2024 Term 1 Week 10 5 Apr 2024

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

I trust you all had a wonderful and restful Easter long weekend with your families. It's hard to believe we're already at the tail end of our first term for 2023, and what a term of learning and achievement it has been!

The spirit around the School this week has been particularly vibrant, thanks to the fantastic performances of MAMMA MIA! from Wednesday through to Saturday. The air has been electric with excitement, and the commitment from everyone involved has truly paid off.

The enthusiasm and talent our students have brought to our Musical MAMMA MIA! has been inspiring. Every performance has been a testament to their hard work, with each show bringing our community closer in celebration of their achievements. The dedication from everyone involved, from cast to crew, to all of those behind the scenes, has been greatly appreciated. If you've attended one of the shows, you've undoubtedly experienced the joy and vibrancy our students bring to the stage and, like me, marvelled at the commitment and dedication of our talented staff.

Our U13 and U15 Rugby teams faced Kings Christian College this week. They displayed great skill and teamwork on the Casuarina Rugby fields. Their effort and sportsmanship were commendable, and they represented Lindisfarne with pride and determination, showcasing their skills, determination, and team spirit. Well done to all our young athletes for their performances and for continuing to embody the values of teamwork and perseverance.

This Sunday, we invite you to our Spiritual Gym session, a great opportunity for reflection and connection within our school community as our first term draws to a close. These gatherings are a cherished part of our school life, offering a space for mindfulness and spiritual growth. It's a gentle and enriching way to end the week, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. Refreshments will be at 4:30 pm, followed by the service from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

An exciting journey awaits our Round Square delegates as they depart for the Munich Conference hosted by Landheim Ammersee. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to engage with peers from around the world and share ideas, cultures, and perspectives. We wish our delegation a safe and enriching experience and look forward to hearing about their adventures upon their return.

To our NSW families, a friendly reminder that daylight saving time ends this Sunday, 7 April. Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour and enjoy that extra hour of sleep! It will be great to have our whole School community on the same time zone for the next 6 months!

As we draw closer to the end of Term 1, I want to express my gratitude for the vibrancy, dedication, and support that defines our Lindisfarne community. It's been a term filled with achievements, challenges, and invaluable learning experiences. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement in making our school a place of growth, belonging, challenge and joy.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Column

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

Easter: A Time of Hope, Joy and New Life

The season of Easter in the Christian calendar lasts for 50 days, culminating in the celebration of the great feast of Pentecost, when God poured forth the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the whole world.

John Keats once remarked, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." Indeed, the story of Easter embodies this timeless truth. It is a season suffused with the beautiful narrative of God's boundless and unfailing love, epitomised in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of His Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Within this sacred narrative, we find our hearts imbued with indescribable joy -a joy that has reverberated throughout our school community this week.

In a mesmerising display of talent and passion, the cast and crew of "Mamma Mia, the Musical" have captivated audiences with their remarkable performances, weaving a tapestry of song, dance, and theatrical brilliance. In these moments of shared delight, we are reminded of God’s benevolence that graces us with such artistic prowess, bestowed upon us through the gifts, talents and dedication of our Performing Arts students and staff.

In a recent Easter Sermon, Archbishop Justin Welby illuminated the transformative power of Easter, affirming that in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God emerges triumphant over death itself. This pivotal event redefines our perception of Jesus -not merely as a teacher or virtuous man, but as the very embodiment of God, resurrected from the grave.

Echoing this sentiment, Pope Francis imparts a timeless message of hope to the youth, proclaiming, "’Christus Vivit! Christ is alive!’" He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new and full of life.”

Thus, Easter emerges as a beacon of hope, a celebration of new life, and a testament to the enduring power of God’s love. In the encounter with the crucified and risen Christ, we find solace, inspiration, and the blessed assurance that God is making all things new (cf. Revelation 21:5).

Spiritual Gym on Sunday, 7th April 2024

You are warmly invited to join our School community in the Mahers Lane Chapel on Sunday, 7th of April for a ‘Spiritual Gym’ Service. Refreshments will begin at 4.30pm, followed by a Service of Eucharist at 5pm (Prayer. Hymns. Songs. Bible Reading. Reflection. Silence. Holy Communion), and concluding at about 6pm. Come and receive the peace of God which passes all human understanding. All are welcome.

Prayers for this week

Let us remember those who have been impacted by the earthquake in Taiwan;

Let us pray for peace in our world and in our hearts;

Let us pray for all who are experiencing economic hardship and homelessness in our communities;

Let us pray for the grace, means and will to assist all those who need our help;

Let us pray for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;

And for the safety, wellbeing and flourishing of all our young people.

