2021 Term 1 Week 02 5 Feb 2021

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are now well and truly into the new school year. This has been an important week as we have had Meet the House Tutor nights in the Senior School and Parent Information Sessions in the Junior School. Meet the Homeroom teacher evenings will be held in the Middle School next week and the following week. Thank you to all parents and staff for your commitment to these very important information sharing sessions.

In these COVID-19 times, we remain flexible, operating within restrictions and delivering parent information evenings online or face-to-face when possible. Last night, many parents joined us online to hear from Nathan Verinder from the Online Guardians Group around Cyber Safety, appropriate social media use, digital footprints and drug and alcohol education. I hope Nathan’s work with all Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students this week, and with Year 5 and 6 students next week, will assist our young people to develop good judgement and decision making around these issues. The link to this session will be provided to parents next week.

For all of us who are parents, it provides an opportunity to have discussions with our own children at home about these important matters and our own expectations around appropriate behaviour and conduct. One of the points Nathan outlined in the parent session was the importance of students developing and pursuing interests that do not involve extensive screen time. He spoke at length about involvement in sport, music and the arts. I would add to that list to include hobbies like fishing, outdoor pursuits such as hiking, camping, going to the beach and gardening. Other interests include such things as chess, debating, public speaking, craft and cooking. Volunteering for the local surf club or supporting service organisations, helping out an elderly neighbour or relative and doing simple chores at home. When you think about it, the list is endless and I know we can all think of a multitude of healthy interests we can promote with our own children.

There are numerous examples of young people in our school community who pursue a wide range of healthy interests. One of our Year 12 students, Jake Frazer, has developed a real interest in photography and videography. Jake was recently named Junior Photographer of the Year in a national competition conducted by Nokia for his outstanding work, Blinding Colour.

Photo credit: https://www.australianphotogra...

On behalf of our school community, I congratulate Jake on this significant achievement.

NSW Health is asking anyone who has been in Melbourne since 30 January 2021 to visit the Victorian health website to check if they have attended a public exposure site. If they have, they should get tested immediately and isolate for 14 days since being there, regardless of the result. They should not travel to NSW.

They must also get tested again towards the end of the 14-day period (12 days after exposure) regardless of symptoms. In addition, if you develop any symptoms during that period, please get tested immediately.

People who arrive from Victoria will also have to complete a passenger declaration. Anyone else in NSW who has recently been in Melbourne should continue to monitor the Victorian DHHS website for additional venues of concern and updated health advice and follow this advice.

A friendly reminder that parking and traffic flow is always more challenging at our campuses at the start of a new school year. Wherever possible, we encourage families to use the bus services available, carpool with other families from your local area, use the drop-off and pick-up zones and stagger entry and exit arrival times if you are able to do so. Please consider the residents who live near the School, especially in Mahers Lane, and do not block driveways and ensure access is not compromised.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal

From the Acting Deputy Principal


Important Information

Afternoon Pick Up - Mahers Lane

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As a result of the construction works on the Middle School building, the School has had to amend the arrangement for the Lindisfarne and Surfside buses to pick-up and drop-off students in the afternoon. The lower-level car park will be used by the buses and we would request that no parent vehicles enter the lower-level parking area until after 3.45pm.   

This will enable students using the buses to load safely and reduce the risk of an accident. Parents looking to park and pick-up students are requested to park in the gravel car park and walk across to the School.

The top-level car park can continue to be used for parent pick-up.

This arrangement will continue until construction of the Middle School building is completed. The School greatly appreciates your understanding in this matter.

Parent Student Guide 2021

Please find the link for the Parent and Student Guide 2021 below. 

2021 Parent and Student Guide

This important document explores the history, philosophy and aims of the School whilst outlining our expectations of students towards their academic learning, their environment and each other. 

The most recent version of the Parent and Student Guide 2021 will always be available via Parent Lounge (School Links/General Links options), under the Resources section of the Lindisfarne website and via Student Cafe (School Links/General Links) for our students.

First Nations

Parents and Friends

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Principal's Tours - Term 1 Bookings Available

We are now able to hold Principal's Tours so potential families can see our world-class school. Some COVID-19 restrictions still apply so we must hold them outside regular school hours and we can only host 50 people per tour.

The Term 1 dates for these tours are:

Junior School - Sunshine Avenue Campus (Preschool to Year 4)

  • Friday, 19 February 2021 - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday, 3 March 2021 - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday, 24 March 2021 - 4.00pm

Middle and Senior School - Mahers Lane Campus (Years 5 to 12)

  • Thursday, 11 February 2021 - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday, 24 February 2021 - 4.00pm
  • Wednesday, 10 March 2021 - 4.00pm
  • Thursday, 25 March 2021 - 4.00pm

If you are seeking enrolment in 2021, please contact the Registrar directly on 07 5590 5099 or enrolments@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au to discuss availability and the possibility of a private tour.

Click here to book a Principal's Tour at Lindisfarne.

2022 Enrolments and Scholarships

2022 Enrolments - Sibling Priority

As demand for places at Lindisfarne continues to grow, it is more important than ever for current families to ensure that all siblings are enrolled well in advance of their start year. The cut-off date for sibling priority for 2022 is Friday, 5 February 2021. Sibling applications received after this date will be wait-listed according to application date as per non-sibling applications. Applications can be made on-line via this link.

