From the Principal
Dear Lindisfarne Parents and Guardians,
The School is a hive of activity as we enter the last few weeks of the 2024 school year. This is always a special time in the School as we culminate our year of growing and learning together and celebrate our individual and collective achievements.
Our Graduation Eucharist on Friday evening was an opportunity for members of the Class of 2024 and their families to give thanks to God for our school and each other. This special time of reflection is an uplifting and important time as our students look toward life beyond School.
Over the weekend, we enjoyed celebrating with the Class of 2024 at the annual Year 12 Formal. This event is always a highlight, providing a wonderful opportunity to gather and celebrate our students' achievements in a joyful and elegant setting. It was a delight to see our students dressed up and enjoy this special occasion with parents and staff.
On Monday, we observed Remembrance Day with a poignant service at school, honouring our soldiers and reflecting on the sacrifices made for our freedom. This important day reminds us of the value of peace and the bravery of those who have served. Our students and staff participated respectfully, marking the occasion with solemnity and gratitude.
Wednesday brought a spectacular highlight of the week with our Stage 3 musical performance of Disney’s Aladdin. Watching our students perform to such a high standard was nothing short of magical. The dedication, talent, and hard work that went into this production were evident, and I am incredibly proud of everyone involved.
Congratulations are in order for our Visual Arts students whose works have been nominated for ARTEXPRESS. Bridie Bedford, Ebony Bohte, Daisy Burke, Tahlia Coleman, Gianna Dunlevy, Indy Iliffe, and Ava Knapp have all been recognised for their exceptional Body of Work. ARTEXPRESS is an annual showcase of outstanding HSC Visual Arts projects, and our students’ works will be exhibited at various galleries around NSW throughout 2025.
Today was exciting for our K-2 students, who participated in their annual Fun Swimming Carnival. It’s always a joy to see the excitement and enthusiasm as our youngest learners take to the water, enjoying a day filled with fun, laughter, and friendly competition.
I look forward to seeing many of you over the weeks ahead at our various events, services, and celebrations to culminate the 2024 School year. Some of these are listed below for your reference.
- Principal's Evening of Thanks - Friday, 22 November 6.30pm details are below
- Year 10 Dinner Dance - Friday, 29 November
- Community Carols, Mahers Lane Chapel - Sunday, 1 December - 5.30pm for 6.00pm Service
- Junior School Speech Day - Tuesday, 3 December 9.45am (Years 1 to 4) - Please note this event is at the Mahers Lane campus
- Middle School Speech Day Tuesday, 3 December 1.00pm (Years 5 to 8)
- Senior School Speech Dday, Wednesday, 4 December 11.30am (Years 9 to 12)
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead!
Warm regards,
Stuart Marquardt
You're Invited - Principal's Evening of Thanks
As the school year draws to a close, we reflect on the countless ways our community has come together to make this year both enriching and memorable. The dedication and contributions of each community member have been instrumental in supporting an environment where our students thrive. Because of this, I am delighted to invite you to the Principal's Evening of Thanks, a special event to celebrate and express our gratitude for your support throughout the year.
Details of the event:
Date: Friday, 22 November
Time: 6:30pm to 8.30pm
Venue: Mahers Lane Chapel
Please note this is a student-free event.
Please confirm your attendance via the following link.
Kind regards,
Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal
From the Deputy Principal
From the Acting Deputy Principal
Chaplain's Column
Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,
Last term I wrote articles on each of our School Values - Compassion, Wisdom and Respect. In this article I would like to draw your attention to our first cultural driver here at Lindisfarne - Leadership.
During our Year 12 Leadership Induction Service I focussed my message on the Servant leadership model of Jesus. This is because Jesus revolutionised our understanding of what true leadership looks like by turning it on its head. For in the Greco-Roman world, which Jesus inhabited, leadership was effectively dictatorship especially that of the Roman Emperor. It was a leadership model of distance and dominance. Whereas Jesus’ leadership model was based on humility and service.
The Gospel reading for the Leadership Induction Service was case in point. In it, Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. Now whilst this may not sound so strange to us, as we may well be somewhat familiar with the story, at the time it would have been utterly shocking. For in Jesus’ Jewish culture, washing someone else’s feet was viewed as being the lowest form of service a person could perform.
The Rabbis even had a saying; “every service that a slave performs for their master a disciple should perform for their Rabbi, except the untying of their sandals.” It was considered to be just too lowly and too degrading. And yet, Jesus, the Son Of God and Master of the Universe, no less, takes it even further, or should I say even lower. He doesn’t merely take off his disciple’s sandals but he washes their dirty, smelly, feet. This is actually why Peter initially protested - “surely, you’re too good for this, Jesus?!”
And yet, it was Jesus’ paradigm shifting servant leadership model, which 2000 years later, inspired ‘the Paradox of Servant Leadership, poem, that was also read out during the service, especially the lines; “important enough to be last, great enough to be anonymous, leading enough to serve.”
But what does this kind of leadership style look like in practice? Does it mean that we have to go around washing each other’s feet? Well, not exactly, although we do have it as a liturgical practice. But Jesus washing his disciple’s feet was really an outer sign of an inner attitude. It was a demonstration of the right kind of motivation one should have towards leadership. Because the danger of leadership positions is that they can attract those only interested in power and prestige - people who are only in it for themselves. As Plato said - “only those who don’t desire power are fit to hold it.”
So what does servant leadership look like in reality? Well, it is here that another paradigm shifting approach that Jesus introduced can help. Historian, John Dickson, in his book entitled ‘Humilitas,’ based on his PhD thesis, demonstrates that Jesus introduced a humility revolution which transformed how Western society has viewed leadership, ever since. Before Christ, humility wasn’t a virtue in Western culture, rather, love of honour was. Humility was just humiliation.
But again, Jesus turned this on its head by his teaching but even more so by his actions, especially his sacrificial death on the cross. For Jesus’ followers came to the realisation that if the greatest leader they had ever known lay down his life in willing service then true leadership must be humble which Dickson defines as “the noble choice to forgo one’s status, deploy one’s resources and use one’s influence for the good of others before oneself.”
This is the kind of leadership style I encourage all of the year 12s of 2025, whether they have received a recognised leadership position or not, to embrace, remembering the immortal words of Spider-Man - “with great power comes great responsibility.”
The Reverend Lyndon Mulholland.
Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Christian Youth Group
“Gather, Grow, Go”
All students from years 7-12 are warmly invited to come along on Thursday, 21st & 28th of November 2024, from 3 .30 pm to 5 pm for interactive activities, inspirational talks, prayer and pizza. All are welcome!

