


Sports News

This week we have a Bill Turner double header - both boys and girls try to keep going in this knockout competition. Our 1stXV head down to Woodlawn for their Len Diett fixture. All these reports in next week's newsletter.

We also have our Table Tennis Clinics with Andy Nguyen, starting this Friday - in which we have solid numbers!

Our Athletics Carnival is bearing down on us next week, when this newsletter goes live - all registrations will be closed. We are having these externally uploaded onto Meet Manager for us. 

Please find the official soft copy of the 2024 Athletics Carnival programs below:


Secondary Athletics Carnival PROGRAM - Thursday, 20 June

Secondary Timetable of EVENTS


Primary Athletics Carnival - Friday, 21 June

Primary Timetable of EVENTS

Kindy to Year One Timetable of EVENTS and Rotation Map

Hard copies of programs will be available on the day - available near track marshalling.

Video instructions for the carnivals can be viewed below:

Secondary Athletics Video 2024

Primary Athletics Video 2024

Field Event Sign Ups - and 400m/800m Sign Ups - can be found HERE after 12 PM MONDAY

Mark your calendars and join us for a day of spirited races, dynamic field events, and plenty of fun activities. The Athletics Carnival is not just an opportunity for our students to compete, but also a chance for our whole school community to come together and celebrate health, fitness, and camaraderie. We look forward to seeing everyone there for a fantastic day of sports and school spirit!

Next week we also have our Touch Footballers, NFL flag and Bill Turner (Girls) squads playing - in what will be yet another busy week of sport!

NSWCIS Cross Country

A hearty congratulations to all participants who endured the testing wet conditions at NSWCIS Cross Country. In what was clearly the best ever results by our school, some GUN young runners placed and medalled. Not to mention Lindisfarne placing in various age groups in the schools division.

A huge congratulations to the training squad operating out of Mahers Lane with Mr Osmond. We had 2, third placegetters - and a 1st placegetter - all running through their paces in this squad. Those hills out the back are a wonderful setting to get an advantage over other competitors - we are wrapped this land is being used so effectively for our distance runners.

Team Medals:

The U11 girls, U11 boys and U8/9 girls Lindisfarne team all finished 2nd place. Out of around 60-80 schools. How good!

Individual placegetters:

1st place to Elle Down in 8/9yrs

3rd place to William Middleton 11yr boys

3rd place to Andie Buchan 11yr girls

You can find the full result lists here.

Congratulations to Milla Poulsen (year 7) who made it through to represent CIS at the NSW All Schools Cross Country Championships. These will be held at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre on Wednesday 24th of July 2024.

Please click the following link for the Team List:

2024 CIS Secondary Cross Country Team List


Bill Turner Cup

Our U15 boys are through to round 5 (far north coast final) which equals our best result ever. We had a 2-0 win against Emmanuel College, Ballina, with goals from Oscar Meulet and Fletcher Bisgrove. The Next round is against Trinity Catholic College, Lismore.

Bill Turner Trophy

Our U15 girls and Coach Clucas are also through to the next round of the competition after a resounding and merciless win over Kingscliff High - well into double figures. These girls are a force to be reckoned with. If they win their next match, they too will be through to the far north coast final and are on pace for their best result ever.

Spotlight on Kade Wood

Kade Wood (Year 8) has been selected to play in the T20 competition in September for QLD Raiders. Team of 13 picked from over 200 players!

Congratulations Kade!

Spotlight on Miles Scheiwe and Walt Samuels

Miles Scheiwe and Walt Samuels (both in Year 9) undertook two hours of grading by completing Taekwondo Patterns "Teul 틀'' from the lower coloured belts to higher belts, at each step they were challenged in several rounds of contact sparring against each other, and other black belts and their Master "Sabeom 사범", Miles and Walt were exhausted. Upon completion of all the Patterns and Sparing required for their Black Belt level, they met the final challenge of board breaking "Kyukpa 격파". Their determination pushed them to succeed in multiple board breaks to grant them Black Belt First Degree at Cheah Taekwondo Academy.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities

Rugby Union Report

Proudly Supported By



On Thursday last week, our U16 and 1st XV boys played their second match against Xavier Catholic College on our school's top oval as part of the Len Diett Cup competition.

U16 12-24

No report was submitted.

