2021 Term 2 Week 9 18 June 2021

This Week Overview

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From the Principal


Dear Parents,

I hope you have enjoyed the first semester of the 2021 school year. As we approach the final day of semester one, I am grateful for your support as we worked together to provide outstanding learning opportunities for our students.  It is remarkable the majority of programs have been able to run despite the occasional adjustment as we continue to navigate the impact of Covid-19.

Our agile, adaptable and flexible approach has served our students and community well during this ongoing time of change and adjustment for us all. Please remain vigilant, healthy and hygiene conscious over the mid-year break as clusters of Covid-19 continue to develop in parts of Australia from time to time.

It has been a very rewarding final week of the term with the uplifting commissioning service for Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu and his family a highlight.

We followed the service with our Years 3 to 12 Athletics Carnival on Thursday and it was heartening to see so many parents in attendance supporting our students and staff.

Last night we held an incredible Lindisfarne @ 40 event at Twin Towns with our exceptional music students performing with the legendary Australian band Thirsty Merc. I particularly thank our students and staff for the exceptional effort to bring this concert to life. It was pleasing to have four past students join us to perform at the concert - Ashleigh Budge, Murran Kain, Hayley Myers and Ciara Blum. Past members of School Council Mr Gregg Taylor and Mr Brad Bishop attended the concert and were thrilled to see the level of excellence of our students and the continued development of Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School as an exceptional school.

I trust students, parents and staff enjoy the change of routine over the mid-year break and return healthy and happy for an exciting semester two of learning and achievement.

Stuart Marquardt

From the Acting Principal

From the Deputy Principal


Chaplain's Corner


Thank You Immensely

Faith, Obed, Sophie and I would like to thank you most sincerely for the uplifting, joyful and moving Service of Commissioning last Wednesday. Words cannot adequately express the sentiments of our gratitude for all that you did to make it a truly special day for us, and for the whole School and Diocese. We truly do have a wonderful community here at Lindisfarne!

If, as the French say, gratitude is the memory of the heart, our hearts' will remember for a long time to come the memory of the Commissioning event. We owe all those who made the day possible an unpayable debt of gratitude, and we pray that God who is never outdone in generosity will reward each and every one of you as only God can. 

Now that we are ‘officially’ welcomed, we look forward to fully sharing in and contributing to the unfolding story of the Lindisfarne School and community during this 40-year anniversary and beyond.

Baptism of Blair Aubrey Fernance

It was truly lovely to welcome Blair last Sunday into the family of the Church in our School Chapel last Sunday. Blair was very well behaved during the ceremony and was surrounded by the palpable love of her family and friends.

Our School was represented by the Principal Marquardt who presented Blair with a beautiful children’s Bible on our behalf. We thank Cooper and Jade for giving their beautiful daughter the gift of baptism and pray that she’ll continue to grow in wisdom and stature in the likeness of Jesus, whose life she now shares with all God’s family.

School Holidays

As we begin our Term 2 holidays today, I wish you safety, peace, good health, and God’s protection. After a hectic term, please remember to relax, rest, and be nourished in mind, body and spirit. Also, make time for stillness, for nature and for community. We are mindful of our Year 12 students and all that lies ahead and pray that God will strengthen and guide their endeavours.

I am drawn to this poem by Dawna Markova and hope you find some inspiration from it,

I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible,
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom
and that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.

May we continue to live wholeheartedly, mindfully, gratefully and with great-fullness.

God loves you and so do I,

Constantine Osuchukwu

Important Information

First Nations

Parents and Friends

P&F News

Lindisfarne P&F have enjoyed fundraising events through the Mother's Day Stall, Junior Athletics Carnival BBQ and the Senior Athletics Carnival BBQ this term. Thank you to Nicole Thomas, Rachel Mead and Steve Cornell for all their assistance with the above-mentioned events.

To date, the Lindisfarne P&F have contributed funds towards the following 2021 school projects:

  • Kindy Shade Sail - Funded $7,670
  • Mahers Lane Solar Project - Project contribution of $35,000
  • Off-Grid Solar Installation at the Boat House - Funded $16,666
  • Large Format Vinyl Printer & Cutter - Funded $25,632.50
  • AV upgrade at the Junior School - Funded $30,000
  • Lindisfarne Marquees - Funded $11,407

There are upcoming opportunities for families and businesses to sponsor:

- Lindisfarne Golf Day Sponsorship - 30th July

- Book your Golf Day Tickets Here

- FunFest Sponsorship Opportunities - 21st August

We look forward to friend-raising and fundraising for our wonderful Lindisfarne community in the second half of the year.

We wish everyone a safe and merry holiday season,

Ramesh Sivabalan 
P&F President

FunFest - Cake Stall Coordinator Needed

As part of FunFest we are looking for a Cake Stall Coordinator who is able to take on the rewarding role of arranging this important fundraiser as part of FunFest. You will be given information on how past stalls have run and we will help you recruit volunteers to assist.

So if you are the Queen of Cakes or the King of Cookies, please express your interest via pandf@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Steve Cornell
FunFest Coordinator
P&F Vice President

P & F Golf Day

Friends of the Arts

Safe on Social


Harmony Week

Macquarie University Offering Free Assessments

Student Voice

Upcoming Events


Whole School News

The Commissioning of Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu

The Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu joined the Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School family earlier this term, but on Wednesday was Commissioned as the fourth Chaplain of Lindisfarne by the Bishop of Grafton, Dr Murray Harvey.