Our community is warmly invited to join us also for a time of healing prayers, adoration and intercession for the wellbeing and flourishing of our students on Saturdays, 5pm to 6pm, Mahers Lane Chapel.

Thank you,
The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu
Important Information
First Nations
Parents and Friends
Parents and Friends Meeting - Tuesday, 19 November
The final Parents and Friends meeting for 2024 will be held at the Boathouse, Salt on Tuesday, 19 November at 6.00pm. All are welcome.
Penny Brady
Friends of the Arts
Safe on Social
Harmony Week
Student Voice
Leadership Reflection
I have newfound responsibilities and newfound freedoms. After 12 years of school, being in Year 12 feels as surreal as many of my daydreams about it. Primary School is a consolatory introduction to a fresh beginning in learning and passion. Secondary School is a familiarising exploration of reservation, confidence, and sharing ideals; who knew it would take me five years to discover my desire to contribute expressively and leave a lasting impression? This journey of self-discovery and personal growth has been challenging and rewarding, inspiring me to strive for more.
On Induction Day, we directly compared the many past captains, prefects, and school leaders to ourselves. To be recognised as Year 12, with no older student role models, was a sudden reminder that we now had to become those role models for the younger years as we stood in front of the school. As someone who never expected to be in a leadership role, becoming recognised as a Communication Prefect seemed both invigorating and daunting. I believe that among my many peers who are transforming into leaders, we all share an innate desire to assist the school structure, education, and community for the betterment of all.
I’m sure this sense continued for my peers who had been privileged titles for their upcoming responsibilities during the Leaders Retreat. We went kayaking, dependent on teamwork and trust-building; our accompanying partners blindfolded us and gave somewhat misleading instructions. This experience taught us that for successful teamwork, we must learn to accept guidance and be guided. We then spent the other half of the afternoon working with our designated mentors, which was crucial in understanding leadership and community building.
Lastly, the Leadership Day, where our grade united, reminded us of the necessity to break out of our comfort zones and find individuality within each of us, a memory we were all fond of from year 11 camp. Racing around on a blow-up dragon, carrying each other in stretchers, singing and dancing, we further broke down our prejudices and found fulfilment in our vulnerabilities. We shared, spoke to people we may have never talked to, and were offered a child-like freedom, a sense of playfulness and openness that allowed us to forget our minute differences and form a more substantial, harmonious group.
So, through a growing fulfilment based on recognising our abilities and uniqueness, I, among others, have begun coming to terms with our final year of school. I’m reminded of who I want to become and who I want to be perceived as by others. I am reminded that our grade can become stronger than ever and create a lasting impression on the school’s memory.
Kind regards,
Amelia Holtsbaum
Communication Prefect 2025
Upcoming Events
Whole School News
Lindisfarne TV - Episode 28
This week, we’re bringing you all the best moments from Wellbeing Week, a show-stopping live performance by Scout Bee Jones and the Germinate Records crew, plus the unmissable Art Showcase! 🎨✨ Don't miss out on the creativity and good vibes – tune in now!"
Ryan Murphy
Head of House - St Andrew
Sibling Enrolments - 2026
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At the start of 2025, we will begin drawing up our lists from applications submitted by families seeking enrolment places for the 2026 school year.
Current families must ensure that siblings are registered for the 2026 school year as soon as possible. Sibling priority will be given to all sibling applications received prior to Friday, 14 February 2025.
Please use the link below to make an application.
Lindisfarne Enrolment Application
Kind regards,
Jenaya Mulley
Head of Enrolments and International Development
Annual Parent Survey
As part of our ongoing commitment to continuously improving the school, we believe it is critical to seek each parent and guardian’s opinion on a range of issues relating to Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School. Your feedback is very important to us as we continue to build a successful school and strengthen our reputation as an ‘educator of choice’.
As such, we have engaged the professional services of MYP Corporation (MYPCorp) to undertake a strictly private and confidential School Results Survey on our behalf. The annual survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes and will need to be completed online between Friday, 1 November and Monday, 18 November. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask that you respond honestly to each statement.
Please note that this survey will be confidential. No member of the leadership team at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School will have access to your individual responses. The team will be provided with a summary of collated results only.
You should have received your survey via email, if you have not please check your junk/spam folders. Should you still be unable to locate it, please email so it can be followed up.
Thank you for taking the time to provide this critical feedback.
Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement
Staff Bio
Teaching and Learning
Junior School
From the Head of Junior School
On Thursday this week, we had the wonderful opportunity to host 18 Kindergarten Principals from Hangzhou, China, for a memorable visit to Lindisfarne. It was a privilege to share our school’s vision, our award-winning facilities, and, most importantly, our commitment to high-quality early childhood education with these esteemed educators.
Our guests were eager to learn more about our approaches to teaching and learning and pastoral care. From our processes to our philosophies on early childhood education, we shared insights and experiences that underline our dedication to nurturing young learners. One of the day's highlights was a trip to Fingal Head, where our visitors were introduced to our Bush Preschool program. It was a delight to witness their enthusiasm as they observed our students in a natural learning environment, enjoying the beauty of the outdoors and the hands-on, inquiry-based learning that is core to our philosophy.
A special thank you goes to Mrs. Dickens and Mrs. Mundy for "volunteering" to present to the group and sharing their expertise and enthusiasm with our visitors. We are also immensely grateful to Ms Jo for graciously opening the Early Learning Centre to our international colleagues and organising the special visit, allowing them to experience firsthand the warm and welcoming environment we provide for our youngest learners.
This visit was a wonderful way to showcase the strengths of Lindisfarne and foster a deeper understanding and connection between our communities. We look forward to further exchanges that build on today’s successful visit and contribute to a shared commitment to excellence in early childhood education.
The K-2 Fun Swimming Carnival was a fantastic day filled with energy, laughter, and impressive swimming efforts from our youngest students! The carnival is always a highlight, and this year was no exception, with excellent attendance from parents, grandparents, and special friends, all cheering on the children with enthusiasm. The event showcased our students’ growing confidence in the water and was a wonderful celebration of fun and teamwork. A special thank you goes to Mr Croft, whose organisation and encouragement made the day run smoothly, and to our incredible parent helpers, whose support added to the success of the event. We are so grateful for the community spirit that makes days like this so memorable!
I recently returned from Latin America, where I was privileged to represent Lindisfarne, along with Head of Enrolments and International Development, Jenaya Mulley, as part of a Study NSW International Education forum. This was a great opportunity to showcase Lindisfarne’s educational offerings on the world stage to students, parents, and other educators in Chile, Colombia, and Peru. We made some fantastic connections with world-class schools in the region and look forward to exploring student exchange opportunities for our students in the future.
It’s been great to be back at Sunshine Avenue after being away. As I mentioned at assembly, one of the best parts of travel is coming home, especially when home is the Lindisfarne Junior School.
I sincerely thank Mrs Laura Gallagher and Mrs Angela Mundy for their leadership of the Junior School in my absence. We have an amazing team at Sunshine Avenue!
The year continues to roll on and I look forward to finishing strong and enjoying the different events and celebrations that mark the special transitions and student achievements.
Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School

The Round Square Heroes of Discovery - Junior School

This week at the Junior School, we concluded our 2-week exploration of our 12th Round Square Hero of Discovery, Courageous Collette.
During our Hero Draw at the Junior School assembly, students were recognised for demonstrating hero-like qualities and honoured as this week’s ‘Little Heroes.’

