From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2025 School Year
As we embark on a new school year, I want to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to each of you. We are excited about the year ahead, which will be filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and development.
Our dedicated team of educators is committed to providing a high-quality education that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning. We believe in creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment where every child feels valued, respected, and empowered as they grow as young people of Character.
We value your partnership in your child's education and your support of the School. Your active involvement in their learning journey is invaluable, as is your support for the high standards and expectations we have for appropriate behaviour from our students. We look forward to collaborating with you closely throughout the year through open communication and a mutual commitment to your child's education.
Together, let us create a vibrant and supportive school community where students can thrive academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. Here's to a year filled with joy, learning, and unforgettable experiences!
Our office reopened on 6 January, and since then, both campuses of the School have been a hive of activity as we prepared for the 2025 School year.
It has been very rewarding to see the progress made on the construction of the Senior School Centre. This transformative project for our School and Community will be completed in Semester Two of the 2025 School year.
As part of the Senior Centre project, we have completed road widening works at the Mahers Lane campus, and additional car parking is currently under construction.
Traffic flow is a challenge at both campuses of our school, especially at the start of each school year. It is vital to allow extra time for travel, stagger arrival and departure times, carpool where possible, and, importantly, use available bus services and the approved drop-and-go zones. Please also encourage your child to walk to school where it is safe to do so. Year 12 students should refrain from personally driving to school unless it is absolutely necessary, as there is limited parking available. Please prioritise bus travel to School if available in your area, respect our neighbours and the local community, and never park in local residents' driveways.
This week, staff undertook a week of professional learning and development in preparation for the year ahead. On Thursday, we welcomed the inspirational Adam Spencer to school, and he shared with our staff the rate of technological change occurring through Generative AI and Machine Learning impacting all organisations, including schools. Adam also spent time working with some of our Senior School Mathematicians, and I know this was an uplifting experience for the students who joined the workshop with Adam.
Last night, our staff gathered to honour staff members who have dedicated 10, 15, 20, and 25 years to Lindisfarne during our annual Staff Recognition Dinner. This event celebrated the significant contributions and milestones of our valued colleagues.
We acknowledged Charlotte Lush, Michael Lush, Sonya Dempsey, Emma Wardle, and Melissa O'Reilly for their 10 years of service, each bringing unique strengths to our school environment. For 15 years of service, we celebrated Krissy Affleck, Rebecca Hassell, and Melissa McCabe, whose dedication has significantly shaped our students' experiences.
Marking 20 years, we honoured Rob Seguin, Joe Wilson, Tim Pettit, Justin Enright, and Caroline Jeffries, who played pivotal roles in our school's development. Lastly, we recognised Lauran Turnbull, Kelly Bedford and Tracy Foyster for their 25 years of service, noting their profound impact on students, our school's community and development.
We are excited to enter the third year of our ParentEd program in support of our Parent community. At Lindisfarne, we understand that effective communication and collaboration between home and school is the key to student success. When parents and teachers work together, all students benefit.
Our ParentEd Program is designed to strengthen the connections between home and school and to better respond to each student’s individual and collective needs. Through this program, we provide various resources and opportunities for parents to become more involved in their children's education and be better equipped to support them at home. You can access the 2025 Parent Ed Program here.
As we start school on Monday, 03 February, it is time to remind all families and students of the standards and expectations of the school. Please find four very important documents for your review ahead of the School year commencing and for reference throughout the year ahead.
We look forward to your support throughout 2025 and a great year ahead. I look forward to seeing our students on Monday, ready for a terrific 2025 School year.
Stuart Marquardt
From the Acting Principal
From the Deputy Principal
From the Acting Deputy Principal
Chaplain's Corner
Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,
Welcome (back) to Lindisfarne as we commence the school year of 2025. In last year’s newsletters, I drew your attention to our School’s Values and Cultural Drivers. Reverend Constantine and I would like to begin this year by drawing your attention to each of the symbols on our School Crest.
I am sure you have all noticed that right in the middle of our School Crest we have an open book. This of course can be seen as indicating that we are open to learning but it also has a deeper meaning as it is not a reference to any book of learning but to the Bible itself. In fact, ‘Bible’ literally means ‘book’ and it is indeed open to us all to learn from the profound truths that are to be found in its pages.
Not only is the Bible ‘The Book’ but it is actually a collection of books. The Anglican Church, along with the many Protestant denominations, follows the Septuagint’s (The third century BC Greek translation) ordering of the Old Testament books but only includes those found in the Hebrew Scriptures, so not the body of writings known as the Apocrypha that the Catholic Church classifies as the Deuterocanonical books. This means that our Bible contains 66 books – 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.
Among these 66 books is a wide variety of genres from poetry to song lyrics (Psalms) to prophetic oracles to historical accounts to apocalyptic literature, just to name a few. It is also important to point out that around 70% of the Bible is narrative, which means that its primary purpose is to tell us a story, indeed the greatest story ever told. Biblical scholars commonly call this story ‘Salvation History’ as it communicates God’s rescue plan for humanity and all of creation, beginning with the call of Abraham (Genesis 12) and culminating in the Christ Event.