2022 Scholarships Open

Each year Lindisfarne offers a limited number of scholarships to students who meet the eligibility requirements. Students eligible to apply for scholarships for the 2022 school year will be commencing in one of the following; Years 5, 7, 9 or 11. All students will be required to sit an academic test on Saturday, 20 February 2021. Scholarship Categories:

  • Academic – Based on a high-level of academic merit. (Years 5, 7, 9 and 11).
  • General Excellence – For students who demonstrate strength in a range of areas as listed below. (Years 7, 9 and 11).
  • Music – High level of music capacity is required combined with satisfactory academics. (Years 7, 9 and 11).
  • Sport – For students who are competing in at least one sport at state level or above combined with satisfactory academics. (Years 7, 9 and 11).

Scholarship applications can be made on-line via this link. Scholarships close on Friday, 12 February 2021.

For any queries related to enrolment or scholarship please email enrolments@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

Kindness, Curiosity and Joy

Kindness, Curiosity and Joy are the main themes that have stood out to me as key components within the amazing learning community of Lindisfarne. Over the past two weeks, as I have been warmly welcomed into the Junior School, I have seen the joy on students’ faces as they arrive at the school gate ready for the school day and the kindness everyone has demonstrated towards each other has been visible from the start.

Through my many walks around the school campus, students’ curiosity has been evident as questions are asked and activities are approached with eagerness and enthusiasm in all subject areas.

Before school started, the teachers in the Junior School participated in professional learning about Mathematics within the classroom and how explicit instruction can engage students and assist them in remembering concepts. Mathematics can sometimes be a subject that comes with a closed mindset but, as it is a subject seen in all areas of the real world, it is one that is important to practise.

Maths can be readily reinforced at home as it can be easier for children to understand mathematical concepts when they have opportunities to relate it to something real and see it in everyday activities.

When outdoors, counting objects or steps, finding patterns and identifying 2D shapes and 3D objects in the environment are wonderful ways to immerse your children in the language of Maths outside a classroom. 

At home, cooking together is a fun way to work with measurement and time whilst also being an enjoyable activity to do together. Working out how long it takes to get ready in the morning before school enables children to understand time duration and, at the same time, assists in organisation. 

These are only a few examples of ways the language of maths can be incorporated and reinforced within everyday activities. I am sure you all have some wonderful ideas you have been using as well.

I look forward to meeting more of you as the year progresses and seeing what the rest of the year has to offer.

Laura Gallagher
Assistant Head of Junior School

Green Team

Middle School

Year 8 Report

Year 8 Leadership Incursion

Last Thursday, all Year 8 students participated in a Leadership Incursion with the theme, Stepping Up, Stepping Back and Encouraging. They had the opportunity to work with students who they would not normally gravitate towards and make some new genuine connections. This incursion is a vital component of our Middle School Leadership process that will include students nominating themselves for leadership positions, speaking in front of 600 Middle School students and the voting of Middle School Captains, Vice Captains and House Captains.

Some of the activities that students were involved in can be seen in the photos below. I was beyond impressed with the students' participation and attitude throughout the event.

Middle School Captain Speeches

Over 600 faces were staring back at the brave 15 candidates for Middle School Captain as they gave their speeches yesterday. They all spoke eloquently about what leadership meant to them and what they could offer the Middle School if elected. When chatting with students and staff later in the day, they were all struggling to vote because they were so impressed with all students. 

Congratulations to all shortlisted candidates (pictured above): Cameron Davis, Charli A, Amity Leach, Elke Clauson, Evie Mills, Ava Taylor, Mia Scott, Sarina Amoedo, Chloe Latham, Hayden Brown, Liam Price, River Robinson, Josh Marsh, Zephyr Togo and William Roberts.

Individual speech phots can be viewed in the gallery below.

Amber Phillips
Year 8 Coordinator

Year 7 Report

Welcome, Year 7.

Well, what an introduction it has been. It has only just been a week since our Year 7s took their first steps down the stairs and they have already grown in independence. This week, we have already:

  • grasped timetables and moving around the School

  • mastered locks and lockers (some are still a bit shaky in this)

  • met a minimum of 10 teachers and familiarised themselves with a new class of students

  • attended sport, twice!!

  • been involved in a seminar with Nathan Verinder from Online Guardians

  • participated in a fundamental movement program in PDHPE

  • Completed an Elevate Study Skills course.

I’m sure they are sleeping well at night. Amongst all of this, we have focused on the value of acceptance and how we can all play a role in making sure that everyone’s journey at Lindisfarne starts on a positive note. It is important to remember that it’s okay to not be okay. We all have different needs and some require more support than others. Together we will all make this work.

Here are my top five tips for supporting your child during this orientation process.

  1. Talk to your child, ask them about their day. What was positive, what was negative? Share the good and bad and offer feedback where you can.

  2. Use the diary. This is an effective link in the communication between the School and home. We will focus on diaries over the next week and they will be checked (with a parent signature) each Monday. They are a great way to see what’s happening and what’s due, when.

  3. Provide support when needed with homework and encourage it to be done out in the open rather than in a bedroom.

  4. Check the parent and student guide for uniforms and other requirements. Support your child in making sure their hair is appropriate, there is no jewellery, nails or makeup and that the correct shoes are worn.

  5. Please reach out. We are here for support and guidance. We have a comprehensive orientation program that supports all students. If you need to know something just ask.

