2024 Term 1 Week 7 15 Mar 2024

This Week Overview

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From the Principal

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Dear Lindisfarne Parents and Guardians,

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend and present at the Round Square Conference in New Zealand, alongside fellow educational leaders, highlighting Lindisfarne's innovative contributions as a Round Square Member School. I showcased our distinctive integration of the Round Square Ideals into our Wellbeing program, an approach that received enthusiastic acclaim from attending schools. This recognition underscores the significant impact we are making in promoting student wellbeing, demonstrating our commitment to cultivating a holistic educational environment that extends its influence well beyond our school community.

This week, our students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 participated in the NAPLAN testing. We understand this period can bring about feelings of anxiety; however, it's important to recognise the value of the data collected through this process. It is crucial to remind our students that NAPLAN represents just one facet of their broader educational journey at Lindisfarne.

I am pleased to share our inaugural Business Breakfast for the year will take place on Wednesday, 20 March, at Club Tweed. We will be welcoming Professor Alan Patching from Bond University as our guest speaker. Professor Patching brings a wealth of knowledge, particularly from his experiences with the Sydney Olympic Stadium, specialising in human behaviour and managing workplace stress. Tickets for the event are available here.

This week, we are delighted to welcome 13 students and two staff members from our Japanese sister school, Nabari Seihou, to Lindisfarne. Their participation in classroom activities and interaction with our students presents a valuable opportunity for mutual learning and understanding, reinforcing our commitment to global connectivity. Fostering international friendships lies at the core of our community's values, and we look forward to the enriching experiences this visit will bring to both schools.

Our Year 4 students are returning this afternoon from an unforgettable two-night adventure at Camp Good Enough. The camp has been an excellent opportunity for our students to engage in a wide range of outdoor activities, fostering teamwork, resilience, and a love for nature. I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the staff members who made this camp possible. The memories and skills gained during this camp will undoubtedly remain with our students for years to come.

Lastly, the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Trivia Night is just around the corner—tomorrow night! It’s set to be a fun-filled evening of friend-raising and fundraising. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to get a table together and join in the fun. Tickets can be booked here.

As we move into Week 8, we celebrate Harmony Week. It is important to recognise our multi-cultural country and the role we as a school play in fostering understanding and acceptance of all people. Students will engage in activities that will recognise our First Nations peoples, celebrate the diversity of multiculturalism and also spend time in gratitude for the blessings of our community.

Charlotte Lush
Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

A Prayer Invite

“Prayer”, Edith Stein said, “is the highest achievement of which the human person is capable.” Prayer enlarges our sense of things and anchors us in daily life. It is a struggle but also a joy; it sets our troubled hearts at rest and banishes our fears. Jesus prayed constantly in the Gospel, and invites us to come to Him in order to find rest and restoration for our wearied souls and overburdened lives (cf. Matthew 11:28).

Let us heed his invitation and come together for a time of prayer during this Lenten season. You are cordially invited to join me via this Zoom link on Wednesdays (20/03; 27/03; 03/04) from 8.15pm to 8.45pm as we pray for the healing, wellbeing and flourishing of our young people, for peace in our world, and for God’s blessings on our community and families.

Harmony Week (18 -24 March 2024). Theme: ”Everyone Belongs!”

World Harmony Week is a celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together people from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ The theme for Harmony Week is ‘Everyone Belongs’. Our School has organised a variety of activities in order to recognise and celebrate this important event. Funds raised will be donated to Hakuna Matata Children’s Choir to aid impoverished children in Kenya.

Also, we are collecting non-perishables, canned foods and personal hygiene products to support those experiencing homelessness and hardship through the work of Fred’s Place and Agape Outreach Inc. Please help us help those in need in our community.

Look Up Celebration on 29 June 2024

You are warmly invited to this free Look Up Celebration at the Gold Coast Convention Centre on 29 June 2024 at 6pm. It promises to be a night filled with inspiring music and an uplifting message of hope by Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham, about the unstoppable, pure and reckless love and mercy of God for us in Jesus Christ. Please let me know if you have any queries about this event at constantine.osuchukwu@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

A Prayer for Lent

As we journey towards Holy Week when we remember the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Henri Nouwen’s prayer provides us with some food for thought and reflection:

How often have I lived through these weeks without paying much attention to penance, fasting, and prayer? How often have I missed the spiritual fruits of the season without even being aware of it? But how can I ever really celebrate Easter without observing Lent? How can I rejoice fully in your Resurrection when I have avoided participating in your death? Yes, Lord, I have to die—with you, through you, and in you—and thus become ready to recognize you when you appear to me in your Resurrection. There is so much in me that needs to die: false attachments, greed and anger, impatience and stinginess…. I see clearly now how little I have died with you, really gone your way and been faithful to it. O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen. (From A Cry for Mercy: Prayers from the Genesee, Orbis)

I wish you a restful and relaxing weekend filled with God’s richest blessings in every way.

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

SEQTA - Pastoral Care Updates

SEQTA - Pastoral Care Updates

We are excited to share important updates about SEQTA, our Learning Management System at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School. A central feature of SEQTA is its capability for generating Pastoral Care Notes, a tool our teachers in the Senior and Middle School are increasingly utilising to record and communicate students' well-being.

There are 3 types of pastoral care notes teachers have access to:

  • Commendations: Celebrating students who embody the Lindisfarne Culture and Values or who have made notable academic strides.

  • Behavioural Concerns: Documenting instances where a student's behaviour does not align with our school's high expectations.

  • S1 Detentions: Issued for actions that breach the Lindisfarne Student Code of Conduct or other school policies.