For Christians, this means that the interpretive key to understanding the Bible is Jesus himself (see John 5:39-40). Or to put it another way, the purpose of the Written Word (the Bible) is to reveal to us the Living Word, which is Christ (see John 1:1-14). The Protestant Reformer Martin Luther used the analogy of the Bible being like a crib and Jesus being like the baby resting in the crib. He reasoned that upon hearing of the birth of a baby, no one inspects the crib without adoring the baby. Similarly, the Bible presents to us the person of Jesus that we may be enraptured by his saving grace made manifest through his life, death and resurrection.
Finally, whilst all Christians affirm that the 66 books of the Bible were written by human authors over approximately a 1500-year period, we also believe that these authors were God-inspired to write what they did (see 2 Timothy 3:16 & 2 Peter 1:19-21). This does not mean that they received a word-for-word dictation from God but that through their own unique literary style, vocab and setting God directed them to communicate his good will and purpose.
If you would like to know anything further about the Bible or have any questions about its meaning then please feel free to ask either myself or Reverend Constantine as we will be only too happy to assist.
Blessings, Lyndon.
Lyndon Mulholland
Spiritual Gym Services 2025
Dear members of the Lindisfarne School Community
Welcome back to the 2025 academic year. May we all be well, and happy, and may all our young people flourish and become the amazing people God has made them to be.
Please join us during 2025 for our monthly ‘Spiritual Gym’ services. We begin the services usually with refreshments at 4.30pm followed by a service of prayers, Bible readings, hymns, songs, healing, communion, and stillness. Please come along when you can for a time of fellowship and connection as we seek God’s care, blessings and protection for our students, staff and families:
- Sunday, 9 February
- Sunday, 2 March
- Sunday, 6 April
- Sunday, 4 May
- Sunday, 1 June
- Sunday, 3 August
- Sunday, 7 September
- Sunday, 19 October
- Sunday, 2 November
- Sunday, 30 November (Community Christmas Carols).

Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu
Important Information
First Nations
Parents and Friends
Parent Facebook Groups
The Parent Facebook Groups are an excellent way to keep in touch with other parents, to find out important information and to ask questions or seek support from fellow parents. Please use the links below to join one of the groups.
- Preschool Joeys - Class of 2039
- Preschool - Class of 2038
- Kindy - Class of 2037
- Year 1 - Class of 2036
- Year 2 - Class of 2035
- Year 3 - Class of 2034
- Year 4 - Class of 2033
- Year 5 - Class of 2032
- Year 6 - Class of 2031
- Year 7 - Class of 2030
- Year 8 - Class of 2029
- Year 9 - Class of 2028
- Year 10 - Class of 2027
- Year 11 - Class of 2026
- Year 12 - Class of 2025
Lindisfarne Parents and Friends
Friends of the Arts
Safe on Social
Harmony Week
Student Voice
Upcoming Events
Whole School News
SEQTA Engage App Reminder
A reminder for all parents: you should have access to the SEQTA Engage app. It’s the easiest way to log absences, check reports, and stay updated.
If you haven’t set it up yet, please carefully follow the instructions via this link.
For assistance, please email

Scott Mellis
Director of Digital and Emerging Technologies
2025 School Fees & Buses
Payment Plans
All parents who have requested a Payment Plan by direct debit for 2025 School Fees have been emailed the calculations and direct debit authority.
However, we have yet to receive several direct debit authorities from parents who indicated they would like to take up this option. If you still wish to proceed with a payment plan in 2025, could you please check your emails and ensure you scan and email your completed direct debit authority to as soon as possible.
Annual Payments
We are currently working through the many requests for calculations for 2025 Annual Fee Payments. As the date for payment is not until Monday 10 February, we will endeavour to complete these in plenty of time for payment.
Cash Payments
If you would like to pay your fees by cash, could you kindly email to book an appointment time, outside of bell times. This will ensure we are able to meet you at a time that suits everyone.
Lindisfarne Buses
Please ensure you review the new 2025 Bus Schedule and Timetable which will be attached to an email advising you of seat allocation which will be sent prior to the commencement of Term 1 2025.
The Lindisfarne buses provide a service to and from the residential address of the family. The Lindisfarne Bus service does not have the capacity to meet requests such as transport for students to swap buses for travel to other locations for sport, work, social or other reasons.
Should your child need to attend such an activity we advise you to make alternative arrangements like carpooling to transport your child to their event.
Your understanding in this matter is appreciated.
Please direct any Lindisfarne bus enquiries to
Brett Dinsdale
Business Manager
Scholarships 2026
Applications for scholarships for 2026 are now open.
Each year, Lindisfarne offers a limited number of Academic, General Excellence, Music and Sport scholarships to students who meet the eligibility requirements.
Students eligible to apply for scholarships for the 2026 school year will be commencing in one of the following; Years 5, 7, 9 or 11. All students will be required to sit an academic test.
Scholarship Categories
- Academic – Based on a high level of academic merit.
- General Excellence – For students who demonstrate strength in a range of areas as listed below.
- Music – High level of music capacity is required combined with satisfactory academics.
- Sport – For students who are competing in at least one sport at state level or above combined with satisfactory academics.