It is important to remember that while your children are now in Year 7, they are still only 11-13 and they need you as they work through this very busy and exciting time in their life. They will get there step by step and with all of us by their side.

Julie McDowell
Year 7 Coordinator

Year 6 Report

What a fabulous start Year 6 students have had to what I am sure will be an exciting, fun-filled 2021. It has been wonderful to see the students return from the holiday break and reconnect with their friends. We also warmly welcome our new students and families to the Year 6 cohort. 

The Year 6 Homeroom teachers — Dana Dowker, Mike Lush, Tracy Foyster, Rosemary Greenup and myself — look forward to getting to know the students and help them not only build on their academic learning but also to develop their social and emotional wellbeing. Please reach out to your child’s Homeroom teacher if you have any questions or queries. In Week 3, Monday 8 February there is an opportunity for parents to meet their class teacher, learn more about Year 6 and seek any further clarification around routines, expectations and curriculum if needed. 

We have certainly been busy over the past two weeks with a trip to the Murwillumbah swimming pool last Friday and this week to Cudgen Creek for an aquathlon and games. It is lovely to see the students in the great outdoors being active, building confidence and creating closer connections with their friends. 

The students are also excited about embarking on their very own Year 6 Lip Sync Battle which the students will be creating and practising during our weekly performance session. We are looking forward to seeing some awesome dance moves and creative costumes.

We have so much to look forward to and be grateful for in 2021. I look forward to meeting you over the coming weeks. 

Kylie Thompson
Year 6 Coordinator

Senior School

Head of Senior School Report

It has been pleasing to see that, with each passing day, the students in the Senior School are becoming increasingly more settled. Routines are being established, friendships rekindled and effective working partnerships with staff are developing. The tone is now set for a productive and enjoyable 2021!

It has been a busy week in the Senior School. We held our virtual Meet the Tutor Evening; we launched The Rite Journey program to the Year 9 parents; we held sessions with Elevate Education Study Skills; and we held our first sessions with Nathan Verinder and his Online Guardian program. It certainly has been a privilege to participate in Nathan’s seminars — both in person and online. I know the feedback from the staff, students and parents has been very positive. The education and guidance Nathan provides to teenagers and those working with young people is invaluable. We certainly look forward to continuing this partnership with Online Guardians in the future.

Looking ahead to next week, we will be holding the Senior School Swimming Carnival at Murwillumbah Pool. The question on everyone’s lips is: Can Barnabas back it up?" 

Kate Cornell
Head of Senior School

Careers Information

Year 12 University Showcase

On Friday, 19 of February, there is a university showcase for Year 12 students in Ngahriyah during Periods 5 and 6. The first part of the event will be an information session about university life in general, such as costs, accommodations, study loads, applying, etc. The second part of the event is interactive, and you will able to collect information and meet and discuss any questions you may have with universities representatives. This is just the start of the planning for your post-school options. As usual, I available for individual meetings to discuss options.

Year 11

Any students who need any assistance or have any questions, please email me to organise a meeting or come to my office recess or lunch. Students need to have completed All My Own Work and, if you need any assistance, I can work with you to achieve this during lunch. Please see next week. 


TAFE start on Monday, 8 February, please refer to your emails for class, time and equipment needed.

Year 12 students continuing TAFE:

  • Construction — 1.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Electrotechnology — 1.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Early Childhood — 1.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Automotive — Monday 8.30am to 12.30pm

Year 11 Students

  • Construction — 1.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Early Childhood — Monday from 1.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Animal Studies — Wednesday from 9.00am to 4.00pm
  • Salon Assistant — Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm 

Students attending on Wednesday or Friday will go straight to TAFE as you attend all day.
You will sign out with Clare at Student Administration at 12.45pm. You meet Ray Gabb at the top of the stairs, and the bus will depart the School at 12.50pm. If you are driving, you need to have completed the driving permission form and return to Clare. If you are a passenger, you will need to have permission as well. Students will then need to organise their own way home after class. Any questions, please see me. 

Year 10

Year 10, we are working on several career associated skills this year. You will also learn about the HSC, course structure and subjects available, which will help you pick your HSC subjects in early Term 3. The first Careers program we are involved with will be Natural Ability Testing. There will be more information sent to students and parents soon.

“We were all born unique with our own individual strengths and weaknesses and personal set of abilities, but too often we are a square peg getting forced to fit into a round hole. Imagine how great it would be to find the square hole, the perfect match for your unique abilities, the place in the world where you 'fit'. That is what Natural Ability is all about, helping you find the right fit in your team, your work or your career based on your unique abilities and to design your own future based on who you are as a unique individual.”

Thank you.

Barry Woods
Director of Careers and VET

Options Career Information Bulletin

Pastoral Care


From the Sports Desk

Swimming Carnivals

We are looking forward to our first major collective sporting event of the year, the Lindisfarne Swimming Carnivals at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre (TRAC) Murwillumbah. Attendance is compulsory and participation is highly encouraged. We will provide activities for all students from non-swimmers to advanced. 

The Senior School Carnival (Years 9 to 12) is on Thursday, 11 February — please see the program here.

The Junior and Middle School Carnival (Years 3 to 8) is on Friday, 12 February — please see the program here.