Born in Nigeria, Reverend Constantine migrated to Australia in 2003 at the age of 24 and has ministered at parishes across the country, most recently in Ballarat.

His experiences have given him a unique approach to nurturing human spirituality, and his presence is already felt across the school and seen in the daily chalkboard ‘thought-of-the-day’ that sits outside his office near Student Administration.

“As a chaplain, I’m aware that young people are seeking meaning and purpose. We have a spiritual side to our lives just as we have a physical side - inner lives as well as outer lives. So, we must care for both if we want to live a holistic life,” Reverend Constantine says.

In front of students, staff, parents and friends Reverend Constantine Osuchukwu stood before the school community and The Bishop of Grafton, Dr Murray Harvey to officially accept his new position at Lindisfarne.

“I do believe I am called to this ministry, and commit myself to it, by the grace of God,” he pledged.

Bishop Murray responded: “It is good that Constantine has accepted the call to serve Jesus Christ in this way and I gladly proceed to commission him for this ministry.”

“Constantine, my brother in Christ, welcome. Be renewed in this call to ministry. May God pour upon you the abundance of his grace, and prosper all you do in Christ’s name.

“Be refreshed by those who serve with you. Grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Receive now this licence and accept this charge, that is both yours and mine, in the name of God; revealed as Creator, Redeemer and Life-giver. Amen.”

Our musicians and choirs again responded to the occasion, with the highlight being a sung blessing that closed the service before invited guests enjoyed fellowship prepared by our Hospitality students.

Reverend Constantine joins our school community with his wife Faith, and children Obed and Sophie and we welcome them warmly.

Cameron Jackson

Books For Remote Communities

Thank you to the Lindisfarne community for all of the books that were donated for remote Indigenous communities.  Joan Henderson from Books n Boots came to pick up 15 boxes of books to be delivered to remote communities.  Joan was very grateful for the books and explained to the children that in some of these towns there are no libraries and the only book some children have is the phone book.  The Preschool children reflected on how lucky they are to be surrounded by an abundance of books and well stocked libraries.  

Thank you again for making this such a successful project and helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

Jo Hetherington
Director of Early Learning

Staff Bio

Welcome To The Team

My name is Kristy. 

I am a wife and a proud mum of two teenagers who keep me busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

For the past 10 years I worked as a Group Leader and an Assistant Director in a long daycare centre. A job that I loved but I knew I was ready for a change. When I saw a job advertised at Lindisfarne looking for a teacher's aide in one of the Kindergarten classes, I knew it was a job that would suit me perfectly and I am so glad that I applied. 

This role is exactly what I had hoped it would be. I love being a member of the Kindy Dolphins team. I am lucky enough to spend my day helping children learn, listening to what they have to say, exploring ideas and watching them grow. 

Kristy Kearney
Teacher Aide - Kindy Dolphins

Teaching and Learning

Curriculum Update

Semester 1 Reports 

Semester 1 Reports for students from Kindergarten to Year 10 are now available on Parent Lounge. Please take the time to read your child’s report and reflect on their progress throughout the Semester and advice for further improvements moving into Semester 2. If you have any concerns about your child’s report please contact the relevant teacher or Director of Faculty.

Tutorials during the holidays

During the Term break there will be tutorials for HSC students please view the sessions via this link 

ATAR notes - free revision lectures 

ATAR Notes Will be running free lectures online in July from Monday, 5 July 2021 – Saturday, 10 July 2021, featuring sessions for Year 10-12 subjects, sessions from our university partners, and more. 

Register for free lectures here 

ICAS 2021 - Registrations Now Open

Students from Year 2 to Year 12 have the option of sitting ICAS Assessments as per the schedule below: 

Digital Technologies Years 5 to 10. Testing date in Term 3 Week 5 

Spelling Bee Year 5 to 7 Testing date in Term 3 Week 5 

English Year 3 to 12 Testing date in Term 3 Week 6

Science Years 2 to12 Testing date in Term 3 Week 7

Writing Year 5 to 12 Testing date in Term 3 Week 7 

Mathematics Year 2 to 12 Testing date in Term 3 Week 8

Specific days for the Assessments at Lindisfarne will be determined once registrations are complete.

Please register and pay via parent lounge by 19 July

Semester 2  - Mahers Lane 

Just a reminder that Term 3 starts on a B Week. Language classes will change for students in Year 5 and 6. Year 5 students will study Japanese and Year 6 students will study French during Semester 2.

I would like to thank the parents and students for their attendance at Subject Selection evenings this term. The initial subject selection process concludes today and subject lines for 2022 will be published during the first few weeks of next term.

Caroline Jeffries
Dean of Studies

Junior School

From The Head Of Junior School

The end of another term has quickly come upon us and it is hard to believe we are now half way through the year.  I am sure that the Junior School students challenged themselves academically and culturally this term with many opportunities provided for them to showcase their learning and their talents.  

I was humbled to be in attendance, along with our Sunshine Avenue Choir and the Year 4 students for the commissioning of our new school Chaplain, Reverend Constantine.  In what was a deeply moving occasion I believe we all feel blessed that we have Reverend Constantine at Lindisfarne, to lead our Christian journey.  I really look forward to having our school community get to know our new Chaplain and I strongly encourage all members of our community to introduce themselves to him when they see him next.

Many thanks for all staff and student efforts with the athletics carnival yesterday. With beautiful blue skies and surprisingly warm temperatures, the students ran, jumped and threw with enthusiasm and gusto.  These events are an opportunity for our sports stars to shine and I was very impressed with the efforts of all of those involved.  