Please send your prayer requests to this confidential email: prayers@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

May we continue to be grateful for who we are and for all we have.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Golf Day

Picture Plate Orders

The Parent and Friends Picture Plate fundraiser is now open.  Students in Preschool to Year 6 have undertaken a drawing/design in class and parents are able to order these plates. Students in Years 7 to 12 can also participate by getting a template from the Mahers Lane Library. 

Plates are $30. Use the link below to order. Mutliple plate orders, and family orders of different plates, can all be placed at the same time.

Picture Plates 2024 - Order link https://www.trybooking.com/CPNIY

Order close on Monday, 8 April.

Join the P&F

The Parents and Friends Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held on Tuesday, 7th May 2024 at 6.30pm at the Mahers Lane Library, Terranora. As members of the P&F all Lindisfarne families are welcome to attend and are invited to nominate for an Executive or General Committee position for the 2024 year. Nominations are sought for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Officer and General Committee (5). 

Nominations must be received in writing by Tuesday, 20th April 2024, via e-mail to pandf@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Nomination Form.

President: shall preside over P&F Association meetings and is responsible for working towards P&F Association’s objectives. The President ensures that the P&F Association takes part in decision-making processes in the School and fosters fair participation of all members in its undertakings. The President will support volunteers and ensure consistent adherence to the constitution.

Vice President: Assist the President in their duties. The Vice President may be called upon to Chair meetings in the absence of the President.

Secretary: Attend all meetings and keep a record of all business conducted. Monitor incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Treasurer: Report on the Association’s financial status at all meetings, detailing all monies received and paid since the last meeting. The Treasurer must also provide an audited copy of the previous financial year’s accounts at the AGM.

Public Officer: Ensure consistent adherence to the constitution. Notify Fair Trading of any change and is responsible for collecting or take receipt of any official documentation.

General committee: Assist and support the P&F Association to reach its objectives in line with the school needs and focus area’s at the time.

Rachel Mead
Public Officer
Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Daylight Savings Ends

Business Breakfast with Brooke Hanson

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School


Dates for Term 1

Please find below some Term 1 - Junior School key dates to add to your calendar:

  • Thursday 11 April (week 11) - Years 3 - 12 Lindisfarne Cross Country Carnival,

Total Football Academy - After school Program

The Total Football Academy after school program will continue with the last session next week Monday 8 April.

This program will be run again in term 2. The Total Football Academy will run for 7 weeks in term 2 starting on Monday 6 May.

Information on costs and how to register can be found in the flyer here: AFS Lindisfarne - Term 2 2024.pdf

The program will be limited to 45 places, and will be filled on a first come first served basis. If you are interested please register early to avoid missing out.

Runners Club

The final runners club for the year was held this week, with 45 runners attending to finish off the term.

First of all, a huge thank you to all the students and families who have joined us this term for Runner's Club. The sessions have been full of fun and some excellent training sessions leading into next week’s Cross Country.

The final statistics for the term, we have had 131 runners across the term. They have amassed an amazing 2130 kilometres, that's an average of 16 km per person. 37 people have completed the 21 km Challenge, 13 people have completed the 42 km Marathon Challenge and 9 people have completed the 50 km Ultra Marathon Challenge. We have also had three amazing students who have completed every single session of runners club this term, that is 14 running sessions for the term.

Good luck to all those students competing next week in the Cross Country, go well and have FUN!

Hockey After School Program

The after school Hockey program will conclude next week Tuesday 9th April.
Thank you to Matt Bartell and the Casuarina Hockey Club for putting on this fantastic initiative for our students.

Cross Country

The Lindisfarne Cross Country Carnival will be held on Thursday 11 April. Students in Years 2, 3 and 4 will be attending the day and competing in their age group races. Information about times and logistics of the day will be sent out by Damien Clucas - Head of Sport. Junior School students will be catching buses to and from the event from Sunshine Avenue.

Nathan Croft
Head of Sports Junior School 

Bravehearts: Ditto Keep Safe Adventure show

We're excited to share our recent experience hosting the Bravehearts' Ditto Keep Safe Adventure show at the junior school. Ensuring the safety and security of our students is a top priority for us. We believe in equipping them with essential personal safety skills from an early age, which is why we continue to partner with Bravehearts to bring the Ditto Keep Safe Adventure show to our school for our Preschool to Year 2 students.

The Ditto Keep Safe Adventure show is a fun and engaging experience that educates children about personal safety through colourful characters, catchy songs, and relatable scenarios. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the interactive presentation, learning important lessons about saying no when we feel unsafe or unsure, listening to our warning signs, and seeking help from trusted adults.