Lindisfarne also offers support for Indigenous students. Further information in this area can be obtained from the Registrar.
For further information and details on how to apply for a scholarship, please download the 2026 Scholarship Information Booklet. Links to apply for Scholarships are contained in the booklet.
Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement
Staff Bio
Teaching and Learning
Junior School
Junior School Sport
Happy New Year and welcome back to all our returning families and students and welcome to our new students starting in 2025.
Once again we are going to be hitting the ground running with our Junior/Middle School Swimming Carnival in week 2 of term.
2025 promises to be filled with plenty of sporting FUN for everyone.
Dates for Term 1
Please find below some Term 1 - Junior School key dates to add to your calendar:
Friday, 14 February (Week 2) - LAGS Primary Swimming Carnival - Yr 3- 6
Wednesday, 26 February (Week 4) - NCIS Primary Swimming Carnival
Friday, 4 April (Week 9) - Pre-school - Year 2 FUN Cross Country
Thursday, 10 April (Week 10) - Years 3 - 12 Lindisfarne Cross Country Carnival,
Junior and Middle Swimming Carnival
Our first major carnival for the year will be the Years 3-6 Swimming Carnival to be held on Friday, 14 February in Week 2. All students in years 3 and 4 will attend the Carnival along with competitive swimmers who turn 8 in Year 2.
In the coming weeks, information relating to the carnival will be sent to all those students who are eligible to attend. Please read the information and if you have any questions please contact Damien Clucas Head of Sport or Nathan Croft at the Junior Campus.
Total Football Academy - After School Program
The Total Football Academy after-school program will kick off in week 2 on Monday 10 February and will continue until week 9 Monday 31 March.
This program is very popular and still has some vacancies at this stage. These vacancies will be filled on a first come, first basis, so if you are interested, please register using the Parent Lounge.
The program will run again in Terms 2 and 3, and possibly also Term 4 this year.
Information about the program can be found in the Flyer here: Lindisfarne-Term 1 2025_compressed.pdf
Runners Club
Lindisfarne Junior School will start the Runners Club in Week 2 at Sunshine Avenue. The purpose of the Runners Club is to assist in the running development of our school students and preparation for the upcoming Cross Country competitions.
Runners Club has been well supported over the years with Students and parents alike joining to improve fitness for the Cross Country Competitions or just to spend time exercising with friends and family. Students in Years 1 to 4 are welcome to attend.
Runners Club Training days will be Monday and Wednesday morning. The training sessions will begin at 7.30am sharp and will conclude by 8.15am.
Students can wear any type of running clothing to the sessions, however, they will be required to bring along their school uniform to change into after the completion of the session.
Students will be given time to change and have something to eat before the first bell at 8.45am. Parents and carers are more than welcome to come along and join the fun.
Students attending the Runners Club can gain awards by completing a cumulative total of 25 km - Half Marathon, 42 km - Marathon or 50+km - Ultra Marathon over the term. Certificates for these achievements will be awarded on assembly.
General Information
All information relating to Sporting programs, Gala Days and Sporting Competitions run at the Junior Campus will be advertised at assemblies and in the Newsletter. Information will then be sent home to interested students and parents. Please keep an eye on the Newsletter for relevant information, events and sports meetings throughout the year.
Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School
Junior School 2025 Musical Announcement
We are thrilled to announce the 2025 Stage 2 Musical Production: Finding Nemo Jnr! This fabulous show is set to hit our school stage in Term 2 and feature the talents of all students in Year 3 and Year 4.
Disney’s Finding Nemo has delighted audiences around the world with its heartwarming tale of adventure, family, and friendship. Our Stage 2 students will take the audience on an underwater journey alongside Marlin, Nemo, Dory, and a host of unforgettable characters as they navigate the colourful and exciting underwater world of The Great Barrier Reef.

This inspiring musical will be led by our production/teaching team:
Mr Jesse Edwards as Producer & Musical Director
Mrs Kim Shepherd as Director
Our Year 3 and 4 teachers and specialist staff will also play an important role in the preparation of the musical. They will assist with pre-production rehearsals and working behind the scenes during the performances.
All students in Years 3 and 4 will participate as part of the musical ensemble cast. Lead roles will be assigned after an audition process which is open to all Year 3 & 4 students.
👉 To audition please click on the following link to access the Audition Pack.
Stay tuned for updates, news, and ticketing details as we prepare for this exciting production. We look forward to working with our Year 3 and 4 students as they bring this undersea adventure to life!
Just keep swimming as we prepare for Finding Nemo Jnr!
Jesse Edwards
Producer & Musical Director
Green Team
Mahers Lane
Middle School
From the Head of Middle School
Welcome to the 2025 Academic Year
A warm welcome to all Lindisfarne families, especially those joining our community for the first time. I hope you had a restful break and are ready for an exciting year ahead.
This past week, staff have come together to connect, plan, and prepare for the year ahead. Orientation Day was a great opportunity for new students and families to familiarise themselves with the campus, meet staff, and begin their Lindisfarne journey. We look forward to strengthening these connections as the year unfolds.
First Day of School – Monday, 3 February
We look forward to welcoming all students back on Monday, February 3. Classes will commence promptly at 8:20 a.m. Please ensure students arrive with plenty of time to settle in and start the day smoothly.