As we approach the end of the year, we’re delighted by the incredible impact the Heroes of Discovery have had across the Junior School. From Responsible Rami to Sustainability Suki, our students have wholeheartedly embraced each hero’s qualities, demonstrating the spirit of the Round Square Discoveries in their everyday actions. Their enthusiasm and commitment have truly brought the heroes to life, creating a vibrant, supportive school community where positive character traits thrive.
Thank you to our students, staff, and families for the commitment and enthusiasm shown on this Hero journey.
Angela Mundy
Dean of Students - Junior School
Green Team
Middle School
Senior School
From the Head of Senior School
In the Senior School, our commitment to student wellbeing extends beyond the traditional classroom curriculum. This week, our newly inducted Year 12 students participated in the Reduce Risk and Improve Student Knowledge (RRISK) program, a powerful initiative designed to equip young people with essential life skills. As a school, we see it as our responsibility to continually act protectively for our students. We use every opportunity to frontload critical messages that prepare them for life outside of school.
The RRISK program, developed in Northern NSW, has a proven track record over two decades of empowering students to make safer choices, particularly around driving, partying, and navigating peer influence. It focuses on the very real challenges that young adults face - addressing issues like drugs, alcohol, safe driving, and the pressures that come with newfound independence. Research conducted over 13 years has shown a significant impact: RRISK participants were 24% less likely to be involved in a car crash and 42% less likely to crash while driving at night. These statistics underscore the value of providing our students with knowledge that can, quite literally, save lives.
The program’s success is rooted in its ability to engage students on topics that matter. This week, our students learned practical strategies, from how to put someone in the recovery position to responding to risky situations involving alcohol or drugs. More than just information, it is about fostering a mindset of looking out for one another.
In the Senior School, we recognise that our responsibility as educators is not confined to academic instruction alone. The real measure of our impact is in how well we prepare our students to navigate the complexities of life beyond school. By integrating programs like RRISK into our approach, we aim to empower our students with the tools, confidence, and foresight to make safer choices, not just for themselves but for those around them.
It is our hope that through these efforts, we continue to nurture a generation of students who are not only well-prepared for exams but also for the broader challenges they will face in life. Together, we remain committed to ensuring their safety, wellbeing, and holistic development as they step into adulthood.
Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School
Careers and VET
Aviation Airways Open Day
Any students interested in becoming a pilot are encouraged to attend the Airways Aviation Gold Coast Open Day between 9am and 11am QLD time to speak to industry experts, tour the campus and hangar, and trial one of the simulators. The campus is located in the General Aviation section of Coolangatta Airport - Address: 51 Lores Bonney Circuit, Bilinga.
Opportunity Alert: University of Queensland Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) 2025
Year 11 and 12 students, if you’re ready for a head start on university studies, the University of Queensland’s Enhanced Studies Program (ESP) for 2025 is now open for applications! This program invites high-achieving students to experience life as a UQ student, complete a university subject, and earn academic credit – all while still in high school. Through ESP, students have the opportunity to explore various areas of study, including Health Sciences and Mathematics. There’s no tuition fee for selected students, and they gain access to UQ’s resources. With the skills and experience gained, students build confidence, expand their networks, and gain insight into their future studies.
Applications for ESP 2025 close soon, beginning on the 17th of November for some courses. To learn more about eligibility and application details, visit the University of Queensland ESP info page.
Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and VET
Night of Abilities - Year 10 Service Learning and Team Lemonade
The Year 10 Service Learning students have had a semester packed with purpose and creativity, working closely with Team Lemonade to develop their culinary skills and community spirit. Their dedication culminated in a dessert menu they created and served for over 250 guests at the inspiring "Night of Abilities" event, which I had the privilege to attend on Saturday, November 9th.
The Night of Abilities was not only a celebration of the immense talent showcased by artists with diverse abilities, but it also highlighted the meaningful contributions of our Year 10 students. Earlier in the semester, Year 10 organised a successful bake sale to raise funds for the dessert ingredients, an effort that fostered both teamwork and financial planning. The bake sale was met with enthusiasm from the school community, demonstrating strong support for their service-learning mission.
As the event unfolded, the crowd was treated to an array of desserts that added a sweet touch to an already exceptional evening. The Night of Abilities featured remarkable performances by artists of all abilities, celebrating the spirit of inclusivity and resilience.
Overall, the collaboration between Year 10 and Team Lemonade exemplified the essence of Service Learning—contributing positively to the community while gaining valuable life skills and insights. This semester’s experience will surely leave a lasting impression on the students, as they learned not only the technical skills of cooking and event planning but also the importance of service, compassion, and community support.