By hosting the Ditto Keep Safe Adventure show, we aim to foster open conversations about personal safety both at school and at home. We're grateful for Bravehearts' dedication to child protection and for providing resources that complement our curriculum.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Bravehearts and integrating their valuable resources into our ongoing efforts to promote a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Julie Henry
Junior School Psychologist

The Round Square Heroes of Discovery - Junior School

The Round Square Heroes of Discovery - Junior School

This week at the Junior School, we explored our next Round Square Hero of Discovery, Teamwork Tama. Tama embodies leadership, responsibility, and collaboration, serving as an inspiring role model for our young learners.

In the classrooms, teachers are engaging students with Tama's Hero story, leading discussions on how we can embody these character traits in various settings, including the classroom, the playground, at home, or within the community, to make the world a better place.

Throughout Term 1, we have celebrated our students' achievements individually with our Hero Draw at the Junior School assemblies. But that's not all - we are also gathering all the tickets earned each week, aiming for a whole Junior School prize! As we inch closer to our goal, Mr. Godden is excited to reveal what this prize will be once we cross the hero line.

We look forward to seeing our Teamwork Tama traits shine among students throughout the Junior School over the coming weeks as we work together to build a community of little heroes.

Angela Mundy
Dean of Students - Junior School

Junior School - Performing Arts

Junior School - Performing Arts 

This term our Junior School performing arts students have been hard at work this term, preparing a range of captivating performances for various events.

Over the weekend, our Junior School Choir had the honor of participating in the Palm Sunday service at St. Cuthberts Church. Their performance was nothing short of spectacular, captivating the congregation with their harmonious voices and musical talent. Not only did they deliver a fantastic performance, but they also exemplified exceptional behavior throughout the event, reflecting the values of respect, responsibility, and teamwork that we instill in all our students.

To our Junior School Choir members, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your hard work and commitment to musical excellence. Your dedication to representing our school community with pride is truly commendable. Well done to all involved!

In addition to this performance, our preschool and kindergarten students brought an extra dose of joy to our school with their delightful Easter Hat Parade.

On Wednesday, our little ones paraded their fantastic hats, each one more adorable than the last, showcasing their imagination and artistic flair.

But the fun didn't stop with the hats! Our young performers also treated their families to a delightful array of songs, complete with cute actions that had parents beaming with pride. The joy and enthusiasm radiating from our students filled the air, making it a truly memorable event for everyone involved.

To our preschool and kindergarten students, we offer a special round of applause for your fantastic hats, adorable performances, and infectious enthusiasm. You all truly captured the spirit of Easter and brought smiles to our faces.

As we continue to celebrate the season of renewal and growth, let us cherish these moments of joy and unity within our Junior School community. Together, we create memories that will last a lifetime.

Happy Easter to all!

Jesse Edwards
Coordinator of Performing Arts - Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Head of Middle School


Our school's rendition of MAMMA MIA! has officially opened, and the response has been phenomenal. A standing ovation to the remarkable performances delivered by our staff and students. Their talent and dedication continue to captivate audiences this week and will no doubt dazzle through the weekend.

If you have the opportunity to avail yourself with a ticket, we encourage you to come and enjoy the show, it promises awesome music, amazing choreography and the impressive talents of our actors, musicians, and technical crew.. It is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and celebrate the Arts.

Congratulations and thank you to Mr Todd Hardy, Mrs Amy Camer, Mrs Anita Hardy, Mrs Amber Phillips, Mrs Kim Shepard, Mr Rod Bertram and all of their teams for producing such a brilliant show.

Donations for Fred's Place and Agape Outreach Centre

We extend our deepest appreciation for their overwhelming support and donations that have been brought into School. The collective effort to provide canned food, non-perishable goods, and essential personal hygiene items has made a significant impact on those in need within our community.

Impressive Contributions from Our Students

Middle School Marvel: Students from 5D demonstrated remarkable generosity and community spirit.

Senior School Standouts: St. Andrews House led the way with their heartfelt contributions.

Collective Impact

Together, our Maher Lanes students have made an extraordinary difference, donating over 500 items. These contributions are now aiding the invaluable work of Fred's Place and Agape, offering support and solace to those in challenging circumstances.

A Community United

This endeavor has not only helped those in need but has also brought us closer as a community. We look forward to continuing this tradition of giving and kindness.

Thank you, once again, to everyone who participated in this meaningful initiative.

ThinkUKnow Cyber Safety Presentations

Through our ongoing partnership with the NSW Police. Senior Constable Brad Foster, who's been a significant support to Lindisfarne, will address our students in Years 5-8.

