2022 Term 1 Week 1 4 Feb 2022

This Week Overview

Upcoming Events

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From the Principal


Dear Parents and Guardians,

On Sunday, 30 January members of our Lindisfarne School Community gathered in Ngahriyah for the funeral service to celebrate the life of our friend, teacher, mentor and colleague Matt Fydler.

I want to thank the community for rallying at what has been a time of immense sadness to celebrate Matt’s life in such a meaningful way.

I know that the service and love shared by our community have brought comfort to Matt’s wife Amy and children Millie and Kai, parents Lesley and Peter, and brothers Chris and Tim and their extended families.

On Tuesday, I wrote to the school community providing further clarification on what to do if a student or household member (close contact) tests positive to Covid-19.  You can read my communication here.

Yesterday I provided an update on the risk of Covid-19  exposure in the school community.  Please continue to be vigilant in monitoring for symptoms and in supporting the RAHT program currently in place. You can read my communication here.

Congratulations to current Year 12 student and member of the Lindisfarne Sports Academy Lily O’Sullivan who is competing in the Nutri Grain Ironwoman Series with rounds 3-6 taking place from Thursday 3 February to Sunday 6 February at Kurrawa Beach on the Gold Coast. If you’d like to catch Lily in action in rounds 5 and 6 on Saturday and Sunday the event will be on Channel 9 at 12.00pm nationally each day.

Principal Stuart Marquardt gathers with Giselle Smith, Ebony Richards, Ruby Sullivan, Brooke Gadd at the Year 12 Leadership Day in Lily. O!! supporter gear

Last night Reverend Constantine and I spoke about the national media coverage surrounding the adverse stance taken by a particular Brisbane Christian School in relation to sexuality and gender identity. We thought it an important time to affirm the inclusive approach of Lindisfarne and the Anglican Schools of the Diocese of Grafton.

Our Schools of the Diocese including Lindisfarne welcome children and staff of any gender or sexual orientation. We affirm the infinite worth and human dignity of every person, having been created in God’s image and likeness. Lindisfarne and the Anglican Schools of the Diocese of Grafton affirm the dignity and worth of all people, aspiring to be inclusive, open and responsive to diverse needs and abilities and that we foster compassionate and respectful relationships within a safe, disciplined and caring Christian Learning Community.

In these ways, our Anglican Schools provide an environment that nurtures the whole person as a sound foundation for life.

The chair of the Anglican Schools Commission in Queensland Bishop Jeremy Greaves wrote on this matter this week and strongly upheld the inclusive nature of Anglican Schools where all are welcome here.

Stuart Marquardt 

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner

Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Guardians,

I trust you are settling into the routine of school life despite the challenges of another pandemic year. It’s been wonderful to see everyone face-to-face and to begin the journey of learning and growth together. Let us then begin, as Steve Covey said, with the end in mind. 

World Cancer Day (4 February)

Today is World Cancer Day and an opportunity for us to remember the devastating impact cancer has on so many of us and those that we love. It’s also an opportunity for us to continue to raise awareness, improve education and galvanise action towards ending preventable cancer deaths and providing equitable treatment to all cancer patients regardless of where they live. Please visit worldcancerday.org for more details.

World Interfaith Harmony Week (1-7 February 2022)

It gave me great joy to discover yesterday that two students in our Year 5 Religious Education class are Jewish and one of them actually attends a Synagogue in Surfers Paradise where our children and I stopped by during the holiday. During Interfaith Harmony Week, we are encouraged to promote harmony between people of different faiths in order to enhance global harmony and peace. If you'd like to share and celebrate with our School community some of your special religious traditions please let me know.

“Reason, Religion and Kindness”

These three words are at the foundation of Salesian schools founded by St John Bosco, whose feast day was on the 31st of January, the first day of Term 1. During the Industrial Revolution John Bosco was a pioneer in educating young people who were poor, homeless and orphaned due to the adverse impact of the revolution. Whilst he lived in a different era from ours, his emphasis on critical thinking, faith and belief in God, and the importance of educating young people to love and be loved remain paramount today. “It is not enough to love the young;” Don Bosco said, “they must know that they are loved.”