Pastoral Care Updates

To ensure our families are fully informed and to encourage valuable conversations at home about students' experiences and well-being, we've made an important update to SEQTA. Now, whenever a Pastoral Care Note is recorded in SEQTA, it can be emailed to students, parents, and guardians. You'll receive these notifications as "Pastoral Care Update" emails. This new feature aims to keep you updated and support open discussions with your children about their school life and progress.

This enhancement marks a significant step in our commitment to a collaborative approach to student welfare and academic excellence at Lindisfarne. We strongly advocate for using these insights as a basis for conversations at home, reinforcing our shared goal of supporting our students' best outcomes.

Should you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Kind regards,

Scott Mellis
Director of Digital and Emerging Technologies

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Join the P&F

The Parents and Friends Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held on Tuesday, 7th May 2024 at 6.30pm at the Mahers Lane Library, Terranora. As members of the P&F all Lindisfarne families are welcome to attend and are invited to nominate for an Executive or General Committee position for the 2024 year. Nominations are sought for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Officer and General Committee (5). 

Nominations must be received in writing by Tuesday, 20th April 2024, via e-mail to pandf@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Nomination Form.

President: shall preside over P&F Association meetings and is responsible for working towards P&F Association’s objectives. The President ensures that the P&F Association takes part in decision-making processes in the School and fosters fair participation of all members in its undertakings. The President will support volunteers and ensure consistent adherence to the constitution.

Vice President: Assist the President in their duties. The Vice President may be called upon to Chair meetings in the absence of the President.

Secretary: Attend all meetings and keep a record of all business conducted. Monitor incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Treasurer: Report on the Association’s financial status at all meetings, detailing all monies received and paid since the last meeting. The Treasurer must also provide an audited copy of the previous financial year’s accounts at the AGM.

Public Officer: Ensure consistent adherence to the constitution. Notify Fair Trading of any change and is responsible for collecting or take receipt of any official documentation.

General committee: Assist and support the P&F Association to reach its objectives in line with the school needs and focus area’s at the time.

Rachel Mead
Public Officer
Lindisfarne Parents and Friends Association

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Lindisfarne TV - Episode 13

In this episode of LTV, we're highlighting the recent Music Tutor Concert and the Senior School Rock Band's live studio recording. 🎤🎸 Tune in for some captivating musical performances and immerse yourself in the talent of our students and music staff! 🎵

Ryan Murphy

Business Breakfast - Bond University Professor Alan Patching

Lindisfarne welcomes Professor Alan Patching as our next Business Breakfast speaker on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at Club Tweed.

Bookings can be made via www.trybooking.com/CPQUK

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Green Team News

Green Team News

A huge thank you to all the families who donated home baking or handmade goods to the Green Market that was held on Tuesday morning.

It was great to see so many families supporting the fundraising efforts for the installation of native animal and bird houses at the Junior School Campus.

Thank you also to Mrs Paige and Mr Scott for providing the great sounds.

We were able to raise over $2500! Such an amazing effort.

The Green Team is made up of a group of parents, students, and staff who are passionate about sustainability and caring for our beautiful environment.

They have completed many projects across the Junior School and wider community.

If you would like to be part of this group, please contact Jo Hetherington – jhetherington@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Jo Hetherington
Director of Early Learning

The Heroes of Discovery

The Heroes of Discovery: Junior School

As we conclude our final week of exploration into our second Hero of Discovery, Communication Cara, we eagerly anticipate next week's Hero Draw! 

This event will celebrate the remarkable efforts and collective achievements of our Junior School students in embodying Cara's commendable character traits in their daily lives.

Continue reading for 'hero-seeking' observations and accolades from our Junior School staff this week!

I listen to others and respect their views 

‘Two students paired up to work on a task. I observed each of them taking turns to share their ideas. It was wonderful to see them really listening to what the other was suggesting and explaining. When I walked past to check in on how they were going. One student said that their partner had come up with a really great idea and they would be working off that to complete the task.  So lovely to see genuine interactions where students are being heard and their opinions valued, especially in a team situation where it's often hard for students to see past their own ideas.’ (Year 3)

I communicate sensitively with different audiences 

‘During Buddy Reading, a teacher called over a Year 4 boy and instructed him to collect the remaining Kindy students to join him for buddy reading. His tone changed as he moved from the teacher to the Kindergarten student. He used a gentle, encouraging voice to invite the child over.’ (Year 4)

I share my opinions even when I feel shy

‘During 'show and tell' for our History unit, Kindergarten students showed confidence in talking in front of the class. They received Communication Cara tickets for speaking with strong, loud voices and being brave.’ (Kindergarten)

Next week, during Harmony Week, we're thrilled to introduce Diversity Dani, our latest Hero of Discovery, to our school community.

Dani is set to play a pivotal role in supporting our Junior School students to cultivate a broader and more profound understanding of diversity, emphasising the importance of respecting and valuing difference, inclusiveness and a sense of belonging for everyone.

Angela Mundy
Dean of Students - Junior School

Junior School Sport

Dates for Term 1

Please find below some Term 1 - Junior School key dates to add to your calendar:

  • Friday 22 March (week 8) - Pre-school - Year 2 FUN Cross Country

  • Wednesday 27 March (week 9) - CIS Primary Swimming Carnival

  • Thursday 4 April (week 10) - NSW Rugby 7’s Gala Day

  • Thursday 11 April (week 11) - Years 3 - 12 Lindisfarne Cross Country Carnival,

Total Football Academy - After school Program

The Total Football Academy after school program will continue until week 11 Monday 8 April. Please note there will be NO session on Easter Monday 1 April.