The focus of his presentation will be on broad issues impacting our local schools, with particular emphasis on educating our students on how to navigate and mitigate potential safety risks they might face.

Senior Constable Foster will be visiting our school next week to conduct presentations that are age-appropriate for our Middle School students. You will find more detailed information about this program here.

Middle School Leaders Induction

The 2024 Middle School Leadership Induction Ceremony will be held next Wednesday, 10 April 2024, commencing promptly at 10.55am in Ngahriyah.

Parents and Carers of Year 8 students are invited to attend this important event where we will celebrate the formal induction of our Year 8 students as Leaders, including Middle School Captains and House Captains.

All students in Years 5-8 will be in attendance and must be in full formal uniform. Year 8 students are required to wear their school blazer and tie as part of their formal uniform.

Please register your attendance via the link here

Interim Reports

Term 1 Interim reports will be released on Wednesday, next week. These reports are a snapshot of application to work throughout the first term. You will be able to access these through SEQTA - Engage

Cross Country

On Thursday April 11, Lindisfarne will be holding our annual cross country. This is a compulsory school day and all students are expected to attend and participate. Parents, careers and family are welcome to attend and support on the day. The Cross Country Carnival which will take place above the Top Oval on the Mahers Lane Campus. The timing is as follows:

Year 7-12: 10.20am - 12.45pm

Year 3-6: 1.20pm - 3.00pm

Please ensure your child:

  • Wears their House shirt and PE shorts with the School hat

  • Is wearing sunscreen and can reapply it throughout the day

  • Brings a water bottle from home

  • Have morning tea packed

If you have any questions about the day please contact your child’s Homeroom teacher or the Director of Sport and Activities, Mr Damien Clucas.

Daylight Saving

Please be aware that Daylight Saving comes to an end for another year, in the early hours of Sunday, 7 April at 2:00am. Good news for our NSW families who will get an extra hour of sleep. We look forward to seeing everyone in the same time zone on Monday morning for the start of the final week of Term 1.

Cathy Cox
Head of Middle School

Classroom Snapshot: 8G

Classroom Snapshot: 8G

After immersing themselves in the world of 'Romeo and Juliet' by acting out scenes and creating their own adaptations, our Year 8 students will segue into exploring appropriation and intertextuality. This shift in focus will deepen their critical thinking skills as they analyse the ways contemporary composers draw on existing works to create mash-ups, remixes, and renegotiate messages for new audiences.

In these photos, the students from Year 8 are acting out their favourite scenes, harnessing and demonstrating the power of theatricality for deep learning. In their current module, Year 8 will delve into the question: Is a text ever truly original? This study comes at a timely moment in the wake of the proliferation of AI technologies and artistic expression.

Mrs Treacy
English Teacher

Millionaire’s Morning Tea

This week, we were thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievement of our Stage 3 students who have each devoured over a million words through the Accelerated Reader program! To honour their dedication and passion for reading, these remarkable students were treated to a special morning tea with Mr Marquardt and Mrs Cox. It's inspiring to see our young readers not only hitting but surpassing their reading goals. Let's continue to cultivate a love for reading and learning together! Congratulations to remarkable readers!

Amber Jarvis and Kristina Diaz
Stage 3 Coordinators

Senior School

Careers and VET

Careers and VET

This week we had the Australian Defence Force come and visit and speak to our Year 12 students. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to not only learn about career opportunities in the ADF but understand what the ADF does and the huge breadth of work that is undertaken by the defence force including humanitarian work and disaster relief.

Students heard about opportunities such as ADFA, Defence University Sponsorship, Trades qualifications and entry pathways. If students are interested in exploring further the ADF Careers website is the best place to go. Starting an application will mean students are able to access the aptitude test which will help guide them on which pathways would be suitable and then they are able to engage in a careers counselling session with an experienced ADF employee who can answer all their questions and provide further guidance. There are a huge array of opportunities available.

The Year 10 students who signed up for Natural Ability testing have now received their codes and instructions and can begin their testing. The first step is to watch the intro video with all the instructions. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to gain further insights into their strengths and areas they may find more challenging in order to make informed decisions about subject selection next term. The testing needs to be completed by the 12th of March and should not take more than 3 hours in total. The testing can be spread across multiple sessions and students need earphones to complete it. I look forward to reviewing the results.

Lauren Ward 
Director of Careers and VET

Head of Senior School

Head of Senior School

I am pleased to share our preparations for the 2025 school year well ahead of time. Our Subject Selection Evenings are important events designed to equip our students and their families with the necessary tools and information for successful transitions within the Senior School. This year's events are scheduled as follows:

  • Year 9 2025 Subject Selection Evening: Tuesday, 11 June 2024, at 6pm

  • Year 11 2025 Subject Selection Evening: Monday, 17 June 2024, at 6pm

These evenings promise to be invaluable, offering a comprehensive overview of our curriculum and the unique opportunities awaiting our students.