Lindisfarne Visit to St Cuthbert’s Tweed Heads

Everyone is invited to join Reverend Dway and St Cuthbert’s parishioners for a Service on Sunday, 20 February 2022 at 9.00am (usually an hour-long). These visits to St Cuthbert’s are opportunities for us to deepen our ties with the parish that was instrumental to the founding of our school 40 years ago. 

A Time of Mourning 

As we continue to grieve and mourn our dear colleague and friend,  Matt Fydler, please remember to continue to check in on each other, and to be empathetic and compassionate. It’s been said that grief is love persevering. Let us continue to carry Matt in our hearts and to support his family and each other during this difficult and testing time. 


“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”, Jesus said in Matthew 11:28. It’s a human tendency to brood and turn inward in times of distress, but the Lord invites us to come to Him and let Him share our burdens and life’s challenges. 

I pray that you and all those you love may know this week the rest, peace, love and joy that Jesus gives to all those who open their hearts to Him.

Rev Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F Meeting

The first Parents and Friends meeting for 2022 will be held on Tuesday, 8 February at the Junior School commencing at 6.30pm. All are welcome to attend and be involved in supporting the work of the P&F.

Ramesh Sivabalan

P&F Trivia Night - Saturday, 12 March

On Saturday, 12 March the Lindisfarne P&F will once again hold a Trivia Night in Ngahriyah. Tables of eight ($200)

BYO food and drinks, prizes and raffles and of course a best-dressed (or worst) prize for one table.


Parent Facebook Groups 2022

Facebook groups are provided and supported by the Lindisfarne Parents and Friends (P&F) through the Parent Representative program and supported by the Lindisfarne Community Engagement team. These groups allow parents to share, collaborate and get to know each other in a friendly and supportive manner. Please join the relevant group for your Lindisfarne student.

Preschool Joeys - New group for 2022.



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

Green and Gold Day

Scholarships and 2023 Enrolments


Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the 2023 school year. Applications close on Friday, 11 February 2022.

Lindisfarne offers a limited number of Academic, General Excellence, Music and Sport scholarships to students who meet the eligibility requirements.

Scholarship Categories

  • Academic – Based on a high level of academic merit.
  • General Excellence – For students who demonstrate strength in a range of areas as listed below.
  • Music – High level of music capacity is required combined with satisfactory academics.
  • Sport – For students who are competing in at least one sport at state level or above combined with satisfactory academics.

For more information and for the full criteria please visit 2023 Scholarships.

2023 Enrolments - Sibling Priority

Lindisfarne offers priority for sibling enrolments. To be considered for sibling priority for 2023, applications must be received by Friday, 25 February 2022.

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Welcome Event Postponed

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The combined Parents and Friends and Principal's Welcome Event to be held on Friday, 4 February has been postponed in line with our current advice regarding COVID. We plan to run this event later in Term 1 to warmly welcome our new families.

The 'Meet the Teacher' event planned prior to the same evening at the Junior School is still proceeding, it is just the social event after that is postponed.

Simon McKinley
Director of Community Engagement

Staff Bio

Teaching and Learning

Junior School

From The Head of Junior School

Welcome to all of our new students and families and welcome back to our continuing Lindisfarne community. It has been a fantastic start to the 2022 school year at Sunshine Avenue. I have truly appreciated the warm welcome and amazing support that I have received from staff students and parents alike as I’ve taken the reins of the Junior School. I look forward to the great opportunities we will have to continue the great work of the past years while also finding new and exciting ways to build upon this strong foundation.

You will have, no doubt seen the fencing erected around the site for our brand new Early Learning Centre. Due for completion later this year, the ELC will provide a wonderful environment for students to start their learning journey at Lindisfarne. While this will cause some disruption and discomfort during the building phase, we can all be excited about the amazing facility we will have once it is complete. I thank you, in advance, for your patience and understanding.

I would like to also thank those families who have taken up the offer of the Walking School Bus this week and look forward to seeing the “passenger list” grow after this first week.

I emailed a reminder about the No-Parking status of Sullivan Street for school drop of and pick up during the week and I thank those parents who have supported us in meeting those requirements set for us by Tweed Shire Council. As mentioned in the letter, we will continue to explore options with the Council in the hope of a positive outcome for our school families.