Traffic congestion is always high during the first week, and parking on campus is extremely limited. To help ease congestion, we encourage families to use the drop-off and pick-up zone, where staff will be available to assist students. Where possible, students should utilise the school bus service to reduce traffic flow and ensure a more efficient arrival and departure process. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
Presenting with Pride: Uniform and Personal Grooming
As we enter a new school year, we encourage all students to take pride in their appearance and uphold the high standards that define Lindisfarne. Wearing the school uniform correctly and maintaining appropriate personal grooming reflects our shared values and respect for our community.
While the holidays may have allowed for a more relaxed approach, we now return to the structure and expectations of school life. Students are expected to wear their uniforms neatly and in accordance with school guidelines, ensuring that hairstyles, jewellery, and overall presentation meet the required standards.
Families are encouraged to review the 2025 Parent and Student Guide for full details on uniform and grooming expectations. Thank you for your support in maintaining our high standards.
2025 Canteen Purchases – Cashless System
Lindisfarne’s Mahers Lane campus now has a cashless payment option through Flexischools, allowing parents to link their existing Flexischools account to their child’s student card. This ensures:
✅ No need for phones at lunchtime – Students simply tap their student card for quick, hassle-free payments.
✅ Instant top-ups – Parents can instantly add funds online, ensuring students always have access to canteen purchases.
✅ Restricted usage – Funds can only be used at the school canteen, providing peace of mind.
✅ Visibility for parents – Parents can monitor purchases and encourage healthy food choices.
✅ Balance checks – Students can check their card balance at the iPad station near the canteen.
This system aligns with the school’s mobile phone policy, ensuring students remain focused on their learning and social interactions throughout the school day.
Mobile Phone Policy and Payment System
As per school policy, mobile phones must be switched off and kept in students’ bags or lockers throughout the school day. To ensure students can still make purchases, we ask that they either:
📌 Bring their bank key card, OR
📌 Use their pre-loaded school ID card for transactions at the Bahna Café or Canteen.
We appreciate your support in maintaining a focused, phone-free school environment.
‘Wait Mate’ – Supporting Digital Wellbeing
At Lindisfarne, we are committed to fostering an environment that prioritises academic focus, meaningful social interactions, and student well-being. In line with this, we would like to share Wait Mate, a movement that encourages parents to delay giving their children smartphones until at least high school.
Why Wait, Mate?
📌 Research highlights that early smartphone use can lead to distractions, reduced face-to-face interactions, and mental health concerns.
📌 By delaying smartphone access, we can help children experience a more balanced and enriching childhood.
How Can You Participate?
✅ Take the Pledge – Join other Lindisfarne families in committing to delay smartphone use.
✅ Connect with Like-Minded Parents – Wait Mate helps parents link up within the same school year group for support.
✅ Access Resources – Explore tips and materials on managing technology use at home.
Together, we can promote positive digital habits and support our students in developing healthy relationships with technology.
Looking Ahead
As we begin the 2025 academic year, I look forward to engaging with students, parents, and staff throughout the term. Lindisfarne is a community built on strong relationships, and I encourage families to stay connected and involved in school life.
Wishing everyone a fantastic start to Term 1, and I look forward to seeing our students on Monday, 3 February.
Cathy Cox
Head of Middle School
Senior School
From the Head of Senior School
As we begin another year in the Senior School, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all students and families. I hope the holiday period has been a time of rest and rejuvenation, allowing everyone to return refreshed and ready for the opportunities that lie ahead.
The start of the School year is always an exciting time, and our staff have been diligently preparing for the arrival of our students next week. One of the highlights of our professional development sessions was working with Educational Consultant Dr Robin Nagy. Robin provided an in-depth analysis of the 2024 HSC results, allowing us to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our past students and strategise ways to further support our current and future students in reaching their academic potential. The insights gained from this session were invaluable, and I look forward to sharing more about our academic planning in future editions of the newsletter. Additionally, I am eager to engage in meaningful discussions with students and families about study patterns that can optimise HSC outcomes.
In last week's correspondence to students and families, the Head of Middle School and I reiterated our commitment to maintaining the high standards and values that define our school. A key aspect of this is our uniform and grooming expectations, which play an essential role in fostering discipline, school identity, and an environment conducive to learning. Research has consistently shown the positive impact of school uniforms on academic performance and student behaviour, reinforcing our dedication to these standards. A copy of this correspondence can be accessed here.
As we begin this new year, I encourage students to approach their studies with enthusiasm, resilience, and a growth mindset. Whether in academics, sports, the arts, or community service, there will be countless opportunities for personal and collective achievement.
We look forward to welcoming new students to the Senior School, welcoming our returning students back on campus, and witnessing the many successes that 2025 will bring.
Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School
From the Dean of Students - Senior School
Welcome back to another exciting school year! As we kick off this journey together, I want to take a moment to introduce myself. I am thrilled to serve as the Dean of Students for Years 9 to 12. My role is to support each of you in making this school year not just successful, but meaningful.