The 200m Individual Medley is a Secondary School only event and interested swimmers should be at the pool before 8.00am for warm up. If you need to be shuttled from the Middle and Senior School Campus at Mahers Lane, please register here. Please also note: the shuttle will be leaving school at 7.30am sharp.

We are very happy to be able to allow parents to attend both Lindisfarne Swimming Carnivals. The TRAC venue, however, has a strict 1000 person COVID Safe plan capacity that is non-negotiable. We would encourage the possibility of only one parent per family if you are interested in attending. Likewise, we implore parents to socially distance themselves, as per the Lindisfarne COVID Safe plan. 

The canteen at TRAC is operating under very strict COVID-19 safety regulations and can only have a queue of six people. The general canteen queue must assemble in front of the grandstand. Pre-ordering canteen food for lunch is highly encouraged. Lunch orders will be distributed through school house groups. 

Please fill out all the details via the pre-order lunch links below so your order can be delivered hot and fresh. We will bill you through Parent lounge under Tours and Excursions for your lunch orders.

Pre-order lunches:

TRAC needs total order numbers collated and returned 72 hours before carnival dates. Please have these returned to Cherie Montford by 4.00pm on Monday, 8 February.

Integrated Sports Program (Years 5 to 12)

We are taking term sport nominations beginning tomorrow, Saturday, 6 February. Please read the detailed instructions here on how these nominations will take place — this was also emailed to our families this week (and last). These sport activities start in Week 4 and run on Thursdays for Years 7 to 10, and on Fridays for Years 5 and 6.

Please explore some of the sports choices for Term 1 below:

Extracurricular Sport 

Here is a video guide as to how to enrol for any of the extracurricular activities that you hear in homeroom — for either teams or Individual entries.

The students that register through this process will appear on our rolls for further information via email. Most of these sports will be training this week:

  • AFL - AFL Queensland Schools Cup games

    • Primary Division (Years 5 and 6) - boys and girls

    • Junior Division (Years 7, 8 and 9) - boys and girls

    • Senior Division (Years 10, 11 and 12) - boys and girls

  • Football (soccer) - NCIS, CIS Cup, Tobias and Marquardt Cup and Bill Turner Cup

    • Open - boys and girls

    • U15 - boys and girls

    • Primary - boys and girls (Year 5 and 6 at Mahers Lane)

  • Rugby -  Gold Coast Schools Cup

    • Year 10 and under BOYS

  • Hockey - NCIS Hockey Trials

    • U16 - boys and girls

    • Open - Boys            

Registrations are done through Student Cafe for Years 7 to 10 and Parent Lounge for Years 5 and 6. Instructions here.


Casuarina Hockey Club are running a ‘Try Hockey’ afternoon on the Mahers Lane top oval for any students in Years 5 to 12:

Thursday 11th Feb 3.20pm to 4.20pm with Head Casuarina Hockey coach Matt Bartell. 

Please note that all equipment will be provided. 


Registrations are still open for the annual Interschool Tennis Challenge which will be held on Sunday, 14 February 2021 at Queens Park Tennis Centre, Southport.

Mr Clucas will hold a meeting on Tuesday 9 February at recess in C11 for those who still need a doubles partner.

There are two events for the School to enter into, i.e. Boys or Girls. Mixed teams (boys and girls) can enter, however, will compete in the Boys event. Two players per team play round-robin doubles.

Entry is $10.00 on the day per player to cover court hire and balls.

Primary School (Years 4, 5 and 6):

Sunday, 14 February – Boys and Girls 8.00am to 12.00pm (7.45am sign-on)

Middle School (Year 7, 8 and 9):

Sunday, 14 February – Boys and Girls 1.00pm to 5.00pm (12.45pm sign-on)

Secondary School (Year 10, 11, 12):

Sunday, 14 February – Boys and Girls 1.00pm to 5.00pm (12.45pm sign-on)

Entries close on Friday, 5 February 2021. If you wish to participate, please fill out the entry form here.

Swimming Pool Partnership

We continue our partnership with Oasis Pools at Banora Point — further details can be read here. The bus shuttle service is starting again for those who are interested.

Bookings for the bus are an upfront payment of $3.00 per trip for a specific day (morning or afternoon) for the entire term, there are 23 seats maximum. Please note: there are no refunds if you have booked the service, but do not utilise it on a given day.

Bus shuttle bookings are to go through our Sports Administration Assistant, Cherie Montford. Please complete the registration form here.

Cross Country

Our Cross Country training starts in Week 4 for any student from Years 3 to 12. We meet at the Mahers Lane gymnasium from 7.00am to 8.00am every Wednesday and Friday.

Triathlon Specificity Training

For any students wanting to train and participate in the sport of triathlon, Mrs Tracey Foyster (Year 6 class teacher) is offering spin bike and running training at the Middle and Senior School Campus at Mahers Lane beginning Wednesday, 3 February. Any students from Years 5 to 12 are encouraged to come and train every Wednesday and/or Friday morning from 7.15am to 8.15am. 

There is a Kingscliff Triathlon on Sunday, 28 March and we would like to submit teams from Lindisfarne. 

We also encourage interested students to attend Twin Towns Triathlon Club on Saturday mornings (Mrs Tracy Foyster is a committee member), where students can experience Triathlon in a safe environment. For any swimming training needs, we have the Oasis partnership as a pathway. 

Please contact Mrs Tracy Foyster for more information.