Plenty of thanks to go around this week and none more important than the thanks to families for supporting the school to minimise the transmission of COVID 19. Please continue to be vigilant in looking for symptoms, keeping children home if they are unwell and of course, completing RAHTs according to the guidelines provided. We are continuing to work on key strategies including mask-wearing and I take this opportunity to remind parents, as visitors to the school, of the need to wear a mask at all times while on the school grounds. We have taken delivery of our next two weeks’ supply of RAHTs and will distribute those to families in week 2. Further detail about this process will be communicated in the coming days.

New students will have their school profile photo taken on Monday. I would ask all new students to please wear their formal uniform and for our new Year 3 and 4 students to please also wear their tie.

We have had a great start to the year and I look forward to the support from families as we work together to make 2022 a fantastic year.

Jeremy Godden
Head of Middle School

Green Team

Middle School

From The Head of Middle School

We have enjoyed a positive week of learning and achievement with new and returning students and staff settling nicely into their classes and routines. The completion of the highly anticipated Middle School building and grounds has certainly added to the excitement and engagement of students.

During our first Middle School Assembly, I spoke to the students about the importance of gratitude, respect and engagement. Being a Lindisfarne student is special. It is an honour to represent our school, not just in competitive forums but each and every day, in every aspect of our community. Displaying a genuine appreciation and respect for our facilities and the opportunities presented to us is a very powerful thing. 

Engagement encompasses many things. It includes a commitment to supporting and immersing oneself in school life; across the spiritual, academic, sporting and cultural domains.  The more our students involve themselves in school life, the more they will get back. Some of the opportunities that have been presented so far include, the Round Square network and the esports FUSE Cup competition. 

A reminder of some upcoming events next week:

NEW student photos will be taken on Monday, in the Chapel. Students will need to be in full formal uniform which includes ties.

Monday evening from 6.oo to 6.45pm, interested Year 8 parents are invited to join Andrew Lines for an important parent information session, discussing the Heroic Habits wellbeing program that strengthens our Stage 4 values education. Andrew is an engaging presenter and this is a session you should not miss. Please ensure you have RSVP'd to this event

Tuesday is the Middle School Leadership Induction.

Wednesday is the Junior and Middle School Swimming carnival.

I look forward to seeing you and one of these many events.

Cathy Cox
Head of Middle School

Senior School

Pastoral Care


Lions Netball

Monday Night Netball

It was so good to see the Lions roar into action during Round 1 on January 31. 

We now have four teams of students and one team of parents competing each Monday evening. There are a couple of spaces left for any 11 - 14 year olds who wish to play. 

The Teams are linked here.

Good Luck in Round 2 on Monday 7 February






Blue Lions 




White Lions 




Silver Lions




Gold Lions

Cudgen Crew



Golden Oldies

Dream Team


Please be at the courts in time to warm-up and sign on.

Go Lions!

Don’t forget that ..

The Tweed Netball Association’s Saturday competition starts on March 26 at Arkinstall Park, Cunningham Street. Registrations will open shortly but in the meantime please let us know you're interested in playing and we will ensure that you receive all the appropriate information. Express your interest by completing this online form.  Please submit the google form by Tuesday 8 February.

Players who are 10 years and under, have to play in their age group teams e.g. If you are or are turning 9 years-old in 2022, then you will be in a team with other 9 year olds.

If needed, team selections for Saturday Netball will be held after school on the following dates:

  • Thursday  17 February - Junior School
  • Thursday 24 February - Middle School and Senior School

Further details will be provided shortly. 

Also, any 12 years and older students may be interested in the Basic Umpiring Course to be held on Saturday 26 February at Arkinstall Park. 

Tweed Netball’s 2022 Basic Umpires Course is on Saturday 26 February! All beginners planning to start Umpiring in 2022 must: Complete the Rules of Netball Exam, and Attend Tweed Netball’s Basic Umpires Course: 10am - 1pm.  Tweed Netball will also be hosting three sessions at the clubhouse to complete the (compulsory) Rules of Netball Exam before the Basic Umpires Course. It is not a requirement to attend a session at the clubhouse, however it is a requirement to complete the Rules of Netball Exam prior to the Basic Umpires Course.