At the heart of my passion for education is creating a positive school culture and ensuring the well-being of every student. I truly believe that for each one of you to reach your full potential, you need to feel supported, safe, and most importantly, proud to be a part of our school community. School isn’t just a place we go to - it’s a place we want to be. A place that inspires you to be the best version of yourself every single day.
Think of it like a team - take the Chicago Bulls, the Richmond Tigers, or any team that’s built a legacy. These teams didn’t just win championships by showing up; they created a culture of pride, where every player knew that their actions impacted the whole team. When they stepped onto the court, it wasn’t just about the game - they represented something bigger than themselves: a standard of excellence, a commitment to growth, and a deep sense of pride in being part of that team.
In the same way, when we walk into this school, we must also bring that same level of pride. It shows in how we attend classes, how we focus and allow others to work, and how we present ourselves. When we take pride in our school, we all raise the bar. We become better students, teammates, and individuals. And that’s how we create an environment where everyone feels they belong and can thrive.
As we start this school year, I encourage you all to embrace that sense of pride. Show up with purpose. Show up with focus. Show up with the desire to be the best version of yourself. Your school journey is short. Make the most of it.
Remember, I am here for you, whether it’s to chat about your goals or how we can improve things, offer guidance, or help you overcome any challenges along the way. Together, let’s make this year one to remember.
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Julie McDowell
Dean of Students - Senior School
Pastoral Care
Sports News
Welcome back - or ‘welcome aboard’ - if you are new to Lindisfarne. I sincerely hope you are all refreshed and ready to get cracking for the year ahead.
The Integrated Sports appears 95% complete with sign-ups. Thank you for jumping on and completing this. Timetables and logistics are being pulled together. Please remind your children that there are no sports swaps.
In terms of sports offerings for Lindisfarne, a very large document detailing everything you need to know will be emailed to all families very soon. Please be on the lookout for the ‘Sports Introductory Letter - 2025’. Internal operations move very swiftly when school returns, including trials starting in Week 2 - so please take the time to read the Sports Introductory contents, and sign up on Clipboard for whatever sports you wish to trial for.
Australian Volleyball Schools Cup
During the first week of the school holidays (December 9–15), Lindisfarne proudly sent four teams to compete in the Australian Schools Cup Volleyball Tournament—a prestigious event featuring 516 teams from over 160 schools. Held across multiple venues on the Gold Coast, the tournament saw an incredible 2,300 games played throughout the week.
Lindisfarne was represented by our Year 11 Boys, Year 10 Boys, Year 10 Girls, and Year 9 Boys teams, who displayed outstanding skill, determination, and sportsmanship. A special congratulations to our Year 10 Boys team, who secured a silver medal, and our Year 9 Boys team, who brought home a bronze medal—a fantastic achievement on the national stage!
All students were exceptional ambassadors for the school, and we could not be prouder of their efforts. A huge thank you to our coaches, supporters, and families who contributed to making this tournament a memorable experience for our athletes.
With the Volleyball program at Lindisfarne continuing to grow, we encourage any students interested in joining to reach out to Mrs. Bec McLeish in the B Block staffroom or This term, we are excited to hone our Beach Volleyball skills in preparation for the upcoming Queensland and Australian Beach Volleyball tournaments in March.
Well done to all our teams - our first inclusion into the QLD Beach Volleyball tournament this term, is the next on our itinerary.
Basketball Lions GCJB Winter League
We are on the lookout for the following loose ends to make teams whole for the Gold Coast Junior Basketball League Winter Competition:
TWO Boys in either year 7 or 8 for our U14 Boys team (Born 2012-2013)
TWO Girls in either year 4 or 5 for our U12 Girls team (Born 2014-2015)
Please contact the Teacher in Charge of Basketball - Ms Samara Hill - if you are interested or want to ask questions.
Hockey - small-sided fun games and skills
Who: Years 5 to 8
When: Mondays 15:30 - 16:30
Where: LAGS rebound astro-turf court.
Cost: $12.50 per session - From week 3 - to the end of the term
If your child is interested in participating, please sign them up through SEQTA Engage/Parent Lounge by clicking the “sports selections” tab for Clipboard under Activity Selection Groups - Hockey Program Term 1 2025 - Hockey Small-sided fun games and skills.
Clipboard Instructions - HERE.
Key Interim 2025 Carnival Dates
We will release a comprehensive calendar early next year, in the meantime please note the following carnival dates:
Swimming | ||
DATE | Carnival | Venue |
13/2 | Lindisfarne Secondary (7-12) | Murwillumbah |
14/2 | Lindisfarne Primary (Years 2-6) | Murwillumbah |
26/2 | NCIS Primary (Years 2 - 6) | Alstonville |
11/3 | NCIS Secondary (Years 7 - 12) | Alstonville |
26/3 | CIS Primary Swimming | SOPAC |
5&6/5 | CIS Secondary Swimming | SOPAC |
Cross Country | ||
DATE | Carnival | Venue |
10/4 | Lindisfarne Carnival | Lindisfarne Mahers Lane |
7/5 | NCIS Carnival | Lindisfarne Mahers Lane |
12/6 | CIS Carnival | Sydney |
Athletics | ||
DATE | Carnival | Venue |
25/6 | Extra Events afternoon 400m and 800m | Walter Peate Kingscliff |
26/6 | Lindisfarne Secondary (7-12) | Walter Peate Kingscliff |
27/6 | Lindisfarne Primary (Years 2-6) | Walter Peate Kingscliff |
13/8 | NCIS Primary AND Secondary | Coffs Harbour C.ex Stadium |
5/9 | CIS Primary Athletics | SOPAC |
23/9 | CIS Secondary Athletics | SOPAC |
Spotlight on Hugo McAteer
Some extraordinary highlights below from the Australian Schoolboys Football Tour - to Ireland and England. Departing Year 12 last year, Hugo McAteer represented Australia as the starting striker for Australia. Calendar notes from the tour have been pulled together below:
Unfortunately due to bad weather in the UK the 1st game was cancelled. The 2nd game was against Wales where the boys came out of the blocks fast, they pretty much dominated the game but ended up losing 1:0.