Navigating HSC Units: Beyond the Basics

Entering Year 11, students must navigate the HSC requirements, starting with a minimum of 12 units, which narrows to a minimum requirement of 10 units in Year 12. However, at Lindisfarne, we recommend a pattern of study that meets and exceeds these requirements to ensure our students are optimally prepared for their HSC and beyond. This recommendation isn't arbitrary; it's a strategy that maximises students' potential and prepares them for their HSC and further studies.

Understanding ATAR Calculation: The 11-Unit Advantage

A crucial aspect of the HSC journey is understanding how the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) is calculated. It is based on a student's top 10 units, with English being a compulsory inclusion. This calculation method underscores the advantage of the 11-unit study pattern. It offers students the flexibility to excel across their subjects and the strategic benefit of having an additional unit that can contribute towards their ATAR. This approach prepares students for the intensity of HSC studies and provides “a cushion”, ensuring their performance in their strongest 10 units propels them towards their highest possible ATAR.

Accelerated Studies of Religion I: A Pathway to Excellence

In keeping with our ethos of providing valuable educational pathways, we are excited to offer an accelerated format for the 1 Unit Studies of Religion (SOR) course. This initiative allows Year 10 students to complete the Year 11 SOR curriculum within their current academic year, advancing to the Year 12 curriculum in Year 11. This forward-thinking approach benefits students by:

  • Easing the Transition to HSC Rigours: Early exposure to HSC coursework builds resilience and adaptability, essential for navigating senior years' challenges

  • Deepening Subject Matter Understanding: Early engagement in HSC subjects fosters a solid grasp of the curriculum, providing a robust foundation for future academic endeavours

  • Expanding Worldviews: The SOR course offers an insightful exploration into diverse beliefs and histories, nurturing well-rounded and informed perspectives

  • Optimising Year 12 Workload: Completing SOR early allows students more flexibility in their final year, including the opportunity to pursue Extension subjects in areas like Science, History, or English

We strongly encourage all current Year 9 students and their families to consider this exceptional opportunity. These decisions set the stage for future success and personal growth and open doors to new possibilities.

Lindisfarne remains committed to excellence and innovation, and we are excited to embark on this journey with our students and their families.


Navigating the Conversation: The Risks of Marijuana on Young Minds

From time to time, it is necessary to address some concerns that have been brought to my attention regarding the safety of the students in the Senior School. On various occasions, I have used this forum to discuss issues such as vaping and alcohol - today, I write to you about marijuana, more commonly referred to as “weed”.

Despite its portrayal in popular culture and increasing legal acceptance in various parts of the world, the use of “weed”, especially among adolescents, is not without significant risks. Research consistently shows the harmful effects it can have on the developing brain, not to mention the potential exacerbation of mental health conditions such as depression.

The teenage years are a critical period for brain development, with the brain continuing to mature into the mid-20s. Marijuana use during this stage can disrupt the natural growth processes, affecting cognitive functions, memory, and learning.

Mental Health and Marijuana Use

Equally concerning is the impact of “weed” on young individuals with a predisposition to mental health concerns. Research indicates that the use of cannabis can lead to an increased risk of developing conditions such as depression and anxiety and can significantly worsen existing symptoms. For those with a family history of mental health issues, the risk is even more pronounced, highlighting the importance of open, informed discussions about the potential consequences of experimenting with marijuana.

Opening the Dialogue

As parents and educators, it is essential to initiate conversations with our young people about the realities of marijuana use. These discussions must be grounded in factual information. These conversations also need to be underpinned by the proverbial elephant in the room - unless it is lawfully prescribed as a medicine, cannabis is prohibited under NSW law and classified as a narcotic drug.

Support and Resources

The Senior School is dedicated to providing support and resources for any student navigating these challenges. I encourage parents to contact their child’s Head of House for guidance on approaching this topic sensitively and effectively. Together, we can address the risks of “weed” candidly and proactively, and we can help steer our young people towards making choices that support their health and wellbeing.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Pastoral Care


Sport News

Freewheeling to the end of term - and just like that - Term 1 has almost come and gone.

Everyone should have received their Cross Country mailout, posted below just in case.

Our Open Boys Douglas Cricket grand final has been postponed - the game was scheduled for today, but is a washout. Our boys will play William Clarke College in this


This week, NCIS Surfing was postponed as well, due to lake-like conditions and no swell at all.