The link to access Netball Australia’s new Netball Learning platform: 


RSVP by Wednesday 16 February to: umpireconvenor.tweednetball@gmail.com

For those who have already been selected in the 2022 Netball Centre of Excellence Program, please note these first training session and event dates for your diary:

Thursday, 3 February = 3.45pm - 5pm Training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 7 - 12 players. These will continue each Thursday during Term 1. 

Friday, 4 February = In sport time, training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 5 and 6 players.

Monday, 7 February, P1 - P4 = Strength and Conditioning training with Rory for all Years 7 - 12 players. Timetable to be confirmed.

Tuesday, 8 February = 7.30am Speed and Agility training with Mr Sam Dick on the Top Oval. These will continue each Tuesday during Term 1.

Friday, 11 February = 7.30am Shooting practice with Mrs Gay Maynard on the Mahers Lane Courts. These will continue each Friday during Term 1.

Friday, 11 February = In sport time, training at Arkinstall Park for all Years 5 and 6 players.

Friday, 25 February = 4pm. The 2022 Netball Centre of Excellence Induction Evening

Saturday, 26 February = Bonding Camp

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Spotlight on Conor McDowell

2018 alumni, Conor McDowell -  pulled off a sterling batting feat recently in a local fixture. Cudgen LJ Hooker's side were playing Murwillumbah and had restricted them to 112.  Conor opened the batting and took the team to victory with 100 runs off 56 balls. The innings included 6 sixes. With 2 balls to go Conor was on 92 and the team on 110. With one ball to go and Cudgen needing 1 run to win, Conor hit a six to bring up his century.

Spotlight on Brodie McDowell

Brodie McDowell has had a very successful summer of cricket which spanned for almost 6 weeks in Sydney. Brodie was selected as one of two country players for Manly Warringah who compete in the prestigious A.W Green Shield Comp. Brodies wicket keeping impressed many seeing him take 16 catches and 4 stumpings. His highlight was taking 5 catches and 1 stumping in a single game. 

Manly Warringah proceeded all the way to the semifinals where they lost to competition winners St George. Brodie also made his Grade debut in the Sydney Premier cricket competition playing 5th grade for Manly. He scored 52 in his first game and was 16 not out in the second. An amazing experience for our talented youngster - Brodie will also head off to Sydney soon to trial for the NSWCIS Open Boys team, best of luck down there!

Spotlight on Sloane Bryant

During the Christmas holidays Sloane made the top ten at NSW State Swimming in 200m Butterfly, 50m Butterfly and 400m Individual Medley. She made Nationals cuts in the 400m IM and 50m Butterfly - placing 6th in the state in the 50 Butterfly and 7th in the 400 IM. 

Congratulations on your efforts Sloane, the 200m Butterfly especially is the most brutal of all mid-course swimming events.  She will head back down to Sydney at the end of February for the Country Championships - good luck down there Sloane!

Spotlight on Lily Foggo

Well done to Lily Foggo as for her recent results in the  QLD State Championship Regatta.

Lily and Ruby Rhodes (KHS) came 2nd in the Under 16 doubles.   Lily also came 3rd in the Under 16 Quad Race.  Such a good result for the girls and for the Tweed Rowing Club.

Lily and Ruby have been given the green light to be able to row together in the School Regatta this year in the doubles as a combined school team, which is really good news.

In mid-February, Lily will be heading down to Sydney to compete in the NSW State Championship in the Singles Skull, Doubles and Quad - best of luck down there Lily.

From The Sportsdesk

Swimming Carnivals

Our Swimming Carnivals are fast approaching. Find a brief overview of both the Years 3-8 and the Years 9-12 Carnivals - here.

Please note that we continue our partnership with Oasis Pools at Banora Point - details here. The bus shuttle service is starting again for those that are interested.

Bookings for the bus are an upfront payment of $3.00 per trip for a specific day (morning or afternoon) for the entire term, there are 23 seats maximum. Please note that there are no refunds if you have booked the service, but do not utilise it on a given day. Payments will be made through Parent Lounge under Events and payments once you register to use the shuttle bus.