1st XV 10-19

Our 1st XV came out firing in the first half against a very strong Xavier 1st XV with some aggressive swarming defence led by Cimarron Crawford and Will Sullivan. When our boys got their hands on the ball, they also had some nice moments and we were unlucky not to score early in the game with only an errant pass leading to a missed try in the corner. Following this, we went try for try with Xavier, only we failed to convert our tries leading to a score of 10-14. Unfortunately, and despite some late opportunities that we could not convert, Xavier scored close to the end of the game to bring the final score to 10-19. Although we did not win the game, this was a much improved showing from our boys against Xavier, who had a number of strong and physical boys. Standouts for our 1st XV were Jack Kerridge and Mani Lopez in the backs and Will Sullivan, Cimarron Crawford and Charlie Sutton in the forwards. Abel Itty and Sam Stovin also showed progress in this game and have both been improving week on week.

Daley Norton-Knight Cup

Our U12s fresh off their trip to Sydney to play in the State Finals 7s travelled up to All Saints Anglican School for the Daley Norton-Knight U12 tournament.

The U12 team lucky enough to be selected headed off to All Saints for the annual DNK Cup tournament and what a hugely successful day it was.

The team played four games, winning all of them to take the 2024 DNK Cup home to LAGS.

Our victories were against:

36 - 0 vs Trinity Lutheran College

17 - 5 vs Coomera Anglican College

5 - 0 vs King’s College

39 - 0 vs Somerset College

It was a great day for open, running rugby where our boys were able to showcase their wide range of individual skills as well as the amazing teamwork they have been working so hard on.

The highlight was the team performance against a very well drilled and talented Trinity Lutheran College. The boys had to raise their game, defending relentlessly for large periods of the game before producing three fantastic tries to grab a fabulous victory.

Congratulations to Sky Brebner for his overall player of the day award, particularly for his performance against King's College where vital turnovers and dominant tackles made a huge difference in what was a tight game.


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE. We are also trying to find fixtures for our girls program to finish off term 2 with and we will let you know asap if we are able to organise these.


Wednesday - Thursday, 19 - 20 June

CIS Primary Rugby Trials (U12)

Wednesday, 19 June

Len Diett Tournament (U15, U13) Woodlawn AWAY

Thursday, 20 June

Lindisfarne Secondary Athletics Carnival

Thursday, 27 June

Len Diett Cup RD3 (U16, 1st XV) Woodlawn HOME (moved from 23rd May)

Friday, 28 June

Term 2 ends

Wednesday - Thursday, 19 - 20 June

CIS Primary Rugby Trials (U12)


Friday, 28 June

Term 2 ends

Monday, 22 July

Term 3 begins

Monday, 22 July

Monday 7s PM training begins (U15, U16, U18)

Thursday, 25 July

NSW Secondary 7s (U16, U18)

Thursday, 1 August

NSW Secondary 7s Regional Final (U16, U18)


Far North Coast Rugby NSW Rugby Country Championships

We had a number of Lindisfarne students travel down to the NSW Rugby Country Championships last weekend to represent the Far North Coast region. Congratulations to all students that competed in this tournament from our school!

Physio Place Sponsorship

The Lindisfarne Rugby Program is very fortunate to have the Physio Place from Tweed Heads as a sponsor in 2024. Physio Place is one of the leading physiotherapy practices on the Gold Coast and is headed up by one of our Lindisfarne alumni, Dr Carly Jennar. Dr Jennar has an extensive background in contact sports and currently works with Tweed Seagulls Rugby League Cup squad, Brisbane Broncos NRLW team, QLD Women’s State of Origin team and has been to two Rugby League World Cups with both the Australian and Papua New Guinea Women’s National teams. You can find out more about the team of staff at Physio Place HERE.

As part of this sponsorship, Physio Place will provide Lindisfarne rugby players and families with discounted physiotherapy consultations ($30 reduction in charges) at Physio Place in Tweed Heads (next to Rebel Sport). They will also assist with:

  • Physiotherapy support and first aid during home games

  • Strapping at a suitable time before home and away games for players at school

  • Triage for any injured players at the school the day after match days or tournaments;

  • Physiotherapy support for major tournaments (e.g., Ballymore Cup and QLD All Schools) at tournament locations.

If you need physiotherapy or have any injuries please contact Physio Place on (07) 55239994 or you can also book online at their website HERE.

Salt Bar Sponsorship

We are extremely proud to have the Salt Bar as sponsors of the 2024 Lindisfarne Rugby Program.

As part of this sponsorship, Salt Bar has generously provided all members of the Lindisfarne rugby community (e.g., parents, supporters, friends) with a 10% discount on food and drinks.

You can use this discount anytime you are at the Salt Bar and to access this discount:

  1. Download The Pass app via the App store or Google Play

  2. Go to More > Promo Code and enter the code LINDISFARNE

  3. Make sure to use The Pass app when ordering food and drink at the Salt Bar

Player of the Day / Game

As part of our sponsorship with the Salt Bar, we are very lucky that all our Players of the Day / Game will receive a $25 voucher to spend on food and drink at Salt Bar.