The 3rd game was also against another welsh district team, they won this game 3:1, Hugo set the first goal up with a run down the line with a nice little cut back.
Then off to Ireland where they played the Republic team. The boys lost this game 3:2 but again Hugo played well and had a goal disallowed after he challenged the keeper after he made a mistake, in my eyes there was no foul and the goal should have stood!
They then played Northern Ireland, Scotland and Celtic.
Hugo scored in the Scotland game with a wonderful strike from the edge of the area into the bottom left corner.
He then got the taste and scored another against Celtic making it 1:0 right up until the 90th minute but another lapse of concentration by the goalkeeper occurred with Celtic capitalising on the opportunity, making it 1:1.
Hugo picked up the man of the match for that game.
Then the final game was against England in a very nice stadium, where there was 680 in attendance.
This game Hugo flourished, scoring in the 1st minute, he then set up the Australian 3rd goal with some strong hold up play and a nice through ball onto the goal scorer. The match finished 3:1 to Australia!
Hugo was due to travel back down to London in preparation of catching his flight tomorrow back to Aus, just as the bus was about to leave Hugo got a call to say Blackpool FC and Bolton Wanderers FC both wanted to take him on a trial for a week.
So he quickly jumped off the bus and is now wanting to start his trial on the 3rd February.

Spotlight on Ivy Mison
Earlier in the month, Ivy (Year 8) competed at Nipper Nats in Manly and came first in the U14 Iron-woman and U14 Board events. She also secured 2nd place in the U14 Female Iron-woman at the World Youth Champs at Swansea.

Damien Clucas
Head of Sports & Activities
Rugby Union Report
Proudly Supported By

Welcome back to the new school year, and a warm welcome to the new parents and students who are joining our Lindisfarne community. Our Rugby Union program is in its fourth year and similar to previous years, our program will be for both boys and girls. The list of teams will include:
Boys’ XVs and 7s: 1st XV, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12
Girls’ 7s: U18, U16, U14*
* The U14 girls 7s squads will be pending player numbers.
You can find out more about the 2025 Lindisfarne Rugby Union program in our information pack HERE. Please note the date of the Rugby Training Camp is incorrect in the information pack and has been rescheduled to the 15th February.
For a brief description of the 2025 season for boys and girls, please see below.
Our boy's program starts immediately upon return to school and we have a very full schedule for all squads in Term 1 with our major tournament for boys’ 1st XV, U16 and U14 squads being the Ballymore Cup, which is Queensland’s largest schoolboy XV-a-side tournament.
Preceding this tournament, there will be warm-up games against Somerset, Kings College, All Saints, Sunshine Coast Grammar and Collingwood School, which are a Canadian school that we have hosted previously. Meanwhile, our U12 boys will once again compete in the Armidale School Rugby Carnival, the largest primary school rugby tournament in Australia, for the third year.
Moving into Term 2, there will be fixtures against other northern NSW schools like Woodlawn and Xavier Catholic College that will be complemented by the NCIS and All Saints 7s tournaments for the senior squads. Our U12s will also compete in the NSW Far North Coast Primary 7s (to hopefully once again qualify for the State Finals where they finished 2nd last year) and also defend their U12 title in the QLD Rugby Daly Norton Knight Cup.
Lastly, in Term 3, our senior boys’ squads (U18, U16 and U14) will predominantly be focused on 7s competing in several tournaments across the term culminating with the NSW State Finals (if qualify) and QLD All Schools 7s at the end of this term.
Our girls’ program will start mid-Term 1 (week 4) to prepare for their first game in our interschool with the Sunshine Coast Grammar girls. Progressing to Term 2, our girls will compete in the NCIS and All Saints 7s tournaments, as well as having games against other local schools like Miami and Somerset.
Similar to the boys, our girls’ squads will continue to compete into Term 3 with entries into a number of different 7s tournaments. This Term will have the ultimate aims of qualifying once more for the NSW 7s State Finals, where our U16 girls finished 2nd last year, and capping the year with a strong performance in the QLD All Schools 7s at the end of Term 3.
Please take note of the following important items:
- If you are a boy or girl interested in playing rugby for the school, please complete the registration form HERE
This form includes registering attendance for our training camp on 15th February which is open for Y5-12 boys and Y7-12 girls
This form will CLOSE on Friday 7th February.