Two of our young Primary Boys were playing in the NSWCIS Football competition (as I type this), representing the North Coast Independent Schools - well done Jack Kane and Oliver Bowes.

Numerous of our young gun swimming contingent have been lighting the pool up down at SOPAC - with the orange cap of NCIS getting themselves up onto the podium

(Spotlights below).

Cross Country

Our fabulous undulating and scenic Cross Country course is all mowed and looking a treat - please find the Run Sheet for next Thursday - HERE. The course has changed from last year to accommodate the building works, with the changes making the circuit even better in our humble opinion.


Not many Cross Country tracks allow for consistent spectator vantage points than our course. If you are planning to come and watch - that is fantastic, please pay careful attention to the parking within the bottom left of the logistics map. Please note, the mapped parking is subject to weather conditions, which for the next few days are very wet indeed. IF the parking is closed, parents will need to park on neighbouring streets (of course respecting our neighbours driveways etc).

Further correspondence to parents will be forthcoming if the mapped parking is closed.


Ideally the wet weather stays at bay and we get our carnival in. Lindisfarne will proceed with the carnival in moderately undesirable conditions (for eg intermittent light rain activity). If the forecast is constant heavy rain, we will postpone the carnival until very early Term 2. Please pack a rain jacket and a change of clothes for after your event. If the event is Postponed, there will be further communication updates.


Other than our Cross Country runners who have been marshalled and are competing in their race, teaching officials and St Johns First Aid - there are to be no parents or students on the top oval please. This oval space will be a busy hub of continuing/finishing/starting runners, that our officials need to keep a tab on. We want to keep things as simple as possible for our runners, and this is the best way to assist them (and the officials!).


Please stay out of the clearly fenced and signed building works.


Years 7 to 12 - we are not expecting or accommodating for any sign outs up on the Cross Country spectator area for our Secondary Students. All Year 7 to 12 students are expected to be back in their classrooms for Period 5 and 6. All of our students are encouraged to pack a change of clothes to facilitate this please.

Years 2 to 6 - have their races towards the very end of the school day, and there will be scope for sign outs directly with their Home Room teachers.


Mahers Lane Campus information has already been delivered via online assembly to all students - both to Middle School and Senior School. Furthermore, there will be plenty of Home Room or House Tutor Group messaging in the next week.

Sunshine Ave Campus information further to this email will come via standalone communications (buses etc) and Home Room messaging. Any questions, please ask Mr Nathan Croft.

Very much looking forward to next week, see you out there on the big hill perhaps.

Spotlight on Elke Knapp

Elke qualified for and competed at the QLD State Athletics Championships at QSAC last weekend in the 80m and 200m hurdles, and the high jump.

She ran a personal best in both hurdles events, including 33.24 in the 200 hurdles (in the rain) which was good for 8th in the state. Congratulations Elke - super effort.

Spotlight on Summer & Ayva Immisch

Over the last week, Summer Immisch competed at the State Little Athletics Championships in Brisbane and placed 6th in the state. Summer Immisch competed at CIS swimming, and placed 5th in the Breaststroke and 2nd reserve for NSW PSSA. The Lindisfarne 11-13 year relay came 6th.

NSWCIS Championships - Swimming

More results - thanks to our parents contingent. A little overlap with some that were posted in last weeks newsletter run:

Jack Sewell - 1st in 11yrs backstroke

Ned Simmonds - 3rd in 11yrs Breaststroke and 2nd in Butterfly

Hunter Gaffney - 3rd 12yrs Freestyle

Benji Eke - 6th 11yrs Freestyle

Boys senior relay (Benji Eke, Naish Morgan, Jack Sewell, Ned Simmonds). 3rd place! The boys did so from the 2nd heat.

Next stop NSWPSSA in 2 weeks time for the aforementioned placegetters.

Spotlight on Farrah Melville and Charli

Farrah in Year 7 and Charli Wiegand in Year 8 have been selected to play for the Gold Coast United U15 girls' team at the Football Queensland Academy State Carnival this week in Brisbane. The last games of the tournament will be against the QAS state teams,

good luck girls!

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports and Activities 

Rugby Union Report - T1W10

Rugby Union Report - T1W10

Proudly Supported By




Link to Game Footage HERE

We have been given the game footage from our U15 match v Sunshine Coast Grammar on 22 March above.