End of semester reports have now been released and I hope all parents are proud of the hard work their children have put in to their studies.  For some students, huge gains have been made while others have worked with complete dedication and persistence for only a small improvement.  We are and should be very acknowledging of all of their efforts.

The mid-year break is a wonderful opportunity to make some memories with your family.  I look forward to listening to our students avidly retelling stories when they return next term.  Have a safe and relaxing holiday. 

Mark Douglas
Head Of Junior School

Collective Martial Arts

Year 3 Winter Solstice Celebration

Winter Solstice recognises the shortest day of the year and occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has reached maximum tilt away from the sun. It also marks the beginning of the planet’s slow turn towards the light, as days start to get longer and warmer. The solstice has been observed for many thousands of years across numerous cultures and is a wonderful time to reflect on and connect with the natural world.

Our Winter Solstice celebrations on Wednesday included an Australian First Nations perspective. We explored Indigenous seasonal calendars and decorated glass jars, creating beautiful lanterns inspired by nature and Indigenous colours and designs. Students also enjoyed time around the camp fire as a class, cooking damper on a stick and sampling a delicious hot lemon myrtle tea. Lastly, temporary artworks were made using found natural elements from our local environment, each telling a special story about our connection with the land and all it provides.

Thank you to Miss Maria and Miss Jo who planned and organised today’s event and to the parents, guardians and special helpers who attended, ensuring its success. We are reminded regularly of the wonderful opportunities our students have to learn outside the classroom, extending their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum and beyond, and this event ticked all those boxes.

To View more images from our Winter Solstice please see below.

Year 3 Teachers 

Green Team

Middle School

Senior School

Careers And VET

Careers and VET

It has been a busy time in Careers and VET with all Senior students exploring their potential pathways. I have had meetings with numerous students and parents, and those of you who have tried to book a meeting may have noticed that it has been a bit tricky to find a time. If you haven’t managed to arrange a meeting this term but would like one then please email me (lauren.ward@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au) and we can arrange a time for the beginning of Term 3.

There are a number of opportunities in the coming weeks for students to explore their futures:

  • The Australian Defence Force are running numerous online sessions and also some in person sessions, such as this one in Murwillumbah.
  • This coming Saturday there is a webinar detailing the process of studying in the USA. This would be very useful for any student considering this pathway.
  • Lattitude Global Volunteering are opening up applications for Gap Year opportunities for next year. Explore the website and register for webinars to find out more.
  • Camp America are also taking applications for 2022 for Year 12 graduates who are looking for a Gap Year opportunity. You can sign up to receive updates.
  • Study & Play USA facilitates sporting scholarships to play and study in the US. They recommend starting applications in Year 11 so students are encouraged to explore their website to find out more.
  • Year 12 students considering studying at TAFE next year are encouraged to attend some of the open day events coming up. Use this link and filter for your relevant campus (eg: Kingscliff) to see and register for the great events they are holding next week.
  • All Year 12 students considering applying for Bond University are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships - the process is relatively simple and one application is used to apply for a multitude of scholarships.
  • Discover Engineering is an event being held by the University of Newcastle where real life Engineers and representatives from TAFE and Universities will speak about the exciting prospects of an engineering career. See attached flyer for more information.

Please also see the Options Careers Bulletin for more information. I particularly emphasise the section on adjustment factors that starts on page 35, for Year 12 students. Many Universities offer adjustments to ATAR based on subjects studied or other factors.

I would like to thank the Lindisfarne community for the very warm welcome I have received in Term 2. I very much look forward to continuing to work with you as we progress through the year.

Lauren Ward
Director of Careers and VET

Pastoral Care


From the Sport Desk

What a thoroughly busy term we have had, I think the whole community is in need of a solid few weeks off. Term 3 will be ramping up with a whole range of activities that we will be launching into in July. 


Thank you to the whole community for their contributions and support to make yesterday's carnival a success. The weather was the most spectacular calm and mild winters day, which made it a pleasure for spectators, athletes and officials. 

 The house spirit was highly commendable, and all our students jumping into a variety of events was very pleasing.

 The March Past was once again very entertaining viewing, well done to all the respective student leaders for facilitating this.

1st - St Andrew 

2nd - St Barnabas

3rd - St Cuthbert

4th - St Stephen

 Well done to St Stephen's House, they pulled off an emphatic victory.

House Points total

 Our Age Championships were as keenly contested as ever before, full details - 

Age Champions

All the Track and Field results are contained here- full results.The timing gates make for incredibly accurate track times, removing any ambiguity around the finishes. Out of the hundreds of events, there were four races in which the starting gun antenna didn’t trip the start for the gates, in which we had to rerun those events. Apologies to these athletes, in this instance, when the technology works it is fantastic, and when it doesn’t it creates a disservice to the affected athletes. 

100m Invitational winners

  • Owen Reardon
  • Caillie Eriksen

The relays, which were so well contested yesterday are worth a LOT of house points!

Relay Results

A significant amount of work goes into pulling an event that size off that saw around 20 of our staff getting very industrious at Walter Peate before first light. Thanks to the following staff teams who successfully pulled off their respective contributions; the food and catering contingent, the ground staff for tirelessly working through the day, all our Track and Field staff and PA crew.

A very large thanks to the PE team, who helped not only on the day - but in the weeks beforehand running qualifiers and the time-consuming job of uploading realms of data.