- All boys’ squads will start training immediately upon return to school in week 1
Please note new to 2025, all 1st XV boys (including some selected U16s) will be required to attend a position-specific training session Wednesday before school. We are exploring the possibility of an early morning extra-curricular bus service from Ewingsdale / Yelgun on Wednesday morning to help assist families in these areas.
- Our girls’ squads will start training in Term 1 Week 4 on Monday afternoons.
Girls’ rugby will also be available for integrated school sport selection in Terms 2 and 3.
- Please have a look at the key dates for both boys and girls programs HERE and make sure you are available for all the fixtures listed in your respective age grade.
Please note that some of these competitions are in the first weekend of Term 1 school holidays (e.g., The Armidale Schools Rugby Carnival for U12).
There is a $275 levy for all players that will cover player gear (e.g., training tops, bags and bucket hats), all non-overnight bus trips, competition entry, and expert coaching support like former All Black Rico Gear and current NRLW player, Georgia Grey.
We hope to have as many students as possible register this year to build on our success from 2023 and 2024 and be able to enjoy the great game of rugby union with their fellow schoolmates.
Please see the upcoming key dates for our rugby program below. You can find the full list of 2025 key dates HERE.
Thursday, 6 February | Thursday XVs school sport training begins (U13, U14, U15, U16, 1st XV) |
Friday, 7 February | Friday school sport training begins (U12) |
Monday, 10 February | Monday XVs PM training begins (U13, U14, U15, U16, 1st XV) |
Wednesday, 12 February | Wednesday 1st XV AM training begins (1st XV ONLY) |
Thursday, 13 February | Lindisfarne Secondary Swimming Carnival |
Saturday, 15 February | One-Day Training Camp (U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, 1st XV and Girls 7s) |
Thursday, 20 February | 1st XV Trial Rugby Union Season Launch Evening |
Stack Team APP
The Stack Team app will be our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for all our squads, with the exception of U12 boys.
As a reminder, both parents and students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the Lindisfarne Rugby Program in the app.
To download the Stack team app, use the following links:
● iOS:
● Android:
Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join.
More Information
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (
Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance Athlete & Sports Development
Equestrian 2025
Are you registered with Equestrian Queensland and/or Pony Club? Would you and your horse like to represent Lindisfarne at Equestrian events?
Expressions of interest are welcomed from both junior and senior students currently competing in Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing or Showing to be considered for our Lindisfarne Interschool Team. Competing under the auspices of Equestrian Queensland, we aim to foster equitation, education and equestrian sport via a range of competitions. Interschool provides a unique opportunity to compete against other schools in teams and individual events on weekends and during holidays. In the past, Lindisfarne team members have competed at local, state and national levels. Let’s saddle up and make our school proud on the equestrian stage!
Please contact Equestrian co-ordinator Mrs Kathryn Leary at for further information.

Kathryn Leary
Outdoor Education
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Expedition
Over the summer holidays, the Lindisfarne Gold Duke of Ed group was fortunate enough to embark on an unforgettable adventure to New Zealand, where we hiked the Kepler Track for our Qualifying Journey.
The first day was spent in beautiful Queenstown, where we stocked up at the local Woolworths with food for the rest of our trip. We couldn’t stop marvelling at the mountain range as we drove towards Kingston Lake Camp and pitched our tents for the night. Our campsite overlooked the glorious Lake Wakatipu and some of us were brave enough to take a dip in the freezing cold water!
The next day, we made our way to Te Anau and Fiordland National Park, where our field guide, Claire Duffy, led a First Aid and navigation session. Learning how to read maps, use a compass, and administer wilderness First Aid gave us confidence for the journey ahead.
Our Kepler Track adventure began at the Control Gates, where we hiked through stunning forests and along steep inclines, arriving at Luxmore Hut in the evening. Unfortunately, when we woke up, there was extreme weather and we were unable to continue to Iris Burn Hut. Descending the mountain, we stayed in the caravan park overnight. Thankfully, we resumed our hike at Rainbow Reach on the fifth day, enjoying lush forests and serene landscapes before reaching Moturau Hut. An early start on our final day ensured we made it to the airport in time to catch our flight back to the Gold Coast.
Our journey was not only a test of physical and mental endurance but also a deeply rewarding experience. Having the opportunity to hike in such pristine environments taught us the importance of appreciating and protecting our natural world. Our group’s resilience was tested throughout the trip, but staying united as a team strengthened our bond. We developed qualities like perseverance and leadership, and most importantly, we created memories that will last a lifetime.

Olivia Danesi
Year 12 Lindisfarne Student (Gold Participant)
Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise
Lindisfarne Debating 2025
Welcome back, parents and students! I hope that your holiday period has been restful and rewarding and that everyone is looking forward to a successful 2025. Lindisfarne Debating is ready to be kickstarted into the new year with auditions being held at the end of Week 2.
This is specifically open to students in Years 7 to 12 as we find members for our Junior, Intermediate and Open teams. As seen on the poster below, there is a link to respond to the Expression of Interest with your intention to audition and which topic you would like to speak about in this audition.