Rhiannon Archer
Year 12 Earth & Environmental Incursion
On Tuesday the 12th November our Year 12 Earth and Environmental students enjoyed an enlightening incursion hosted by Sophia McLean from the Australian Earth Science Education, diving deep into the fascinating world of ancient life and geological processes.
This hands-on experience allowed our students to engage with a variety of fossil types, including casts, moulds and trace fossils (including some very large coprolites). They examined ammonites and trilobites marvelling at the 3 billion year old stromatolite fossils- some of the oldest evidence of life on Earth. The program also featured an interactive component on banded iron formations, where students learned about their formation and the new science that is changing this ‘story’ and used magnets to identify iron-rich bands within rock samples. Amongst the vast range of fossils and collections on display, the most awe-inspiring was the oldest rock on Earth, sourced from Canada and dating 4.2 billion years old (see images attached).
In addition, students were led through a presentation which outlined how relative and absolute dating are used to age fossils and what evidence we have for the immense impact the Great Oxidation Event had on the planet. Jump ahead to present day and we were able to see the great work that AUSMAP are conducting, sampling our aquatic environments for microplastics. A visual representation of the types of plastics collected were shown, which was quite confronting (see images attached). Some of our students who are also studying Science Extension are excited to engage with the AUSMAP database as part of their depth studies.
We thank Sophia for her engaging presentation and for helping our students connect with the deep history of our planet!

Sophie Farmer
Science Teacher
Pastoral Care
Sport News
Our NCIS Primary Basketball teams were going about their business yesterday, doing us proud and procuring good results. A full write up in next week's Newsletter.
Speaking of next week, a huge week is in store for us. The Clubs based Muster Days, the National Schools Futsal AND Northern NSW Anglican Schools Sports Day. This will see literally 100’s of our students out and about in the sporting context next week.
We still have two massive events on our timeline; the Australian Schools Volleyball Cup and the Australian Schools Cup (Basketball). Then we officially begin the wind down for the year, where we get our dates mapped and planning/reviews underway - to get ready to do it all again!
Muster Days
A reminder that the MUSTER DAYS sign ups for our 2025 Lindisfarne Lions teams - for both Netball and Basketball CLOSES Monday 18 November, at 8:30am. Please note that we need to promptly turn around buses, rolls, staffing etc after this time - so please hit this deadline.
The fabulous Carrara Centre is worth the travel, with the entire 14 indoor courts booked for both days - one hall for basketball and the other for netball. The venue is rain proof, cooler and a perfect space to come together for this Lions club's grading and team placing event.
We have Mark Bradtke (retired Australian Basketballer) there on Thursday with our basketball crew, and lots of elite netball athletes and Bond University Bull Sharks helping the netball program on both days.
This day helps set the tone for culture, and assists the sports department with our organisation with registration submissions and training logistics come February.
We already have some very healthy numbers, so please ensure you have signed up if you intend to play winter sports next year with our Lions club.
Futsal - Australian Champion of Champions -13 Girls, 16 Boys
For three days beginning Friday 8th November, our U16 boys and U13 girls futsal teams took on the best of the best in the Australasian Titles.
U16 Boys
We were short players for the event and with only one sub it was always going to be tough. By the last day, we were reduced to the bare minimum of 5 players, but fought valiantly.
Day 1
5-1 WIN.
5-3 loss.
Day 2
4-3 loss.
3-2 loss.
Day 3
9-5 WIN, which came at a tremendous cost with star player Milo Dartguenave Johnson suffering a nasty ankle injury. While he was down and clearly in agony, his teammates formed a barrier around him so that he would not be hit by a ball from another court.
Game 6 – Semi-Final vs Lisarow High School – 3-0 loss.
I couldn’t be prouder of the effort from the boys. It gives me such pride to take a group of players to an event like that and watch them give it everything they’ve got. For me, our player of the tournament was David Wallis, who was very busy and made many highlight reel saves. A special mention goes to Jack Edwards who was chosen by onsite selectors as one of the best 10 players in his age group.

U13 Girls
Our U13 Girls improved immeasurably as the tournament progressed, that being said they went through day one undefeated.
Day 1
5:3 win
The second day the girls ran into some stiff competition, but were absolutely in touch with every game.
Day 2
2:5 loss
5:2 win
2:5 loss
The girls came out of the blocks in a ‘must win’ match first up on Day 3 and convincingly won - 3:1. The girls had chalked enough points up to play in the Grand Final vs John Paul College from Coffs Harbour, going down 2:5. All in all, a wonderful effort!

Queensland U16 NFL Flag Competition Highlights
Our boys recently showcased their resilience and skill at the Queensland U16 NFL Flag Competition! Despite being one to two years younger than most other teams, they held their ground admirably. In a thrilling final game, they clinched a tie thanks to a fantastic play by Archie Wilson, who intercepted a pass and returned it all the way for a touchdown.

The MVP of the day was Max Larsen, the youngest player at the event. Max showed remarkable courage, defending against boys nearly twice his height. His performance stood out as he faced each challenge head-on, exemplifying the spirit of the team. We’re incredibly proud of all the players for their hard work and team effort—this was a fantastic learning experience, and we look forward to more successes in the future!