This program will be run again in term 2, 3 and possibly term 4 this year for those who miss out..

Keep an eye on the newsletter for Term 2 Information coming soon.

Runners Club


The Runners Club is going absolutely bananas!

Students, Parents, Carers and Mr Croft have all been smashing their expectations, running between 3 and 6 km on a Monday and Wednesday morning.

This week has seen the first lot of certificates given out for completing the 21km Challenge. This challenge is awarded to runners who over the weeks have accumulated 21km in total.

Congratulations to the following students and parents who have achieved this goal and been awarded certificates at assembly:

Charlotte Busby, Isla Finlay, William Finlay, Alfie Kirk, Archer Krebs, Archer Plant, Harlow Smith, Aiden Sonnekus, Laura Krebs (mum), Shelley Sonnekus (mum)

The purpose of the Runners Club is to assist in the running development of our school students in preparation for the upcoming Cross Country competitions.

Students in years 1 - 4 are welcome to attend.

Runners Club Training days will be Monday and Wednesday morning, meet Mr Croft at the Arkinstall Park back gate. The training sessions will begin at 7.30am sharp and will conclude by 8.15am.

Students can wear any type of running clothing to the sessions, however they will be required to bring along their school uniform to change into after the completion of the session.

Students will be given time to change and have something to eat before the first bell at 8.45am. Parents and carers are more than welcome to come along and join in.

Students attending the Runners Club can gain awards by completing a cumulative total of 25 km - Half Marathon, 42 km - Marathon or 50+km - Ultra Marathon over the term. Certificates for these achievements will be awarded on assembly.

Hockey After School Program

The after school Hockey program started last week and was a great success. The program kicked off with 25 young Hockey champions learning skills and games getting them ready to play Hockey.

The program will be held on the basketball courts and back oval at Sunshine Avenue. Start time is 3.15pm and it will conclude each week at 4.15pm.

The Program will run through until Tuesday 9 April.

Dates: Tuesday 5, 12, 19, and 26 March and Tuesday 2, and 9 April.

FUN CROSS COUNTRY - Friday 22 March

The FUN Cross Country for PreSchool, Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will be held at the Junior School Campus, Sunshine Avenue on Friday 22 March.

The day is all about Fun and Participation and all races will be in Year levels.

All students in Preschool, Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will be participating on the day.

For Preschool families: If your child does not attend Preschool on this day you are most welcome to come along with them so they can join in the fun. A parent or caregiver must stay with the child.

Parents wishing to attend are asked to park in the Arkinstall Park car park.

An outline of the events are as follows:

  • 1.15pm Official Opening Jeremy Godden

  • 1.20pm: Pre School – (200m)

  • 1.35pm: Year 2 Boys (1km)

  • 1.50pm: Year 2 Girls (1km)

  • 2.05pm: Year 1 Boys (1km)

  • 2.20pm: Year 1 Girls (1km)

  • 2.30pm: Kindergarten Boys (500m)

  • 2.40pm: Kindergarten Girls (500m)

  • 2.50pm Close and Home (parents are free to take students home)

Hockey - Fitzpatrick Shield 6-A-Side Gala Day

20 year 3 and 4 students travelled out to the Tweed Hockey Centre in Murwillumbah last Friday to compete in the Fitzpatrick Shield 6-A-Side Hockey Gala Day.

The students were made up of seasoned veterans and absolute newbies, however the day is all about FUN and participation. All the Lindisfaren teams played their hearts out, scoring more goals than we conceded and really enjoying the day.

Thank you to Miss Simone who assisted with the running of the group on the day.

A big thank you to Matt Bartell and Casuarina Hockey for the in class coaching and for running such a fantastic carnival.

Nathan Croft
Head of Sports - Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Year 8 Update

Year 8 Update

Swimming Carnival

Year 8 students have been off to a flying start this year. The swimming carnival provided an opportunity for our students to have fun, earn house points and show their swimming skills. Congratulations to the following students for their representation of Lindisfarne at NCIS and CIS:

Mali Stewart, Madison Harper, Koa Stotz, Riley Johnston

Online Guardians

Year 8 students participated in informative and engaging sessions with Online Guardians as part of online safety awareness . Focusing on online safety, students explored and discussed ways of managing their social media accounts and interactions to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

The student session was followed by a ParentEd session which informed parents of online safety considerations for adolescents. This was a great opportunity for parents to gain a deeper understanding of how their young people are interacting on social media and provided practical strategies to help parents navigate the online world.

Further information regarding online safety can be found on the Online Guardian’s website at www.onlineguardians.com.au

Student Representative Council Update

We are pleased to share an exciting update regarding our school's commitment to fostering student engagement and empowerment. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that every student's voice is heard and valued, we have established a Student Representative Council (SRC) initiative.

The SRC meets every two weeks with Mrs Gula and Mrs Makepeace, providing a platform for students to discuss matters that are important to them, raised directly from the student body. This initiative is integral to our broader student voice initiative, designed to promote inclusivity, collaboration, and proactive problem-solving within our school community.

Each home room and house is represented by two dedicated student representatives, accompanied by a backup representative. Each home room has the opportunity to raise issues, via their representatives, to be discussed at the SRC meetings in an effort for students to create changes around issues that they feel are important to them within and across the school.

Structure rotates every term, allowing different students the opportunity to take on leadership roles and represent their peers.

The representatives will cycle every term, so there are opportunities for a wide range of students to be involved in the initiative and develop valuable leadership skills around responsible civic engagement.