Bus shuttle bookings are to go through our Sports Administration assistant Cherie Montford please complete the google form - register here.

Integrated Sport Program (Thursday and Friday Sport)

As highlighted in the Sports Introductory email sent earlier this week, sports choices for Term One open on Parent lounge this Saturday 5, February:

Years 5 to 6 

Years 7 to 10

**Rugby Students: Please note all Students signed up  to the Rugby program do not need to make a term sport selection for Term 1 - you will be doing rugby training during sport time**

Parents ‘sign up’ for your child’s sport under “Extra Curricular”:

  • Go to Parent Lounge ‘Homepage’, click the ‘Student Details’ on the top of your screen, on the drop down menu click ‘Extra Curricular’. 
  • Then click the Sign up Available Green Tab on the top right corner of your screen. 
  • This will open the ‘Extra Curricular’ page. All ‘Term Sport’ options available for selection will show for each sport including the cost.
  • Parents can click the Sign Up tab here for the activity they wish to accept, verify medical details, click  verify, click sign up,
    (Only one ‘Term Sport’ is to be selected per child - Please make sure you have selected the correct sport choice before you continue through to the payment portal.) 

Then click the green tab on the top right of your screen Submit to School and it will then take you through to the payment portal, follow the prompts and you will get notification when your payment has been successful. If you have selected a

  • sport that has no fee you still must click  Submit to School otherwise the sport selection won’t show at our end.
  • Once the chosen sport is selected and confirmed by payment it will show on student cafe and on Parent Lounge under Extra Curricular.
  • Please make sure you have access and can log in to your parent lounge before close of business on Friday. Contact main reception if you need help accessing your parent lounge. 
  • You will need to complete this process for each child (if applicable).  Reminder nominations open this Saturday 5 February.

CO Curricular sign-ups

Throughout the year there will be lots of opportunities to sign up to trial for teams to represent Lindisfarne during school hours, or join squads for training and skill development. These notices are released in the newsletter and also through Home Room notice announcements. When you want to sign up for a particular sport or activity, you do so through Student Cafe. Please look at this very simple instructional video - here.

Football (Soccer)

If you would like to trial to make the football squads that represent Lindisfarne in a host of tournaments, please sign up through Student Cafe. Training will begin in earnest very soon:

  • Year 5 and 6 - Girls and Boys
  • Years 7 to 9 - Girls and Boys
  • Years 10 to 12 - Girls and Boys


If you would like to trial to make the AFL teams that represent Lindisfarne, please sign up through Student Cafe so that we can send any further information to you. Competitions normally begin to run later in Autumn.

  • Year 5 and 6 - Girls and Boys
  • Years 7 to 9 - Girls and Boys
  • Years 10 to 12 - Girls and Boys


If you would like to trial to make the basketball teams that represent Lindisfarne in the Gold Coast Junior Basketball League (GCJBL), please attend on the following afternoons for each respective age group. Seeding rounds for the GCJBL will begin as early as the 18th February so we will be picking all squads by the end of next week. Trials for both boys and girls in the same age group will be in Ngahriyah on:

  • Monday 1530-1630: U13 (born 2010-11, predominantly Year 5/6)
  • Wednesday 1245-1325 (lunch): U17 (born 2006-07, predominantly Year 9/10) and U21 (born 2002-05, predominantly Years 11/12).
  • Wednesday 1530-1630: U15 (born 2008-09, predominantly Years 7/8)

Touch Football

If you would like to trial to make the Touch Football teams that represent Lindisfarne, please sign up through Student Cafe so that we can send any further information to you. Competitions are planned for early March and beyond, so please sign up ASAP.

  • Year 5 and 6 - Girls and Boys
  • Years 7 to 9 - Girls and Boys
  • Years 10 to 12 - Girls and Boys

Triathlon training

For any students wanting to train and participate in the Sport of Triathlon, Mrs Tracey Foyster (Yr 6 class teacher) is offering spin bike and running training at the Mahers Lane campus beginning Wednesday 9 February. Any student from Years 5-12 is encouraged to come and train every Wednesday and/or Friday morning from 7.15am - 8.15am. 