Term 1


Player of Day

Somerset U13

Sullivan Groves

Somerset U15

Teo Martin

Somerset 1st XV

Taj Krasna

All Saints U13

Oliver Costello

All Saints U15

Zane Weston

All Saints 1st XV

Cash Cratchley

Sunshine Coast U13

Coby Ellison

Sunshine Coast U15

Tucker Groves

Sunshine Coast 1st XV

Jack Kerridge

Kings U13

Adam Blinco

Kings U15

Max Cluines Ross

Miami 7s U12

Crusoe Foster

Ballymore Cup - St Peters Lutheran 1st XV

Jesse Bravington

Ballymore Cup - Faith Lutheran 1st XV

Taj Krasna

Ballymore Cup - Marist College Emerald 1st XV

Charlie Sutton

Ballymore Cup - Villanova 1st XV

Sam Stovin

Ballymore Cup - Faith Lutheran 1st XV

Flynn McCulloch

Ballymore Cup - Chanel College U15

Tucker Groves

Ballymore Cup - Somerset U15

Rhys Jones

Ballymore Cup - St Peters Lutheran U15

Eden Humphries

Ballymore Cup - St James U15

Kobe Frazer

Ballymore Cup - Somerset U15

Teo Martin

Ballymore Cup - Kings Christian U13

Campbell Patterson

Ballymore Cup - Faith Lutheran U13

Charlie Misfud

Ballymore Cup - St Patrick's College U13

Oli Wilson

Ballymore Cup - Downlands College U13

Coby Ellison

Ballymore Cup - Chanel College U13

Tyler Watkins

TAS Carnival - Highland Goats U12

George Taylor

TAS Carnival - Scone Grammar

Finn Jones

TAS Carnival - Pacific Liutheran

Channing Melville

TAS Carnival - Moree Rugby

Crusoe Foster

TAS Carnival - The Armidale School

Dean Arghyros

Term 2


Player of Day

Scots PGC U13

Jax Di Miera

Scots PGC U15

Zane Weston

Scots PGC 1st XV

Taj Krasna

Scots PGC U18G 7

Ruby Power

Scots PGC U15G 7

Lola Parsons

Somerset U13

Nate Blenkinsop

Somerset U16G 7

Sooke Paley

All Saints U15

Jack Cross

All Saints Girls 7s Tournament

Tiggi Groves

Xavier U16

Albert Stainlay-Werrin

Xavier 1st XV

Will Sullivan

Kings U12

Ben Dickens

NSW Primary 7s State Finals U12

Charlie Dunn

DNK Cup U12

Sky Brebner

Xavier U16

Eden Humphreys

Xavier 1st XV

Mani Lopez

Monday After School Training

In 2024, our main training session outside of school time is on Monday after school from 1530-1645. Although we have had good numbers to our term 1 training sessions, rugby union is a team sport and we still need as many of our players to be in attendance week in and week out to grow the Lindisfarne rugby program in term 2. Hopefully, the car-pooling details will help this and if we can be of assistance in any way, please let us know.

Also, please note we will NOT be sending reminders for these training sessions (all players and families should assume our Monday afternoon training will ALWAYS BE ON), however we will let you all know in ample time if we need to cancel a session due to weather or other factors.

Training Attire

Students should also be in proper training attire (NOT school sports uniform) with mouthguard, boots and any other equipment they play with for every training session, including school sport. This requirement also includes integrated school sport on Thursday i.e., students should wear our rugby training top or similar and not the school sport polo at this time. Alongside this, students should have a towel and spare school uniform to change into in case there is wet weather.

Stack Team APP

The Stack Team app will be our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for all our squads, with exception of U12 boys.

As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the Lindisfarne Rugby Program in the app.

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join.

Lindisfarne Rugby X Bond University Colts - Front Row Training

Our Lindisfarne Rugby Program is very lucky to have been given a standing invitation for any of our front row players to train with Bond University Colts on Wednesday nights as a part of their units block. This block is a 35 min block starting from 1845 with lineout primers and then moving into scrum work from 1900. If you are interested in this opportunity, please let us know and we can pass on more details.

Integrated School Sport Selections

WIth term 3 integrated school sport (Thursday) selections open, all students wanting to play rugby 7s for the school OR continue training rugby should select Rugby for term 3. This is for both boys and girls and even if not in the current squads, students are still welcome to join and should select rugby for school sport.