We encourage you to discuss the SRC with your son or daughter and encourage them to get involved later in the year if they aren’t already. Should you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


A number of subjects have commenced assessment tasks for Year 8 students. Subject teachers, Home Room teachers and Year Coordinators are here to support students as they navigate through their assessment tasks.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Bookings for Parent-Teacher interviews are now open. Parent-Teacher interviews are an excellent opportunity to engage with teachers surrounding the academic progress of students.

Alex Coulter
Year 8 Coordinator 

Swimming Stars Year 5

Meet Ned Simmonds and Allira Upton, two rising stars in the world of swimming, proudly representing Lindisfarne as promising students of the sport. With their dedication and talent, they embody the future of swimming excellence.

Ned Simmonds

Hi my name is Ned and my age is 10 and I have been swimming since I was 2 months old. My favourite stroke is breastroke. My 3 best swimming achievements are going to Nationals schools in Sydney, setting a record at Gold Coast championships and winning Queensland sprint championships. My goals for the future is to go to the Olympics for swimming in the 100m breastroke and win. My biggest mentor is Micheal Phelps because he won 23 Olympic gold medals which is way more than anyone else. What motivates me is that if I train hard enough I can achieve my goals.

Allira Upton

I am Allira Upton, I am 10 and I started swimming when I was one. On race days I wear a racing swimsuit that goes down to my knees and on training days I wear normal swimmers. My favourite stroke is backstroke. I have the fastest girl time for backstroke in the region. My best achievement was my freestyle event where I achieved my best PB. A PB means “personal best”. My goal is to go to Nationals for swimming or even to get to the finals for PSSA. My Uncle and Mum encouraged me to swim competitively when I was 4 years old and my uncle swam at the Commonwealth Games for Australia and my mum still has records for her swimming from when she was younger. They are very inspirational to me. I have one record that I am really proud of and that is in the Medley where my time is 3m20s. My favourite food is watermelon and I enjoy it because it is delicious and healthy!

Amber Jarvis
Year 5 Coordinator 

International Women's Day - Year 5

On March 8th, International Women's Day, Year 5 embarked on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment through a series of enriching activities. Engaging in rich discussions, they delved into the historical struggles and triumphs of women worldwide, fostering deep thinking and critical reflection on the past and present status of women's rights.

Through thought-provoking discussions, they explored the evolution of gender equality, recognising the progress made and the challenges that persist. With enthusiasm and curiosity, they investigated inspiring female role models of today, drawing inspiration from their resilience, leadership, and contributions to society.

Year 5 had not only gained a greater appreciation for the significance of International Women's Day but also developed a renewed commitment to championing equality and justice for all genders. Their experiences fostered a sense of empowerment and solidarity, equipping them with the knowledge and inspiration to be a part of change in their communities and beyond.

 Amber Jarvis
Year 5 Coordinator 

Hanami 花見

Hanami 花見

It’s spring time in Japan, the beautiful sakura 桜 (cherry blossoms) are just about to bloom, and people in Japan are preparing to celebrate Hanami 花見 (flower viewing season)!

‘ Hanami is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the transient beauty of flowers; flowers in this case almost always refer to those of the cherry or, less frequently, plum trees. From the end of March to early May, cherry trees bloom all over Japan, and around the second week of January on the island of Okinawa’.

To learn more about this important event, students in Year 6F Japanese participated in a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) lesson. Firstly, they looked at how Hanami is celebrated in Japan and explored the ‘cherry blossom forecast map’ for 2024.

In the second half of the lesson, the students had a go at making their very own sakura tree, using paper, scissors, glue, wool and crepe paper. All the instructions for the craft activity were delivered in simple Japanese.

The students participated with enthusiasm and some amazing sakura trees were produced.

Congratulations to Roy and Mila for taking out the ‘best sakura tree’ awards. Thank you to Hudson for taking photos of our lesson and for helping sensei hand out all the materials.

If you have ever considered visiting Japan, cherry blossom season is a must!

De Roos sensei
Japanese Teacher 

Senior School

Head of Senior School

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School is dedicated to helping students reach their full potential and to foster respect and understanding. This week, I find it imperative to address an issue that, whilst uncomfortable, is crucial for maintaining our school's values of Compassion, Wisdom, and Respect.

Recent events within our student body have led me to consider the lingering effects associated with the Andrew Tate phenomenon. While it might be easy to dismiss such concepts as distant from our school's ethos, recent incidents suggest otherwise. These occurrences remind us that no community, including ours, is shielded from the influence of detrimental societal trends. It is an opportunity for us to confront these challenges head-on, promoting a culture of respect and understanding.

Behaviours that demean young women and an insistence on dominance, pose a challenge to the wellbeing of our school. Such attitudes can inhibit personal growth and create an environment where fear and disrespect flourish.

We stand at a juncture where our actions and words can set the tone for a culture that celebrates respect and empathy. Interactions between students and between students and staff are the foundation of our school.

We encourage every member of our school to:

  • Engage in respectful dialogue, always considering the perspectives and feelings of others

  • Challenge stereotypes and assumptions that contribute to harmful behaviours and attitudes

  • Seek support when dealing with difficult conversations or when witnessing disrespectful behaviour

As a school, we are committed to fostering an environment where respect, understanding, and kindness are not just ideals, but the essence of our school, ensuring a secure and nurturing space for all.

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

HSC Geography

The Year 12 HSC Geographers last week visited a local sugar farm in the Tweed River valley to learn about the economic enterprise of Sugar production as part of the ‘People and Economic Activity’ unit from HSC Geography course.