Lindisfarne has a partnership with Tweed Heads and Coolangatta Rowing Club and we highly encourage any Year 7 to 12 students who wish to pursue this incredibly rewarding sport to make contact with Head Coach Garry Annand via garry@tweedcoastrowingcentre.com.au or 0412 344 826. 

Term 1 represents the perfect time to start training up for the regattas which are scheduled over the cooler months. The squad training days are Monday and Wednesday afternoons, Saturday mornings and potentially Thursday Sport time slots.

Our Rowing Captain, Jordan Nichols (Year 11), is also available for any students wishing to have a chat directly with her.

Rhythmic Gymnastics

We are very fortunate to be able to offer the opportunity for any Lindisfarne girls to join a

Rhythmic Gymnastics program at Lindisfarne for this year.

The club will be on Mondays at 4.15pm to 5.15pm and Thursdays after school from 4.15pm to 5.15pm, starting 8 February 2021 and continuing all year in Ngahriyah. The class will cater for beginners to competitive levels.

Lindisfarne students can attend one or all sessions per week at NO COST.

The coach, Stacey Bech, is a National Level Silver Advanced Coach with an impressive history. If you are interested, please complete the registration form here and email Stacey Bech directly.

If you have any questions, please contact Stacey on 0418 640 200 or via email at stacey.bech@gmail.com.


Equestrian Queensland aims to promote equitation, education and equestrian sport via a range of Interschool competitions.  Interschool provides a unique opportunity to compete against students from other schools in teams and individual events during weekends and holidays representing Lindisfarne. Expressions of interest are invited from both junior and senior students currently competing in Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing or Showing to be considered for the Lindisfarne team.

Please contact Mrs Kathryn Leary for further details and to register your interest. 

Kathryn Leary
Teacher in Charge of Equestrian

Spotlight on Riley Johnston

The Swimming Gold Coast 2021 Sprint Championships were held at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre over the weekend. 

  • Breaststroke seeded time 44.54

  • Breaststroke record 44.57

  • Heat swim 43.06 broke the record and went into the final seeded in first place in the final Riley wins Gold and breaks his own record with a 42.47 new PB

  • Backstroke seeded time 40.39

  • Heat time 40.30 PB seeds second place into the final

  • Then in the Final he wins Gold with a new PB 39.32

  • Freestyle seeded time 34.59

  • Heat time 33.49 seeds 4 into the Final

  • In the final he swims a 33.33 new PB and is third place only 1.25 seconds behind the winner.

Spotlight on Giselle Smith

During the holidays, Giselle competed in the Quensland state relay championships at QSAC in Brisbane and obtained the following results: 

  • U17 Regional 4 x 100 relay team - bronze 

  • U17s 4 x100 club team -  bronze 

  • U17 Shot Put partner - gold

Giselle also competed in the Ipswich carnival on 16 January where she received:

  • Discus - gold

  • 100m sprint - gold

  • 100 m hurdles - gold

We wish her luck this weekend as she competes in the Regional Athletics Championships this weekend.

Spotlight on Flynn Southam

For those interested in some footage of Flynn Southam’s recent amazing Australian record in the 15 years boys 100m freestyle where he smashed the record held by Olympic Gold medalist Kyle Chalmers, you can watch it below.


Monday Night Netball

Congratulations to all teams for their efforts in Round 1. We had a couple of good victories and a draw — but the main thing is we had fun!

Good luck in Round 2 on Monday, 8 February






Gold Lions




Blue Lions

Terranora Torpedoes



Golden Oldies




White Lions

Red Lions



Red Lions

White Lions



Lions (Mixed)




Glitter Bombers



Silver Lions


Please be at the courts in time to warm-up and sign on. 

Netball Dates for the Diary

Trials for the Stage 3 Netball of Centre of Excellence will take place at Arkinstall Park, starting at 4.30pm:

  • Thursday, 11 February

  • Thursday, 18 February

Team Selections for anyone who would like to play for The School on Saturdays will be held at Arkinstall Park, starting at 4.30pm:

  • Thursday, 4 March and 

  • Thursday, 11 March — for all Middle and Senior School players (Years 5 to 12)

  • Tuesday, 9 March and

  • Tuesday, 16 March for the Junior School players.

Netball Centre of Excellence Induction Evening

  • Thursday, 25 February is the date for this prestigious event. All Centre of Excellence athletes are expected to attend and an invitation with more details will be sent soon.

Saturday Netball

2021 Netball Captains, Sam Harvey and Ebony Richardsm, welcome in the new year.

Netball Centre of Excellence

Strength and conditioning training with Rory started on Monday during school time. 

If you have any questions regarding netball, please do not hesitate to email me (gmaynard@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au).

I’m here if you need!

Gay Maynard
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Junior School

Happy new year and welcome back. 2020 did not live up to expectation in relation to sports in the Junior School with carnivals being missed and sports cancelled. However, 2021 is shaping up to be another cracking year for Sport at the Junior School. 

We hit the ground running in Term 1 with many sports and events at the Junior School, such as the Junior and Middle School Swimming Carnival, Runners Club, Hockey for Primary Sport and the Years 3 to 12 Cross Country, just to name a few. 