I ask that students and parents be aware of the additional commitments that come with being a part of the debating team. Particularly with transportation to and from coaching practice and debates. We are a part of the Gold Coast Debating Association and debates are held at schools north of the border. Please have a look at their website for more information.
We look forward to hearing from our experienced debaters and any new students wishing to be a part of this rewarding extracurricular.

Aliah Whitesides
Acting Coordinator of English
Creative Industries
Debating and Public Speaking
Performing Arts
Germinate Records
Photography and Digital Media
Visual Arts
Learning Enrichment
Round Square
Round Square International Service 2024 - Vietnam
During the Christmas break, students from around the globe took part in a Round Square International Service project in Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. One of those students was our very own Tate Dee, who completed Year 12 last year.
Tate and the other students helped construct a dam to address the limited water supply to farming land during the dry seasons. The new dam will improve crop productivity and therefore the income of local villagers. They also installed solar energy lighting poles as a safe and sustainable solution for a 2.5km stretch of road connecting villages that previously had no lighting, making it unsafe to use after dark.
In addition to working on the construction projects, delegates were split into smaller groups to join in with local activities each day. These activities included engaging with students at the school, learning dances and handicrafts, helping the farming community, and taking part in cooking classes.
Please enjoy this video package that Round Square put together.
Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator
Round Square Conference Hosted By Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School & Scotch College
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School and Scotch College, both Round Square Schools situated in Western Australia, are joining forces to co-host a Round Square Conference from April 12 to 17, 2025 - the first week of the Term 1 holiday.
Themed - Footprints Of Unity, the conference targets students in Years 7 and 8, and centres on the principles of Internationalism, with a special focus on Culture and Adventure.
Scotch College, located in Perth, will serve as the initial venue for all delegates, accommodating them in a boarding setting for the first two nights, including the conference’s opening ceremony. Delegates will partake in sunset activities overlooking the Swan River, experiencing Perth’s stunning skyline before embarking on a series of rotational activities over three nights at the Scotch College’s dedicated Outdoor Learning and Adventure facility, and the expansive 33-hectare bushland campus of Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School located in the beautiful Geographe region of the great South West.
The conference will immerse students in various activities aimed at deepening their understanding of Indigenous culture, including art, exploration of ancient caves, and outdoor adventures. Through these experiences, participants will forge connections with Aboriginal culture and history, fostering a profound appreciation like never before. As the conference draws to a close, all delegates will reconvene at Scotch College where Baraza groups will unite for the closing ceremony, concluding discussions, and presentations by guest speakers.
Further details and Expression of Interest forms will be sent out early next week.
Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator
Lindisfarne Recording Studio
Digital Space
Simple Ways to Help Your Children Start the Year with a Digital Reset
A new year is the perfect time for a fresh start—not just in our homes and routines, but in our digital lives too. Over time, our devices fill up with clutter—old apps, overflowing inboxes, and a never-ending stream of notifications. Taking a little time now to streamline and organise can make a big difference in how we (and our kids) use technology this year.
A recent ABC News article highlighted the rise of digital minimalism, where people are cutting back on unnecessary digital distractions to improve focus and well-being. With the school term about to begin, this is a great opportunity to help children reset their digital habits for a more focused and organised start.
Encouraging Your Child to Declutter Their Digital Space
Here are some simple conversation starters and suggestions to guide them:
“Let’s clean up your home screen so the most important apps are easy to find.” – Remove unused apps and group key ones into folders.
“Are there any notifications that keep distracting you? Let’s turn them off.” – Encourage them to disable unnecessary alerts to reduce interruptions.
“How about we tidy up your school files before the term starts?” – Help them organise Google Drive or their desktop to make finding documents easier.
“Who are you following that no longer interests you?” – Unfollowing accounts that aren’t positive or useful can improve their social media experience.
“Let’s set up screen-free times so you can focus on schoolwork and sleep better.” – Agree on times when devices are put away, like before bed or during meals.
Encouraging small digital cleanups now can help set your child up for a more organised and focused school year. Why not make it a family activity this week?
Best regards,
Scott Mellis
Director of Digital and Emerging Technologies
Chess Club
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular
Uniform Shop
Buildings and Facilities
Jobs Vacant - External
Community News
Tennis Terranora – Game, Set, Match!
Come and enjoy tennis in a tranquil setting surrounded by open green space and birdsong, just 10 minutes from Tweed Heads and 20 minutes from the southern Gold Coast.
We have all three Grand Slam surfaces.
Play on three rebound ace courts (think US Open), two European clay courts (French Open), or three natural grass courts (Wimbledon) surrounding our modern clubhouse. Four more rebound courts are on their way for 2025 – all floodlit. We are the only club outside Sydney and Brisbane where you can enjoy all Open surfaces. If you’ve never played lawn tennis, this is the place to try!
From complete beginners to juniors and seniors, Tennis Terranora has coaching and a lively social and competition scene.
Scan the QR code for information and court booking.
Come to our free Let’s Play Day on Saturday, 1 February 2025 from 2pm.
Tennis Terranora, right at the end of Henry Lawson Drive, Terranora, 2486
Cultural Engagement
Food Technology
Nursing Notes

Bianca Foster, Dimity Frazer, Greer Purdon
School Nurses