The visit began at a local sugarcane farm owned and operated by a seasoned farmer, Robert Hawken, who has harvested Cane in the Tweed Valley since the 1970s on a family owned and operated farm. He spoke to us at length drawing upon his extensive knowledge and personal insights about the processes and challenges of farming Cane in the Tweed region and gave the students a chance to see firsthand the meticulous care required to nurture sugarcane plants to maturity. We learnt about the importance of soil quality, irrigation, and pest management in ensuring successful yields. The pivotal role of climate and seasonal variations was also discussed at length along with the role of fire and burns in the harvesting process and the impact that the resulting ash can have on the local community and our washing lines!

As well as the local economics involved in the Tweed and Sunshine Sugar co-operative, which creates greater efficiencies and economies of scale, Robert also shed light on the complex interplay of global economic factors that shape the dynamics of sugar and the external and internal linkages involved in the industry, something crucial to the HSC Geography syllabus. From fluctuating commodity prices and trade policies to shifting consumer preferences and environmental regulations, we learned how external forces can profoundly influence the prosperity and sustainability of sugarcane farming communities and how these are shifting and changing as we move further into the 21st century.

After more than ninety minutes of discussion, we travelled to the nearby Congdon Sugar Mill and although we weren’t allowed in, as it wasn’t harvesting season, we were able to get some idea of the processes involved at the mill and see the bi-products of electricity generation via burning of the husk, the primary source of income for Sunshine Sugar during the off season.

We extend our gratitude to Robert for his generosity of time and expertise in talking with our Year 12 Geographers and providing such a fascinating window into the Sugar Cane industry and Cane farming in the Tweed Valley. Meeting Robert and having this firsthand experience was an invaluable resource and one which will undoubtedly support the students in their studies.

Alex Coulter

Bringing Literature to Life

Image Gardens: Bringing Literature to Life

In the wake of an intensive professional learning week for two of our English teachers, our faculty has been buzzing with new ideas. Mr Schoenmaker and Ms Brewer have been working hard to upskill the faculty with active learning strategies picked up during their time with the expert teaching artists at Bell Shakespeare. Finding ways to get students more actively involved in lessons is a great way to ensure deep learning, and also to increase student engagement. Or, in the simple but effective words of one Year 9 student, “It’s way more fun than sitting at a desk reading the poem”.

Across the 8 and 9 classrooms, students have been working together to construct Image Gardens. This sees the students create a variety of freeze frame tableaux in order to visually represent key ideas of a text. In a fusion of creativity and collaboration, students honed their understanding of the set texts to transform literary elements into visual spectacles. From Shakespearean tragedies to contemporary poets, the Image Gardens breathed new life into literature, inviting students to immerse themselves in the rich narratives and thought-provoking ideas explored in our class texts.

Photos below are of Mrs Hunter and Mrs Konik team teaching an Image Garden lesson with Year 9 on Bruce Dawe’s poem, Life Cycle.

Emily Brewer and Jasper Schoenmaker
Coordinator of English and English Teacher 

Gold Coast Debating Competition Update

Gold Coast Debating Competition Update

Round One is off to a nail-biting start with our Intermediate A and Junior A (1+2) teams taking on their first opponents.

The Intermediate A team visited All Saints Anglican School to argue the negative side of the topic: Allowing companies to sell our data does more harm than good. Congratulations to Ben, Nicholas, Tessa and Alexander who emerged victorious. With a difficult topic, our students spent coaching sessions developing their research and creating rebuttals. Their efforts were all made worthwhile with an exciting debate that showcased their critical thinking skills and ability to create rebuttals and provide Points of Information under pressure. They are all congratulated for their efforts and dedication and we are looking forward to a successful season.

Meanwhile, our Junior A debaters visited Hillcrest Christian College to argue the topic: The existence of Zoos is justified.

The Junior A(1) team produced an excellent set of arguments to win their first debate arguing the affirmative against a team from Hillcrest Christian College. First speaker Niamh Glasson began the debate wonderfully, delivering a powerful opening and setting up her team’s success. Aziah Phoenix-Coy followed, applying his natural and engaging style to a range of great points. Finally, Taylor Van Niekerk closed the debate by reinforcing the points of the team and providing effective rebuttals. The Round 1 Chairperson, Beatrice Broad, also played a critical role in this debate. Of note, Beatrice planned out her team’s arguments, offered excellent feedback during practice sessions and completed her duties as chairperson with poise. Congratulations to all students for representing Lindisfarne so well and achieving a fantastic victory!

LAGS Junior A(1)

Congratulations to Ajay, Eddie, Claire and Anouk from Junior A(2) on an outstanding effort in their debate. They argued the affirmative side against a team from Somerset College. Unfortunately the victory escaped them by just one point, but I’m sure they’ll be working hard to regroup for round 2.

Emily Brewer
Coordinator of English

French Excursion


On Tuesday our students embarked on a cultural adventure that combined the cinematic beauty of French storytelling with the delectable flavours of authentic French pastries. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the inspiring film titled "The Snow Must Go On". The film took our students on a visually stunning journey, exploring themes of environmental conservation and the importance of preserving our planet's natural wonders.

Following the film, our enthusiastic students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in French culture during a visit to Ben's Patisserie in Murwillumbah. With an array of delicious pastries on display, our students embraced the challenge of ordering their treats in French, putting their language skills to the test.

As we continue to nurture a global perspective within our school community, we look forward to more enriching excursions that both inspire and educate.

Merci beaucoup for your ongoing support!

Madame Weterkamp
French Teacher

Pastoral Care


Sport News

Lots going on in the Sports Department - as per usual - as Term One meandars on….

Football is in full swing now, with both our Open Girls and Boys getting through round 1 vs Emmanuel Anglican College and moving on in the cut-throat CIS Statewide Knockout. Our U15 squads also had a valuable preparatory hit-out versus EAC too.