There is a Kingscliff Triathlon Sunday 27 March, and we would like to submit teams from Lindisfarne. 

We also encourage interested students to attend Twin Towns Triathlon Club on Saturday mornings (Mrs Tracy Foyster is a club member), where students can experience Triathlon in a safe environment. For any swimming training needs we have the Oasis partnership as a pathway. 

Please contact Mrs Tracy Foyster 

Cross Country

Our Cross Country training starts in Week 4 for any student from Years 3 to 12.  More details coming soon.


Lindisfarne Cricket is enjoying considerable success in both local and interstate competitions, which is testament to the quality of our coaching programs that are underway. We will continue to offer our one-on-one cricket sessions in 2021, run by our Head Cricket Coach Anthony Kershler in our school nets. 

Anthony "Kersh'' is a former NSW Sheffield Shield player and now NSW coach who guides players to improve their individual game. Students are guaranteed 3 one-on-one sessions per term  (in class) time as well as access to a small group Wednesday afternoon session. The term cost is $100 per student and is available for males and females playing registered club cricket and looking to branch into the representative era.

Please contact Julie McDowell or Anthony Kersher for further details


Lindisfarne has a partnership with Tweed Heads and Coolangatta Rowing Club, and we highly encourage any Year 7-12 student that wishes to pursue this incredibly rewarding sport to make contact with Head Coach - Garry Annand (or mobile - 0412 344 826). 

Term One represents the perfect time to start training up for the regattas which are scheduled over the cooler months. The squad training days are Monday and Wednesday afternoons, Saturday mornings and potentially Thursday Sport time slots.

Australian InterSchools Mountain Biking 

Some of our keen Mountain Biking community are heading to Thredbo in order to represent Lindisfarne at the Interschool MTB Championships, which runs from Wednesday 23 March to Sunday 27 March, 2022.

Over the four days students will compete over an array of disciplines including Cross Country, Downhill, Flow, Pump Track and the exciting new All-Mountain event, further information - here.

At this stage there are a handful of registrations, with participants and parents making their own travel arrangements and accommodation. Please let us know if you intend to join the competition.

Gold Coast Tennis 2022 Annual Inter-School Challenge

On Sunday 20, February the Gold Coast Tennis schools doubles championship is scheduled. Any prospective players are encouraged to source their own partners, and enter directly to the Gold Coast Tennis. The entry form is  - here and please cc Damien Clucas when submitting your entry. Likewise, if you are new and don’t have a partner, please email me so that I can try to help you.

Inquiries: Tennis Gold Coast, 5532 8566 or 0466 997 188.

Rhythmic Gymnastics

We are very fortunate to be able to offer the opportunity for your daughter to join a Rhythmic Gymnastics program at Lindisfarne for this year.

The Club will be on Monday's at 4.15pm to 5.15pm and Thursday’s after-school from 4.15pm to 5.15pm, starting 8th February 2021 and continuing all year, in the Ngahriyah. The class will cater for beginners to competitive levels.

Lindisfarne students can attend one or both sessions per week at NO COST.

The coach is Stacey Bech, who is a National Level Silver Advanced Coach with an impressive history. If you have any questions, please contact Stacey on 0418640200 or via email: stacey.bech@gmail.com

Please complete the Registration form here and bring with you on the first day.


Equestrian Queensland aims to promote equitation, education and equestrian sport via a range of Interschool competitions.  Interschool provides a unique opportunity to compete against students from other schools in teams and individual events during weekends and holidays representing Lindisfarne. Expressions of interest are invited from both junior and senior students currently competing in Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing or Showing to be considered for the Lindisfarne team.  Please contact Mrs Kathryn Leary on kleary@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au for further details and to register your interest.

Equestrian Update

During the school holidays Nicola Gee (Year 11) and her mum Donna took her pair of horses all the way to Boneo on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria to compete at the Australian National Youth Championships, competing in the discipline of Dressage. Nicola rode her advanced dressage horse ‘Otway Mako’ in her first FEI (which is the international governing body of equine sports) competition against some very seasoned competitors. The duo had a few nerves to combat along the way and with room for improvement they had a blast.  Nicola also competed her new young horse ‘Holstein Park Jumanji’ aka Jimmy.  They competed in several classes, and thanks to some very pleasing results came away with a Reserve Champion honour in the Interschool section.