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport and Activities
Rugby Union Report - Term 4 Week 5
Proudly Supported By

With the 2024 school rugby season coming to completion with the QLD All Schools 7s, we want to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for making this year successful. The growth, determination, and development displayed by our students in the sport of rugby, as well as the support from parents and supporters, have contributed to a great 2024 season that I am sure the boys and girls will remember for years to come.
Among the 2024 highlights for the boys program were wins over All Saints Anglican College at 1st XV level and winning the NSW Rugby Far North Coast Regional 7s Finals (U14 and U18 boys with Cimaron Crawford being named as Player of the Tournament) and QLD Rugby SEQ Emerging Schools 7s (U18 boys). Mention should also go to competitive matches across all the grades against Sunshine Coast Grammar, who are one of the premier non-GPS rugby schools in Australia, and which provided valuable experience for our players. Meanwhile, our junior (U12) boys had a season for the ages finishing 2nd in the NSW Rugby State 7s Finals and winning the QLD Rugby Daley Norton-Knight U12 tournament, which is one of the biggest primary boys tournaments in Queensland.
Our girls 7s program also had a banner year in 2024 with our U16 girls winning the NSW Rugby Far North Coast Regional 7s Finals and then going on to finish 2nd in the NSW Rugby State 7s Finals. Another significant highlight was our U18 girls winning the QLD Rugby Sunshine Coast 7s tournament.
We also had a number of players recognised with representative honours. This included seven of our players who were chosen for the boys NSW AICES XV representative teams at U18 and U16 level. These boys were William Sullivan, Jesse Bravington, Timana Andrews, Eden Humphreys, and Charlie Sutton with Jack Hennessy being named as a shadow player. We also had Tiggi Groves and Ruby Power selected to represent the NSW CIS 7s at U16 and U18 levels respectively.
Beyond the results, we have seen substantial growth among our players and teams, especially in our junior boys and girls teams with a number of new players learning the game, and learning the teamwork, camaraderie, and sportsmanship that rugby union is all about. We are proud of the character and progress demonstrated by every member of our rugby program.
Looking ahead, we have the following exciting plans for the 2025 season:
Rugby Training Camp (8th February)
Rugby Season Launch (TBD)
Inter-school matches against King's College (24th February), All Saints (3rd March), Sunshine Coast (12th March), and Somerset College (17th March) in Term 1.
2025 QLD Rugby Ballymore Cup (4-6th April)
2025 U12 Armidale Schools Carnival (12-13th April)
Inter-school matches against Scots PGC (16th May) and Len Diett Cup schools as well as girls 7s inter-school matches in Term 2.
NSW and QLD 7s boys and girls tournaments in term 3 culminating in the QLD All Schools 7s (19-20th October).
Please make note of these dates for planning and we will be in touch in early January before Term 1 begins to open registrations for the boys' program and towards the end of Term 1 to open registrations for the girls' program.
Once again, thank you for your support through the 2024 season. We look forward to building on this success in 2025 and creating even more great memories for our students. Although there is still a lot of work that needs to be done, the future of our school rugby program continues to be promising, and we eagerly await what 2025 has in store.
More Information
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (
Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance Athlete & Sports Development
Outdoor Education
Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise
Commerce Market Day

Courtney Keast
Acting Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise (BEE)
Classroom Snapshot: Year 10 English
This past week, Year 10 English students have been hard at work transforming their discursive writing into new, imaginative forms. After thoughtfully crafting their original discursive pieces for assessment, they were challenged to reimagine their ideas through creative expression. This has resulted in an impressive variety of artistic projects that showcase their varied talents and perspectives. We explored diverse forms, including diptych poetry, one-page visual storytelling, artworks, short stories, vignette series, and even dramatic monologues. Each piece has allowed students to engage with their topics from a fresh angle, encouraging them to experiment with language, structure, and voice. The students have shown remarkable creativity and enthusiasm in rising to this challenge. These individual works will be compiled into a class anthology, capturing the range of voices, styles, and ideas developed in our classroom. This anthology will provide students with the opportunity to see their work in print and share it with a broader audience.