For the boys, we will have Open Boys (U18), U16, U15, U14 and U13 squads competing in NSW and QLD tournaments next term. For the girls, we will have Open Girls, U16, and U15 squads competing in NSW and QLD tournaments next term. For more details on fixtures, please check the key dates HERE.

More Information

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance Athlete & Sports Development

Lindisfarne Lions Basketball - Mid Season Wrap

Welcome Coach Samara Hill

Hi all, my name is Samara Hill and I am the coach of the Under 16's Nalas, and Under 14 Loki's basketball teams. My background in basketball stems from my 4 years with Newberry College in South Carolina playing NCAA basketball. After that I travelled home and played 4 seasons with the Frankston Blues in the NBL1 competition. I am very much looking forward to continuing my coaching career within the Lindisfarne Basketball program.

With the GCJBL Winter Competition just past the halfway point it has been another season of challenge, learning and growth. With coach Nash swanning his way around Europe for most of the season and the addition and challenge of extra venues this season, we are extremely grateful for the support of everyone involved in the program.


The Mufassas are coming together as a team very nicely in what for most of them is their first experience of competitive basketball. So nicely in fact that they are leading their U12 division with 6 wins from 8 games. Coach Pete has been extremely proud of the leadership the more experienced boys have shown and the way they have all come together to compete and have fun with their basketball.

LOKIS U14 Boys

The Division 2 Lokis continue to defy their size in a very competitive competition. The boys attack each game with a fierce determination and as a result they sit about mid table. With continued practice they will improve and give the competition a real shake.


The Ahadis are a dynamic team of boys that are midway through what is for most of them their first season of basketball. The focus this season has been on improving and enjoying the game. With few, if any subs, the boys are giving their all every week and are starting to play some great team basketball. Their continued improvement resulted in their strongest performance of the season last game going down in a nail biter by one point in a game that could have gone either way. Keep it up boys!

NALAS U16 Girls

The Nalas are developing well as a team. Whilst they have been on the wrong end of the scoreboard in a number of their games they are improving with each game. As a famous coach once said "You learn more from your losses" and with this in mind they are coming along very well. Maintaining their positive approach and continued work at training will help them improve further.


After demolishing their way through grading rounds the Hunters became our very first GCJBL Division 1 team. Which is big. While the competition has been a step up, the boys are learning, growing in confidence, adjusting and becoming the team they want to be. They are regularly leading games against top teams into the third quarter which has been fantastic to see. It is now up to us to keep improving in how we train, lead each other and execute down the stretch, if we are to become the team that can play at this level for four quarters.


Sitting in third place the Attilas are poised to make a strong run at the finals. As well as some really impressive results, their attitude in how they play, and how they conduct themselves as a team, and as individuals, has been highly commendable. With a continued focus on learning when to play with pace and when to play with poise, and consolidating a few of our few actions, the rest of the season will be fun to watch.

THORS U16 Boys

The all bottom age punching above their weight class Thors currently sit on the edge of finals contention. It has been fantastic to see the boys play to their collective strengths: defensive intensity, the capacity to make the extra pass, and the ability to step up individually when needed. To make a deep finals run the boys are going to need to keep growing in their ability to be assertive and impose themselves on a play and the game earlier.


With 6 of the Mohatus’ 8 games being decided by 5 points or less (winning 3 and losing 3) the boys’ games have been exciting to watch and full of character building moments. Currently tied for the last semi final position, continuing to train how we want to play and using that close game experience down the stretch, will be the difference this season in a really close and competitive division.

FANGS U16 Boys

With a roster that has gone from 9 to 4 to 6, fielding teams on a weekly basis and those present giving 100%, has been a gold medal result for the Fangs, finals aside. With some solid wins under their belt, the roster consolidated, and the ball starting to move (the ball moves, the scoreboard moves) the boys are on the rise and have a chance to make finals.

KINGS U18 Boys

The Kings have played hard this season. With the older boys’ commitment to their studies preventing regular team training, the cohesion and trust displayed by the stronger teams remains an elusive ideal for our senior boys team. If they can harness their individual attributes as a collective, they may be in with a chance for the finals. Those that have been able to train have been fantastic in their approach to improve. Time to step up Kings.


With the entirely bottom age U18 team stepping up to the challenge of the GCJBL Winter season for the first time the Scouts are growing both individually and collectively week to week. With a greatly improved focus at training, never say die attitude in games, and palpable team camaraderie, the Scouts are on the up. With a really solid win against one of the top teams in the competition the boys showed they can compete with anyone.

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Writing Competition

The annual creative writing competition is open now for entries from all students across the Mahers Lane campus (Years 5-12). Please see the poster below for details and ensure that entries are emailed to me by 5pm on Monday of Week 9. Entries must be under 600 words and need to include a title, your name, grade, and which stimulus you are responding to. I can’t wait to read your stories!