Junior and Middle School Swimming Carnival 

Our first major carnival for the year will be the Junior and Middle School Swimming Carnival for Years 3 to 8 students on Friday, 12 February. Information relating to the carnival was published in last week's newsletter. Have a read of the information and, if you have any questions, please contact Damien Clucas, Head of Sport and Activities, or Nathan Croft, PDHPE Specialist at the Junior School Campus.   

Junior School Runners Club - Cross Country Training

The Junior School will start the Runners Club in Week 4. The purpose of the Runners Club is to assist in the running development of our students. Last year, the Runners Club was a great success with students and parents joining in to improve their running, fitness or just to spend time with each other doing physical activity. All student in Years 1 to 4 are welcome to attend. 

Runners Club training days will be Tuesday and Thursday morning. The training sessions will begin at 7.30am sharp and will conclude by 8.30am. Students will be required to bring along their school uniform to change into after the completion of the session. Students will be given time to change and have something to eat before the first bell at 8.40am. Parents and carers are more than welcome to come along and join in. 

Total Football Academy - Afternoon Program 

The Total Football Academy Program will again be running on a Monday afternoon after school. This program is becoming very popular and numbers are limited each term. This program runs each Monday afternoon for the term and gives students from Kindergarten to Year 4 an opportunity to develop their footballing skills while having fun and playing with their mates. Term 1 is now full, but please keep an eye out for future similar programs. 

Dates for Term 1

  • Junior and Middle School Carnival: Friday, 12 February.
  • Total Football Academy starts Monday, 8 February and concludes Monday, 29 March.
  • Runners Club starts Tuesday, 16 February and concludes Tuesday, 30 March.
  • Cross Country Carnival for Year 3 to 12: Thursday, 1 April.

Nathan Croft
PDHPE Specialist P-4

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Have a Go! Debate for Lindisfarne

Debating Selection Trials – 10 February

Any Stage 4, 5 and 6 student who is interested in participating in the Gold Coast Debating Competition has the opportunity to attend the selection trial on Wednesday afternoon 10 February, regardless of whether or not they have already expressed an interest.

Preparation for the Selection Trial. Interested students should prepare a two-minute speech that argues either FOR or AGAINST the following topic: Should Australia Day be celebrated on 26 January? You will also be asked to discuss a topic that you are given on the day. This trial, on Wednesday, 10 February, will be held in RC12 from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.

Coaching: No previous debating experience is required. Regular coaching sessions during and after school will be scheduled. 

Debating Commitment: Selected team members will need to attend the scheduled debates which will be held on a Wednesday evening on the Gold Coast. Every team member must attend the regular coaching sessions and also do the necessary preparation. Selected team members will also attend a Saturday Summer School which is tentatively scheduled for 20 February at Bond University. 

If you have any queries about debating at Lindisfarne please email me:

English Coordinator
Suellen Walker





Bonjour à tous! 

This year, Year 1 will be added to the French program at the Junior School. Students in Stage 1 will have French once a week, and Stage 2 students will have two French lessons per week.

Second language learning has a big impact on brain development. The process has an effect on the brain similar to the one exercising has on muscles — if we make them move, they increase in size and become stronger. 

The same thing happens to the brain. By putting it to work, we make it alter its structure while, at the same time, improving certain functions. Because language learning is such a complex process, the brain regions involved in it are enhanced. So, allons-y!

Make it a goal this year to use some French in your home. Ask your child what they have learned in French class and try to continue practising and using the words and phrases in your daily routine.

À la prochaine fois,

Madame Cronk
French Teacher




The Mathematics faculty has changed the version of the calculator we use, it is now the Casio fx 82 AUII 2nd edition. To ensure a positive introduction to calculators, each Year 7 student has received a calculator. Their parents will be billed soon.

All other students may buy a new calculator at the top office. Once purchased, students may pick up the calculator at the Library.
The cost of this calculator is $30.10.

Yours sincerely,

Frank Malone
Director of Mathematics


Performing Arts

FOTA Meeting Friends of the Arts

Friends of the Arts (FOTA) is a subcommittee of the P&F created in 2018 for parents and friends interested in supporting the Arts at Lindisfarne. FOTA has actively supported a number of events over the past years including our evening with Bring It On The Musical, Darren Percival concert, the Senior Art Exhibition and recent Holiday Music Workshop. 

All interested parents and friends are invited to join us for our first meeting for 2021 on Tuesday, 2 March in the school library. There will be an Annual General Meeting at 6.30pm followed by our first committee meeting of the year.

Please contact performingart@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au to receive meeting papers including committee nomination form and agendas.

David Keay
FOTA President

Music Ensemble Rehearsals - Junior School

Music Ensemble Rehearsals - Middle and Senior School

Actors’ Club

Actors' Club will be commencing from Monday, every lunchtime in the Chapel. If you are in Years 8 to 11 and enjoy performing, then this is the group for you. Each semester, we will have a different focus to work towards, culminating in a 'performance' of some form. This semester, we will be creating an original playbuilt performance and we'd love the creative input from a range of years. 

We are seeking actors, writers, production people and those who integrate technology with the stage - there's an opportunity for every creative student to join us on this exciting journey. Please bring your lunch and join with us in this creative process. 

Loretta Visser
Drama Teacher

Germinate Records


Year 12 PDHPE

On Friday, 12B started the Core 2 unit: How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?