The Open Boys AFL registrations have been called up for training next week - to begin preparations for the AFLQ. Contact Mr Gilliland for any further information on this.

Our Open Boys cricket team are also biding their time and are through and into the statewide final - waiting for the winner of Shellharbour Anglican School and William Clarke College.

Our swimmers were wonderful this week at the secondary NCIS Swimming Championships at Alstonville - winning the overall point score in commanding fashion.


The Tobias and Marquardt and CIS Football games against Emmanuel College were played in fine spirit Monday. -Our squads are a formidable crew, and will be hard to roll in 2024.

Open Boys CIS Cup - 14-0 win
Next CIS game is Armidale vs TAS on 22 March.

Open Girls CIS Cup Round 2 (1st round bye)
3-1 win
Next CIS game in Coffs Harbour vs Bishop on 27 March (tbc)

U15 Boys
0-0 draw

U15 Girls
5-1 win

NCIS Secondary Swimming

An outstanding day at NCIS Secondary Swimming on Tuesday. Please find a full results sheet compiled - HERE

Congratulations to our Age Champion placegetters!


13 Year Girls:
1st - Delilah Wharton
3rd - Lucy Simmonds
12 Year Boys:
2nd- Benjamin Dickens
14 Year Girls:
1st - Myla Naylor
3rd - Madison Harper

13 Year Boys:
1st - Lennox Eke

15 Year Girls:
1st - Fray Hutchinson
14 Year Boys:
1st - Riley Johnston
2nd - Koa Stotz
16 Year Girls:
1st - Georgia Dunn
2nd - Layla Hutchinson
15 Year Boys:
3rd - Jack Matkevich
17 Year Girls:
3rd - Isabelle Popov
16 Year Boys:
1st - Noah Roserverne
18 Year Boys:
1st - Cash Cratchley

NSW CIS Secondary Golf Championships

Josh Marsh recently competed in the golf championship held at Belmont Golf Course (south of Newcastle). The competition was held on a stunning course, offering a fantastic atmosphere and the chance to connect with fellow competitors. Josh wrapped up the first 9 holes at 5 over par, but the second half proved more challenging. Armed with a clear goal for this competition, Josh is already looking forward to making a comeback next year and achieving the results he knows he's capable of.

Mountain Biking

**Once again a big congratulations to all the mountain bikers who participated in the Boost Mobile Mountain Bike Interschools competition at Thredbo last week. 

Border Schools Cross Country - Wednesday 20 March

Please find attached the Border Schools Cross Country Running Sheet - HERE (maps, race times and more). This is open to ANY Secondary Student that is a serious runner - and is hoping to place top 15 (ish) at our Lindisfarne Carnival. With the building works currently underway, the course has changed - and I honestly think it is outstanding.

Date: Wednesday, 20 March
ARRIVAL - 9:00 am NSW time to 12:00 pm - Walk the Course 9:30 am - NEW COURSE ROUTE
Mahers Lane Campus - Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School
Schools attending: Hillcrest, St Andrews

Register your interest to participate on Clipboard "Representative Sports Activities 2024"

Fitness isn’t something you can wing, so feel free to join our Cross Country Training squad with our elite coach - Mr Matt Osmond.

● Monday Afternoons from 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm

● Thursday afternoons - from 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm.

Other key Cross Country dates are:
Lindisfarne Carnival - 11 April
  NCIS Carnival - 10 May

Spotlight on Hunter Gaffney

Hunter enjoyed an exceptionally active and triumphant weekend at the recent Branch Titles. She clinched victory in the Ironwoman, Surf race, and Board rescue events, further proving her mettle with a second-place finish in the Board race. Additionally, her team triumphed in the Surf relay, Board relay, and Cameron relay. Looking ahead, Hunter eagerly anticipates the upcoming States and CIS swimming competitions in two weeks—a period she considers the highlight of her year!
Join us in wishing her continued success in these forthcoming events.

Spotlight on Kiara Denny

Kiara was involved at the National Touch League (NTL’s) The Championships in Coffs Harbour, playing for the Affiliate UQ Rebels (QLD) W20s. The team was undefeated all through the competition and went on to win the W20s championship. Kiara played a solid game throughout the competition with her defence unyielding throughout the tournament.

Spotlight on Ivy and Scarlett Mison

Ivy Mison made it to 6 finals at the Surf Life Saving NSW State Championships - coming top 6 in all races in challenging surf conditions. She was also in the All Age Board Relay for Cudgen SLSC taking out the silver medal. Scarlett Mison also achieved great results by placing 2nd in the Under 11 Female Surf Race.

Well done girls!

Damien Clucas
Head of Sport and Activities 

Rugby Union Report


Our Girls 7s rugby union program is in its third year and similar to 2023, we will have a 1st 7 (U18), U16, and U15 Girls teams and we would also love to be able to field U14 and U13 teams this year (pending player numbers).

If you are interested in representing the school in Girls 7's, please complete the registration form HERE. Registrations close on Friday 29th March. If you register on this form, you are expected to be available for our Monday after-school training session, and, if possible, Thursday integrated school sport (unless in Touch Football). It will be very difficult to select students for our girls 7s squads that do not choose Rugby or Touch Football for integrated school sport for Term 2.

Mr Steve Dunn, Mr Thomas Marais, and Miss Giselle Smith will lead the girls' 7s program. Mr Dunn is a former senior representative player from NZ for Otago and Nelson Bays and has high-level experience in the 7-a-side game as both a player and coach. Mr Marais also has a wide range of experience with 7s and was an integral part of our girls' 7s program last year. Lastly, Miss Smith is our former Lindisfarne Girls Rugby 7s captain and schoolgirl representative player.