Mrs Hunter
English Teacher
Creative Industries
Year 10 Food Technology
For the final unit of study, our Year 10 Food Technology students looked at the fascinating world of Food Trends. This saw students explore and create a variety of dishes that reflect today’s culinary interests across specific cuisines and popular ingredients. From international flavours to local fusions, the students demonstrated impressive creativity and skill in bringing these trends to life.
Throughout the unit, students looked at how Food Trends shape the food consumers are eating and purchasing from shops, cafes and restaurants. This inspired their final practical component which saw a delicious lineup of dishes, including Steak Frites, fingerlime infused cannoli, fish tacos, smash burger sliders, a stunning four seasons baked cheesecake, and Honey Roast Duck.
We are incredibly proud of all the effort and dedication students put into their work.
Mrs Drayson & Mrs Smurthwaite
Creative Industry Teachers
Debating and Public Speaking
Performing Arts
Lindisfarne Drama Festival
Mahers Lane – Sunday 17 November
Session 1 9:00-10:00 | Year 5 Plays (Miss Hannah) Addison Murray, Madison Kelly, Mia Davies & Elise Ford Hugh Searle, Edward Sexton, Kalani Els Emma Lanyon, Eloise Blinco, Kinley Corbett & Laci Hunter Molly Fairbairn, Isla Horder Bevacqua, Alice Selvey Keely Mohan, Freyja Bennett, Clementine O’Herir & Safia Elgers Larkin Olivia Plant & Luana Castle Bella Kilner, Camilla Sussman, Allegra Cossill & Sierra Thomas Tiahn Rogers, Olivia Reynolds, Scarlett Brodecky & Tara Apostolas Alex Coe, Xavier Marshall, Raphael Donath | Year 1 Plays (Miss Cyndi/ Miss Kim) Hayden Won, Kasper Morrison, Hugo Colley, Sebastian Zurawic Lola Bell, Prema Fitzgerald, Emily Burwood, Matilda Warren, Indiana Wallace Harrison Sia Elliot, Siena Costello Crawley, Kimi Walsh, Moni Immisch Billie Lawrence Turner, Arabella Chappell, Arley Harrington, Halla Stewart Kobi Paton, Aiden Sonnekus, Ben Bowes, Remy Barnett Lila Griffiths, Lyla Phillips, Sophie Mills, Polly Carter, Goldie Gowans Fraser Kearney, William Corbett, Oscar Buatava, Taylah Coonan Evie Wilson, Scout Patchell, Freya McKenzie | Year 5 & 6 Students (Miss Holly) Eme O Maonaigh Elle Hardy Imogen Williams Stella Courtney-Stapleton Mila Dumaresq Amelia Jeffrey Luella Stokes Charlotte Grieves Gabriella Grosso Helena Levy Olivia Paul Mya Hollands Remi Smith Emmylou Johnson Imogen Donkin Olivia Hornery Miles Dawes-Sullivan Oscar Nicol Jonas Davids Bo Rohloff Ivy Costello Willow Ford |
Session 2 10:00 -11:00 | Year 4 Plays (Miss Cyndi) Audrey Stone, Avery Warren, Piper Grieves, Isabel Weschler Charlie Davidson, Zara Mills, Winter Blackmore, Aurelia Berger Lachlan Milner, Charlie Sexton, Sonny Hogan, Oscar Jones, Noah Duckett Luella Whitrod, Marlie Bold, Charlie Moody Mali Walsh, Blair Funnell, Indianna Smith, Miller Blue Glenister Jasmine Pointon, Molly Loxton-Humphries, Zoe Smith, Nina Morrison Haven Mulville, Kura McKenzie, Agnes Brice, Olivia Lu Annabelle Fallon, Kendall