The students were asked to compare the dietary requirements of athletes in different sports considering pre-, during and post-performance needs in preparation for the class which was moved to the Trades Skills Centre. On arrival, they were asked to form groups and don aprons. A range of food was displayed across the workbench and the next task was to organise these into “meals” for an endurance athlete. The group then decided on a carb-loaded pre-event dinner. Mr Le Ping Wong expertly showed the students how to make a quick and nutritious stir-fry. Each group then had to cook their own dish, during which they could “snack” on fruit and lollies. After creating stir-fries, grilled chicken and rice and chicken fried rice, each group enjoyed a “recovery drink” of chocolate milk before cleaning their work stations and packing their “lunch” (which was all enjoyed at morning recess!)

To “launch” the answer to the essential question re: nutritional considerations, we used all of our senses outside of the normal classroom environment. Hopefully, the lesson was well and truly learned. It was a “hit” as now a new addition to the daily question is: “Are we doing practical today? Sport or Cooking?”

Gay Maynard
Director of PDHPE

Photography and Digital Media


Science Matters

Welcome back to a new school year and another year of Science Matters where our goal is to engage the Lindisfarne school community in science issues and news.

2021 has already seen some exciting developments with the installation of solar panels at both campuses, the appointment of Patrick Brabant as a School Assistant in charge of sustainability, and the rollout of a coronavirus vaccine now imminent.

Almost half a megawatt of generating capacity is being installed with 100 kw at the Junior School Campus and just over 300 kw at the Middle and Senior School Campus. These systems will meet all of the School’s electricity requirements and will pay for themselves within five years (the Junior School system will actually pay for itself in only two years). With a 25-year performance guarantee, this essentially means that the School will be getting its power for free for at least 20 years.

In addition, the School’s Boathouse at Cudgen Creek will be disconnected completely from the grid and rely instead on a six kw solar system and a small battery.

The Science faculty acknowledges Gavin Kennedy’s work in preparing the proposal for switching over to solar power and applauds the Lindisfarne School Council’s vision in seeing the wisdom of approving the installation.

Lindisfarne now joins the 25% of Australian homes and businesses that have rooftop solar installed which makes us the world leader in solar uptake.

The fact is that the penny has finally dropped for households and businesses alike that it is cheaper to generate electricity from solar panels than it is to purchase energy from the grid. Now, all that is needed is a modicum of support from the state and federal governments to modernise the grid, subsidise battery installation and invest in solar thermal baseload power plants and the transition away from fossil fuels, for electricity generation at least, could be complete. 

Patrick will be working to improve the efficiency of the School’s recycling program, promoting waste-free habits within our school community, helping the Junior School students with their subpod project and coordinating the rainforest regeneration at Mahers Lane.

One of the most important things we can do as a school is to provide our students with a sense of a “new normal”. Lindisfarne students should graduate with the idea that it is normal to recycle materials and compost organic waste. They should think that it is not normal if they find themselves living in a house or working in an office that does not have a rooftop solar system. Soon, it will be normal to drive an electric vehicle and driving a petrol-powered car will be so uncool that our graduates will not even entertain the idea. If the whole population of Australia had the same sense of what “normal” is, most of our problems would solve themselves.

The development of a coronavirus vaccine has been the result of a heroic effort by scientists around the world and its rollout might bring an easing of restrictions and a return to something close to business as usual during 2021.

In the meantime, stay safe, keep informed and keep having conversations about science around the dinner table because... Science Matters.

Hamish Inksetter
Science Coordinator

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Parent Seminar – Elevate Study Skills

As you would be aware, all students from Years 7 to 11 will participate in the Elevate Study Skills workshops on Friday. These sessions are both informative and targeted for each year level and provide key strategies and skills to empower our students academically.

This year, we are excited to offer an online Parent Seminar which will give parents and caregivers insight into how best to support their children at home. The session will be held online on Thursday, 11 February at 6.30pm.

The topics covered in the one-hour seminar are:

Time Management

How parents can help their child manage their time effectively so they’re able to maintain a balanced routine and not leave tasks to the last minute.

Study Support

What kind of work is most valuable in helping to achieve higher marks? Presenters will discuss what good study looks like so parents can help their children work smarter.


Sometimes, the most difficult part of studying in high school is simply being motivated enough to do the work. This seminar will help parents understand the key drivers behind student motivation and how to leverage these to help their child reach their potential.

Free E-Book for Parent Support

Parents are provided with access to the Elevate Parent E-Book to follow up and extend on the best ways to support their child through high school.

An email will be sent to all parents of students from Years 7-11 with a link to access the seminar.

Jodie Duggan
Director of Learning Enrichment 5-12

Lunch Hub

Lunch Hub will be running this term every lunch time (except Thursdays) in MM2 and all students are welcome. It will be supervised by the Learning Enrichment team. This is a place where students can quietly draw, read a book, play a board game or just chill with friends. No devices or technology are allowed. 

Jacqueline O'Sullivan
Learning Enrichment Teacher

Round Square

Round Square Virtual Confrence Opportunity

A RS Virtual Conference will be hosted in the first week of March by The International School of Kenya for students aged 11 to 13.