The four brand new Lindisfarne tents were funded by our tireless school advocates - the P&F. Thank you. 

Thanks also to Cherie Montford (our Sports Administration Assistant) for her continual work behind the scenes to glue these major events together. 

NCIS is top three qualifiers in each event and is on August 11 in Coffs Harbour. We will send out the tailored information to the qualifiers in due course.

Photos will be posted next term.

Cross Country

The NSWCIS Cross Country Championships were held last Thursday in Eastern Creek in Sydney. According to some news outlets, this was the coldest day in over 120 years and it was a very tough day to endure for all our athletes. This was the first year that NCIS has decided to send a coach to this event to warm up our squads - in which I was appointed the role, so I experienced the conditions firsthand. Nonetheless, our students did us very proud against some of the very best school aged athletes in NSW. Most races normally average around 80-90 athletes, so anywhere near the top 30 is highly commendable. 

  • Gabriella Hill 4th (Qualified for NSW All Schools)
  • Isabella Arghyros 9th
  • Cullen Granger 19th
  • Hamish Procter 33rd
  • Lyla Williams 21st
  • Phoebe Link 25th
  • Matilda Daniel 21st 
  • Farrah Melville 29th
  • Padric Hedger 12th   
  • Oliver Clark  28th
  • Coby Ellison 32nd
  • Jackson Wright 45th

Tennis Terranora Term 3 After School Program 

Tennis Terranora  are offering an after school program open to all Lindisfarne Students, (however there are only 20 places available). This will be held on our courts here at Mahers Lane with their Junior Coach Caleb Maxted on Tuesday afternoons. 

When: Tuesday 27 July (week 3)  and run for 6 weeks commencing Tuesday 31 August
Time: 3:40pm to 4.40pm
Cost: $30. 

Our Lindisfarne Mahers Lane campus has a partnership with Tennis Terranora, which is a fantastic facility. Please make contact with them for any of your social or competitive tennis needs. Please have a look at their promotional video - here

If your child would like to participate please sign them up on Parent lounge through Events and Payments.

Total football Academy

Term 2 School Holiday program.

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in conjunction with Total Football Academy will be running the School Holiday 3 day program at Mahers Lane campus on the top oval in the third week of the holidays. Please see the attached flyer for full information. This will be capped at 60 students so it will be first in best dressed.

The students will stop for a morning tea break and a lunch break so please send lunch, snacks and plenty of water with your children.

Dates: Monday 5, Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 July.
Times: 9.00am - 2.30pm
Cost: $150

For more information download the flyer.

Term 3 After School Program

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School in conjunction with Total Football Academy are pleased to run the after-school program for soccer enthusiasts again in Term 3 at the Junior School oval, Sunshine Avenue on Monday afternoons from 3.15 to 4.15 pm.

Please see the attached flyer for full information. This will be capped at 60 students so it will be first in best dressed.

For more information download the flyer.


Saturday Netball

Round 7 is this Saturday, 19 June - the first day of the holidays.

Please let your manager know immediately that you will be available for this weekend and Round 8, which is on June 26.

Round 9 is on Saturday, 17 July.

Please follow the draws that your manager has received from me - the same as the ones published in the newsletter - as the app is playing up at the moment. 

Ignore the NetballConnect App!

Round 7 - June 19





Pink Lions



Purple Lions



Crimson Lions



Orange Lions



Lime Lions


Bronze Lions



Aqua Lions



Yellow Lions



Blue Lions



Blue Lions



Green Lions



Lavender Lions



Red Lions



White Lions



Silver Lions



Navy Lions



Gold Lions



Please note that the Blue Lions have two matches again this week!

 Go Lions!

Reminders from Tweed:

I am confident that I am writing to the converted. However, at the TNA Meeting last week a few issues were raised:

  • Please make sure that you/ the team players:
  • Sign on the score sheet correctly each game
  • Please make sure the fill-in player has a signed (by me, Narelle or Suzanne) green form from the TNA office - and has also added their name to the team sheet.
  • NB Players can only play across a division once and play up twice.
  • Coaches must stay at their end in the “box” (to the right of the goal post facing the court)
  • Scorers must remain quiet and are not to coach and call out.
  • All complaints must be directed to our delegate (me, Narelle or Suzanne) and not straight to TNA.

Club Carnivals

We have 4 teams entered in the Brunswick/ Byron Carnival to be held at Mullumbimby on Sunday 21 June. The Crimson Lions will compete against other 9 year olds, the Bronze Lions are entered in the 11’s Division and a mixture of Green, Red and White Lions will join together to make two teams in the older age categories.

We hope to have the majority of our teams playing at the Nicole Cusack Club Carnival on Sunday 1 August. More information will follow.

We wish all of the Lions a fun day representing the Lindisfarne Netball Club!

The Parent Support Group

The Parent Support Group is welcoming Suzanne Evans with a “Meet the new Lions Head Coach” on Tuesday, 27 July at Terranora Pavilions. All PSG members, Coaches and Managers are invited to attend from 6.30pm onwards. We will have light refreshments to share. Please RSVP to president  Narelle Hodges.



TIME: 4pm - 4.45pm

WHERE: Tweed Netball Association - Arkinstall Park, Cunningham Street, Tweed Heads 

These sessions focus on Protocol, Communication (Whistle, Voice, Hand Signals), Setting Sanctions and PVT (Positioning, Vision, Timing).

Calling all Umpires! PLEASE would you contact me if you have experience umpiring and would consider returning to help out on Saturdays? 