Following a very tiring and exhausting 10 days away with extremely hot weather, lots was learnt and it’s onwards and upwards for Nicola and her talented team.

Cudgen Headland J.R.L. Sign Ups

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking






Week 1 Update

Thinking caps are back on. Great to see Math students getting enjoyment from their learning in Week 1. Many have commented that they are looking forward to working with their classmates again and engaging with hands-on projects as they learn how best to apply their knowledge to solve real life problems. Don’t forget to look at the Mathhelp club times if you need a bit of extra support with classwork or preparation for upcoming assessments. 

Caitriona McCann
Teacher of Mathematics


Performing Arts

Meet The Music Tutors Concert

On Wednesday 23 February,  we will present an evening concert to showcase the talents of our studio music tutors and music staff.

This concert is a great opportunity for students to hear our music staff perform in a professional setting and will feature a variety of styles from Rock to Classical.

This year the  concert will be followed by meet n greet which is a great opportunity for parents and students to chat to our studio music tutors. Any new students to the school with an interest in music are encouraged to attend this concert to gain an appreciation of the ensembles and programs on offer.

This year we will also include performances from the Senior Choir, Stage Band and senior students.

Starting at 6.30pm, the 90-minute concert will be hosted by our Friends of the Arts committee. Drinks will be available from 6.00pm.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Friends Of The Arts

Friends of the Arts (FOTA) is a sub-committee of the P&F created in 2018 for parents and friends interested in supporting the Arts at Lindisfarne. FOTA has actively supported a number of events over the past two years including our evening with Katie Noonan, The Big Chill, Lindisfarne Drama Festival, Bring it On the musical, Darren Percival concert, the senior art exhibition. 

All interested parents and friends are invited to join us for our first meeting for 2022 on Tuesday, 15 February in the school library at 6.30pm.

Todd Hardy
Director of Performing Arts

Composers' Collective 2022

From our brand new writing and recording space in MM4, I would like to welcome all musicians back to what is sure to be a fantastic year of writing, producing and performing new music! Having shown a dedication to theory, fascination for music of all styles as well as thoughtfulness toward that which is celebrated on stage, last year’s class is to be commended. As a community, we should be proud of their efforts! Excitingly, both this success and our new composition room will allow us to offer additional courses in music theory, music technology, and project based opportunities. I very much hope that «the listening room» is also able to return this year. More announcements will follow once we recommence our lessons.

There is little doubt that there are many new students who may wish to be involved and as such, I am pleased to extend an invitation to audition for the Composers’ Collective. Whilst this should be nothing to be nervous about, those students excelling in Curriculum, Music Theory, Instrumental Studies and Ensembles will greatly benefit from this work. The Composers’ Collective aims to extend emerging musicians who demonstrate an aptitude for, and enthusiasm toward the craft of writing music.

As well as making up one third of curriculum music, composition is a skill practised by most of history’s great musicians. Our studies in music stand on the shoulders of great composers' works. It is through this discipline that we revere great musical minds including Bach, Shostakovich, John Coltrane, Frank Zappa, Burt Bacharach, Xenakis, Ligeti and John Adams, to name but a few.

The Composers' Collective will best suit those students who enjoy:

  • Reading, writing and transcribing music;
  • Learning and applying the fundamentals of music to composition;
  • Independence and self discipline;
  • Improvisation;
  • Abstract thinking, dreaming, imagination and a life of the mind.

This year, we are again excited to be able to work in smaller groups during class time. So that students do not miss the same class every week, the Composers’ Collective will work to a rotating timetable. In this way, enough time is allowed for meaningful composing, exploring and presenting.

We will again be focussing on building bodies of work or in other words, a Composition Portfolio. With this in mind, there is an implicit understanding that an enthusiastic commitment to the Collective will also involve writing music at home.

This VodCast may also provide some context.

If these sound like exciting opportunities and you would like to be involved, then please send your expressions of interest by replying roger.lock@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

I look forward to hearing from you and the work ahead.