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Thursday, 4th April

King’s College (U13, U15)

Friday, 12 April

Term 1 ends

Saturday - Sunday, 13-14 April

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival (U12)

Friday - Sunday, 12-14 April

Ballymore Cup (U13, U15, 1st XV)

Monday, 29 April

Term 2 begins

Friday, 3 May

Scots PGC (U13, U15, 1st XV)


The Ballymore Cup - U13, U15 and 1st XV Boys

The Ballymore Cup tournament is next Friday to Saturday and all selections have been released last week. Unfortunately, we could only carry 25 players in each squad (23 active players for each game and 2 non-playing reserves). Congratulations to all players selected and we need to complete registrations asap.

Registrations can be completed on Clipboard for all selected players, cost $175 and includes:

  • Five games of rugby from the 12th - 14th April pending draw

  • Two nights’ accommodation for all players

  • Breakfast, lunch and snacks for duration of tournament (i.e., from Friday 12th April - breakfast on 14th April)

  • Transport to and from the school on Friday 12th April and Sunday 14th April

As a reminder, the Ballymore Cup is Queensland's largest schoolboy rugby competition which has been running since 2003 and our U13, U15 and 1st XV are again playing in this competition this year. It is a state-wide competition for all schools that presents non-traditional rugby schools and schools from regional areas with the opportunity to compete at a higher level. Here is a short video of the highlights from the 2021 Ballymore Cup: https://youtu.be/v5Z3e6YnXUs

Please note we will need all players available for this Friday - Sunday (first weekend of Term 1 School Holidays) and if you will not be able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival - U12 Boys

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival is next Saturday and Sunday and selections were released last week. Unfortunately, we could only carry 20 players in this tournament squad. Congratulations to all players selected and we need to complete registrations asap. As a reminder, registration include

  • TASRC carnival cap

  • Five games of rugby at the carnival

  • Two nights’ accommodation for players and support staff

  • Dinner on Friday and Saturday night

  • Full breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning at the boarding school

  • Lunch on two days provided by TAS at the carnival

  • Team photograph for each participant

  • Transport to and from the school on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd

Please note we will need all players available for this Friday - Sunday (first weekend of Term 1 School Holidays) and if you will not be able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.

Salt Bar Sponsorship

We are extremely proud to have the Salt Bar as sponsors of the 2024 Lindisfarne Rugby Program.

As part of this sponsorship, Salt Bar has generously provided all members of the Lindisfarne rugby community (e.g., parents, supporters, friends) with a 10% discount on food and drinks.

You can use this discount anytime you are at the Salt Bar and to access this discount:

  1. Download The Pass app via the App store or Google Play

  2. Go to More > Promo Code and enter the code LINDISFARNE

  3. Make sure to use The Pass app when ordering food and drink at the Salt Bar

Monday After School Training

In 2024, our main training session outside of school time is on Monday after school from 1530-1645. Although we had great numbers to our first training sessions, rugby union is a team sport and we still need as many of our players to be in attendance week in and week out to grow the Lindisfarne rugby program. Hopefully, the car-pooling details will help this and if we can be of assistance in any way, please let us know.

Also, please note we will NOT be sending reminders for these training sessions (all players and families should assume our Monday afternoon training will ALWAYS BE ON), however we will let you all know in ample time if we need to cancel a session due to weather or other factors.

Training Attire

Students should also be in proper training attire (NOT school sports uniform) with mouthguard, boots and any other equipment they play with for every training session, including school sport. This requirement also includes integrated school sport on Thursday i.e., students should wear our rugby training top or similar and not the school sport polo at this time. Alongside this, students should have a towel and spare school uniform to change into in case there is wet weather.

Stack Team APP

The Stack Team app will be our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for all our squads, with exception of U12 boys.

As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the Lindisfarne Rugby Program in the app.

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join.

More Information

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance Athlete and Sports Development 

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

Embracing Ethical AI Use in Education: Lindisfarne’s Updated AI Guidelines

Embracing Ethical AI Use in Education: Lindisfarne’s Updated AI Guidelines

Lindisfarne has recently updated its AI procedures to foster responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning. This update is pivotal in ensuring that students harness AI's potential while maintaining academic integrity.

Key aspects of the update include an emphasis on formative assessments, where students are expected to demonstrate their learning journey and the development of ideas. It's crucial that students provide context and evidence of how their work has evolved, ensuring that the final output is genuinely their own.

In addition, the guidelines stress the importance of appropriate referencing and attribution. Students must acknowledge the use of AI in their work, following the detailed referencing instructions provided. This includes a declaration of AI use, explaining the technology used, the prompts given, and how the AI-generated content has been integrated into their work.

To clarify expectations, assessments will now include specific language, guiding students on the permissible use of AI at various stages of their tasks. These range from unrestricted AI use with proper attribution to assessments where AI assistance is not allowed, ensuring a balanced and fair evaluation of student capabilities.