We have a number of novice umpires but would like to entice a few of the more senior girls and parents back to officiating. What would be a reasonable incentive for you to return?!

Netball Centre of Excellence 

All School-based training continued this week with the exception of Thursday Sport and Senior Training at Arkinstall Park due to the Athletics Carnival.

Girls are asked to revisit their goals over the holidays.

Well done to all of the players who have played and have had major successes this season in Rep Carnivals and we wish all of our State-Championships bound Lions all the best of luck!

12’s - Matilda Daniel, Jessica Irving and Emy Griffiths (Playing for South Coast)

Ruby Sullivan is also going to state with the 12’s Red team to be their manager.

Lara Marshall, Anna Haubek (Development team) and Chloe Nagle (South Coast Development team) are not going to state this year. 

13’s - Kayla Archer (training partner), Scarlett Ojiako- Pettit, Shelby Osborne, Tiggy Groves and Amber Sullivan

14’s - Ella Mitchell, Sienna Phelps, Bonnie Starling and Lily Hodges

15’s - Poppy Burdekin

Tahlia Evans, Giselle Smith, Ruby Sullivan, Abby Pirotta, Ebony Richards, Samantha Harvey are still representing Tweed in the Elite Premier League each Friday Night at Mount Warren or Runaway Bay.

Holiday Training

Term 3 Week 2 is very busy for our LENA’s and the Lion Kings with 3 competitions in consecutive days:

The Far North Coast Regional Finals for the Secondary Stage 4 and 5 Boys and girls are to be held in Lismore on Tuesday, 20 July and in Casino on Wednesday, 21 July for the Stage 3 Aqua Lions 

On Thursday, 22 July, Lindisfarne will host the NCIS Championships at Arkinstall Park and have Boys and Girls in the 15’s and Under and Open Divisions.

We will, therefore, have training for all of the Secondary teams in the lead up to these competitions on Thursday 24 June, 1 July, and 8 July before we return to School.

It is understood that not all players will be able to attend but it would be very appreciated if you try! 

Please be at the Arkinstall Park courts from 3 - 4pm each Thursday. 

Years 7-10 NSW Cup = Tuesday 20 July - Lismore

Year 7/8 Girls - Red

Year 7/ 8 Boys - Lions

Summer Wardle

Zephyr Togo

Ruby-Flower Annis-Brown

Joseph Maynard

Ava Taylor

Jules Loemker

Bonnie Starling

Tex Milroy

Seannah Weston

Thomas Ojiako-Pettit

Molly Matkevich

Fletcher Burdekin

Tiggi Groves

Liam Reardon

Jamie Mifsud

River Robinson

Layla Rose

Ben Dowker

Maya Fairweather

Brock Osborne

Year 9/10 Girls - Navy

Year 9/ 10 Boys - Lion Kings

Sienna Phelps

Zac Brims

Yasmin Scott

Baxter Fitzgerald

Annie Hammond

Oliver Jeffery

Poppy Burdekin

Trishul Sivabalan

Ella Mitchell

Callum McNicoll

Keeley Hughes

Brodie McDowell

Tobi Chapman

Oliver Henderson

Gracie Lynch

Rupert Fahy

Lily Hodges

Fred Watson

Claudia Arghyros

Jesse Freier

Years 5 and 6 NSW Cup = Wednesday 21 July - Casino

NO training in the holiday

Aqua Lions

Isabella Arghyros

Anna Haubek

Charlotte Slack-Smith

Lyrah O’Brian

Ella Agolley

Eve Francis

Eira-Grace McGilligan

Ava McIntosh

Matilda Daniel

NCIS Championships = Thursday 22 July - Tweed

15’s and Under 

15’s and Under 

Claudia Arghyros

Zephyr Togo

Annie Hammond

Joseph Maynard

Ava Taylor

Jules Loemker

Bonnie Starling

Tex Milroy

Ella Mitchell

Thomas Ojiako-Pettit

Lily Hodges

Fletcher Burdekin

Tiggi Groves

Liam Reardon

Jamie Mifsud

Brodie McDowell

Sienna Phelps

Zac Brims

Poppy Burdekin

Trishul Sivabalan

Open Girls - Gold Lions

Open Boys - Lion Kings

Giselle Smith

Oliver Churchill  

Amber Orr

Jayden O’Rourke 

Ruby Sullivan

Fletcher Koppel 

Ebony Richards

Corban Thomson 

Tahlia Evans

Hayden Brims

Abby Pirotta

Lewis Koppel

Gracie Lynch

Will Georgakopoulis

Samantha Harvey 

Connor Wilson

Tobi Chapman

Sam Cox

Yasmin Scott

Jake Sands

Holiday Clinics

Exciting news for our future Birdies - the Firebirds Holiday Clinics are back in action these June/July school holidays and they can't wait to have you join them!

These clinics have a few special inclusions and two new locations to choose from, so you won't want to miss out! If you're in and around South East Queensland, this is the perfect way to spend a morning or afternoon!


Players aged 5-10 & 11-14 will be coached by Netball Queensland's expert coaches, along with some members of the Queensland Firebirds team (please note that due to the Firebirds in-season schedule, not all Firebirds will be in attendance). Attendees will spend the clinic working on netball skills and drills, court work, tips and tricks from the Birdies and a variety of other exciting activities.

The expert coaches encourage our players to learn new skills through game-based activities in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. No experience is necessary to participate and our clinics are open to boys and girls of all abilities.