For more information on the school's Rugby Union program, our 2024 Rugby Union Information Pack can be found HERE.

We also have a very full schedule for our Girls 7's program, especially in Term 3, and please have a look at the key dates (both boys and girls programs) HERE. We will be adding a number of tournaments/games for our girls to compete in at the middle and back end of Term 2.

We hope to have as many girls as possible register this year to build on our success from 2023 and enjoy the great game of rugby union with their fellow schoolmates. So if you are interested in playing girls rugby 7s for the school, please complete the registration form HERE


Under 12’s Report - Miami 7’s

Last Thursday, our Under 12’s Lions squad tasted their first action for the year at the Miami Primary 7’s. This squad is a mixture of returning Year 6 students and new Year 5’s who have been training hard to learn a new style of play. It is a big step up for many of our Year 5’s who are Under 11’s playing up an age group.

The Miami 7’s formed a great opportunity for our squad to get some valuable game experience. The entire squad of 30 travelled up to the tournament on what was a very hot day for rugby. Our squad was split into 2 parallel teams on opposite sides of the draw.

Both the Blue and Gold teams gave a good account of themselves in the pool stages, both walking away with a win and two narrow defeats. More importantly we saw combinations start to gel, with a number of players trialling new positions and responsibilities for 2024 and some players tasting their first minutes of Rugby Union. Both squads were complimented on how well drilled they were at the breakdown - a good sign of things to come!

As fate would have it our 2 Lions squads ended up playing each other in the 5th v 6th playoff with our Gold Team coming out victorious 30-15. All players stood up on a hot day and took some valuable learnings as we head forward into our season. Standout performers on the day were Crusoe Foster, Hunter Lloyd, Byrson Goedhart and Benji Eke.

Our Under 12’s travelled to All Saints yesterday for a 15-a-side trial match as we ramp up our preparations for The Armidale School Rugby Carnival at the end of the term. A full match report will be forthcoming next week.

There is plenty of rugby ahead for our young Lion Cubs, with the NSW Primary 7’s just after Easter before one of our flagship events at Armidale.

Congratulations to all players on a wonderful day out at Miami - now we build as we move into the next round of competitive events.

Scott Lewis - U12’s Coach


Please see upcoming key dates for our boys’ and girls’ program below. You can find the full list of key dates HERE.


Friday, 22 March

Sunshine Coast Grammar (U13, U15, 2nd XV, 1st XV)

Friday - Monday, 29 March - 1 April

Easter Weekend

Thursday, 4th April

NSW Primary 7s Zone (U12, U10)

Thursday, 4th April

King’s College (U13, U15)

Friday, 12 April

Term 1 ends

Saturday - Sunday, 13-14 April

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival (U12)

Friday - Sunday, 12-14 April

Ballymore Cup (U13, U15, 1st XV)


Sunshine Coast Grammar - 1st XV, 2nd XV, U15 and U13

Our 1st XV, 2nd XV, U15 and U13 squads will have their third inter school matches on Friday 22nd March against Sunshine Coast Grammar on the Sunshine Coast. Sunshine Coast Grammar is perhaps the best non-GPS rugby school in the nation and this will be a great challenge for our boys to play up there!! Selections for this fixture have been released and like always, we would love to have as many supporters as possible to the games, which kick off at 2:30pm QLD time up there.


The Ballymore Cup - U13, U15 and 1st XV Boys

The Ballymore Cup is Queensland's largest schoolboy rugby competition which has been running since 2003 and our U13, U15 and 1st XV are again playing in this competition this year. It is a state-wide competition for all schools that presents non-traditional rugby schools and schools from regional areas with the opportunity to compete at a higher level. Here is a short video of the highlights from the 2021 Ballymore Cup: https://youtu.be/v5Z3e6YnXUs

As a brief overview of The Ballymore Cup, it will include:

  • Five games of rugby from the 12th - 14th April pending draw

  • Two nights’ accommodation for all players

  • Breakfast, lunch and snacks for duration of tournament (i.e., from Friday 12th April - lunch on 14th April)

  • Transport to and from the school on Friday 12th April and Sunday 14th April


Unfortunately, we can only carry 25 players in each squad (23 active players for each game and 2 non-playing reserves) and these selections will be confirmed in the week after our interschool against Sunshine Coast Grammar on 22nd March. More information will be provided ASAP.

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival - U12 Boys

For the second year running, we have been accepted into The Armidale School Rugby Carnival (TASRC), which is the biggest primary (U12) school rugby carnival in Australia. The carnival runs from Friday 12th April - Sunday 14th April this year. To confirm our attendance as a school, we are in the process of finalising our player registrations and will be providing more information ASAP.

Registration will include:

  • TASRC carnival cap

  • Five games of rugby at the carnival

  • Two nights’ accommodation for players and support staff

  • Dinner on Friday and Saturday night

  • Full breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning at the boarding school

  • Lunch on two days provided by TAS at the carnival

  • Team photograph for each participant

  • Transport to and from the school on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd


Monday After School Training

In 2024, our main training session outside of school time is on Monday after school from 1530-1645. Although we had great numbers to our first training sessions, rugby union is a team sport and we still need as many of our players to be in attendance week in and week out to grow the Lindisfarne rugby program. Hopefully, the car-pooling details will help this and if we can be of assistance in any way, please let us know.

Also, please note we will NOT be sending reminders for these training sessions (all players and families should assume our Monday afternoon training will ALWAYS BE ON), however we will let you all know in ample time if we need to cancel a session due to weather or other factors.