Phillips, Mia Donkin, Isla Kane Jersey Phillips, Kyah Jewell, Thea Proctor Arianna Costello, Isla Hollands, Roxie Clucas Toby Davis, Lachlan Withers, Thomas McKean Sienna Bandierra, Emily Jamison, Halle Flood, Isla Finlay | Year 2 Plays (Miss Hannah) Bailey Cossill, Yony Donath, Davyn Lockett & George Stone Amelie Bonner , Lilly Haigh, Zali Smith & Marni Minnitt-Herring Ted Carter, Jasper Yang & Harrison Archer Daisy Searle, Aylani Lewis, Lydia McKean & Amelia Stratton Chloe Kilner, Tiffany Johnstone, Piper Doherty & Lola Archer William Finlay, Reagan Thomas, Anderson Coates & Spencer Jones Daisy Goldstein, Everly Wright & Florence Occhipinti Mila Dorrough, Amelia Whitley, Pearl Pope & Arli Freeman Holly Leiper, Eve Williams, Essy Watson & Juno Honey Rohan Fox & Archie Krebs | Year 7-10 Students (Miss Kim/Miss Holly) Olympia Brewster Anna Haubek Madeline Neumann Sienna Williamson Lucy Simmonds Isabelle Daniel Saxon Leiper Georgia Brunke Mikiyo Walsh Beatrice Broad Charlotte Jamieson Taylor Van Neikerk Rex Flood Jaxon Martin Leni Trape |
Session 3 11:00 – 12:15 | Year 6/7 Plays (Miss Hannah/Miss Holly) Rosa Slater, Silkie Jones, & Lucinda West * Lily Young, Rhianna Middleton, Mieki O’Sullivan & Sierra Jewell Mia Bradbrook, Evie Berryman, Evie Collins & Imogen Rogers Violet Angell, Maya Els, Elsie Ort & Eadie Sergiacomi Ruby O'Hare & Mila Sampson Nevaya Togo, Summer Weston, Nyah McLauchlan & Charlie Crow Savannah Chapman, Lyndsay Patterson Ellen West & Skye Gunther Ethan Jones, George Taylor & Jax Bandiera Year 7 (arrive 11:45) Electra Brewster & Isabella Lowe Athena Brewster & Isabella Simper Lavanya Jamieson-Eymes, Portia Brownlee, Sophie Hurrell, Ellul Bell & Elle Nicholson Francesca Cicchelli, Violet Habraska & Matila Russell | Year 3 Plays (Cyndi) Emmeline Stevens, Sienna Colley, Luna Susan, Vivienne Corbett Ethan Rugless, Max Burwood, Rocky Crow Asher Sampson, Isla Howarth, Hannah Store, Serena Won Charlotte Duffy, Zara Gowans, Harper Kelly Scarlett Patchell, Claire Braby, Alessia Clucas Charlotte Busby, Vivien O’Maonaigh, Jordy Clarke, Harvey Luxton William Manwarring, Lewis Miklos, Charles Goldstien, Aki Srinath Madi Camer, Eloise Newman, Oliana Stotz, Amelia Jones Eadie O’Sullivan, Tillee Flood, Ivy Keals-Smith, Lucia Kirkman | Year 4, 5, 6 Exam Students Navada Snow Shanti Pettit Chloe Manwarring Heidi Miklos Zoe Fox Calvin Barlow Ginny Leslie Amelia Haubek Harper Reid Ayva Immisch Keely Mohan Edie Warren Esther Dorr Indiana Morrison Zahli Williamson Annabelle Davis |
Lara Hobbs
Performing Arts Administrative Assistant
Germinate Records
New Josh Geoghegan Music Video
The new music video for Show Me The Way To Your Heart, the third single from the new self titled Josh Geoghegan EP is now available on the Germinate Records YouTube Channel.
You can listen to the entire EP on your streaming platform of choice right here.
Please support this talented young artist and the school record label by listening and sharing this great new music with your friends.