Our Firebirds Holiday Clinics includes ‘Future Firebirds Membership’ OR a special giveaway for those who are already members.

Clinics details for 5-10 YEARS $75

Clinics details for 11-14 YEARS $95

The website link to register is  here

If you have any questions re: netball, please do not hesitate to email me.

“I’m here if you need!”

Gay Maynard 
Teacher in Charge of Netball

Term 2 Holiday Camp Program

Outdoor Education


Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise

Business Entrepreneurship And Enterprise

Bond Business Extension Program

This year we had a large number of students take part in the Bond Business Extension program, with two of our students receiving the highest mark of a High Distinction and gaining a Bursary from Bond University. This was an exceptional achievement that reflects the great work happening in our Business Studies programs.

Congratulations to Keeley Rose and Ginger Finlay-Jones for this amazing achievement.

DisruptEd 2021 

This year we will be holding a festival of Entrepreneurship at Lindisfarne from September 13 to October 8. This festival will include a number of events throughout the school Including the traditional DisruptEd week in the Junior School, holiday entrepreneur programs that are free and open to all, market days enabling our students to use their entrepreneurial skills to raise money for charity, keynote speakers on the 6th of October and workshops in the middle school.

The purpose of DisruptEd is to inform our students about the changing world of work and to challenge them to positively engage with the changes taking place in traditional industries so they are prepared for life after school where they will need to continuously innovate and adapt to changing technologies. In 2015 the Foundation for Young Australians published a report titled the New Work Order. The synopsis of this document reads: “The New Work Order shows that young people are facing the most significant disruption in the world of work since the industrial revolution. Economic changes are transforming work through automation, globalisation and more flexible work.” 

We live in a time where billions of people are connected by mobile devices with unlimited access to information. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing will ensure the rate of change won’t slow down any time soon.

We want to ensure students are aware of the types of jobs that are being changed by new technologies as well as excited about the potential to be involved in new industries that these disruptions are creating.  We want to prepare our students for lifelong learning where they have the cognitive skills and flexibility to tackle unknown challenges. Future focussed skills including creativity, collaboration, communication, connectedness, flexibility, innovation, digital literacy and problem solving are essential for success in the rapidly changing world of work.

Help Needed

As per previous years I am looking for volunteers from the community to share their own experiences and expertise. If you are interested in helping run a workshop or keynote, or interested in being involved in Entrepreneurship at Lindisfarne please complete this google form and I will be in touch.

Bryan Malone
Director of Business, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise


Creative Writing Competition




Which House at Lindisfarne can compose the best pieces of imaginative writing? Enter the competition and see!  

This competition is open to any student from Stage 3 to Stage 6. Use the image above to inspire a piece of original imaginative writing. The inspiration can come from the entire image or one aspect of the image. You simply need to submit your typed submission, of no more than 600 words, to Mrs Walker by Monday, 26 July. Clearly indicate your name, your House and what year group you are in. 

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator 

Creative Industries

Debating and Public Speaking

Debating Update

Round 3 - Gold Coast Debating Competition

Both our Stage 4 teams had to prepare the negative side of the topic: Every high school student should have to participate in at least one cocurricular activity. Our male debating team was awarded a victory against Marymount College and our female team also argued successfully against Miami State High. Congratulations to both teams on their success in Round 3. 

The Stage 5 team competed their first short preparation debate against Marymount College. As the negative team, they had to refute the case: That children should be allowed to take part time work. Unfortunately, Marymount College were awarded the victory in a close debate. 

The Stage 6 team had to argue that Australia should abolish the states and territories. This short preparation debate was very tight; initially the adjudicator said it was a draw. However, only one team could be awarded the debate. Unfortunately, after deliberating on how she could separate the two teams, the victory was awarded to our opposition, LORDS.  

Round 4 – Gold Coast Debating

Round 4 of the Gold Coast Debating Competition saw success for all four Lindisfarne teams. Both our Stage 4 teams were awarded the victory for Round 4. The topic was: Schools should ban examinations. Our Stage 5 team successfully argued That protests are an effective means of creating change, defeating their opposition Robina High. The Stage 6 team convincingly defeated their opposition, Queensland Academy for Health Sciences, arguing That Australia should not do more to help asylum seekers. 

The growth that our teams have demonstrated over the last two terms has been pleasing and they are commended for their enthusiasm, reliability and commitment. Debating rounds will continue early in Term 3 for some of our teams. 

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator

Public Speaking At Lindisfarne

Everyone can speak. We do it every day. So why is the thought of standing up and speaking in front of an audience so daunting? Why is public speaking so frightening?

Glossophobia is a common complaint. We can feel anxious, we may have had an unpleasant experience when previously delivering a speech or we may simply fear being judged or looking silly. However, this fear of speaking in public can be overcome. 

Preparation is the key. To gain confidence in any skill you must practice. You must know what you are going to say. Have a script. Rehearse it. You must critique your own performance and strengthen your delivery skills. This then enables you to relax and enjoy the public speaking experience. Every time you speak in front of a group, it becomes easier. Building confidence is essential

Lindisfarne wants its students to find their voice. For students to have opportunities to stand up and be heard. To overcome their fear and emerge from Lindisfarne as confident and capable orators. To that end, we invite students in Stage 3 to Stage 6 inclusive to enter the Lindisfarne Public Speaking Competition. 

How to Enter this Competition

Eligibility: Lindisfarne students in Stage 3-6.