Training Attire

Students should also be in proper training attire (NOT school sports uniform) with mouthguard, boots and any other equipment they play with for every training session, including school sport. This requirement also includes integrated school sport on Thursday i.e., students should wear our rugby training top or similar and not the school sport polo at this time. Alongside this, students should have a towel and spare school uniform to change into in case there is wet weather.

Stack Team APP

The Stack Team app will be our Rugby Union program’s main form of communication for all our squads, with exception of U12 boys.

As a reminder, both parents and Boy’s U13, U15, 1st XVs and 7’s and Girl’s 7s students who have parental permission for smartphones will need to download the app and join the Lindisfarne Rugby Program in the app.

To download the Stack team app, use the following links:

● iOS: https://www.teamapp.com/ios-ap...

● Android: https://www.teamapp.com/androi...

Once downloaded, please search for 'Lindisfarne Rugby Program' and request to join.

More Information

If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Coyne (jcoyne@lindiisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

Dr. Joseph Coyne
Director of High Performance Athlete and Sports Development

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking







Performing Arts

Top of the State

Congratulations to Mikiyo Walsh (Year 7) and Esther Dorr (Year 5) who received the highest mark in the state for their respective AMEB Speech and Performance Exams.

Mikiyo and Esther and their teacher Kim Shepherd have been invited to attend the prestigious Barbara Sisley Awards for outstanding performances in Speech and Drama at Parliament House, Brisbane in June. At this award ceremony, the girls will perform alongside the other winners and receive their awards.

Congratulations Girls!

Kim Shepherd
Drama Teacher

Germinate Records


Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Rockhampton Grammar School Conference 2024

Round Square Rockhampton Grammar School Conference 2024

I am thrilled to extend an invitation to an adventure that promises not only to be a memorable experience but also a valuable opportunity for personal growth and environmental stewardship. The Round Square Rockhampton Grammar School Conference 2024 is on the horizon, and we are reaching out to invite our Year 9 students to be a part of this exciting journey.

Event Details:

Year Group: Year 9

Dates: 23 June – 27 June

About the Conference:

The Round Square Conference, hosted by Rockhampton Grammar School, offers far more than the usual event; it's an international gathering right at your doorstep. This conference will unite students from across the globe, providing a rich, global experience without the need for extensive travel.

The Adventure Awaits:

Arrivals Day: Begin the adventure with a warm welcome and a day filled with engaging activities on the Rockhampton Grammar School campus

Day 1 (Island Day): Embark on a journey aboard the Freedom Fast Cat to Great Keppel Island for an 'Adventure Cruise'. Explore the island's stunning marine life with a glass-bottom boat tour, snorkel at the picturesque Monkey Beach, experience the thrill of boom netting, and unwind with a refreshing swim. Take a scenic walk to the lookout and connect with fellow students through Baraza groups.

Day 2 (Ritamada, Re-vegetation, and Coast Day): Join us in contributing to environmental conservation efforts with Capricorn Catchments at Ritamada. Engage in re-vegetation and native bush restoration projects, followed by a tour of Ritamada where you'll participate in team-building activities or challenge yourself on the high ropes course. Delight your taste buds with Bush Tucker experiences and enjoy beach-based activities such as kayaking, sailing, and surfing, tailored to the weather conditions. Connect with peers through Baraza groups as you reflect on the day's experiences.

Day 3 (Mountains Day): Embark on a thrilling hike expedition to Mount Hedlow, immersing yourself in breathtaking mountain scenery. Take in panoramic views from Mt Archer lookout and conquer a short summit walk. Discover the diverse wildlife at Rockhampton Zoo before reconvening with your Baraza groups to share stories and insights.

Departure Day: Conclude your adventure with various early morning activities on the Rockhampton Grammar School campus, reflecting on your journey and fostering lasting connections with your fellow students.

Why Join?

This is your chance to immerse yourself in the great outdoors, take part in meaningful environmental efforts, and connect with fellow adventurers from around the world. It's not just an adventure; it's an opportunity to grow, learn, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Nuts and Bolts:

The conference comes at an approximate cost of $2000, covering all meals, accommodation, transport (including flights from Brisbane Airport), and all activities. Note: The cost does not cover travel insurance, personal spending, or equipment.


Don't miss out on this incredible adventure. Places are limited, and I encourage interested students to apply early. Complete the attached application form and submit it to Mr Lush by no later than Friday, 22 March, at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by our panel, including the Head of Senior School and the Round Square Coordinator.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator 



Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Olympic Fundraiser - Jeff Dunne

Who is in for the Olympic Challenge - 23 March! SUPER SATURDAY

Movement - CasuarinaWe are getting the Movement Community together on Saturday 23rd March for a one off SPECIAL EVENT to support and raise funds for our very own JEFF DUNNE!!Jeff has qualified for the OLYMPICS with BREAK DANCE

We want you ALL to join us from 8am - 10am and dress in your best yellow & green (think Aussie athlete)Morning will start with a 1 hour bootcamp (suitable for all fitness levels) then a special guest performance from Jeff himself, finishing up with a BBQ!

LETS GET BEHIND JEFF AND HELP HIM ON HIS ROAD TO THE OLYMPICS!Join in the FUN by booking in via the gymmaster app and donate $5 for Jeff on the day

Non-members can join in the fun with an entry fee of $15 + $5 for Jeff. Then you will see what a great community we are at Movement - Casuarina and you will want to become a member.

Can't make it to the event, then donations can also be made direct to Jeff's fundraising page. https://www.gofundme.com/f/jef...

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