The theme chosen by our hosts is 'Kustawi Alkebulan' - Thriving in Africa. Kustawi means to thrive in Kiswahili while Alkebulan is the ancient name of Africa. Our hosts say, “Mental challenges we face are not unique to Africa or anyone continent but they are similar around the world. We hope that you will join our conference to learn more about how we can speak out, raise awareness, fight stigma, and learn strategies to stay balanced.”
On Tuesday, 2 March, the pre-conference "meet and greet" baraza will introduce delegates to one another and to their baraza leaders before sharing a brief for the pre-conference task to complete and submit by Thursday, 4 March. 
On Saturday, 6 March at the Conference itself, participants will join a three-hour online experience in which they will hear from a panel of speakers, take part in interactive baraza groups, share knowledge, and discuss practical solutions. 

There is limited capacity for this conference. Please let me know by 12 February if you would like to participate. You can email me at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator


Tết Nguyen Dan

Tết Nguyen Dan is the most important festival in Vietnam. It is celebrated in many Asian countries and, based on the Lunar calendar, marks the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere. It is an occasion for pilgrims and family reunions. Most importantly, it is always considered to be a time of extreme hopefulness, of renewal, of new beginnings. This lunar new year is especially significant to many Asian families. 

Many people would not realise that Tết is seen as three different periods. Tất Niên is the two week period before the arrival of the new year. This is a time when preparations are hectic — our homes are cleaned and refurbished, traditional foods are cooked and people try to pay off their debts so they can begin the new year debt-free. A special celebration takes place on the 23rd day of the last lunar month — 4 February this year. This is when we release a carp into a nearby lake so it may swim to heaven to the kitchen god (known as Ông Táo) and report on the happiness and wellbeing of the family throughout the year. 

Gia Thừa is the second period of Tết Nguyen Dan and sets the traditions for the eve of the new year. The third period is Tân Niên and it covers the first three days of the new year which is celebrated on 12 February this year. 

Vietnamese people believe the very first visitor a family receives in the new year determines their fortune for the rest of the year. Most families consult a fortune teller to decide who is the first person invited into a home. This special visit is called xông đất or xông nhà and is one of the most important rituals during Tết. If good things come to the family on the first day of the lunar new year, and if the family is kind and calm on the following three days, the entire following year will also be full of blessings.  

I very much enjoy sharing these blessings and my culture with the school community. 

Với sự biết ơn,

Henry Vu
International Prefect


Waste-free Lunches

Return and Earn

As a sustainable school, Lindisfarne is supporting the Return and Earn Program, an initiative of the NSW Government, by collecting plastic bottles and cans that would have normally ended up in landfill. 

If you would like to help by donating your funds collected from your Return and Earn bottles and cans, you can do so by scanning the barcode below when you’re at the vending machines. 

Each bottle or can donates 10c to the School to provide funds for specific recycling bins that will be distributed throughout the School. We appreciate your support.

Tracey Foyster
Year 6 Teacher

subpod Success!

As Lindisfarne continues to move forward as a more sustainable school, I think it is important to look back and reflect on one of the big wins Lindisfarne has had — our subpod composting program. Since the installation of our 41 subpods across both campuses, our subpods have composted and diverted over 900kg of organic waste from landfill! This is a great effort. 

In the near future, all of this organic waste will be able to be used on our school community gardens as rich compost. Our subpods have also helped to educate students about sustainable living and food production as well as how our small actions add up to make big changes. I look forward to reaching 1 tonne of organic waste diverted from landfill early this year. Keep up the great work Lindisfarne!

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Recording Studio

2021 is shaping up to be a big year for the Lindisfarne Recording Studio and our school record label, Germinate Records. There is lots of great music on the way from our talented student artists, sound engineers and producers and also some fantastic projects that are in the pipeline.  

This term, we will be running an electronic music competition. One lucky student will win their very own Pocket Operator synthesiser from Teenage Engineering. 

To enter, students will need to compose 60 seconds of their own original electronic music using any available music production software (GarageBand, FL Studio, etc.). They can then email an MP3 file and screenshot of their project to: brett@germinaterecords.com before 4.00pm on Monday, March 15.

Please note: All sounds must either be programmed or sampled by the student, GarageBand loops will not be accepted. The competition is open to all Middle and Senior School students. Good luck!

Brett Canning
Recording Studio Producer

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop

Important Uniform Information for 2021

Uniform Requirements

Uniform Booklet 2021

Uniform Shop Trading Hours

Monday — 7.45am to 4.00pm
Tuesday — 9.00am to 5.00pm
Thursday — 7.45am to 4.00pm

The Uniform Shop is unable to accept cash at this time. However, parents can order online or pay over the phone.

Online Store

Whilst parents of new students are encouraged to make an appointment to be fitted for new uniforms, subsequent purchases can easily be made from the online Uniform Shop.

Simply go to https://schoolshopnew.midford.com.au/lindisfarne.
When prompted use the code LINDISFARNE1981.

Online orders are filled in-store and can be:

  • collected from the Uniform Shop within 1 to 2 business days (term time only); or
  • delivered to Year 5 and 6 classrooms — if requested; or
  • sent to the Junior School Campus – if requested; or
  • sent to your home address via courier for a fee – if requested.

Second-hand Uniforms

Through our uniform partner, Midford, Lindisfarne offers second-hand items available for sale. Please see in store for these items.

Due to an overabundance of second-hand stock, the Uniform Shop is unable to accept second-hand items or donations at this time.

If you have any enquiries relating to the Lindisfarne uniforms, please contact the Uniform Shop on 07 5590 5186 or email lindisfarne@midford.com.au.


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

South Tweed Junior Rugby League

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