Topic: The speech must be engaging. However, it can be persuasive, informative or entertaining. The topic must be suitable to the school environment and not have been previously used in the Lindisfarne Public Speaking Competition. It should also be the original work of the student.

Length: Students in Stage 3 will need to prepare a three minute speech. Stage 4 - Stage 6 students must prepare a five minute speech. 

Entry Notification: Email your willingness to enter this competition to your Head of House (Year 9-12) or Year Coordinator (Year 5-8). Don’t forget to include your first and last name, your year level and more importantly your House.  Entries close on 25 July. 

House Heats: House Heats will be finalised by Friday 12 August. 

Semi-Finals: These will be held in the week commencing 22 August.

Final: This will be open to the public and held in the Chapel on Wednesday evening 14 September commencing at 6.30 pm.

Earn House Points - Speak Out!

Enter the Lindisfarne Public Speaking Competition and earn House points. The point allocations are:

Heats: one House point (if you meet the entry requirements)

Semi-finalists:  three House points

Finalists:  five House points 

Stage Winners: 10 House points 

Nominate Now! 

Start your preparation NOW! 

Suellen Walker
English Coordinator







Performing Arts

Performing Arts Review

Over the last few weeks our students have been fortunate enough to experience a variety of rich performance opportunities, which has kept many of them busy, but also provided authentic learning opportunities and hands-on practical experiences.

Dance, Drama and Music students wowed our capacity crowd at the Big Chill concert, displaying the best of student-led performances. We presented our Drama festival with over 150 participants, followed by the HSC Dance showcase evening which exhibited a high level of commitment  and execution from our senior students.  The Junior School showcased our emerging talent with a lively Twilight Concert, our Stage Band provided entertainment for delegates at our ICT convention and our Senior Orchestra and Choirs provided musical offerings at the Commissioning of the Reverend Constantine. Katie Noonan led workshops and performances with over 200 students over both campuses and Thirsty Merc took the roof off Twin Towns last night performing alongside 70 of our Senior Choir and Stage Band musicians.

A huge thanks to our hard-working students who rose to the occasion for this long list of performances and a special thanks to their parents and guardians for their continued support. The early morning rehearsals, workshops and home practice sessions have all been worthwhile.

Many thanks also to our vibrant Friends of The Arts parent group who have supported many recent performances with key members attending all of the aforementioned events.

During the holidays our Year 12 Music, Drama and Dance will continue their preparation for upcoming Trial and HSC performances and in week 2 of next term we are looking forward to the Australian Play “Stories In The Dark”, presented by our year 10 and 11 Drama students at the Citadel in Murwillumbah. 

This term we have given our performing arts students remarkable things to do and they have done remarkable things!

Todd Hardy 
Director Of Performing Arts

Thirsty Merc 

Last night, multi-platinum selling Aussie Rock royalty Thirsty Merc hit the stage at Twin Towns to help celebrate Lindisfarne @ 40. Rai, Phil and Matt from “the Merc” spent the day rehearsing and soundchecking with our Senior Choir, Stage Band, featured senior vocalists and a group of Lindisfarne Alumni who had returned for this special performance. Many of our students were able to work closely with the band throughout the day and have forged new friendships and musical mentors.

The crowd were treated to a night of Thirsty Merc classics, peppered with featured musical moments from our students. 

Katie Noonan

Last week we were fortunate to have Australian Aria-winning performer Katie Noonan conduct a series of workshops, masterclasses and performances

Katie started with our Middle School and Senior School choirs, followed by a bespoke masterclass with our elective vocal students. 

On Friday morning Katie started her day with a workshop with the Junior School Choir, followed by a performance for all Sunshine Avenue students and staff. This included a very chilled rendition of “dance Monkey” which included enthusiastic audience participation.

The culmination of her visit was a  showcase concert on Friday night in the Chapel, which included an intimate set from Katie accompanied by our staff string quartet.

Germinate Records


From The PDHPE Department

PDHPE Newsletter Article

Just like that ... the winter holidays are upon us again! It has been terrific to speak to so many students this week about their plans for the holidays and to hear how many have very active times in the near future. Skiing, Rugby carnivals, Netball carnivals, Surf trips and Kokoda hikes are all on the agenda for our students. 

There are also plenty of students who are looking to take a well-earned break and will be enjoying some down time. 

For those of you travelling around the state and even the country to compete, we wish you all the very best in your chosen pursuits. Have fun and enjoy the opportunity to play sport with your friends. 

For those of you enjoying the break with some more relaxed activities, remember the benefits of physical activity each day are numerous. A healthier state of mind, serotonin and endorphin release, lower blood pressure and an improved mood are just some of the benefits of getting those 10,000 steps in around your Netflix schedule everyday!

Some of our students have been studying risk taking behaviours this term. We hope this has given them an understanding of the types of situations they might find themselves in where they will have to call on these new skills they have learnt. As we know, there are situations where it is good to take a risk and give yourself the opportunity to succeed; ask out a new partner or discover a new talent. There are then of course the potential consequences of any risk we take. What we would hope over these holidays, and in fact any time in life, that our students are able to weigh up the risks they are taking and make their own decision on whether taking the risk and potentially facing a consequence is worth the potential of the success on the other side.

The PDHPE department is looking forward to hearing about the holidays, excited to welcome everyone back in three weeks and to what is planned for Semester 2; including activities such as our Rock and Roll unit for Year 10!

Stay safe, enjoy your holidays and remember to find some time each day to be active. 