Emily Brewer
Coordinator of English

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Gold Coast Debating

Week 7 is a clean sweep week for our debaters! Incredible work from all members of our Inter B and Open A teams. It has been a pleasure to see your skills and confidence grow throughout this season.

Open A: LAG1

Topic: We should value ethically sourced products more than reduced prices

Side: Negative

Congratulations to our Open A team on a nail-biting debate and a well-deserved victory. The level of this debate was beyond the scope of the average high school level debate as our students and the representatives from All Saints delved into complex economic issues that are difficult for even our nation's politicians to comprehend and formulate ideas and solutions for. Ella made strong points about the cost of living crisis and opened the team’s case decisively and convincingly. Mia continued the debate with a focus on accessibility, and her ability to stay calm and collected under pressure helped her handle the opponents ‘points of information’ with grace and confidence. Xan’s structured and poised style finished the team’s case with style and conviction. While Olivia acted as our chairperson this evening, her contributions to the team during short preparation were invaluable, and the group is commended on their camaraderie and ability to make the most of the strengths of each individual member.

Well done Open A LAG1!

Inter B: LAG1

Topic: The Government should increase funding for the Arts

Side: Affirmative

A valiant effort was made by our Inter B debaters against a very well organised St Hildas team. The team’s Coach Mr Hall said that while all members put in an excellent effort, it was Django and Ava’s poignant rebuttals that made the difference. Well done to Django, Ava, Elizabeth and Tahlia. Short prep debates are incredibly difficult, and require not just good public speaking skills, but teamwork, critical thinking and the ability to work efficiently under pressure. It has been a pleasure to see you continue to develop your skills and grow as a team.

Congratulations Inter B debaters!

Emily Brewer
English Coordinator







Performing Arts

Year 11 Drama Performance - Love and Information

Next Wednesday and Thursday evening Year 11 Drama will be presenting their annual play at the CItadel in Murwillumbah. This performance will be the culmination of a long run of rehearsals and is always a highlight on the school performance calendar.

Caryl Churchill's Love and Information is made up of seven sections with over fifty scenes and one hundred characters. At its core, this work causes us to think about how new or missing information changes our relationships with others, whether it is a revealed secret or a forgotten memory.

Year 11 drama have worked tirelessly in developing these 100 characters to find meaning and love for Caryl Churchill’s work. They’ve worked as directors, designers, dramaturges and actors and have enveloped the mastery of Churchills work to create a performance with poignant meaning about love and what it means to be truly human in a modern, knowledge-driven world.Year 11 Drama Performance - Love and Information

Mrs Amy Camer
Drama teacher

Murwillumbah Festival of Performing Arts

This week the Speech and Drama sections of the Murwillumbah Festival of Performing Arts began.

Over the next 7 days and nights over 100 Lindisfarne students who participate in Speech and Drama tuition at the school will grace the Tweed Civic Centre stage to compete in this year’s Eisteddfod.

The student’s will perform monologues, plays, mimes and recite poetry and prose.

The competition wraps up on Sunday afternoon.

Earlier this week the following students took out Major Prizes

Age Champion Winner 13 Years - Sienna Williamson ( Year 9)

Age Champion Winner 10 years - Zoe Fox ( Year 6)

Age Champion Runner-Up 7 years - Rohan Fox ( Year 1)

Congratulations to these students and all the students who have performed so wonderfully this week.

Kim Shepherd
Drama Teacher

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Year 9 and 10 Science and Engineering Challenge

The annual Science and Engineering Challenge run by the University of Newcastle and Griffith University at All Saints Anglican Grammar School brought together budding scientists and engineers from across the region for a day of innovation and discovery. Students showcased their scientific prowess through a series of challenging events designed to test their knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The competition featured a diverse range of activities including bridge and tower building, logic puzzles and design challenges such as plane and wind turbine design. Teams of students collaborated to tackle hands-on experiments, theoretical challenges, and real-world problems.

Throughout the day, students engaged in friendly competition, exchanging ideas, and learning from one another. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as participants eagerly awaited the announcement of winners during the awards ceremony. Although Lindisfarne did not win, we showed fairly consistent results across the challenges and each student represented the school well.

The competition not only fostered a spirit of scientific inquiry but also encouraged teamwork, perseverance, and a passion for learning. It served as a platform for students to showcase their talents, gain valuable experience, and inspire others to pursue careers in STEM fields.

Miles Scheiwe
Year 9 Student

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Jobs Vacant - External

Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