Kind regards,

Roger Lock
Composer In Residence

Germinate Records


Busy Week 2 Ahead From The PDHPE Department

We hope that everyone has enjoyed the first week of 2022 at Lindisfarne. Week 2 is a busy one:

Tuesday, 8 February is Safer Internet Day.
Being online is no excuse for treating others differently from how you'd treat them face to face. Let's make the internet a kinder place for all.

Wednesday, 9 February is the Junior and Middle School Swimming Carnival

Thursday, 10 February is the Senior School Swimming Carnival

Friday, 11 February is Green and Gold Day - When the Nation wears green and gold to support the Australian Olympic Team.

And finally … Please could you remind your child/ren to be sun safe throughout the year?

We have a 'No Hat - No Play' rule for any outside activities at recess and lunchtimes, and we would like to make hat wearing mandatory for PDHPE practical lessons. We will supply sun cream and we advise students to bring their water bottles to class.

Gay Maynard
Director of PDHPE

Photography and Digital Media


Welcome Back To The Science Labs

The Science Department extends a friendly welcome to the new students and staff in our school. It was great to see all our students back in the Science labs but it was particularly exciting to welcome the new year 7 cohort who are already getting to grips with experimenting. Things look a little different physically with the COVID 19 restrictions put in place but mentally students were eager to get on with their learning. Year 7 can be a challenging year with new teachers, subjects and timetables but there is lots to look forward to in the coming weeks as soon as they get their infamous bunsen burner licence which of course is an exciting challenge to face in science. 

Caitriona McCann
Teacher of Science

Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square



Waste Wise Tips

2021 Sustainability Highlights

Subpod Success

In 2021 we composted over 3 tonnes of organic waste between both our campuses. This compost is being used on our community gardens and is helping them thrive.

Recycling Hubs:

2021 saw the installation of recycling hubs at our Mahers Lane and Junior School campus. So far our recycling hubs have recycled around 36,000 pieces of waste.

Return & Earn:

Our return & earn efforts increased significantly with many new collection bins being added around our Mahers Lane campus. In 2021 we recycled thousands of bottles, cans, and drink cartons through return & earn.

Junior School Recycling:

Recycling bins were installed in all classrooms and the library at the Junior School. Recycling education was conducted throughout 2021 and has lowered recycling contamination at the Junior School.

Lindisfarne Goes Solar

In 2021 over 1100 solar panels were installed across both our campuses. This will help to reduce our carbon footprint by hundreds of tonnes every year.

Coffee Pod Recycling

Our coffee pod recycling increased with around 21,000 coffee pods recycled in 2021. This includes pods collected from our recycling hubs, staffrooms, and kitchens.

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability 

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop


Buildings and Facilities


Employment At Lindisfarne

We are encouraging members of our Lindisfarne community to come and work at Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School.

Teaching (Casual)
If you are a teacher who is currently accredited with NESA - we encourage you to submit your expression of interest with your resume- addressed to the Director of Human Resources.

School  Assistants (Casual) 
Lindisfarne is seeking expressions of interest from people who are able to assist in the supervision of students. In particular we are encouraging 

  • Retired teachers or those who are no longer accredited with NESA
  • People who have experience with children and a passion for helping young people

Food Services Manager

The School is seeking to appoint an experienced chef as our Food Service Manager to oversee and manage all aspects of food services at the school.  Please see our website for full details.

Food Services Assistants (Casual)

We are seeing expressions of interest in casual work at our school canteen. Preference will be given to applicants who have a relevant trade qualification in commercial cookery or hospitality or who have significant experience in the food services industry

Bus Drivers

The School is seeking an experienced and enthusiastic bus driver for regular casual work including morning and afternoon school runs, sport runs and other excursions. 

Please note 

These roles require you to hold a current NSW Working With Children Check (or be eligible to apply for one) and have had your Covid-19 vaccines.

How to Apply:

Please forward your expressions of interest to Ms Mary-Ellen Jackman, Director of Human Resources at employment@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

You will need to provide a covering letter outlining your relevant skills and experience, a current resume and the names and emails of two recent professional referees.

Community News

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