The PDHPE Department

Photography and Digital Media


Visual Arts

Learning Enrichment

Round Square

Round Square Update

Cranes for Peace

During this term, Year 6 students have been reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. To acknowledge her story and the upcoming Hiroshima Memorial Day on August 6, Round Square elective students joined with Year 6 to make well over hundreds of cranes. These will be sent to the Mayor of Hiroshima and put on display at the Sadako Memorial in the Hiroshima Peace Park with the many thousand paper cranes that have been made by Japanese school children and others from around the world.

Postcard Opportunity

Sunbeam Suncity invites students aged 11-13 to register for a RS Zoom Postcard on 7th July 2021 with the theme “Footprints In The Sand”.  During the call, participants will be asked to share stories of local heroes or people who have made a positive impact and to explore how our actions can inspire others. 

The call will take place at 5:30pm AEST. If you are interested in this opportunity please email mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au.

Round Square International Conference

Students aged 16-18 years are invited to register for the Round Square International Conference, which will take place online from 20th to 23rd September 2021 with a theme of “Blue Skies and Brave Conversations”.

 The conference will be hosted online over four days on a purpose-built Round Square Gather Town Campus which combines video calling with fun features in a custom 2D world. Delegates will be online for three hours each day in an environment that combines video conferencing with retro-gaming style activities. If you are interested in taking part please email Mr Lush at mlush@lindisfarne.nsw.edu.au

Mike Lush
Round Square Coordinator



Living With Possums

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Return And Earn In Action

Lindisfarne has received seven new bins to help expand our Return & Earn efforts at our Middle and Senior School campus. This is in addition to four Return & Earn bins that we already have in our Years 5 and 6 area. This will help us to save thousands of bottles, cans, poppers and flavoured milk cartons from going to landfill every year. It will also help us to raise money for the School which will be able to be used in our community gardens and sustainability programs. I look forward to seeing the progress that our Return & Earn program will make into the future.

Patrick Brabant
School Assistant - Sustainability

Lindisfarne Recording Studio

Digital Space

Chess Club

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular



Uniform Shop

Holiday Trading Hours


Buildings and Facilities


Community News

Motorists Urged To Slow Down After Two Mother Koalas Hit

Koalas On The Move In New Terranora Road Safety Zones

Motorists are advised to take extra caution through new koala zones marked on Terranora Road, following several sightings and two accidents involving the much-loved marsupials in recent weeks.

Signage and road markings have been in place for less than 2 weeks but unfortunately there has already been a number of incidents within the past week.

On Tuesday night, a female koala was hit on the road near the quarry. The motorist involved stopped to check on the female and while moving the body felt movement in the tummy.

The motorist transported the heavily pregnant female to Currumbin Wildlife Hospital where the male joey was removed from her pouch and is now in the care of hospital staff.

Koala Joey 'Heath' being cared for by staff at Currumbin Wildlife Hospital. (Photo Sam Senti)

The motorist was asked by staff to name the joey which he did after his son, Heath.

Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Senior Veterinarian Dr Michael Pyne said unfortunately the mother did not survive the accident but the joey had a good chance of survival in foster care.

“From Terranora Road alone, we’ve seen 3 koala admissions in the past week. All of these koalas have suffered severe life-threatening injuries,” Dr Pyne said.

“With shorter daylight hours, it is important motorists are aware that koalas are on the move and sharing our roads as we come into the breeding season.

“If you are involved in an accident with a koala, it’s critical you call Currumbin Wildlife Hospital immediately or a 24-hour wildlife rescue group such as Friends of the Koala and Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers.”

It is the second incident involving pregnant koalas moving on Terranora Road.

On Friday last week, a beautiful healthy koala carrying a tiny joey was hit by a car right in the new koala zone marking. Friends of the Koala responded to the call.

The koala, who has been named Jamie, suffered serious injuries to her face, and needed immediate surgery. She is now out of intensive care, but had to have one eye removed, and both mother and joey are being monitored by hospital staff.

The koala zone is designed to serve as a reminder to drivers that koalas are active on these roads at all times of year, and to drive with care and heightened attention always.

Council Senior Program Leader Biodiversity Scott Hetherington said the koala zone was installed on Terranora Road in response to an increasing number of sightings over the past 2 years.

Signage at the new koala zones along Terranora Road.

In the past 18 months on this stretch of Terranora Road, residents have reported 16 koalas either been killed, injured or seen crossing the road.

“We urge all motorist to drive with extra care at all times of day with koalas on the move around Terranora,” Mr Hetherington said.

“It is a tragedy to record 2 terrible incidents this week with not just one, but 2 mother koalas with joeys hit.

“Of course, koalas can appear out of nowhere, and sometimes we can’t avoid wildlife on the road, but if we all slow down, particularly in a koala zone, their chances will be so much higher.

“It’s everyone’s responsibility to take care on the road, not just for the koalas that live in this area but for our children, neighbours, visitors and fellow residents. It is our responsibility to make sure our children can still see koalas in the wild.”

Motorists who happen to hit a koala or other wildlife on the road are urged to take time to stop, check on the animal and call for help if needed. Friends of the Koala and Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers are on call 24 hours a day for rescues.

Put the numbers in your phone today: Friends of the Koala 02 6622 1233 and Tweed Valley Wildlife Carers 02 6672 4789.

Report all koala sightings at www.tweed.nsw.gov.au/koalas

Run 4 Fyds

This event has been postponed. More details to come.

Cultural Engagement


Food Technology




Lindisfarne TV

Professional Practice, Innovation and Partnerships