Brett Canning
Recording Studio Producer/Manager
Photography and Digital Media
World Science Day 2024
World Science Day for Peace and Development, celebrated annually on November 10th, highlights the relevance of science in society and underscores its role in fostering a closer connection between science and society.
The theme for World Science Day 2024 was "Science for Peace," emphasizing the role of science in fostering peace, stability, and development. This year, our Year 7 students joined in with engaging activities designed to spark curiosity and deepen understanding. They took part in crosswords focused on the contributions of women in science, spotlighting Australian scientists, and challenged themselves with a quiz on general science knowledge. As a hands-on highlight, students completed their first squid dissection, exploring anatomy up close. The activities fostered enthusiasm for science and celebrated the vital role of scientific inquiry.
Did you know that just recently, scientists made a groundbreaking discovery in the world of marine biology? Researchers in Western Australia have recently filmed a new species of deep-sea squid with bioluminescent properties, which could lead to further advancements in environmental science and biotechnology. See more here. The students' dissection of a squid was a timely and fascinating activity, connecting their learning to real-world scientific exploration.
Caitriona McCann
Science Teacher
Year 10 Marine Studies Sailing Fundamentals
Over the past couple of months, Year 10 Marine Studies students have been embarking upon learning the fundamentals of sailing. This was recently reinforced by a series of practical sessions where they had to design and develop basic sailing rigs for some of the school’s kayaks at the boat house. Based on their studies of indigenous sailing craft of Oceania and using some basic resources, students created some prototype designs for sailing on Cudgen Creek and at the same time developed their respect and appreciation for the skills and technology of indigenous people from the Oceanic region. We look forward to enhancing their basic sailing knowledge further with the upcoming ‘Learn to Sail’ excursion hosted by the Southport Yacht Club.

Simon Leach and Jaye Magnum
Marine Studies Teachers
Visual Arts
Learning Enrichment
Homework Club
The final Homework Club Session will be Wednesday of Week 6. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025.
Jacqueline O'Sullivan
Director of Learning Enrichment - Middle School
Round Square
Lindisfarne Recording Studio
Digital Space
Chess Club
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular
Uniform Shop
OOSHC Vacation Care Summer Program

Penny Moore
OOSHC Coordinator
Buildings and Facilities
Anglican Diocese of Grafton - Executive Officers
The Anglican Diocese of Grafton covers the mid and north-coast areas of New South Wales, extending from Tweed Heads to Port Macquarie. Led by the Bishop of Grafton, the Diocese consists of 25 ministry units, 5 Anglican schools (including Lindisfarne), a preschool, Anglicare North Coast and the Registry Office located in Grafton.
The Anglican Diocese of Grafton has recently completed a review of its central services offered at the Registry Office and is ready to move forward with an exciting future. These newly created positions provide opportunities to join and progress the work of the Diocese.
For more information please see the SEEK advert via this link.
Jobs Vacant - External
Community News
Tweed Shire Council Free Community Day

The Athlete's Foot Tweed City