Lindisfarne continues to encourage the positive use of AI to enhance learning outcomes, while also ensuring that students develop critical thinking and maintain the integrity of their academic work.

The procedure is available on SEQTA and should be read in conjunction with the ‘Code of Conduct - Students’, ‘Parent and Student Guide 2024’, ‘Assessment Policy and Schedules 2024’.

Kane Bradford
Head - Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Gold Coast Debating

Gold Coast Debating

Round one has officially come to an end, with our Junior B teams debating:

‘Sweet is better than savoury’

Junior B LAGS 1 team argued the negative side. While their arguments were well thought out, and their articulation was impeccable, they unfortunately just missed out on the win. They are congratulated on their efforts and their excellent sportsmanship. Best of luck in round 2!

Well done to Emily, Zhyan, Eva and Mason.

The Junior B LAGS 2 team argued the negative side. In a nail biting showdown they worked together to seize the victory! Congratulations to Noah, Aria, Charlotte and Lillia.

Ms Emily Brewer
English Coordinator







Performing Arts

Byron Bay Bluesfest

The Bluesfest Grommet Busking Competition 

On Easter Monday the Bronte Lee band - Bronte Woodger (Y 10), Christopher Anderson (Y 12), Sam Davies (Y 10) and Lachlan Clear (Y 9) gave an outstanding performance on the busking stage in front of a large and enthusiastic crowd at the 35th Byron Bay Bluesfest. After three weeks of rehearsals and three rounds of tough competition, they played four of Bronte’s originals and three covers in the thirty minute set. It was the culmination of reaching the finals in the Bluesfest Grommet Busking Competition. 

Congratulations Bronte, Chris, Sam and Lachy, what an achievement!

Performing Arts Private Tuition Term 2

Performing Arts Private Tuition Term 2

In addition to regular classes, Lindisfarne has specialist teachers who offer private tuition in Speech and Drama, Piano/Keyboard, Strings, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, Vocal and Songwriting/Music Production.

For students continuing with private tuition, it is assumed that lessons are continuing from term to term, for the year unless written notification is submitted to the Performing Arts Administration by the close of business on Monday of the last week of term otherwise the following term’s fees will be charged.

For those interested in enrolling for private studio lessons for Term 2, please contact Performing Arts or complete the application forms on 'SEQTA Engage - Parent Lounge - Documents and Links'.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square Heroes of Discovery Conference

In recent weeks, Angela Mundy and Krissy Affleck have represented Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School at the Round Square Heroes of Discovery Conference held at Queens College in Oxford, UK.

This event gathered educational leaders from 15 schools already participating in the Round Square Heroes of Discovery pilot over the last academic year and introduced 20 new schools to the program.

Angela and Krissy delivered a presentation during the conference that captivated a global audience, highlighting the creative initiatives undertaken by Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School during the program's pilot phase. Their presentation specifically showcased how the Heroes of Discovery program was successfully integrated with a positive behaviour model to further enhance the positive culture at the Junior School.

The conference paved the way for future partnerships and the exchange of innovative ideas, ensuring that Lindisfarne remains at the forefront of character education innovation. As a nominated mentor school by Round Square, Lindisfarne is well-positioned to continue leading the way when the Heroes of Discovery program expands to all Round Square Schools in April 2024.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator 


International Exchange Program

International Exchange Program

Pallikoodam School

We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity that has arisen through our school's international exchange program. We have the honour of welcoming nine students from the Pallikoodam School in Kottayam, Kerala, India, to be part of an inaugural cultural exchange visit, a first of its kind for our two schools.

The group, consisting of four boys and five girls (all around 17 years old), will be arriving on the 30th of April and will be with us until their departure on Friday, the 10th of May. This ten-day visit is not just an opportunity for these students to experience our culture but also a chance for us to learn from theirs, fostering a spirit of global understanding and friendship.

We understand that opening your home and your hearts to a student from another country is a generous and significant commitment. To show our appreciation, we are excited to inform you that preference for placement on our reciprocal visit to India, planned for September/ October this year, will be given to students whose families host these visiting students. This is a unique opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in the rich and diverse culture of India, directly experiencing life in Kerala. Further details about this exciting opportunity will be provided as soon as possible.

If you are willing and able to host one of these students, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

We will provide all necessary support and guidance to ensure a comfortable and enriching experience for both the host families and the visiting students. It is a requirement of hosting that all adult members of the household hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC).

Attached is the Host Family Information Proforma to complete and return via email to Mr Jeremy Godden at jgodden@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au should you wish to host a visiting student in your home.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Junior School


Can I Recycle?

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Jobs Vacant - External

Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
